
51 lines
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#include <libserialport.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Example of how to get a list of serial ports on the system.
* This example file is released to the public domain. */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* A pointer to a null-terminated array of pointers to
* struct sp_port, which will contain the ports found.*/
struct sp_port **port_list;
printf("Getting port list.\n");
/* Call sp_list_ports() to get the ports. The port_list
* pointer will be updated to refer to the array created. */
enum sp_return result = sp_list_ports(&port_list);
if (result != SP_OK) {
printf("sp_list_ports() failed!\n");
return -1;
/* Iterate through the ports. When port_list[i] is NULL
* this indicates the end of the list. */
int i;
for (i = 0; port_list[i] != NULL; i++) {
struct sp_port *port = port_list[i];
/* Get the name of the port. */
char *port_name = sp_get_port_name(port);
printf("Found port: %s\n", port_name);
printf("Found %d ports.\n", i);
printf("Freeing port list.\n");
/* Free the array created by sp_list_ports(). */
/* Note that this will also free all the sp_port structures
* it points to. If you want to keep one of them (e.g. to
* use that port in the rest of your program), take a copy
* of it first using sp_copy_port(). */
return 0;