#include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Following function based on https://github.com/managarm/lai/blob/master/helpers/pc-bios.c's function lai_bios_calc_checksum() uint8_t acpi_checksum(void *ptr, size_t size) { uint8_t sum = 0, *_ptr = ptr; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) sum += _ptr[i]; return sum; } #if bios == 1 void *acpi_get_rsdp(void) { size_t ebda = EBDA; for (size_t i = ebda; i < 0x100000; i += 16) { if (i == ebda + 1024) { // We probed the 1st KiB of the EBDA as per spec, move onto 0xe0000 i = 0xe0000; } if (!memcmp((char *)i, "RSD PTR ", 8) && !acpi_checksum((void *)i, 20)) { printv("acpi: Found RSDP at %p\n", i); return (void *)i; } } return NULL; } /// Returns the RSDP v1 pointer if avaliable or else NULL. void *acpi_get_rsdp_v1(void) { // In BIOS according to the ACPI spec (see ACPI 6.2 section // 'Finding the RSDP on IA-PC Systems') it either contains // the RSDP or the XSDP and it cannot contain both. So, we directly // use acpi_get_rsdp function to find the RSDP and if it has the correct // revision, return it. struct rsdp *rsdp = acpi_get_rsdp(); if (rsdp != NULL && rsdp->rev < 2) return rsdp; return NULL; } void acpi_get_smbios(void **smbios32, void **smbios64) { *smbios32 = NULL; *smbios64 = NULL; for (size_t i = 0xf0000; i < 0x100000; i += 16) { struct smbios_entry_point_32 *ptr = (struct smbios_entry_point_32 *)i; if (!memcmp(ptr->anchor_str, "_SM_", 4) && !acpi_checksum((void *)ptr, ptr->length)) { printv("acpi: Found SMBIOS 32-bit entry point at %p\n", i); *smbios32 = (void *)ptr; break; } } for (size_t i = 0xf0000; i < 0x100000; i += 16) { struct smbios_entry_point_64 *ptr = (struct smbios_entry_point_64 *)i; if (!memcmp(ptr->anchor_str, "_SM3_", 5) && !acpi_checksum((void *)ptr, ptr->length)) { printv("acpi: Found SMBIOS 64-bit entry point at %p\n", i); *smbios64 = (void *)ptr; break; } } } #endif #if uefi == 1 #include void *acpi_get_rsdp(void) { EFI_GUID acpi_2_guid = ACPI_20_TABLE_GUID; EFI_GUID acpi_1_guid = ACPI_TABLE_GUID; void *rsdp = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < gST->NumberOfTableEntries; i++) { EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE *cur_table = &gST->ConfigurationTable[i]; bool is_xsdp = memcmp(&cur_table->VendorGuid, &acpi_2_guid, sizeof(EFI_GUID)) == 0; bool is_rsdp = memcmp(&cur_table->VendorGuid, &acpi_1_guid, sizeof(EFI_GUID)) == 0; if (!is_xsdp && !is_rsdp) continue; if ((is_xsdp && acpi_checksum(cur_table->VendorTable, sizeof(struct rsdp)) != 0) || // XSDP is 36 bytes wide (is_rsdp && acpi_checksum(cur_table->VendorTable, 20) != 0)) // RSDP is 20 bytes wide continue; printv("acpi: Found %s at %p\n", is_xsdp ? "XSDP" : "RSDP", cur_table->VendorTable); // We want to return the XSDP if it exists rather then returning // the RSDP. We need to add a check for that since the table entries // are not in the same order for all EFI systems since it might be the // case where the RSDP ocurs before the XSDP. if (is_xsdp) { rsdp = (void *)cur_table->VendorTable; break; // Found it!. } else { // Found the RSDP but we continue to loop since we might // find the XSDP. rsdp = (void *)cur_table->VendorTable; } } return rsdp; } /// Returns the RSDP v1 pointer if avaliable or else NULL. void *acpi_get_rsdp_v1(void) { // To maintain GRUB compatibility we will need to probe for the RSDP // again since UEFI can contain both XSDP and RSDP (see ACPI 6.2 section // 'Finding the RSDP on UEFI Enabled Systems') and in the acpi_get_rsdp // function we look for the RSDP with the latest revision. EFI_GUID acpi_1_guid = ACPI_TABLE_GUID; for (size_t i = 0; i < gST->NumberOfTableEntries; i++) { EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE *cur_table = &gST->ConfigurationTable[i]; if (memcmp(&cur_table->VendorGuid, &acpi_1_guid, sizeof(EFI_GUID)) != 0) continue; if (acpi_checksum(cur_table->VendorTable, 20) != 0) continue; return (void *)cur_table->VendorTable; } return NULL; } void acpi_get_smbios(void **smbios32, void **smbios64) { *smbios32 = NULL; *smbios64 = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < gST->NumberOfTableEntries; i++) { EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE *cur_table = &gST->ConfigurationTable[i]; EFI_GUID smbios_guid = SMBIOS_TABLE_GUID; if (memcmp(&cur_table->VendorGuid, &smbios_guid, sizeof(EFI_GUID)) != 0) continue; struct smbios_entry_point_32 *ptr = (struct smbios_entry_point_32 *)cur_table->VendorTable; if (acpi_checksum((void *)ptr, ptr->length) != 0) continue; printv("acpi: Found SMBIOS 32-bit entry point at %X\n", ptr); *smbios32 = (void *)ptr; break; } for (size_t i = 0; i < gST->NumberOfTableEntries; i++) { EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE *cur_table = &gST->ConfigurationTable[i]; EFI_GUID smbios3_guid = SMBIOS3_TABLE_GUID; if (memcmp(&cur_table->VendorGuid, &smbios3_guid, sizeof(EFI_GUID)) != 0) continue; struct smbios_entry_point_64 *ptr = (struct smbios_entry_point_64 *)cur_table->VendorTable; if (acpi_checksum((void *)ptr, ptr->length) != 0) continue; printv("acpi: Found SMBIOS 64-bit entry point at %X\n", ptr); *smbios64 = (void *)ptr; break; } } #endif /// Returns the RSDP v2 pointer if avaliable or else NULL. void *acpi_get_rsdp_v2(void) { // Since the acpi_get_rsdp function already looks for the XSDP we can // just check if it has the correct revision and return the pointer :^) struct rsdp *rsdp = acpi_get_rsdp(); if (rsdp != NULL && rsdp->rev >= 2) return rsdp; return NULL; } void *acpi_get_table(const char *signature, int index) { int cnt = 0; struct rsdp *rsdp = acpi_get_rsdp(); if (rsdp == NULL) return NULL; bool use_xsdt = false; if (rsdp->rev >= 2 && rsdp->xsdt_addr) use_xsdt = true; struct rsdt *rsdt; if (use_xsdt) rsdt = (struct rsdt *)(uintptr_t)rsdp->xsdt_addr; else rsdt = (struct rsdt *)(uintptr_t)rsdp->rsdt_addr; size_t entry_count = (rsdt->header.length - sizeof(struct sdt)) / (use_xsdt ? 8 : 4); for (size_t i = 0; i < entry_count; i++) { struct sdt *ptr; if (use_xsdt) ptr = (struct sdt *)(uintptr_t)((uint64_t *)rsdt->ptrs_start)[i]; else ptr = (struct sdt *)(uintptr_t)((uint32_t *)rsdt->ptrs_start)[i]; if (!memcmp(ptr->signature, signature, 4) && !acpi_checksum(ptr, ptr->length) && cnt++ == index) { printv("acpi: Found \"%s\" at %x\n", signature, ptr); return ptr; } } printv("acpi: \"%s\" not found\n", signature); return NULL; }