#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static char *menu_branding = NULL; #define EDITOR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 static size_t get_line_offset(size_t *displacement, size_t index, const char *buffer) { size_t offset = 0; size_t _index = index; for (size_t i = 0; buffer[i]; i++) { if (!_index--) break; if (buffer[i] == '\n') offset = i + 1; } if (displacement) *displacement = index - offset; return offset; } static size_t get_line_length(size_t index, const char *buffer) { size_t i; for (i = index; buffer[i] != '\n' && buffer[i] != 0; i++); return i - index; } static size_t get_next_line(size_t index, const char *buffer) { if (buffer[index] == 0) return index; size_t displacement; get_line_offset(&displacement, index, buffer); while (buffer[index] != '\n') { if (buffer[index] == 0) return index; index++; } index++; size_t next_line_length = get_line_length(index, buffer); if (displacement > next_line_length) displacement = next_line_length; return index + displacement; } static size_t get_prev_line(size_t index, const char *buffer) { size_t offset, displacement, prev_line_offset, prev_line_length; offset = get_line_offset(&displacement, index, buffer); if (offset) { prev_line_offset = get_line_offset(NULL, offset - 1, buffer); prev_line_length = get_line_length(prev_line_offset, buffer); if (displacement > prev_line_length) displacement = prev_line_length; return prev_line_offset + displacement; } return offset; } static char *config_entry_editor(const char *orig_entry) { size_t cursor_offset = 0; size_t entry_size = strlen(orig_entry); size_t _window_size = term_rows - 11; size_t window_offset = 0; size_t line_size = term_cols - 2; bool display_overflow_error = false; // Skip leading newlines while (*orig_entry == '\n') { orig_entry++; entry_size--; } if (entry_size >= EDITOR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) panic("Entry is too big to be edited."); char *buffer = ext_mem_alloc(EDITOR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); memcpy(buffer, orig_entry, entry_size); buffer[entry_size] = 0; refresh: clear(true); disable_cursor(); print("\n\n \e[36m %s \e[37m\n\n\n", menu_branding); print("Editing entry.\n"); print("Press esc to return to main menu and discard changes, press F10 to boot.\n"); print("\n\xda"); for (int i = 0; i < term_cols - 2; i++) { switch (i) { case 1: case 2: case 3: if (window_offset > 0) { print("\x18"); break; } // FALLTHRU default: print("\xc4"); } } print("\xbf\xb3"); int cursor_x, cursor_y; size_t current_line = 0, line_offset = 0, window_size = _window_size; bool printed_cursor = false; for (size_t i = 0; ; i++) { if (buffer[i] == '\n' && current_line < window_offset + window_size && current_line >= window_offset) { int x, y; get_cursor_pos(&x, &y); if (i == cursor_offset) { cursor_x = x; cursor_y = y; printed_cursor = true; } set_cursor_pos(term_cols - 1, y); if (current_line == window_offset + window_size - 1) print("\xb3\xc0"); else print("\xb3\xb3"); line_offset = 0; current_line++; continue; } if (line_offset && !(line_offset % line_size)) { window_size--; if (current_line == window_offset + window_size) print("\x1a\xc0"); else print("\x1a\x1b\x1b"); } if (i == cursor_offset && current_line < window_offset + window_size && current_line >= window_offset) { get_cursor_pos(&cursor_x, &cursor_y); printed_cursor = true; } if (buffer[i] == 0 || current_line >= window_offset + window_size) { if (!printed_cursor) { if (i <= cursor_offset) { window_offset++; goto refresh; } if (i > cursor_offset) { window_offset--; goto refresh; } } break; } if (buffer[i] == '\n') { line_offset = 0; current_line++; continue; } if (current_line >= window_offset) { line_offset++; print("%c", buffer[i]); } } if (current_line - window_offset < window_size) { int x, y; for (size_t i = 0; i < (window_size - (current_line - window_offset)) - 1; i++) { get_cursor_pos(&x, &y); set_cursor_pos(term_cols - 1, y); print("\xb3\xb3"); } get_cursor_pos(&x, &y); set_cursor_pos(term_cols - 1, y); print("\xb3\xc0"); } for (int i = 0; i < term_cols - 2; i++) { switch (i) { case 1: case 2: case 3: if (current_line - window_offset >= window_size) { print("\x19"); break; } // FALLTHRU default: print("\xc4"); } } print("\xd9"); if (display_overflow_error) { print(" ERR: Text buffer not big enough, delete something instead."); display_overflow_error = false; } // Hack to redraw the cursor set_cursor_pos(cursor_x, cursor_y); enable_cursor(); term_double_buffer_flush(); int c = getchar(); switch (c) { case GETCHAR_CURSOR_DOWN: cursor_offset = get_next_line(cursor_offset, buffer); break; case GETCHAR_CURSOR_UP: cursor_offset = get_prev_line(cursor_offset, buffer); break; case GETCHAR_CURSOR_LEFT: if (cursor_offset) { cursor_offset--; } break; case GETCHAR_CURSOR_RIGHT: if (cursor_offset < strlen(buffer)) { cursor_offset++; } break; case GETCHAR_HOME: { size_t displacement; get_line_offset(&displacement, cursor_offset, buffer); cursor_offset -= displacement; break; } case GETCHAR_END: { cursor_offset += get_line_length(cursor_offset, buffer); break; } case '\b': if (cursor_offset) { cursor_offset--; case GETCHAR_DELETE: for (size_t i = cursor_offset; ; i++) { buffer[i] = buffer[i+1]; if (!buffer[i]) break; } } break; case GETCHAR_F10: disable_cursor(); return buffer; case '\e': disable_cursor(); return NULL; default: if (strlen(buffer) < EDITOR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) { for (size_t i = strlen(buffer); ; i--) { buffer[i+1] = buffer[i]; if (i == cursor_offset) break; } buffer[cursor_offset++] = c; } else { display_overflow_error = true; } break; } goto refresh; } static int print_tree(int level, int base_index, int selected_entry, struct menu_entry *current_entry, struct menu_entry **selected_menu_entry) { int max_entries = 0; for (;;) { if (current_entry == NULL) break; if (level) { for (int i = level - 1; i > 0; i--) { struct menu_entry *actual_parent = current_entry; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) actual_parent = actual_parent->parent; if (actual_parent->next != NULL) print(" \xb3"); else print(" "); } if (current_entry->next == NULL) print(" \xc0"); else print(" \xc3"); } if (current_entry->sub) print(current_entry->expanded ? "[-]" : "[+]"); else if (level) print("\xc4> "); else print(" "); if (base_index + max_entries == selected_entry) { *selected_menu_entry = current_entry; print("\e[47m\e[30m"); } print(" %s \e[0m\n", current_entry->name); if (current_entry->sub && current_entry->expanded) { max_entries += print_tree(level + 1, base_index + max_entries + 1, selected_entry, current_entry->sub, selected_menu_entry); } max_entries++; current_entry = current_entry->next; } return max_entries; } char *menu(char **cmdline) { menu_branding = config_get_value(NULL, 0, "MENU_BRANDING"); if (menu_branding == NULL) menu_branding = "Limine " LIMINE_VERSION; if (menu_tree == NULL) panic("Config contains no valid entries."); bool skip_timeout = false; struct menu_entry *selected_menu_entry = NULL; int selected_entry = 0; char *default_entry = config_get_value(NULL, 0, "DEFAULT_ENTRY"); if (default_entry != NULL) { selected_entry = strtoui(default_entry, NULL, 10); if (selected_entry) selected_entry--; } int timeout = 5; char *timeout_config = config_get_value(NULL, 0, "TIMEOUT"); if (timeout_config != NULL) { if (!strcmp(timeout_config, "no")) skip_timeout = true; else timeout = strtoui(timeout_config, NULL, 10); } if (!timeout) { // Use print tree to load up selected_menu_entry and determine if the // default entry is valid. print_tree(0, 0, selected_entry, menu_tree, &selected_menu_entry); if (selected_menu_entry == NULL || selected_menu_entry->sub != NULL) { print("Default entry is not valid or directory, booting to menu.\n"); skip_timeout = true; } else { goto autoboot; } } // If there is GRAPHICS config key and the value is "yes", enable graphics #if defined (bios) char *graphics = config_get_value(NULL, 0, "GRAPHICS"); #elif defined (uefi) char *graphics = "yes"; #endif if (graphics != NULL && !strcmp(graphics, "yes")) { // default scheme int margin = 64; int margin_gradient = 20; uint32_t colourscheme[] = { 0x00000000, // black 0x00aa0000, // red 0x0000aa00, // green 0x00aa5500, // brown 0x000000aa, // blue 0x00aa00aa, // magenta 0x0000aaaa, // cyan 0x00aaaaaa // grey }; char *colours = config_get_value(NULL, 0, "THEME_COLOURS"); if (colours == NULL) colours = config_get_value(NULL, 0, "THEME_COLORS"); if (colours != NULL) { const char *first = colours; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { const char *last; uint32_t col = strtoui(first, &last, 16); if (first == last) break; colourscheme[i] = col; if (*last == 0) break; first = last + 1; } } char *theme_margin = config_get_value(NULL, 0, "THEME_MARGIN"); if (theme_margin != NULL) { margin = strtoui(theme_margin, NULL, 10); } char *theme_margin_gradient = config_get_value(NULL, 0, "THEME_MARGIN_GRADIENT"); if (theme_margin_gradient != NULL) { margin_gradient = strtoui(theme_margin_gradient, NULL, 10); } struct image *bg = NULL; char *background_path = config_get_value(NULL, 0, "BACKGROUND_PATH"); if (background_path == NULL) goto nobg; struct file_handle *bg_file = ext_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct file_handle)); if (!uri_open(bg_file, background_path)) goto nobg; bg = ext_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct image)); if (open_image(bg, bg_file)) bg = NULL; nobg: term_vbe(colourscheme, margin, margin_gradient, bg); } disable_cursor(); term_double_buffer(true); refresh: clear(true); print("\n\n \e[36m %s \e[37m\n\n\n", menu_branding); print("Select an entry:\n\n"); int max_entries = print_tree(0, 0, selected_entry, menu_tree, &selected_menu_entry); print("\nArrows to choose, enter to boot, 'e' to edit selected entry."); if (selected_menu_entry->sub != NULL) skip_timeout = true; int c; if (skip_timeout == false) { print("\n\n"); for (int i = timeout; i; i--) { print("\rBooting automatically in %u, press any key to stop the countdown...", i); term_double_buffer_flush(); if ((c = pit_sleep_and_quit_on_keypress(1))) { skip_timeout = true; print("\e[2K\r\e[2A"); goto timeout_aborted; } } goto autoboot; } term_double_buffer_flush(); for (;;) { c = getchar(); timeout_aborted: switch (c) { case GETCHAR_CURSOR_UP: if (--selected_entry == -1) selected_entry = max_entries - 1; goto refresh; case GETCHAR_CURSOR_DOWN: if (++selected_entry == max_entries) selected_entry = 0; goto refresh; case GETCHAR_CURSOR_RIGHT: case '\n': autoboot: if (selected_menu_entry->sub != NULL) { selected_menu_entry->expanded = !selected_menu_entry->expanded; goto refresh; } enable_cursor(); *cmdline = config_get_value(selected_menu_entry->body, 0, "KERNEL_CMDLINE"); if (!*cmdline) { *cmdline = config_get_value(selected_menu_entry->body, 0, "CMDLINE"); } if (!*cmdline) { *cmdline = ""; } clear(true); term_double_buffer(false); return selected_menu_entry->body; case 'e': { if (selected_menu_entry->sub != NULL) goto refresh; enable_cursor(); char *new_body = config_entry_editor(selected_menu_entry->body); if (new_body == NULL) goto refresh; selected_menu_entry->body = new_body; goto autoboot; } } } }