Merge branch 'master' into docking

# Conflicts:
#	backends/imgui_impl_vulkan.cpp
#	docs/CHANGELOG.txt
#	docs/TODO.txt
This commit is contained in:
ocornut 2023-07-04 14:58:03 +02:00
commit 677c7b2258
15 changed files with 143 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
// (minor and older changes stripped away, please see git history for details)
// 2023-XX-XX: Platform: Added support for multiple windows via the ImGuiPlatformIO interface.
// 2023-07-04: Vulkan: Added optional support for VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering. User needs to set init_info->UseDynamicRendering = true and init_info->ColorAttachmentFormat.
// 2023-01-02: Vulkan: Fixed sampler passed to ImGui_ImplVulkan_AddTexture() not being honored + removed a bunch of duplicate code.
// 2022-10-11: Using 'nullptr' instead of 'NULL' as per our switch to C++11.
// 2022-10-04: Vulkan: Added experimental ImGui_ImplVulkan_RemoveTexture() for api symetry. (#914, #5738).
#if defined(VK_VERSION_1_3) || defined(VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering)
static PFN_vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR ImGuiImplVulkanFuncs_vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR;
static PFN_vkCmdEndRenderingKHR ImGuiImplVulkanFuncs_vkCmdEndRenderingKHR;
@ -872,6 +879,19 @@ static void ImGui_ImplVulkan_CreatePipeline(VkDevice device, const VkAllocationC
info.layout = bd->PipelineLayout;
info.renderPass = renderPass;
info.subpass = subpass;
VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR pipelineRenderingCreateInfo = {};
pipelineRenderingCreateInfo.colorAttachmentCount = 1;
pipelineRenderingCreateInfo.pColorAttachmentFormats = &bd->VulkanInitInfo.ColorAttachmentFormat;
if (bd->VulkanInitInfo.UseDynamicRendering)
info.pNext = &pipelineRenderingCreateInfo;
info.renderPass = VK_NULL_HANDLE; // Just make sure it's actually nullptr.
VkResult err = vkCreateGraphicsPipelines(device, pipelineCache, 1, &info, allocator, pipeline);
@ -984,10 +1004,17 @@ bool ImGui_ImplVulkan_LoadFunctions(PFN_vkVoidFunction(*loader_func)(const ch
return false;
// Manually load those two (see #5446)
ImGuiImplVulkanFuncs_vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR = reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR>(loader_func("vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR", user_data));
ImGuiImplVulkanFuncs_vkCmdEndRenderingKHR = reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkCmdEndRenderingKHR>(loader_func("vkCmdEndRenderingKHR", user_data));
g_FunctionsLoaded = true;
return true;
@ -996,6 +1023,20 @@ bool ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init(ImGui_ImplVulkan_InitInfo* info, VkRenderPass rend
IM_ASSERT(g_FunctionsLoaded && "Need to call ImGui_ImplVulkan_LoadFunctions() if IMGUI_IMPL_VULKAN_NO_PROTOTYPES or VK_NO_PROTOTYPES are set!");
if (info->UseDynamicRendering)
ImGuiImplVulkanFuncs_vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR = reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR>(vkGetInstanceProcAddr(info->Instance, "vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR"));
ImGuiImplVulkanFuncs_vkCmdEndRenderingKHR = reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkCmdEndRenderingKHR>(vkGetInstanceProcAddr(info->Instance, "vkCmdEndRenderingKHR"));
IM_ASSERT(ImGuiImplVulkanFuncs_vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR != nullptr);
IM_ASSERT(ImGuiImplVulkanFuncs_vkCmdEndRenderingKHR != nullptr);
IM_ASSERT(0 && "Can't use dynamic rendering when neither VK_VERSION_1_3 or VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering is defined.");
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
IM_ASSERT(io.BackendRendererUserData == nullptr && "Already initialized a renderer backend!");
@ -1013,7 +1054,8 @@ bool ImGui_ImplVulkan_Init(ImGui_ImplVulkan_InitInfo* info, VkRenderPass rend
IM_ASSERT(info->DescriptorPool != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
IM_ASSERT(info->MinImageCount >= 2);
IM_ASSERT(info->ImageCount >= info->MinImageCount);
IM_ASSERT(render_pass != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
if (info->UseDynamicRendering == false)
IM_ASSERT(render_pass != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
bd->VulkanInitInfo = *info;
bd->RenderPass = render_pass;
@ -1350,6 +1392,7 @@ void ImGui_ImplVulkanH_CreateWindowSwapChain(VkPhysicalDevice physical_device, V
vkDestroySwapchainKHR(device, old_swapchain, allocator);
// Create the Render Pass
if (wd->UseDynamicRendering == false)
VkAttachmentDescription attachment = {};
attachment.format = wd->SurfaceFormat.format;
@ -1412,6 +1455,7 @@ void ImGui_ImplVulkanH_CreateWindowSwapChain(VkPhysicalDevice physical_device, V
// Create Framebuffer
if (wd->UseDynamicRendering == false)
VkImageView attachment[1];
VkFramebufferCreateInfo info = {};

View File

@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ struct ImGui_ImplVulkan_InitInfo
uint32_t MinImageCount; // >= 2
uint32_t ImageCount; // >= MinImageCount
VkSampleCountFlagBits MSAASamples; // >= VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT (0 -> default to VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT)
// Dynamic Rendering (Optional)
bool UseDynamicRendering; // Need to explicitly enable VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering extension to use this, even for Vulkan 1.3.
VkFormat ColorAttachmentFormat; // Required for dynamic rendering
// Allocation, Debugging
const VkAllocationCallbacks* Allocator;
void (*CheckVkResultFn)(VkResult err);
@ -140,6 +146,7 @@ struct ImGui_ImplVulkanH_Window
VkPresentModeKHR PresentMode;
VkRenderPass RenderPass;
VkPipeline Pipeline; // The window pipeline may uses a different VkRenderPass than the one passed in ImGui_ImplVulkan_InitInfo
bool UseDynamicRendering;
bool ClearEnable;
VkClearValue ClearValue;
uint32_t FrameIndex; // Current frame being rendered to (0 <= FrameIndex < FrameInFlightCount)

View File

@ -98,9 +98,11 @@ Other changes:
VERSION 1.89.7 WIP (In Progress)
VERSION 1.89.7 (Released 2023-07-04)
Decorated log and release notes:
Breaking changes:
- Moved io.HoverDelayShort/io.HoverDelayNormal to style.HoverDelayShort/style.HoverDelayNormal.
@ -155,6 +157,10 @@ Other changes:
- CollapsingHeader/TreeNode: Fixed text padding when using _Framed+_Leaf flags. (#6549) [@BobbyAnguelov]
- InputText: Fixed not returning true when buffer is cleared while using the
ImGuiInputTextFlags_EscapeClearsAll flag. (#5688, #2620)
- InputText: ImGuiInputTextCallbackData::InsertChars() accept (NULL,NULL) range, in order to conform
to common idioms (e.g. passing .data(), .data() + .size() from a null string). (#6565, #6566, #3615)
- Combo: Made simple/legacy Combo() function not returns true when picking already selected item.
This is consistent with other widgets. If you need something else, you can use BeginCombo(). (#1182)
- Clipper: Rework inner logic to allow functioning with a zero-clear constructor.
This is order to facilitate usage for language bindings (e.g cimgui or dear_binding)
where user may not be callinga constructor manually. (#5856)
@ -170,6 +176,9 @@ Other changes:
- Backends: OpenGL3: Fixed support for glBindSampler() backup/restore on ES3. (#6375, #6508) [@jsm174]
- Backends: OpenGL3: Fixed erroneous use glGetIntegerv(GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK) on contexts
lower than 3.2. (#6539, #6333) [@krumelmonster]
- Backends: Vulkan: Added optional support for VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering (Vulkan 1.3+) in the
backend for applications using it. User needs to set 'init_info->UseDynamicRendering = true'
and 'init_info->ColorAttachmentFormat'. RenderPass becomes unused. (#5446, #5037) [@spnda, @cmarcelo]
- Backends: GLFW: Accept glfwGetTime() not returning a monotonically increasing value.
This seems to happens on some Windows setup when peripherals disconnect, and is likely
to also happen on browser+Emscripten. Matches similar 1.89.4 fix in SDL backend. (#6491)

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
## Getting Started & General Advice
- Article: [How To Ask Good Questions](
- Please browse the [Wiki]( to find code snippets, links and other resources (e.g. [Useful extensions](
- Please browse the [Wiki]( to find code snippets, links and other resources (e.g. [Getting Started](, [Useful extensions](
- Please read [docs/](
- Please read [docs/]( if your question relates to fonts or text.
- Please read one of the [examples/]( application if your question relates to setting up Dear ImGui.

View File

@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ or view this file with any Markdown viewer.
**This library is poorly documented at the moment and expects the user to be acquainted with C/C++.**
- The [Wiki]( is a hub to many resources and links.
- Dozens of standalone example applications using e.g. OpenGL/DirectX are provided in the [examples/]( folder to explain how to integrate Dear ImGui with your own engine/application. You can run those applications and explore them.
- Handy [Getting Started]( guide to integrate Dear ImGui in an existing application.
- 20+ standalone example applications using e.g. OpenGL/DirectX are provided in the [examples/]( folder to explain how to integrate Dear ImGui with your own engine/application. You can run those applications and explore them.
- See demo code in [imgui_demo.cpp]( and particularly the `ImGui::ShowDemoWindow()` function. The demo covers most features of Dear ImGui, so you can read the code and see its output.
- See documentation: [Backends](, [Examples](, [Fonts](
- See documentation and comments at the top of [imgui.cpp]( + general API comments in [imgui.h](

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Dear ImGui is particularly suited to integration in game engines (for tooling),
### Usage
**The core of Dear ImGui is self-contained within a few platform-agnostic files** which you can easily compile in your application/engine. They are all the files in the root folder of the repository (imgui*.cpp, imgui*.h). **No specific build process is required**. You can add the .cpp files into your existing project.
**The core of Dear ImGui is self-contained within a few platform-agnostic files** which you can easily compile in your application/engine. They are all the files in the root folder of the repository (imgui*.cpp, imgui*.h). **No specific build process is required**. You can add the .cpp files into your existing project. See [Getting Started](
**Backends for a variety of graphics API and rendering platforms** are provided in the [backends/]( folder, along with example applications in the [examples/]( folder. See the [Integration](#integration) section of this document for details. You may also create your own backend. Anywhere where you can render textured triangles, you can render Dear ImGui.
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Dear ImGui allows you to **create elaborate tools** as well as very short-lived
### How it works
Check out the Wiki's [About the IMGUI paradigm]( section if you want to understand the core principles behind the IMGUI paradigm. An IMGUI tries to minimize superfluous state duplication, state synchronization, and state retention from the user's point of view. It is less error-prone (less code and fewer bugs) than traditional retained-mode interfaces, and lends itself to creating dynamic user interfaces.
The IMGUI paradigm through its API tries to minimize superfluous state duplication, state synchronization, and state retention from the user's point of view. It is less error-prone (less code and fewer bugs) than traditional retained-mode interfaces, and lends itself to creating dynamic user interfaces. Check out the Wiki's [About the IMGUI paradigm]( section for more details.
Dear ImGui outputs vertex buffers and command lists that you can easily render in your application. The number of draw calls and state changes required to render them is fairly small. Because Dear ImGui doesn't know or touch graphics state directly, you can call its functions anywhere in your code (e.g. in the middle of a running algorithm, or in the middle of your own rendering process). Refer to the sample applications in the examples/ folder for instructions on how to integrate Dear ImGui with your existing codebase.
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Reading the changelogs is a good way to keep up to date with the things Dear ImG
Calling the `ImGui::ShowDemoWindow()` function will create a demo window showcasing a variety of features and examples. The code is always available for reference in `imgui_demo.cpp`. [Here's how the demo looks](
You should be able to build the examples from sources. If you don't, let us know! If you want to have a quick look at some Dear ImGui features, you can download Windows binaries of the demo app here:
- []( (Windows, 1.88 WIP, built 2022/05/04, master) or [older binaries](
- []( (Windows, 1.89.7, built 2023/07/04, master) or [older binaries](
The demo applications are not DPI aware so expect some blurriness on a 4K screen. For DPI awareness in your application, you can load/reload your font at a different scale and scale your style with `style.ScaleAllSizes()` (see [FAQ](
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ The demo applications are not DPI aware so expect some blurriness on a 4K screen
On most platforms and when using C++, **you should be able to use a combination of the [imgui_impl_xxxx]( backends without modification** (e.g. `imgui_impl_win32.cpp` + `imgui_impl_dx11.cpp`). If your engine supports multiple platforms, consider using more imgui_impl_xxxx files instead of rewriting them: this will be less work for you, and you can get Dear ImGui running immediately. You can _later_ decide to rewrite a custom backend using your custom engine functions if you wish so.
Integrating Dear ImGui within your custom engine is a matter of 1) wiring mouse/keyboard/gamepad inputs 2) uploading a texture to your GPU/render engine 3) providing a render function that can bind textures and render textured triangles. The [examples/]( folder is populated with applications doing just that. If you are an experienced programmer at ease with those concepts, it should take you less than two hours to integrate Dear ImGui into your custom engine. **Make sure to spend time reading the [FAQ](, comments, and the examples applications!**
See [Getting Started]( Integrating Dear ImGui within your custom engine is a matter of 1) wiring mouse/keyboard/gamepad inputs 2) uploading a texture to your GPU/render engine 3) providing a render function that can bind textures and render textured triangles, which is essentially what Backends are doing. The [examples/]( folder is populated with applications doing just that: setting up a window and using backends. If you follow [Getting Started]( it should in theory takes you less than an hour to integrate Dear ImGui. **Make sure to spend time reading the [FAQ](, comments, and the examples applications!**
Officially maintained backends/bindings (in repository):
- Renderers: DirectX9, DirectX10, DirectX11, DirectX12, Metal, OpenGL/ES/ES2, SDL_Renderer, Vulkan, WebGPU.
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ For a list of third-party widgets and extensions, check out the [Useful Extensio
See: [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]( where common questions are answered.
See: [Wiki]( for many links, references, articles.
See: [Getting Started]( and [Wiki]( for many links, references, articles.
See: [Articles about the IMGUI paradigm]( to read/learn about the Immediate Mode GUI paradigm.
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ Private support is available for paying business customers (E-mail: _contact @ d
**Which version should I get?**
We occasionally tag [Releases]( (with nice releases notes) but it is generally safe and recommended to sync to master/latest. The library is fairly stable and regressions tend to be fixed fast when reported. Advanced users may want to use the `docking` branch with [Multi-Viewport]( and [Docking]( features. This branch is kept in sync with master regularly.
We occasionally tag [Releases]( (with nice releases notes) but it is generally safe and recommended to sync to latest `master` or `docking` branch. The library is fairly stable and regressions tend to be fixed fast when reported. Advanced users may want to use the `docking` branch with [Multi-Viewport]( and [Docking]( features. This branch is kept in sync with master regularly.
**Who uses Dear ImGui?**

View File

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ dear imgui
Issue numbers (#) refer to GitHub issues listed at
This list is not well maintained, most of the work happens on GitHub nowadays.
The list below consist mostly of ideas noted down before they are requested/discussed by users (at which point they usually exist on the github issue tracker).
It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query if you have any questions.
- doc/test: add a proper documentation+regression testing system (#435)
- doc/test: checklist app to verify backends/integration of imgui (test inputs, rendering, callback, etc.).
- doc: add a proper documentation system (maybe relying on automation? #435)
- doc: checklist app to verify backends/integration of imgui (test inputs, rendering, callback, etc.).
- doc/tips: tips of the day: website? applet in imgui_club?
- doc/wiki: work on the wiki
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- window: begin with *p_open == false could return false.
- window: get size/pos helpers given names (see discussion in #249)
- window: when window is very small, prioritize resize button over close button.
- window: double-clicking on title bar to minimize isn't consistent, perhaps move to single-click on left-most collapse icon?
- window: double-clicking on title bar to minimize isn't consistent interaction, perhaps move to single-click on left-most collapse icon?
- window: expose contents size. (#1045)
- window: using SetWindowPos() inside Begin() and moving the window with the mouse reacts a very ugly glitch. We should just defer the SetWindowPos() call.
- window: GetWindowSize() returns (0,0) when not calculated? (#1045)
@ -31,29 +31,26 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- window/child: allow resizing of child windows (possibly given min/max for each axis?.)
- window/child: allow SetNextWindowContentSize() to work on child windows.
- window/clipping: some form of clipping when DisplaySize (or corresponding viewport) is zero.
- window/tabbing: add a way to signify that a window or docked window requires attention (e.g. blinking title bar).
- window/id_stack: add e.g. window->GetIDFromPath() with support for leading / and ../ (#1390, #331)
- window/tabbing: add a way to signify that a window or docked window requires attention (e.g. blinking title bar, trying to click behind a modal).
- window/id_stack: add e.g. window->GetIDFromPath() with support for leading / and ../ (#1390, #331) -> model from test engine.
! scrolling: exposing horizontal scrolling with Shift+Wheel even when scrollbar is disabled expose lots of issues (#2424, #1463)
- scrolling: while holding down a scrollbar, try to keep the same contents visible (at least while not moving mouse)
- scrolling: allow immediately effective change of scroll after Begin() if we haven't appended items yet.
- scrolling: forward mouse wheel scrolling to parent window when at the edge of scrolling limits? (useful for listbox,tables?)
- scrolling/clipping: separator on the initial position of a window is not visible (cursorpos.y <= clippos.y). (2017-08-20: can't repro)
- scrolling/style: shadows on scrollable areas to denote that there is more contents (see e.g. DaVinci Resolve ui)
- drawdata: make it easy to deep-copy (or swap?) a full ImDrawData so user can easily save that data if they use threaded rendering. (e.g. #2646)
! drawlist: add CalcTextSize() func to facilitate consistent code from user pov (currently need to use ImGui or ImFont alternatives!)
- drawlist: maintaining bounding box per command would allow to merge draw command when clipping isn't relied on (typical non-scrolling window or non-overflowing column would merge with previous command). (WIP branch)
- drawlist: primitives/helpers to manipulate vertices post submission, so e.g. a quad/rect can be resized to fit later submitted content, _without_ using the ChannelSplit api
- drawlist: make it easier to toggle AA per primitive, so we can use e.g. non-AA fill + AA borders more naturally
- drawlist: non-AA strokes have gaps between points (#593, #288), glitch especially on RenderCheckmark() and ColorPicker4().
- drawlist: rendering: provide a way for imgui to output to a single/global vertex buffer, re-order indices only at the end of the frame (ref:
- drawlist: callback: add an extra void* in ImDrawCallback to allow passing render-local data to the callback (would break API).
- drawlist: AddRect vs AddLine position confusing (#2441)
- drawlist/opt: store rounded corners in texture to use 1 quad per corner (filled and wireframe) to lower the cost of rounding. (#1962)
- drawlist/opt: AddRect() axis aligned pixel aligned (no-aa) could use 8 triangles instead of 16 and no normal calculation.
- drawlist/opt: thick AA line could be doable in same number of triangles as 1.0 AA line by storing gradient+full color in atlas.
- main: IsItemHovered() info stored in a stack? so that 'if TreeNode() { Text; TreePop; } if IsHovered' return the hover state of the TreeNode?
- items: IsItemHovered() info stored in a stack? so that 'if TreeNode() { Text; TreePop; } if IsHovered' return the hover state of the TreeNode?
- widgets: display mode: widget-label, label-widget (aligned on column or using fixed size), label-newline-tab-widget etc. (#395)
- widgets: clean up widgets internal toward exposing everything and stabilizing imgui_internals.h.
@ -61,8 +58,7 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- widgets: start exposing PushItemFlag() and ImGuiItemFlags
- widgets: alignment options in style (e.g. center Selectable, Right-Align within Button, etc.) #1260
- widgets: activate by identifier (trigger button, focus given id)
- widgets: a way to represent "mixed" values, so e.g. all values replaced with *, including check-boxes, colors, etc. with support for multi-components widgets (e.g. SliderFloat3, make only "Y" mixed) (#2644)
- widgets: checkbox: checkbox with custom glyph inside frame.
- widgets: custom glyph/shapes replacements for stock sapes. (also #6090 #2431 #2235 #6517)
- widgets: coloredit: keep reporting as active when picker is on?
- widgets: group/scalarn functions: expose more per-component information. e.g. store NextItemData.ComponentIdx set by scalarn function, groups can expose them back somehow.
- selectable: using (size.x == 0.0f) and (SelectableTextAlign.x > 0.0f) followed by SameLine() is currently not supported.
@ -81,7 +77,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- input text: option to Tab after an Enter validation.
- input text: add ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterToApply? (off #218)
- input text: easier ways to update buffer (from source char*) while owned. preserve some sort of cursor position for multi-line text.
- input text: add flag (e.g. ImGuiInputTextFlags_EscapeClearsBuffer) to clear instead of revert. what to do with focus? (also see #2890)
- input text: add discard flag (e.g. ImGuiInputTextFlags_DiscardActiveBuffer) or make it easier to clear active focus for text replacement during edition (#725)
- input text: display bug when clicking a drag/slider after an input text in a different window has all-selected text (order dependent). actually a very old bug but no one appears to have noticed it.
- input text: allow centering/positioning text so that ctrl+clicking Drag or Slider keeps the textual value at the same pixel position.
@ -116,20 +111,14 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- tables: see
- group: BeginGroup() needs a border option. (~#1496)
- group: IsHovered() after EndGroup() covers whole AABB rather than the intersection of individual items. Is that desirable?
- group: IsItemHovered() after EndGroup() covers whole AABB rather than the intersection of individual items. Is that desirable?
- group: merge deactivation/activation within same group (fwd WasEdited flag). (#2550)
!- color: the color conversion helpers/types are a mess and needs sorting out.
- color: (api breaking) ImGui::ColorConvertXXX functions should be loose ImColorConvertXX to match imgui_internals.h
- plot: full featured plot/graph api w/ scrolling, zooming etc. all bell & whistle. why not!
- plot: PlotLines() should use the polygon-stroke facilities, less vertices (currently issues with averaging normals)
- plot: make it easier for user to draw extra stuff into the graph (e.g: draw basis, highlight certain points, 2d plots, multiple plots)
- plot: "smooth" automatic scale over time, user give an input 0.0(full user scale) 1.0(full derived from value)
- plot: option/feature: draw the zero line
- plot: option/feature: draw grid, vertical markers
- plot: option/feature: draw unit
- plot: add a helper e.g. Plot(char* label, float value, float time_span=2.0f) that stores values and Plot them for you - probably another function name. and/or automatically allow to plot ANY displayed value (more reliance on stable ID)
- plot: full featured plot/graph api w/ scrolling, zooming etc. --> ImPlot
- (plot: deleted all other todo lines on 2023-06-28)
- clipper: ability to disable the clipping through a simple flag/bool.
- clipper: ability to run without knowing full count in advance.
@ -140,7 +129,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- separator: width, thickness, centering (#1643)
- splitter: formalize the splitter idiom into an official api (we want to handle n-way split) (#319)
- docking: merge docking branch (#2109)
- docking: B: ordering currently held in tab bar should be implicitly held by windows themselves (also see #2304)
- docking: B- tab bar: the order/focus restoring code could be part of TabBar and not DockNode? (#8)
- docking: B~ rework code to be able to lazily create tab bar instance in a single place. The _Unsorted tab flag could be replacing a trailing-counter in DockNode?
@ -174,16 +162,11 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- tabs: "there is currently a problem because TabItem() will try to submit their own tooltip after 0.50 second, and this will have the effect of making your tooltip flicker once." -> tooltip priority work (WIP branch)
- tabs: make EndTabBar fail if users doesn't respect BeginTabBar return value, for consistency/future-proofing.
- tabs: persistent order/focus in BeginTabBar() api (#261, #351)
- tabs: TabItem could honor SetNextItemWidth()?
- tabs: explicit api (even if internal) to cleanly manipulate tab order.
- tabs: Mouse wheel over tab bar could scroll? (with shift?) (#2702)
- image/image button: misalignment on padded/bordered button?
- image/image button: parameters are confusing, image() has tint_col,border_col whereas imagebutton() has bg_col/tint_col. Even thou they are different parameters ordering could be more consistent. can we fix that?
- image button: not taking an explicit id can be problematic. (#2464, #1390)
- slider/drag: ctrl+click when format doesn't include a % character.. disable? display underlying value in default format? (see TempInputTextScalar)
- slider: allow using the [-]/[+] buttons used by InputFloat()/InputInt()
- slider: initial absolute click is imprecise. change to relative movement slider (same as scrollbar). (#1946)
- slider: add dragging-based widgets to edit values with mouse (on 2 axises), saving screen real-estate.
- slider: tint background based on value (e.g. v_min -> v_max, or use 0.0f either side of the sign)
- slider: relative dragging? + precision dragging
@ -196,7 +179,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- drag float: added leeway on edge (e.g. a few invisible steps past the clamp limits)
- combo: use clipper.
- combo: flag for BeginCombo to not return true when unchanged (#1182)
- combo: a way/helper to customize the combo preview (#1658) -> experimental BeginComboPreview()
- combo/listbox: keyboard control. need InputText-like non-active focus + key handling. considering keyboard for custom listbox (pr #203)
- listbox: multiple selection (WIP range-select branch)
@ -218,7 +200,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- tooltip: drag and drop with tooltip near monitor edges lose/changes its last direction instead of locking one. The drag and drop tooltip should always follow without changing direction.
- tooltip: allow to set the width of a tooltip to allow TextWrapped() etc. while keeping the height automatic.
- tooltip: tooltips with delay timers? or general timer policy? (instantaneous vs timed): IsItemHovered() with timer + implicit aabb-id for items with no ID. (#1485) (WIP branch)
- tooltip: drag tooltip hovering over source widget with IsItemHovered/SetTooltip flickers (WIP branch)
- status-bar: add a per-window status bar helper similar to what menu-bar does. generalize concept of layer0 rect in window (can make _MenuBar window flag obsolete too).
@ -227,7 +208,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- shortcuts: programmatically access shortcuts "Focus("&Save"))
- menus: menu-bar: main menu-bar could affect clamping of windows position (~ akin to modifying DisplayMin)
- menus: hovering from menu to menu on a menu-bar has 1 frame without any menu, which is a little annoying. ideally either 0 either longer.
- menus: could merge draw call in most cases (how about storing an optional aabb in ImDrawCmd to move the burden of merging in a single spot).
- menus: would be nice if the Selectable() supported horizontal alignment (must be given the equivalent of WorkRect.Max.x matching the position of the shortcut column)
- tree node: add treenode/treepush int variants? not there because (void*) cast from int warns on some platforms/settings?
@ -273,7 +253,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- drag and drop: drag source on a group object (would need e.g. an invisible button covering group in EndGroup)
- drag and drop: have some way to know when a drag begin from BeginDragDropSource() pov. (see 2018/01/11 post in #143)
- drag and drop: allow preview tooltip to be submitted from a different place than the drag source. (#1725)
- drag and drop: allow using with other mouse buttons (where activeid won't be set). (#1637)
- drag and drop: make it easier and provide a demo to have tooltip both are source and target site, with a more detailed one on target site (tooltip ordering problem)
- drag and drop: demo with reordering nodes (in a list, or a tree node). (#143)
- drag and drop: test integrating with os drag and drop (make it easy to do a naive WM_DROPFILE integration)
@ -325,10 +304,10 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- font/opt: Considering storing standalone AdvanceX table as 16-bit fixed point integer?
- font/opt: Glyph currently 40 bytes (2+9*4). Consider storing UV as 16-bits integer? (->32 bytes). X0/Y0/X1/Y1 as 16 fixed-point integers? Or X0/Y0 as float and X1/Y1 as fixed8_8?
- nav: visual feedback on button press.
- nav: some features such as PageUp/Down/Home/End should probably work without ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard? (where do we draw the line? how about CTRL+Tab)
! nav: never clear NavId on some setup (e.g. gamepad centric)
- nav: there's currently no way to completely clear focus with the keyboard. depending on patterns used by the application to dispatch inputs, it may be desirable.
- nav: code to focus child-window on restoring NavId appears to have issue: e.g. when focus change is implicit because of window closure.
- nav: Home/End behavior when navigable item is not fully visible at the edge of scrolling? should be backtrack to keep item into view?
- nav: NavScrollToBringItemIntoView() with item bigger than view should focus top-right? Repro: using Nav in "About Window"
- nav: wrap around logic to allow e.g. grid based layout (pressing NavRight on the right-most element would go to the next row, etc.). see internal's NavMoveRequestTryWrapping().
@ -349,7 +328,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- nav/menus: when using the main menu bar, even though we restore focus after, the underlying window loses its title bar highlight during menu manipulation. could we prevent it?
- nav/menus: main menu bar currently cannot restore a nullptr focus. Could save NavWindow at the time of being focused, similarly to what popup do?
- nav/menus: Alt,Up could open the first menu (e.g. "File") currently it tends to nav into the window/collapse menu. Do do that we would need custom transition?
- nav/windowing: configure fade-in/fade-out delay on Ctrl+Tab?
- nav/windowing: when CTRL+Tab/windowing is active, the HoveredWindow detection doesn't take account of the window display re-ordering.
- nav/windowing: Resizing window will currently fail with certain types of resizing constraints/callback applied
- focus: preserve ActiveId/focus stack state, e.g. when opening a menu and close it, previously selected InputText() focus gets restored (#622)
@ -368,7 +346,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- platform: sdl: no refresh of monitor/display (SDL doesn't seem to have an event for it).
- platform: sdl: multi-viewport + minimized window seems to break mouse wheel events (at least under Win32).
- inputs: we need an explicit flag about whether the platform window is focused, to be able to distinguish focused key releases vs alt-tabbing all release behaviors.
- inputs: support track pad style scrolling & slider edit.
- inputs/io: backspace and arrows in the context of a text input could use system repeat rate.
- inputs/io: clarify/standardize/expose repeat rate and repeat delays (#1808)
@ -394,7 +371,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- examples: provide a zero frame-rate/idle example.
- examples: dx11/dx12: try to use new swapchain blit models (#2970)
- backends: report it better when not able to create texture?
- backends: apple: example_apple should be using modern GL3.
- backends: glfw: could go idle when minimized? if (glfwGetWindowAttrib(window, GLFW_ICONIFIED)) { glfwWaitEvents(); continue; } // issue: DeltaTime will be super high on resume, perhaps provide a way to let impl know (#440)
- backends: opengl: rename imgui_impl_opengl2 to impl_opengl_legacy and imgui_impl_opengl3 to imgui_impl_opengl? (#1900)
- backends: opengl: could use a single vertex buffer and glBufferSubData for uploads?

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// dear imgui, v1.89.7 WIP
// dear imgui, v1.89.7
// (main code and documentation)
// Help:
@ -9,15 +9,17 @@
// Resources:
// - FAQ
// - Homepage & latest
// - Homepage
// - Releases & changelog
// - Gallery (please post your screenshots/video there!)
// - Wiki (lots of good stuff there)
// - Getting Started
// - Glossary
// - Issues & support
// Getting Started?
// - For first-time users having issues compiling/linking/running or issues loading fonts:
// - Read
// - For first-time users having issues compiling/linking/running/loading fonts:
// please post in if you cannot find a solution in resources above.
// Developed by Omar Cornut and every direct or indirect contributors to the GitHub.
@ -4134,6 +4136,10 @@ bool ImGui::IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags flags)
// Internal facing ItemHoverable() used when submitting widgets. Differs slightly from IsItemHovered().
// (this does not rely on LastItemData it can be called from a ButtonBehavior() call not following an ItemAdd() call)
// FIXME-LEGACY: the 'ImGuiItemFlags item_flags' parameter was added on 2023-06-28.
// If you used this ii your legacy/custom widgets code:
// - Commonly: if your ItemHoverable() call comes after an ItemAdd() call: pass 'item_flags = g.LastItemData.InFlags'.
// - Rare: otherwise you may pass 'item_flags = 0' (ImGuiItemFlags_None) unless you want to benefit from special behavior handled by ItemHoverable.
bool ImGui::ItemHoverable(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, ImGuiItemFlags item_flags)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
@ -9218,14 +9224,12 @@ static void ImGui::UpdateMouseInputs()
io.MouseDelta = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
// Update stationary timer. Only reset on 2 successive moving frames.
// FIXME: May need to expose threshold or treat touch inputs differently.
// Update stationary timer.
// FIXME: May need to rework again to have some tolerance for occasional small movement, while being functional on high-framerates.
const float mouse_stationary_threshold = (io.MouseSource == ImGuiMouseSource_Mouse) ? 2.0f : 3.0f; // Slightly higher threshold for ImGuiMouseSource_TouchScreen/ImGuiMouseSource_Pen, may need rework.
g.MouseMovingFrames = (ImLengthSqr(io.MouseDelta) >= mouse_stationary_threshold * mouse_stationary_threshold) ? (g.MouseMovingFrames + 1) : 0;
if (g.MouseMovingFrames == 0)
g.MouseStationaryTimer += io.DeltaTime;
else if (g.MouseMovingFrames > 1)
g.MouseStationaryTimer = 0.0f;
const bool mouse_stationary = (ImLengthSqr(io.MouseDelta) <= mouse_stationary_threshold * mouse_stationary_threshold);
g.MouseStationaryTimer = mouse_stationary ? (g.MouseStationaryTimer + io.DeltaTime) : 0.0f;
//IMGUI_DEBUG_LOG("%.4f\n", g.MouseStationaryTimer);
// If mouse moved we re-enable mouse hovering in case it was disabled by gamepad/keyboard. In theory should use a >0.0f threshold but would need to reset in everywhere we set this to true.
if (io.MouseDelta.x != 0.0f || io.MouseDelta.y != 0.0f)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// dear imgui, v1.89.7 WIP
// dear imgui, v1.89.7
// (headers)
// Help:
@ -9,21 +9,23 @@
// Resources:
// - FAQ
// - Homepage & latest
// - Homepage
// - Releases & changelog
// - Gallery (please post your screenshots/video there!)
// - Wiki (lots of good stuff there)
// - Getting Started
// - Glossary
// - Issues & support
// Getting Started?
// - For first-time users having issues compiling/linking/running or issues loading fonts:
// - Read
// - For first-time users having issues compiling/linking/running/loading fonts:
// please post in if you cannot find a solution in resources above.
// Library Version
// (Integer encoded as XYYZZ for use in #if preprocessor conditionals, e.g. '#if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 12345')
#define IMGUI_VERSION "1.89.7 WIP"
#define IMGUI_VERSION_NUM 18967
#define IMGUI_VERSION "1.89.7"
#define IMGUI_VERSION_NUM 18970
#define IMGUI_HAS_VIEWPORT // Viewport WIP branch
#define IMGUI_HAS_DOCK // Docking WIP branch
@ -675,14 +677,16 @@ namespace ImGui
// Tooltips
// - Tooltips are windows following the mouse. They do not take focus away.
IMGUI_API bool BeginTooltip(); // begin/append a tooltip window. to create full-featured tooltip (with any kind of items).
// - A tooltip window can contain items of any types. SetTooltip() is a shortcut for the 'if (BeginTooltip()) { Text(...); EndTooltip(); }' idiom.
IMGUI_API bool BeginTooltip(); // begin/append a tooltip window.
IMGUI_API void EndTooltip(); // only call EndTooltip() if BeginTooltip()/BeginItemTooltip() returns true!
IMGUI_API void SetTooltip(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(1); // set a text-only tooltip, typically use with ImGui::IsItemHovered(). override any previous call to SetTooltip().
IMGUI_API void SetTooltip(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(1); // set a text-only tooltip. Often used after a ImGui::IsItemHovered() check. Override any previous call to SetTooltip().
IMGUI_API void SetTooltipV(const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(1);
// Tooltips: helper for showing a tooltip when hovering an item
// - BeginItemTooltip(), SetItemTooltip() are shortcuts for the 'if (IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_Tooltip)) { BeginTooltip() or SetTooltip() }' idiom.
// - Where 'ImGuiHoveredFlags_Tooltip' itself is a shortcut to use 'style.HoverFlagsForTooltipMouse' or 'style.HoverFlagsForTooltipNav'. For mouse it defaults to 'ImGuiHoveredFlags_Stationary | ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayShort'.
// Tooltips: helpers for showing a tooltip when hovering an item
// - BeginItemTooltip() is a shortcut for the 'if (IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_Tooltip) && BeginTooltip())' idiom.
// - SetItemTooltip() is a shortcut for the 'if (IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_Tooltip)) { SetTooltip(...); }' idiom.
// - Where 'ImGuiHoveredFlags_Tooltip' itself is a shortcut to use 'style.HoverFlagsForTooltipMouse' or 'style.HoverFlagsForTooltipNav' depending on active input type. For mouse it defaults to 'ImGuiHoveredFlags_Stationary | ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayShort'.
IMGUI_API bool BeginItemTooltip(); // begin/append a tooltip window if preceding item was hovered.
IMGUI_API void SetItemTooltip(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(1); // set a text-only tooltip if preceeding item was hovered. override any previous call to SetTooltip().
IMGUI_API void SetItemTooltipV(const char* fmt, va_list args) IM_FMTLIST(1);
@ -1997,6 +2001,7 @@ struct ImGuiStyle
ImVec4 Colors[ImGuiCol_COUNT];
// Behaviors
// (It is possible to modify those fields mid-frame if specific behavior need it, unlike e.g. configuration fields in ImGuiIO)
float HoverStationaryDelay; // Delay for IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_Stationary). Time required to consider mouse stationary.
float HoverDelayShort; // Delay for IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayShort). Usually used along with HoverStationaryDelay.
float HoverDelayNormal; // Delay for IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_DelayNormal). "

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
// dear imgui, v1.89.7 WIP
// dear imgui, v1.89.7
// (demo code)
// Help:
// - Read FAQ at
// - Newcomers, read 'Programmer guide' in imgui.cpp for notes on how to setup Dear ImGui in your codebase.
// - Call and read ImGui::ShowDemoWindow() in imgui_demo.cpp. All applications in examples/ are doing that.
// - Need help integrating Dear ImGui in your codebase?
// - Read Getting Started
// - Read 'Programmer guide' in imgui.cpp for notes on how to setup Dear ImGui in your codebase.
// Read imgui.cpp for more details, documentation and comments.
// Get the latest version at
@ -835,7 +837,7 @@ static void ShowDemoWindowWidgets()
// - Full-form (any contents): if (IsItemHovered(...) && BeginTooltip()) { Text("Hello"); EndTooltip(); }
"Tooltip are typically created by using the IsItemHovered() + SetTooltip() functions over any kind of item.\n\n"
"Tooltip are typically created by using a IsItemHovered() + SetTooltip() sequence.\n\n"
"We provide a helper SetItemTooltip() function to perform the two with standards flags.");
ImVec2 sz = ImVec2(-FLT_MIN, 0.0f);
@ -853,13 +855,25 @@ static void ShowDemoWindowWidgets()
ImGui::SeparatorText("Always On");
// Showcase NOT relying on a IsItemHovered() to emit a tooltip.
static bool always_on = false;
ImGui::Checkbox("Always On", &always_on);
if (always_on)
// Here the tooltip is always emitted when 'always_on == true'.
static int always_on = 0;
ImGui::RadioButton("Off", &always_on, 0);
ImGui::RadioButton("Always On (Simple)", &always_on, 1);
ImGui::RadioButton("Always On (Advanced)", &always_on, 2);
if (always_on == 1)
ImGui::SetTooltip("I am following you around.");
else if (always_on == 2 && ImGui::BeginTooltip())
ImGui::ProgressBar(sinf((float)ImGui::GetTime()) * 0.5f + 0.5f, ImVec2(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 25, 0.0f));
// The following examples are passed for documentation purpose but may not be useful to most users.
// Passing ImGuiHoveredFlags_Tooltip to IsItemHovered() will pull ImGuiHoveredFlags flags values from

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// dear imgui, v1.89.7 WIP
// dear imgui, v1.89.7
// (drawing and font code)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// dear imgui, v1.89.7 WIP
// dear imgui, v1.89.7
// (internal structures/api)
// You may use this file to debug, understand or extend Dear ImGui features but we don't provide any guarantee of forward compatibility.
@ -2171,7 +2171,6 @@ struct ImGuiContext
// Mouse state
ImGuiMouseCursor MouseCursor;
int MouseMovingFrames;
float MouseStationaryTimer; // Time the mouse has been stationary (with some loose heuristic)
ImVec2 MouseLastValidPos;
@ -2390,7 +2389,6 @@ struct ImGuiContext
HoverItemDelayTimer = HoverItemDelayClearTimer = 0.0f;
MouseCursor = ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow;
MouseMovingFrames = 0;
MouseStationaryTimer = 0.0f;
TempInputId = 0;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// dear imgui, v1.89.7 WIP
// dear imgui, v1.89.7
// (tables and columns code)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// dear imgui, v1.89.7 WIP
// dear imgui, v1.89.7
// (widgets code)
@ -1932,7 +1932,7 @@ bool ImGui::Combo(const char* label, int* current_item, bool (*items_getter)(voi
const char* item_text;
if (!items_getter(data, i, &item_text))
item_text = "*Unknown item*";
if (Selectable(item_text, item_selected))
if (Selectable(item_text, item_selected) && *current_item != i)
value_changed = true;
*current_item = i;
@ -3879,6 +3879,10 @@ void ImGuiInputTextCallbackData::DeleteChars(int pos, int bytes_count)
void ImGuiInputTextCallbackData::InsertChars(int pos, const char* new_text, const char* new_text_end)
// Accept null ranges
if (new_text == new_text_end)
const bool is_resizable = (Flags & ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackResize) != 0;
const int new_text_len = new_text_end ? (int)(new_text_end - new_text) : (int)strlen(new_text);
if (new_text_len + BufTextLen >= BufSize)

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Build font atlases using FreeType instead of stb_truetype (which is the default
### About Gamma Correct Blending
FreeType assumes blending in linear space rather than gamma space.
See FreeType note for [FT_Render_Glyph](
See FreeType note for [FT_Render_Glyph](
For correct results you need to be using sRGB and convert to linear space in the pixel shader output.
The default Dear ImGui styles will be impacted by this change (alpha values will need tweaking).