/* * This file is part of the libserialport project. * * Copyright (C) 2015 Uffe Jakobsen * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * FreeBSD platform specific serial port information: * * FreeBSD has two device nodes for each serial port: * * 1) a call-in port * 2) a call-out port * * Quoting FreeBSD Handbook section 26.2.1 * (https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/serial.html) * * In FreeBSD, each serial port is accessed through an entry in /dev. * There are two different kinds of entries: * * 1) Call-in ports are named /dev/ttyuN where N is the port number, * starting from zero. If a terminal is connected to the first serial port * (COM1), use /dev/ttyu0 to refer to the terminal. If the terminal is on * the second serial port (COM2), use /dev/ttyu1, and so forth. * Generally, the call-in port is used for terminals. Call-in ports require * that the serial line assert the "Data Carrier Detect" signal to work * correctly. * * 2) Call-out ports are named /dev/cuauN on FreeBSD versions 10.x and higher * and /dev/cuadN on FreeBSD versions 9.x and lower. Call-out ports are * usually not used for terminals, but are used for modems. The call-out * port can be used if the serial cable or the terminal does not support * the "Data Carrier Detect" signal. * * FreeBSD also provides initialization devices (/dev/ttyuN.init and * /dev/cuauN.init or /dev/cuadN.init) and locking devices (/dev/ttyuN.lock * and /dev/cuauN.lock or /dev/cuadN.lock). The initialization devices are * used to initialize communications port parameters each time a port is * opened, such as crtscts for modems which use RTS/CTS signaling for flow * control. The locking devices are used to lock flags on ports to prevent * users or programs changing certain parameters. * * In line with the above device naming USB-serial devices have * the following naming: * * 1) call-in ports: /dev/ttyUN where N is the port number * 2) call-out ports: /dev/cuaUN where N is the port number * * See also: ucom(4), https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ucom * * Getting USB serial port device description: * * In order to query USB serial ports for device description - the mapping * between the kernel device driver instances must be correlated with the * above mentioned device nodes. * * 1) For each USB-serial port (/dev/cuaUN) use libusb to lookup the device * description and the name of the kernel device driver instance. * 2) Query sysctl for the kernel device driver instance info. * 3) Derive the ttyname and (serial) port count for the kernel device * driver instance. * 4) If sysctl ttyname and port matches /dev/cuaUN apply the libusb * device description. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libserialport.h" #include "libserialport_internal.h" #define DEV_CUA_PATH "/dev/cua" //#define DBG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #define DBG(...) static char *strrspn(const char *s, const char *charset) { char *t = (char *)s + strlen(s); while (t != (char *)s) if (!strchr(charset, *(--t))) return ++t; return t; } static int strend(const char *str, const char *pattern) { size_t slen = strlen(str); size_t plen = strlen(pattern); if (slen >= plen) return (!memcmp(pattern, (str + slen - plen), plen)); return 0; } static int libusb_query_port(struct libusb20_device *dev, int idx, char **drv_name_str, char **drv_inst_str) { int rc; char *j; char sbuf[FILENAME_MAX]; if (!drv_name_str || !drv_inst_str) return -1; rc = libusb20_dev_kernel_driver_active(dev, idx); if (rc < 0) return rc; sbuf[0] = 0; libusb20_dev_get_iface_desc(dev, idx, (char *)&sbuf, (uint8_t)sizeof(sbuf) - 1); if (sbuf[0] == 0) return rc; DBG("Device interface descriptor: idx=%003d '%s'\n", idx, sbuf); j = strchr(sbuf, ':'); if (j > sbuf) { sbuf[j - sbuf] = 0; /* * The device driver name may contain digits that * is not a part of the device instance number - like "u3g". */ j = strrspn(sbuf, "0123456789"); if (j > sbuf) { *drv_name_str = strndup(sbuf, j - sbuf); *drv_inst_str = strdup((j)); } } return rc; } static int sysctl_query_dev_drv(const char *drv_name_str, const char *drv_inst_str, char **ttyname, int *const ttyport_cnt) { int rc; char sbuf[FILENAME_MAX]; char tbuf[FILENAME_MAX]; size_t tbuf_len; if (!ttyname || !ttyport_cnt) return -1; snprintf(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), "dev.%s.%s.ttyname", drv_name_str, drv_inst_str); tbuf_len = sizeof(tbuf) - 1; if ((rc = sysctlbyname(sbuf, tbuf, &tbuf_len, NULL, 0)) != 0) return rc; tbuf[tbuf_len] = 0; *ttyname = strndup(tbuf, tbuf_len); DBG("sysctl: '%s' (%d) (%d): '%.*s'\n", sbuf, rc, (int)tbuf_len, (int)tbuf_len, tbuf); snprintf(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), "dev.%s.%s.ttyports", drv_name_str, drv_inst_str); tbuf_len = sizeof(tbuf) - 1; rc = sysctlbyname(sbuf, tbuf, &tbuf_len, NULL, 0); if (rc == 0) { *ttyport_cnt = *(uint32_t *)tbuf; DBG("sysctl: '%s' (%d) (%d): '%d'\n", sbuf, rc, (int)tbuf_len, (int)ttyport_cnt); } else { *ttyport_cnt = 0; } return rc; } static int populate_port_struct_from_libusb_desc(struct sp_port *const port, struct libusb20_device *dev) { char tbuf[FILENAME_MAX]; /* Populate port structure from libusb description. */ struct LIBUSB20_DEVICE_DESC_DECODED *dev_desc = libusb20_dev_get_device_desc(dev); if (!dev_desc) return -1; port->transport = SP_TRANSPORT_USB; port->usb_vid = dev_desc->idVendor; port->usb_pid = dev_desc->idProduct; port->usb_bus = libusb20_dev_get_bus_number(dev); port->usb_address = libusb20_dev_get_address(dev); if (libusb20_dev_req_string_simple_sync (dev, dev_desc->iManufacturer, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)) == 0) { port->usb_manufacturer = strdup(tbuf); } if (libusb20_dev_req_string_simple_sync (dev, dev_desc->iProduct, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)) == 0) { port->usb_product = strdup(tbuf); } if (libusb20_dev_req_string_simple_sync (dev, dev_desc->iSerialNumber, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)) == 0) { port->usb_serial = strdup(tbuf); } /* If present, add serial to description for better identification. */ tbuf[0] = '\0'; if (port->usb_product && port->usb_product[0]) strncat(tbuf, port->usb_product, sizeof(tbuf) - 1); else strncat(tbuf, libusb20_dev_get_desc(dev), sizeof(tbuf) - 1); if (port->usb_serial && port->usb_serial[0]) { strncat(tbuf, " ", sizeof(tbuf) - 1); strncat(tbuf, port->usb_serial, sizeof(tbuf) - 1); } port->description = strdup(tbuf); port->bluetooth_address = NULL; return 0; } SP_PRIV enum sp_return get_port_details(struct sp_port *port) { int rc; struct libusb20_backend *be; struct libusb20_device *dev, *dev_last; char tbuf[FILENAME_MAX]; char *cua_sfx; int cua_dev_found; uint8_t idx; int sub_inst; DBG("Portname: '%s'\n", port->name); if (!strncmp(port->name, DEV_CUA_PATH, strlen(DEV_CUA_PATH))) { cua_sfx = port->name + strlen(DEV_CUA_PATH); DBG("'%s': '%s'\n", DEV_CUA_PATH, cua_sfx); } else { RETURN_ERROR(SP_ERR_ARG, "Device name not recognized"); } /* Native UART enumeration. */ if ((cua_sfx[0] == 'u') || (cua_sfx[0] == 'd')) { port->transport = SP_TRANSPORT_NATIVE; snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "cua%s", cua_sfx); port->description = strdup(tbuf); RETURN_OK(); } /* USB device enumeration. */ dev = dev_last = NULL; be = libusb20_be_alloc_default(); cua_dev_found = 0; while (cua_dev_found == 0) { dev = libusb20_be_device_foreach(be, dev_last); if (!dev) break; libusb20_dev_open(dev, 0); DBG("Device descriptor: '%s'\n", libusb20_dev_get_desc(dev)); for (idx = 0; idx <= UINT8_MAX - 1; idx++) { char *drv_name_str = NULL; char *drv_inst_str = NULL; char *ttyname = NULL; int ttyport_cnt; rc = libusb_query_port(dev, idx, &drv_name_str, &drv_inst_str); if (rc == 0) { rc = sysctl_query_dev_drv(drv_name_str, drv_inst_str, &ttyname, &ttyport_cnt); if (rc == 0) { /* Handle multiple subinstances of serial ports in the same driver instance. */ for (sub_inst = 0; sub_inst < ttyport_cnt; sub_inst++) { if (ttyport_cnt == 1) snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%s", ttyname); else snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%s.%d", ttyname, sub_inst); if (!strcmp(cua_sfx, tbuf)) { DBG("MATCH: '%s' == '%s'\n", cua_sfx, tbuf); cua_dev_found = 1; populate_port_struct_from_libusb_desc(port, dev); break; /* Break out of sub instance loop. */ } } } } /* Clean up. */ if (ttyname) free(ttyname); if (drv_name_str) free(drv_name_str); if (drv_inst_str) free(drv_inst_str); if (cua_dev_found) break; /* Break out of USB device port idx loop. */ } libusb20_dev_close(dev); dev_last = dev; } libusb20_be_free(be); if (cua_dev_found == 0) DBG("WARN: Found no match '%s' %s'\n", port->name, cua_sfx); RETURN_OK(); } SP_PRIV enum sp_return list_ports(struct sp_port ***list) { DIR *dir; struct dirent entry; struct dirent *result; struct termios tios; char name[PATH_MAX]; int fd, ret; DEBUG("Enumerating tty devices"); if (!(dir = opendir("/dev"))) RETURN_FAIL("Could not open dir /dev"); DEBUG("Iterating over results"); while (!readdir_r(dir, &entry, &result) && result) { ret = SP_OK; if (entry.d_type != DT_CHR) continue; if (strncmp(entry.d_name, "cuaU", 4) != 0) if (strncmp(entry.d_name, "cuau", 4) != 0) if (strncmp(entry.d_name, "cuad", 4) != 0) continue; if (strend(entry.d_name, ".init")) continue; if (strend(entry.d_name, ".lock")) continue; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "/dev/%s", entry.d_name); DEBUG_FMT("Found device %s", name); /* Check that we can open tty/cua device in rw mode - we need that. */ if ((fd = open(name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK | O_NOCTTY | O_TTY_INIT | O_CLOEXEC)) < 0) { DEBUG("Open failed, skipping"); continue; } /* Sanity check if we got a real tty. */ if (!isatty(fd)) { close(fd); continue; } ret = tcgetattr(fd, &tios); close(fd); if (ret < 0 || cfgetospeed(&tios) <= 0 || cfgetispeed(&tios) <= 0) continue; DEBUG_FMT("Found port %s", name); DBG("%s: %s\n", __func__, entry.d_name); *list = list_append(*list, name); if (!*list) { SET_ERROR(ret, SP_ERR_MEM, "List append failed"); break; } } closedir(dir); return ret; }