2022-03-28 05:13:47 +02:00

518 lines
18 KiB

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdnoreturn.h>
#include <protos/stivale.h>
#include <lib/libc.h>
#include <lib/elf.h>
#include <lib/blib.h>
#include <lib/acpi.h>
#include <lib/config.h>
#include <lib/time.h>
#include <lib/print.h>
#include <lib/real.h>
#include <lib/uri.h>
#include <lib/fb.h>
#include <lib/term.h>
#include <sys/pic.h>
#include <sys/cpu.h>
#include <sys/gdt.h>
#include <sys/idt.h>
#include <sys/lapic.h>
#include <fs/file.h>
#include <mm/vmm.h>
#include <mm/pmm.h>
#include <stivale.h>
#include <drivers/vga_textmode.h>
((PTR) + ((stivale_hdr.flags & (1 << 3)) ? \
direct_map_offset : 0))
bool stivale_load_by_anchor(void **_anchor, const char *magic,
uint8_t *file, uint64_t filesize) {
struct stivale_anchor *anchor = NULL;
size_t magiclen = strlen(magic);
for (size_t i = 0; i < filesize; i += 16) {
if (memcmp(file + i, magic, magiclen) == 0) {
anchor = (void *)(file + i);
if (anchor == NULL) {
return false;
memmap_alloc_range(anchor->phys_load_addr, filesize, MEMMAP_KERNEL_AND_MODULES,
true, true, false, false);
memcpy((void *)(uintptr_t)anchor->phys_load_addr, file, filesize);
size_t bss_size = anchor->phys_bss_end - anchor->phys_bss_start;
memmap_alloc_range(anchor->phys_bss_start, bss_size, MEMMAP_KERNEL_AND_MODULES,
true, true, false, false);
memset((void *)(uintptr_t)anchor->phys_bss_start, 0, bss_size);
*_anchor = anchor;
return true;
bool stivale_load(char *config, char *cmdline) {
struct stivale_struct *stivale_struct = ext_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct stivale_struct));
// BIOS or UEFI?
#if bios == 1
stivale_struct->flags |= (1 << 0);
stivale_struct->flags |= (1 << 1); // we give colour information
stivale_struct->flags |= (1 << 2); // we give SMBIOS information
struct file_handle *kernel_file;
char *kernel_path = config_get_value(config, 0, "KERNEL_PATH");
if (kernel_path == NULL)
panic(true, "stivale: KERNEL_PATH not specified");
if ((kernel_file = uri_open(kernel_path)) == NULL)
panic(true, "stivale: Failed to open kernel with path `%s`. Is the path correct?", kernel_path);
char *kaslr_s = config_get_value(config, 0, "KASLR");
bool kaslr = true;
if (kaslr_s != NULL && strcmp(kaslr_s, "no") == 0)
kaslr = false;
struct stivale_header stivale_hdr;
bool level5pg = false;
uint64_t slide = 0;
uint64_t entry_point = 0;
uint8_t *kernel = freadall(kernel_file, STIVALE_MMAP_BOOTLOADER_RECLAIMABLE);
int bits = elf_bits(kernel);
bool loaded_by_anchor = false;
size_t kernel_file_size = kernel_file->size;
if (bits == -1) {
struct stivale_anchor *anchor;
if (!stivale_load_by_anchor((void **)&anchor, "STIVALE1 ANCHOR", kernel, kernel_file_size)) {
goto fail;
bits = anchor->bits;
memcpy(&stivale_hdr, (void *)(uintptr_t)anchor->phys_stivalehdr,
sizeof(struct stivale_header));
loaded_by_anchor = true;
} else {
switch (bits) {
case 64:
if (elf64_load_section(kernel, &stivale_hdr, ".stivalehdr",
sizeof(struct stivale_header), slide)) {
goto fail;
case 32:
if (elf32_load_section(kernel, &stivale_hdr, ".stivalehdr",
sizeof(struct stivale_header))) {
goto fail;
print("stivale: Loading kernel `%s`...\n", kernel_path);
int ret = 0;
switch (bits) {
case 64: {
// Check if 64 bit CPU
uint32_t eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
if (!cpuid(0x80000001, 0, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx) || !(edx & (1 << 29))) {
panic(true, "stivale: This CPU does not support 64-bit mode.");
// Check if 5-level paging is available
if (cpuid(0x00000007, 0, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx) && (ecx & (1 << 16))) {
printv("stivale: CPU has 5-level paging support\n");
level5pg = true;
if (!loaded_by_anchor) {
if (elf64_load(kernel, &entry_point, NULL, &slide,
panic(true, "stivale: ELF64 load failure");
ret = elf64_load_section(kernel, &stivale_hdr, ".stivalehdr",
sizeof(struct stivale_header), slide);
case 32: {
if (!loaded_by_anchor) {
if (elf32_load(kernel, (uint32_t *)&entry_point, NULL, STIVALE_MMAP_KERNEL_AND_MODULES))
panic(true, "stivale: ELF32 load failure");
ret = elf32_load_section(kernel, &stivale_hdr, ".stivalehdr",
sizeof(struct stivale_header));
panic(true, "stivale: Not 32 nor 64-bit kernel. What is this?");
printv("stivale: %u-bit kernel detected\n", bits);
switch (ret) {
case 1:
panic(true, "stivale: File is not a valid ELF.");
case 2:
panic(true, "stivale: Section .stivalehdr not found.");
case 3:
panic(true, "stivale: Section .stivalehdr exceeds the size of the struct.");
case 4:
panic(true, "stivale: Section .stivalehdr is smaller than size of the struct.");
if ((stivale_hdr.flags & (1 << 3)) && bits == 32) {
panic(true, "stivale: Higher half addresses header flag not supported in 32-bit mode.");
bool want_5lv = level5pg && (stivale_hdr.flags & (1 << 1));
uint64_t direct_map_offset = want_5lv ? 0xff00000000000000 : 0xffff800000000000;
struct gdtr *local_gdt = ext_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct gdtr));
local_gdt->limit = gdt.limit;
uint64_t local_gdt_base = (uint64_t)gdt.ptr;
if (stivale_hdr.flags & (1 << 3)) {
local_gdt_base += direct_map_offset;
local_gdt->ptr = local_gdt_base;
#if defined (__i386__)
local_gdt->ptr_hi = local_gdt_base >> 32;
if (stivale_hdr.entry_point != 0)
entry_point = stivale_hdr.entry_point;
if (verbose) {
print("stivale: Kernel slide: %X\n", slide);
print("stivale: Entry point at: %X\n", entry_point);
print("stivale: Requested stack at: %X\n", stivale_hdr.stack);
// The spec says the stack has to be 16-byte aligned
if ((stivale_hdr.stack & (16 - 1)) != 0) {
print("stivale: WARNING: Requested stack is not 16-byte aligned\n");
// It also says the stack cannot be NULL for 32-bit kernels
if (bits == 32 && stivale_hdr.stack == 0) {
panic(true, "stivale: The stack cannot be 0 for 32-bit kernels");
stivale_struct->module_count = 0;
uint64_t *prev_mod_ptr = &stivale_struct->modules;
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
struct conf_tuple conf_tuple =
config_get_tuple(config, i, "MODULE_PATH", "MODULE_STRING");
char *module_path = conf_tuple.value1;
char *module_string = conf_tuple.value2;
if (module_path == NULL)
struct stivale_module *m = ext_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct stivale_module));
// TODO: perhaps change the module string to to be a pointer.
// NOTE: By default, the module string is the file name.
if (module_string == NULL) {
size_t str_len = strlen(module_path);
if (str_len > 127)
str_len = 127;
memcpy(m->string, module_path, str_len);
} else {
// TODO perhaps change this to be a pointer
size_t str_len = strlen(module_string);
if (str_len > 127)
str_len = 127;
memcpy(m->string, module_string, str_len);
print("stivale: Loading module `%s`...\n", module_path);
struct file_handle *f;
if ((f = uri_open(module_path)) == NULL)
panic(true, "stivale: Failed to open module with path `%s`. Is the path correct?", module_path);
m->begin = REPORTED_ADDR((uint64_t)(size_t)freadall(f, STIVALE_MMAP_KERNEL_AND_MODULES));
m->end = m->begin + f->size;
m->next = 0;
*prev_mod_ptr = REPORTED_ADDR((uint64_t)(size_t)m);
prev_mod_ptr = &m->next;
if (verbose) {
print("stivale: Requested module %u:\n", i);
print(" Path: %s\n", module_path);
print(" String: %s\n", m->string);
print(" Begin: %X\n", m->begin);
print(" End: %X\n", m->end);
uint64_t rsdp = (uint64_t)(size_t)acpi_get_rsdp();
if (rsdp)
stivale_struct->rsdp = REPORTED_ADDR(rsdp);
uint64_t smbios_entry_32 = 0, smbios_entry_64 = 0;
acpi_get_smbios((void **)&smbios_entry_32, (void **)&smbios_entry_64);
if (smbios_entry_32)
stivale_struct->smbios_entry_32 = REPORTED_ADDR(smbios_entry_32);
if (smbios_entry_64)
stivale_struct->smbios_entry_64 = REPORTED_ADDR(smbios_entry_64);
stivale_struct->cmdline = REPORTED_ADDR((uint64_t)(size_t)cmdline);
stivale_struct->epoch = time();
printv("stivale: Current epoch: %U\n", stivale_struct->epoch);
if (stivale_hdr.flags & (1 << 0)) {
size_t req_width = stivale_hdr.framebuffer_width;
size_t req_height = stivale_hdr.framebuffer_height;
size_t req_bpp = stivale_hdr.framebuffer_bpp;
char *resolution = config_get_value(config, 0, "RESOLUTION");
if (resolution != NULL)
parse_resolution(&req_width, &req_height, &req_bpp, resolution);
struct fb_info fbinfo;
if (!fb_init(&fbinfo, req_width, req_height, req_bpp))
panic(true, "stivale: Unable to set video mode");
(uint64_t)fbinfo.framebuffer_pitch * fbinfo.framebuffer_height,
MEMMAP_FRAMEBUFFER, false, false, false, true);
stivale_struct->framebuffer_addr = REPORTED_ADDR((uint64_t)fbinfo.framebuffer_addr);
stivale_struct->framebuffer_width = fbinfo.framebuffer_width;
stivale_struct->framebuffer_height = fbinfo.framebuffer_height;
stivale_struct->framebuffer_bpp = fbinfo.framebuffer_bpp;
stivale_struct->framebuffer_pitch = fbinfo.framebuffer_pitch;
stivale_struct->fb_memory_model = STIVALE_FBUF_MMODEL_RGB;
stivale_struct->fb_red_mask_size = fbinfo.red_mask_size;
stivale_struct->fb_red_mask_shift = fbinfo.red_mask_shift;
stivale_struct->fb_green_mask_size = fbinfo.green_mask_size;
stivale_struct->fb_green_mask_shift = fbinfo.green_mask_shift;
stivale_struct->fb_blue_mask_size = fbinfo.blue_mask_size;
stivale_struct->fb_blue_mask_shift = fbinfo.blue_mask_shift;
} else {
#if uefi == 1
panic(true, "stivale: Cannot use text mode with UEFI.");
#elif bios == 1
size_t rows, cols;
init_vga_textmode(&rows, &cols, false);
#if uefi == 1
pagemap_t pagemap = {0};
if (bits == 64)
pagemap = stivale_build_pagemap(want_5lv, false, NULL, 0, false, 0, 0, direct_map_offset);
// Reserve 32K at 0x70000 if possible
if (!memmap_alloc_range(0x70000, 0x8000, MEMMAP_USABLE, true, false, false, false)) {
if ((stivale_hdr.flags & (1 << 4)) == 0) {
panic(false, "stivale: Could not allocate low memory area");
struct e820_entry_t *mmap_copy = ext_mem_alloc(256 * sizeof(struct e820_entry_t));
size_t mmap_entries;
struct e820_entry_t *mmap = get_memmap(&mmap_entries);
if (mmap_entries > 256) {
panic(false, "stivale: Too many memory map entries!");
memcpy(mmap_copy, mmap, mmap_entries * sizeof(struct e820_entry_t));
stivale_struct->memory_map_entries = (uint64_t)mmap_entries;
stivale_struct->memory_map_addr = REPORTED_ADDR((uint64_t)(size_t)mmap_copy);
stivale_spinup(bits, want_5lv, &pagemap,
entry_point, REPORTED_ADDR((uint64_t)(uintptr_t)stivale_struct),
stivale_hdr.stack, false, (uintptr_t)local_gdt);
pmm_free(kernel, kernel_file_size);
pmm_free(stivale_struct, sizeof(struct stivale_struct));
return false;
pagemap_t stivale_build_pagemap(bool level5pg, bool unmap_null, struct elf_range *ranges, size_t ranges_count,
bool want_fully_virtual, uint64_t physical_base, uint64_t virtual_base,
uint64_t direct_map_offset) {
pagemap_t pagemap = new_pagemap(level5pg ? 5 : 4);
if (ranges_count == 0) {
// Map 0 to 2GiB at 0xffffffff80000000
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 0x80000000; i += 0x40000000) {
map_page(pagemap, 0xffffffff80000000 + i, i, 0x03, Size1GiB);
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ranges_count; i++) {
uint64_t virt = ranges[i].base;
uint64_t phys;
if (virt & ((uint64_t)1 << 63)) {
if (want_fully_virtual) {
phys = physical_base + (virt - virtual_base);
} else {
phys = virt - FIXED_HIGHER_HALF_OFFSET_64;
} else {
panic(false, "stivale2: Protected memory ranges are only supported for higher half kernels");
uint64_t pf = VMM_FLAG_PRESENT |
(ranges[i].permissions & ELF_PF_X ? 0 : VMM_FLAG_NOEXEC) |
(ranges[i].permissions & ELF_PF_W ? VMM_FLAG_WRITE : 0);
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < ranges[i].length; j += 0x1000) {
map_page(pagemap, virt + j, phys + j, pf, Size4KiB);
// Sub 2MiB mappings
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 0x200000; i += 0x1000) {
if (!(i == 0 && unmap_null))
map_page(pagemap, i, i, 0x03, Size4KiB);
map_page(pagemap, direct_map_offset + i, i, 0x03, Size4KiB);
// Map 2MiB to 4GiB at higher half base and 0
// NOTE: We cannot just directly map from 2MiB to 4GiB with 1GiB
// pages because if you do the math.
// start = 0x200000
// end = 0x40000000
// pages_required = (end - start) / (4096 * 512 * 512)
// So we map 2MiB to 1GiB with 2MiB pages and then map the rest
// with 1GiB pages :^)
for (uint64_t i = 0x200000; i < 0x40000000; i += 0x200000) {
map_page(pagemap, i, i, 0x03, Size2MiB);
map_page(pagemap, direct_map_offset + i, i, 0x03, Size2MiB);
for (uint64_t i = 0x40000000; i < 0x100000000; i += 0x40000000) {
map_page(pagemap, i, i, 0x03, Size1GiB);
map_page(pagemap, direct_map_offset + i, i, 0x03, Size1GiB);
size_t _memmap_entries = memmap_entries;
struct e820_entry_t *_memmap =
ext_mem_alloc(_memmap_entries * sizeof(struct e820_entry_t));
for (size_t i = 0; i < _memmap_entries; i++)
_memmap[i] = memmap[i];
// Map any other region of memory from the memmap
for (size_t i = 0; i < _memmap_entries; i++) {
uint64_t base = _memmap[i].base;
uint64_t length = _memmap[i].length;
uint64_t top = base + length;
if (base < 0x100000000)
base = 0x100000000;
if (base >= top)
uint64_t aligned_base = ALIGN_DOWN(base, 0x40000000);
uint64_t aligned_top = ALIGN_UP(top, 0x40000000);
uint64_t aligned_length = aligned_top - aligned_base;
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < aligned_length; j += 0x40000000) {
uint64_t page = aligned_base + j;
map_page(pagemap, page, page, 0x03, Size1GiB);
map_page(pagemap, direct_map_offset + page, page, 0x03, Size1GiB);
return pagemap;
#if uefi == 1
extern symbol ImageBase;
noreturn void stivale_spinup_32(
int bits, bool level5pg, uint32_t pagemap_top_lv,
uint32_t entry_point_lo, uint32_t entry_point_hi,
uint32_t stivale_struct_lo, uint32_t stivale_struct_hi,
uint32_t stack_lo, uint32_t stack_hi, uint32_t local_gdt);
noreturn void stivale_spinup(
int bits, bool level5pg, pagemap_t *pagemap,
uint64_t entry_point, uint64_t _stivale_struct, uint64_t stack,
bool enable_nx, uint32_t local_gdt) {
#if bios == 1
if (bits == 64) {
// If we're going 64, we might as well call this BIOS interrupt
// to tell the BIOS that we are entering Long Mode, since it is in
// the specification.
struct rm_regs r = {0};
r.eax = 0xec00;
r.ebx = 0x02; // Long mode only
rm_int(0x15, &r, &r);
if (enable_nx) {
irq_flush_type = IRQ_PIC_APIC_FLUSH;
common_spinup(stivale_spinup_32, 11,
bits, level5pg, enable_nx, (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)pagemap->top_level,
(uint32_t)entry_point, (uint32_t)(entry_point >> 32),
(uint32_t)_stivale_struct, (uint32_t)(_stivale_struct >> 32),
(uint32_t)stack, (uint32_t)(stack >> 32), local_gdt);