# Conflicts: # imgui.cpp # imgui_demo.cpp
3906 lines
387 KiB
3906 lines
387 KiB
// dear imgui, v1.91.0
// (headers)
// Help:
// - See links below.
// - Call and read ImGui::ShowDemoWindow() in imgui_demo.cpp. All applications in examples/ are doing that.
// - Read top of imgui.cpp for more details, links and comments.
// Resources:
// - FAQ ........................ https://dearimgui.com/faq (in repository as docs/FAQ.md)
// - Homepage ................... https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
// - Releases & changelog ....... https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/releases
// - Gallery .................... https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/7503 (please post your screenshots/video there!)
// - Wiki ....................... https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki (lots of good stuff there)
// - Getting Started https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Getting-Started (how to integrate in an existing app by adding ~25 lines of code)
// - Third-party Extensions https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Useful-Extensions (ImPlot & many more)
// - Bindings/Backends https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Bindings (language bindings, backends for various tech/engines)
// - Glossary https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Glossary
// - Debug Tools https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Debug-Tools
// - Software using Dear ImGui https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Software-using-dear-imgui
// - Issues & support ........... https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues
// - Test Engine & Automation ... https://github.com/ocornut/imgui_test_engine (test suite, test engine to automate your apps)
// For first-time users having issues compiling/linking/running/loading fonts:
// please post in https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/discussions if you cannot find a solution in resources above.
// Everything else should be asked in 'Issues'! We are building a database of cross-linked knowledge there.
// Library Version
// (Integer encoded as XYYZZ for use in #if preprocessor conditionals, e.g. '#if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 12345')
#define IMGUI_VERSION "1.91.0"
#define IMGUI_VERSION_NUM 19100
#define IMGUI_HAS_VIEWPORT // Viewport WIP branch
#define IMGUI_HAS_DOCK // Docking WIP branch
Index of this file:
// [SECTION] Header mess
// [SECTION] Forward declarations and basic types
// [SECTION] Dear ImGui end-user API functions
// [SECTION] Flags & Enumerations
// [SECTION] Tables API flags and structures (ImGuiTableFlags, ImGuiTableColumnFlags, ImGuiTableRowFlags, ImGuiTableBgTarget, ImGuiTableSortSpecs, ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs)
// [SECTION] Helpers: Debug log, Memory allocations macros, ImVector<>
// [SECTION] ImGuiStyle
// [SECTION] Misc data structures (ImGuiInputTextCallbackData, ImGuiSizeCallbackData, ImGuiWindowClass, ImGuiPayload)
// [SECTION] Helpers (ImGuiOnceUponAFrame, ImGuiTextFilter, ImGuiTextBuffer, ImGuiStorage, ImGuiListClipper, Math Operators, ImColor)
// [SECTION] Multi-Select API flags and structures (ImGuiMultiSelectFlags, ImGuiMultiSelectIO, ImGuiSelectionRequest, ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage, ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage)
// [SECTION] Drawing API (ImDrawCallback, ImDrawCmd, ImDrawIdx, ImDrawVert, ImDrawChannel, ImDrawListSplitter, ImDrawFlags, ImDrawListFlags, ImDrawList, ImDrawData)
// [SECTION] Font API (ImFontConfig, ImFontGlyph, ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder, ImFontAtlasFlags, ImFontAtlas, ImFont)
// [SECTION] Viewports (ImGuiViewportFlags, ImGuiViewport)
// [SECTION] Platform Dependent Interfaces (ImGuiPlatformIO, ImGuiPlatformMonitor, ImGuiPlatformImeData)
// [SECTION] Obsolete functions and types
#pragma once
// Configuration file with compile-time options
// (edit imconfig.h or '#define IMGUI_USER_CONFIG "myfilename.h" from your build system)
#include "imconfig.h"
// [SECTION] Header mess
// Includes
#include <float.h> // FLT_MIN, FLT_MAX
#include <stdarg.h> // va_list, va_start, va_end
#include <stddef.h> // ptrdiff_t, NULL
#include <string.h> // memset, memmove, memcpy, strlen, strchr, strcpy, strcmp
// Define attributes of all API symbols declarations (e.g. for DLL under Windows)
// IMGUI_API is used for core imgui functions, IMGUI_IMPL_API is used for the default backends files (imgui_impl_xxx.h)
// Using dear imgui via a shared library is not recommended: we don't guarantee backward nor forward ABI compatibility + this is a call-heavy library and function call overhead adds up.
#ifndef IMGUI_API
#define IMGUI_API
// Helper Macros
#ifndef IM_ASSERT
#include <assert.h>
#define IM_ASSERT(_EXPR) assert(_EXPR) // You can override the default assert handler by editing imconfig.h
#define IM_ARRAYSIZE(_ARR) ((int)(sizeof(_ARR) / sizeof(*(_ARR)))) // Size of a static C-style array. Don't use on pointers!
#define IM_UNUSED(_VAR) ((void)(_VAR)) // Used to silence "unused variable warnings". Often useful as asserts may be stripped out from final builds.
// Check that version and structures layouts are matching between compiled imgui code and caller. Read comments above DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout() for details.
#define IMGUI_CHECKVERSION() ImGui::DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(IMGUI_VERSION, sizeof(ImGuiIO), sizeof(ImGuiStyle), sizeof(ImVec2), sizeof(ImVec4), sizeof(ImDrawVert), sizeof(ImDrawIdx))
// Helper Macros - IM_FMTARGS, IM_FMTLIST: Apply printf-style warnings to our formatting functions.
// (MSVC provides an equivalent mechanism via SAL Annotations but it would require the macros in a different
// location. e.g. #include <sal.h> + void myprintf(_Printf_format_string_ const char* format, ...))
#if !defined(IMGUI_USE_STB_SPRINTF) && defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__clang__)
#define IM_FMTARGS(FMT) __attribute__((format(gnu_printf, FMT, FMT+1)))
#define IM_FMTLIST(FMT) __attribute__((format(gnu_printf, FMT, 0)))
#elif !defined(IMGUI_USE_STB_SPRINTF) && (defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__))
#define IM_FMTARGS(FMT) __attribute__((format(printf, FMT, FMT+1)))
#define IM_FMTLIST(FMT) __attribute__((format(printf, FMT, 0)))
// Disable some of MSVC most aggressive Debug runtime checks in function header/footer (used in some simple/low-level functions)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(IMGUI_DEBUG_PARANOID)
#define IM_MSVC_RUNTIME_CHECKS_OFF __pragma(runtime_checks("",off)) __pragma(check_stack(off)) __pragma(strict_gs_check(push,off))
#define IM_MSVC_RUNTIME_CHECKS_RESTORE __pragma(runtime_checks("",restore)) __pragma(check_stack()) __pragma(strict_gs_check(pop))
// Warnings
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 26495) // [Static Analyzer] Variable 'XXX' is uninitialized. Always initialize a member variable (type.6).
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#if __has_warning("-Wunknown-warning-option")
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-warning-option" // warning: unknown warning group 'xxx'
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" // warning: unknown warning group 'xxx'
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal" // warning: comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-identifier" // warning: identifier '_Xxx' is reserved because it starts with '_' followed by a capital letter
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunsafe-buffer-usage" // warning: 'xxx' is an unsafe pointer used for buffer access
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpragmas" // warning: unknown option after '#pragma GCC diagnostic' kind
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wclass-memaccess" // [__GNUC__ >= 8] warning: 'memset/memcpy' clearing/writing an object of type 'xxxx' with no trivial copy-assignment; use assignment or value-initialization instead
// [SECTION] Forward declarations and basic types
// Scalar data types
typedef unsigned int ImGuiID;// A unique ID used by widgets (typically the result of hashing a stack of string)
typedef signed char ImS8; // 8-bit signed integer
typedef unsigned char ImU8; // 8-bit unsigned integer
typedef signed short ImS16; // 16-bit signed integer
typedef unsigned short ImU16; // 16-bit unsigned integer
typedef signed int ImS32; // 32-bit signed integer == int
typedef unsigned int ImU32; // 32-bit unsigned integer (often used to store packed colors)
typedef signed long long ImS64; // 64-bit signed integer
typedef unsigned long long ImU64; // 64-bit unsigned integer
// Forward declarations
struct ImDrawChannel; // Temporary storage to output draw commands out of order, used by ImDrawListSplitter and ImDrawList::ChannelsSplit()
struct ImDrawCmd; // A single draw command within a parent ImDrawList (generally maps to 1 GPU draw call, unless it is a callback)
struct ImDrawData; // All draw command lists required to render the frame + pos/size coordinates to use for the projection matrix.
struct ImDrawList; // A single draw command list (generally one per window, conceptually you may see this as a dynamic "mesh" builder)
struct ImDrawListSharedData; // Data shared among multiple draw lists (typically owned by parent ImGui context, but you may create one yourself)
struct ImDrawListSplitter; // Helper to split a draw list into different layers which can be drawn into out of order, then flattened back.
struct ImDrawVert; // A single vertex (pos + uv + col = 20 bytes by default. Override layout with IMGUI_OVERRIDE_DRAWVERT_STRUCT_LAYOUT)
struct ImFont; // Runtime data for a single font within a parent ImFontAtlas
struct ImFontAtlas; // Runtime data for multiple fonts, bake multiple fonts into a single texture, TTF/OTF font loader
struct ImFontBuilderIO; // Opaque interface to a font builder (stb_truetype or FreeType).
struct ImFontConfig; // Configuration data when adding a font or merging fonts
struct ImFontGlyph; // A single font glyph (code point + coordinates within in ImFontAtlas + offset)
struct ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder; // Helper to build glyph ranges from text/string data
struct ImColor; // Helper functions to create a color that can be converted to either u32 or float4 (*OBSOLETE* please avoid using)
struct ImGuiContext; // Dear ImGui context (opaque structure, unless including imgui_internal.h)
struct ImGuiIO; // Main configuration and I/O between your application and ImGui
struct ImGuiInputTextCallbackData; // Shared state of InputText() when using custom ImGuiInputTextCallback (rare/advanced use)
struct ImGuiKeyData; // Storage for ImGuiIO and IsKeyDown(), IsKeyPressed() etc functions.
struct ImGuiListClipper; // Helper to manually clip large list of items
struct ImGuiMultiSelectIO; // Structure to interact with a BeginMultiSelect()/EndMultiSelect() block
struct ImGuiOnceUponAFrame; // Helper for running a block of code not more than once a frame
struct ImGuiPayload; // User data payload for drag and drop operations
struct ImGuiPlatformIO; // Multi-viewport support: interface for Platform/Renderer backends + viewports to render
struct ImGuiPlatformMonitor; // Multi-viewport support: user-provided bounds for each connected monitor/display. Used when positioning popups and tooltips to avoid them straddling monitors
struct ImGuiPlatformImeData; // Platform IME data for io.PlatformSetImeDataFn() function.
struct ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage; // Optional helper to store multi-selection state + apply multi-selection requests.
struct ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage;//Optional helper to apply multi-selection requests to existing randomly accessible storage.
struct ImGuiSelectionRequest; // A selection request (stored in ImGuiMultiSelectIO)
struct ImGuiSizeCallbackData; // Callback data when using SetNextWindowSizeConstraints() (rare/advanced use)
struct ImGuiStorage; // Helper for key->value storage (container sorted by key)
struct ImGuiStoragePair; // Helper for key->value storage (pair)
struct ImGuiStyle; // Runtime data for styling/colors
struct ImGuiTableSortSpecs; // Sorting specifications for a table (often handling sort specs for a single column, occasionally more)
struct ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs; // Sorting specification for one column of a table
struct ImGuiTextBuffer; // Helper to hold and append into a text buffer (~string builder)
struct ImGuiTextFilter; // Helper to parse and apply text filters (e.g. "aaaaa[,bbbbb][,ccccc]")
struct ImGuiViewport; // A Platform Window (always 1 unless multi-viewport are enabled. One per platform window to output to). In the future may represent Platform Monitor
struct ImGuiWindowClass; // Window class (rare/advanced uses: provide hints to the platform backend via altered viewport flags and parent/child info)
// Enumerations
// - We don't use strongly typed enums much because they add constraints (can't extend in private code, can't store typed in bit fields, extra casting on iteration)
// - Tip: Use your programming IDE navigation facilities on the names in the _central column_ below to find the actual flags/enum lists!
// - In Visual Studio: CTRL+comma ("Edit.GoToAll") can follow symbols inside comments, whereas CTRL+F12 ("Edit.GoToImplementation") cannot.
// - In Visual Studio w/ Visual Assist installed: ALT+G ("VAssistX.GoToImplementation") can also follow symbols inside comments.
// - In VS Code, CLion, etc.: CTRL+click can follow symbols inside comments.
enum ImGuiDir : int; // -> enum ImGuiDir // Enum: A cardinal direction (Left, Right, Up, Down)
enum ImGuiKey : int; // -> enum ImGuiKey // Enum: A key identifier (ImGuiKey_XXX or ImGuiMod_XXX value)
enum ImGuiMouseSource : int; // -> enum ImGuiMouseSource // Enum; A mouse input source identifier (Mouse, TouchScreen, Pen)
enum ImGuiSortDirection : ImU8; // -> enum ImGuiSortDirection // Enum: A sorting direction (ascending or descending)
typedef int ImGuiCol; // -> enum ImGuiCol_ // Enum: A color identifier for styling
typedef int ImGuiCond; // -> enum ImGuiCond_ // Enum: A condition for many Set*() functions
typedef int ImGuiDataType; // -> enum ImGuiDataType_ // Enum: A primary data type
typedef int ImGuiMouseButton; // -> enum ImGuiMouseButton_ // Enum: A mouse button identifier (0=left, 1=right, 2=middle)
typedef int ImGuiMouseCursor; // -> enum ImGuiMouseCursor_ // Enum: A mouse cursor shape
typedef int ImGuiStyleVar; // -> enum ImGuiStyleVar_ // Enum: A variable identifier for styling
typedef int ImGuiTableBgTarget; // -> enum ImGuiTableBgTarget_ // Enum: A color target for TableSetBgColor()
// Flags (declared as int to allow using as flags without overhead, and to not pollute the top of this file)
// - Tip: Use your programming IDE navigation facilities on the names in the _central column_ below to find the actual flags/enum lists!
// - In Visual Studio: CTRL+comma ("Edit.GoToAll") can follow symbols inside comments, whereas CTRL+F12 ("Edit.GoToImplementation") cannot.
// - In Visual Studio w/ Visual Assist installed: ALT+G ("VAssistX.GoToImplementation") can also follow symbols inside comments.
// - In VS Code, CLion, etc.: CTRL+click can follow symbols inside comments.
typedef int ImDrawFlags; // -> enum ImDrawFlags_ // Flags: for ImDrawList functions
typedef int ImDrawListFlags; // -> enum ImDrawListFlags_ // Flags: for ImDrawList instance
typedef int ImFontAtlasFlags; // -> enum ImFontAtlasFlags_ // Flags: for ImFontAtlas build
typedef int ImGuiBackendFlags; // -> enum ImGuiBackendFlags_ // Flags: for io.BackendFlags
typedef int ImGuiButtonFlags; // -> enum ImGuiButtonFlags_ // Flags: for InvisibleButton()
typedef int ImGuiChildFlags; // -> enum ImGuiChildFlags_ // Flags: for BeginChild()
typedef int ImGuiColorEditFlags; // -> enum ImGuiColorEditFlags_ // Flags: for ColorEdit4(), ColorPicker4() etc.
typedef int ImGuiConfigFlags; // -> enum ImGuiConfigFlags_ // Flags: for io.ConfigFlags
typedef int ImGuiComboFlags; // -> enum ImGuiComboFlags_ // Flags: for BeginCombo()
typedef int ImGuiDockNodeFlags; // -> enum ImGuiDockNodeFlags_ // Flags: for DockSpace()
typedef int ImGuiDragDropFlags; // -> enum ImGuiDragDropFlags_ // Flags: for BeginDragDropSource(), AcceptDragDropPayload()
typedef int ImGuiFocusedFlags; // -> enum ImGuiFocusedFlags_ // Flags: for IsWindowFocused()
typedef int ImGuiHoveredFlags; // -> enum ImGuiHoveredFlags_ // Flags: for IsItemHovered(), IsWindowHovered() etc.
typedef int ImGuiInputFlags; // -> enum ImGuiInputFlags_ // Flags: for Shortcut(), SetNextItemShortcut()
typedef int ImGuiInputTextFlags; // -> enum ImGuiInputTextFlags_ // Flags: for InputText(), InputTextMultiline()
typedef int ImGuiItemFlags; // -> enum ImGuiItemFlags_ // Flags: for PushItemFlag(), shared by all items
typedef int ImGuiKeyChord; // -> ImGuiKey | ImGuiMod_XXX // Flags: for IsKeyChordPressed(), Shortcut() etc. an ImGuiKey optionally OR-ed with one or more ImGuiMod_XXX values.
typedef int ImGuiPopupFlags; // -> enum ImGuiPopupFlags_ // Flags: for OpenPopup*(), BeginPopupContext*(), IsPopupOpen()
typedef int ImGuiMultiSelectFlags; // -> enum ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_// Flags: for BeginMultiSelect()
typedef int ImGuiSelectableFlags; // -> enum ImGuiSelectableFlags_ // Flags: for Selectable()
typedef int ImGuiSliderFlags; // -> enum ImGuiSliderFlags_ // Flags: for DragFloat(), DragInt(), SliderFloat(), SliderInt() etc.
typedef int ImGuiTabBarFlags; // -> enum ImGuiTabBarFlags_ // Flags: for BeginTabBar()
typedef int ImGuiTabItemFlags; // -> enum ImGuiTabItemFlags_ // Flags: for BeginTabItem()
typedef int ImGuiTableFlags; // -> enum ImGuiTableFlags_ // Flags: For BeginTable()
typedef int ImGuiTableColumnFlags; // -> enum ImGuiTableColumnFlags_// Flags: For TableSetupColumn()
typedef int ImGuiTableRowFlags; // -> enum ImGuiTableRowFlags_ // Flags: For TableNextRow()
typedef int ImGuiTreeNodeFlags; // -> enum ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_ // Flags: for TreeNode(), TreeNodeEx(), CollapsingHeader()
typedef int ImGuiViewportFlags; // -> enum ImGuiViewportFlags_ // Flags: for ImGuiViewport
typedef int ImGuiWindowFlags; // -> enum ImGuiWindowFlags_ // Flags: for Begin(), BeginChild()
// ImTexture: user data for renderer backend to identify a texture [Compile-time configurable type]
// - To use something else than an opaque void* pointer: override with e.g. '#define ImTextureID MyTextureType*' in your imconfig.h file.
// - This can be whatever to you want it to be! read the FAQ about ImTextureID for details.
#ifndef ImTextureID
typedef void* ImTextureID; // Default: store a pointer or an integer fitting in a pointer (most renderer backends are ok with that)
// ImDrawIdx: vertex index. [Compile-time configurable type]
// - To use 16-bit indices + allow large meshes: backend need to set 'io.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset' and handle ImDrawCmd::VtxOffset (recommended).
// - To use 32-bit indices: override with '#define ImDrawIdx unsigned int' in your imconfig.h file.
#ifndef ImDrawIdx
typedef unsigned short ImDrawIdx; // Default: 16-bit (for maximum compatibility with renderer backends)
// Character types
// (we generally use UTF-8 encoded string in the API. This is storage specifically for a decoded character used for keyboard input and display)
typedef unsigned int ImWchar32; // A single decoded U32 character/code point. We encode them as multi bytes UTF-8 when used in strings.
typedef unsigned short ImWchar16; // A single decoded U16 character/code point. We encode them as multi bytes UTF-8 when used in strings.
#ifdef IMGUI_USE_WCHAR32 // ImWchar [configurable type: override in imconfig.h with '#define IMGUI_USE_WCHAR32' to support Unicode planes 1-16]
typedef ImWchar32 ImWchar;
typedef ImWchar16 ImWchar;
// Multi-Selection item index or identifier when using BeginMultiSelect()
// - Used by SetNextItemSelectionUserData() + and inside ImGuiMultiSelectIO structure.
// - Most users are likely to use this store an item INDEX but this may be used to store a POINTER/ID as well. Read comments near ImGuiMultiSelectIO for details.
typedef ImS64 ImGuiSelectionUserData;
// Callback and functions types
typedef int (*ImGuiInputTextCallback)(ImGuiInputTextCallbackData* data); // Callback function for ImGui::InputText()
typedef void (*ImGuiSizeCallback)(ImGuiSizeCallbackData* data); // Callback function for ImGui::SetNextWindowSizeConstraints()
typedef void* (*ImGuiMemAllocFunc)(size_t sz, void* user_data); // Function signature for ImGui::SetAllocatorFunctions()
typedef void (*ImGuiMemFreeFunc)(void* ptr, void* user_data); // Function signature for ImGui::SetAllocatorFunctions()
// ImVec2: 2D vector used to store positions, sizes etc. [Compile-time configurable type]
// This is a frequently used type in the API. Consider using IM_VEC2_CLASS_EXTRA to create implicit cast from/to our preferred type.
// Add '#define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS' in your imconfig.h file to benefit from courtesy maths operators for those types.
struct ImVec2
float x, y;
constexpr ImVec2() : x(0.0f), y(0.0f) { }
constexpr ImVec2(float _x, float _y) : x(_x), y(_y) { }
float& operator[] (size_t idx) { IM_ASSERT(idx == 0 || idx == 1); return ((float*)(void*)(char*)this)[idx]; } // We very rarely use this [] operator, so the assert overhead is fine.
float operator[] (size_t idx) const { IM_ASSERT(idx == 0 || idx == 1); return ((const float*)(const void*)(const char*)this)[idx]; }
IM_VEC2_CLASS_EXTRA // Define additional constructors and implicit cast operators in imconfig.h to convert back and forth between your math types and ImVec2.
// ImVec4: 4D vector used to store clipping rectangles, colors etc. [Compile-time configurable type]
struct ImVec4
float x, y, z, w;
constexpr ImVec4() : x(0.0f), y(0.0f), z(0.0f), w(0.0f) { }
constexpr ImVec4(float _x, float _y, float _z, float _w) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z), w(_w) { }
IM_VEC4_CLASS_EXTRA // Define additional constructors and implicit cast operators in imconfig.h to convert back and forth between your math types and ImVec4.
// [SECTION] Dear ImGui end-user API functions
// (Note that ImGui:: being a namespace, you can add extra ImGui:: functions in your own separate file. Please don't modify imgui source files!)
namespace ImGui
// Context creation and access
// - Each context create its own ImFontAtlas by default. You may instance one yourself and pass it to CreateContext() to share a font atlas between contexts.
// - DLL users: heaps and globals are not shared across DLL boundaries! You will need to call SetCurrentContext() + SetAllocatorFunctions()
// for each static/DLL boundary you are calling from. Read "Context and Memory Allocators" section of imgui.cpp for details.
IMGUI_API ImGuiContext* CreateContext(ImFontAtlas* shared_font_atlas = NULL);
IMGUI_API void DestroyContext(ImGuiContext* ctx = NULL); // NULL = destroy current context
IMGUI_API ImGuiContext* GetCurrentContext();
IMGUI_API void SetCurrentContext(ImGuiContext* ctx);
// Main
IMGUI_API ImGuiIO& GetIO(); // access the IO structure (mouse/keyboard/gamepad inputs, time, various configuration options/flags)
IMGUI_API ImGuiStyle& GetStyle(); // access the Style structure (colors, sizes). Always use PushStyleColor(), PushStyleVar() to modify style mid-frame!
IMGUI_API void NewFrame(); // start a new Dear ImGui frame, you can submit any command from this point until Render()/EndFrame().
IMGUI_API void EndFrame(); // ends the Dear ImGui frame. automatically called by Render(). If you don't need to render data (skipping rendering) you may call EndFrame() without Render()... but you'll have wasted CPU already! If you don't need to render, better to not create any windows and not call NewFrame() at all!
IMGUI_API void Render(); // ends the Dear ImGui frame, finalize the draw data. You can then get call GetDrawData().
IMGUI_API ImDrawData* GetDrawData(); // valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame(). this is what you have to render.
// Demo, Debug, Information
IMGUI_API void ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open = NULL); // create Demo window. demonstrate most ImGui features. call this to learn about the library! try to make it always available in your application!
IMGUI_API void ShowMetricsWindow(bool* p_open = NULL); // create Metrics/Debugger window. display Dear ImGui internals: windows, draw commands, various internal state, etc.
IMGUI_API void ShowDebugLogWindow(bool* p_open = NULL); // create Debug Log window. display a simplified log of important dear imgui events.
IMGUI_API void ShowIDStackToolWindow(bool* p_open = NULL); // create Stack Tool window. hover items with mouse to query information about the source of their unique ID.
IMGUI_API void ShowAboutWindow(bool* p_open = NULL); // create About window. display Dear ImGui version, credits and build/system information.
IMGUI_API void ShowStyleEditor(ImGuiStyle* ref = NULL); // add style editor block (not a window). you can pass in a reference ImGuiStyle structure to compare to, revert to and save to (else it uses the default style)
IMGUI_API bool ShowStyleSelector(const char* label); // add style selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the default styles.
IMGUI_API void ShowFontSelector(const char* label); // add font selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the loaded fonts.
IMGUI_API void ShowUserGuide(); // add basic help/info block (not a window): how to manipulate ImGui as an end-user (mouse/keyboard controls).
IMGUI_API const char* GetVersion(); // get the compiled version string e.g. "1.80 WIP" (essentially the value for IMGUI_VERSION from the compiled version of imgui.cpp)
// Styles
IMGUI_API void StyleColorsDark(ImGuiStyle* dst = NULL); // new, recommended style (default)
IMGUI_API void StyleColorsLight(ImGuiStyle* dst = NULL); // best used with borders and a custom, thicker font
IMGUI_API void StyleColorsClassic(ImGuiStyle* dst = NULL); // classic imgui style
// Windows
// - Begin() = push window to the stack and start appending to it. End() = pop window from the stack.
// - Passing 'bool* p_open != NULL' shows a window-closing widget in the upper-right corner of the window,
// which clicking will set the boolean to false when clicked.
// - You may append multiple times to the same window during the same frame by calling Begin()/End() pairs multiple times.
// Some information such as 'flags' or 'p_open' will only be considered by the first call to Begin().
// - Begin() return false to indicate the window is collapsed or fully clipped, so you may early out and omit submitting
// anything to the window. Always call a matching End() for each Begin() call, regardless of its return value!
// [Important: due to legacy reason, Begin/End and BeginChild/EndChild are inconsistent with all other functions
// such as BeginMenu/EndMenu, BeginPopup/EndPopup, etc. where the EndXXX call should only be called if the corresponding
// BeginXXX function returned true. Begin and BeginChild are the only odd ones out. Will be fixed in a future update.]
// - Note that the bottom of window stack always contains a window called "Debug".
IMGUI_API bool Begin(const char* name, bool* p_open = NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API void End();
// Child Windows
// - Use child windows to begin into a self-contained independent scrolling/clipping regions within a host window. Child windows can embed their own child.
// - Before 1.90 (November 2023), the "ImGuiChildFlags child_flags = 0" parameter was "bool border = false".
// This API is backward compatible with old code, as we guarantee that ImGuiChildFlags_Border == true.
// Consider updating your old code:
// BeginChild("Name", size, false) -> Begin("Name", size, 0); or Begin("Name", size, ImGuiChildFlags_None);
// BeginChild("Name", size, true) -> Begin("Name", size, ImGuiChildFlags_Border);
// - Manual sizing (each axis can use a different setting e.g. ImVec2(0.0f, 400.0f)):
// == 0.0f: use remaining parent window size for this axis.
// > 0.0f: use specified size for this axis.
// < 0.0f: right/bottom-align to specified distance from available content boundaries.
// - Specifying ImGuiChildFlags_AutoResizeX or ImGuiChildFlags_AutoResizeY makes the sizing automatic based on child contents.
// Combining both ImGuiChildFlags_AutoResizeX _and_ ImGuiChildFlags_AutoResizeY defeats purpose of a scrolling region and is NOT recommended.
// - BeginChild() returns false to indicate the window is collapsed or fully clipped, so you may early out and omit submitting
// anything to the window. Always call a matching EndChild() for each BeginChild() call, regardless of its return value.
// [Important: due to legacy reason, Begin/End and BeginChild/EndChild are inconsistent with all other functions
// such as BeginMenu/EndMenu, BeginPopup/EndPopup, etc. where the EndXXX call should only be called if the corresponding
// BeginXXX function returned true. Begin and BeginChild are the only odd ones out. Will be fixed in a future update.]
IMGUI_API bool BeginChild(const char* str_id, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0, 0), ImGuiChildFlags child_flags = 0, ImGuiWindowFlags window_flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool BeginChild(ImGuiID id, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0, 0), ImGuiChildFlags child_flags = 0, ImGuiWindowFlags window_flags = 0);
IMGUI_API void EndChild();
// Windows Utilities
// - 'current window' = the window we are appending into while inside a Begin()/End() block. 'next window' = next window we will Begin() into.
IMGUI_API bool IsWindowAppearing();
IMGUI_API bool IsWindowCollapsed();
IMGUI_API bool IsWindowFocused(ImGuiFocusedFlags flags=0); // is current window focused? or its root/child, depending on flags. see flags for options.
IMGUI_API bool IsWindowHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags flags=0); // is current window hovered and hoverable (e.g. not blocked by a popup/modal)? See ImGuiHoveredFlags_ for options. IMPORTANT: If you are trying to check whether your mouse should be dispatched to Dear ImGui or to your underlying app, you should not use this function! Use the 'io.WantCaptureMouse' boolean for that! Refer to FAQ entry "How can I tell whether to dispatch mouse/keyboard to Dear ImGui or my application?" for details.
IMGUI_API ImDrawList* GetWindowDrawList(); // get draw list associated to the current window, to append your own drawing primitives
IMGUI_API float GetWindowDpiScale(); // get DPI scale currently associated to the current window's viewport.
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetWindowPos(); // get current window position in screen space (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS. Consider always using GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail() instead)
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetWindowSize(); // get current window size (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS. Consider always using GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail() instead)
IMGUI_API float GetWindowWidth(); // get current window width (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS). Shortcut for GetWindowSize().x.
IMGUI_API float GetWindowHeight(); // get current window height (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS). Shortcut for GetWindowSize().y.
IMGUI_API ImGuiViewport*GetWindowViewport(); // get viewport currently associated to the current window.
// Window manipulation
// - Prefer using SetNextXXX functions (before Begin) rather that SetXXX functions (after Begin).
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowPos(const ImVec2& pos, ImGuiCond cond = 0, const ImVec2& pivot = ImVec2(0, 0)); // set next window position. call before Begin(). use pivot=(0.5f,0.5f) to center on given point, etc.
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowSize(const ImVec2& size, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // set next window size. set axis to 0.0f to force an auto-fit on this axis. call before Begin()
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(const ImVec2& size_min, const ImVec2& size_max, ImGuiSizeCallback custom_callback = NULL, void* custom_callback_data = NULL); // set next window size limits. use 0.0f or FLT_MAX if you don't want limits. Use -1 for both min and max of same axis to preserve current size (which itself is a constraint). Use callback to apply non-trivial programmatic constraints.
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowContentSize(const ImVec2& size); // set next window content size (~ scrollable client area, which enforce the range of scrollbars). Not including window decorations (title bar, menu bar, etc.) nor WindowPadding. set an axis to 0.0f to leave it automatic. call before Begin()
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowCollapsed(bool collapsed, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // set next window collapsed state. call before Begin()
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowFocus(); // set next window to be focused / top-most. call before Begin()
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowScroll(const ImVec2& scroll); // set next window scrolling value (use < 0.0f to not affect a given axis).
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowBgAlpha(float alpha); // set next window background color alpha. helper to easily override the Alpha component of ImGuiCol_WindowBg/ChildBg/PopupBg. you may also use ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground.
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowViewport(ImGuiID viewport_id); // set next window viewport
IMGUI_API void SetWindowPos(const ImVec2& pos, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // (not recommended) set current window position - call within Begin()/End(). prefer using SetNextWindowPos(), as this may incur tearing and side-effects.
IMGUI_API void SetWindowSize(const ImVec2& size, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // (not recommended) set current window size - call within Begin()/End(). set to ImVec2(0, 0) to force an auto-fit. prefer using SetNextWindowSize(), as this may incur tearing and minor side-effects.
IMGUI_API void SetWindowCollapsed(bool collapsed, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // (not recommended) set current window collapsed state. prefer using SetNextWindowCollapsed().
IMGUI_API void SetWindowFocus(); // (not recommended) set current window to be focused / top-most. prefer using SetNextWindowFocus().
IMGUI_API void SetWindowFontScale(float scale); // [OBSOLETE] set font scale. Adjust IO.FontGlobalScale if you want to scale all windows. This is an old API! For correct scaling, prefer to reload font + rebuild ImFontAtlas + call style.ScaleAllSizes().
IMGUI_API void SetWindowPos(const char* name, const ImVec2& pos, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // set named window position.
IMGUI_API void SetWindowSize(const char* name, const ImVec2& size, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // set named window size. set axis to 0.0f to force an auto-fit on this axis.
IMGUI_API void SetWindowCollapsed(const char* name, bool collapsed, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // set named window collapsed state
IMGUI_API void SetWindowFocus(const char* name); // set named window to be focused / top-most. use NULL to remove focus.
// Windows Scrolling
// - Any change of Scroll will be applied at the beginning of next frame in the first call to Begin().
// - You may instead use SetNextWindowScroll() prior to calling Begin() to avoid this delay, as an alternative to using SetScrollX()/SetScrollY().
IMGUI_API float GetScrollX(); // get scrolling amount [0 .. GetScrollMaxX()]
IMGUI_API float GetScrollY(); // get scrolling amount [0 .. GetScrollMaxY()]
IMGUI_API void SetScrollX(float scroll_x); // set scrolling amount [0 .. GetScrollMaxX()]
IMGUI_API void SetScrollY(float scroll_y); // set scrolling amount [0 .. GetScrollMaxY()]
IMGUI_API float GetScrollMaxX(); // get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.x - WindowSize.x - DecorationsSize.x
IMGUI_API float GetScrollMaxY(); // get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.y - WindowSize.y - DecorationsSize.y
IMGUI_API void SetScrollHereX(float center_x_ratio = 0.5f); // adjust scrolling amount to make current cursor position visible. center_x_ratio=0.0: left, 0.5: center, 1.0: right. When using to make a "default/current item" visible, consider using SetItemDefaultFocus() instead.
IMGUI_API void SetScrollHereY(float center_y_ratio = 0.5f); // adjust scrolling amount to make current cursor position visible. center_y_ratio=0.0: top, 0.5: center, 1.0: bottom. When using to make a "default/current item" visible, consider using SetItemDefaultFocus() instead.
IMGUI_API void SetScrollFromPosX(float local_x, float center_x_ratio = 0.5f); // adjust scrolling amount to make given position visible. Generally GetCursorStartPos() + offset to compute a valid position.
IMGUI_API void SetScrollFromPosY(float local_y, float center_y_ratio = 0.5f); // adjust scrolling amount to make given position visible. Generally GetCursorStartPos() + offset to compute a valid position.
// Parameters stacks (shared)
IMGUI_API void PushFont(ImFont* font); // use NULL as a shortcut to push default font
IMGUI_API void PopFont();
IMGUI_API void PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol idx, ImU32 col); // modify a style color. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame().
IMGUI_API void PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol idx, const ImVec4& col);
IMGUI_API void PopStyleColor(int count = 1);
IMGUI_API void PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar idx, float val); // modify a style float variable. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame().
IMGUI_API void PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar idx, const ImVec2& val); // modify a style ImVec2 variable. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame().
IMGUI_API void PopStyleVar(int count = 1);
IMGUI_API void PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags option, bool enabled); // modify specified shared item flag, e.g. PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_NoTabStop, true)
IMGUI_API void PopItemFlag();
// Parameters stacks (current window)
IMGUI_API void PushItemWidth(float item_width); // push width of items for common large "item+label" widgets. >0.0f: width in pixels, <0.0f align xx pixels to the right of window (so -FLT_MIN always align width to the right side).
IMGUI_API void PopItemWidth();
IMGUI_API void SetNextItemWidth(float item_width); // set width of the _next_ common large "item+label" widget. >0.0f: width in pixels, <0.0f align xx pixels to the right of window (so -FLT_MIN always align width to the right side)
IMGUI_API float CalcItemWidth(); // width of item given pushed settings and current cursor position. NOT necessarily the width of last item unlike most 'Item' functions.
IMGUI_API void PushTextWrapPos(float wrap_local_pos_x = 0.0f); // push word-wrapping position for Text*() commands. < 0.0f: no wrapping; 0.0f: wrap to end of window (or column); > 0.0f: wrap at 'wrap_pos_x' position in window local space
IMGUI_API void PopTextWrapPos();
// Style read access
// - Use the ShowStyleEditor() function to interactively see/edit the colors.
IMGUI_API ImFont* GetFont(); // get current font
IMGUI_API float GetFontSize(); // get current font size (= height in pixels) of current font with current scale applied
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetFontTexUvWhitePixel(); // get UV coordinate for a while pixel, useful to draw custom shapes via the ImDrawList API
IMGUI_API ImU32 GetColorU32(ImGuiCol idx, float alpha_mul = 1.0f); // retrieve given style color with style alpha applied and optional extra alpha multiplier, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList
IMGUI_API ImU32 GetColorU32(const ImVec4& col); // retrieve given color with style alpha applied, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList
IMGUI_API ImU32 GetColorU32(ImU32 col, float alpha_mul = 1.0f); // retrieve given color with style alpha applied, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList
IMGUI_API const ImVec4& GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol idx); // retrieve style color as stored in ImGuiStyle structure. use to feed back into PushStyleColor(), otherwise use GetColorU32() to get style color with style alpha baked in.
// Layout cursor positioning
// - By "cursor" we mean the current output position.
// - The typical widget behavior is to output themselves at the current cursor position, then move the cursor one line down.
// - You can call SameLine() between widgets to undo the last carriage return and output at the right of the preceding widget.
// - YOU CAN DO 99% OF WHAT YOU NEED WITH ONLY GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail().
// - Attention! We currently have inconsistencies between window-local and absolute positions we will aim to fix with future API:
// - Absolute coordinate: GetCursorScreenPos(), SetCursorScreenPos(), all ImDrawList:: functions. -> this is the preferred way forward.
// - Window-local coordinates: SameLine(offset), GetCursorPos(), SetCursorPos(), GetCursorStartPos(), PushTextWrapPos()
// - Window-local coordinates: GetContentRegionMax(), GetWindowContentRegionMin(), GetWindowContentRegionMax() --> all obsoleted. YOU DON'T NEED THEM.
// - GetCursorScreenPos() = GetCursorPos() + GetWindowPos(). GetWindowPos() is almost only ever useful to convert from window-local to absolute coordinates. Try not to use it.
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetCursorScreenPos(); // cursor position, absolute coordinates. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND (prefer using this rather than GetCursorPos(), also more useful to work with ImDrawList API).
IMGUI_API void SetCursorScreenPos(const ImVec2& pos); // cursor position, absolute coordinates. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND.
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetContentRegionAvail(); // available space from current position. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND.
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetCursorPos(); // [window-local] cursor position in window-local coordinates. This is not your best friend.
IMGUI_API float GetCursorPosX(); // [window-local] "
IMGUI_API float GetCursorPosY(); // [window-local] "
IMGUI_API void SetCursorPos(const ImVec2& local_pos); // [window-local] "
IMGUI_API void SetCursorPosX(float local_x); // [window-local] "
IMGUI_API void SetCursorPosY(float local_y); // [window-local] "
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetCursorStartPos(); // [window-local] initial cursor position, in window-local coordinates. Call GetCursorScreenPos() after Begin() to get the absolute coordinates version.
// Other layout functions
IMGUI_API void Separator(); // separator, generally horizontal. inside a menu bar or in horizontal layout mode, this becomes a vertical separator.
IMGUI_API void SameLine(float offset_from_start_x=0.0f, float spacing=-1.0f); // call between widgets or groups to layout them horizontally. X position given in window coordinates.
IMGUI_API void NewLine(); // undo a SameLine() or force a new line when in a horizontal-layout context.
IMGUI_API void Spacing(); // add vertical spacing.
IMGUI_API void Dummy(const ImVec2& size); // add a dummy item of given size. unlike InvisibleButton(), Dummy() won't take the mouse click or be navigable into.
IMGUI_API void Indent(float indent_w = 0.0f); // move content position toward the right, by indent_w, or style.IndentSpacing if indent_w <= 0
IMGUI_API void Unindent(float indent_w = 0.0f); // move content position back to the left, by indent_w, or style.IndentSpacing if indent_w <= 0
IMGUI_API void BeginGroup(); // lock horizontal starting position
IMGUI_API void EndGroup(); // unlock horizontal starting position + capture the whole group bounding box into one "item" (so you can use IsItemHovered() or layout primitives such as SameLine() on whole group, etc.)
IMGUI_API void AlignTextToFramePadding(); // vertically align upcoming text baseline to FramePadding.y so that it will align properly to regularly framed items (call if you have text on a line before a framed item)
IMGUI_API float GetTextLineHeight(); // ~ FontSize
IMGUI_API float GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing(); // ~ FontSize + style.ItemSpacing.y (distance in pixels between 2 consecutive lines of text)
IMGUI_API float GetFrameHeight(); // ~ FontSize + style.FramePadding.y * 2
IMGUI_API float GetFrameHeightWithSpacing(); // ~ FontSize + style.FramePadding.y * 2 + style.ItemSpacing.y (distance in pixels between 2 consecutive lines of framed widgets)
// ID stack/scopes
// Read the FAQ (docs/FAQ.md or http://dearimgui.com/faq) for more details about how ID are handled in dear imgui.
// - Those questions are answered and impacted by understanding of the ID stack system:
// - "Q: Why is my widget not reacting when I click on it?"
// - "Q: How can I have widgets with an empty label?"
// - "Q: How can I have multiple widgets with the same label?"
// - Short version: ID are hashes of the entire ID stack. If you are creating widgets in a loop you most likely
// want to push a unique identifier (e.g. object pointer, loop index) to uniquely differentiate them.
// - You can also use the "Label##foobar" syntax within widget label to distinguish them from each others.
// - In this header file we use the "label"/"name" terminology to denote a string that will be displayed + used as an ID,
// whereas "str_id" denote a string that is only used as an ID and not normally displayed.
IMGUI_API void PushID(const char* str_id); // push string into the ID stack (will hash string).
IMGUI_API void PushID(const char* str_id_begin, const char* str_id_end); // push string into the ID stack (will hash string).
IMGUI_API void PushID(const void* ptr_id); // push pointer into the ID stack (will hash pointer).
IMGUI_API void PushID(int int_id); // push integer into the ID stack (will hash integer).
IMGUI_API void PopID(); // pop from the ID stack.
IMGUI_API ImGuiID GetID(const char* str_id); // calculate unique ID (hash of whole ID stack + given parameter). e.g. if you want to query into ImGuiStorage yourself
IMGUI_API ImGuiID GetID(const char* str_id_begin, const char* str_id_end);
IMGUI_API ImGuiID GetID(const void* ptr_id);
IMGUI_API ImGuiID GetID(int int_id);
// Widgets: Text
IMGUI_API void TextUnformatted(const char* text, const char* text_end = NULL); // raw text without formatting. Roughly equivalent to Text("%s", text) but: A) doesn't require null terminated string if 'text_end' is specified, B) it's faster, no memory copy is done, no buffer size limits, recommended for long chunks of text.
IMGUI_API void Text(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(1); // formatted text
IMGUI_API void TextV(const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(1);
IMGUI_API void TextColored(const ImVec4& col, const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(2); // shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, col); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor();
IMGUI_API void TextColoredV(const ImVec4& col, const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(2);
IMGUI_API void TextDisabled(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(1); // shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled]); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor();
IMGUI_API void TextDisabledV(const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(1);
IMGUI_API void TextWrapped(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(1); // shortcut for PushTextWrapPos(0.0f); Text(fmt, ...); PopTextWrapPos();. Note that this won't work on an auto-resizing window if there's no other widgets to extend the window width, yoy may need to set a size using SetNextWindowSize().
IMGUI_API void TextWrappedV(const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(1);
IMGUI_API void LabelText(const char* label, const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(2); // display text+label aligned the same way as value+label widgets
IMGUI_API void LabelTextV(const char* label, const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(2);
IMGUI_API void BulletText(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(1); // shortcut for Bullet()+Text()
IMGUI_API void BulletTextV(const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(1);
IMGUI_API void SeparatorText(const char* label); // currently: formatted text with an horizontal line
// Widgets: Main
// - Most widgets return true when the value has been changed or when pressed/selected
// - You may also use one of the many IsItemXXX functions (e.g. IsItemActive, IsItemHovered, etc.) to query widget state.
IMGUI_API bool Button(const char* label, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0, 0)); // button
IMGUI_API bool SmallButton(const char* label); // button with (FramePadding.y == 0) to easily embed within text
IMGUI_API bool InvisibleButton(const char* str_id, const ImVec2& size, ImGuiButtonFlags flags = 0); // flexible button behavior without the visuals, frequently useful to build custom behaviors using the public api (along with IsItemActive, IsItemHovered, etc.)
IMGUI_API bool ArrowButton(const char* str_id, ImGuiDir dir); // square button with an arrow shape
IMGUI_API bool Checkbox(const char* label, bool* v);
IMGUI_API bool CheckboxFlags(const char* label, int* flags, int flags_value);
IMGUI_API bool CheckboxFlags(const char* label, unsigned int* flags, unsigned int flags_value);
IMGUI_API bool RadioButton(const char* label, bool active); // use with e.g. if (RadioButton("one", my_value==1)) { my_value = 1; }
IMGUI_API bool RadioButton(const char* label, int* v, int v_button); // shortcut to handle the above pattern when value is an integer
IMGUI_API void ProgressBar(float fraction, const ImVec2& size_arg = ImVec2(-FLT_MIN, 0), const char* overlay = NULL);
IMGUI_API void Bullet(); // draw a small circle + keep the cursor on the same line. advance cursor x position by GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing(), same distance that TreeNode() uses
IMGUI_API bool TextLink(const char* label); // hyperlink text button, return true when clicked
IMGUI_API void TextLinkOpenURL(const char* label, const char* url = NULL); // hyperlink text button, automatically open file/url when clicked
// Widgets: Images
// - Read about ImTextureID here: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Image-Loading-and-Displaying-Examples
// - 'uv0' and 'uv1' are texture coordinates. Read about them from the same link above.
// - Note that Image() may add +2.0f to provided size if a border is visible, ImageButton() adds style.FramePadding*2.0f to provided size.
IMGUI_API void Image(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const ImVec2& image_size, const ImVec2& uv0 = ImVec2(0, 0), const ImVec2& uv1 = ImVec2(1, 1), const ImVec4& tint_col = ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 1), const ImVec4& border_col = ImVec4(0, 0, 0, 0));
IMGUI_API bool ImageButton(const char* str_id, ImTextureID user_texture_id, const ImVec2& image_size, const ImVec2& uv0 = ImVec2(0, 0), const ImVec2& uv1 = ImVec2(1, 1), const ImVec4& bg_col = ImVec4(0, 0, 0, 0), const ImVec4& tint_col = ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 1));
// Widgets: Combo Box (Dropdown)
// - The BeginCombo()/EndCombo() api allows you to manage your contents and selection state however you want it, by creating e.g. Selectable() items.
// - The old Combo() api are helpers over BeginCombo()/EndCombo() which are kept available for convenience purpose. This is analogous to how ListBox are created.
IMGUI_API bool BeginCombo(const char* label, const char* preview_value, ImGuiComboFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API void EndCombo(); // only call EndCombo() if BeginCombo() returns true!
IMGUI_API bool Combo(const char* label, int* current_item, const char* const items[], int items_count, int popup_max_height_in_items = -1);
IMGUI_API bool Combo(const char* label, int* current_item, const char* items_separated_by_zeros, int popup_max_height_in_items = -1); // Separate items with \0 within a string, end item-list with \0\0. e.g. "One\0Two\0Three\0"
IMGUI_API bool Combo(const char* label, int* current_item, const char* (*getter)(void* user_data, int idx), void* user_data, int items_count, int popup_max_height_in_items = -1);
// Widgets: Drag Sliders
// - CTRL+Click on any drag box to turn them into an input box. Manually input values aren't clamped by default and can go off-bounds. Use ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp to always clamp.
// - For all the Float2/Float3/Float4/Int2/Int3/Int4 versions of every function, note that a 'float v[X]' function argument is the same as 'float* v',
// the array syntax is just a way to document the number of elements that are expected to be accessible. You can pass address of your first element out of a contiguous set, e.g. &myvector.x
// - Adjust format string to decorate the value with a prefix, a suffix, or adapt the editing and display precision e.g. "%.3f" -> 1.234; "%5.2f secs" -> 01.23 secs; "Biscuit: %.0f" -> Biscuit: 1; etc.
// - Format string may also be set to NULL or use the default format ("%f" or "%d").
// - Speed are per-pixel of mouse movement (v_speed=0.2f: mouse needs to move by 5 pixels to increase value by 1). For gamepad/keyboard navigation, minimum speed is Max(v_speed, minimum_step_at_given_precision).
// - Use v_min < v_max to clamp edits to given limits. Note that CTRL+Click manual input can override those limits if ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp is not used.
// - Use v_max = FLT_MAX / INT_MAX etc to avoid clamping to a maximum, same with v_min = -FLT_MAX / INT_MIN to avoid clamping to a minimum.
// - We use the same sets of flags for DragXXX() and SliderXXX() functions as the features are the same and it makes it easier to swap them.
// - Legacy: Pre-1.78 there are DragXXX() function signatures that take a final `float power=1.0f' argument instead of the `ImGuiSliderFlags flags=0' argument.
// If you get a warning converting a float to ImGuiSliderFlags, read https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/3361
IMGUI_API bool DragFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0); // If v_min >= v_max we have no bound
IMGUI_API bool DragFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool DragFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool DragFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool DragFloatRange2(const char* label, float* v_current_min, float* v_current_max, float v_speed = 1.0f, float v_min = 0.0f, float v_max = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", const char* format_max = NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool DragInt(const char* label, int* v, float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0); // If v_min >= v_max we have no bound
IMGUI_API bool DragInt2(const char* label, int v[2], float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool DragInt3(const char* label, int v[3], float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool DragInt4(const char* label, int v[4], float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool DragIntRange2(const char* label, int* v_current_min, int* v_current_max, float v_speed = 1.0f, int v_min = 0, int v_max = 0, const char* format = "%d", const char* format_max = NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool DragScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, float v_speed = 1.0f, const void* p_min = NULL, const void* p_max = NULL, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool DragScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, float v_speed = 1.0f, const void* p_min = NULL, const void* p_max = NULL, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
// Widgets: Regular Sliders
// - CTRL+Click on any slider to turn them into an input box. Manually input values aren't clamped by default and can go off-bounds. Use ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp to always clamp.
// - Adjust format string to decorate the value with a prefix, a suffix, or adapt the editing and display precision e.g. "%.3f" -> 1.234; "%5.2f secs" -> 01.23 secs; "Biscuit: %.0f" -> Biscuit: 1; etc.
// - Format string may also be set to NULL or use the default format ("%f" or "%d").
// - Legacy: Pre-1.78 there are SliderXXX() function signatures that take a final `float power=1.0f' argument instead of the `ImGuiSliderFlags flags=0' argument.
// If you get a warning converting a float to ImGuiSliderFlags, read https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/3361
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0); // adjust format to decorate the value with a prefix or a suffix for in-slider labels or unit display.
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool SliderAngle(const char* label, float* v_rad, float v_degrees_min = -360.0f, float v_degrees_max = +360.0f, const char* format = "%.0f deg", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt(const char* label, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt2(const char* label, int v[2], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt3(const char* label, int v[3], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool SliderInt4(const char* label, int v[4], int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool SliderScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool SliderScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool VSliderFloat(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool VSliderInt(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, int* v, int v_min, int v_max, const char* format = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool VSliderScalar(const char* label, const ImVec2& size, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiSliderFlags flags = 0);
// Widgets: Input with Keyboard
// - If you want to use InputText() with std::string or any custom dynamic string type, see misc/cpp/imgui_stdlib.h and comments in imgui_demo.cpp.
// - Most of the ImGuiInputTextFlags flags are only useful for InputText() and not for InputFloatX, InputIntX, InputDouble etc.
IMGUI_API bool InputText(const char* label, char* buf, size_t buf_size, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0, ImGuiInputTextCallback callback = NULL, void* user_data = NULL);
IMGUI_API bool InputTextMultiline(const char* label, char* buf, size_t buf_size, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0, 0), ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0, ImGuiInputTextCallback callback = NULL, void* user_data = NULL);
IMGUI_API bool InputTextWithHint(const char* label, const char* hint, char* buf, size_t buf_size, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0, ImGuiInputTextCallback callback = NULL, void* user_data = NULL);
IMGUI_API bool InputFloat(const char* label, float* v, float step = 0.0f, float step_fast = 0.0f, const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool InputFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool InputFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool InputFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], const char* format = "%.3f", ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool InputInt(const char* label, int* v, int step = 1, int step_fast = 100, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool InputInt2(const char* label, int v[2], ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool InputInt3(const char* label, int v[3], ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool InputInt4(const char* label, int v[4], ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool InputDouble(const char* label, double* v, double step = 0.0, double step_fast = 0.0, const char* format = "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool InputScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_step = NULL, const void* p_step_fast = NULL, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool InputScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, const void* p_step = NULL, const void* p_step_fast = NULL, const char* format = NULL, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0);
// Widgets: Color Editor/Picker (tip: the ColorEdit* functions have a little color square that can be left-clicked to open a picker, and right-clicked to open an option menu.)
// - Note that in C++ a 'float v[X]' function argument is the _same_ as 'float* v', the array syntax is just a way to document the number of elements that are expected to be accessible.
// - You can pass the address of a first float element out of a contiguous structure, e.g. &myvector.x
IMGUI_API bool ColorEdit3(const char* label, float col[3], ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool ColorEdit4(const char* label, float col[4], ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool ColorPicker3(const char* label, float col[3], ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool ColorPicker4(const char* label, float col[4], ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = 0, const float* ref_col = NULL);
IMGUI_API bool ColorButton(const char* desc_id, const ImVec4& col, ImGuiColorEditFlags flags = 0, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0, 0)); // display a color square/button, hover for details, return true when pressed.
IMGUI_API void SetColorEditOptions(ImGuiColorEditFlags flags); // initialize current options (generally on application startup) if you want to select a default format, picker type, etc. User will be able to change many settings, unless you pass the _NoOptions flag to your calls.
// Widgets: Trees
// - TreeNode functions return true when the node is open, in which case you need to also call TreePop() when you are finished displaying the tree node contents.
IMGUI_API bool TreeNode(const char* label);
IMGUI_API bool TreeNode(const char* str_id, const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(2); // helper variation to easily decorelate the id from the displayed string. Read the FAQ about why and how to use ID. to align arbitrary text at the same level as a TreeNode() you can use Bullet().
IMGUI_API bool TreeNode(const void* ptr_id, const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(2); // "
IMGUI_API bool TreeNodeV(const char* str_id, const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(2);
IMGUI_API bool TreeNodeV(const void* ptr_id, const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(2);
IMGUI_API bool TreeNodeEx(const char* label, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API bool TreeNodeEx(const char* str_id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(3);
IMGUI_API bool TreeNodeEx(const void* ptr_id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(3);
IMGUI_API bool TreeNodeExV(const char* str_id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(3);
IMGUI_API bool TreeNodeExV(const void* ptr_id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(3);
IMGUI_API void TreePush(const char* str_id); // ~ Indent()+PushID(). Already called by TreeNode() when returning true, but you can call TreePush/TreePop yourself if desired.
IMGUI_API void TreePush(const void* ptr_id); // "
IMGUI_API void TreePop(); // ~ Unindent()+PopID()
IMGUI_API float GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing(); // horizontal distance preceding label when using TreeNode*() or Bullet() == (g.FontSize + style.FramePadding.x*2) for a regular unframed TreeNode
IMGUI_API bool CollapsingHeader(const char* label, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags = 0); // if returning 'true' the header is open. doesn't indent nor push on ID stack. user doesn't have to call TreePop().
IMGUI_API bool CollapsingHeader(const char* label, bool* p_visible, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags = 0); // when 'p_visible != NULL': if '*p_visible==true' display an additional small close button on upper right of the header which will set the bool to false when clicked, if '*p_visible==false' don't display the header.
IMGUI_API void SetNextItemOpen(bool is_open, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // set next TreeNode/CollapsingHeader open state.
IMGUI_API void SetNextItemStorageID(ImGuiID storage_id); // set id to use for open/close storage (default to same as item id).
// Widgets: Selectables
// - A selectable highlights when hovered, and can display another color when selected.
// - Neighbors selectable extend their highlight bounds in order to leave no gap between them. This is so a series of selected Selectable appear contiguous.
IMGUI_API bool Selectable(const char* label, bool selected = false, ImGuiSelectableFlags flags = 0, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0, 0)); // "bool selected" carry the selection state (read-only). Selectable() is clicked is returns true so you can modify your selection state. size.x==0.0: use remaining width, size.x>0.0: specify width. size.y==0.0: use label height, size.y>0.0: specify height
IMGUI_API bool Selectable(const char* label, bool* p_selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags flags = 0, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0, 0)); // "bool* p_selected" point to the selection state (read-write), as a convenient helper.
// Multi-selection system for Selectable(), Checkbox(), TreeNode() functions [BETA]
// - This enables standard multi-selection/range-selection idioms (CTRL+Mouse/Keyboard, SHIFT+Mouse/Keyboard, etc.) in a way that also allow a clipper to be used.
// - ImGuiSelectionUserData is often used to store your item index within the current view (but may store something else).
// - Read comments near ImGuiMultiSelectIO for instructions/details and see 'Demo->Widgets->Selection State & Multi-Select' for demo.
// - TreeNode() is technically supported but... using this correctly is more complicated. You need some sort of linear/random access to your tree,
// which is suited to advanced trees setups already implementing filters and clipper. We will work simplifying the current demo.
// - 'selection_size' and 'items_count' parameters are optional and used by a few features. If they are costly for you to compute, you may avoid them.
IMGUI_API ImGuiMultiSelectIO* BeginMultiSelect(ImGuiMultiSelectFlags flags, int selection_size = -1, int items_count = -1);
IMGUI_API ImGuiMultiSelectIO* EndMultiSelect();
IMGUI_API void SetNextItemSelectionUserData(ImGuiSelectionUserData selection_user_data);
IMGUI_API bool IsItemToggledSelection(); // Was the last item selection state toggled? Useful if you need the per-item information _before_ reaching EndMultiSelect(). We only returns toggle _event_ in order to handle clipping correctly.
// Widgets: List Boxes
// - This is essentially a thin wrapper to using BeginChild/EndChild with the ImGuiChildFlags_FrameStyle flag for stylistic changes + displaying a label.
// - You can submit contents and manage your selection state however you want it, by creating e.g. Selectable() or any other items.
// - The simplified/old ListBox() api are helpers over BeginListBox()/EndListBox() which are kept available for convenience purpose. This is analoguous to how Combos are created.
// - Choose frame width: size.x > 0.0f: custom / size.x < 0.0f or -FLT_MIN: right-align / size.x = 0.0f (default): use current ItemWidth
// - Choose frame height: size.y > 0.0f: custom / size.y < 0.0f or -FLT_MIN: bottom-align / size.y = 0.0f (default): arbitrary default height which can fit ~7 items
IMGUI_API bool BeginListBox(const char* label, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0, 0)); // open a framed scrolling region
IMGUI_API void EndListBox(); // only call EndListBox() if BeginListBox() returned true!
IMGUI_API bool ListBox(const char* label, int* current_item, const char* const items[], int items_count, int height_in_items = -1);
IMGUI_API bool ListBox(const char* label, int* current_item, const char* (*getter)(void* user_data, int idx), void* user_data, int items_count, int height_in_items = -1);
// Widgets: Data Plotting
// - Consider using ImPlot (https://github.com/epezent/implot) which is much better!
IMGUI_API void PlotLines(const char* label, const float* values, int values_count, int values_offset = 0, const char* overlay_text = NULL, float scale_min = FLT_MAX, float scale_max = FLT_MAX, ImVec2 graph_size = ImVec2(0, 0), int stride = sizeof(float));
IMGUI_API void PlotLines(const char* label, float(*values_getter)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int values_count, int values_offset = 0, const char* overlay_text = NULL, float scale_min = FLT_MAX, float scale_max = FLT_MAX, ImVec2 graph_size = ImVec2(0, 0));
IMGUI_API void PlotHistogram(const char* label, const float* values, int values_count, int values_offset = 0, const char* overlay_text = NULL, float scale_min = FLT_MAX, float scale_max = FLT_MAX, ImVec2 graph_size = ImVec2(0, 0), int stride = sizeof(float));
IMGUI_API void PlotHistogram(const char* label, float (*values_getter)(void* data, int idx), void* data, int values_count, int values_offset = 0, const char* overlay_text = NULL, float scale_min = FLT_MAX, float scale_max = FLT_MAX, ImVec2 graph_size = ImVec2(0, 0));
// Widgets: Value() Helpers.
// - Those are merely shortcut to calling Text() with a format string. Output single value in "name: value" format (tip: freely declare more in your code to handle your types. you can add functions to the ImGui namespace)
IMGUI_API void Value(const char* prefix, bool b);
IMGUI_API void Value(const char* prefix, int v);
IMGUI_API void Value(const char* prefix, unsigned int v);
IMGUI_API void Value(const char* prefix, float v, const char* float_format = NULL);
// Widgets: Menus
// - Use BeginMenuBar() on a window ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar to append to its menu bar.
// - Use BeginMainMenuBar() to create a menu bar at the top of the screen and append to it.
// - Use BeginMenu() to create a menu. You can call BeginMenu() multiple time with the same identifier to append more items to it.
// - Not that MenuItem() keyboardshortcuts are displayed as a convenience but _not processed_ by Dear ImGui at the moment.
IMGUI_API bool BeginMenuBar(); // append to menu-bar of current window (requires ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar flag set on parent window).
IMGUI_API void EndMenuBar(); // only call EndMenuBar() if BeginMenuBar() returns true!
IMGUI_API bool BeginMainMenuBar(); // create and append to a full screen menu-bar.
IMGUI_API void EndMainMenuBar(); // only call EndMainMenuBar() if BeginMainMenuBar() returns true!
IMGUI_API bool BeginMenu(const char* label, bool enabled = true); // create a sub-menu entry. only call EndMenu() if this returns true!
IMGUI_API void EndMenu(); // only call EndMenu() if BeginMenu() returns true!
IMGUI_API bool MenuItem(const char* label, const char* shortcut = NULL, bool selected = false, bool enabled = true); // return true when activated.
IMGUI_API bool MenuItem(const char* label, const char* shortcut, bool* p_selected, bool enabled = true); // return true when activated + toggle (*p_selected) if p_selected != NULL
// Tooltips
// - Tooltips are windows following the mouse. They do not take focus away.
// - A tooltip window can contain items of any types.
// - SetTooltip() is more or less a shortcut for the 'if (BeginTooltip()) { Text(...); EndTooltip(); }' idiom (with a subtlety that it discard any previously submitted tooltip)
IMGUI_API bool BeginTooltip(); // begin/append a tooltip window.
IMGUI_API void EndTooltip(); // only call EndTooltip() if BeginTooltip()/BeginItemTooltip() returns true!
IMGUI_API void SetTooltip(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(1); // set a text-only tooltip. Often used after a ImGui::IsItemHovered() check. Override any previous call to SetTooltip().
IMGUI_API void SetTooltipV(const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(1);
// Tooltips: helpers for showing a tooltip when hovering an item
// - BeginItemTooltip() is a shortcut for the 'if (IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip) && BeginTooltip())' idiom.
// - SetItemTooltip() is a shortcut for the 'if (IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip)) { SetTooltip(...); }' idiom.
// - Where 'ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip' itself is a shortcut to use 'style.HoverFlagsForTooltipMouse' or 'style.HoverFlagsForTooltipNav' depending on active input type. For mouse it defaults to 'ImGuiHoveredFlags_Stationary | ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayShort'.
IMGUI_API bool BeginItemTooltip(); // begin/append a tooltip window if preceding item was hovered.
IMGUI_API void SetItemTooltip(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(1); // set a text-only tooltip if preceding item was hovered. override any previous call to SetTooltip().
IMGUI_API void SetItemTooltipV(const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(1);
// Popups, Modals
// - They block normal mouse hovering detection (and therefore most mouse interactions) behind them.
// - If not modal: they can be closed by clicking anywhere outside them, or by pressing ESCAPE.
// - Their visibility state (~bool) is held internally instead of being held by the programmer as we are used to with regular Begin*() calls.
// - The 3 properties above are related: we need to retain popup visibility state in the library because popups may be closed as any time.
// - You can bypass the hovering restriction by using ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup when calling IsItemHovered() or IsWindowHovered().
// - IMPORTANT: Popup identifiers are relative to the current ID stack, so OpenPopup and BeginPopup generally needs to be at the same level of the stack.
// This is sometimes leading to confusing mistakes. May rework this in the future.
// - BeginPopup(): query popup state, if open start appending into the window. Call EndPopup() afterwards if returned true. ImGuiWindowFlags are forwarded to the window.
// - BeginPopupModal(): block every interaction behind the window, cannot be closed by user, add a dimming background, has a title bar.
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopup(const char* str_id, ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0); // return true if the popup is open, and you can start outputting to it.
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupModal(const char* name, bool* p_open = NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0); // return true if the modal is open, and you can start outputting to it.
IMGUI_API void EndPopup(); // only call EndPopup() if BeginPopupXXX() returns true!
// Popups: open/close functions
// - OpenPopup(): set popup state to open. ImGuiPopupFlags are available for opening options.
// - If not modal: they can be closed by clicking anywhere outside them, or by pressing ESCAPE.
// - CloseCurrentPopup(): use inside the BeginPopup()/EndPopup() scope to close manually.
// - CloseCurrentPopup() is called by default by Selectable()/MenuItem() when activated (FIXME: need some options).
// - Use ImGuiPopupFlags_NoOpenOverExistingPopup to avoid opening a popup if there's already one at the same level. This is equivalent to e.g. testing for !IsAnyPopupOpen() prior to OpenPopup().
// - Use IsWindowAppearing() after BeginPopup() to tell if a window just opened.
// - IMPORTANT: Notice that for OpenPopupOnItemClick() we exceptionally default flags to 1 (== ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight) for backward compatibility with older API taking 'int mouse_button = 1' parameter
IMGUI_API void OpenPopup(const char* str_id, ImGuiPopupFlags popup_flags = 0); // call to mark popup as open (don't call every frame!).
IMGUI_API void OpenPopup(ImGuiID id, ImGuiPopupFlags popup_flags = 0); // id overload to facilitate calling from nested stacks
IMGUI_API void OpenPopupOnItemClick(const char* str_id = NULL, ImGuiPopupFlags popup_flags = 1); // helper to open popup when clicked on last item. Default to ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight == 1. (note: actually triggers on the mouse _released_ event to be consistent with popup behaviors)
IMGUI_API void CloseCurrentPopup(); // manually close the popup we have begin-ed into.
// Popups: open+begin combined functions helpers
// - Helpers to do OpenPopup+BeginPopup where the Open action is triggered by e.g. hovering an item and right-clicking.
// - They are convenient to easily create context menus, hence the name.
// - IMPORTANT: Notice that BeginPopupContextXXX takes ImGuiPopupFlags just like OpenPopup() and unlike BeginPopup(). For full consistency, we may add ImGuiWindowFlags to the BeginPopupContextXXX functions in the future.
// - IMPORTANT: Notice that we exceptionally default their flags to 1 (== ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight) for backward compatibility with older API taking 'int mouse_button = 1' parameter, so if you add other flags remember to re-add the ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight.
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupContextItem(const char* str_id = NULL, ImGuiPopupFlags popup_flags = 1); // open+begin popup when clicked on last item. Use str_id==NULL to associate the popup to previous item. If you want to use that on a non-interactive item such as Text() you need to pass in an explicit ID here. read comments in .cpp!
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupContextWindow(const char* str_id = NULL, ImGuiPopupFlags popup_flags = 1);// open+begin popup when clicked on current window.
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupContextVoid(const char* str_id = NULL, ImGuiPopupFlags popup_flags = 1); // open+begin popup when clicked in void (where there are no windows).
// Popups: query functions
// - IsPopupOpen(): return true if the popup is open at the current BeginPopup() level of the popup stack.
// - IsPopupOpen() with ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupId: return true if any popup is open at the current BeginPopup() level of the popup stack.
// - IsPopupOpen() with ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupId + ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupLevel: return true if any popup is open.
IMGUI_API bool IsPopupOpen(const char* str_id, ImGuiPopupFlags flags = 0); // return true if the popup is open.
// Tables
// - Full-featured replacement for old Columns API.
// - See Demo->Tables for demo code. See top of imgui_tables.cpp for general commentary.
// - See ImGuiTableFlags_ and ImGuiTableColumnFlags_ enums for a description of available flags.
// The typical call flow is:
// - 1. Call BeginTable(), early out if returning false.
// - 2. Optionally call TableSetupColumn() to submit column name/flags/defaults.
// - 3. Optionally call TableSetupScrollFreeze() to request scroll freezing of columns/rows.
// - 4. Optionally call TableHeadersRow() to submit a header row. Names are pulled from TableSetupColumn() data.
// - 5. Populate contents:
// - In most situations you can use TableNextRow() + TableSetColumnIndex(N) to start appending into a column.
// - If you are using tables as a sort of grid, where every column is holding the same type of contents,
// you may prefer using TableNextColumn() instead of TableNextRow() + TableSetColumnIndex().
// TableNextColumn() will automatically wrap-around into the next row if needed.
// - IMPORTANT: Comparatively to the old Columns() API, we need to call TableNextColumn() for the first column!
// - Summary of possible call flow:
// - TableNextRow() -> TableSetColumnIndex(0) -> Text("Hello 0") -> TableSetColumnIndex(1) -> Text("Hello 1") // OK
// - TableNextRow() -> TableNextColumn() -> Text("Hello 0") -> TableNextColumn() -> Text("Hello 1") // OK
// - TableNextColumn() -> Text("Hello 0") -> TableNextColumn() -> Text("Hello 1") // OK: TableNextColumn() automatically gets to next row!
// - TableNextRow() -> Text("Hello 0") // Not OK! Missing TableSetColumnIndex() or TableNextColumn()! Text will not appear!
// - 5. Call EndTable()
IMGUI_API bool BeginTable(const char* str_id, int columns, ImGuiTableFlags flags = 0, const ImVec2& outer_size = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f), float inner_width = 0.0f);
IMGUI_API void EndTable(); // only call EndTable() if BeginTable() returns true!
IMGUI_API void TableNextRow(ImGuiTableRowFlags row_flags = 0, float min_row_height = 0.0f); // append into the first cell of a new row.
IMGUI_API bool TableNextColumn(); // append into the next column (or first column of next row if currently in last column). Return true when column is visible.
IMGUI_API bool TableSetColumnIndex(int column_n); // append into the specified column. Return true when column is visible.
// Tables: Headers & Columns declaration
// - Use TableSetupColumn() to specify label, resizing policy, default width/weight, id, various other flags etc.
// - Use TableHeadersRow() to create a header row and automatically submit a TableHeader() for each column.
// Headers are required to perform: reordering, sorting, and opening the context menu.
// The context menu can also be made available in columns body using ImGuiTableFlags_ContextMenuInBody.
// - You may manually submit headers using TableNextRow() + TableHeader() calls, but this is only useful in
// some advanced use cases (e.g. adding custom widgets in header row).
// - Use TableSetupScrollFreeze() to lock columns/rows so they stay visible when scrolled.
IMGUI_API void TableSetupColumn(const char* label, ImGuiTableColumnFlags flags = 0, float init_width_or_weight = 0.0f, ImGuiID user_id = 0);
IMGUI_API void TableSetupScrollFreeze(int cols, int rows); // lock columns/rows so they stay visible when scrolled.
IMGUI_API void TableHeader(const char* label); // submit one header cell manually (rarely used)
IMGUI_API void TableHeadersRow(); // submit a row with headers cells based on data provided to TableSetupColumn() + submit context menu
IMGUI_API void TableAngledHeadersRow(); // submit a row with angled headers for every column with the ImGuiTableColumnFlags_AngledHeader flag. MUST BE FIRST ROW.
// Tables: Sorting & Miscellaneous functions
// - Sorting: call TableGetSortSpecs() to retrieve latest sort specs for the table. NULL when not sorting.
// When 'sort_specs->SpecsDirty == true' you should sort your data. It will be true when sorting specs have
// changed since last call, or the first time. Make sure to set 'SpecsDirty = false' after sorting,
// else you may wastefully sort your data every frame!
// - Functions args 'int column_n' treat the default value of -1 as the same as passing the current column index.
IMGUI_API ImGuiTableSortSpecs* TableGetSortSpecs(); // get latest sort specs for the table (NULL if not sorting). Lifetime: don't hold on this pointer over multiple frames or past any subsequent call to BeginTable().
IMGUI_API int TableGetColumnCount(); // return number of columns (value passed to BeginTable)
IMGUI_API int TableGetColumnIndex(); // return current column index.
IMGUI_API int TableGetRowIndex(); // return current row index.
IMGUI_API const char* TableGetColumnName(int column_n = -1); // return "" if column didn't have a name declared by TableSetupColumn(). Pass -1 to use current column.
IMGUI_API ImGuiTableColumnFlags TableGetColumnFlags(int column_n = -1); // return column flags so you can query their Enabled/Visible/Sorted/Hovered status flags. Pass -1 to use current column.
IMGUI_API void TableSetColumnEnabled(int column_n, bool v);// change user accessible enabled/disabled state of a column. Set to false to hide the column. User can use the context menu to change this themselves (right-click in headers, or right-click in columns body with ImGuiTableFlags_ContextMenuInBody)
IMGUI_API int TableGetHoveredColumn(); // return hovered column. return -1 when table is not hovered. return columns_count if the unused space at the right of visible columns is hovered. Can also use (TableGetColumnFlags() & ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsHovered) instead.
IMGUI_API void TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget target, ImU32 color, int column_n = -1); // change the color of a cell, row, or column. See ImGuiTableBgTarget_ flags for details.
// Legacy Columns API (prefer using Tables!)
// - You can also use SameLine(pos_x) to mimic simplified columns.
IMGUI_API void Columns(int count = 1, const char* id = NULL, bool border = true);
IMGUI_API void NextColumn(); // next column, defaults to current row or next row if the current row is finished
IMGUI_API int GetColumnIndex(); // get current column index
IMGUI_API float GetColumnWidth(int column_index = -1); // get column width (in pixels). pass -1 to use current column
IMGUI_API void SetColumnWidth(int column_index, float width); // set column width (in pixels). pass -1 to use current column
IMGUI_API float GetColumnOffset(int column_index = -1); // get position of column line (in pixels, from the left side of the contents region). pass -1 to use current column, otherwise 0..GetColumnsCount() inclusive. column 0 is typically 0.0f
IMGUI_API void SetColumnOffset(int column_index, float offset_x); // set position of column line (in pixels, from the left side of the contents region). pass -1 to use current column
IMGUI_API int GetColumnsCount();
// Tab Bars, Tabs
// - Note: Tabs are automatically created by the docking system (when in 'docking' branch). Use this to create tab bars/tabs yourself.
IMGUI_API bool BeginTabBar(const char* str_id, ImGuiTabBarFlags flags = 0); // create and append into a TabBar
IMGUI_API void EndTabBar(); // only call EndTabBar() if BeginTabBar() returns true!
IMGUI_API bool BeginTabItem(const char* label, bool* p_open = NULL, ImGuiTabItemFlags flags = 0); // create a Tab. Returns true if the Tab is selected.
IMGUI_API void EndTabItem(); // only call EndTabItem() if BeginTabItem() returns true!
IMGUI_API bool TabItemButton(const char* label, ImGuiTabItemFlags flags = 0); // create a Tab behaving like a button. return true when clicked. cannot be selected in the tab bar.
IMGUI_API void SetTabItemClosed(const char* tab_or_docked_window_label); // notify TabBar or Docking system of a closed tab/window ahead (useful to reduce visual flicker on reorderable tab bars). For tab-bar: call after BeginTabBar() and before Tab submissions. Otherwise call with a window name.
// Docking
// [BETA API] Enable with io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable.
// Note: You can use most Docking facilities without calling any API. You DO NOT need to call DockSpace() to use Docking!
// - Drag from window title bar or their tab to dock/undock. Hold SHIFT to disable docking.
// - Drag from window menu button (upper-left button) to undock an entire node (all windows).
// - When io.ConfigDockingWithShift == true, you instead need to hold SHIFT to enable docking.
// About dockspaces:
// - Use DockSpaceOverViewport() to create a window covering the screen or a specific viewport + a dockspace inside it.
// This is often used with ImGuiDockNodeFlags_PassthruCentralNode to make it transparent.
// - Use DockSpace() to create an explicit dock node _within_ an existing window. See Docking demo for details.
// - Important: Dockspaces need to be submitted _before_ any window they can host. Submit it early in your frame!
// - Important: Dockspaces need to be kept alive if hidden, otherwise windows docked into it will be undocked.
// e.g. if you have multiple tabs with a dockspace inside each tab: submit the non-visible dockspaces with ImGuiDockNodeFlags_KeepAliveOnly.
IMGUI_API ImGuiID DockSpace(ImGuiID dockspace_id, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0, 0), ImGuiDockNodeFlags flags = 0, const ImGuiWindowClass* window_class = NULL);
IMGUI_API ImGuiID DockSpaceOverViewport(ImGuiID dockspace_id = 0, const ImGuiViewport* viewport = NULL, ImGuiDockNodeFlags flags = 0, const ImGuiWindowClass* window_class = NULL);
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowDockID(ImGuiID dock_id, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // set next window dock id
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowClass(const ImGuiWindowClass* window_class); // set next window class (control docking compatibility + provide hints to platform backend via custom viewport flags and platform parent/child relationship)
IMGUI_API ImGuiID GetWindowDockID();
IMGUI_API bool IsWindowDocked(); // is current window docked into another window?
// Logging/Capture
// - All text output from the interface can be captured into tty/file/clipboard. By default, tree nodes are automatically opened during logging.
IMGUI_API void LogToTTY(int auto_open_depth = -1); // start logging to tty (stdout)
IMGUI_API void LogToFile(int auto_open_depth = -1, const char* filename = NULL); // start logging to file
IMGUI_API void LogToClipboard(int auto_open_depth = -1); // start logging to OS clipboard
IMGUI_API void LogFinish(); // stop logging (close file, etc.)
IMGUI_API void LogButtons(); // helper to display buttons for logging to tty/file/clipboard
IMGUI_API void LogText(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(1); // pass text data straight to log (without being displayed)
IMGUI_API void LogTextV(const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(1);
// Drag and Drop
// - On source items, call BeginDragDropSource(), if it returns true also call SetDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropSource().
// - On target candidates, call BeginDragDropTarget(), if it returns true also call AcceptDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropTarget().
// - If you stop calling BeginDragDropSource() the payload is preserved however it won't have a preview tooltip (we currently display a fallback "..." tooltip, see #1725)
// - An item can be both drag source and drop target.
IMGUI_API bool BeginDragDropSource(ImGuiDragDropFlags flags = 0); // call after submitting an item which may be dragged. when this return true, you can call SetDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropSource()
IMGUI_API bool SetDragDropPayload(const char* type, const void* data, size_t sz, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // type is a user defined string of maximum 32 characters. Strings starting with '_' are reserved for dear imgui internal types. Data is copied and held by imgui. Return true when payload has been accepted.
IMGUI_API void EndDragDropSource(); // only call EndDragDropSource() if BeginDragDropSource() returns true!
IMGUI_API bool BeginDragDropTarget(); // call after submitting an item that may receive a payload. If this returns true, you can call AcceptDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropTarget()
IMGUI_API const ImGuiPayload* AcceptDragDropPayload(const char* type, ImGuiDragDropFlags flags = 0); // accept contents of a given type. If ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptBeforeDelivery is set you can peek into the payload before the mouse button is released.
IMGUI_API void EndDragDropTarget(); // only call EndDragDropTarget() if BeginDragDropTarget() returns true!
IMGUI_API const ImGuiPayload* GetDragDropPayload(); // peek directly into the current payload from anywhere. returns NULL when drag and drop is finished or inactive. use ImGuiPayload::IsDataType() to test for the payload type.
// Disabling [BETA API]
// - Disable all user interactions and dim items visuals (applying style.DisabledAlpha over current colors)
// - Those can be nested but it cannot be used to enable an already disabled section (a single BeginDisabled(true) in the stack is enough to keep everything disabled)
// - Tooltips windows by exception are opted out of disabling.
// - BeginDisabled(false) essentially does nothing useful but is provided to facilitate use of boolean expressions. If you can avoid calling BeginDisabled(False)/EndDisabled() best to avoid it.
IMGUI_API void BeginDisabled(bool disabled = true);
IMGUI_API void EndDisabled();
// Clipping
// - Mouse hovering is affected by ImGui::PushClipRect() calls, unlike direct calls to ImDrawList::PushClipRect() which are render only.
IMGUI_API void PushClipRect(const ImVec2& clip_rect_min, const ImVec2& clip_rect_max, bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect);
IMGUI_API void PopClipRect();
// Focus, Activation
// - Prefer using "SetItemDefaultFocus()" over "if (IsWindowAppearing()) SetScrollHereY()" when applicable to signify "this is the default item"
IMGUI_API void SetItemDefaultFocus(); // make last item the default focused item of a window.
IMGUI_API void SetKeyboardFocusHere(int offset = 0); // focus keyboard on the next widget. Use positive 'offset' to access sub components of a multiple component widget. Use -1 to access previous widget.
// Overlapping mode
IMGUI_API void SetNextItemAllowOverlap(); // allow next item to be overlapped by a subsequent item. Useful with invisible buttons, selectable, treenode covering an area where subsequent items may need to be added. Note that both Selectable() and TreeNode() have dedicated flags doing this.
// Item/Widgets Utilities and Query Functions
// - Most of the functions are referring to the previous Item that has been submitted.
// - See Demo Window under "Widgets->Querying Status" for an interactive visualization of most of those functions.
IMGUI_API bool IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags flags = 0); // is the last item hovered? (and usable, aka not blocked by a popup, etc.). See ImGuiHoveredFlags for more options.
IMGUI_API bool IsItemActive(); // is the last item active? (e.g. button being held, text field being edited. This will continuously return true while holding mouse button on an item. Items that don't interact will always return false)
IMGUI_API bool IsItemFocused(); // is the last item focused for keyboard/gamepad navigation?
IMGUI_API bool IsItemClicked(ImGuiMouseButton mouse_button = 0); // is the last item hovered and mouse clicked on? (**) == IsMouseClicked(mouse_button) && IsItemHovered()Important. (**) this is NOT equivalent to the behavior of e.g. Button(). Read comments in function definition.
IMGUI_API bool IsItemVisible(); // is the last item visible? (items may be out of sight because of clipping/scrolling)
IMGUI_API bool IsItemEdited(); // did the last item modify its underlying value this frame? or was pressed? This is generally the same as the "bool" return value of many widgets.
IMGUI_API bool IsItemActivated(); // was the last item just made active (item was previously inactive).
IMGUI_API bool IsItemDeactivated(); // was the last item just made inactive (item was previously active). Useful for Undo/Redo patterns with widgets that require continuous editing.
IMGUI_API bool IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit(); // was the last item just made inactive and made a value change when it was active? (e.g. Slider/Drag moved). Useful for Undo/Redo patterns with widgets that require continuous editing. Note that you may get false positives (some widgets such as Combo()/ListBox()/Selectable() will return true even when clicking an already selected item).
IMGUI_API bool IsItemToggledOpen(); // was the last item open state toggled? set by TreeNode().
IMGUI_API bool IsAnyItemHovered(); // is any item hovered?
IMGUI_API bool IsAnyItemActive(); // is any item active?
IMGUI_API bool IsAnyItemFocused(); // is any item focused?
IMGUI_API ImGuiID GetItemID(); // get ID of last item (~~ often same ImGui::GetID(label) beforehand)
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetItemRectMin(); // get upper-left bounding rectangle of the last item (screen space)
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetItemRectMax(); // get lower-right bounding rectangle of the last item (screen space)
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetItemRectSize(); // get size of last item
// Viewports
// - Currently represents the Platform Window created by the application which is hosting our Dear ImGui windows.
// - In 'docking' branch with multi-viewport enabled, we extend this concept to have multiple active viewports.
// - In the future we will extend this concept further to also represent Platform Monitor and support a "no main platform window" operation mode.
IMGUI_API ImGuiViewport* GetMainViewport(); // return primary/default viewport. This can never be NULL.
// Background/Foreground Draw Lists
IMGUI_API ImDrawList* GetBackgroundDrawList(ImGuiViewport* viewport = NULL); // get background draw list for the given viewport or viewport associated to the current window. this draw list will be the first rendering one. Useful to quickly draw shapes/text behind dear imgui contents.
IMGUI_API ImDrawList* GetForegroundDrawList(ImGuiViewport* viewport = NULL); // get foreground draw list for the given viewport or viewport associated to the current window. this draw list will be the top-most rendered one. Useful to quickly draw shapes/text over dear imgui contents.
// Miscellaneous Utilities
IMGUI_API bool IsRectVisible(const ImVec2& size); // test if rectangle (of given size, starting from cursor position) is visible / not clipped.
IMGUI_API bool IsRectVisible(const ImVec2& rect_min, const ImVec2& rect_max); // test if rectangle (in screen space) is visible / not clipped. to perform coarse clipping on user's side.
IMGUI_API double GetTime(); // get global imgui time. incremented by io.DeltaTime every frame.
IMGUI_API int GetFrameCount(); // get global imgui frame count. incremented by 1 every frame.
IMGUI_API ImDrawListSharedData* GetDrawListSharedData(); // you may use this when creating your own ImDrawList instances.
IMGUI_API const char* GetStyleColorName(ImGuiCol idx); // get a string corresponding to the enum value (for display, saving, etc.).
IMGUI_API void SetStateStorage(ImGuiStorage* storage); // replace current window storage with our own (if you want to manipulate it yourself, typically clear subsection of it)
IMGUI_API ImGuiStorage* GetStateStorage();
// Text Utilities
IMGUI_API ImVec2 CalcTextSize(const char* text, const char* text_end = NULL, bool hide_text_after_double_hash = false, float wrap_width = -1.0f);
// Color Utilities
IMGUI_API ImVec4 ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(ImU32 in);
IMGUI_API ImU32 ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(const ImVec4& in);
IMGUI_API void ColorConvertRGBtoHSV(float r, float g, float b, float& out_h, float& out_s, float& out_v);
IMGUI_API void ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(float h, float s, float v, float& out_r, float& out_g, float& out_b);
// Inputs Utilities: Keyboard/Mouse/Gamepad
// - the ImGuiKey enum contains all possible keyboard, mouse and gamepad inputs (e.g. ImGuiKey_A, ImGuiKey_MouseLeft, ImGuiKey_GamepadDpadUp...).
// - before v1.87, we used ImGuiKey to carry native/user indices as defined by each backends. About use of those legacy ImGuiKey values:
// - without IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_KEYIO (legacy support): you can still use your legacy native/user indices (< 512) according to how your backend/engine stored them in io.KeysDown[], but need to cast them to ImGuiKey.
// - with IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_KEYIO (this is the way forward): any use of ImGuiKey will assert with key < 512. GetKeyIndex() is pass-through and therefore deprecated (gone if IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_KEYIO is defined).
IMGUI_API bool IsKeyDown(ImGuiKey key); // is key being held.
IMGUI_API bool IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey key, bool repeat = true); // was key pressed (went from !Down to Down)? if repeat=true, uses io.KeyRepeatDelay / KeyRepeatRate
IMGUI_API bool IsKeyReleased(ImGuiKey key); // was key released (went from Down to !Down)?
IMGUI_API bool IsKeyChordPressed(ImGuiKeyChord key_chord); // was key chord (mods + key) pressed, e.g. you can pass 'ImGuiMod_Ctrl | ImGuiKey_S' as a key-chord. This doesn't do any routing or focus check, please consider using Shortcut() function instead.
IMGUI_API int GetKeyPressedAmount(ImGuiKey key, float repeat_delay, float rate); // uses provided repeat rate/delay. return a count, most often 0 or 1 but might be >1 if RepeatRate is small enough that DeltaTime > RepeatRate
IMGUI_API const char* GetKeyName(ImGuiKey key); // [DEBUG] returns English name of the key. Those names a provided for debugging purpose and are not meant to be saved persistently not compared.
IMGUI_API void SetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard(bool want_capture_keyboard); // Override io.WantCaptureKeyboard flag next frame (said flag is left for your application to handle, typically when true it instructs your app to ignore inputs). e.g. force capture keyboard when your widget is being hovered. This is equivalent to setting "io.WantCaptureKeyboard = want_capture_keyboard"; after the next NewFrame() call.
// Inputs Utilities: Shortcut Testing & Routing [BETA]
// - ImGuiKeyChord = a ImGuiKey + optional ImGuiMod_Alt/ImGuiMod_Ctrl/ImGuiMod_Shift/ImGuiMod_Super.
// ImGuiKey_C // Accepted by functions taking ImGuiKey or ImGuiKeyChord arguments)
// ImGuiMod_Ctrl | ImGuiKey_C // Accepted by functions taking ImGuiKeyChord arguments)
// only ImGuiMod_XXX values are legal to combine with an ImGuiKey. You CANNOT combine two ImGuiKey values.
// - The general idea is that several callers may register interest in a shortcut, and only one owner gets it.
// Parent -> call Shortcut(Ctrl+S) // When Parent is focused, Parent gets the shortcut.
// Child1 -> call Shortcut(Ctrl+S) // When Child1 is focused, Child1 gets the shortcut (Child1 overrides Parent shortcuts)
// Child2 -> no call // When Child2 is focused, Parent gets the shortcut.
// The whole system is order independent, so if Child1 makes its calls before Parent, results will be identical.
// This is an important property as it facilitate working with foreign code or larger codebase.
// - To understand the difference:
// - IsKeyChordPressed() compares mods and call IsKeyPressed() -> function has no side-effect.
// - Shortcut() submits a route, routes are resolved, if it currently can be routed it calls IsKeyChordPressed() -> function has (desirable) side-effects as it can prevents another call from getting the route.
// - Visualize registered routes in 'Metrics/Debugger->Inputs'.
IMGUI_API bool Shortcut(ImGuiKeyChord key_chord, ImGuiInputFlags flags = 0);
IMGUI_API void SetNextItemShortcut(ImGuiKeyChord key_chord, ImGuiInputFlags flags = 0);
// Inputs Utilities: Key/Input Ownership [BETA]
// - One common use case would be to allow your items to disable standard inputs behaviors such
// as Tab or Alt key handling, Mouse Wheel scrolling, etc.
// e.g. Button(...); SetItemKeyOwner(ImGuiKey_MouseWheelY); to make hovering/activating a button disable wheel for scrolling.
// - Reminder ImGuiKey enum include access to mouse buttons and gamepad, so key ownership can apply to them.
// - Many related features are still in imgui_internal.h. For instance, most IsKeyXXX()/IsMouseXXX() functions have an owner-id-aware version.
IMGUI_API void SetItemKeyOwner(ImGuiKey key); // Set key owner to last item ID if it is hovered or active. Equivalent to 'if (IsItemHovered() || IsItemActive()) { SetKeyOwner(key, GetItemID());'.
// Inputs Utilities: Mouse specific
// - To refer to a mouse button, you may use named enums in your code e.g. ImGuiMouseButton_Left, ImGuiMouseButton_Right.
// - You can also use regular integer: it is forever guaranteed that 0=Left, 1=Right, 2=Middle.
// - Dragging operations are only reported after mouse has moved a certain distance away from the initial clicking position (see 'lock_threshold' and 'io.MouseDraggingThreshold')
IMGUI_API bool IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton button); // is mouse button held?
IMGUI_API bool IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton button, bool repeat = false); // did mouse button clicked? (went from !Down to Down). Same as GetMouseClickedCount() == 1.
IMGUI_API bool IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton button); // did mouse button released? (went from Down to !Down)
IMGUI_API bool IsMouseDoubleClicked(ImGuiMouseButton button); // did mouse button double-clicked? Same as GetMouseClickedCount() == 2. (note that a double-click will also report IsMouseClicked() == true)
IMGUI_API int GetMouseClickedCount(ImGuiMouseButton button); // return the number of successive mouse-clicks at the time where a click happen (otherwise 0).
IMGUI_API bool IsMouseHoveringRect(const ImVec2& r_min, const ImVec2& r_max, bool clip = true);// is mouse hovering given bounding rect (in screen space). clipped by current clipping settings, but disregarding of other consideration of focus/window ordering/popup-block.
IMGUI_API bool IsMousePosValid(const ImVec2* mouse_pos = NULL); // by convention we use (-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX) to denote that there is no mouse available
IMGUI_API bool IsAnyMouseDown(); // [WILL OBSOLETE] is any mouse button held? This was designed for backends, but prefer having backend maintain a mask of held mouse buttons, because upcoming input queue system will make this invalid.
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetMousePos(); // shortcut to ImGui::GetIO().MousePos provided by user, to be consistent with other calls
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup(); // retrieve mouse position at the time of opening popup we have BeginPopup() into (helper to avoid user backing that value themselves)
IMGUI_API bool IsMouseDragging(ImGuiMouseButton button, float lock_threshold = -1.0f); // is mouse dragging? (uses io.MouseDraggingThreshold if lock_threshold < 0.0f)
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton button = 0, float lock_threshold = -1.0f); // return the delta from the initial clicking position while the mouse button is pressed or was just released. This is locked and return 0.0f until the mouse moves past a distance threshold at least once (uses io.MouseDraggingThreshold if lock_threshold < 0.0f)
IMGUI_API void ResetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton button = 0); //
IMGUI_API ImGuiMouseCursor GetMouseCursor(); // get desired mouse cursor shape. Important: reset in ImGui::NewFrame(), this is updated during the frame. valid before Render(). If you use software rendering by setting io.MouseDrawCursor ImGui will render those for you
IMGUI_API void SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor cursor_type); // set desired mouse cursor shape
IMGUI_API void SetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse(bool want_capture_mouse); // Override io.WantCaptureMouse flag next frame (said flag is left for your application to handle, typical when true it instucts your app to ignore inputs). This is equivalent to setting "io.WantCaptureMouse = want_capture_mouse;" after the next NewFrame() call.
// Clipboard Utilities
// - Also see the LogToClipboard() function to capture GUI into clipboard, or easily output text data to the clipboard.
IMGUI_API const char* GetClipboardText();
IMGUI_API void SetClipboardText(const char* text);
// Settings/.Ini Utilities
// - The disk functions are automatically called if io.IniFilename != NULL (default is "imgui.ini").
// - Set io.IniFilename to NULL to load/save manually. Read io.WantSaveIniSettings description about handling .ini saving manually.
// - Important: default value "imgui.ini" is relative to current working dir! Most apps will want to lock this to an absolute path (e.g. same path as executables).
IMGUI_API void LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(const char* ini_filename); // call after CreateContext() and before the first call to NewFrame(). NewFrame() automatically calls LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(io.IniFilename).
IMGUI_API void LoadIniSettingsFromMemory(const char* ini_data, size_t ini_size=0); // call after CreateContext() and before the first call to NewFrame() to provide .ini data from your own data source.
IMGUI_API void SaveIniSettingsToDisk(const char* ini_filename); // this is automatically called (if io.IniFilename is not empty) a few seconds after any modification that should be reflected in the .ini file (and also by DestroyContext).
IMGUI_API const char* SaveIniSettingsToMemory(size_t* out_ini_size = NULL); // return a zero-terminated string with the .ini data which you can save by your own mean. call when io.WantSaveIniSettings is set, then save data by your own mean and clear io.WantSaveIniSettings.
// Debug Utilities
// - Your main debugging friend is the ShowMetricsWindow() function, which is also accessible from Demo->Tools->Metrics Debugger
IMGUI_API void DebugTextEncoding(const char* text);
IMGUI_API void DebugFlashStyleColor(ImGuiCol idx);
IMGUI_API void DebugStartItemPicker();
IMGUI_API bool DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(const char* version_str, size_t sz_io, size_t sz_style, size_t sz_vec2, size_t sz_vec4, size_t sz_drawvert, size_t sz_drawidx); // This is called by IMGUI_CHECKVERSION() macro.
IMGUI_API void DebugLog(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(1); // Call via IMGUI_DEBUG_LOG() for maximum stripping in caller code!
IMGUI_API void DebugLogV(const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(1);
// Memory Allocators
// - Those functions are not reliant on the current context.
// - DLL users: heaps and globals are not shared across DLL boundaries! You will need to call SetCurrentContext() + SetAllocatorFunctions()
// for each static/DLL boundary you are calling from. Read "Context and Memory Allocators" section of imgui.cpp for more details.
IMGUI_API void SetAllocatorFunctions(ImGuiMemAllocFunc alloc_func, ImGuiMemFreeFunc free_func, void* user_data = NULL);
IMGUI_API void GetAllocatorFunctions(ImGuiMemAllocFunc* p_alloc_func, ImGuiMemFreeFunc* p_free_func, void** p_user_data);
IMGUI_API void* MemAlloc(size_t size);
IMGUI_API void MemFree(void* ptr);
// (Optional) Platform/OS interface for multi-viewport support
// Read comments around the ImGuiPlatformIO structure for more details.
// Note: You may use GetWindowViewport() to get the current viewport of the current window.
IMGUI_API ImGuiPlatformIO& GetPlatformIO(); // platform/renderer functions, for backend to setup + viewports list.
IMGUI_API void UpdatePlatformWindows(); // call in main loop. will call CreateWindow/ResizeWindow/etc. platform functions for each secondary viewport, and DestroyWindow for each inactive viewport.
IMGUI_API void RenderPlatformWindowsDefault(void* platform_render_arg = NULL, void* renderer_render_arg = NULL); // call in main loop. will call RenderWindow/SwapBuffers platform functions for each secondary viewport which doesn't have the ImGuiViewportFlags_Minimized flag set. May be reimplemented by user for custom rendering needs.
IMGUI_API void DestroyPlatformWindows(); // call DestroyWindow platform functions for all viewports. call from backend Shutdown() if you need to close platform windows before imgui shutdown. otherwise will be called by DestroyContext().
IMGUI_API ImGuiViewport* FindViewportByID(ImGuiID id); // this is a helper for backends.
IMGUI_API ImGuiViewport* FindViewportByPlatformHandle(void* platform_handle); // this is a helper for backends. the type platform_handle is decided by the backend (e.g. HWND, MyWindow*, GLFWwindow* etc.)
} // namespace ImGui
// [SECTION] Flags & Enumerations
// Flags for ImGui::Begin()
// (Those are per-window flags. There are shared flags in ImGuiIO: io.ConfigWindowsResizeFromEdges and io.ConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly)
enum ImGuiWindowFlags_
ImGuiWindowFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar = 1 << 0, // Disable title-bar
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize = 1 << 1, // Disable user resizing with the lower-right grip
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove = 1 << 2, // Disable user moving the window
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar = 1 << 3, // Disable scrollbars (window can still scroll with mouse or programmatically)
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse = 1 << 4, // Disable user vertically scrolling with mouse wheel. On child window, mouse wheel will be forwarded to the parent unless NoScrollbar is also set.
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse = 1 << 5, // Disable user collapsing window by double-clicking on it. Also referred to as Window Menu Button (e.g. within a docking node).
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize = 1 << 6, // Resize every window to its content every frame
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground = 1 << 7, // Disable drawing background color (WindowBg, etc.) and outside border. Similar as using SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.0f).
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings = 1 << 8, // Never load/save settings in .ini file
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs = 1 << 9, // Disable catching mouse, hovering test with pass through.
ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar = 1 << 10, // Has a menu-bar
ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar = 1 << 11, // Allow horizontal scrollbar to appear (off by default). You may use SetNextWindowContentSize(ImVec2(width,0.0f)); prior to calling Begin() to specify width. Read code in imgui_demo in the "Horizontal Scrolling" section.
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing = 1 << 12, // Disable taking focus when transitioning from hidden to visible state
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus = 1 << 13, // Disable bringing window to front when taking focus (e.g. clicking on it or programmatically giving it focus)
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysVerticalScrollbar= 1 << 14, // Always show vertical scrollbar (even if ContentSize.y < Size.y)
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysHorizontalScrollbar=1<< 15, // Always show horizontal scrollbar (even if ContentSize.x < Size.x)
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs = 1 << 16, // No gamepad/keyboard navigation within the window
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus = 1 << 17, // No focusing toward this window with gamepad/keyboard navigation (e.g. skipped by CTRL+TAB)
ImGuiWindowFlags_UnsavedDocument = 1 << 18, // Display a dot next to the title. When used in a tab/docking context, tab is selected when clicking the X + closure is not assumed (will wait for user to stop submitting the tab). Otherwise closure is assumed when pressing the X, so if you keep submitting the tab may reappear at end of tab bar.
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDocking = 1 << 19, // Disable docking of this window
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus,
// [Internal]
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow = 1 << 24, // Don't use! For internal use by BeginChild()
ImGuiWindowFlags_Tooltip = 1 << 25, // Don't use! For internal use by BeginTooltip()
ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup = 1 << 26, // Don't use! For internal use by BeginPopup()
ImGuiWindowFlags_Modal = 1 << 27, // Don't use! For internal use by BeginPopupModal()
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildMenu = 1 << 28, // Don't use! For internal use by BeginMenu()
ImGuiWindowFlags_DockNodeHost = 1 << 29, // Don't use! For internal use by Begin()/NewFrame()
// Obsolete names
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysUseWindowPadding = 1 << 30, // Obsoleted in 1.90.0: Use ImGuiChildFlags_AlwaysUseWindowPadding in BeginChild() call.
ImGuiWindowFlags_NavFlattened = 1 << 31, // Obsoleted in 1.90.9: Use ImGuiChildFlags_NavFlattened in BeginChild() call.
// Flags for ImGui::BeginChild()
// (Legacy: bit 0 must always correspond to ImGuiChildFlags_Border to be backward compatible with old API using 'bool border = false'.
// About using AutoResizeX/AutoResizeY flags:
// - May be combined with SetNextWindowSizeConstraints() to set a min/max size for each axis (see "Demo->Child->Auto-resize with Constraints").
// - Size measurement for a given axis is only performed when the child window is within visible boundaries, or is just appearing.
// - This allows BeginChild() to return false when not within boundaries (e.g. when scrolling), which is more optimal. BUT it won't update its auto-size while clipped.
// While not perfect, it is a better default behavior as the always-on performance gain is more valuable than the occasional "resizing after becoming visible again" glitch.
// - You may also use ImGuiChildFlags_AlwaysAutoResize to force an update even when child window is not in view.
enum ImGuiChildFlags_
ImGuiChildFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiChildFlags_Border = 1 << 0, // Show an outer border and enable WindowPadding. (IMPORTANT: this is always == 1 == true for legacy reason)
ImGuiChildFlags_AlwaysUseWindowPadding = 1 << 1, // Pad with style.WindowPadding even if no border are drawn (no padding by default for non-bordered child windows because it makes more sense)
ImGuiChildFlags_ResizeX = 1 << 2, // Allow resize from right border (layout direction). Enable .ini saving (unless ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings passed to window flags)
ImGuiChildFlags_ResizeY = 1 << 3, // Allow resize from bottom border (layout direction). "
ImGuiChildFlags_AutoResizeX = 1 << 4, // Enable auto-resizing width. Read "IMPORTANT: Size measurement" details above.
ImGuiChildFlags_AutoResizeY = 1 << 5, // Enable auto-resizing height. Read "IMPORTANT: Size measurement" details above.
ImGuiChildFlags_AlwaysAutoResize = 1 << 6, // Combined with AutoResizeX/AutoResizeY. Always measure size even when child is hidden, always return true, always disable clipping optimization! NOT RECOMMENDED.
ImGuiChildFlags_FrameStyle = 1 << 7, // Style the child window like a framed item: use FrameBg, FrameRounding, FrameBorderSize, FramePadding instead of ChildBg, ChildRounding, ChildBorderSize, WindowPadding.
ImGuiChildFlags_NavFlattened = 1 << 8, // [BETA] Share focus scope, allow gamepad/keyboard navigation to cross over parent border to this child or between sibling child windows.
// Flags for ImGui::PushItemFlag()
// (Those are shared by all items)
enum ImGuiItemFlags_
ImGuiItemFlags_None = 0, // (Default)
ImGuiItemFlags_NoTabStop = 1 << 0, // false // Disable keyboard tabbing. This is a "lighter" version of ImGuiItemFlags_NoNav.
ImGuiItemFlags_NoNav = 1 << 1, // false // Disable any form of focusing (keyboard/gamepad directional navigation and SetKeyboardFocusHere() calls).
ImGuiItemFlags_NoNavDefaultFocus = 1 << 2, // false // Disable item being a candidate for default focus (e.g. used by title bar items).
ImGuiItemFlags_ButtonRepeat = 1 << 3, // false // Any button-like behavior will have repeat mode enabled (based on io.KeyRepeatDelay and io.KeyRepeatRate values). Note that you can also call IsItemActive() after any button to tell if it is being held.
ImGuiItemFlags_AutoClosePopups = 1 << 4, // true // MenuItem()/Selectable() automatically close their parent popup window.
// Flags for ImGui::InputText()
// (Those are per-item flags. There are shared flags in ImGuiIO: io.ConfigInputTextCursorBlink and io.ConfigInputTextEnterKeepActive)
enum ImGuiInputTextFlags_
// Basic filters (also see ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCharFilter)
ImGuiInputTextFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsDecimal = 1 << 0, // Allow 0123456789.+-*/
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsHexadecimal = 1 << 1, // Allow 0123456789ABCDEFabcdef
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsScientific = 1 << 2, // Allow 0123456789.+-*/eE (Scientific notation input)
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsUppercase = 1 << 3, // Turn a..z into A..Z
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsNoBlank = 1 << 4, // Filter out spaces, tabs
// Inputs
ImGuiInputTextFlags_AllowTabInput = 1 << 5, // Pressing TAB input a '\t' character into the text field
ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue = 1 << 6, // Return 'true' when Enter is pressed (as opposed to every time the value was modified). Consider looking at the IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() function.
ImGuiInputTextFlags_EscapeClearsAll = 1 << 7, // Escape key clears content if not empty, and deactivate otherwise (contrast to default behavior of Escape to revert)
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CtrlEnterForNewLine = 1 << 8, // In multi-line mode, validate with Enter, add new line with Ctrl+Enter (default is opposite: validate with Ctrl+Enter, add line with Enter).
// Other options
ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly = 1 << 9, // Read-only mode
ImGuiInputTextFlags_Password = 1 << 10, // Password mode, display all characters as '*', disable copy
ImGuiInputTextFlags_AlwaysOverwrite = 1 << 11, // Overwrite mode
ImGuiInputTextFlags_AutoSelectAll = 1 << 12, // Select entire text when first taking mouse focus
ImGuiInputTextFlags_ParseEmptyRefVal = 1 << 13, // InputFloat(), InputInt(), InputScalar() etc. only: parse empty string as zero value.
ImGuiInputTextFlags_DisplayEmptyRefVal = 1 << 14, // InputFloat(), InputInt(), InputScalar() etc. only: when value is zero, do not display it. Generally used with ImGuiInputTextFlags_ParseEmptyRefVal.
ImGuiInputTextFlags_NoHorizontalScroll = 1 << 15, // Disable following the cursor horizontally
ImGuiInputTextFlags_NoUndoRedo = 1 << 16, // Disable undo/redo. Note that input text owns the text data while active, if you want to provide your own undo/redo stack you need e.g. to call ClearActiveID().
// Callback features
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCompletion = 1 << 17, // Callback on pressing TAB (for completion handling)
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackHistory = 1 << 18, // Callback on pressing Up/Down arrows (for history handling)
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackAlways = 1 << 19, // Callback on each iteration. User code may query cursor position, modify text buffer.
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCharFilter = 1 << 20, // Callback on character inputs to replace or discard them. Modify 'EventChar' to replace or discard, or return 1 in callback to discard.
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackResize = 1 << 21, // Callback on buffer capacity changes request (beyond 'buf_size' parameter value), allowing the string to grow. Notify when the string wants to be resized (for string types which hold a cache of their Size). You will be provided a new BufSize in the callback and NEED to honor it. (see misc/cpp/imgui_stdlib.h for an example of using this)
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackEdit = 1 << 22, // Callback on any edit (note that InputText() already returns true on edit, the callback is useful mainly to manipulate the underlying buffer while focus is active)
// Obsolete names
//ImGuiInputTextFlags_AlwaysInsertMode = ImGuiInputTextFlags_AlwaysOverwrite // [renamed in 1.82] name was not matching behavior
// Flags for ImGui::TreeNodeEx(), ImGui::CollapsingHeader*()
enum ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Selected = 1 << 0, // Draw as selected
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Framed = 1 << 1, // Draw frame with background (e.g. for CollapsingHeader)
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_AllowOverlap = 1 << 2, // Hit testing to allow subsequent widgets to overlap this one
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoTreePushOnOpen = 1 << 3, // Don't do a TreePush() when open (e.g. for CollapsingHeader) = no extra indent nor pushing on ID stack
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoAutoOpenOnLog = 1 << 4, // Don't automatically and temporarily open node when Logging is active (by default logging will automatically open tree nodes)
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen = 1 << 5, // Default node to be open
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnDoubleClick = 1 << 6, // Need double-click to open node
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnArrow = 1 << 7, // Only open when clicking on the arrow part. If ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnDoubleClick is also set, single-click arrow or double-click all box to open.
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Leaf = 1 << 8, // No collapsing, no arrow (use as a convenience for leaf nodes).
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Bullet = 1 << 9, // Display a bullet instead of arrow. IMPORTANT: node can still be marked open/close if you don't set the _Leaf flag!
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_FramePadding = 1 << 10, // Use FramePadding (even for an unframed text node) to vertically align text baseline to regular widget height. Equivalent to calling AlignTextToFramePadding() before the node.
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_SpanAvailWidth = 1 << 11, // Extend hit box to the right-most edge, even if not framed. This is not the default in order to allow adding other items on the same line without using AllowOverlap mode.
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_SpanFullWidth = 1 << 12, // Extend hit box to the left-most and right-most edges (cover the indent area).
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_SpanTextWidth = 1 << 13, // Narrow hit box + narrow hovering highlight, will only cover the label text.
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_SpanAllColumns = 1 << 14, // Frame will span all columns of its container table (text will still fit in current column)
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NavLeftJumpsBackHere = 1 << 15, // (WIP) Nav: left direction may move to this TreeNode() from any of its child (items submitted between TreeNode and TreePop)
//ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoScrollOnOpen = 1 << 16, // FIXME: TODO: Disable automatic scroll on TreePop() if node got just open and contents is not visible
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_CollapsingHeader = ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Framed | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoTreePushOnOpen | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoAutoOpenOnLog,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_AllowItemOverlap = ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_AllowOverlap, // Renamed in 1.89.7
// Flags for OpenPopup*(), BeginPopupContext*(), IsPopupOpen() functions.
// - To be backward compatible with older API which took an 'int mouse_button = 1' argument instead of 'ImGuiPopupFlags flags',
// we need to treat small flags values as a mouse button index, so we encode the mouse button in the first few bits of the flags.
// It is therefore guaranteed to be legal to pass a mouse button index in ImGuiPopupFlags.
// - For the same reason, we exceptionally default the ImGuiPopupFlags argument of BeginPopupContextXXX functions to 1 instead of 0.
// IMPORTANT: because the default parameter is 1 (==ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight), if you rely on the default parameter
// and want to use another flag, you need to pass in the ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight flag explicitly.
// - Multiple buttons currently cannot be combined/or-ed in those functions (we could allow it later).
enum ImGuiPopupFlags_
ImGuiPopupFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonLeft = 0, // For BeginPopupContext*(): open on Left Mouse release. Guaranteed to always be == 0 (same as ImGuiMouseButton_Left)
ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight = 1, // For BeginPopupContext*(): open on Right Mouse release. Guaranteed to always be == 1 (same as ImGuiMouseButton_Right)
ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonMiddle = 2, // For BeginPopupContext*(): open on Middle Mouse release. Guaranteed to always be == 2 (same as ImGuiMouseButton_Middle)
ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonMask_ = 0x1F,
ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonDefault_ = 1,
ImGuiPopupFlags_NoReopen = 1 << 5, // For OpenPopup*(), BeginPopupContext*(): don't reopen same popup if already open (won't reposition, won't reinitialize navigation)
//ImGuiPopupFlags_NoReopenAlwaysNavInit = 1 << 6, // For OpenPopup*(), BeginPopupContext*(): focus and initialize navigation even when not reopening.
ImGuiPopupFlags_NoOpenOverExistingPopup = 1 << 7, // For OpenPopup*(), BeginPopupContext*(): don't open if there's already a popup at the same level of the popup stack
ImGuiPopupFlags_NoOpenOverItems = 1 << 8, // For BeginPopupContextWindow(): don't return true when hovering items, only when hovering empty space
ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupId = 1 << 10, // For IsPopupOpen(): ignore the ImGuiID parameter and test for any popup.
ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupLevel = 1 << 11, // For IsPopupOpen(): search/test at any level of the popup stack (default test in the current level)
ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopup = ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupId | ImGuiPopupFlags_AnyPopupLevel,
// Flags for ImGui::Selectable()
enum ImGuiSelectableFlags_
ImGuiSelectableFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiSelectableFlags_NoAutoClosePopups = 1 << 0, // Clicking this doesn't close parent popup window (overrides ImGuiItemFlags_AutoClosePopups)
ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns = 1 << 1, // Frame will span all columns of its container table (text will still fit in current column)
ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowDoubleClick = 1 << 2, // Generate press events on double clicks too
ImGuiSelectableFlags_Disabled = 1 << 3, // Cannot be selected, display grayed out text
ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowOverlap = 1 << 4, // (WIP) Hit testing to allow subsequent widgets to overlap this one
ImGuiSelectableFlags_Highlight = 1 << 5, // Make the item be displayed as if it is hovered
ImGuiSelectableFlags_DontClosePopups = ImGuiSelectableFlags_NoAutoClosePopups, // Renamed in 1.91.0
ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowItemOverlap = ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowOverlap, // Renamed in 1.89.7
// Flags for ImGui::BeginCombo()
enum ImGuiComboFlags_
ImGuiComboFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiComboFlags_PopupAlignLeft = 1 << 0, // Align the popup toward the left by default
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightSmall = 1 << 1, // Max ~4 items visible. Tip: If you want your combo popup to be a specific size you can use SetNextWindowSizeConstraints() prior to calling BeginCombo()
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightRegular = 1 << 2, // Max ~8 items visible (default)
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLarge = 1 << 3, // Max ~20 items visible
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLargest = 1 << 4, // As many fitting items as possible
ImGuiComboFlags_NoArrowButton = 1 << 5, // Display on the preview box without the square arrow button
ImGuiComboFlags_NoPreview = 1 << 6, // Display only a square arrow button
ImGuiComboFlags_WidthFitPreview = 1 << 7, // Width dynamically calculated from preview contents
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightMask_ = ImGuiComboFlags_HeightSmall | ImGuiComboFlags_HeightRegular | ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLarge | ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLargest,
// Flags for ImGui::BeginTabBar()
enum ImGuiTabBarFlags_
ImGuiTabBarFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiTabBarFlags_Reorderable = 1 << 0, // Allow manually dragging tabs to re-order them + New tabs are appended at the end of list
ImGuiTabBarFlags_AutoSelectNewTabs = 1 << 1, // Automatically select new tabs when they appear
ImGuiTabBarFlags_TabListPopupButton = 1 << 2, // Disable buttons to open the tab list popup
ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton = 1 << 3, // Disable behavior of closing tabs (that are submitted with p_open != NULL) with middle mouse button. You may handle this behavior manually on user's side with if (IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked(2)) *p_open = false.
ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoTabListScrollingButtons = 1 << 4, // Disable scrolling buttons (apply when fitting policy is ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll)
ImGuiTabBarFlags_NoTooltip = 1 << 5, // Disable tooltips when hovering a tab
ImGuiTabBarFlags_DrawSelectedOverline = 1 << 6, // Draw selected overline markers over selected tab
ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyResizeDown = 1 << 7, // Resize tabs when they don't fit
ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll = 1 << 8, // Add scroll buttons when tabs don't fit
ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyMask_ = ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyResizeDown | ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll,
ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyDefault_ = ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyResizeDown,
// Flags for ImGui::BeginTabItem()
enum ImGuiTabItemFlags_
ImGuiTabItemFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiTabItemFlags_UnsavedDocument = 1 << 0, // Display a dot next to the title + set ImGuiTabItemFlags_NoAssumedClosure.
ImGuiTabItemFlags_SetSelected = 1 << 1, // Trigger flag to programmatically make the tab selected when calling BeginTabItem()
ImGuiTabItemFlags_NoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton = 1 << 2, // Disable behavior of closing tabs (that are submitted with p_open != NULL) with middle mouse button. You may handle this behavior manually on user's side with if (IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked(2)) *p_open = false.
ImGuiTabItemFlags_NoPushId = 1 << 3, // Don't call PushID()/PopID() on BeginTabItem()/EndTabItem()
ImGuiTabItemFlags_NoTooltip = 1 << 4, // Disable tooltip for the given tab
ImGuiTabItemFlags_NoReorder = 1 << 5, // Disable reordering this tab or having another tab cross over this tab
ImGuiTabItemFlags_Leading = 1 << 6, // Enforce the tab position to the left of the tab bar (after the tab list popup button)
ImGuiTabItemFlags_Trailing = 1 << 7, // Enforce the tab position to the right of the tab bar (before the scrolling buttons)
ImGuiTabItemFlags_NoAssumedClosure = 1 << 8, // Tab is selected when trying to close + closure is not immediately assumed (will wait for user to stop submitting the tab). Otherwise closure is assumed when pressing the X, so if you keep submitting the tab may reappear at end of tab bar.
// Flags for ImGui::IsWindowFocused()
enum ImGuiFocusedFlags_
ImGuiFocusedFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiFocusedFlags_ChildWindows = 1 << 0, // Return true if any children of the window is focused
ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootWindow = 1 << 1, // Test from root window (top most parent of the current hierarchy)
ImGuiFocusedFlags_AnyWindow = 1 << 2, // Return true if any window is focused. Important: If you are trying to tell how to dispatch your low-level inputs, do NOT use this. Use 'io.WantCaptureMouse' instead! Please read the FAQ!
ImGuiFocusedFlags_NoPopupHierarchy = 1 << 3, // Do not consider popup hierarchy (do not treat popup emitter as parent of popup) (when used with _ChildWindows or _RootWindow)
ImGuiFocusedFlags_DockHierarchy = 1 << 4, // Consider docking hierarchy (treat dockspace host as parent of docked window) (when used with _ChildWindows or _RootWindow)
ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootAndChildWindows = ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootWindow | ImGuiFocusedFlags_ChildWindows,
// Flags for ImGui::IsItemHovered(), ImGui::IsWindowHovered()
// Note: if you are trying to check whether your mouse should be dispatched to Dear ImGui or to your app, you should use 'io.WantCaptureMouse' instead! Please read the FAQ!
// Note: windows with the ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs flag are ignored by IsWindowHovered() calls.
enum ImGuiHoveredFlags_
ImGuiHoveredFlags_None = 0, // Return true if directly over the item/window, not obstructed by another window, not obstructed by an active popup or modal blocking inputs under them.
ImGuiHoveredFlags_ChildWindows = 1 << 0, // IsWindowHovered() only: Return true if any children of the window is hovered
ImGuiHoveredFlags_RootWindow = 1 << 1, // IsWindowHovered() only: Test from root window (top most parent of the current hierarchy)
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AnyWindow = 1 << 2, // IsWindowHovered() only: Return true if any window is hovered
ImGuiHoveredFlags_NoPopupHierarchy = 1 << 3, // IsWindowHovered() only: Do not consider popup hierarchy (do not treat popup emitter as parent of popup) (when used with _ChildWindows or _RootWindow)
ImGuiHoveredFlags_DockHierarchy = 1 << 4, // IsWindowHovered() only: Consider docking hierarchy (treat dockspace host as parent of docked window) (when used with _ChildWindows or _RootWindow)
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup = 1 << 5, // Return true even if a popup window is normally blocking access to this item/window
//ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByModal = 1 << 6, // Return true even if a modal popup window is normally blocking access to this item/window. FIXME-TODO: Unavailable yet.
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem = 1 << 7, // Return true even if an active item is blocking access to this item/window. Useful for Drag and Drop patterns.
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenOverlappedByItem = 1 << 8, // IsItemHovered() only: Return true even if the item uses AllowOverlap mode and is overlapped by another hoverable item.
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenOverlappedByWindow = 1 << 9, // IsItemHovered() only: Return true even if the position is obstructed or overlapped by another window.
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenDisabled = 1 << 10, // IsItemHovered() only: Return true even if the item is disabled
ImGuiHoveredFlags_NoNavOverride = 1 << 11, // IsItemHovered() only: Disable using gamepad/keyboard navigation state when active, always query mouse
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenOverlapped = ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenOverlappedByItem | ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenOverlappedByWindow,
ImGuiHoveredFlags_RectOnly = ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup | ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem | ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenOverlapped,
ImGuiHoveredFlags_RootAndChildWindows = ImGuiHoveredFlags_RootWindow | ImGuiHoveredFlags_ChildWindows,
// Tooltips mode
// - typically used in IsItemHovered() + SetTooltip() sequence.
// - this is a shortcut to pull flags from 'style.HoverFlagsForTooltipMouse' or 'style.HoverFlagsForTooltipNav' where you can reconfigure desired behavior.
// e.g. 'TooltipHoveredFlagsForMouse' defaults to 'ImGuiHoveredFlags_Stationary | ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayShort'.
// - for frequently actioned or hovered items providing a tooltip, you want may to use ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip (stationary + delay) so the tooltip doesn't show too often.
// - for items which main purpose is to be hovered, or items with low affordance, or in less consistent apps, prefer no delay or shorter delay.
ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip = 1 << 12, // Shortcut for standard flags when using IsItemHovered() + SetTooltip() sequence.
// (Advanced) Mouse Hovering delays.
// - generally you can use ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip to use application-standardized flags.
// - use those if you need specific overrides.
ImGuiHoveredFlags_Stationary = 1 << 13, // Require mouse to be stationary for style.HoverStationaryDelay (~0.15 sec) _at least one time_. After this, can move on same item/window. Using the stationary test tends to reduces the need for a long delay.
ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayNone = 1 << 14, // IsItemHovered() only: Return true immediately (default). As this is the default you generally ignore this.
ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayShort = 1 << 15, // IsItemHovered() only: Return true after style.HoverDelayShort elapsed (~0.15 sec) (shared between items) + requires mouse to be stationary for style.HoverStationaryDelay (once per item).
ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayNormal = 1 << 16, // IsItemHovered() only: Return true after style.HoverDelayNormal elapsed (~0.40 sec) (shared between items) + requires mouse to be stationary for style.HoverStationaryDelay (once per item).
ImGuiHoveredFlags_NoSharedDelay = 1 << 17, // IsItemHovered() only: Disable shared delay system where moving from one item to the next keeps the previous timer for a short time (standard for tooltips with long delays)
// Flags for ImGui::DockSpace(), shared/inherited by child nodes.
// (Some flags can be applied to individual nodes directly)
// FIXME-DOCK: Also see ImGuiDockNodeFlagsPrivate_ which may involve using the WIP and internal DockBuilder api.
enum ImGuiDockNodeFlags_
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_KeepAliveOnly = 1 << 0, // // Don't display the dockspace node but keep it alive. Windows docked into this dockspace node won't be undocked.
//ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoCentralNode = 1 << 1, // // Disable Central Node (the node which can stay empty)
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoDockingOverCentralNode = 1 << 2, // // Disable docking over the Central Node, which will be always kept empty.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_PassthruCentralNode = 1 << 3, // // Enable passthru dockspace: 1) DockSpace() will render a ImGuiCol_WindowBg background covering everything excepted the Central Node when empty. Meaning the host window should probably use SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.0f) prior to Begin() when using this. 2) When Central Node is empty: let inputs pass-through + won't display a DockingEmptyBg background. See demo for details.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoDockingSplit = 1 << 4, // // Disable other windows/nodes from splitting this node.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoResize = 1 << 5, // Saved // Disable resizing node using the splitter/separators. Useful with programmatically setup dockspaces.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_AutoHideTabBar = 1 << 6, // // Tab bar will automatically hide when there is a single window in the dock node.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoUndocking = 1 << 7, // // Disable undocking this node.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoSplit = ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoDockingSplit, // Renamed in 1.90
ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoDockingInCentralNode = ImGuiDockNodeFlags_NoDockingOverCentralNode, // Renamed in 1.90
// Flags for ImGui::BeginDragDropSource(), ImGui::AcceptDragDropPayload()
enum ImGuiDragDropFlags_
ImGuiDragDropFlags_None = 0,
// BeginDragDropSource() flags
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceNoPreviewTooltip = 1 << 0, // Disable preview tooltip. By default, a successful call to BeginDragDropSource opens a tooltip so you can display a preview or description of the source contents. This flag disables this behavior.
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceNoDisableHover = 1 << 1, // By default, when dragging we clear data so that IsItemHovered() will return false, to avoid subsequent user code submitting tooltips. This flag disables this behavior so you can still call IsItemHovered() on the source item.
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceNoHoldToOpenOthers = 1 << 2, // Disable the behavior that allows to open tree nodes and collapsing header by holding over them while dragging a source item.
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceAllowNullID = 1 << 3, // Allow items such as Text(), Image() that have no unique identifier to be used as drag source, by manufacturing a temporary identifier based on their window-relative position. This is extremely unusual within the dear imgui ecosystem and so we made it explicit.
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceExtern = 1 << 4, // External source (from outside of dear imgui), won't attempt to read current item/window info. Will always return true. Only one Extern source can be active simultaneously.
ImGuiDragDropFlags_PayloadAutoExpire = 1 << 5, // Automatically expire the payload if the source cease to be submitted (otherwise payloads are persisting while being dragged)
ImGuiDragDropFlags_PayloadNoCrossContext = 1 << 6, // Hint to specify that the payload may not be copied outside current dear imgui context.
ImGuiDragDropFlags_PayloadNoCrossProcess = 1 << 7, // Hint to specify that the payload may not be copied outside current process.
// AcceptDragDropPayload() flags
ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptBeforeDelivery = 1 << 10, // AcceptDragDropPayload() will returns true even before the mouse button is released. You can then call IsDelivery() to test if the payload needs to be delivered.
ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect = 1 << 11, // Do not draw the default highlight rectangle when hovering over target.
ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptNoPreviewTooltip = 1 << 12, // Request hiding the BeginDragDropSource tooltip from the BeginDragDropTarget site.
ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptPeekOnly = ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptBeforeDelivery | ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect, // For peeking ahead and inspecting the payload before delivery.
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceAutoExpirePayload = ImGuiDragDropFlags_PayloadAutoExpire, // Renamed in 1.90.9
// Standard Drag and Drop payload types. You can define you own payload types using short strings. Types starting with '_' are defined by Dear ImGui.
#define IMGUI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_COLOR_3F "_COL3F" // float[3]: Standard type for colors, without alpha. User code may use this type.
#define IMGUI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_COLOR_4F "_COL4F" // float[4]: Standard type for colors. User code may use this type.
// A primary data type
enum ImGuiDataType_
ImGuiDataType_S8, // signed char / char (with sensible compilers)
ImGuiDataType_U8, // unsigned char
ImGuiDataType_S16, // short
ImGuiDataType_U16, // unsigned short
ImGuiDataType_S32, // int
ImGuiDataType_U32, // unsigned int
ImGuiDataType_S64, // long long / __int64
ImGuiDataType_U64, // unsigned long long / unsigned __int64
ImGuiDataType_Float, // float
ImGuiDataType_Double, // double
ImGuiDataType_Bool, // bool (provided for user convenience, not supported by scalar widgets)
// A cardinal direction
enum ImGuiDir : int
ImGuiDir_None = -1,
ImGuiDir_Left = 0,
ImGuiDir_Right = 1,
ImGuiDir_Up = 2,
ImGuiDir_Down = 3,
// A sorting direction
enum ImGuiSortDirection : ImU8
ImGuiSortDirection_None = 0,
ImGuiSortDirection_Ascending = 1, // Ascending = 0->9, A->Z etc.
ImGuiSortDirection_Descending = 2 // Descending = 9->0, Z->A etc.
// Since 1.90, defining IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_FUNCTIONS automatically defines IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_KEYIO as well.
// A key identifier (ImGuiKey_XXX or ImGuiMod_XXX value): can represent Keyboard, Mouse and Gamepad values.
// All our named keys are >= 512. Keys value 0 to 511 are left unused as legacy native/opaque key values (< 1.87).
// Since >= 1.89 we increased typing (went from int to enum), some legacy code may need a cast to ImGuiKey.
// Read details about the 1.87 and 1.89 transition : https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/4921
// Note that "Keys" related to physical keys and are not the same concept as input "Characters", the later are submitted via io.AddInputCharacter().
// The keyboard key enum values are named after the keys on a standard US keyboard, and on other keyboard types the keys reported may not match the keycaps.
enum ImGuiKey : int
// Keyboard
ImGuiKey_None = 0,
ImGuiKey_Tab = 512, // == ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN
ImGuiKey_LeftCtrl, ImGuiKey_LeftShift, ImGuiKey_LeftAlt, ImGuiKey_LeftSuper,
ImGuiKey_RightCtrl, ImGuiKey_RightShift, ImGuiKey_RightAlt, ImGuiKey_RightSuper,
ImGuiKey_0, ImGuiKey_1, ImGuiKey_2, ImGuiKey_3, ImGuiKey_4, ImGuiKey_5, ImGuiKey_6, ImGuiKey_7, ImGuiKey_8, ImGuiKey_9,
ImGuiKey_A, ImGuiKey_B, ImGuiKey_C, ImGuiKey_D, ImGuiKey_E, ImGuiKey_F, ImGuiKey_G, ImGuiKey_H, ImGuiKey_I, ImGuiKey_J,
ImGuiKey_K, ImGuiKey_L, ImGuiKey_M, ImGuiKey_N, ImGuiKey_O, ImGuiKey_P, ImGuiKey_Q, ImGuiKey_R, ImGuiKey_S, ImGuiKey_T,
ImGuiKey_U, ImGuiKey_V, ImGuiKey_W, ImGuiKey_X, ImGuiKey_Y, ImGuiKey_Z,
ImGuiKey_F1, ImGuiKey_F2, ImGuiKey_F3, ImGuiKey_F4, ImGuiKey_F5, ImGuiKey_F6,
ImGuiKey_F7, ImGuiKey_F8, ImGuiKey_F9, ImGuiKey_F10, ImGuiKey_F11, ImGuiKey_F12,
ImGuiKey_F13, ImGuiKey_F14, ImGuiKey_F15, ImGuiKey_F16, ImGuiKey_F17, ImGuiKey_F18,
ImGuiKey_F19, ImGuiKey_F20, ImGuiKey_F21, ImGuiKey_F22, ImGuiKey_F23, ImGuiKey_F24,
ImGuiKey_Apostrophe, // '
ImGuiKey_Comma, // ,
ImGuiKey_Minus, // -
ImGuiKey_Period, // .
ImGuiKey_Slash, // /
ImGuiKey_Semicolon, // ;
ImGuiKey_Equal, // =
ImGuiKey_LeftBracket, // [
ImGuiKey_Backslash, // \ (this text inhibit multiline comment caused by backslash)
ImGuiKey_RightBracket, // ]
ImGuiKey_GraveAccent, // `
ImGuiKey_Keypad0, ImGuiKey_Keypad1, ImGuiKey_Keypad2, ImGuiKey_Keypad3, ImGuiKey_Keypad4,
ImGuiKey_Keypad5, ImGuiKey_Keypad6, ImGuiKey_Keypad7, ImGuiKey_Keypad8, ImGuiKey_Keypad9,
ImGuiKey_AppBack, // Available on some keyboard/mouses. Often referred as "Browser Back"
// Gamepad (some of those are analog values, 0.0f to 1.0f) // NAVIGATION ACTION
// (download controller mapping PNG/PSD at http://dearimgui.com/controls_sheets)
ImGuiKey_GamepadStart, // Menu (Xbox) + (Switch) Start/Options (PS)
ImGuiKey_GamepadBack, // View (Xbox) - (Switch) Share (PS)
ImGuiKey_GamepadFaceLeft, // X (Xbox) Y (Switch) Square (PS) // Tap: Toggle Menu. Hold: Windowing mode (Focus/Move/Resize windows)
ImGuiKey_GamepadFaceRight, // B (Xbox) A (Switch) Circle (PS) // Cancel / Close / Exit
ImGuiKey_GamepadFaceUp, // Y (Xbox) X (Switch) Triangle (PS) // Text Input / On-screen Keyboard
ImGuiKey_GamepadFaceDown, // A (Xbox) B (Switch) Cross (PS) // Activate / Open / Toggle / Tweak
ImGuiKey_GamepadDpadLeft, // D-pad Left // Move / Tweak / Resize Window (in Windowing mode)
ImGuiKey_GamepadDpadRight, // D-pad Right // Move / Tweak / Resize Window (in Windowing mode)
ImGuiKey_GamepadDpadUp, // D-pad Up // Move / Tweak / Resize Window (in Windowing mode)
ImGuiKey_GamepadDpadDown, // D-pad Down // Move / Tweak / Resize Window (in Windowing mode)
ImGuiKey_GamepadL1, // L Bumper (Xbox) L (Switch) L1 (PS) // Tweak Slower / Focus Previous (in Windowing mode)
ImGuiKey_GamepadR1, // R Bumper (Xbox) R (Switch) R1 (PS) // Tweak Faster / Focus Next (in Windowing mode)
ImGuiKey_GamepadL2, // L Trig. (Xbox) ZL (Switch) L2 (PS) [Analog]
ImGuiKey_GamepadR2, // R Trig. (Xbox) ZR (Switch) R2 (PS) [Analog]
ImGuiKey_GamepadL3, // L Stick (Xbox) L3 (Switch) L3 (PS)
ImGuiKey_GamepadR3, // R Stick (Xbox) R3 (Switch) R3 (PS)
ImGuiKey_GamepadLStickLeft, // [Analog] // Move Window (in Windowing mode)
ImGuiKey_GamepadLStickRight, // [Analog] // Move Window (in Windowing mode)
ImGuiKey_GamepadLStickUp, // [Analog] // Move Window (in Windowing mode)
ImGuiKey_GamepadLStickDown, // [Analog] // Move Window (in Windowing mode)
ImGuiKey_GamepadRStickLeft, // [Analog]
ImGuiKey_GamepadRStickRight, // [Analog]
ImGuiKey_GamepadRStickUp, // [Analog]
ImGuiKey_GamepadRStickDown, // [Analog]
// Aliases: Mouse Buttons (auto-submitted from AddMouseButtonEvent() calls)
// - This is mirroring the data also written to io.MouseDown[], io.MouseWheel, in a format allowing them to be accessed via standard key API.
ImGuiKey_MouseLeft, ImGuiKey_MouseRight, ImGuiKey_MouseMiddle, ImGuiKey_MouseX1, ImGuiKey_MouseX2, ImGuiKey_MouseWheelX, ImGuiKey_MouseWheelY,
// [Internal] Reserved for mod storage
ImGuiKey_ReservedForModCtrl, ImGuiKey_ReservedForModShift, ImGuiKey_ReservedForModAlt, ImGuiKey_ReservedForModSuper,
// Keyboard Modifiers (explicitly submitted by backend via AddKeyEvent() calls)
// - This is mirroring the data also written to io.KeyCtrl, io.KeyShift, io.KeyAlt, io.KeySuper, in a format allowing
// them to be accessed via standard key API, allowing calls such as IsKeyPressed(), IsKeyReleased(), querying duration etc.
// - Code polling every key (e.g. an interface to detect a key press for input mapping) might want to ignore those
// and prefer using the real keys (e.g. ImGuiKey_LeftCtrl, ImGuiKey_RightCtrl instead of ImGuiMod_Ctrl).
// - In theory the value of keyboard modifiers should be roughly equivalent to a logical or of the equivalent left/right keys.
// In practice: it's complicated; mods are often provided from different sources. Keyboard layout, IME, sticky keys and
// backends tend to interfere and break that equivalence. The safer decision is to relay that ambiguity down to the end-user...
// - On macOS, we swap Cmd(Super) and Ctrl keys at the time of the io.AddKeyEvent() call.
ImGuiMod_None = 0,
ImGuiMod_Ctrl = 1 << 12, // Ctrl (non-macOS), Cmd (macOS)
ImGuiMod_Shift = 1 << 13, // Shift
ImGuiMod_Alt = 1 << 14, // Option/Menu
ImGuiMod_Super = 1 << 15, // Windows/Super (non-macOS), Ctrl (macOS)
ImGuiMod_Mask_ = 0xF000, // 4-bits
// [Internal] Prior to 1.87 we required user to fill io.KeysDown[512] using their own native index + the io.KeyMap[] array.
// We are ditching this method but keeping a legacy path for user code doing e.g. IsKeyPressed(MY_NATIVE_KEY_CODE)
// If you need to iterate all keys (for e.g. an input mapper) you may use ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN..ImGuiKey_NamedKey_END.
ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN = 512,
ImGuiKey_NamedKey_END = ImGuiKey_COUNT,
ImGuiKey_NamedKey_COUNT = ImGuiKey_NamedKey_END - ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN,
ImGuiKey_KeysData_SIZE = ImGuiKey_NamedKey_COUNT, // Size of KeysData[]: only hold named keys
ImGuiKey_KeysData_OFFSET = ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN, // Accesses to io.KeysData[] must use (key - ImGuiKey_KeysData_OFFSET) index.
ImGuiKey_KeysData_SIZE = ImGuiKey_COUNT, // Size of KeysData[]: hold legacy 0..512 keycodes + named keys
ImGuiKey_KeysData_OFFSET = 0, // Accesses to io.KeysData[] must use (key - ImGuiKey_KeysData_OFFSET) index.
ImGuiMod_Shortcut = ImGuiMod_Ctrl, // Removed in 1.90.7, you can now simply use ImGuiMod_Ctrl
ImGuiKey_ModCtrl = ImGuiMod_Ctrl, ImGuiKey_ModShift = ImGuiMod_Shift, ImGuiKey_ModAlt = ImGuiMod_Alt, ImGuiKey_ModSuper = ImGuiMod_Super, // Renamed in 1.89
//ImGuiKey_KeyPadEnter = ImGuiKey_KeypadEnter, // Renamed in 1.87
// Flags for Shortcut(), SetNextItemShortcut(),
// (and for upcoming extended versions of IsKeyPressed(), IsMouseClicked(), Shortcut(), SetKeyOwner(), SetItemKeyOwner() that are still in imgui_internal.h)
// Don't mistake with ImGuiInputTextFlags! (which is for ImGui::InputText() function)
enum ImGuiInputFlags_
ImGuiInputFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiInputFlags_Repeat = 1 << 0, // Enable repeat. Return true on successive repeats. Default for legacy IsKeyPressed(). NOT Default for legacy IsMouseClicked(). MUST BE == 1.
// Flags for Shortcut(), SetNextItemShortcut()
// - Routing policies: RouteGlobal+OverActive >> RouteActive or RouteFocused (if owner is active item) >> RouteGlobal+OverFocused >> RouteFocused (if in focused window stack) >> RouteGlobal.
// - Default policy is RouteFocused. Can select only 1 policy among all available.
ImGuiInputFlags_RouteActive = 1 << 10, // Route to active item only.
ImGuiInputFlags_RouteFocused = 1 << 11, // Route to windows in the focus stack (DEFAULT). Deep-most focused window takes inputs. Active item takes inputs over deep-most focused window.
ImGuiInputFlags_RouteGlobal = 1 << 12, // Global route (unless a focused window or active item registered the route).
ImGuiInputFlags_RouteAlways = 1 << 13, // Do not register route, poll keys directly.
// - Routing options
ImGuiInputFlags_RouteOverFocused = 1 << 14, // Option: global route: higher priority than focused route (unless active item in focused route).
ImGuiInputFlags_RouteOverActive = 1 << 15, // Option: global route: higher priority than active item. Unlikely you need to use that: will interfere with every active items, e.g. CTRL+A registered by InputText will be overridden by this. May not be fully honored as user/internal code is likely to always assume they can access keys when active.
ImGuiInputFlags_RouteUnlessBgFocused = 1 << 16, // Option: global route: will not be applied if underlying background/void is focused (== no Dear ImGui windows are focused). Useful for overlay applications.
ImGuiInputFlags_RouteFromRootWindow = 1 << 17, // Option: route evaluated from the point of view of root window rather than current window.
// Flags for SetNextItemShortcut()
ImGuiInputFlags_Tooltip = 1 << 18, // Automatically display a tooltip when hovering item [BETA] Unsure of right api (opt-in/opt-out)
// OBSOLETED in 1.88 (from July 2022): ImGuiNavInput and io.NavInputs[].
// Official backends between 1.60 and 1.86: will keep working and feed gamepad inputs as long as IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_KEYIO is not set.
// Custom backends: feed gamepad inputs via io.AddKeyEvent() and ImGuiKey_GamepadXXX enums.
enum ImGuiNavInput
ImGuiNavInput_Activate, ImGuiNavInput_Cancel, ImGuiNavInput_Input, ImGuiNavInput_Menu, ImGuiNavInput_DpadLeft, ImGuiNavInput_DpadRight, ImGuiNavInput_DpadUp, ImGuiNavInput_DpadDown,
ImGuiNavInput_LStickLeft, ImGuiNavInput_LStickRight, ImGuiNavInput_LStickUp, ImGuiNavInput_LStickDown, ImGuiNavInput_FocusPrev, ImGuiNavInput_FocusNext, ImGuiNavInput_TweakSlow, ImGuiNavInput_TweakFast,
// Configuration flags stored in io.ConfigFlags. Set by user/application.
enum ImGuiConfigFlags_
ImGuiConfigFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard = 1 << 0, // Master keyboard navigation enable flag. Enable full Tabbing + directional arrows + space/enter to activate.
ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad = 1 << 1, // Master gamepad navigation enable flag. Backend also needs to set ImGuiBackendFlags_HasGamepad.
ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos = 1 << 2, // Instruct navigation to move the mouse cursor. May be useful on TV/console systems where moving a virtual mouse is awkward. Will update io.MousePos and set io.WantSetMousePos=true. If enabled you MUST honor io.WantSetMousePos requests in your backend, otherwise ImGui will react as if the mouse is jumping around back and forth.
ImGuiConfigFlags_NavNoCaptureKeyboard = 1 << 3, // Instruct navigation to not set the io.WantCaptureKeyboard flag when io.NavActive is set.
ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouse = 1 << 4, // Instruct dear imgui to disable mouse inputs and interactions.
ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange = 1 << 5, // Instruct backend to not alter mouse cursor shape and visibility. Use if the backend cursor changes are interfering with yours and you don't want to use SetMouseCursor() to change mouse cursor. You may want to honor requests from imgui by reading GetMouseCursor() yourself instead.
ImGuiConfigFlags_NoKeyboard = 1 << 6, // Instruct dear imgui to disable keyboard inputs and interactions. This is done by ignoring keyboard events and clearing existing states.
// [BETA] Docking
ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable = 1 << 7, // Docking enable flags.
// [BETA] Viewports
// When using viewports it is recommended that your default value for ImGuiCol_WindowBg is opaque (Alpha=1.0) so transition to a viewport won't be noticeable.
ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable = 1 << 10, // Viewport enable flags (require both ImGuiBackendFlags_PlatformHasViewports + ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasViewports set by the respective backends)
ImGuiConfigFlags_DpiEnableScaleViewports= 1 << 14, // [BETA: Don't use] FIXME-DPI: Reposition and resize imgui windows when the DpiScale of a viewport changed (mostly useful for the main viewport hosting other window). Note that resizing the main window itself is up to your application.
ImGuiConfigFlags_DpiEnableScaleFonts = 1 << 15, // [BETA: Don't use] FIXME-DPI: Request bitmap-scaled fonts to match DpiScale. This is a very low-quality workaround. The correct way to handle DPI is _currently_ to replace the atlas and/or fonts in the Platform_OnChangedViewport callback, but this is all early work in progress.
// User storage (to allow your backend/engine to communicate to code that may be shared between multiple projects. Those flags are NOT used by core Dear ImGui)
ImGuiConfigFlags_IsSRGB = 1 << 20, // Application is SRGB-aware.
ImGuiConfigFlags_IsTouchScreen = 1 << 21, // Application is using a touch screen instead of a mouse.
// Backend capabilities flags stored in io.BackendFlags. Set by imgui_impl_xxx or custom backend.
enum ImGuiBackendFlags_
ImGuiBackendFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiBackendFlags_HasGamepad = 1 << 0, // Backend Platform supports gamepad and currently has one connected.
ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseCursors = 1 << 1, // Backend Platform supports honoring GetMouseCursor() value to change the OS cursor shape.
ImGuiBackendFlags_HasSetMousePos = 1 << 2, // Backend Platform supports io.WantSetMousePos requests to reposition the OS mouse position (only used if ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos is set).
ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset = 1 << 3, // Backend Renderer supports ImDrawCmd::VtxOffset. This enables output of large meshes (64K+ vertices) while still using 16-bit indices.
// [BETA] Viewports
ImGuiBackendFlags_PlatformHasViewports = 1 << 10, // Backend Platform supports multiple viewports.
ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport=1 << 11, // Backend Platform supports calling io.AddMouseViewportEvent() with the viewport under the mouse. IF POSSIBLE, ignore viewports with the ImGuiViewportFlags_NoInputs flag (Win32 backend, GLFW 3.30+ backend can do this, SDL backend cannot). If this cannot be done, Dear ImGui needs to use a flawed heuristic to find the viewport under.
ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasViewports = 1 << 12, // Backend Renderer supports multiple viewports.
// Enumeration for PushStyleColor() / PopStyleColor()
enum ImGuiCol_
ImGuiCol_WindowBg, // Background of normal windows
ImGuiCol_ChildBg, // Background of child windows
ImGuiCol_PopupBg, // Background of popups, menus, tooltips windows
ImGuiCol_FrameBg, // Background of checkbox, radio button, plot, slider, text input
ImGuiCol_TitleBg, // Title bar
ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive, // Title bar when focused
ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed, // Title bar when collapsed
ImGuiCol_CheckMark, // Checkbox tick and RadioButton circle
ImGuiCol_Header, // Header* colors are used for CollapsingHeader, TreeNode, Selectable, MenuItem
ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip, // Resize grip in lower-right and lower-left corners of windows.
ImGuiCol_TabHovered, // Tab background, when hovered
ImGuiCol_Tab, // Tab background, when tab-bar is focused & tab is unselected
ImGuiCol_TabSelected, // Tab background, when tab-bar is focused & tab is selected
ImGuiCol_TabSelectedOverline, // Tab horizontal overline, when tab-bar is focused & tab is selected
ImGuiCol_TabDimmed, // Tab background, when tab-bar is unfocused & tab is unselected
ImGuiCol_TabDimmedSelected, // Tab background, when tab-bar is unfocused & tab is selected
ImGuiCol_TabDimmedSelectedOverline,//..horizontal overline, when tab-bar is unfocused & tab is selected
ImGuiCol_DockingPreview, // Preview overlay color when about to docking something
ImGuiCol_DockingEmptyBg, // Background color for empty node (e.g. CentralNode with no window docked into it)
ImGuiCol_TableHeaderBg, // Table header background
ImGuiCol_TableBorderStrong, // Table outer and header borders (prefer using Alpha=1.0 here)
ImGuiCol_TableBorderLight, // Table inner borders (prefer using Alpha=1.0 here)
ImGuiCol_TableRowBg, // Table row background (even rows)
ImGuiCol_TableRowBgAlt, // Table row background (odd rows)
ImGuiCol_TextLink, // Hyperlink color
ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget, // Rectangle highlighting a drop target
ImGuiCol_NavHighlight, // Gamepad/keyboard: current highlighted item
ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight, // Highlight window when using CTRL+TAB
ImGuiCol_NavWindowingDimBg, // Darken/colorize entire screen behind the CTRL+TAB window list, when active
ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg, // Darken/colorize entire screen behind a modal window, when one is active
ImGuiCol_TabActive = ImGuiCol_TabSelected, // [renamed in 1.90.9]
ImGuiCol_TabUnfocused = ImGuiCol_TabDimmed, // [renamed in 1.90.9]
ImGuiCol_TabUnfocusedActive = ImGuiCol_TabDimmedSelected, // [renamed in 1.90.9]
// Enumeration for PushStyleVar() / PopStyleVar() to temporarily modify the ImGuiStyle structure.
// - The enum only refers to fields of ImGuiStyle which makes sense to be pushed/popped inside UI code.
// During initialization or between frames, feel free to just poke into ImGuiStyle directly.
// - Tip: Use your programming IDE navigation facilities on the names in the _second column_ below to find the actual members and their description.
// - In Visual Studio: CTRL+comma ("Edit.GoToAll") can follow symbols inside comments, whereas CTRL+F12 ("Edit.GoToImplementation") cannot.
// - In Visual Studio w/ Visual Assist installed: ALT+G ("VAssistX.GoToImplementation") can also follow symbols inside comments.
// - In VS Code, CLion, etc.: CTRL+click can follow symbols inside comments.
// - When changing this enum, you need to update the associated internal table GStyleVarInfo[] accordingly. This is where we link enum values to members offset/type.
enum ImGuiStyleVar_
// Enum name -------------------------- // Member in ImGuiStyle structure (see ImGuiStyle for descriptions)
ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha, // float Alpha
ImGuiStyleVar_DisabledAlpha, // float DisabledAlpha
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, // ImVec2 WindowPadding
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowRounding, // float WindowRounding
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowBorderSize, // float WindowBorderSize
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowMinSize, // ImVec2 WindowMinSize
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowTitleAlign, // ImVec2 WindowTitleAlign
ImGuiStyleVar_ChildRounding, // float ChildRounding
ImGuiStyleVar_ChildBorderSize, // float ChildBorderSize
ImGuiStyleVar_PopupRounding, // float PopupRounding
ImGuiStyleVar_PopupBorderSize, // float PopupBorderSize
ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, // ImVec2 FramePadding
ImGuiStyleVar_FrameRounding, // float FrameRounding
ImGuiStyleVar_FrameBorderSize, // float FrameBorderSize
ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, // ImVec2 ItemSpacing
ImGuiStyleVar_ItemInnerSpacing, // ImVec2 ItemInnerSpacing
ImGuiStyleVar_IndentSpacing, // float IndentSpacing
ImGuiStyleVar_CellPadding, // ImVec2 CellPadding
ImGuiStyleVar_ScrollbarSize, // float ScrollbarSize
ImGuiStyleVar_ScrollbarRounding, // float ScrollbarRounding
ImGuiStyleVar_GrabMinSize, // float GrabMinSize
ImGuiStyleVar_GrabRounding, // float GrabRounding
ImGuiStyleVar_TabRounding, // float TabRounding
ImGuiStyleVar_TabBorderSize, // float TabBorderSize
ImGuiStyleVar_TabBarBorderSize, // float TabBarBorderSize
ImGuiStyleVar_TabBarOverlineSize, // float TabBarOverlineSize
ImGuiStyleVar_TableAngledHeadersAngle, // float TableAngledHeadersAngle
ImGuiStyleVar_TableAngledHeadersTextAlign,// ImVec2 TableAngledHeadersTextAlign
ImGuiStyleVar_ButtonTextAlign, // ImVec2 ButtonTextAlign
ImGuiStyleVar_SelectableTextAlign, // ImVec2 SelectableTextAlign
ImGuiStyleVar_SeparatorTextBorderSize, // float SeparatorTextBorderSize
ImGuiStyleVar_SeparatorTextAlign, // ImVec2 SeparatorTextAlign
ImGuiStyleVar_SeparatorTextPadding, // ImVec2 SeparatorTextPadding
ImGuiStyleVar_DockingSeparatorSize, // float DockingSeparatorSize
// Flags for InvisibleButton() [extended in imgui_internal.h]
enum ImGuiButtonFlags_
ImGuiButtonFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonLeft = 1 << 0, // React on left mouse button (default)
ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonRight = 1 << 1, // React on right mouse button
ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonMiddle = 1 << 2, // React on center mouse button
ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonMask_ = ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonLeft | ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonRight | ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonMiddle, // [Internal]
//ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonDefault_ = ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonLeft,
// Flags for ColorEdit3() / ColorEdit4() / ColorPicker3() / ColorPicker4() / ColorButton()
enum ImGuiColorEditFlags_
ImGuiColorEditFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha = 1 << 1, // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: ignore Alpha component (will only read 3 components from the input pointer).
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoPicker = 1 << 2, // // ColorEdit: disable picker when clicking on color square.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions = 1 << 3, // // ColorEdit: disable toggling options menu when right-clicking on inputs/small preview.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoSmallPreview = 1 << 4, // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: disable color square preview next to the inputs. (e.g. to show only the inputs)
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoInputs = 1 << 5, // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: disable inputs sliders/text widgets (e.g. to show only the small preview color square).
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip = 1 << 6, // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: disable tooltip when hovering the preview.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoLabel = 1 << 7, // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: disable display of inline text label (the label is still forwarded to the tooltip and picker).
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoSidePreview = 1 << 8, // // ColorPicker: disable bigger color preview on right side of the picker, use small color square preview instead.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoDragDrop = 1 << 9, // // ColorEdit: disable drag and drop target. ColorButton: disable drag and drop source.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoBorder = 1 << 10, // // ColorButton: disable border (which is enforced by default)
// User Options (right-click on widget to change some of them).
ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaBar = 1 << 16, // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: show vertical alpha bar/gradient in picker.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaPreview = 1 << 17, // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: display preview as a transparent color over a checkerboard, instead of opaque.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaPreviewHalf= 1 << 18, // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: display half opaque / half checkerboard, instead of opaque.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_HDR = 1 << 19, // // (WIP) ColorEdit: Currently only disable 0.0f..1.0f limits in RGBA edition (note: you probably want to use ImGuiColorEditFlags_Float flag as well).
ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayRGB = 1 << 20, // [Display] // ColorEdit: override _display_ type among RGB/HSV/Hex. ColorPicker: select any combination using one or more of RGB/HSV/Hex.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHSV = 1 << 21, // [Display] // "
ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHex = 1 << 22, // [Display] // "
ImGuiColorEditFlags_Uint8 = 1 << 23, // [DataType] // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: _display_ values formatted as 0..255.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_Float = 1 << 24, // [DataType] // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: _display_ values formatted as 0.0f..1.0f floats instead of 0..255 integers. No round-trip of value via integers.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar = 1 << 25, // [Picker] // ColorPicker: bar for Hue, rectangle for Sat/Value.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueWheel = 1 << 26, // [Picker] // ColorPicker: wheel for Hue, triangle for Sat/Value.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_InputRGB = 1 << 27, // [Input] // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: input and output data in RGB format.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_InputHSV = 1 << 28, // [Input] // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: input and output data in HSV format.
// Defaults Options. You can set application defaults using SetColorEditOptions(). The intent is that you probably don't want to
// override them in most of your calls. Let the user choose via the option menu and/or call SetColorEditOptions() once during startup.
ImGuiColorEditFlags_DefaultOptions_ = ImGuiColorEditFlags_Uint8 | ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayRGB | ImGuiColorEditFlags_InputRGB | ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar,
// [Internal] Masks
ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayMask_ = ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayRGB | ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHSV | ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHex,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_DataTypeMask_ = ImGuiColorEditFlags_Uint8 | ImGuiColorEditFlags_Float,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerMask_ = ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueWheel | ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_InputMask_ = ImGuiColorEditFlags_InputRGB | ImGuiColorEditFlags_InputHSV,
// Obsolete names
//ImGuiColorEditFlags_RGB = ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayRGB, ImGuiColorEditFlags_HSV = ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHSV, ImGuiColorEditFlags_HEX = ImGuiColorEditFlags_DisplayHex // [renamed in 1.69]
// Flags for DragFloat(), DragInt(), SliderFloat(), SliderInt() etc.
// We use the same sets of flags for DragXXX() and SliderXXX() functions as the features are the same and it makes it easier to swap them.
// (Those are per-item flags. There are shared flags in ImGuiIO: io.ConfigDragClickToInputText)
enum ImGuiSliderFlags_
ImGuiSliderFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp = 1 << 4, // Clamp value to min/max bounds when input manually with CTRL+Click. By default CTRL+Click allows going out of bounds.
ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic = 1 << 5, // Make the widget logarithmic (linear otherwise). Consider using ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat with this if using a format-string with small amount of digits.
ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat = 1 << 6, // Disable rounding underlying value to match precision of the display format string (e.g. %.3f values are rounded to those 3 digits).
ImGuiSliderFlags_NoInput = 1 << 7, // Disable CTRL+Click or Enter key allowing to input text directly into the widget.
ImGuiSliderFlags_WrapAround = 1 << 8, // Enable wrapping around from max to min and from min to max (only supported by DragXXX() functions for now.
ImGuiSliderFlags_InvalidMask_ = 0x7000000F, // [Internal] We treat using those bits as being potentially a 'float power' argument from the previous API that has got miscast to this enum, and will trigger an assert if needed.
// Obsolete names
//ImGuiSliderFlags_ClampOnInput = ImGuiSliderFlags_AlwaysClamp, // [renamed in 1.79]
// Identify a mouse button.
// Those values are guaranteed to be stable and we frequently use 0/1 directly. Named enums provided for convenience.
enum ImGuiMouseButton_
ImGuiMouseButton_Left = 0,
ImGuiMouseButton_Right = 1,
ImGuiMouseButton_Middle = 2,
ImGuiMouseButton_COUNT = 5
// Enumeration for GetMouseCursor()
// User code may request backend to display given cursor by calling SetMouseCursor(), which is why we have some cursors that are marked unused here
enum ImGuiMouseCursor_
ImGuiMouseCursor_None = -1,
ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow = 0,
ImGuiMouseCursor_TextInput, // When hovering over InputText, etc.
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeAll, // (Unused by Dear ImGui functions)
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS, // When hovering over a horizontal border
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW, // When hovering over a vertical border or a column
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNESW, // When hovering over the bottom-left corner of a window
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNWSE, // When hovering over the bottom-right corner of a window
ImGuiMouseCursor_Hand, // (Unused by Dear ImGui functions. Use for e.g. hyperlinks)
ImGuiMouseCursor_NotAllowed, // When hovering something with disallowed interaction. Usually a crossed circle.
// Enumeration for AddMouseSourceEvent() actual source of Mouse Input data.
// Historically we use "Mouse" terminology everywhere to indicate pointer data, e.g. MousePos, IsMousePressed(), io.AddMousePosEvent()
// But that "Mouse" data can come from different source which occasionally may be useful for application to know about.
// You can submit a change of pointer type using io.AddMouseSourceEvent().
enum ImGuiMouseSource : int
ImGuiMouseSource_Mouse = 0, // Input is coming from an actual mouse.
ImGuiMouseSource_TouchScreen, // Input is coming from a touch screen (no hovering prior to initial press, less precise initial press aiming, dual-axis wheeling possible).
ImGuiMouseSource_Pen, // Input is coming from a pressure/magnetic pen (often used in conjunction with high-sampling rates).
// Enumeration for ImGui::SetNextWindow***(), SetWindow***(), SetNextItem***() functions
// Represent a condition.
// Important: Treat as a regular enum! Do NOT combine multiple values using binary operators! All the functions above treat 0 as a shortcut to ImGuiCond_Always.
enum ImGuiCond_
ImGuiCond_None = 0, // No condition (always set the variable), same as _Always
ImGuiCond_Always = 1 << 0, // No condition (always set the variable), same as _None
ImGuiCond_Once = 1 << 1, // Set the variable once per runtime session (only the first call will succeed)
ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver = 1 << 2, // Set the variable if the object/window has no persistently saved data (no entry in .ini file)
ImGuiCond_Appearing = 1 << 3, // Set the variable if the object/window is appearing after being hidden/inactive (or the first time)
// [SECTION] Tables API flags and structures (ImGuiTableFlags, ImGuiTableColumnFlags, ImGuiTableRowFlags, ImGuiTableBgTarget, ImGuiTableSortSpecs, ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs)
// Flags for ImGui::BeginTable()
// - Important! Sizing policies have complex and subtle side effects, much more so than you would expect.
// Read comments/demos carefully + experiment with live demos to get acquainted with them.
// - The DEFAULT sizing policies are:
// - Default to ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedFit if ScrollX is on, or if host window has ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize.
// - Default to ImGuiTableFlags_SizingStretchSame if ScrollX is off.
// - When ScrollX is off:
// - Table defaults to ImGuiTableFlags_SizingStretchSame -> all Columns defaults to ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthStretch with same weight.
// - Columns sizing policy allowed: Stretch (default), Fixed/Auto.
// - Fixed Columns (if any) will generally obtain their requested width (unless the table cannot fit them all).
// - Stretch Columns will share the remaining width according to their respective weight.
// - Mixed Fixed/Stretch columns is possible but has various side-effects on resizing behaviors.
// The typical use of mixing sizing policies is: any number of LEADING Fixed columns, followed by one or two TRAILING Stretch columns.
// (this is because the visible order of columns have subtle but necessary effects on how they react to manual resizing).
// - When ScrollX is on:
// - Table defaults to ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedFit -> all Columns defaults to ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed
// - Columns sizing policy allowed: Fixed/Auto mostly.
// - Fixed Columns can be enlarged as needed. Table will show a horizontal scrollbar if needed.
// - When using auto-resizing (non-resizable) fixed columns, querying the content width to use item right-alignment e.g. SetNextItemWidth(-FLT_MIN) doesn't make sense, would create a feedback loop.
// - Using Stretch columns OFTEN DOES NOT MAKE SENSE if ScrollX is on, UNLESS you have specified a value for 'inner_width' in BeginTable().
// If you specify a value for 'inner_width' then effectively the scrolling space is known and Stretch or mixed Fixed/Stretch columns become meaningful again.
// - Read on documentation at the top of imgui_tables.cpp for details.
enum ImGuiTableFlags_
// Features
ImGuiTableFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiTableFlags_Resizable = 1 << 0, // Enable resizing columns.
ImGuiTableFlags_Reorderable = 1 << 1, // Enable reordering columns in header row (need calling TableSetupColumn() + TableHeadersRow() to display headers)
ImGuiTableFlags_Hideable = 1 << 2, // Enable hiding/disabling columns in context menu.
ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable = 1 << 3, // Enable sorting. Call TableGetSortSpecs() to obtain sort specs. Also see ImGuiTableFlags_SortMulti and ImGuiTableFlags_SortTristate.
ImGuiTableFlags_NoSavedSettings = 1 << 4, // Disable persisting columns order, width and sort settings in the .ini file.
ImGuiTableFlags_ContextMenuInBody = 1 << 5, // Right-click on columns body/contents will display table context menu. By default it is available in TableHeadersRow().
// Decorations
ImGuiTableFlags_RowBg = 1 << 6, // Set each RowBg color with ImGuiCol_TableRowBg or ImGuiCol_TableRowBgAlt (equivalent of calling TableSetBgColor with ImGuiTableBgFlags_RowBg0 on each row manually)
ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerH = 1 << 7, // Draw horizontal borders between rows.
ImGuiTableFlags_BordersOuterH = 1 << 8, // Draw horizontal borders at the top and bottom.
ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerV = 1 << 9, // Draw vertical borders between columns.
ImGuiTableFlags_BordersOuterV = 1 << 10, // Draw vertical borders on the left and right sides.
ImGuiTableFlags_BordersH = ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerH | ImGuiTableFlags_BordersOuterH, // Draw horizontal borders.
ImGuiTableFlags_BordersV = ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerV | ImGuiTableFlags_BordersOuterV, // Draw vertical borders.
ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInner = ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerV | ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInnerH, // Draw inner borders.
ImGuiTableFlags_BordersOuter = ImGuiTableFlags_BordersOuterV | ImGuiTableFlags_BordersOuterH, // Draw outer borders.
ImGuiTableFlags_Borders = ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInner | ImGuiTableFlags_BordersOuter, // Draw all borders.
ImGuiTableFlags_NoBordersInBody = 1 << 11, // [ALPHA] Disable vertical borders in columns Body (borders will always appear in Headers). -> May move to style
ImGuiTableFlags_NoBordersInBodyUntilResize = 1 << 12, // [ALPHA] Disable vertical borders in columns Body until hovered for resize (borders will always appear in Headers). -> May move to style
// Sizing Policy (read above for defaults)
ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedFit = 1 << 13, // Columns default to _WidthFixed or _WidthAuto (if resizable or not resizable), matching contents width.
ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedSame = 2 << 13, // Columns default to _WidthFixed or _WidthAuto (if resizable or not resizable), matching the maximum contents width of all columns. Implicitly enable ImGuiTableFlags_NoKeepColumnsVisible.
ImGuiTableFlags_SizingStretchProp = 3 << 13, // Columns default to _WidthStretch with default weights proportional to each columns contents widths.
ImGuiTableFlags_SizingStretchSame = 4 << 13, // Columns default to _WidthStretch with default weights all equal, unless overridden by TableSetupColumn().
// Sizing Extra Options
ImGuiTableFlags_NoHostExtendX = 1 << 16, // Make outer width auto-fit to columns, overriding outer_size.x value. Only available when ScrollX/ScrollY are disabled and Stretch columns are not used.
ImGuiTableFlags_NoHostExtendY = 1 << 17, // Make outer height stop exactly at outer_size.y (prevent auto-extending table past the limit). Only available when ScrollX/ScrollY are disabled. Data below the limit will be clipped and not visible.
ImGuiTableFlags_NoKeepColumnsVisible = 1 << 18, // Disable keeping column always minimally visible when ScrollX is off and table gets too small. Not recommended if columns are resizable.
ImGuiTableFlags_PreciseWidths = 1 << 19, // Disable distributing remainder width to stretched columns (width allocation on a 100-wide table with 3 columns: Without this flag: 33,33,34. With this flag: 33,33,33). With larger number of columns, resizing will appear to be less smooth.
// Clipping
ImGuiTableFlags_NoClip = 1 << 20, // Disable clipping rectangle for every individual columns (reduce draw command count, items will be able to overflow into other columns). Generally incompatible with TableSetupScrollFreeze().
// Padding
ImGuiTableFlags_PadOuterX = 1 << 21, // Default if BordersOuterV is on. Enable outermost padding. Generally desirable if you have headers.
ImGuiTableFlags_NoPadOuterX = 1 << 22, // Default if BordersOuterV is off. Disable outermost padding.
ImGuiTableFlags_NoPadInnerX = 1 << 23, // Disable inner padding between columns (double inner padding if BordersOuterV is on, single inner padding if BordersOuterV is off).
// Scrolling
ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollX = 1 << 24, // Enable horizontal scrolling. Require 'outer_size' parameter of BeginTable() to specify the container size. Changes default sizing policy. Because this creates a child window, ScrollY is currently generally recommended when using ScrollX.
ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollY = 1 << 25, // Enable vertical scrolling. Require 'outer_size' parameter of BeginTable() to specify the container size.
// Sorting
ImGuiTableFlags_SortMulti = 1 << 26, // Hold shift when clicking headers to sort on multiple column. TableGetSortSpecs() may return specs where (SpecsCount > 1).
ImGuiTableFlags_SortTristate = 1 << 27, // Allow no sorting, disable default sorting. TableGetSortSpecs() may return specs where (SpecsCount == 0).
// Miscellaneous
ImGuiTableFlags_HighlightHoveredColumn = 1 << 28, // Highlight column headers when hovered (may evolve into a fuller highlight)
// [Internal] Combinations and masks
ImGuiTableFlags_SizingMask_ = ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedFit | ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedSame | ImGuiTableFlags_SizingStretchProp | ImGuiTableFlags_SizingStretchSame,
// Flags for ImGui::TableSetupColumn()
enum ImGuiTableColumnFlags_
// Input configuration flags
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_Disabled = 1 << 0, // Overriding/master disable flag: hide column, won't show in context menu (unlike calling TableSetColumnEnabled() which manipulates the user accessible state)
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_DefaultHide = 1 << 1, // Default as a hidden/disabled column.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_DefaultSort = 1 << 2, // Default as a sorting column.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthStretch = 1 << 3, // Column will stretch. Preferable with horizontal scrolling disabled (default if table sizing policy is _SizingStretchSame or _SizingStretchProp).
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed = 1 << 4, // Column will not stretch. Preferable with horizontal scrolling enabled (default if table sizing policy is _SizingFixedFit and table is resizable).
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoResize = 1 << 5, // Disable manual resizing.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoReorder = 1 << 6, // Disable manual reordering this column, this will also prevent other columns from crossing over this column.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHide = 1 << 7, // Disable ability to hide/disable this column.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoClip = 1 << 8, // Disable clipping for this column (all NoClip columns will render in a same draw command).
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSort = 1 << 9, // Disable ability to sort on this field (even if ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable is set on the table).
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSortAscending = 1 << 10, // Disable ability to sort in the ascending direction.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSortDescending = 1 << 11, // Disable ability to sort in the descending direction.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHeaderLabel = 1 << 12, // TableHeadersRow() will not submit horizontal label for this column. Convenient for some small columns. Name will still appear in context menu or in angled headers.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHeaderWidth = 1 << 13, // Disable header text width contribution to automatic column width.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_PreferSortAscending = 1 << 14, // Make the initial sort direction Ascending when first sorting on this column (default).
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_PreferSortDescending = 1 << 15, // Make the initial sort direction Descending when first sorting on this column.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IndentEnable = 1 << 16, // Use current Indent value when entering cell (default for column 0).
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IndentDisable = 1 << 17, // Ignore current Indent value when entering cell (default for columns > 0). Indentation changes _within_ the cell will still be honored.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_AngledHeader = 1 << 18, // TableHeadersRow() will submit an angled header row for this column. Note this will add an extra row.
// Output status flags, read-only via TableGetColumnFlags()
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsEnabled = 1 << 24, // Status: is enabled == not hidden by user/api (referred to as "Hide" in _DefaultHide and _NoHide) flags.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsVisible = 1 << 25, // Status: is visible == is enabled AND not clipped by scrolling.
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsSorted = 1 << 26, // Status: is currently part of the sort specs
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsHovered = 1 << 27, // Status: is hovered by mouse
// [Internal] Combinations and masks
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthMask_ = ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthStretch | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed,
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IndentMask_ = ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IndentEnable | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IndentDisable,
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_StatusMask_ = ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsEnabled | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsVisible | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsSorted | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsHovered,
ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoDirectResize_ = 1 << 30, // [Internal] Disable user resizing this column directly (it may however we resized indirectly from its left edge)
// Flags for ImGui::TableNextRow()
enum ImGuiTableRowFlags_
ImGuiTableRowFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiTableRowFlags_Headers = 1 << 0, // Identify header row (set default background color + width of its contents accounted differently for auto column width)
// Enum for ImGui::TableSetBgColor()
// Background colors are rendering in 3 layers:
// - Layer 0: draw with RowBg0 color if set, otherwise draw with ColumnBg0 if set.
// - Layer 1: draw with RowBg1 color if set, otherwise draw with ColumnBg1 if set.
// - Layer 2: draw with CellBg color if set.
// The purpose of the two row/columns layers is to let you decide if a background color change should override or blend with the existing color.
// When using ImGuiTableFlags_RowBg on the table, each row has the RowBg0 color automatically set for odd/even rows.
// If you set the color of RowBg0 target, your color will override the existing RowBg0 color.
// If you set the color of RowBg1 or ColumnBg1 target, your color will blend over the RowBg0 color.
enum ImGuiTableBgTarget_
ImGuiTableBgTarget_None = 0,
ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg0 = 1, // Set row background color 0 (generally used for background, automatically set when ImGuiTableFlags_RowBg is used)
ImGuiTableBgTarget_RowBg1 = 2, // Set row background color 1 (generally used for selection marking)
ImGuiTableBgTarget_CellBg = 3, // Set cell background color (top-most color)
// Sorting specifications for a table (often handling sort specs for a single column, occasionally more)
// Obtained by calling TableGetSortSpecs().
// When 'SpecsDirty == true' you can sort your data. It will be true with sorting specs have changed since last call, or the first time.
// Make sure to set 'SpecsDirty = false' after sorting, else you may wastefully sort your data every frame!
struct ImGuiTableSortSpecs
const ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs* Specs; // Pointer to sort spec array.
int SpecsCount; // Sort spec count. Most often 1. May be > 1 when ImGuiTableFlags_SortMulti is enabled. May be == 0 when ImGuiTableFlags_SortTristate is enabled.
bool SpecsDirty; // Set to true when specs have changed since last time! Use this to sort again, then clear the flag.
ImGuiTableSortSpecs() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
// Sorting specification for one column of a table (sizeof == 12 bytes)
struct ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs
ImGuiID ColumnUserID; // User id of the column (if specified by a TableSetupColumn() call)
ImS16 ColumnIndex; // Index of the column
ImS16 SortOrder; // Index within parent ImGuiTableSortSpecs (always stored in order starting from 0, tables sorted on a single criteria will always have a 0 here)
ImGuiSortDirection SortDirection; // ImGuiSortDirection_Ascending or ImGuiSortDirection_Descending
ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
// [SECTION] Helpers: Debug log, memory allocations macros, ImVector<>
// Debug Logging into ShowDebugLogWindow(), tty and more.
#define IMGUI_DEBUG_LOG(...) ImGui::DebugLog(__VA_ARGS__)
#define IMGUI_DEBUG_LOG(...) ((void)0)
// We call C++ constructor on own allocated memory via the placement "new(ptr) Type()" syntax.
// Defining a custom placement new() with a custom parameter allows us to bypass including <new> which on some platforms complains when user has disabled exceptions.
struct ImNewWrapper {};
inline void* operator new(size_t, ImNewWrapper, void* ptr) { return ptr; }
inline void operator delete(void*, ImNewWrapper, void*) {} // This is only required so we can use the symmetrical new()
#define IM_ALLOC(_SIZE) ImGui::MemAlloc(_SIZE)
#define IM_FREE(_PTR) ImGui::MemFree(_PTR)
#define IM_PLACEMENT_NEW(_PTR) new(ImNewWrapper(), _PTR)
#define IM_NEW(_TYPE) new(ImNewWrapper(), ImGui::MemAlloc(sizeof(_TYPE))) _TYPE
template<typename T> void IM_DELETE(T* p) { if (p) { p->~T(); ImGui::MemFree(p); } }
// ImVector<>
// Lightweight std::vector<>-like class to avoid dragging dependencies (also, some implementations of STL with debug enabled are absurdly slow, we bypass it so our code runs fast in debug).
// - You generally do NOT need to care or use this ever. But we need to make it available in imgui.h because some of our public structures are relying on it.
// - We use std-like naming convention here, which is a little unusual for this codebase.
// - Important: clear() frees memory, resize(0) keep the allocated buffer. We use resize(0) a lot to intentionally recycle allocated buffers across frames and amortize our costs.
// - Important: our implementation does NOT call C++ constructors/destructors, we treat everything as raw data! This is intentional but be extra mindful of that,
// Do NOT use this class as a std::vector replacement in your own code! Many of the structures used by dear imgui can be safely initialized by a zero-memset.
template<typename T>
struct ImVector
int Size;
int Capacity;
T* Data;
// Provide standard typedefs but we don't use them ourselves.
typedef T value_type;
typedef value_type* iterator;
typedef const value_type* const_iterator;
// Constructors, destructor
inline ImVector() { Size = Capacity = 0; Data = NULL; }
inline ImVector(const ImVector<T>& src) { Size = Capacity = 0; Data = NULL; operator=(src); }
inline ImVector<T>& operator=(const ImVector<T>& src) { clear(); resize(src.Size); if (src.Data) memcpy(Data, src.Data, (size_t)Size * sizeof(T)); return *this; }
inline ~ImVector() { if (Data) IM_FREE(Data); } // Important: does not destruct anything
inline void clear() { if (Data) { Size = Capacity = 0; IM_FREE(Data); Data = NULL; } } // Important: does not destruct anything
inline void clear_delete() { for (int n = 0; n < Size; n++) IM_DELETE(Data[n]); clear(); } // Important: never called automatically! always explicit.
inline void clear_destruct() { for (int n = 0; n < Size; n++) Data[n].~T(); clear(); } // Important: never called automatically! always explicit.
inline bool empty() const { return Size == 0; }
inline int size() const { return Size; }
inline int size_in_bytes() const { return Size * (int)sizeof(T); }
inline int max_size() const { return 0x7FFFFFFF / (int)sizeof(T); }
inline int capacity() const { return Capacity; }
inline T& operator[](int i) { IM_ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < Size); return Data[i]; }
inline const T& operator[](int i) const { IM_ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < Size); return Data[i]; }
inline T* begin() { return Data; }
inline const T* begin() const { return Data; }
inline T* end() { return Data + Size; }
inline const T* end() const { return Data + Size; }
inline T& front() { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[0]; }
inline const T& front() const { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[0]; }
inline T& back() { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[Size - 1]; }
inline const T& back() const { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[Size - 1]; }
inline void swap(ImVector<T>& rhs) { int rhs_size = rhs.Size; rhs.Size = Size; Size = rhs_size; int rhs_cap = rhs.Capacity; rhs.Capacity = Capacity; Capacity = rhs_cap; T* rhs_data = rhs.Data; rhs.Data = Data; Data = rhs_data; }
inline int _grow_capacity(int sz) const { int new_capacity = Capacity ? (Capacity + Capacity / 2) : 8; return new_capacity > sz ? new_capacity : sz; }
inline void resize(int new_size) { if (new_size > Capacity) reserve(_grow_capacity(new_size)); Size = new_size; }
inline void resize(int new_size, const T& v) { if (new_size > Capacity) reserve(_grow_capacity(new_size)); if (new_size > Size) for (int n = Size; n < new_size; n++) memcpy(&Data[n], &v, sizeof(v)); Size = new_size; }
inline void shrink(int new_size) { IM_ASSERT(new_size <= Size); Size = new_size; } // Resize a vector to a smaller size, guaranteed not to cause a reallocation
inline void reserve(int new_capacity) { if (new_capacity <= Capacity) return; T* new_data = (T*)IM_ALLOC((size_t)new_capacity * sizeof(T)); if (Data) { memcpy(new_data, Data, (size_t)Size * sizeof(T)); IM_FREE(Data); } Data = new_data; Capacity = new_capacity; }
inline void reserve_discard(int new_capacity) { if (new_capacity <= Capacity) return; if (Data) IM_FREE(Data); Data = (T*)IM_ALLOC((size_t)new_capacity * sizeof(T)); Capacity = new_capacity; }
// NB: It is illegal to call push_back/push_front/insert with a reference pointing inside the ImVector data itself! e.g. v.push_back(v[10]) is forbidden.
inline void push_back(const T& v) { if (Size == Capacity) reserve(_grow_capacity(Size + 1)); memcpy(&Data[Size], &v, sizeof(v)); Size++; }
inline void pop_back() { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); Size--; }
inline void push_front(const T& v) { if (Size == 0) push_back(v); else insert(Data, v); }
inline T* erase(const T* it) { IM_ASSERT(it >= Data && it < Data + Size); const ptrdiff_t off = it - Data; memmove(Data + off, Data + off + 1, ((size_t)Size - (size_t)off - 1) * sizeof(T)); Size--; return Data + off; }
inline T* erase(const T* it, const T* it_last){ IM_ASSERT(it >= Data && it < Data + Size && it_last >= it && it_last <= Data + Size); const ptrdiff_t count = it_last - it; const ptrdiff_t off = it - Data; memmove(Data + off, Data + off + count, ((size_t)Size - (size_t)off - (size_t)count) * sizeof(T)); Size -= (int)count; return Data + off; }
inline T* erase_unsorted(const T* it) { IM_ASSERT(it >= Data && it < Data + Size); const ptrdiff_t off = it - Data; if (it < Data + Size - 1) memcpy(Data + off, Data + Size - 1, sizeof(T)); Size--; return Data + off; }
inline T* insert(const T* it, const T& v) { IM_ASSERT(it >= Data && it <= Data + Size); const ptrdiff_t off = it - Data; if (Size == Capacity) reserve(_grow_capacity(Size + 1)); if (off < (int)Size) memmove(Data + off + 1, Data + off, ((size_t)Size - (size_t)off) * sizeof(T)); memcpy(&Data[off], &v, sizeof(v)); Size++; return Data + off; }
inline bool contains(const T& v) const { const T* data = Data; const T* data_end = Data + Size; while (data < data_end) if (*data++ == v) return true; return false; }
inline T* find(const T& v) { T* data = Data; const T* data_end = Data + Size; while (data < data_end) if (*data == v) break; else ++data; return data; }
inline const T* find(const T& v) const { const T* data = Data; const T* data_end = Data + Size; while (data < data_end) if (*data == v) break; else ++data; return data; }
inline int find_index(const T& v) const { const T* data_end = Data + Size; const T* it = find(v); if (it == data_end) return -1; const ptrdiff_t off = it - Data; return (int)off; }
inline bool find_erase(const T& v) { const T* it = find(v); if (it < Data + Size) { erase(it); return true; } return false; }
inline bool find_erase_unsorted(const T& v) { const T* it = find(v); if (it < Data + Size) { erase_unsorted(it); return true; } return false; }
inline int index_from_ptr(const T* it) const { IM_ASSERT(it >= Data && it < Data + Size); const ptrdiff_t off = it - Data; return (int)off; }
// [SECTION] ImGuiStyle
// You may modify the ImGui::GetStyle() main instance during initialization and before NewFrame().
// During the frame, use ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_XXXX)/PopStyleVar() to alter the main style values,
// and ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_XXX)/PopStyleColor() for colors.
struct ImGuiStyle
float Alpha; // Global alpha applies to everything in Dear ImGui.
float DisabledAlpha; // Additional alpha multiplier applied by BeginDisabled(). Multiply over current value of Alpha.
ImVec2 WindowPadding; // Padding within a window.
float WindowRounding; // Radius of window corners rounding. Set to 0.0f to have rectangular windows. Large values tend to lead to variety of artifacts and are not recommended.
float WindowBorderSize; // Thickness of border around windows. Generally set to 0.0f or 1.0f. (Other values are not well tested and more CPU/GPU costly).
ImVec2 WindowMinSize; // Minimum window size. This is a global setting. If you want to constrain individual windows, use SetNextWindowSizeConstraints().
ImVec2 WindowTitleAlign; // Alignment for title bar text. Defaults to (0.0f,0.5f) for left-aligned,vertically centered.
ImGuiDir WindowMenuButtonPosition; // Side of the collapsing/docking button in the title bar (None/Left/Right). Defaults to ImGuiDir_Left.
float ChildRounding; // Radius of child window corners rounding. Set to 0.0f to have rectangular windows.
float ChildBorderSize; // Thickness of border around child windows. Generally set to 0.0f or 1.0f. (Other values are not well tested and more CPU/GPU costly).
float PopupRounding; // Radius of popup window corners rounding. (Note that tooltip windows use WindowRounding)
float PopupBorderSize; // Thickness of border around popup/tooltip windows. Generally set to 0.0f or 1.0f. (Other values are not well tested and more CPU/GPU costly).
ImVec2 FramePadding; // Padding within a framed rectangle (used by most widgets).
float FrameRounding; // Radius of frame corners rounding. Set to 0.0f to have rectangular frame (used by most widgets).
float FrameBorderSize; // Thickness of border around frames. Generally set to 0.0f or 1.0f. (Other values are not well tested and more CPU/GPU costly).
ImVec2 ItemSpacing; // Horizontal and vertical spacing between widgets/lines.
ImVec2 ItemInnerSpacing; // Horizontal and vertical spacing between within elements of a composed widget (e.g. a slider and its label).
ImVec2 CellPadding; // Padding within a table cell. Cellpadding.x is locked for entire table. CellPadding.y may be altered between different rows.
ImVec2 TouchExtraPadding; // Expand reactive bounding box for touch-based system where touch position is not accurate enough. Unfortunately we don't sort widgets so priority on overlap will always be given to the first widget. So don't grow this too much!
float IndentSpacing; // Horizontal indentation when e.g. entering a tree node. Generally == (FontSize + FramePadding.x*2).
float ColumnsMinSpacing; // Minimum horizontal spacing between two columns. Preferably > (FramePadding.x + 1).
float ScrollbarSize; // Width of the vertical scrollbar, Height of the horizontal scrollbar.
float ScrollbarRounding; // Radius of grab corners for scrollbar.
float GrabMinSize; // Minimum width/height of a grab box for slider/scrollbar.
float GrabRounding; // Radius of grabs corners rounding. Set to 0.0f to have rectangular slider grabs.
float LogSliderDeadzone; // The size in pixels of the dead-zone around zero on logarithmic sliders that cross zero.
float TabRounding; // Radius of upper corners of a tab. Set to 0.0f to have rectangular tabs.
float TabBorderSize; // Thickness of border around tabs.
float TabMinWidthForCloseButton; // Minimum width for close button to appear on an unselected tab when hovered. Set to 0.0f to always show when hovering, set to FLT_MAX to never show close button unless selected.
float TabBarBorderSize; // Thickness of tab-bar separator, which takes on the tab active color to denote focus.
float TabBarOverlineSize; // Thickness of tab-bar overline, which highlights the selected tab-bar.
float TableAngledHeadersAngle; // Angle of angled headers (supported values range from -50.0f degrees to +50.0f degrees).
ImVec2 TableAngledHeadersTextAlign;// Alignment of angled headers within the cell
ImGuiDir ColorButtonPosition; // Side of the color button in the ColorEdit4 widget (left/right). Defaults to ImGuiDir_Right.
ImVec2 ButtonTextAlign; // Alignment of button text when button is larger than text. Defaults to (0.5f, 0.5f) (centered).
ImVec2 SelectableTextAlign; // Alignment of selectable text. Defaults to (0.0f, 0.0f) (top-left aligned). It's generally important to keep this left-aligned if you want to lay multiple items on a same line.
float SeparatorTextBorderSize; // Thickness of border in SeparatorText()
ImVec2 SeparatorTextAlign; // Alignment of text within the separator. Defaults to (0.0f, 0.5f) (left aligned, center).
ImVec2 SeparatorTextPadding; // Horizontal offset of text from each edge of the separator + spacing on other axis. Generally small values. .y is recommended to be == FramePadding.y.
ImVec2 DisplayWindowPadding; // Apply to regular windows: amount which we enforce to keep visible when moving near edges of your screen.
ImVec2 DisplaySafeAreaPadding; // Apply to every windows, menus, popups, tooltips: amount where we avoid displaying contents. Adjust if you cannot see the edges of your screen (e.g. on a TV where scaling has not been configured).
float DockingSeparatorSize; // Thickness of resizing border between docked windows
float MouseCursorScale; // Scale software rendered mouse cursor (when io.MouseDrawCursor is enabled). We apply per-monitor DPI scaling over this scale. May be removed later.
bool AntiAliasedLines; // Enable anti-aliased lines/borders. Disable if you are really tight on CPU/GPU. Latched at the beginning of the frame (copied to ImDrawList).
bool AntiAliasedLinesUseTex; // Enable anti-aliased lines/borders using textures where possible. Require backend to render with bilinear filtering (NOT point/nearest filtering). Latched at the beginning of the frame (copied to ImDrawList).
bool AntiAliasedFill; // Enable anti-aliased edges around filled shapes (rounded rectangles, circles, etc.). Disable if you are really tight on CPU/GPU. Latched at the beginning of the frame (copied to ImDrawList).
float CurveTessellationTol; // Tessellation tolerance when using PathBezierCurveTo() without a specific number of segments. Decrease for highly tessellated curves (higher quality, more polygons), increase to reduce quality.
float CircleTessellationMaxError; // Maximum error (in pixels) allowed when using AddCircle()/AddCircleFilled() or drawing rounded corner rectangles with no explicit segment count specified. Decrease for higher quality but more geometry.
ImVec4 Colors[ImGuiCol_COUNT];
// Behaviors
// (It is possible to modify those fields mid-frame if specific behavior need it, unlike e.g. configuration fields in ImGuiIO)
float HoverStationaryDelay; // Delay for IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_Stationary). Time required to consider mouse stationary.
float HoverDelayShort; // Delay for IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayShort). Usually used along with HoverStationaryDelay.
float HoverDelayNormal; // Delay for IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayNormal). "
ImGuiHoveredFlags HoverFlagsForTooltipMouse;// Default flags when using IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip) or BeginItemTooltip()/SetItemTooltip() while using mouse.
ImGuiHoveredFlags HoverFlagsForTooltipNav; // Default flags when using IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip) or BeginItemTooltip()/SetItemTooltip() while using keyboard/gamepad.
IMGUI_API ImGuiStyle();
IMGUI_API void ScaleAllSizes(float scale_factor);
// Communicate most settings and inputs/outputs to Dear ImGui using this structure.
// Access via ImGui::GetIO(). Read 'Programmer guide' section in .cpp file for general usage.
// It is generally expected that:
// - initialization: backends and user code writes to ImGuiIO.
// - main loop: backends writes to ImGuiIO, user code and imgui code reads from ImGuiIO.
// [Internal] Storage used by IsKeyDown(), IsKeyPressed() etc functions.
// If prior to 1.87 you used io.KeysDownDuration[] (which was marked as internal), you should use GetKeyData(key)->DownDuration and *NOT* io.KeysData[key]->DownDuration.
struct ImGuiKeyData
bool Down; // True for if key is down
float DownDuration; // Duration the key has been down (<0.0f: not pressed, 0.0f: just pressed, >0.0f: time held)
float DownDurationPrev; // Last frame duration the key has been down
float AnalogValue; // 0.0f..1.0f for gamepad values
struct ImGuiIO
// Configuration // Default value
ImGuiConfigFlags ConfigFlags; // = 0 // See ImGuiConfigFlags_ enum. Set by user/application. Gamepad/keyboard navigation options, etc.
ImGuiBackendFlags BackendFlags; // = 0 // See ImGuiBackendFlags_ enum. Set by backend (imgui_impl_xxx files or custom backend) to communicate features supported by the backend.
ImVec2 DisplaySize; // <unset> // Main display size, in pixels (generally == GetMainViewport()->Size). May change every frame.
float DeltaTime; // = 1.0f/60.0f // Time elapsed since last frame, in seconds. May change every frame.
float IniSavingRate; // = 5.0f // Minimum time between saving positions/sizes to .ini file, in seconds.
const char* IniFilename; // = "imgui.ini" // Path to .ini file (important: default "imgui.ini" is relative to current working dir!). Set NULL to disable automatic .ini loading/saving or if you want to manually call LoadIniSettingsXXX() / SaveIniSettingsXXX() functions.
const char* LogFilename; // = "imgui_log.txt"// Path to .log file (default parameter to ImGui::LogToFile when no file is specified).
void* UserData; // = NULL // Store your own data.
ImFontAtlas*Fonts; // <auto> // Font atlas: load, rasterize and pack one or more fonts into a single texture.
float FontGlobalScale; // = 1.0f // Global scale all fonts
bool FontAllowUserScaling; // = false // Allow user scaling text of individual window with CTRL+Wheel.
ImFont* FontDefault; // = NULL // Font to use on NewFrame(). Use NULL to uses Fonts->Fonts[0].
ImVec2 DisplayFramebufferScale; // = (1, 1) // For retina display or other situations where window coordinates are different from framebuffer coordinates. This generally ends up in ImDrawData::FramebufferScale.
// Docking options (when ImGuiConfigFlags_DockingEnable is set)
bool ConfigDockingNoSplit; // = false // Simplified docking mode: disable window splitting, so docking is limited to merging multiple windows together into tab-bars.
bool ConfigDockingWithShift; // = false // Enable docking with holding Shift key (reduce visual noise, allows dropping in wider space)
bool ConfigDockingAlwaysTabBar; // = false // [BETA] [FIXME: This currently creates regression with auto-sizing and general overhead] Make every single floating window display within a docking node.
bool ConfigDockingTransparentPayload;// = false // [BETA] Make window or viewport transparent when docking and only display docking boxes on the target viewport. Useful if rendering of multiple viewport cannot be synced. Best used with ConfigViewportsNoAutoMerge.
// Viewport options (when ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable is set)
bool ConfigViewportsNoAutoMerge; // = false; // Set to make all floating imgui windows always create their own viewport. Otherwise, they are merged into the main host viewports when overlapping it. May also set ImGuiViewportFlags_NoAutoMerge on individual viewport.
bool ConfigViewportsNoTaskBarIcon; // = false // Disable default OS task bar icon flag for secondary viewports. When a viewport doesn't want a task bar icon, ImGuiViewportFlags_NoTaskBarIcon will be set on it.
bool ConfigViewportsNoDecoration; // = true // Disable default OS window decoration flag for secondary viewports. When a viewport doesn't want window decorations, ImGuiViewportFlags_NoDecoration will be set on it. Enabling decoration can create subsequent issues at OS levels (e.g. minimum window size).
bool ConfigViewportsNoDefaultParent; // = false // Disable default OS parenting to main viewport for secondary viewports. By default, viewports are marked with ParentViewportId = <main_viewport>, expecting the platform backend to setup a parent/child relationship between the OS windows (some backend may ignore this). Set to true if you want the default to be 0, then all viewports will be top-level OS windows.
// Miscellaneous options
bool MouseDrawCursor; // = false // Request ImGui to draw a mouse cursor for you (if you are on a platform without a mouse cursor). Cannot be easily renamed to 'io.ConfigXXX' because this is frequently used by backend implementations.
bool ConfigMacOSXBehaviors; // = defined(__APPLE__) // Swap Cmd<>Ctrl keys + OS X style text editing cursor movement using Alt instead of Ctrl, Shortcuts using Cmd/Super instead of Ctrl, Line/Text Start and End using Cmd+Arrows instead of Home/End, Double click selects by word instead of selecting whole text, Multi-selection in lists uses Cmd/Super instead of Ctrl.
bool ConfigNavSwapGamepadButtons; // = false // Swap Activate<>Cancel (A<>B) buttons, matching typical "Nintendo/Japanese style" gamepad layout.
bool ConfigInputTrickleEventQueue; // = true // Enable input queue trickling: some types of events submitted during the same frame (e.g. button down + up) will be spread over multiple frames, improving interactions with low framerates.
bool ConfigInputTextCursorBlink; // = true // Enable blinking cursor (optional as some users consider it to be distracting).
bool ConfigInputTextEnterKeepActive; // = false // [BETA] Pressing Enter will keep item active and select contents (single-line only).
bool ConfigDragClickToInputText; // = false // [BETA] Enable turning DragXXX widgets into text input with a simple mouse click-release (without moving). Not desirable on devices without a keyboard.
bool ConfigWindowsResizeFromEdges; // = true // Enable resizing of windows from their edges and from the lower-left corner. This requires (io.BackendFlags & ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseCursors) because it needs mouse cursor feedback. (This used to be a per-window ImGuiWindowFlags_ResizeFromAnySide flag)
bool ConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly; // = false // Enable allowing to move windows only when clicking on their title bar. Does not apply to windows without a title bar.
float ConfigMemoryCompactTimer; // = 60.0f // Timer (in seconds) to free transient windows/tables memory buffers when unused. Set to -1.0f to disable.
// Inputs Behaviors
// (other variables, ones which are expected to be tweaked within UI code, are exposed in ImGuiStyle)
float MouseDoubleClickTime; // = 0.30f // Time for a double-click, in seconds.
float MouseDoubleClickMaxDist; // = 6.0f // Distance threshold to stay in to validate a double-click, in pixels.
float MouseDragThreshold; // = 6.0f // Distance threshold before considering we are dragging.
float KeyRepeatDelay; // = 0.275f // When holding a key/button, time before it starts repeating, in seconds (for buttons in Repeat mode, etc.).
float KeyRepeatRate; // = 0.050f // When holding a key/button, rate at which it repeats, in seconds.
// Debug options
// Option to enable various debug tools showing buttons that will call the IM_DEBUG_BREAK() macro.
// - The Item Picker tool will be available regardless of this being enabled, in order to maximize its discoverability.
// - Requires a debugger being attached, otherwise IM_DEBUG_BREAK() options will appear to crash your application.
// e.g. io.ConfigDebugIsDebuggerPresent = ::IsDebuggerPresent() on Win32, or refer to ImOsIsDebuggerPresent() imgui_test_engine/imgui_te_utils.cpp for a Unix compatible version).
bool ConfigDebugIsDebuggerPresent; // = false // Enable various tools calling IM_DEBUG_BREAK().
// Tools to test correct Begin/End and BeginChild/EndChild behaviors.
// - Presently Begin()/End() and BeginChild()/EndChild() needs to ALWAYS be called in tandem, regardless of return value of BeginXXX()
// - This is inconsistent with other BeginXXX functions and create confusion for many users.
// - We expect to update the API eventually. In the meanwhile we provide tools to facilitate checking user-code behavior.
bool ConfigDebugBeginReturnValueOnce;// = false // First-time calls to Begin()/BeginChild() will return false. NEEDS TO BE SET AT APPLICATION BOOT TIME if you don't want to miss windows.
bool ConfigDebugBeginReturnValueLoop;// = false // Some calls to Begin()/BeginChild() will return false. Will cycle through window depths then repeat. Suggested use: add "io.ConfigDebugBeginReturnValue = io.KeyShift" in your main loop then occasionally press SHIFT. Windows should be flickering while running.
// Option to deactivate io.AddFocusEvent(false) handling.
// - May facilitate interactions with a debugger when focus loss leads to clearing inputs data.
// - Backends may have other side-effects on focus loss, so this will reduce side-effects but not necessary remove all of them.
bool ConfigDebugIgnoreFocusLoss; // = false // Ignore io.AddFocusEvent(false), consequently not calling io.ClearInputKeys()/io.ClearInputMouse() in input processing.
// Option to audit .ini data
bool ConfigDebugIniSettings; // = false // Save .ini data with extra comments (particularly helpful for Docking, but makes saving slower)
// Platform Functions
// (the imgui_impl_xxxx backend files are setting those up for you)
// Optional: Platform/Renderer backend name (informational only! will be displayed in About Window) + User data for backend/wrappers to store their own stuff.
const char* BackendPlatformName; // = NULL
const char* BackendRendererName; // = NULL
void* BackendPlatformUserData; // = NULL // User data for platform backend
void* BackendRendererUserData; // = NULL // User data for renderer backend
void* BackendLanguageUserData; // = NULL // User data for non C++ programming language backend
// Optional: Access OS clipboard
// (default to use native Win32 clipboard on Windows, otherwise uses a private clipboard. Override to access OS clipboard on other architectures)
const char* (*GetClipboardTextFn)(void* user_data);
void (*SetClipboardTextFn)(void* user_data, const char* text);
void* ClipboardUserData;
// Optional: Open link/folder/file in OS Shell
// (default to use ShellExecuteA() on Windows, system() on Linux/Mac)
bool (*PlatformOpenInShellFn)(ImGuiContext* ctx, const char* path);
void* PlatformOpenInShellUserData;
// Optional: Notify OS Input Method Editor of the screen position of your cursor for text input position (e.g. when using Japanese/Chinese IME on Windows)
// (default to use native imm32 api on Windows)
void (*PlatformSetImeDataFn)(ImGuiContext* ctx, ImGuiViewport* viewport, ImGuiPlatformImeData* data);
//void (*SetPlatformImeDataFn)(ImGuiViewport* viewport, ImGuiPlatformImeData* data); // [Renamed to io.PlatformSetImeDataFn in 1.91.0]
// Optional: Platform locale
ImWchar PlatformLocaleDecimalPoint; // '.' // [Experimental] Configure decimal point e.g. '.' or ',' useful for some languages (e.g. German), generally pulled from *localeconv()->decimal_point
// Input - Call before calling NewFrame()
// Input Functions
IMGUI_API void AddKeyEvent(ImGuiKey key, bool down); // Queue a new key down/up event. Key should be "translated" (as in, generally ImGuiKey_A matches the key end-user would use to emit an 'A' character)
IMGUI_API void AddKeyAnalogEvent(ImGuiKey key, bool down, float v); // Queue a new key down/up event for analog values (e.g. ImGuiKey_Gamepad_ values). Dead-zones should be handled by the backend.
IMGUI_API void AddMousePosEvent(float x, float y); // Queue a mouse position update. Use -FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX to signify no mouse (e.g. app not focused and not hovered)
IMGUI_API void AddMouseButtonEvent(int button, bool down); // Queue a mouse button change
IMGUI_API void AddMouseWheelEvent(float wheel_x, float wheel_y); // Queue a mouse wheel update. wheel_y<0: scroll down, wheel_y>0: scroll up, wheel_x<0: scroll right, wheel_x>0: scroll left.
IMGUI_API void AddMouseSourceEvent(ImGuiMouseSource source); // Queue a mouse source change (Mouse/TouchScreen/Pen)
IMGUI_API void AddMouseViewportEvent(ImGuiID id); // Queue a mouse hovered viewport. Requires backend to set ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport to call this (for multi-viewport support).
IMGUI_API void AddFocusEvent(bool focused); // Queue a gain/loss of focus for the application (generally based on OS/platform focus of your window)
IMGUI_API void AddInputCharacter(unsigned int c); // Queue a new character input
IMGUI_API void AddInputCharacterUTF16(ImWchar16 c); // Queue a new character input from a UTF-16 character, it can be a surrogate
IMGUI_API void AddInputCharactersUTF8(const char* str); // Queue a new characters input from a UTF-8 string
IMGUI_API void SetKeyEventNativeData(ImGuiKey key, int native_keycode, int native_scancode, int native_legacy_index = -1); // [Optional] Specify index for legacy <1.87 IsKeyXXX() functions with native indices + specify native keycode, scancode.
IMGUI_API void SetAppAcceptingEvents(bool accepting_events); // Set master flag for accepting key/mouse/text events (default to true). Useful if you have native dialog boxes that are interrupting your application loop/refresh, and you want to disable events being queued while your app is frozen.
IMGUI_API void ClearEventsQueue(); // Clear all incoming events.
IMGUI_API void ClearInputKeys(); // Clear current keyboard/gamepad state + current frame text input buffer. Equivalent to releasing all keys/buttons.
IMGUI_API void ClearInputMouse(); // Clear current mouse state.
IMGUI_API void ClearInputCharacters(); // [Obsoleted in 1.89.8] Clear the current frame text input buffer. Now included within ClearInputKeys().
// Output - Updated by NewFrame() or EndFrame()/Render()
// (when reading from the io.WantCaptureMouse, io.WantCaptureKeyboard flags to dispatch your inputs, it is
// generally easier and more correct to use their state BEFORE calling NewFrame(). See FAQ for details!)
bool WantCaptureMouse; // Set when Dear ImGui will use mouse inputs, in this case do not dispatch them to your main game/application (either way, always pass on mouse inputs to imgui). (e.g. unclicked mouse is hovering over an imgui window, widget is active, mouse was clicked over an imgui window, etc.).
bool WantCaptureKeyboard; // Set when Dear ImGui will use keyboard inputs, in this case do not dispatch them to your main game/application (either way, always pass keyboard inputs to imgui). (e.g. InputText active, or an imgui window is focused and navigation is enabled, etc.).
bool WantTextInput; // Mobile/console: when set, you may display an on-screen keyboard. This is set by Dear ImGui when it wants textual keyboard input to happen (e.g. when a InputText widget is active).
bool WantSetMousePos; // MousePos has been altered, backend should reposition mouse on next frame. Rarely used! Set only when ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos flag is enabled.
bool WantSaveIniSettings; // When manual .ini load/save is active (io.IniFilename == NULL), this will be set to notify your application that you can call SaveIniSettingsToMemory() and save yourself. Important: clear io.WantSaveIniSettings yourself after saving!
bool NavActive; // Keyboard/Gamepad navigation is currently allowed (will handle ImGuiKey_NavXXX events) = a window is focused and it doesn't use the ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs flag.
bool NavVisible; // Keyboard/Gamepad navigation is visible and allowed (will handle ImGuiKey_NavXXX events).
float Framerate; // Estimate of application framerate (rolling average over 60 frames, based on io.DeltaTime), in frame per second. Solely for convenience. Slow applications may not want to use a moving average or may want to reset underlying buffers occasionally.
int MetricsRenderVertices; // Vertices output during last call to Render()
int MetricsRenderIndices; // Indices output during last call to Render() = number of triangles * 3
int MetricsRenderWindows; // Number of visible windows
int MetricsActiveWindows; // Number of active windows
ImVec2 MouseDelta; // Mouse delta. Note that this is zero if either current or previous position are invalid (-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX), so a disappearing/reappearing mouse won't have a huge delta.
// [Internal] Dear ImGui will maintain those fields. Forward compatibility not guaranteed!
ImGuiContext* Ctx; // Parent UI context (needs to be set explicitly by parent).
// Main Input State
// (this block used to be written by backend, since 1.87 it is best to NOT write to those directly, call the AddXXX functions above instead)
// (reading from those variables is fair game, as they are extremely unlikely to be moving anywhere)
ImVec2 MousePos; // Mouse position, in pixels. Set to ImVec2(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX) if mouse is unavailable (on another screen, etc.)
bool MouseDown[5]; // Mouse buttons: 0=left, 1=right, 2=middle + extras (ImGuiMouseButton_COUNT == 5). Dear ImGui mostly uses left and right buttons. Other buttons allow us to track if the mouse is being used by your application + available to user as a convenience via IsMouse** API.
float MouseWheel; // Mouse wheel Vertical: 1 unit scrolls about 5 lines text. >0 scrolls Up, <0 scrolls Down. Hold SHIFT to turn vertical scroll into horizontal scroll.
float MouseWheelH; // Mouse wheel Horizontal. >0 scrolls Left, <0 scrolls Right. Most users don't have a mouse with a horizontal wheel, may not be filled by all backends.
ImGuiMouseSource MouseSource; // Mouse actual input peripheral (Mouse/TouchScreen/Pen).
ImGuiID MouseHoveredViewport; // (Optional) Modify using io.AddMouseViewportEvent(). With multi-viewports: viewport the OS mouse is hovering. If possible _IGNORING_ viewports with the ImGuiViewportFlags_NoInputs flag is much better (few backends can handle that). Set io.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport if you can provide this info. If you don't imgui will infer the value using the rectangles and last focused time of the viewports it knows about (ignoring other OS windows).
bool KeyCtrl; // Keyboard modifier down: Control
bool KeyShift; // Keyboard modifier down: Shift
bool KeyAlt; // Keyboard modifier down: Alt
bool KeySuper; // Keyboard modifier down: Cmd/Super/Windows
// Other state maintained from data above + IO function calls
ImGuiKeyChord KeyMods; // Key mods flags (any of ImGuiMod_Ctrl/ImGuiMod_Shift/ImGuiMod_Alt/ImGuiMod_Super flags, same as io.KeyCtrl/KeyShift/KeyAlt/KeySuper but merged into flags. Read-only, updated by NewFrame()
ImGuiKeyData KeysData[ImGuiKey_KeysData_SIZE]; // Key state for all known keys. Use IsKeyXXX() functions to access this.
bool WantCaptureMouseUnlessPopupClose; // Alternative to WantCaptureMouse: (WantCaptureMouse == true && WantCaptureMouseUnlessPopupClose == false) when a click over void is expected to close a popup.
ImVec2 MousePosPrev; // Previous mouse position (note that MouseDelta is not necessary == MousePos-MousePosPrev, in case either position is invalid)
ImVec2 MouseClickedPos[5]; // Position at time of clicking
double MouseClickedTime[5]; // Time of last click (used to figure out double-click)
bool MouseClicked[5]; // Mouse button went from !Down to Down (same as MouseClickedCount[x] != 0)
bool MouseDoubleClicked[5]; // Has mouse button been double-clicked? (same as MouseClickedCount[x] == 2)
ImU16 MouseClickedCount[5]; // == 0 (not clicked), == 1 (same as MouseClicked[]), == 2 (double-clicked), == 3 (triple-clicked) etc. when going from !Down to Down
ImU16 MouseClickedLastCount[5]; // Count successive number of clicks. Stays valid after mouse release. Reset after another click is done.
bool MouseReleased[5]; // Mouse button went from Down to !Down
bool MouseDownOwned[5]; // Track if button was clicked inside a dear imgui window or over void blocked by a popup. We don't request mouse capture from the application if click started outside ImGui bounds.
bool MouseDownOwnedUnlessPopupClose[5]; // Track if button was clicked inside a dear imgui window.
bool MouseWheelRequestAxisSwap; // On a non-Mac system, holding SHIFT requests WheelY to perform the equivalent of a WheelX event. On a Mac system this is already enforced by the system.
bool MouseCtrlLeftAsRightClick; // (OSX) Set to true when the current click was a ctrl-click that spawned a simulated right click
float MouseDownDuration[5]; // Duration the mouse button has been down (0.0f == just clicked)
float MouseDownDurationPrev[5]; // Previous time the mouse button has been down
ImVec2 MouseDragMaxDistanceAbs[5]; // Maximum distance, absolute, on each axis, of how much mouse has traveled from the clicking point
float MouseDragMaxDistanceSqr[5]; // Squared maximum distance of how much mouse has traveled from the clicking point (used for moving thresholds)
float PenPressure; // Touch/Pen pressure (0.0f to 1.0f, should be >0.0f only when MouseDown[0] == true). Helper storage currently unused by Dear ImGui.
bool AppFocusLost; // Only modify via AddFocusEvent()
bool AppAcceptingEvents; // Only modify via SetAppAcceptingEvents()
ImS8 BackendUsingLegacyKeyArrays; // -1: unknown, 0: using AddKeyEvent(), 1: using legacy io.KeysDown[]
bool BackendUsingLegacyNavInputArray; // 0: using AddKeyAnalogEvent(), 1: writing to legacy io.NavInputs[] directly
ImWchar16 InputQueueSurrogate; // For AddInputCharacterUTF16()
ImVector<ImWchar> InputQueueCharacters; // Queue of _characters_ input (obtained by platform backend). Fill using AddInputCharacter() helper.
// Legacy: before 1.87, we required backend to fill io.KeyMap[] (imgui->native map) during initialization and io.KeysDown[] (native indices) every frame.
// This is still temporarily supported as a legacy feature. However the new preferred scheme is for backend to call io.AddKeyEvent().
// Old (<1.87): ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGui::GetIO().KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Space]) --> New (1.87+) ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_Space)
int KeyMap[ImGuiKey_COUNT]; // [LEGACY] Input: map of indices into the KeysDown[512] entries array which represent your "native" keyboard state. The first 512 are now unused and should be kept zero. Legacy backend will write into KeyMap[] using ImGuiKey_ indices which are always >512.
bool KeysDown[ImGuiKey_COUNT]; // [LEGACY] Input: Keyboard keys that are pressed (ideally left in the "native" order your engine has access to keyboard keys, so you can use your own defines/enums for keys). This used to be [512] sized. It is now ImGuiKey_COUNT to allow legacy io.KeysDown[GetKeyIndex(...)] to work without an overflow.
float NavInputs[ImGuiNavInput_COUNT]; // [LEGACY] Since 1.88, NavInputs[] was removed. Backends from 1.60 to 1.86 won't build. Feed gamepad inputs via io.AddKeyEvent() and ImGuiKey_GamepadXXX enums.
//void* ImeWindowHandle; // [Obsoleted in 1.87] Set ImGuiViewport::PlatformHandleRaw instead. Set this to your HWND to get automatic IME cursor positioning.
// [SECTION] Misc data structures (ImGuiInputTextCallbackData, ImGuiSizeCallbackData, ImGuiPayload)
// Shared state of InputText(), passed as an argument to your callback when a ImGuiInputTextFlags_Callback* flag is used.
// The callback function should return 0 by default.
// Callbacks (follow a flag name and see comments in ImGuiInputTextFlags_ declarations for more details)
// - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackEdit: Callback on buffer edit (note that InputText() already returns true on edit, the callback is useful mainly to manipulate the underlying buffer while focus is active)
// - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackAlways: Callback on each iteration
// - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCompletion: Callback on pressing TAB
// - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackHistory: Callback on pressing Up/Down arrows
// - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCharFilter: Callback on character inputs to replace or discard them. Modify 'EventChar' to replace or discard, or return 1 in callback to discard.
// - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackResize: Callback on buffer capacity changes request (beyond 'buf_size' parameter value), allowing the string to grow.
struct ImGuiInputTextCallbackData
ImGuiContext* Ctx; // Parent UI context
ImGuiInputTextFlags EventFlag; // One ImGuiInputTextFlags_Callback* // Read-only
ImGuiInputTextFlags Flags; // What user passed to InputText() // Read-only
void* UserData; // What user passed to InputText() // Read-only
// Arguments for the different callback events
// - During Resize callback, Buf will be same as your input buffer.
// - However, during Completion/History/Always callback, Buf always points to our own internal data (it is not the same as your buffer)! Changes to it will be reflected into your own buffer shortly after the callback.
// - To modify the text buffer in a callback, prefer using the InsertChars() / DeleteChars() function. InsertChars() will take care of calling the resize callback if necessary.
// - If you know your edits are not going to resize the underlying buffer allocation, you may modify the contents of 'Buf[]' directly. You need to update 'BufTextLen' accordingly (0 <= BufTextLen < BufSize) and set 'BufDirty'' to true so InputText can update its internal state.
ImWchar EventChar; // Character input // Read-write // [CharFilter] Replace character with another one, or set to zero to drop. return 1 is equivalent to setting EventChar=0;
ImGuiKey EventKey; // Key pressed (Up/Down/TAB) // Read-only // [Completion,History]
char* Buf; // Text buffer // Read-write // [Resize] Can replace pointer / [Completion,History,Always] Only write to pointed data, don't replace the actual pointer!
int BufTextLen; // Text length (in bytes) // Read-write // [Resize,Completion,History,Always] Exclude zero-terminator storage. In C land: == strlen(some_text), in C++ land: string.length()
int BufSize; // Buffer size (in bytes) = capacity+1 // Read-only // [Resize,Completion,History,Always] Include zero-terminator storage. In C land == ARRAYSIZE(my_char_array), in C++ land: string.capacity()+1
bool BufDirty; // Set if you modify Buf/BufTextLen! // Write // [Completion,History,Always]
int CursorPos; // // Read-write // [Completion,History,Always]
int SelectionStart; // // Read-write // [Completion,History,Always] == to SelectionEnd when no selection)
int SelectionEnd; // // Read-write // [Completion,History,Always]
// Helper functions for text manipulation.
// Use those function to benefit from the CallbackResize behaviors. Calling those function reset the selection.
IMGUI_API ImGuiInputTextCallbackData();
IMGUI_API void DeleteChars(int pos, int bytes_count);
IMGUI_API void InsertChars(int pos, const char* text, const char* text_end = NULL);
void SelectAll() { SelectionStart = 0; SelectionEnd = BufTextLen; }
void ClearSelection() { SelectionStart = SelectionEnd = BufTextLen; }
bool HasSelection() const { return SelectionStart != SelectionEnd; }
// Resizing callback data to apply custom constraint. As enabled by SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(). Callback is called during the next Begin().
// NB: For basic min/max size constraint on each axis you don't need to use the callback! The SetNextWindowSizeConstraints() parameters are enough.
struct ImGuiSizeCallbackData
void* UserData; // Read-only. What user passed to SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(). Generally store an integer or float in here (need reinterpret_cast<>).
ImVec2 Pos; // Read-only. Window position, for reference.
ImVec2 CurrentSize; // Read-only. Current window size.
ImVec2 DesiredSize; // Read-write. Desired size, based on user's mouse position. Write to this field to restrain resizing.
// [ALPHA] Rarely used / very advanced uses only. Use with SetNextWindowClass() and DockSpace() functions.
// Important: the content of this class is still highly WIP and likely to change and be refactored
// before we stabilize Docking features. Please be mindful if using this.
// Provide hints:
// - To the platform backend via altered viewport flags (enable/disable OS decoration, OS task bar icons, etc.)
// - To the platform backend for OS level parent/child relationships of viewport.
// - To the docking system for various options and filtering.
struct ImGuiWindowClass
ImGuiID ClassId; // User data. 0 = Default class (unclassed). Windows of different classes cannot be docked with each others.
ImGuiID ParentViewportId; // Hint for the platform backend. -1: use default. 0: request platform backend to not parent the platform. != 0: request platform backend to create a parent<>child relationship between the platform windows. Not conforming backends are free to e.g. parent every viewport to the main viewport or not.
ImGuiID FocusRouteParentWindowId; // ID of parent window for shortcut focus route evaluation, e.g. Shortcut() call from Parent Window will succeed when this window is focused.
ImGuiViewportFlags ViewportFlagsOverrideSet; // Viewport flags to set when a window of this class owns a viewport. This allows you to enforce OS decoration or task bar icon, override the defaults on a per-window basis.
ImGuiViewportFlags ViewportFlagsOverrideClear; // Viewport flags to clear when a window of this class owns a viewport. This allows you to enforce OS decoration or task bar icon, override the defaults on a per-window basis.
ImGuiTabItemFlags TabItemFlagsOverrideSet; // [EXPERIMENTAL] TabItem flags to set when a window of this class gets submitted into a dock node tab bar. May use with ImGuiTabItemFlags_Leading or ImGuiTabItemFlags_Trailing.
ImGuiDockNodeFlags DockNodeFlagsOverrideSet; // [EXPERIMENTAL] Dock node flags to set when a window of this class is hosted by a dock node (it doesn't have to be selected!)
bool DockingAlwaysTabBar; // Set to true to enforce single floating windows of this class always having their own docking node (equivalent of setting the global io.ConfigDockingAlwaysTabBar)
bool DockingAllowUnclassed; // Set to true to allow windows of this class to be docked/merged with an unclassed window. // FIXME-DOCK: Move to DockNodeFlags override?
ImGuiWindowClass() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); ParentViewportId = (ImGuiID)-1; DockingAllowUnclassed = true; }
// Data payload for Drag and Drop operations: AcceptDragDropPayload(), GetDragDropPayload()
struct ImGuiPayload
// Members
void* Data; // Data (copied and owned by dear imgui)
int DataSize; // Data size
// [Internal]
ImGuiID SourceId; // Source item id
ImGuiID SourceParentId; // Source parent id (if available)
int DataFrameCount; // Data timestamp
char DataType[32 + 1]; // Data type tag (short user-supplied string, 32 characters max)
bool Preview; // Set when AcceptDragDropPayload() was called and mouse has been hovering the target item (nb: handle overlapping drag targets)
bool Delivery; // Set when AcceptDragDropPayload() was called and mouse button is released over the target item.
ImGuiPayload() { Clear(); }
void Clear() { SourceId = SourceParentId = 0; Data = NULL; DataSize = 0; memset(DataType, 0, sizeof(DataType)); DataFrameCount = -1; Preview = Delivery = false; }
bool IsDataType(const char* type) const { return DataFrameCount != -1 && strcmp(type, DataType) == 0; }
bool IsPreview() const { return Preview; }
bool IsDelivery() const { return Delivery; }
// [SECTION] Helpers (ImGuiOnceUponAFrame, ImGuiTextFilter, ImGuiTextBuffer, ImGuiStorage, ImGuiListClipper, Math Operators, ImColor)
// Helper: Unicode defines
#define IM_UNICODE_CODEPOINT_INVALID 0xFFFD // Invalid Unicode code point (standard value).
#define IM_UNICODE_CODEPOINT_MAX 0x10FFFF // Maximum Unicode code point supported by this build.
#define IM_UNICODE_CODEPOINT_MAX 0xFFFF // Maximum Unicode code point supported by this build.
// Helper: Execute a block of code at maximum once a frame. Convenient if you want to quickly create a UI within deep-nested code that runs multiple times every frame.
// Usage: static ImGuiOnceUponAFrame oaf; if (oaf) ImGui::Text("This will be called only once per frame");
struct ImGuiOnceUponAFrame
ImGuiOnceUponAFrame() { RefFrame = -1; }
mutable int RefFrame;
operator bool() const { int current_frame = ImGui::GetFrameCount(); if (RefFrame == current_frame) return false; RefFrame = current_frame; return true; }
// Helper: Parse and apply text filters. In format "aaaaa[,bbbb][,ccccc]"
struct ImGuiTextFilter
IMGUI_API ImGuiTextFilter(const char* default_filter = "");
IMGUI_API bool Draw(const char* label = "Filter (inc,-exc)", float width = 0.0f); // Helper calling InputText+Build
IMGUI_API bool PassFilter(const char* text, const char* text_end = NULL) const;
IMGUI_API void Build();
void Clear() { InputBuf[0] = 0; Build(); }
bool IsActive() const { return !Filters.empty(); }
// [Internal]
struct ImGuiTextRange
const char* b;
const char* e;
ImGuiTextRange() { b = e = NULL; }
ImGuiTextRange(const char* _b, const char* _e) { b = _b; e = _e; }
bool empty() const { return b == e; }
IMGUI_API void split(char separator, ImVector<ImGuiTextRange>* out) const;
char InputBuf[256];
int CountGrep;
// Helper: Growable text buffer for logging/accumulating text
// (this could be called 'ImGuiTextBuilder' / 'ImGuiStringBuilder')
struct ImGuiTextBuffer
ImVector<char> Buf;
IMGUI_API static char EmptyString[1];
ImGuiTextBuffer() { }
inline char operator[](int i) const { IM_ASSERT(Buf.Data != NULL); return Buf.Data[i]; }
const char* begin() const { return Buf.Data ? &Buf.front() : EmptyString; }
const char* end() const { return Buf.Data ? &Buf.back() : EmptyString; } // Buf is zero-terminated, so end() will point on the zero-terminator
int size() const { return Buf.Size ? Buf.Size - 1 : 0; }
bool empty() const { return Buf.Size <= 1; }
void clear() { Buf.clear(); }
void reserve(int capacity) { Buf.reserve(capacity); }
const char* c_str() const { return Buf.Data ? Buf.Data : EmptyString; }
IMGUI_API void append(const char* str, const char* str_end = NULL);
IMGUI_API void appendf(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(2);
IMGUI_API void appendfv(const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(2);
// [Internal] Key+Value for ImGuiStorage
struct ImGuiStoragePair
ImGuiID key;
union { int val_i; float val_f; void* val_p; };
ImGuiStoragePair(ImGuiID _key, int _val) { key = _key; val_i = _val; }
ImGuiStoragePair(ImGuiID _key, float _val) { key = _key; val_f = _val; }
ImGuiStoragePair(ImGuiID _key, void* _val) { key = _key; val_p = _val; }
// Helper: Key->Value storage
// Typically you don't have to worry about this since a storage is held within each Window.
// We use it to e.g. store collapse state for a tree (Int 0/1)
// This is optimized for efficient lookup (dichotomy into a contiguous buffer) and rare insertion (typically tied to user interactions aka max once a frame)
// You can use it as custom user storage for temporary values. Declare your own storage if, for example:
// - You want to manipulate the open/close state of a particular sub-tree in your interface (tree node uses Int 0/1 to store their state).
// - You want to store custom debug data easily without adding or editing structures in your code (probably not efficient, but convenient)
// Types are NOT stored, so it is up to you to make sure your Key don't collide with different types.
struct ImGuiStorage
// [Internal]
ImVector<ImGuiStoragePair> Data;
// - Get***() functions find pair, never add/allocate. Pairs are sorted so a query is O(log N)
// - Set***() functions find pair, insertion on demand if missing.
// - Sorted insertion is costly, paid once. A typical frame shouldn't need to insert any new pair.
void Clear() { Data.clear(); }
IMGUI_API int GetInt(ImGuiID key, int default_val = 0) const;
IMGUI_API void SetInt(ImGuiID key, int val);
IMGUI_API bool GetBool(ImGuiID key, bool default_val = false) const;
IMGUI_API void SetBool(ImGuiID key, bool val);
IMGUI_API float GetFloat(ImGuiID key, float default_val = 0.0f) const;
IMGUI_API void SetFloat(ImGuiID key, float val);
IMGUI_API void* GetVoidPtr(ImGuiID key) const; // default_val is NULL
IMGUI_API void SetVoidPtr(ImGuiID key, void* val);
// - Get***Ref() functions finds pair, insert on demand if missing, return pointer. Useful if you intend to do Get+Set.
// - References are only valid until a new value is added to the storage. Calling a Set***() function or a Get***Ref() function invalidates the pointer.
// - A typical use case where this is convenient for quick hacking (e.g. add storage during a live Edit&Continue session if you can't modify existing struct)
// float* pvar = ImGui::GetFloatRef(key); ImGui::SliderFloat("var", pvar, 0, 100.0f); some_var += *pvar;
IMGUI_API int* GetIntRef(ImGuiID key, int default_val = 0);
IMGUI_API bool* GetBoolRef(ImGuiID key, bool default_val = false);
IMGUI_API float* GetFloatRef(ImGuiID key, float default_val = 0.0f);
IMGUI_API void** GetVoidPtrRef(ImGuiID key, void* default_val = NULL);
// Advanced: for quicker full rebuild of a storage (instead of an incremental one), you may add all your contents and then sort once.
IMGUI_API void BuildSortByKey();
// Obsolete: use on your own storage if you know only integer are being stored (open/close all tree nodes)
IMGUI_API void SetAllInt(int val);
//typedef ::ImGuiStoragePair ImGuiStoragePair; // 1.90.8: moved type outside struct
// Helper: Manually clip large list of items.
// If you have lots evenly spaced items and you have random access to the list, you can perform coarse
// clipping based on visibility to only submit items that are in view.
// The clipper calculates the range of visible items and advance the cursor to compensate for the non-visible items we have skipped.
// (Dear ImGui already clip items based on their bounds but: it needs to first layout the item to do so, and generally
// fetching/submitting your own data incurs additional cost. Coarse clipping using ImGuiListClipper allows you to easily
// scale using lists with tens of thousands of items without a problem)
// Usage:
// ImGuiListClipper clipper;
// clipper.Begin(1000); // We have 1000 elements, evenly spaced.
// while (clipper.Step())
// for (int i = clipper.DisplayStart; i < clipper.DisplayEnd; i++)
// ImGui::Text("line number %d", i);
// Generally what happens is:
// - Clipper lets you process the first element (DisplayStart = 0, DisplayEnd = 1) regardless of it being visible or not.
// - User code submit that one element.
// - Clipper can measure the height of the first element
// - Clipper calculate the actual range of elements to display based on the current clipping rectangle, position the cursor before the first visible element.
// - User code submit visible elements.
// - The clipper also handles various subtleties related to keyboard/gamepad navigation, wrapping etc.
struct ImGuiListClipper
ImGuiContext* Ctx; // Parent UI context
int DisplayStart; // First item to display, updated by each call to Step()
int DisplayEnd; // End of items to display (exclusive)
int ItemsCount; // [Internal] Number of items
float ItemsHeight; // [Internal] Height of item after a first step and item submission can calculate it
float StartPosY; // [Internal] Cursor position at the time of Begin() or after table frozen rows are all processed
double StartSeekOffsetY; // [Internal] Account for frozen rows in a table and initial loss of precision in very large windows.
void* TempData; // [Internal] Internal data
// items_count: Use INT_MAX if you don't know how many items you have (in which case the cursor won't be advanced in the final step, and you can call SeekCursorForItem() manually if you need)
// items_height: Use -1.0f to be calculated automatically on first step. Otherwise pass in the distance between your items, typically GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() or GetFrameHeightWithSpacing().
IMGUI_API ImGuiListClipper();
IMGUI_API ~ImGuiListClipper();
IMGUI_API void Begin(int items_count, float items_height = -1.0f);
IMGUI_API void End(); // Automatically called on the last call of Step() that returns false.
IMGUI_API bool Step(); // Call until it returns false. The DisplayStart/DisplayEnd fields will be set and you can process/draw those items.
// Call IncludeItemByIndex() or IncludeItemsByIndex() *BEFORE* first call to Step() if you need a range of items to not be clipped, regardless of their visibility.
// (Due to alignment / padding of certain items it is possible that an extra item may be included on either end of the display range).
inline void IncludeItemByIndex(int item_index) { IncludeItemsByIndex(item_index, item_index + 1); }
IMGUI_API void IncludeItemsByIndex(int item_begin, int item_end); // item_end is exclusive e.g. use (42, 42+1) to make item 42 never clipped.
// Seek cursor toward given item. This is automatically called while stepping.
// - The only reason to call this is: you can use ImGuiListClipper::Begin(INT_MAX) if you don't know item count ahead of time.
// - In this case, after all steps are done, you'll want to call SeekCursorForItem(item_count).
IMGUI_API void SeekCursorForItem(int item_index);
inline void IncludeRangeByIndices(int item_begin, int item_end) { IncludeItemsByIndex(item_begin, item_end); } // [renamed in 1.89.9]
inline void ForceDisplayRangeByIndices(int item_begin, int item_end) { IncludeItemsByIndex(item_begin, item_end); } // [renamed in 1.89.6]
//inline ImGuiListClipper(int items_count, float items_height = -1.0f) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); ItemsCount = -1; Begin(items_count, items_height); } // [removed in 1.79]
// Helpers: ImVec2/ImVec4 operators
// - It is important that we are keeping those disabled by default so they don't leak in user space.
// - This is in order to allow user enabling implicit cast operators between ImVec2/ImVec4 and their own types (using IM_VEC2_CLASS_EXTRA in imconfig.h)
// - You can use '#define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS' to import our operators, provided as a courtesy.
static inline ImVec2 operator*(const ImVec2& lhs, const float rhs) { return ImVec2(lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs); }
static inline ImVec2 operator/(const ImVec2& lhs, const float rhs) { return ImVec2(lhs.x / rhs, lhs.y / rhs); }
static inline ImVec2 operator+(const ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { return ImVec2(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y); }
static inline ImVec2 operator-(const ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { return ImVec2(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y); }
static inline ImVec2 operator*(const ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { return ImVec2(lhs.x * rhs.x, lhs.y * rhs.y); }
static inline ImVec2 operator/(const ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { return ImVec2(lhs.x / rhs.x, lhs.y / rhs.y); }
static inline ImVec2 operator-(const ImVec2& lhs) { return ImVec2(-lhs.x, -lhs.y); }
static inline ImVec2& operator*=(ImVec2& lhs, const float rhs) { lhs.x *= rhs; lhs.y *= rhs; return lhs; }
static inline ImVec2& operator/=(ImVec2& lhs, const float rhs) { lhs.x /= rhs; lhs.y /= rhs; return lhs; }
static inline ImVec2& operator+=(ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { lhs.x += rhs.x; lhs.y += rhs.y; return lhs; }
static inline ImVec2& operator-=(ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { lhs.x -= rhs.x; lhs.y -= rhs.y; return lhs; }
static inline ImVec2& operator*=(ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { lhs.x *= rhs.x; lhs.y *= rhs.y; return lhs; }
static inline ImVec2& operator/=(ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { lhs.x /= rhs.x; lhs.y /= rhs.y; return lhs; }
static inline bool operator==(const ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y; }
static inline bool operator!=(const ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { return lhs.x != rhs.x || lhs.y != rhs.y; }
static inline ImVec4 operator+(const ImVec4& lhs, const ImVec4& rhs) { return ImVec4(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y, lhs.z + rhs.z, lhs.w + rhs.w); }
static inline ImVec4 operator-(const ImVec4& lhs, const ImVec4& rhs) { return ImVec4(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y, lhs.z - rhs.z, lhs.w - rhs.w); }
static inline ImVec4 operator*(const ImVec4& lhs, const ImVec4& rhs) { return ImVec4(lhs.x * rhs.x, lhs.y * rhs.y, lhs.z * rhs.z, lhs.w * rhs.w); }
static inline bool operator==(const ImVec4& lhs, const ImVec4& rhs) { return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y && lhs.z == rhs.z && lhs.w == rhs.w; }
static inline bool operator!=(const ImVec4& lhs, const ImVec4& rhs) { return lhs.x != rhs.x || lhs.y != rhs.y || lhs.z != rhs.z || lhs.w != rhs.w; }
// Helpers macros to generate 32-bit encoded colors
// User can declare their own format by #defining the 5 _SHIFT/_MASK macros in their imconfig file.
#ifndef IM_COL32_R_SHIFT
#define IM_COL32_R_SHIFT 16
#define IM_COL32_G_SHIFT 8
#define IM_COL32_B_SHIFT 0
#define IM_COL32_A_SHIFT 24
#define IM_COL32_A_MASK 0xFF000000
#define IM_COL32_R_SHIFT 0
#define IM_COL32_G_SHIFT 8
#define IM_COL32_B_SHIFT 16
#define IM_COL32_A_SHIFT 24
#define IM_COL32_A_MASK 0xFF000000
#define IM_COL32(R,G,B,A) (((ImU32)(A)<<IM_COL32_A_SHIFT) | ((ImU32)(B)<<IM_COL32_B_SHIFT) | ((ImU32)(G)<<IM_COL32_G_SHIFT) | ((ImU32)(R)<<IM_COL32_R_SHIFT))
#define IM_COL32_WHITE IM_COL32(255,255,255,255) // Opaque white = 0xFFFFFFFF
#define IM_COL32_BLACK IM_COL32(0,0,0,255) // Opaque black
#define IM_COL32_BLACK_TRANS IM_COL32(0,0,0,0) // Transparent black = 0x00000000
// Helper: ImColor() implicitly converts colors to either ImU32 (packed 4x1 byte) or ImVec4 (4x1 float)
// Prefer using IM_COL32() macros if you want a guaranteed compile-time ImU32 for usage with ImDrawList API.
// **Avoid storing ImColor! Store either u32 of ImVec4. This is not a full-featured color class. MAY OBSOLETE.
// **None of the ImGui API are using ImColor directly but you can use it as a convenience to pass colors in either ImU32 or ImVec4 formats. Explicitly cast to ImU32 or ImVec4 if needed.
struct ImColor
ImVec4 Value;
constexpr ImColor() { }
constexpr ImColor(float r, float g, float b, float a = 1.0f) : Value(r, g, b, a) { }
constexpr ImColor(const ImVec4& col) : Value(col) {}
constexpr ImColor(int r, int g, int b, int a = 255) : Value((float)r * (1.0f / 255.0f), (float)g * (1.0f / 255.0f), (float)b * (1.0f / 255.0f), (float)a* (1.0f / 255.0f)) {}
constexpr ImColor(ImU32 rgba) : Value((float)((rgba >> IM_COL32_R_SHIFT) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f), (float)((rgba >> IM_COL32_G_SHIFT) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f), (float)((rgba >> IM_COL32_B_SHIFT) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f), (float)((rgba >> IM_COL32_A_SHIFT) & 0xFF) * (1.0f / 255.0f)) {}
inline operator ImU32() const { return ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(Value); }
inline operator ImVec4() const { return Value; }
// FIXME-OBSOLETE: May need to obsolete/cleanup those helpers.
inline void SetHSV(float h, float s, float v, float a = 1.0f){ ImGui::ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h, s, v, Value.x, Value.y, Value.z); Value.w = a; }
static ImColor HSV(float h, float s, float v, float a = 1.0f) { float r, g, b; ImGui::ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h, s, v, r, g, b); return ImColor(r, g, b, a); }
// [SECTION] Multi-Select API flags and structures (ImGuiMultiSelectFlags, ImGuiSelectionRequestType, ImGuiSelectionRequest, ImGuiMultiSelectIO, ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage)
// Multi-selection system
// Documentation at: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Multi-Select
// - Refer to 'Demo->Widgets->Selection State & Multi-Select' for demos using this.
// - This system implements standard multi-selection idioms (CTRL+Mouse/Keyboard, SHIFT+Mouse/Keyboard, etc)
// with support for clipper (skipping non-visible items), box-select and many other details.
// - Selectable(), Checkbox() are supported but custom widgets may use it as well.
// - TreeNode() is technically supported but... using this correctly is more complicated: you need some sort of linear/random access to your tree,
// which is suited to advanced trees setups also implementing filters and clipper. We will work toward simplifying and demoing it.
// - In the spirit of Dear ImGui design, your code owns actual selection data.
// This is designed to allow all kinds of selection storage you may use in your application e.g. set/map/hash.
// About ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage:
// - This is an optional helper to store a selection state and apply selection requests.
// - It is used by our demos and provided as a convenience to quickly implement multi-selection.
// Usage:
// - Identify submitted items with SetNextItemSelectionUserData(), most likely using an index into your current data-set.
// - Store and maintain actual selection data using persistent object identifiers.
// - Usage flow:
// BEGIN - (1) Call BeginMultiSelect() and retrieve the ImGuiMultiSelectIO* result.
// - (2) Honor request list (SetAll/SetRange requests) by updating your selection data. Same code as Step 6.
// - (3) [If using clipper] You need to make sure RangeSrcItem is always submitted. Calculate its index and pass to clipper.IncludeItemByIndex(). If storing indices in ImGuiSelectionUserData, a simple clipper.IncludeItemByIndex(ms_io->RangeSrcItem) call will work.
// LOOP - (4) Submit your items with SetNextItemSelectionUserData() + Selectable()/TreeNode() calls.
// END - (5) Call EndMultiSelect() and retrieve the ImGuiMultiSelectIO* result.
// - (6) Honor request list (SetAll/SetRange requests) by updating your selection data. Same code as Step 2.
// If you submit all items (no clipper), Step 2 and 3 are optional and will be handled by each item themselves. It is fine to always honor those steps.
// About ImGuiSelectionUserData:
// - This can store an application-defined identifier (e.g. index or pointer) submitted via SetNextItemSelectionUserData().
// - In return we store them into RangeSrcItem/RangeFirstItem/RangeLastItem and other fields in ImGuiMultiSelectIO.
// - Most applications will store an object INDEX, hence the chosen name and type. Storing an index is natural, because
// SetRange requests will give you two end-points and you will need to iterate/interpolate between them to update your selection.
// - However it is perfectly possible to store a POINTER or another IDENTIFIER inside ImGuiSelectionUserData.
// Our system never assume that you identify items by indices, it never attempts to interpolate between two values.
// - If you enable ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NoRangeSelect then it is guaranteed that you will never have to interpolate
// between two ImGuiSelectionUserData, which may be a convenient way to use part of the feature with less code work.
// - As most users will want to store an index, for convenience and to reduce confusion we use ImS64 instead of void*,
// being syntactically easier to downcast. Feel free to reinterpret_cast and store a pointer inside.
// Flags for BeginMultiSelect()
enum ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_SingleSelect = 1 << 0, // Disable selecting more than one item. This is available to allow single-selection code to share same code/logic if desired. It essentially disables the main purpose of BeginMultiSelect() tho!
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NoSelectAll = 1 << 1, // Disable CTRL+A shortcut to select all.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NoRangeSelect = 1 << 2, // Disable Shift+selection mouse/keyboard support (useful for unordered 2D selection). With BoxSelect is also ensure contiguous SetRange requests are not combined into one. This allows not handling interpolation in SetRange requests.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NoAutoSelect = 1 << 3, // Disable selecting items when navigating (useful for e.g. supporting range-select in a list of checkboxes).
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NoAutoClear = 1 << 4, // Disable clearing selection when navigating or selecting another one (generally used with ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NoAutoSelect. useful for e.g. supporting range-select in a list of checkboxes).
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NoAutoClearOnReselect = 1 << 5, // Disable clearing selection when clicking/selecting an already selected item.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_BoxSelect1d = 1 << 6, // Enable box-selection with same width and same x pos items (e.g. full row Selectable()). Box-selection works better with little bit of spacing between items hit-box in order to be able to aim at empty space.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_BoxSelect2d = 1 << 7, // Enable box-selection with varying width or varying x pos items support (e.g. different width labels, or 2D layout/grid). This is slower: alters clipping logic so that e.g. horizontal movements will update selection of normally clipped items.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_BoxSelectNoScroll = 1 << 8, // Disable scrolling when box-selecting near edges of scope.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_ClearOnEscape = 1 << 9, // Clear selection when pressing Escape while scope is focused.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_ClearOnClickVoid = 1 << 10, // Clear selection when clicking on empty location within scope.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_ScopeWindow = 1 << 11, // Scope for _BoxSelect and _ClearOnClickVoid is whole window (Default). Use if BeginMultiSelect() covers a whole window or used a single time in same window.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_ScopeRect = 1 << 12, // Scope for _BoxSelect and _ClearOnClickVoid is rectangle encompassing BeginMultiSelect()/EndMultiSelect(). Use if BeginMultiSelect() is called multiple times in same window.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_SelectOnClick = 1 << 13, // Apply selection on mouse down when clicking on unselected item. (Default)
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_SelectOnClickRelease = 1 << 14, // Apply selection on mouse release when clicking an unselected item. Allow dragging an unselected item without altering selection.
//ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_RangeSelect2d = 1 << 15, // Shift+Selection uses 2d geometry instead of linear sequence, so possible to use Shift+up/down to select vertically in grid. Analogous to what BoxSelect does.
ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_NavWrapX = 1 << 16, // [Temporary] Enable navigation wrapping on X axis. Provided as a convenience because we don't have a design for the general Nav API for this yet. When the more general feature be public we may obsolete this flag in favor of new one.
// Main IO structure returned by BeginMultiSelect()/EndMultiSelect().
// This mainly contains a list of selection requests.
// - Use 'Demo->Tools->Debug Log->Selection' to see requests as they happen.
// - Some fields are only useful if your list is dynamic and allows deletion (getting post-deletion focus/state right is shown in the demo)
// - Below: who reads/writes each fields? 'r'=read, 'w'=write, 'ms'=multi-select code, 'app'=application/user code.
struct ImGuiMultiSelectIO
//------------------------------------------// BeginMultiSelect / EndMultiSelect
ImVector<ImGuiSelectionRequest> Requests; // ms:w, app:r / ms:w app:r // Requests to apply to your selection data.
ImGuiSelectionUserData RangeSrcItem; // ms:w app:r / // (If using clipper) Begin: Source item (often the first selected item) must never be clipped: use clipper.IncludeItemByIndex() to ensure it is submitted.
ImGuiSelectionUserData NavIdItem; // ms:w, app:r / // (If using deletion) Last known SetNextItemSelectionUserData() value for NavId (if part of submitted items).
bool NavIdSelected; // ms:w, app:r / app:r // (If using deletion) Last known selection state for NavId (if part of submitted items).
bool RangeSrcReset; // app:w / ms:r // (If using deletion) Set before EndMultiSelect() to reset ResetSrcItem (e.g. if deleted selection).
int ItemsCount; // ms:w, app:r / app:r // 'int items_count' parameter to BeginMultiSelect() is copied here for convenience, allowing simpler calls to your ApplyRequests handler. Not used internally.
// Selection request type
enum ImGuiSelectionRequestType
ImGuiSelectionRequestType_None = 0,
ImGuiSelectionRequestType_SetAll, // Request app to clear selection (if Selected==false) or select all items (if Selected==true). We cannot set RangeFirstItem/RangeLastItem as its contents is entirely up to user (not necessarily an index)
ImGuiSelectionRequestType_SetRange, // Request app to select/unselect [RangeFirstItem..RangeLastItem] items (inclusive) based on value of Selected. Only EndMultiSelect() request this, app code can read after BeginMultiSelect() and it will always be false.
// Selection request item
struct ImGuiSelectionRequest
//------------------------------------------// BeginMultiSelect / EndMultiSelect
ImGuiSelectionRequestType Type; // ms:w, app:r / ms:w, app:r // Request type. You'll most often receive 1 Clear + 1 SetRange with a single-item range.
bool Selected; // ms:w, app:r / ms:w, app:r // Parameter for SetAll/SetRange requests (true = select, false = unselect)
ImS8 RangeDirection; // / ms:w app:r // Parameter for SetRange request: +1 when RangeFirstItem comes before RangeLastItem, -1 otherwise. Useful if you want to preserve selection order on a backward Shift+Click.
ImGuiSelectionUserData RangeFirstItem; // / ms:w, app:r // Parameter for SetRange request (this is generally == RangeSrcItem when shift selecting from top to bottom).
ImGuiSelectionUserData RangeLastItem; // / ms:w, app:r // Parameter for SetRange request (this is generally == RangeSrcItem when shift selecting from bottom to top). Inclusive!
// Optional helper to store multi-selection state + apply multi-selection requests.
// - Used by our demos and provided as a convenience to easily implement basic multi-selection.
// - Iterate selection with 'void* it = NULL; ImGuiID id; while (selection.GetNextSelectedItem(&it, &id)) { ... }'
// Or you can check 'if (Contains(id)) { ... }' for each possible object if their number is not too high to iterate.
// - USING THIS IS NOT MANDATORY. This is only a helper and not a required API.
// To store a multi-selection, in your application you could:
// - Use this helper as a convenience. We use our simple key->value ImGuiStorage as a std::set<ImGuiID> replacement.
// - Use your own external storage: e.g. std::set<MyObjectId>, std::vector<MyObjectId>, interval trees, intrusively stored selection etc.
// In ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage we:
// - always use indices in the multi-selection API (passed to SetNextItemSelectionUserData(), retrieved in ImGuiMultiSelectIO)
// - use the AdapterIndexToStorageId() indirection layer to abstract how persistent selection data is derived from an index.
// - use decently optimized logic to allow queries and insertion of very large selection sets.
// - do not preserve selection order.
// Many combinations are possible depending on how you prefer to store your items and how you prefer to store your selection.
// Large applications are likely to eventually want to get rid of this indirection layer and do their own thing.
// See https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Multi-Select for details and pseudo-code using this helper.
struct ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage
// Members
int Size; // // Number of selected items, maintained by this helper.
bool PreserveOrder; // = false // GetNextSelectedItem() will return ordered selection (currently implemented by two additional sorts of selection. Could be improved)
void* UserData; // = NULL // User data for use by adapter function // e.g. selection.UserData = (void*)my_items;
ImGuiID (*AdapterIndexToStorageId)(ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage* self, int idx); // e.g. selection.AdapterIndexToStorageId = [](ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage* self, int idx) { return ((MyItems**)self->UserData)[idx]->ID; };
int _SelectionOrder;// [Internal] Increasing counter to store selection order
ImGuiStorage _Storage; // [Internal] Selection set. Think of this as similar to e.g. std::set<ImGuiID>. Prefer not accessing directly: iterate with GetNextSelectedItem().
// Methods
IMGUI_API void ApplyRequests(ImGuiMultiSelectIO* ms_io); // Apply selection requests coming from BeginMultiSelect() and EndMultiSelect() functions. It uses 'items_count' passed to BeginMultiSelect()
IMGUI_API bool Contains(ImGuiID id) const; // Query if an item id is in selection.
IMGUI_API void Clear(); // Clear selection
IMGUI_API void Swap(ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage& r); // Swap two selections
IMGUI_API void SetItemSelected(ImGuiID id, bool selected); // Add/remove an item from selection (generally done by ApplyRequests() function)
IMGUI_API bool GetNextSelectedItem(void** opaque_it, ImGuiID* out_id); // Iterate selection with 'void* it = NULL; ImGuiId id; while (selection.GetNextSelectedItem(&it, &id)) { ... }'
inline ImGuiID GetStorageIdFromIndex(int idx) { return AdapterIndexToStorageId(this, idx); } // Convert index to item id based on provided adapter.
// Optional helper to apply multi-selection requests to existing randomly accessible storage.
// Convenient if you want to quickly wire multi-select API on e.g. an array of bool or items storing their own selection state.
struct ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage
// Members
void* UserData; // User data for use by adapter function // e.g. selection.UserData = (void*)my_items;
void (*AdapterSetItemSelected)(ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage* self, int idx, bool selected); // e.g. AdapterSetItemSelected = [](ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage* self, int idx, bool selected) { ((MyItems**)self->UserData)[idx]->Selected = selected; }
// Methods
IMGUI_API ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage();
IMGUI_API void ApplyRequests(ImGuiMultiSelectIO* ms_io); // Apply selection requests by using AdapterSetItemSelected() calls
// [SECTION] Drawing API (ImDrawCmd, ImDrawIdx, ImDrawVert, ImDrawChannel, ImDrawListSplitter, ImDrawListFlags, ImDrawList, ImDrawData)
// Hold a series of drawing commands. The user provides a renderer for ImDrawData which essentially contains an array of ImDrawList.
// The maximum line width to bake anti-aliased textures for. Build atlas with ImFontAtlasFlags_NoBakedLines to disable baking.
// ImDrawCallback: Draw callbacks for advanced uses [configurable type: override in imconfig.h]
// NB: You most likely do NOT need to use draw callbacks just to create your own widget or customized UI rendering,
// you can poke into the draw list for that! Draw callback may be useful for example to:
// A) Change your GPU render state,
// B) render a complex 3D scene inside a UI element without an intermediate texture/render target, etc.
// The expected behavior from your rendering function is 'if (cmd.UserCallback != NULL) { cmd.UserCallback(parent_list, cmd); } else { RenderTriangles() }'
// If you want to override the signature of ImDrawCallback, you can simply use e.g. '#define ImDrawCallback MyDrawCallback' (in imconfig.h) + update rendering backend accordingly.
#ifndef ImDrawCallback
typedef void (*ImDrawCallback)(const ImDrawList* parent_list, const ImDrawCmd* cmd);
// Special Draw callback value to request renderer backend to reset the graphics/render state.
// The renderer backend needs to handle this special value, otherwise it will crash trying to call a function at this address.
// This is useful, for example, if you submitted callbacks which you know have altered the render state and you want it to be restored.
// Render state is not reset by default because they are many perfectly useful way of altering render state (e.g. changing shader/blending settings before an Image call).
#define ImDrawCallback_ResetRenderState (ImDrawCallback)(-8)
// Typically, 1 command = 1 GPU draw call (unless command is a callback)
// - VtxOffset: When 'io.BackendFlags & ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset' is enabled,
// this fields allow us to render meshes larger than 64K vertices while keeping 16-bit indices.
// Backends made for <1.71. will typically ignore the VtxOffset fields.
// - The ClipRect/TextureId/VtxOffset fields must be contiguous as we memcmp() them together (this is asserted for).
struct ImDrawCmd
ImVec4 ClipRect; // 4*4 // Clipping rectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2). Subtract ImDrawData->DisplayPos to get clipping rectangle in "viewport" coordinates
ImTextureID TextureId; // 4-8 // User-provided texture ID. Set by user in ImfontAtlas::SetTexID() for fonts or passed to Image*() functions. Ignore if never using images or multiple fonts atlas.
unsigned int VtxOffset; // 4 // Start offset in vertex buffer. ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset: always 0, otherwise may be >0 to support meshes larger than 64K vertices with 16-bit indices.
unsigned int IdxOffset; // 4 // Start offset in index buffer.
unsigned int ElemCount; // 4 // Number of indices (multiple of 3) to be rendered as triangles. Vertices are stored in the callee ImDrawList's vtx_buffer[] array, indices in idx_buffer[].
ImDrawCallback UserCallback; // 4-8 // If != NULL, call the function instead of rendering the vertices. clip_rect and texture_id will be set normally.
void* UserCallbackData; // 4-8 // The draw callback code can access this.
ImDrawCmd() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } // Also ensure our padding fields are zeroed
// Since 1.83: returns ImTextureID associated with this draw call. Warning: DO NOT assume this is always same as 'TextureId' (we will change this function for an upcoming feature)
inline ImTextureID GetTexID() const { return TextureId; }
// Vertex layout
struct ImDrawVert
ImVec2 pos;
ImVec2 uv;
ImU32 col;
// You can override the vertex format layout by defining IMGUI_OVERRIDE_DRAWVERT_STRUCT_LAYOUT in imconfig.h
// The code expect ImVec2 pos (8 bytes), ImVec2 uv (8 bytes), ImU32 col (4 bytes), but you can re-order them or add other fields as needed to simplify integration in your engine.
// The type has to be described within the macro (you can either declare the struct or use a typedef). This is because ImVec2/ImU32 are likely not declared at the time you'd want to set your type up.
// [Internal] For use by ImDrawList
struct ImDrawCmdHeader
ImVec4 ClipRect;
ImTextureID TextureId;
unsigned int VtxOffset;
// [Internal] For use by ImDrawListSplitter
struct ImDrawChannel
ImVector<ImDrawCmd> _CmdBuffer;
ImVector<ImDrawIdx> _IdxBuffer;
// Split/Merge functions are used to split the draw list into different layers which can be drawn into out of order.
// This is used by the Columns/Tables API, so items of each column can be batched together in a same draw call.
struct ImDrawListSplitter
int _Current; // Current channel number (0)
int _Count; // Number of active channels (1+)
ImVector<ImDrawChannel> _Channels; // Draw channels (not resized down so _Count might be < Channels.Size)
inline ImDrawListSplitter() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
inline ~ImDrawListSplitter() { ClearFreeMemory(); }
inline void Clear() { _Current = 0; _Count = 1; } // Do not clear Channels[] so our allocations are reused next frame
IMGUI_API void ClearFreeMemory();
IMGUI_API void Split(ImDrawList* draw_list, int count);
IMGUI_API void Merge(ImDrawList* draw_list);
IMGUI_API void SetCurrentChannel(ImDrawList* draw_list, int channel_idx);
// Flags for ImDrawList functions
// (Legacy: bit 0 must always correspond to ImDrawFlags_Closed to be backward compatible with old API using a bool. Bits 1..3 must be unused)
enum ImDrawFlags_
ImDrawFlags_None = 0,
ImDrawFlags_Closed = 1 << 0, // PathStroke(), AddPolyline(): specify that shape should be closed (Important: this is always == 1 for legacy reason)
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersTopLeft = 1 << 4, // AddRect(), AddRectFilled(), PathRect(): enable rounding top-left corner only (when rounding > 0.0f, we default to all corners). Was 0x01.
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersTopRight = 1 << 5, // AddRect(), AddRectFilled(), PathRect(): enable rounding top-right corner only (when rounding > 0.0f, we default to all corners). Was 0x02.
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersBottomLeft = 1 << 6, // AddRect(), AddRectFilled(), PathRect(): enable rounding bottom-left corner only (when rounding > 0.0f, we default to all corners). Was 0x04.
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersBottomRight = 1 << 7, // AddRect(), AddRectFilled(), PathRect(): enable rounding bottom-right corner only (when rounding > 0.0f, we default to all corners). Wax 0x08.
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersNone = 1 << 8, // AddRect(), AddRectFilled(), PathRect(): disable rounding on all corners (when rounding > 0.0f). This is NOT zero, NOT an implicit flag!
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersTop = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersTopLeft | ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersTopRight,
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersBottom = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersBottomLeft | ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersBottomRight,
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersLeft = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersBottomLeft | ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersTopLeft,
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersRight = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersBottomRight | ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersTopRight,
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersTopLeft | ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersTopRight | ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersBottomLeft | ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersBottomRight,
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersDefault_ = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll, // Default to ALL corners if none of the _RoundCornersXX flags are specified.
ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersMask_ = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll | ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersNone,
// Flags for ImDrawList instance. Those are set automatically by ImGui:: functions from ImGuiIO settings, and generally not manipulated directly.
// It is however possible to temporarily alter flags between calls to ImDrawList:: functions.
enum ImDrawListFlags_
ImDrawListFlags_None = 0,
ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedLines = 1 << 0, // Enable anti-aliased lines/borders (*2 the number of triangles for 1.0f wide line or lines thin enough to be drawn using textures, otherwise *3 the number of triangles)
ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedLinesUseTex = 1 << 1, // Enable anti-aliased lines/borders using textures when possible. Require backend to render with bilinear filtering (NOT point/nearest filtering).
ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedFill = 1 << 2, // Enable anti-aliased edge around filled shapes (rounded rectangles, circles).
ImDrawListFlags_AllowVtxOffset = 1 << 3, // Can emit 'VtxOffset > 0' to allow large meshes. Set when 'ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset' is enabled.
// Draw command list
// This is the low-level list of polygons that ImGui:: functions are filling. At the end of the frame,
// all command lists are passed to your ImGuiIO::RenderDrawListFn function for rendering.
// Each dear imgui window contains its own ImDrawList. You can use ImGui::GetWindowDrawList() to
// access the current window draw list and draw custom primitives.
// You can interleave normal ImGui:: calls and adding primitives to the current draw list.
// In single viewport mode, top-left is == GetMainViewport()->Pos (generally 0,0), bottom-right is == GetMainViewport()->Pos+Size (generally io.DisplaySize).
// You are totally free to apply whatever transformation matrix to want to the data (depending on the use of the transformation you may want to apply it to ClipRect as well!)
// Important: Primitives are always added to the list and not culled (culling is done at higher-level by ImGui:: functions), if you use this API a lot consider coarse culling your drawn objects.
struct ImDrawList
// This is what you have to render
ImVector<ImDrawCmd> CmdBuffer; // Draw commands. Typically 1 command = 1 GPU draw call, unless the command is a callback.
ImVector<ImDrawIdx> IdxBuffer; // Index buffer. Each command consume ImDrawCmd::ElemCount of those
ImVector<ImDrawVert> VtxBuffer; // Vertex buffer.
ImDrawListFlags Flags; // Flags, you may poke into these to adjust anti-aliasing settings per-primitive.
// [Internal, used while building lists]
unsigned int _VtxCurrentIdx; // [Internal] generally == VtxBuffer.Size unless we are past 64K vertices, in which case this gets reset to 0.
ImDrawListSharedData* _Data; // Pointer to shared draw data (you can use ImGui::GetDrawListSharedData() to get the one from current ImGui context)
ImDrawVert* _VtxWritePtr; // [Internal] point within VtxBuffer.Data after each add command (to avoid using the ImVector<> operators too much)
ImDrawIdx* _IdxWritePtr; // [Internal] point within IdxBuffer.Data after each add command (to avoid using the ImVector<> operators too much)
ImVector<ImVec2> _Path; // [Internal] current path building
ImDrawCmdHeader _CmdHeader; // [Internal] template of active commands. Fields should match those of CmdBuffer.back().
ImDrawListSplitter _Splitter; // [Internal] for channels api (note: prefer using your own persistent instance of ImDrawListSplitter!)
ImVector<ImVec4> _ClipRectStack; // [Internal]
ImVector<ImTextureID> _TextureIdStack; // [Internal]
float _FringeScale; // [Internal] anti-alias fringe is scaled by this value, this helps to keep things sharp while zooming at vertex buffer content
const char* _OwnerName; // Pointer to owner window's name for debugging
// If you want to create ImDrawList instances, pass them ImGui::GetDrawListSharedData() or create and use your own ImDrawListSharedData (so you can use ImDrawList without ImGui)
ImDrawList(ImDrawListSharedData* shared_data) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); _Data = shared_data; }
~ImDrawList() { _ClearFreeMemory(); }
IMGUI_API void PushClipRect(const ImVec2& clip_rect_min, const ImVec2& clip_rect_max, bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect = false); // Render-level scissoring. This is passed down to your render function but not used for CPU-side coarse clipping. Prefer using higher-level ImGui::PushClipRect() to affect logic (hit-testing and widget culling)
IMGUI_API void PushClipRectFullScreen();
IMGUI_API void PopClipRect();
IMGUI_API void PushTextureID(ImTextureID texture_id);
IMGUI_API void PopTextureID();
inline ImVec2 GetClipRectMin() const { const ImVec4& cr = _ClipRectStack.back(); return ImVec2(cr.x, cr.y); }
inline ImVec2 GetClipRectMax() const { const ImVec4& cr = _ClipRectStack.back(); return ImVec2(cr.z, cr.w); }
// Primitives
// - Filled shapes must always use clockwise winding order. The anti-aliasing fringe depends on it. Counter-clockwise shapes will have "inward" anti-aliasing.
// - For rectangular primitives, "p_min" and "p_max" represent the upper-left and lower-right corners.
// - For circle primitives, use "num_segments == 0" to automatically calculate tessellation (preferred).
// In older versions (until Dear ImGui 1.77) the AddCircle functions defaulted to num_segments == 12.
// In future versions we will use textures to provide cheaper and higher-quality circles.
// Use AddNgon() and AddNgonFilled() functions if you need to guarantee a specific number of sides.
IMGUI_API void AddLine(const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, ImU32 col, float thickness = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API void AddRect(const ImVec2& p_min, const ImVec2& p_max, ImU32 col, float rounding = 0.0f, ImDrawFlags flags = 0, float thickness = 1.0f); // a: upper-left, b: lower-right (== upper-left + size)
IMGUI_API void AddRectFilled(const ImVec2& p_min, const ImVec2& p_max, ImU32 col, float rounding = 0.0f, ImDrawFlags flags = 0); // a: upper-left, b: lower-right (== upper-left + size)
IMGUI_API void AddRectFilledMultiColor(const ImVec2& p_min, const ImVec2& p_max, ImU32 col_upr_left, ImU32 col_upr_right, ImU32 col_bot_right, ImU32 col_bot_left);
IMGUI_API void AddQuad(const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, ImU32 col, float thickness = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API void AddQuadFilled(const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, ImU32 col);
IMGUI_API void AddTriangle(const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, ImU32 col, float thickness = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API void AddTriangleFilled(const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, ImU32 col);
IMGUI_API void AddCircle(const ImVec2& center, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments = 0, float thickness = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API void AddCircleFilled(const ImVec2& center, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments = 0);
IMGUI_API void AddNgon(const ImVec2& center, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments, float thickness = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API void AddNgonFilled(const ImVec2& center, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments);
IMGUI_API void AddEllipse(const ImVec2& center, const ImVec2& radius, ImU32 col, float rot = 0.0f, int num_segments = 0, float thickness = 1.0f);
IMGUI_API void AddEllipseFilled(const ImVec2& center, const ImVec2& radius, ImU32 col, float rot = 0.0f, int num_segments = 0);
IMGUI_API void AddText(const ImVec2& pos, ImU32 col, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end = NULL);
IMGUI_API void AddText(const ImFont* font, float font_size, const ImVec2& pos, ImU32 col, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end = NULL, float wrap_width = 0.0f, const ImVec4* cpu_fine_clip_rect = NULL);
IMGUI_API void AddBezierCubic(const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, ImU32 col, float thickness, int num_segments = 0); // Cubic Bezier (4 control points)
IMGUI_API void AddBezierQuadratic(const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, ImU32 col, float thickness, int num_segments = 0); // Quadratic Bezier (3 control points)
// General polygon
// - Only simple polygons are supported by filling functions (no self-intersections, no holes).
// - Concave polygon fill is more expensive than convex one: it has O(N^2) complexity. Provided as a convenience fo user but not used by main library.
IMGUI_API void AddPolyline(const ImVec2* points, int num_points, ImU32 col, ImDrawFlags flags, float thickness);
IMGUI_API void AddConvexPolyFilled(const ImVec2* points, int num_points, ImU32 col);
IMGUI_API void AddConcavePolyFilled(const ImVec2* points, int num_points, ImU32 col);
// Image primitives
// - Read FAQ to understand what ImTextureID is.
// - "p_min" and "p_max" represent the upper-left and lower-right corners of the rectangle.
// - "uv_min" and "uv_max" represent the normalized texture coordinates to use for those corners. Using (0,0)->(1,1) texture coordinates will generally display the entire texture.
IMGUI_API void AddImage(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const ImVec2& p_min, const ImVec2& p_max, const ImVec2& uv_min = ImVec2(0, 0), const ImVec2& uv_max = ImVec2(1, 1), ImU32 col = IM_COL32_WHITE);
IMGUI_API void AddImageQuad(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, const ImVec2& uv1 = ImVec2(0, 0), const ImVec2& uv2 = ImVec2(1, 0), const ImVec2& uv3 = ImVec2(1, 1), const ImVec2& uv4 = ImVec2(0, 1), ImU32 col = IM_COL32_WHITE);
IMGUI_API void AddImageRounded(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const ImVec2& p_min, const ImVec2& p_max, const ImVec2& uv_min, const ImVec2& uv_max, ImU32 col, float rounding, ImDrawFlags flags = 0);
// Stateful path API, add points then finish with PathFillConvex() or PathStroke()
// - Important: filled shapes must always use clockwise winding order! The anti-aliasing fringe depends on it. Counter-clockwise shapes will have "inward" anti-aliasing.
// so e.g. 'PathArcTo(center, radius, PI * -0.5f, PI)' is ok, whereas 'PathArcTo(center, radius, PI, PI * -0.5f)' won't have correct anti-aliasing when followed by PathFillConvex().
inline void PathClear() { _Path.Size = 0; }
inline void PathLineTo(const ImVec2& pos) { _Path.push_back(pos); }
inline void PathLineToMergeDuplicate(const ImVec2& pos) { if (_Path.Size == 0 || memcmp(&_Path.Data[_Path.Size - 1], &pos, 8) != 0) _Path.push_back(pos); }
inline void PathFillConvex(ImU32 col) { AddConvexPolyFilled(_Path.Data, _Path.Size, col); _Path.Size = 0; }
inline void PathFillConcave(ImU32 col) { AddConcavePolyFilled(_Path.Data, _Path.Size, col); _Path.Size = 0; }
inline void PathStroke(ImU32 col, ImDrawFlags flags = 0, float thickness = 1.0f) { AddPolyline(_Path.Data, _Path.Size, col, flags, thickness); _Path.Size = 0; }
IMGUI_API void PathArcTo(const ImVec2& center, float radius, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments = 0);
IMGUI_API void PathArcToFast(const ImVec2& center, float radius, int a_min_of_12, int a_max_of_12); // Use precomputed angles for a 12 steps circle
IMGUI_API void PathEllipticalArcTo(const ImVec2& center, const ImVec2& radius, float rot, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments = 0); // Ellipse
IMGUI_API void PathBezierCubicCurveTo(const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, int num_segments = 0); // Cubic Bezier (4 control points)
IMGUI_API void PathBezierQuadraticCurveTo(const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, int num_segments = 0); // Quadratic Bezier (3 control points)
IMGUI_API void PathRect(const ImVec2& rect_min, const ImVec2& rect_max, float rounding = 0.0f, ImDrawFlags flags = 0);
// Advanced
IMGUI_API void AddCallback(ImDrawCallback callback, void* callback_data); // Your rendering function must check for 'UserCallback' in ImDrawCmd and call the function instead of rendering triangles.
IMGUI_API void AddDrawCmd(); // This is useful if you need to forcefully create a new draw call (to allow for dependent rendering / blending). Otherwise primitives are merged into the same draw-call as much as possible
IMGUI_API ImDrawList* CloneOutput() const; // Create a clone of the CmdBuffer/IdxBuffer/VtxBuffer.
// Advanced: Channels
// - Use to split render into layers. By switching channels to can render out-of-order (e.g. submit FG primitives before BG primitives)
// - Use to minimize draw calls (e.g. if going back-and-forth between multiple clipping rectangles, prefer to append into separate channels then merge at the end)
// - This API shouldn't have been in ImDrawList in the first place!
// Prefer using your own persistent instance of ImDrawListSplitter as you can stack them.
// Using the ImDrawList::ChannelsXXXX you cannot stack a split over another.
inline void ChannelsSplit(int count) { _Splitter.Split(this, count); }
inline void ChannelsMerge() { _Splitter.Merge(this); }
inline void ChannelsSetCurrent(int n) { _Splitter.SetCurrentChannel(this, n); }
// Advanced: Primitives allocations
// - We render triangles (three vertices)
// - All primitives needs to be reserved via PrimReserve() beforehand.
IMGUI_API void PrimReserve(int idx_count, int vtx_count);
IMGUI_API void PrimUnreserve(int idx_count, int vtx_count);
IMGUI_API void PrimRect(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, ImU32 col); // Axis aligned rectangle (composed of two triangles)
IMGUI_API void PrimRectUV(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& uv_a, const ImVec2& uv_b, ImU32 col);
IMGUI_API void PrimQuadUV(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& c, const ImVec2& d, const ImVec2& uv_a, const ImVec2& uv_b, const ImVec2& uv_c, const ImVec2& uv_d, ImU32 col);
inline void PrimWriteVtx(const ImVec2& pos, const ImVec2& uv, ImU32 col) { _VtxWritePtr->pos = pos; _VtxWritePtr->uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr->col = col; _VtxWritePtr++; _VtxCurrentIdx++; }
inline void PrimWriteIdx(ImDrawIdx idx) { *_IdxWritePtr = idx; _IdxWritePtr++; }
inline void PrimVtx(const ImVec2& pos, const ImVec2& uv, ImU32 col) { PrimWriteIdx((ImDrawIdx)_VtxCurrentIdx); PrimWriteVtx(pos, uv, col); } // Write vertex with unique index
// Obsolete names
//inline void AddEllipse(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, ImU32 col, float rot = 0.0f, int num_segments = 0, float thickness = 1.0f) { AddEllipse(center, ImVec2(radius_x, radius_y), col, rot, num_segments, thickness); } // OBSOLETED in 1.90.5 (Mar 2024)
//inline void AddEllipseFilled(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, ImU32 col, float rot = 0.0f, int num_segments = 0) { AddEllipseFilled(center, ImVec2(radius_x, radius_y), col, rot, num_segments); } // OBSOLETED in 1.90.5 (Mar 2024)
//inline void PathEllipticalArcTo(const ImVec2& center, float radius_x, float radius_y, float rot, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments = 0) { PathEllipticalArcTo(center, ImVec2(radius_x, radius_y), rot, a_min, a_max, num_segments); } // OBSOLETED in 1.90.5 (Mar 2024)
//inline void AddBezierCurve(const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, ImU32 col, float thickness, int num_segments = 0) { AddBezierCubic(p1, p2, p3, p4, col, thickness, num_segments); } // OBSOLETED in 1.80 (Jan 2021)
//inline void PathBezierCurveTo(const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, int num_segments = 0) { PathBezierCubicCurveTo(p2, p3, p4, num_segments); } // OBSOLETED in 1.80 (Jan 2021)
// [Internal helpers]
IMGUI_API void _ResetForNewFrame();
IMGUI_API void _ClearFreeMemory();
IMGUI_API void _PopUnusedDrawCmd();
IMGUI_API void _TryMergeDrawCmds();
IMGUI_API void _OnChangedClipRect();
IMGUI_API void _OnChangedTextureID();
IMGUI_API void _OnChangedVtxOffset();
IMGUI_API int _CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount(float radius) const;
IMGUI_API void _PathArcToFastEx(const ImVec2& center, float radius, int a_min_sample, int a_max_sample, int a_step);
IMGUI_API void _PathArcToN(const ImVec2& center, float radius, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments);
// All draw data to render a Dear ImGui frame
// (NB: the style and the naming convention here is a little inconsistent, we currently preserve them for backward compatibility purpose,
// as this is one of the oldest structure exposed by the library! Basically, ImDrawList == CmdList)
struct ImDrawData
bool Valid; // Only valid after Render() is called and before the next NewFrame() is called.
int CmdListsCount; // Number of ImDrawList* to render
int TotalIdxCount; // For convenience, sum of all ImDrawList's IdxBuffer.Size
int TotalVtxCount; // For convenience, sum of all ImDrawList's VtxBuffer.Size
ImVector<ImDrawList*> CmdLists; // Array of ImDrawList* to render. The ImDrawLists are owned by ImGuiContext and only pointed to from here.
ImVec2 DisplayPos; // Top-left position of the viewport to render (== top-left of the orthogonal projection matrix to use) (== GetMainViewport()->Pos for the main viewport, == (0.0) in most single-viewport applications)
ImVec2 DisplaySize; // Size of the viewport to render (== GetMainViewport()->Size for the main viewport, == io.DisplaySize in most single-viewport applications)
ImVec2 FramebufferScale; // Amount of pixels for each unit of DisplaySize. Based on io.DisplayFramebufferScale. Generally (1,1) on normal display, (2,2) on OSX with Retina display.
ImGuiViewport* OwnerViewport; // Viewport carrying the ImDrawData instance, might be of use to the renderer (generally not).
// Functions
ImDrawData() { Clear(); }
IMGUI_API void Clear();
IMGUI_API void AddDrawList(ImDrawList* draw_list); // Helper to add an external draw list into an existing ImDrawData.
IMGUI_API void DeIndexAllBuffers(); // Helper to convert all buffers from indexed to non-indexed, in case you cannot render indexed. Note: this is slow and most likely a waste of resources. Always prefer indexed rendering!
IMGUI_API void ScaleClipRects(const ImVec2& fb_scale); // Helper to scale the ClipRect field of each ImDrawCmd. Use if your final output buffer is at a different scale than Dear ImGui expects, or if there is a difference between your window resolution and framebuffer resolution.
// [SECTION] Font API (ImFontConfig, ImFontGlyph, ImFontAtlasFlags, ImFontAtlas, ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder, ImFont)
struct ImFontConfig
void* FontData; // // TTF/OTF data
int FontDataSize; // // TTF/OTF data size
bool FontDataOwnedByAtlas; // true // TTF/OTF data ownership taken by the container ImFontAtlas (will delete memory itself).
int FontNo; // 0 // Index of font within TTF/OTF file
float SizePixels; // // Size in pixels for rasterizer (more or less maps to the resulting font height).
int OversampleH; // 2 // Rasterize at higher quality for sub-pixel positioning. Note the difference between 2 and 3 is minimal. You can reduce this to 1 for large glyphs save memory. Read https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/tests/oversample/README.md for details.
int OversampleV; // 1 // Rasterize at higher quality for sub-pixel positioning. This is not really useful as we don't use sub-pixel positions on the Y axis.
bool PixelSnapH; // false // Align every glyph to pixel boundary. Useful e.g. if you are merging a non-pixel aligned font with the default font. If enabled, you can set OversampleH/V to 1.
ImVec2 GlyphExtraSpacing; // 0, 0 // Extra spacing (in pixels) between glyphs. Only X axis is supported for now.
ImVec2 GlyphOffset; // 0, 0 // Offset all glyphs from this font input.
const ImWchar* GlyphRanges; // NULL // THE ARRAY DATA NEEDS TO PERSIST AS LONG AS THE FONT IS ALIVE. Pointer to a user-provided list of Unicode range (2 value per range, values are inclusive, zero-terminated list).
float GlyphMinAdvanceX; // 0 // Minimum AdvanceX for glyphs, set Min to align font icons, set both Min/Max to enforce mono-space font
float GlyphMaxAdvanceX; // FLT_MAX // Maximum AdvanceX for glyphs
bool MergeMode; // false // Merge into previous ImFont, so you can combine multiple inputs font into one ImFont (e.g. ASCII font + icons + Japanese glyphs). You may want to use GlyphOffset.y when merge font of different heights.
unsigned int FontBuilderFlags; // 0 // Settings for custom font builder. THIS IS BUILDER IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT. Leave as zero if unsure.
float RasterizerMultiply; // 1.0f // Linearly brighten (>1.0f) or darken (<1.0f) font output. Brightening small fonts may be a good workaround to make them more readable. This is a silly thing we may remove in the future.
float RasterizerDensity; // 1.0f // DPI scale for rasterization, not altering other font metrics: make it easy to swap between e.g. a 100% and a 400% fonts for a zooming display. IMPORTANT: If you increase this it is expected that you increase font scale accordingly, otherwise quality may look lowered.
ImWchar EllipsisChar; // -1 // Explicitly specify unicode codepoint of ellipsis character. When fonts are being merged first specified ellipsis will be used.
// [Internal]
char Name[40]; // Name (strictly to ease debugging)
ImFont* DstFont;
IMGUI_API ImFontConfig();
// Hold rendering data for one glyph.
// (Note: some language parsers may fail to convert the 31+1 bitfield members, in this case maybe drop store a single u32 or we can rework this)
struct ImFontGlyph
unsigned int Colored : 1; // Flag to indicate glyph is colored and should generally ignore tinting (make it usable with no shift on little-endian as this is used in loops)
unsigned int Visible : 1; // Flag to indicate glyph has no visible pixels (e.g. space). Allow early out when rendering.
unsigned int Codepoint : 30; // 0x0000..0x10FFFF
float AdvanceX; // Distance to next character (= data from font + ImFontConfig::GlyphExtraSpacing.x baked in)
float X0, Y0, X1, Y1; // Glyph corners
float U0, V0, U1, V1; // Texture coordinates
// Helper to build glyph ranges from text/string data. Feed your application strings/characters to it then call BuildRanges().
// This is essentially a tightly packed of vector of 64k booleans = 8KB storage.
struct ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder
ImVector<ImU32> UsedChars; // Store 1-bit per Unicode code point (0=unused, 1=used)
ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder() { Clear(); }
inline void Clear() { int size_in_bytes = (IM_UNICODE_CODEPOINT_MAX + 1) / 8; UsedChars.resize(size_in_bytes / (int)sizeof(ImU32)); memset(UsedChars.Data, 0, (size_t)size_in_bytes); }
inline bool GetBit(size_t n) const { int off = (int)(n >> 5); ImU32 mask = 1u << (n & 31); return (UsedChars[off] & mask) != 0; } // Get bit n in the array
inline void SetBit(size_t n) { int off = (int)(n >> 5); ImU32 mask = 1u << (n & 31); UsedChars[off] |= mask; } // Set bit n in the array
inline void AddChar(ImWchar c) { SetBit(c); } // Add character
IMGUI_API void AddText(const char* text, const char* text_end = NULL); // Add string (each character of the UTF-8 string are added)
IMGUI_API void AddRanges(const ImWchar* ranges); // Add ranges, e.g. builder.AddRanges(ImFontAtlas::GetGlyphRangesDefault()) to force add all of ASCII/Latin+Ext
IMGUI_API void BuildRanges(ImVector<ImWchar>* out_ranges); // Output new ranges
// See ImFontAtlas::AddCustomRectXXX functions.
struct ImFontAtlasCustomRect
unsigned short Width, Height; // Input // Desired rectangle dimension
unsigned short X, Y; // Output // Packed position in Atlas
unsigned int GlyphID; // Input // For custom font glyphs only (ID < 0x110000)
float GlyphAdvanceX; // Input // For custom font glyphs only: glyph xadvance
ImVec2 GlyphOffset; // Input // For custom font glyphs only: glyph display offset
ImFont* Font; // Input // For custom font glyphs only: target font
ImFontAtlasCustomRect() { Width = Height = 0; X = Y = 0xFFFF; GlyphID = 0; GlyphAdvanceX = 0.0f; GlyphOffset = ImVec2(0, 0); Font = NULL; }
bool IsPacked() const { return X != 0xFFFF; }
// Flags for ImFontAtlas build
enum ImFontAtlasFlags_
ImFontAtlasFlags_None = 0,
ImFontAtlasFlags_NoPowerOfTwoHeight = 1 << 0, // Don't round the height to next power of two
ImFontAtlasFlags_NoMouseCursors = 1 << 1, // Don't build software mouse cursors into the atlas (save a little texture memory)
ImFontAtlasFlags_NoBakedLines = 1 << 2, // Don't build thick line textures into the atlas (save a little texture memory, allow support for point/nearest filtering). The AntiAliasedLinesUseTex features uses them, otherwise they will be rendered using polygons (more expensive for CPU/GPU).
// Load and rasterize multiple TTF/OTF fonts into a same texture. The font atlas will build a single texture holding:
// - One or more fonts.
// - Custom graphics data needed to render the shapes needed by Dear ImGui.
// - Mouse cursor shapes for software cursor rendering (unless setting 'Flags |= ImFontAtlasFlags_NoMouseCursors' in the font atlas).
// It is the user-code responsibility to setup/build the atlas, then upload the pixel data into a texture accessible by your graphics api.
// - Optionally, call any of the AddFont*** functions. If you don't call any, the default font embedded in the code will be loaded for you.
// - Call GetTexDataAsAlpha8() or GetTexDataAsRGBA32() to build and retrieve pixels data.
// - Upload the pixels data into a texture within your graphics system (see imgui_impl_xxxx.cpp examples)
// - Call SetTexID(my_tex_id); and pass the pointer/identifier to your texture in a format natural to your graphics API.
// This value will be passed back to you during rendering to identify the texture. Read FAQ entry about ImTextureID for more details.
// Common pitfalls:
// - If you pass a 'glyph_ranges' array to AddFont*** functions, you need to make sure that your array persist up until the
// atlas is build (when calling GetTexData*** or Build()). We only copy the pointer, not the data.
// - Important: By default, AddFontFromMemoryTTF() takes ownership of the data. Even though we are not writing to it, we will free the pointer on destruction.
// You can set font_cfg->FontDataOwnedByAtlas=false to keep ownership of your data and it won't be freed,
// - Even though many functions are suffixed with "TTF", OTF data is supported just as well.
// - This is an old API and it is currently awkward for those and various other reasons! We will address them in the future!
struct ImFontAtlas
IMGUI_API ImFontAtlas();
IMGUI_API ~ImFontAtlas();
IMGUI_API ImFont* AddFont(const ImFontConfig* font_cfg);
IMGUI_API ImFont* AddFontDefault(const ImFontConfig* font_cfg = NULL);
IMGUI_API ImFont* AddFontFromFileTTF(const char* filename, float size_pixels, const ImFontConfig* font_cfg = NULL, const ImWchar* glyph_ranges = NULL);
IMGUI_API ImFont* AddFontFromMemoryTTF(void* font_data, int font_data_size, float size_pixels, const ImFontConfig* font_cfg = NULL, const ImWchar* glyph_ranges = NULL); // Note: Transfer ownership of 'ttf_data' to ImFontAtlas! Will be deleted after destruction of the atlas. Set font_cfg->FontDataOwnedByAtlas=false to keep ownership of your data and it won't be freed.
IMGUI_API ImFont* AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(const void* compressed_font_data, int compressed_font_data_size, float size_pixels, const ImFontConfig* font_cfg = NULL, const ImWchar* glyph_ranges = NULL); // 'compressed_font_data' still owned by caller. Compress with binary_to_compressed_c.cpp.
IMGUI_API ImFont* AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF(const char* compressed_font_data_base85, float size_pixels, const ImFontConfig* font_cfg = NULL, const ImWchar* glyph_ranges = NULL); // 'compressed_font_data_base85' still owned by caller. Compress with binary_to_compressed_c.cpp with -base85 parameter.
IMGUI_API void ClearInputData(); // Clear input data (all ImFontConfig structures including sizes, TTF data, glyph ranges, etc.) = all the data used to build the texture and fonts.
IMGUI_API void ClearTexData(); // Clear output texture data (CPU side). Saves RAM once the texture has been copied to graphics memory.
IMGUI_API void ClearFonts(); // Clear output font data (glyphs storage, UV coordinates).
IMGUI_API void Clear(); // Clear all input and output.
// Build atlas, retrieve pixel data.
// User is in charge of copying the pixels into graphics memory (e.g. create a texture with your engine). Then store your texture handle with SetTexID().
// The pitch is always = Width * BytesPerPixels (1 or 4)
// Building in RGBA32 format is provided for convenience and compatibility, but note that unless you manually manipulate or copy color data into
// the texture (e.g. when using the AddCustomRect*** api), then the RGB pixels emitted will always be white (~75% of memory/bandwidth waste.
IMGUI_API bool Build(); // Build pixels data. This is called automatically for you by the GetTexData*** functions.
IMGUI_API void GetTexDataAsAlpha8(unsigned char** out_pixels, int* out_width, int* out_height, int* out_bytes_per_pixel = NULL); // 1 byte per-pixel
IMGUI_API void GetTexDataAsRGBA32(unsigned char** out_pixels, int* out_width, int* out_height, int* out_bytes_per_pixel = NULL); // 4 bytes-per-pixel
bool IsBuilt() const { return Fonts.Size > 0 && TexReady; } // Bit ambiguous: used to detect when user didn't build texture but effectively we should check TexID != 0 except that would be backend dependent...
void SetTexID(ImTextureID id) { TexID = id; }
// Glyph Ranges
// Helpers to retrieve list of common Unicode ranges (2 value per range, values are inclusive, zero-terminated list)
// NB: Make sure that your string are UTF-8 and NOT in your local code page.
// Read https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/master/docs/FONTS.md/#about-utf-8-encoding for details.
// NB: Consider using ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder to build glyph ranges from textual data.
IMGUI_API const ImWchar* GetGlyphRangesDefault(); // Basic Latin, Extended Latin
IMGUI_API const ImWchar* GetGlyphRangesGreek(); // Default + Greek and Coptic
IMGUI_API const ImWchar* GetGlyphRangesKorean(); // Default + Korean characters
IMGUI_API const ImWchar* GetGlyphRangesJapanese(); // Default + Hiragana, Katakana, Half-Width, Selection of 2999 Ideographs
IMGUI_API const ImWchar* GetGlyphRangesChineseFull(); // Default + Half-Width + Japanese Hiragana/Katakana + full set of about 21000 CJK Unified Ideographs
IMGUI_API const ImWchar* GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon();// Default + Half-Width + Japanese Hiragana/Katakana + set of 2500 CJK Unified Ideographs for common simplified Chinese
IMGUI_API const ImWchar* GetGlyphRangesCyrillic(); // Default + about 400 Cyrillic characters
IMGUI_API const ImWchar* GetGlyphRangesThai(); // Default + Thai characters
IMGUI_API const ImWchar* GetGlyphRangesVietnamese(); // Default + Vietnamese characters
// [BETA] Custom Rectangles/Glyphs API
// You can request arbitrary rectangles to be packed into the atlas, for your own purposes.
// - After calling Build(), you can query the rectangle position and render your pixels.
// - If you render colored output, set 'atlas->TexPixelsUseColors = true' as this may help some backends decide of preferred texture format.
// - You can also request your rectangles to be mapped as font glyph (given a font + Unicode point),
// so you can render e.g. custom colorful icons and use them as regular glyphs.
// - Read docs/FONTS.md for more details about using colorful icons.
// - Note: this API may be redesigned later in order to support multi-monitor varying DPI settings.
IMGUI_API int AddCustomRectRegular(int width, int height);
IMGUI_API int AddCustomRectFontGlyph(ImFont* font, ImWchar id, int width, int height, float advance_x, const ImVec2& offset = ImVec2(0, 0));
ImFontAtlasCustomRect* GetCustomRectByIndex(int index) { IM_ASSERT(index >= 0); return &CustomRects[index]; }
// [Internal]
IMGUI_API void CalcCustomRectUV(const ImFontAtlasCustomRect* rect, ImVec2* out_uv_min, ImVec2* out_uv_max) const;
IMGUI_API bool GetMouseCursorTexData(ImGuiMouseCursor cursor, ImVec2* out_offset, ImVec2* out_size, ImVec2 out_uv_border[2], ImVec2 out_uv_fill[2]);
// Members
ImFontAtlasFlags Flags; // Build flags (see ImFontAtlasFlags_)
ImTextureID TexID; // User data to refer to the texture once it has been uploaded to user's graphic systems. It is passed back to you during rendering via the ImDrawCmd structure.
int TexDesiredWidth; // Texture width desired by user before Build(). Must be a power-of-two. If have many glyphs your graphics API have texture size restrictions you may want to increase texture width to decrease height.
int TexGlyphPadding; // Padding between glyphs within texture in pixels. Defaults to 1. If your rendering method doesn't rely on bilinear filtering you may set this to 0 (will also need to set AntiAliasedLinesUseTex = false).
bool Locked; // Marked as Locked by ImGui::NewFrame() so attempt to modify the atlas will assert.
void* UserData; // Store your own atlas related user-data (if e.g. you have multiple font atlas).
// [Internal]
// NB: Access texture data via GetTexData*() calls! Which will setup a default font for you.
bool TexReady; // Set when texture was built matching current font input
bool TexPixelsUseColors; // Tell whether our texture data is known to use colors (rather than just alpha channel), in order to help backend select a format.
unsigned char* TexPixelsAlpha8; // 1 component per pixel, each component is unsigned 8-bit. Total size = TexWidth * TexHeight
unsigned int* TexPixelsRGBA32; // 4 component per pixel, each component is unsigned 8-bit. Total size = TexWidth * TexHeight * 4
int TexWidth; // Texture width calculated during Build().
int TexHeight; // Texture height calculated during Build().
ImVec2 TexUvScale; // = (1.0f/TexWidth, 1.0f/TexHeight)
ImVec2 TexUvWhitePixel; // Texture coordinates to a white pixel
ImVector<ImFont*> Fonts; // Hold all the fonts returned by AddFont*. Fonts[0] is the default font upon calling ImGui::NewFrame(), use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to change the current font.
ImVector<ImFontAtlasCustomRect> CustomRects; // Rectangles for packing custom texture data into the atlas.
ImVector<ImFontConfig> ConfigData; // Configuration data
ImVec4 TexUvLines[IM_DRAWLIST_TEX_LINES_WIDTH_MAX + 1]; // UVs for baked anti-aliased lines
// [Internal] Font builder
const ImFontBuilderIO* FontBuilderIO; // Opaque interface to a font builder (default to stb_truetype, can be changed to use FreeType by defining IMGUI_ENABLE_FREETYPE).
unsigned int FontBuilderFlags; // Shared flags (for all fonts) for custom font builder. THIS IS BUILD IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT. Per-font override is also available in ImFontConfig.
// [Internal] Packing data
int PackIdMouseCursors; // Custom texture rectangle ID for white pixel and mouse cursors
int PackIdLines; // Custom texture rectangle ID for baked anti-aliased lines
// [Obsolete]
//typedef ImFontAtlasCustomRect CustomRect; // OBSOLETED in 1.72+
//typedef ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder GlyphRangesBuilder; // OBSOLETED in 1.67+
// Font runtime data and rendering
// ImFontAtlas automatically loads a default embedded font for you when you call GetTexDataAsAlpha8() or GetTexDataAsRGBA32().
struct ImFont
// Members: Hot ~20/24 bytes (for CalcTextSize)
ImVector<float> IndexAdvanceX; // 12-16 // out // // Sparse. Glyphs->AdvanceX in a directly indexable way (cache-friendly for CalcTextSize functions which only this this info, and are often bottleneck in large UI).
float FallbackAdvanceX; // 4 // out // = FallbackGlyph->AdvanceX
float FontSize; // 4 // in // // Height of characters/line, set during loading (don't change after loading)
// Members: Hot ~28/40 bytes (for CalcTextSize + render loop)
ImVector<ImWchar> IndexLookup; // 12-16 // out // // Sparse. Index glyphs by Unicode code-point.
ImVector<ImFontGlyph> Glyphs; // 12-16 // out // // All glyphs.
const ImFontGlyph* FallbackGlyph; // 4-8 // out // = FindGlyph(FontFallbackChar)
// Members: Cold ~32/40 bytes
ImFontAtlas* ContainerAtlas; // 4-8 // out // // What we has been loaded into
const ImFontConfig* ConfigData; // 4-8 // in // // Pointer within ContainerAtlas->ConfigData
short ConfigDataCount; // 2 // in // ~ 1 // Number of ImFontConfig involved in creating this font. Bigger than 1 when merging multiple font sources into one ImFont.
ImWchar FallbackChar; // 2 // out // = FFFD/'?' // Character used if a glyph isn't found.
ImWchar EllipsisChar; // 2 // out // = '...'/'.'// Character used for ellipsis rendering.
short EllipsisCharCount; // 1 // out // 1 or 3
float EllipsisWidth; // 4 // out // Width
float EllipsisCharStep; // 4 // out // Step between characters when EllipsisCount > 0
bool DirtyLookupTables; // 1 // out //
float Scale; // 4 // in // = 1.f // Base font scale, multiplied by the per-window font scale which you can adjust with SetWindowFontScale()
float Ascent, Descent; // 4+4 // out // // Ascent: distance from top to bottom of e.g. 'A' [0..FontSize] (unscaled)
int MetricsTotalSurface;// 4 // out // // Total surface in pixels to get an idea of the font rasterization/texture cost (not exact, we approximate the cost of padding between glyphs)
ImU8 Used4kPagesMap[(IM_UNICODE_CODEPOINT_MAX+1)/4096/8]; // 2 bytes if ImWchar=ImWchar16, 34 bytes if ImWchar==ImWchar32. Store 1-bit for each block of 4K codepoints that has one active glyph. This is mainly used to facilitate iterations across all used codepoints.
// Methods
IMGUI_API ~ImFont();
IMGUI_API const ImFontGlyph*FindGlyph(ImWchar c) const;
IMGUI_API const ImFontGlyph*FindGlyphNoFallback(ImWchar c) const;
float GetCharAdvance(ImWchar c) const { return ((int)c < IndexAdvanceX.Size) ? IndexAdvanceX[(int)c] : FallbackAdvanceX; }
bool IsLoaded() const { return ContainerAtlas != NULL; }
const char* GetDebugName() const { return ConfigData ? ConfigData->Name : "<unknown>"; }
// 'max_width' stops rendering after a certain width (could be turned into a 2d size). FLT_MAX to disable.
// 'wrap_width' enable automatic word-wrapping across multiple lines to fit into given width. 0.0f to disable.
IMGUI_API ImVec2 CalcTextSizeA(float size, float max_width, float wrap_width, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end = NULL, const char** remaining = NULL) const; // utf8
IMGUI_API const char* CalcWordWrapPositionA(float scale, const char* text, const char* text_end, float wrap_width) const;
IMGUI_API void RenderChar(ImDrawList* draw_list, float size, const ImVec2& pos, ImU32 col, ImWchar c) const;
IMGUI_API void RenderText(ImDrawList* draw_list, float size, const ImVec2& pos, ImU32 col, const ImVec4& clip_rect, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end, float wrap_width = 0.0f, bool cpu_fine_clip = false) const;
// [Internal] Don't use!
IMGUI_API void BuildLookupTable();
IMGUI_API void ClearOutputData();
IMGUI_API void GrowIndex(int new_size);
IMGUI_API void AddGlyph(const ImFontConfig* src_cfg, ImWchar c, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, float advance_x);
IMGUI_API void AddRemapChar(ImWchar dst, ImWchar src, bool overwrite_dst = true); // Makes 'dst' character/glyph points to 'src' character/glyph. Currently needs to be called AFTER fonts have been built.
IMGUI_API void SetGlyphVisible(ImWchar c, bool visible);
IMGUI_API bool IsGlyphRangeUnused(unsigned int c_begin, unsigned int c_last);
// [SECTION] Viewports
// Flags stored in ImGuiViewport::Flags, giving indications to the platform backends.
enum ImGuiViewportFlags_
ImGuiViewportFlags_None = 0,
ImGuiViewportFlags_IsPlatformWindow = 1 << 0, // Represent a Platform Window
ImGuiViewportFlags_IsPlatformMonitor = 1 << 1, // Represent a Platform Monitor (unused yet)
ImGuiViewportFlags_OwnedByApp = 1 << 2, // Platform Window: Was created/managed by the user application? (rather than our backend)
ImGuiViewportFlags_NoDecoration = 1 << 3, // Platform Window: Disable platform decorations: title bar, borders, etc. (generally set all windows, but if ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsDecoration is set we only set this on popups/tooltips)
ImGuiViewportFlags_NoTaskBarIcon = 1 << 4, // Platform Window: Disable platform task bar icon (generally set on popups/tooltips, or all windows if ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsNoTaskBarIcon is set)
ImGuiViewportFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing = 1 << 5, // Platform Window: Don't take focus when created.
ImGuiViewportFlags_NoFocusOnClick = 1 << 6, // Platform Window: Don't take focus when clicked on.
ImGuiViewportFlags_NoInputs = 1 << 7, // Platform Window: Make mouse pass through so we can drag this window while peaking behind it.
ImGuiViewportFlags_NoRendererClear = 1 << 8, // Platform Window: Renderer doesn't need to clear the framebuffer ahead (because we will fill it entirely).
ImGuiViewportFlags_NoAutoMerge = 1 << 9, // Platform Window: Avoid merging this window into another host window. This can only be set via ImGuiWindowClass viewport flags override (because we need to now ahead if we are going to create a viewport in the first place!).
ImGuiViewportFlags_TopMost = 1 << 10, // Platform Window: Display on top (for tooltips only).
ImGuiViewportFlags_CanHostOtherWindows = 1 << 11, // Viewport can host multiple imgui windows (secondary viewports are associated to a single window). // FIXME: In practice there's still probably code making the assumption that this is always and only on the MainViewport. Will fix once we add support for "no main viewport".
// Output status flags (from Platform)
ImGuiViewportFlags_IsMinimized = 1 << 12, // Platform Window: Window is minimized, can skip render. When minimized we tend to avoid using the viewport pos/size for clipping window or testing if they are contained in the viewport.
ImGuiViewportFlags_IsFocused = 1 << 13, // Platform Window: Window is focused (last call to Platform_GetWindowFocus() returned true)
// - Currently represents the Platform Window created by the application which is hosting our Dear ImGui windows.
// - With multi-viewport enabled, we extend this concept to have multiple active viewports.
// - In the future we will extend this concept further to also represent Platform Monitor and support a "no main platform window" operation mode.
// - About Main Area vs Work Area:
// - Main Area = entire viewport.
// - Work Area = entire viewport minus sections used by main menu bars (for platform windows), or by task bar (for platform monitor).
// - Windows are generally trying to stay within the Work Area of their host viewport.
struct ImGuiViewport
ImGuiID ID; // Unique identifier for the viewport
ImGuiViewportFlags Flags; // See ImGuiViewportFlags_
ImVec2 Pos; // Main Area: Position of the viewport (Dear ImGui coordinates are the same as OS desktop/native coordinates)
ImVec2 Size; // Main Area: Size of the viewport.
ImVec2 WorkPos; // Work Area: Position of the viewport minus task bars, menus bars, status bars (>= Pos)
ImVec2 WorkSize; // Work Area: Size of the viewport minus task bars, menu bars, status bars (<= Size)
float DpiScale; // 1.0f = 96 DPI = No extra scale.
ImGuiID ParentViewportId; // (Advanced) 0: no parent. Instruct the platform backend to setup a parent/child relationship between platform windows.
ImDrawData* DrawData; // The ImDrawData corresponding to this viewport. Valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame().
// Platform/Backend Dependent Data
// Our design separate the Renderer and Platform backends to facilitate combining default backends with each others.
// When our create your own backend for a custom engine, it is possible that both Renderer and Platform will be handled
// by the same system and you may not need to use all the UserData/Handle fields.
// The library never uses those fields, they are merely storage to facilitate backend implementation.
void* RendererUserData; // void* to hold custom data structure for the renderer (e.g. swap chain, framebuffers etc.). generally set by your Renderer_CreateWindow function.
void* PlatformUserData; // void* to hold custom data structure for the OS / platform (e.g. windowing info, render context). generally set by your Platform_CreateWindow function.
void* PlatformHandle; // void* to hold higher-level, platform window handle (e.g. HWND, GLFWWindow*, SDL_Window*), for FindViewportByPlatformHandle().
void* PlatformHandleRaw; // void* to hold lower-level, platform-native window handle (under Win32 this is expected to be a HWND, unused for other platforms), when using an abstraction layer like GLFW or SDL (where PlatformHandle would be a SDL_Window*)
bool PlatformWindowCreated; // Platform window has been created (Platform_CreateWindow() has been called). This is false during the first frame where a viewport is being created.
bool PlatformRequestMove; // Platform window requested move (e.g. window was moved by the OS / host window manager, authoritative position will be OS window position)
bool PlatformRequestResize; // Platform window requested resize (e.g. window was resized by the OS / host window manager, authoritative size will be OS window size)
bool PlatformRequestClose; // Platform window requested closure (e.g. window was moved by the OS / host window manager, e.g. pressing ALT-F4)
ImGuiViewport() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
~ImGuiViewport() { IM_ASSERT(PlatformUserData == NULL && RendererUserData == NULL); }
// Helpers
ImVec2 GetCenter() const { return ImVec2(Pos.x + Size.x * 0.5f, Pos.y + Size.y * 0.5f); }
ImVec2 GetWorkCenter() const { return ImVec2(WorkPos.x + WorkSize.x * 0.5f, WorkPos.y + WorkSize.y * 0.5f); }
// [SECTION] Platform Dependent Interfaces (for e.g. multi-viewport support)
// [BETA] (Optional) This is completely optional, for advanced users!
// If you are new to Dear ImGui and trying to integrate it into your engine, you can probably ignore this for now.
// This feature allows you to seamlessly drag Dear ImGui windows outside of your application viewport.
// This is achieved by creating new Platform/OS windows on the fly, and rendering into them.
// Dear ImGui manages the viewport structures, and the backend create and maintain one Platform/OS window for each of those viewports.
// See Glossary https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Glossary for details about some of the terminology.
// See Thread https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/1542 for gifs, news and questions about this evolving feature.
// About the coordinates system:
// - When multi-viewports are enabled, all Dear ImGui coordinates become absolute coordinates (same as OS coordinates!)
// - So e.g. ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(0,0)) will position a window relative to your primary monitor!
// - If you want to position windows relative to your main application viewport, use ImGui::GetMainViewport()->Pos as a base position.
// Steps to use multi-viewports in your application, when using a default backend from the examples/ folder:
// - Application: Enable feature with 'io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable'.
// - Backend: The backend initialization will setup all necessary ImGuiPlatformIO's functions and update monitors info every frame.
// - Application: In your main loop, call ImGui::UpdatePlatformWindows(), ImGui::RenderPlatformWindowsDefault() after EndFrame() or Render().
// - Application: Fix absolute coordinates used in ImGui::SetWindowPos() or ImGui::SetNextWindowPos() calls.
// Steps to use multi-viewports in your application, when using a custom backend:
// - Important: THIS IS NOT EASY TO DO and comes with many subtleties not described here!
// It's also an experimental feature, so some of the requirements may evolve.
// Consider using default backends if you can. Either way, carefully follow and refer to examples/ backends for details.
// - Application: Enable feature with 'io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable'.
// - Backend: Hook ImGuiPlatformIO's Platform_* and Renderer_* callbacks (see below).
// Set 'io.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags_PlatformHasViewports' and 'io.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags_PlatformHasViewports'.
// Update ImGuiPlatformIO's Monitors list every frame.
// Update MousePos every frame, in absolute coordinates.
// - Application: In your main loop, call ImGui::UpdatePlatformWindows(), ImGui::RenderPlatformWindowsDefault() after EndFrame() or Render().
// You may skip calling RenderPlatformWindowsDefault() if its API is not convenient for your needs. Read comments below.
// - Application: Fix absolute coordinates used in ImGui::SetWindowPos() or ImGui::SetNextWindowPos() calls.
// About ImGui::RenderPlatformWindowsDefault():
// - This function is a mostly a _helper_ for the common-most cases, and to facilitate using default backends.
// - You can check its simple source code to understand what it does.
// It basically iterates secondary viewports and call 4 functions that are setup in ImGuiPlatformIO, if available:
// Platform_RenderWindow(), Renderer_RenderWindow(), Platform_SwapBuffers(), Renderer_SwapBuffers()
// Those functions pointers exists only for the benefit of RenderPlatformWindowsDefault().
// - If you have very specific rendering needs (e.g. flipping multiple swap-chain simultaneously, unusual sync/threading issues, etc.),
// you may be tempted to ignore RenderPlatformWindowsDefault() and write customized code to perform your renderingg.
// You may decide to setup the platform_io's *RenderWindow and *SwapBuffers pointers and call your functions through those pointers,
// or you may decide to never setup those pointers and call your code directly. They are a convenience, not an obligatory interface.
// (Optional) Access via ImGui::GetPlatformIO()
struct ImGuiPlatformIO
// Input - Backend interface/functions + Monitor List
// (Optional) Platform functions (e.g. Win32, GLFW, SDL2)
// For reference, the second column shows which function are generally calling the Platform Functions:
// N = ImGui::NewFrame() ~ beginning of the dear imgui frame: read info from platform/OS windows (latest size/position)
// F = ImGui::Begin(), ImGui::EndFrame() ~ during the dear imgui frame
// U = ImGui::UpdatePlatformWindows() ~ after the dear imgui frame: create and update all platform/OS windows
// R = ImGui::RenderPlatformWindowsDefault() ~ render
// D = ImGui::DestroyPlatformWindows() ~ shutdown
// The general idea is that NewFrame() we will read the current Platform/OS state, and UpdatePlatformWindows() will write to it.
// The functions are designed so we can mix and match 2 imgui_impl_xxxx files, one for the Platform (~window/input handling), one for Renderer.
// Custom engine backends will often provide both Platform and Renderer interfaces and so may not need to use all functions.
// Platform functions are typically called before their Renderer counterpart, apart from Destroy which are called the other way.
// Platform function --------------------------------------------------- Called by -----
void (*Platform_CreateWindow)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // . . U . . // Create a new platform window for the given viewport
void (*Platform_DestroyWindow)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // N . U . D //
void (*Platform_ShowWindow)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // . . U . . // Newly created windows are initially hidden so SetWindowPos/Size/Title can be called on them before showing the window
void (*Platform_SetWindowPos)(ImGuiViewport* vp, ImVec2 pos); // . . U . . // Set platform window position (given the upper-left corner of client area)
ImVec2 (*Platform_GetWindowPos)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // N . . . . //
void (*Platform_SetWindowSize)(ImGuiViewport* vp, ImVec2 size); // . . U . . // Set platform window client area size (ignoring OS decorations such as OS title bar etc.)
ImVec2 (*Platform_GetWindowSize)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // N . . . . // Get platform window client area size
void (*Platform_SetWindowFocus)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // N . . . . // Move window to front and set input focus
bool (*Platform_GetWindowFocus)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // . . U . . //
bool (*Platform_GetWindowMinimized)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // N . . . . // Get platform window minimized state. When minimized, we generally won't attempt to get/set size and contents will be culled more easily
void (*Platform_SetWindowTitle)(ImGuiViewport* vp, const char* str); // . . U . . // Set platform window title (given an UTF-8 string)
void (*Platform_SetWindowAlpha)(ImGuiViewport* vp, float alpha); // . . U . . // (Optional) Setup global transparency (not per-pixel transparency)
void (*Platform_UpdateWindow)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // . . U . . // (Optional) Called by UpdatePlatformWindows(). Optional hook to allow the platform backend from doing general book-keeping every frame.
void (*Platform_RenderWindow)(ImGuiViewport* vp, void* render_arg); // . . . R . // (Optional) Main rendering (platform side! This is often unused, or just setting a "current" context for OpenGL bindings). 'render_arg' is the value passed to RenderPlatformWindowsDefault().
void (*Platform_SwapBuffers)(ImGuiViewport* vp, void* render_arg); // . . . R . // (Optional) Call Present/SwapBuffers (platform side! This is often unused!). 'render_arg' is the value passed to RenderPlatformWindowsDefault().
float (*Platform_GetWindowDpiScale)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // N . . . . // (Optional) [BETA] FIXME-DPI: DPI handling: Return DPI scale for this viewport. 1.0f = 96 DPI.
void (*Platform_OnChangedViewport)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // . F . . . // (Optional) [BETA] FIXME-DPI: DPI handling: Called during Begin() every time the viewport we are outputting into changes, so backend has a chance to swap fonts to adjust style.
int (*Platform_CreateVkSurface)(ImGuiViewport* vp, ImU64 vk_inst, const void* vk_allocators, ImU64* out_vk_surface); // (Optional) For a Vulkan Renderer to call into Platform code (since the surface creation needs to tie them both).
// (Optional) Renderer functions (e.g. DirectX, OpenGL, Vulkan)
void (*Renderer_CreateWindow)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // . . U . . // Create swap chain, frame buffers etc. (called after Platform_CreateWindow)
void (*Renderer_DestroyWindow)(ImGuiViewport* vp); // N . U . D // Destroy swap chain, frame buffers etc. (called before Platform_DestroyWindow)
void (*Renderer_SetWindowSize)(ImGuiViewport* vp, ImVec2 size); // . . U . . // Resize swap chain, frame buffers etc. (called after Platform_SetWindowSize)
void (*Renderer_RenderWindow)(ImGuiViewport* vp, void* render_arg); // . . . R . // (Optional) Clear framebuffer, setup render target, then render the viewport->DrawData. 'render_arg' is the value passed to RenderPlatformWindowsDefault().
void (*Renderer_SwapBuffers)(ImGuiViewport* vp, void* render_arg); // . . . R . // (Optional) Call Present/SwapBuffers. 'render_arg' is the value passed to RenderPlatformWindowsDefault().
// (Optional) Monitor list
// - Updated by: app/backend. Update every frame to dynamically support changing monitor or DPI configuration.
// - Used by: dear imgui to query DPI info, clamp popups/tooltips within same monitor and not have them straddle monitors.
ImVector<ImGuiPlatformMonitor> Monitors;
// Output - List of viewports to render into platform windows
// Viewports list (the list is updated by calling ImGui::EndFrame or ImGui::Render)
// (in the future we will attempt to organize this feature to remove the need for a "main viewport")
ImVector<ImGuiViewport*> Viewports; // Main viewports, followed by all secondary viewports.
ImGuiPlatformIO() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } // Zero clear
// (Optional) This is required when enabling multi-viewport. Represent the bounds of each connected monitor/display and their DPI.
// We use this information for multiple DPI support + clamping the position of popups and tooltips so they don't straddle multiple monitors.
struct ImGuiPlatformMonitor
ImVec2 MainPos, MainSize; // Coordinates of the area displayed on this monitor (Min = upper left, Max = bottom right)
ImVec2 WorkPos, WorkSize; // Coordinates without task bars / side bars / menu bars. Used to avoid positioning popups/tooltips inside this region. If you don't have this info, please copy the value for MainPos/MainSize.
float DpiScale; // 1.0f = 96 DPI
void* PlatformHandle; // Backend dependant data (e.g. HMONITOR, GLFWmonitor*, SDL Display Index, NSScreen*)
ImGuiPlatformMonitor() { MainPos = MainSize = WorkPos = WorkSize = ImVec2(0, 0); DpiScale = 1.0f; PlatformHandle = NULL; }
// (Optional) Support for IME (Input Method Editor) via the io.PlatformSetImeDataFn() function.
struct ImGuiPlatformImeData
bool WantVisible; // A widget wants the IME to be visible
ImVec2 InputPos; // Position of the input cursor
float InputLineHeight; // Line height
ImGuiPlatformImeData() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
// [SECTION] Obsolete functions and types
// (Will be removed! Read 'API BREAKING CHANGES' section in imgui.cpp for details)
// Please keep your copy of dear imgui up to date! Occasionally set '#define IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_FUNCTIONS' in imconfig.h to stay ahead.
namespace ImGui
// OBSOLETED in 1.91.0 (from July 2024)
static inline void PushButtonRepeat(bool repeat) { PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_ButtonRepeat, repeat); }
static inline void PopButtonRepeat() { PopItemFlag(); }
static inline void PushTabStop(bool tab_stop) { PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_NoTabStop, !tab_stop); }
static inline void PopTabStop() { PopItemFlag(); }
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetContentRegionMax(); // Content boundaries max (e.g. window boundaries including scrolling, or current column boundaries). You should never need this. Always use GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail()!
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetWindowContentRegionMin(); // Content boundaries min for the window (roughly (0,0)-Scroll), in window-local coordinates. You should never need this. Always use GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail()!
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetWindowContentRegionMax(); // Content boundaries max for the window (roughly (0,0)+Size-Scroll), in window-local coordinates. You should never need this. Always use GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail()!
// OBSOLETED in 1.90.0 (from September 2023)
static inline bool BeginChildFrame(ImGuiID id, const ImVec2& size, ImGuiWindowFlags window_flags = 0) { return BeginChild(id, size, ImGuiChildFlags_FrameStyle, window_flags); }
static inline void EndChildFrame() { EndChild(); }
//static inline bool BeginChild(const char* str_id, const ImVec2& size_arg, bool border, ImGuiWindowFlags window_flags){ return BeginChild(str_id, size_arg, border ? ImGuiChildFlags_Border : ImGuiChildFlags_None, window_flags); } // Unnecessary as true == ImGuiChildFlags_Border
//static inline bool BeginChild(ImGuiID id, const ImVec2& size_arg, bool border, ImGuiWindowFlags window_flags) { return BeginChild(id, size_arg, border ? ImGuiChildFlags_Border : ImGuiChildFlags_None, window_flags); } // Unnecessary as true == ImGuiChildFlags_Border
static inline void ShowStackToolWindow(bool* p_open = NULL) { ShowIDStackToolWindow(p_open); }
IMGUI_API bool Combo(const char* label, int* current_item, bool (*old_callback)(void* user_data, int idx, const char** out_text), void* user_data, int items_count, int popup_max_height_in_items = -1);
IMGUI_API bool ListBox(const char* label, int* current_item, bool (*old_callback)(void* user_data, int idx, const char** out_text), void* user_data, int items_count, int height_in_items = -1);
// OBSOLETED in 1.89.7 (from June 2023)
IMGUI_API void SetItemAllowOverlap(); // Use SetNextItemAllowOverlap() before item.
// OBSOLETED in 1.89.4 (from March 2023)
static inline void PushAllowKeyboardFocus(bool tab_stop) { PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_NoTabStop, !tab_stop); }
static inline void PopAllowKeyboardFocus() { PopItemFlag(); }
// OBSOLETED in 1.89 (from August 2022)
IMGUI_API bool ImageButton(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const ImVec2& size, const ImVec2& uv0 = ImVec2(0, 0), const ImVec2& uv1 = ImVec2(1, 1), int frame_padding = -1, const ImVec4& bg_col = ImVec4(0, 0, 0, 0), const ImVec4& tint_col = ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 1)); // Use new ImageButton() signature (explicit item id, regular FramePadding)
// OBSOLETED in 1.87 (from February 2022 but more formally obsoleted April 2024)
IMGUI_API ImGuiKey GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey key); // Map ImGuiKey_* values into legacy native key index. == io.KeyMap[key]. When using a 1.87+ backend using io.AddKeyEvent(), calling GetKeyIndex() with ANY ImGuiKey_XXXX values will return the same value!
//static inline ImGuiKey GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey key) { IM_ASSERT(key >= ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN && key < ImGuiKey_NamedKey_END); return key; }
// Some of the older obsolete names along with their replacement (commented out so they are not reported in IDE)
//-- OBSOLETED in 1.88 (from May 2022)
//static inline void CaptureKeyboardFromApp(bool want_capture_keyboard = true) { SetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard(want_capture_keyboard); } // Renamed as name was misleading + removed default value.
//static inline void CaptureMouseFromApp(bool want_capture_mouse = true) { SetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse(want_capture_mouse); } // Renamed as name was misleading + removed default value.
//-- OBSOLETED in 1.86 (from November 2021)
//IMGUI_API void CalcListClipping(int items_count, float items_height, int* out_items_display_start, int* out_items_display_end); // Code removed, see 1.90 for last version of the code. Calculate range of visible items for large list of evenly sized items. Prefer using ImGuiListClipper.
//-- OBSOLETED in 1.85 (from August 2021)
//static inline float GetWindowContentRegionWidth() { return GetWindowContentRegionMax().x - GetWindowContentRegionMin().x; }
//-- OBSOLETED in 1.81 (from February 2021)
//static inline bool ListBoxHeader(const char* label, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(0, 0)) { return BeginListBox(label, size); }
//static inline bool ListBoxHeader(const char* label, int items_count, int height_in_items = -1) { float height = GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() * ((height_in_items < 0 ? ImMin(items_count, 7) : height_in_items) + 0.25f) + GetStyle().FramePadding.y * 2.0f; return BeginListBox(label, ImVec2(0.0f, height)); } // Helper to calculate size from items_count and height_in_items
//static inline void ListBoxFooter() { EndListBox(); }
//-- OBSOLETED in 1.79 (from August 2020)
//static inline void OpenPopupContextItem(const char* str_id = NULL, ImGuiMouseButton mb = 1) { OpenPopupOnItemClick(str_id, mb); } // Bool return value removed. Use IsWindowAppearing() in BeginPopup() instead. Renamed in 1.77, renamed back in 1.79. Sorry!
//-- OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020): Old drag/sliders functions that took a 'float power > 1.0f' argument instead of ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic. See github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/3361 for details.
//IMGUI_API bool DragScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f) // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//IMGUI_API bool DragScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, float v_speed, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f); // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//IMGUI_API bool SliderScalar(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f); // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//IMGUI_API bool SliderScalarN(const char* label, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* p_data, int components, const void* p_min, const void* p_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f); // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//static inline bool DragFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f) { return DragScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); } // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//static inline bool DragFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f) { return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 2, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); } // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//static inline bool DragFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f) { return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 3, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); } // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//static inline bool DragFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f) { return DragScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 4, v_speed, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); } // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//static inline bool SliderFloat(const char* label, float* v, float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f) { return SliderScalar(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); } // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//static inline bool SliderFloat2(const char* label, float v[2], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f) { return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 2, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); } // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//static inline bool SliderFloat3(const char* label, float v[3], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f) { return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 3, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); } // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//static inline bool SliderFloat4(const char* label, float v[4], float v_min, float v_max, const char* format, float power = 1.0f) { return SliderScalarN(label, ImGuiDataType_Float, v, 4, &v_min, &v_max, format, power); } // OBSOLETED in 1.78 (from June 2020)
//-- OBSOLETED in 1.77 and before
//static inline bool BeginPopupContextWindow(const char* str_id, ImGuiMouseButton mb, bool over_items) { return BeginPopupContextWindow(str_id, mb | (over_items ? 0 : ImGuiPopupFlags_NoOpenOverItems)); } // OBSOLETED in 1.77 (from June 2020)
//static inline void TreeAdvanceToLabelPos() { SetCursorPosX(GetCursorPosX() + GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing()); } // OBSOLETED in 1.72 (from July 2019)
//static inline void SetNextTreeNodeOpen(bool open, ImGuiCond cond = 0) { SetNextItemOpen(open, cond); } // OBSOLETED in 1.71 (from June 2019)
//static inline float GetContentRegionAvailWidth() { return GetContentRegionAvail().x; } // OBSOLETED in 1.70 (from May 2019)
//static inline ImDrawList* GetOverlayDrawList() { return GetForegroundDrawList(); } // OBSOLETED in 1.69 (from Mar 2019)
//static inline void SetScrollHere(float ratio = 0.5f) { SetScrollHereY(ratio); } // OBSOLETED in 1.66 (from Nov 2018)
//static inline bool IsItemDeactivatedAfterChange() { return IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit(); } // OBSOLETED in 1.63 (from Aug 2018)
//-- OBSOLETED in 1.60 and before
//static inline bool IsAnyWindowFocused() { return IsWindowFocused(ImGuiFocusedFlags_AnyWindow); } // OBSOLETED in 1.60 (from Apr 2018)
//static inline bool IsAnyWindowHovered() { return IsWindowHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_AnyWindow); } // OBSOLETED in 1.60 (between Dec 2017 and Apr 2018)
//static inline void ShowTestWindow() { return ShowDemoWindow(); } // OBSOLETED in 1.53 (between Oct 2017 and Dec 2017)
//static inline bool IsRootWindowFocused() { return IsWindowFocused(ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootWindow); } // OBSOLETED in 1.53 (between Oct 2017 and Dec 2017)
//static inline bool IsRootWindowOrAnyChildFocused() { return IsWindowFocused(ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootAndChildWindows); } // OBSOLETED in 1.53 (between Oct 2017 and Dec 2017)
//static inline void SetNextWindowContentWidth(float w) { SetNextWindowContentSize(ImVec2(w, 0.0f)); } // OBSOLETED in 1.53 (between Oct 2017 and Dec 2017)
//static inline float GetItemsLineHeightWithSpacing() { return GetFrameHeightWithSpacing(); } // OBSOLETED in 1.53 (between Oct 2017 and Dec 2017)
//IMGUI_API bool Begin(char* name, bool* p_open, ImVec2 size_first_use, float bg_alpha = -1.0f, ImGuiWindowFlags flags=0); // OBSOLETED in 1.52 (between Aug 2017 and Oct 2017): Equivalent of using SetNextWindowSize(size, ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver) and SetNextWindowBgAlpha().
//static inline bool IsRootWindowOrAnyChildHovered() { return IsWindowHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_RootAndChildWindows); } // OBSOLETED in 1.52 (between Aug 2017 and Oct 2017)
//static inline void AlignFirstTextHeightToWidgets() { AlignTextToFramePadding(); } // OBSOLETED in 1.52 (between Aug 2017 and Oct 2017)
//static inline void SetNextWindowPosCenter(ImGuiCond c=0) { SetNextWindowPos(GetMainViewport()->GetCenter(), c, ImVec2(0.5f,0.5f)); } // OBSOLETED in 1.52 (between Aug 2017 and Oct 2017)
//static inline bool IsItemHoveredRect() { return IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_RectOnly); } // OBSOLETED in 1.51 (between Jun 2017 and Aug 2017)
//static inline bool IsPosHoveringAnyWindow(const ImVec2&) { IM_ASSERT(0); return false; } // OBSOLETED in 1.51 (between Jun 2017 and Aug 2017): This was misleading and partly broken. You probably want to use the io.WantCaptureMouse flag instead.
//static inline bool IsMouseHoveringAnyWindow() { return IsWindowHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_AnyWindow); } // OBSOLETED in 1.51 (between Jun 2017 and Aug 2017)
//static inline bool IsMouseHoveringWindow() { return IsWindowHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup | ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem); } // OBSOLETED in 1.51 (between Jun 2017 and Aug 2017)
//-- OBSOLETED in 1.50 and before
//static inline bool CollapsingHeader(char* label, const char* str_id, bool framed = true, bool default_open = false) { return CollapsingHeader(label, (default_open ? (1 << 5) : 0)); } // OBSOLETED in 1.49
//static inline ImFont*GetWindowFont() { return GetFont(); } // OBSOLETED in 1.48
//static inline float GetWindowFontSize() { return GetFontSize(); } // OBSOLETED in 1.48
//static inline void SetScrollPosHere() { SetScrollHere(); } // OBSOLETED in 1.42
//-- OBSOLETED in 1.82 (from Mars 2021): flags for AddRect(), AddRectFilled(), AddImageRounded(), PathRect()
//typedef ImDrawFlags ImDrawCornerFlags;
//enum ImDrawCornerFlags_
// ImDrawCornerFlags_None = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersNone, // Was == 0 prior to 1.82, this is now == ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersNone which is != 0 and not implicit
// ImDrawCornerFlags_TopLeft = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersTopLeft, // Was == 0x01 (1 << 0) prior to 1.82. Order matches ImDrawFlags_NoRoundCorner* flag (we exploit this internally).
// ImDrawCornerFlags_TopRight = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersTopRight, // Was == 0x02 (1 << 1) prior to 1.82.
// ImDrawCornerFlags_BotLeft = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersBottomLeft, // Was == 0x04 (1 << 2) prior to 1.82.
// ImDrawCornerFlags_BotRight = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersBottomRight, // Was == 0x08 (1 << 3) prior to 1.82.
// ImDrawCornerFlags_All = ImDrawFlags_RoundCornersAll, // Was == 0x0F prior to 1.82
// ImDrawCornerFlags_Top = ImDrawCornerFlags_TopLeft | ImDrawCornerFlags_TopRight,
// ImDrawCornerFlags_Bot = ImDrawCornerFlags_BotLeft | ImDrawCornerFlags_BotRight,
// ImDrawCornerFlags_Left = ImDrawCornerFlags_TopLeft | ImDrawCornerFlags_BotLeft,
// ImDrawCornerFlags_Right = ImDrawCornerFlags_TopRight | ImDrawCornerFlags_BotRight,
// RENAMED and MERGED both ImGuiKey_ModXXX and ImGuiModFlags_XXX into ImGuiMod_XXX (from September 2022)
// RENAMED ImGuiKeyModFlags -> ImGuiModFlags in 1.88 (from April 2022). Exceptionally commented out ahead of obscolescence schedule to reduce confusion and because they were not meant to be used in the first place.
//typedef ImGuiKeyChord ImGuiModFlags; // == int. We generally use ImGuiKeyChord to mean "a ImGuiKey or-ed with any number of ImGuiMod_XXX value", so you may store mods in there.
//enum ImGuiModFlags_ { ImGuiModFlags_None = 0, ImGuiModFlags_Ctrl = ImGuiMod_Ctrl, ImGuiModFlags_Shift = ImGuiMod_Shift, ImGuiModFlags_Alt = ImGuiMod_Alt, ImGuiModFlags_Super = ImGuiMod_Super };
//typedef ImGuiKeyChord ImGuiKeyModFlags; // == int
//enum ImGuiKeyModFlags_ { ImGuiKeyModFlags_None = 0, ImGuiKeyModFlags_Ctrl = ImGuiMod_Ctrl, ImGuiKeyModFlags_Shift = ImGuiMod_Shift, ImGuiKeyModFlags_Alt = ImGuiMod_Alt, ImGuiKeyModFlags_Super = ImGuiMod_Super };
#define IM_OFFSETOF(_TYPE,_MEMBER) offsetof(_TYPE, _MEMBER) // OBSOLETED IN 1.90 (now using C++11 standard version)
#error IMGUI_DISABLE_METRICS_WINDOW was renamed to IMGUI_DISABLE_DEBUG_TOOLS, please use new name.
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (pop)
// Include imgui_user.h at the end of imgui.h
// May be convenient for some users to only explicitly include vanilla imgui.h and have extra stuff included.
#include "imgui_user.h"
#endif // #ifndef IMGUI_DISABLE