Make configuration structure opaque.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Ling 2013-11-23 20:41:01 +00:00
parent 0151b15710
commit 9b1502efce
2 changed files with 376 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -232,26 +232,7 @@ enum sp_signal {
struct sp_port;
/** Configuration for a serial port. */
struct sp_port_config {
/** Baud rate in bits per second. */
int baudrate;
/** Number of data bits to use. Valid values are 5 to 8. */
int bits;
/** Parity setting to use. */
enum sp_parity parity;
/** Number of stop bits to use (1 or 2). */
int stopbits;
/** RTS pin mode. */
enum sp_rts rts;
/** CTS pin mode. */
enum sp_cts cts;
/** DTR pin mode. */
enum sp_dtr dtr;
/** DSR pin mode. */
enum sp_dsr dsr;
/** XON/XOFF flow control mode. */
enum sp_xonxoff xon_xoff;
struct sp_port_config;
@defgroup Enumeration Port enumeration
@ -387,15 +368,42 @@ enum sp_return sp_get_port_handle(const struct sp_port *port, void *result_ptr);
* @{
* Allocate a port configuration structure.
* The user should allocate a variable of type "struct sp_config *" and pass a
* pointer to this to receive the result. The variable will be updated to
* point to the new configuration structure. The structure is opaque and must
* be accessed via the functions provided.
* All parameters in the structure will be initialised to special values which
* are ignored by sp_set_config().
* The structure should be freed after use by calling sp_free_config().
* @param config_ptr Pointer to variable to receive result.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_new_config(struct sp_port_config **config_ptr);
* Free a port configuration structure.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
void sp_free_config(struct sp_port_config *config);
* Get the current configuration of the specified serial port.
* The user should allocate a struct sp_port_config, then pass a pointer to it
* as the config parameter. The struct will be populated with the port
* configuration.
* The user should allocate a configuration structure using sp_new_config()
* and pass this as the config parameter. The configuration structure will
* be updated with the port configuration.
* Any setting that is in a state not recognised or supported by
* libserialport will have its value set to -1 in the struct.
* Any parameters that are configured with settings not recognised or
* supported by libserialport, will be set to special values that are
* ignored by sp_set_config().
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
@ -404,10 +412,9 @@ enum sp_return sp_get_config(struct sp_port *port, struct sp_port_config *config
* Set the configuration for the specified serial port.
* The user should populate a struct sp_port_config, then pass a pointer to it
* as the config parameter.
* To retain the current value of any setting, set that field to -1.
* For each parameter in the configuration, there is a special value (usually
* -1, but see the documentation for each field). These values will be ignored
* and the corresponding setting left unchanged on the port.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
@ -424,52 +431,129 @@ enum sp_return sp_set_config(struct sp_port *port, const struct sp_port_config *
enum sp_return sp_set_baudrate(struct sp_port *port, int baudrate);
* Set the number of data bits for the specified serial port.
* Get the baud rate from a port configuration.
* The user should allocate a variable of type int and pass a pointer to this
* to receive the result.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param baudrate_ptr Pointer to variable to store result.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_get_config_baudrate(const struct sp_port_config *config, int *baudrate_ptr);
* Set the baud rate in a port configuration.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param baudrate Baud rate in bits per second, or -1 to retain current setting.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_config_baudrate(struct sp_port_config *config, int baudrate);
* Set the data bits for the specified serial port.
* @param port Pointer to port structure.
* @param bits Number of data bits to use. Valid values are 5 to 8.
* @param bits Number of data bits.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_bits(struct sp_port *port, int bits);
* Set the parity for the specified serial port.
* Get the data bits from a port configuration.
* The user should allocate a variable of type int and pass a pointer to this
* to receive the result.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param bits_ptr Pointer to variable to store result.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_get_config_bits(const struct sp_port_config *config, int *bits_ptr);
* Set the data bits in a port configuration.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param bits Number of data bits, or -1 to retain current setting.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_config_bits(struct sp_port_config *config, int bits);
* Set the parity setting for the specified serial port.
* @param port Pointer to port structure.
* @param parity Parity setting to use.
* @param parity Parity setting.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_parity(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_parity parity);
* Set the number of stop bits for the specified port.
* Get the parity setting from a port configuration.
* The user should allocate a variable of type enum sp_parity and pass a pointer to this
* to receive the result.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param parity_ptr Pointer to variable to store result.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_get_config_parity(const struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_parity *parity_ptr);
* Set the parity setting in a port configuration.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param parity Parity setting, or -1 to retain current setting.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_config_parity(struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_parity parity);
* Set the stop bits for the specified serial port.
* @param port Pointer to port structure.
* @param stopbits Number of stop bits to use (1 or 2).
* @param stopbits Number of stop bits.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_stopbits(struct sp_port *port, int stopbits);
* Set the flow control type for the specified serial port.
* Get the stop bits from a port configuration.
* This function is a wrapper that sets the RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR and
* XON/XOFF settings as necessary for the specified flow control
* type. For more fine-grained control of these settings, use their
* individual configuration functions or the sp_set_config() function.
* The user should allocate a variable of type int and pass a pointer to this
* to receive the result.
* @param port Pointer to port structure.
* @param flowcontrol Flow control setting to use.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param stopbits_ptr Pointer to variable to store result.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_flowcontrol(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_flowcontrol flowcontrol);
enum sp_return sp_get_config_stopbits(const struct sp_port_config *config, int *stopbits_ptr);
* Set the RTS pin behaviour for the specified port.
* Set the stop bits in a port configuration.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param stopbits Number of stop bits, or -1 to retain current setting.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_config_stopbits(struct sp_port_config *config, int stopbits);
* Set the RTS pin behaviour for the specified serial port.
* @param port Pointer to port structure.
* @param rts RTS pin mode.
@ -479,7 +563,30 @@ enum sp_return sp_set_flowcontrol(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_flowcontrol flow
enum sp_return sp_set_rts(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_rts rts);
* Set the CTS pin behaviour for the specified port.
* Get the RTS pin behaviour from a port configuration.
* The user should allocate a variable of type enum sp_rts and pass a pointer to this
* to receive the result.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param rts_ptr Pointer to variable to store result.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_get_config_rts(const struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_rts *rts_ptr);
* Set the RTS pin behaviour in a port configuration.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param rts RTS pin mode, or -1 to retain current setting.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_config_rts(struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_rts rts);
* Set the CTS pin behaviour for the specified serial port.
* @param port Pointer to port structure.
* @param cts CTS pin mode.
@ -489,7 +596,30 @@ enum sp_return sp_set_rts(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_rts rts);
enum sp_return sp_set_cts(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_cts cts);
* Set the DTR pin behaviour for the specified port.
* Get the CTS pin behaviour from a port configuration.
* The user should allocate a variable of type enum sp_cts and pass a pointer to this
* to receive the result.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param cts_ptr Pointer to variable to store result.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_get_config_cts(const struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_cts *cts_ptr);
* Set the CTS pin behaviour in a port configuration.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param cts CTS pin mode, or -1 to retain current setting.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_config_cts(struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_cts cts);
* Set the DTR pin behaviour for the specified serial port.
* @param port Pointer to port structure.
* @param dtr DTR pin mode.
@ -499,7 +629,30 @@ enum sp_return sp_set_cts(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_cts cts);
enum sp_return sp_set_dtr(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_dtr dtr);
* Set the RTS pin behaviour for the specified port.
* Get the DTR pin behaviour from a port configuration.
* The user should allocate a variable of type enum sp_dtr and pass a pointer to this
* to receive the result.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param dtr_ptr Pointer to variable to store result.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_get_config_dtr(const struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_dtr *dtr_ptr);
* Set the DTR pin behaviour in a port configuration.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param dtr DTR pin mode, or -1 to retain current setting.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_config_dtr(struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_dtr dtr);
* Set the DSR pin behaviour for the specified serial port.
* @param port Pointer to port structure.
* @param dsr DSR pin mode.
@ -509,15 +662,91 @@ enum sp_return sp_set_dtr(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_dtr dtr);
enum sp_return sp_set_dsr(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_dsr dsr);
* Configure XON/XOFF flow control for the specified port.
* Get the DSR pin behaviour from a port configuration.
* The user should allocate a variable of type enum sp_dsr and pass a pointer to this
* to receive the result.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param dsr_ptr Pointer to variable to store result.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_get_config_dsr(const struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_dsr *dsr_ptr);
* Set the DSR pin behaviour in a port configuration.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param dsr DSR pin mode, or -1 to retain current setting.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_config_dsr(struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_dsr dsr);
* Set the XON/XOFF configuration for the specified serial port.
* @param port Pointer to port structure.
* @param xon_xoff XON/XOFF flow control mode.
* @param xon_xoff XON/XOFF mode.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_xon_xoff(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_xonxoff xon_xoff);
* Get the XON/XOFF configuration from a port configuration.
* The user should allocate a variable of type enum sp_xonxoff and pass a pointer to this
* to receive the result.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param xon_xoff_ptr Pointer to variable to store result.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_get_config_xon_xoff(const struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_xonxoff *xon_xoff_ptr);
* Set the XON/XOFF configuration in a port configuration.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param xon_xoff XON/XOFF mode, or -1 to retain current setting.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_config_xon_xoff(struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_xonxoff xon_xoff);
* Set the flow control type in a port configuration.
* This function is a wrapper that sets the RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR and
* XON/XOFF settings as necessary for the specified flow control
* type. For more fine-grained control of these settings, use their
* individual configuration functions.
* @param config Pointer to configuration structure.
* @param flowcontrol Flow control setting to use.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_config_flowcontrol(struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_flowcontrol flowcontrol);
* Set the flow control type for the specified serial port.
* This function is a wrapper that sets the RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR and
* XON/XOFF settings as necessary for the specified flow control
* type. For more fine-grained control of these settings, use their
* individual configuration functions.
* @param port Pointer to port structure.
* @param flowcontrol Flow control setting to use.
* @return SP_OK upon success, a negative error code otherwise.
enum sp_return sp_set_flowcontrol(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_flowcontrol flowcontrol);
* @}
* @defgroup Data Reading, writing, and flushing data

View File

@ -67,6 +67,18 @@ struct sp_port {
struct sp_port_config {
int baudrate;
int bits;
enum sp_parity parity;
int stopbits;
enum sp_rts rts;
enum sp_cts cts;
enum sp_dtr dtr;
enum sp_dsr dsr;
enum sp_xonxoff xon_xoff;
struct port_data {
#ifdef _WIN32
DCB dcb;
@ -1452,6 +1464,31 @@ static enum sp_return set_config(struct sp_port *port, struct port_data *data,
enum sp_return sp_new_config(struct sp_port_config **config_ptr)
TRACE("%p", config_ptr);
if (!config_ptr)
RETURN_ERROR(SP_ERR_ARG, "Null result pointer");
if (!(*config_ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct sp_port_config))))
RETURN_ERROR(SP_ERR_MEM, "config malloc failed");
void sp_free_config(struct sp_port_config *config)
TRACE("%p", config);
if (!config)
DEBUG("Null config");
enum sp_return sp_get_config(struct sp_port *port, struct sp_port_config *config)
struct port_data data;
@ -1461,7 +1498,7 @@ enum sp_return sp_get_config(struct sp_port *port, struct sp_port_config *config
if (!config)
RETURN_ERROR(SP_ERR_ARG, "Null result pointer");
RETURN_ERROR(SP_ERR_ARG, "Null config");
TRY(get_config(port, &data, config));
@ -1486,7 +1523,8 @@ enum sp_return sp_set_config(struct sp_port *port, const struct sp_port_config *
#define CREATE_SETTER(x, type) int sp_set_##x(struct sp_port *port, type x) { \
#define CREATE_ACCESSORS(x, type) \
enum sp_return sp_set_##x(struct sp_port *port, type x) { \
struct port_data data; \
struct sp_port_config config; \
TRACE("%p, %d", port, x); \
@ -1495,17 +1533,65 @@ enum sp_return sp_set_config(struct sp_port *port, const struct sp_port_config *
config.x = x; \
TRY(set_config(port, &data, &config)); \
} \
enum sp_return sp_get_config_##x(const struct sp_port_config *config, type *x) { \
TRACE("%p", config); \
if (!config) \
RETURN_ERROR(SP_ERR_ARG, "Null config"); \
*x = config->x; \
} \
enum sp_return sp_set_config_##x(struct sp_port_config *config, type x) { \
TRACE("%p, %d", config, x); \
if (!config) \
RETURN_ERROR(SP_ERR_ARG, "Null config"); \
config->x = x; \
CREATE_SETTER(baudrate, int)
CREATE_SETTER(bits, int)
CREATE_SETTER(parity, enum sp_parity)
CREATE_SETTER(stopbits, int)
CREATE_SETTER(rts, enum sp_rts)
CREATE_SETTER(cts, enum sp_cts)
CREATE_SETTER(dtr, enum sp_dtr)
CREATE_SETTER(dsr, enum sp_dsr)
CREATE_SETTER(xon_xoff, enum sp_xonxoff)
CREATE_ACCESSORS(baudrate, int)
CREATE_ACCESSORS(parity, enum sp_parity)
CREATE_ACCESSORS(stopbits, int)
CREATE_ACCESSORS(rts, enum sp_rts)
CREATE_ACCESSORS(cts, enum sp_cts)
CREATE_ACCESSORS(dtr, enum sp_dtr)
CREATE_ACCESSORS(dsr, enum sp_dsr)
CREATE_ACCESSORS(xon_xoff, enum sp_xonxoff)
enum sp_return sp_set_config_flowcontrol(struct sp_port_config *config, enum sp_flowcontrol flowcontrol)
if (!config)
RETURN_ERROR(SP_ERR_ARG, "Null configuration");
if (flowcontrol > SP_FLOWCONTROL_DTRDSR)
RETURN_ERROR(SP_ERR_ARG, "Invalid flow control setting");
if (flowcontrol == SP_FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF)
config->xon_xoff = SP_XONXOFF_INOUT;
config->xon_xoff = SP_XONXOFF_DISABLED;
if (flowcontrol == SP_FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS) {
config->rts = SP_RTS_FLOW_CONTROL;
config->cts = SP_CTS_FLOW_CONTROL;
} else {
if (config->rts == SP_RTS_FLOW_CONTROL)
config->rts = SP_RTS_ON;
config->cts = SP_CTS_IGNORE;
if (flowcontrol == SP_FLOWCONTROL_DTRDSR) {
config->dtr = SP_DTR_FLOW_CONTROL;
config->dsr = SP_DSR_FLOW_CONTROL;
} else {
if (config->dtr == SP_DTR_FLOW_CONTROL)
config->dtr = SP_DTR_ON;
config->dsr = SP_DSR_IGNORE;
enum sp_return sp_set_flowcontrol(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_flowcontrol flowcontrol)
@ -1516,33 +1602,9 @@ enum sp_return sp_set_flowcontrol(struct sp_port *port, enum sp_flowcontrol flow
if (flowcontrol > SP_FLOWCONTROL_DTRDSR)
RETURN_ERROR(SP_ERR_ARG, "Invalid flow control setting");
TRY(get_config(port, &data, &config));
if (flowcontrol == SP_FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF)
config.xon_xoff = SP_XONXOFF_INOUT;
config.xon_xoff = SP_XONXOFF_DISABLED;
if (flowcontrol == SP_FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS) {
config.rts = SP_RTS_FLOW_CONTROL;
config.cts = SP_CTS_FLOW_CONTROL;
} else {
if (config.rts == SP_RTS_FLOW_CONTROL)
config.rts = SP_RTS_ON;
config.cts = SP_CTS_IGNORE;
if (flowcontrol == SP_FLOWCONTROL_DTRDSR) {
config.dtr = SP_DTR_FLOW_CONTROL;
config.dsr = SP_DSR_FLOW_CONTROL;
} else {
if (config.dtr == SP_DTR_FLOW_CONTROL)
config.dtr = SP_DTR_ON;
config.dsr = SP_DSR_IGNORE;
TRY(sp_set_config_flowcontrol(&config, flowcontrol));
TRY(set_config(port, &data, &config));