Merge branch 'master' into viewport
# Conflicts: # imgui.cpp # imgui.h
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,6 +53,12 @@ Other Changes:
- Window: Resizing from edges (with io.ConfigResizeWindowsFromEdges Beta flag) extends the hit region
of root floating windows outside the window, making it easier to resize windows. Resize grips are also
extended accordingly so there are no discontinuity when hovering between borders and corners. (#1495, #822)
- Window: Added ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground flag to avoid rendering window background. This is mostly to allow
the creation of new flag combinations, as we could already use SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.0f). (#1660) [@biojppm, @ocornut]
- Window: Added ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration helper flag which is essentially NoTitleBar+NoResize+NoScrollbar+NoCollapse.
- Window: Added ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs which is basically the old ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs (essentially
we have renamed ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs to ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs). Made the new ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs
encompass both NoMouseInputs+NoNav, which is consistent with its description. (#1660, #787)
- Window, Inputs: Fixed resizing from edges when io.MousePos is not pixel-rounded by rounding mouse position input. (#2110)
- BeginChild(): Fixed BeginChild(const char*, ...) variation erroneously not applying the ID stack
to the provided string to uniquely identify the child window. This was undoing an intentional change
@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ Languages: (third-party bindings)
- C#/.Net: [ImGui.NET](
- ChaiScript: [imgui-chaiscript](
- D: [DerelictImgui](
- Go: [go-imgui](
- Go: [imgui-go]( or [go-imgui](
- Haxe/hxcpp: [linc_imgui](
- Java: [jimgui](
- JavaScript: [imgui-js](
- Lua: [imgui_lua_bindings]( or [lua-ffi-bindings](
- Lua: [LuaJIT-ImGui](, [imgui_lua_bindings]( or [lua-ffi-bindings](
- Odin: [odin-dear_imgui](
- Pascal: [imgui-pas](
- PureBasic: [pb-cimgui](
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
archiveVersion = 1;
classes = {
objectVersion = 50;
objectVersion = 48;
objects = {
/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
archiveVersion = 1;
classes = {
objectVersion = 50;
objectVersion = 48;
objects = {
/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
@ -3110,9 +3110,9 @@ void ImGui::UpdateMouseWheel()
// If a child window has the ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse flag, we give a chance to scroll its parent (unless either ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs or ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar are also set).
ImGuiWindow* window = g.HoveredWindow;
ImGuiWindow* scroll_window = window;
while ((scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow) && (scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse) && !(scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar) && !(scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs) && scroll_window->ParentWindow)
while ((scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow) && (scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse) && !(scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar) && !(scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs) && scroll_window->ParentWindow)
scroll_window = scroll_window->ParentWindow;
const bool scroll_allowed = !(scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse) && !(scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs);
const bool scroll_allowed = !(scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse) && !(scroll_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs);
if (g.IO.MouseWheel != 0.0f)
@ -3938,7 +3938,7 @@ static void FindHoveredWindow()
ImGuiWindow* hovered_window = NULL;
ImGuiWindow* hovered_window_ignoring_moving_window = NULL;
if (g.MovingWindow && !(g.MovingWindow->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs))
if (g.MovingWindow && !(g.MovingWindow->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs))
hovered_window = g.MovingWindow;
ImVec2 padding_regular = g.Style.TouchExtraPadding;
@ -3948,7 +3948,7 @@ static void FindHoveredWindow()
ImGuiWindow* window = g.Windows[i];
if (!window->Active || window->Hidden)
if (window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs)
if (window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs)
if (window->Viewport != g.MouseViewport)
@ -4802,7 +4802,7 @@ bool ImGui::Begin(const char* name, bool* p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
// Automatically disable manual moving/resizing when NoInputs is set
if (flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs)
if ((flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs) == ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs)
flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize;
if (flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NavFlattened)
@ -5216,6 +5216,8 @@ bool ImGui::Begin(const char* name, bool* p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
// Window background
if (!(flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground))
ImU32 bg_col = GetColorU32(GetWindowBgColorIdxFromFlags(flags));
if (g.NextWindowData.BgAlphaCond != 0)
bg_col = (bg_col & ~IM_COL32_A_MASK) | (IM_F32_TO_INT8_SAT(g.NextWindowData.BgAlphaVal) << IM_COL32_A_SHIFT);
@ -5225,6 +5227,8 @@ bool ImGui::Begin(const char* name, bool* p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
bg_col = (bg_col | IM_COL32_A_MASK);
window->DrawList->AddRectFilled(window->Pos + ImVec2(0, window->TitleBarHeight()), window->Pos + window->Size, bg_col, window_rounding, (flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar) ? ImDrawCornerFlags_All : ImDrawCornerFlags_Bot);
g.NextWindowData.BgAlphaCond = 0;
// Title bar
ImU32 title_bar_col = GetColorU32(window->Collapsed ? ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed : title_bar_is_highlight ? ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive : ImGuiCol_TitleBg);
@ -5262,7 +5266,7 @@ bool ImGui::Begin(const char* name, bool* p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
// Borders
if (window_border_size > 0.0f)
if (window_border_size > 0.0f && !(flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground))
window->DrawList->AddRect(window->Pos, window->Pos + window->Size, GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Border), window_rounding, ImDrawCornerFlags_All, window_border_size);
if (border_held != -1)
@ -6690,7 +6694,7 @@ void ImGui::BeginTooltipEx(ImGuiWindowFlags extra_flags, bool override_previous_
window->HiddenFramesRegular = 1;
ImFormatString(window_name, IM_ARRAYSIZE(window_name), "##Tooltip_%02d", ++g.TooltipOverrideCount);
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = ImGuiWindowFlags_Tooltip|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings|ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav;
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = ImGuiWindowFlags_Tooltip|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize|ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings|ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize;
Begin(window_name, NULL, flags | extra_flags);
@ -8727,7 +8731,7 @@ void ImGui::NavUpdateWindowingList()
SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(ImVec2(viewport->Size.x * 0.20f, viewport->Size.y * 0.20f), ImVec2(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX));
SetNextWindowPos(viewport->Pos + viewport->Size * 0.5f, ImGuiCond_Always, ImVec2(0.5f, 0.5f));
PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, g.Style.WindowPadding * 2.0f);
Begin("###NavWindowingList", NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings);
Begin("###NavWindowingList", NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings);
for (int n = g.WindowsFocusOrder.Size - 1; n >= 0; n--)
ImGuiWindow* window = g.WindowsFocusOrder[n];
@ -10003,10 +10007,10 @@ void ImGui::ShowMetricsWindow(bool* p_open)
ImGuiWindowFlags flags = window->Flags;
NodeDrawList(window, window->Viewport, window->DrawList, "DrawList");
ImGui::BulletText("Pos: (%.1f,%.1f), Size: (%.1f,%.1f), SizeContents (%.1f,%.1f)", window->Pos.x, window->Pos.y, window->Size.x, window->Size.y, window->SizeContents.x, window->SizeContents.y);
ImGui::BulletText("Flags: 0x%08X (%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s..)", flags,
ImGui::BulletText("Flags: 0x%08X (%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s..)", flags,
(flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow) ? "Child " : "", (flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Tooltip) ? "Tooltip " : "", (flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup) ? "Popup " : "",
(flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Modal) ? "Modal " : "", (flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildMenu) ? "ChildMenu " : "", (flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings) ? "NoSavedSettings " : "",
(flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs) ? "NoInputs":"", (flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize) ? "AlwaysAutoResize" : "");
(flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs)? "NoMouseInputs":"", (flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs) ? "NoNavInputs" : "", (flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize) ? "AlwaysAutoResize" : "");
ImGui::BulletText("Scroll: (%.2f/%.2f,%.2f/%.2f)", window->Scroll.x, GetWindowScrollMaxX(window), window->Scroll.y, GetWindowScrollMaxY(window));
ImGui::BulletText("Active: %d/%d, WriteAccessed: %d, BeginOrderWithinContext: %d", window->Active, window->WasActive, window->WriteAccessed, (window->Active || window->WasActive) ? window->BeginOrderWithinContext : -1);
ImGui::BulletText("Appearing: %d, Hidden: %d (Reg %d Resize %d), SkipItems: %d", window->Appearing, window->Hidden, window->HiddenFramesRegular, window->HiddenFramesForResize, window->SkipItems);
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowContentSize(const ImVec2& size); // set next window content size (~ enforce the range of scrollbars). not including window decorations (title bar, menu bar, etc.). set an axis to 0.0f to leave it automatic. call before Begin()
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowCollapsed(bool collapsed, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // set next window collapsed state. call before Begin()
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowFocus(); // set next window to be focused / front-most. call before Begin()
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowBgAlpha(float alpha); // set next window background color alpha. helper to easily modify ImGuiCol_WindowBg/ChildBg/PopupBg.
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowBgAlpha(float alpha); // set next window background color alpha. helper to easily modify ImGuiCol_WindowBg/ChildBg/PopupBg. you may also use ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground.
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowViewport(ImGuiID viewport_id); // set next window viewport
IMGUI_API void SetWindowPos(const ImVec2& pos, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // (not recommended) set current window position - call within Begin()/End(). prefer using SetNextWindowPos(), as this may incur tearing and side-effects.
IMGUI_API void SetWindowSize(const ImVec2& size, ImGuiCond cond = 0); // (not recommended) set current window size - call within Begin()/End(). set to ImVec2(0,0) to force an auto-fit. prefer using SetNextWindowSize(), as this may incur tearing and minor side-effects.
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupContextVoid(const char* str_id = NULL, int mouse_button = 1); // helper to open and begin popup when clicked in void (where there are no imgui windows).
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopupModal(const char* name, bool* p_open = NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0); // modal dialog (regular window with title bar, block interactions behind the modal window, can't close the modal window by clicking outside)
IMGUI_API void EndPopup(); // only call EndPopup() if BeginPopupXXX() returns true!
IMGUI_API bool OpenPopupOnItemClick(const char* str_id = NULL, int mouse_button = 1); // helper to open popup when clicked on last item. return true when just opened.
IMGUI_API bool OpenPopupOnItemClick(const char* str_id = NULL, int mouse_button = 1); // helper to open popup when clicked on last item (note: actually triggers on the mouse _released_ event to be consistent with popup behaviors). return true when just opened.
IMGUI_API bool IsPopupOpen(const char* str_id); // return true if the popup is open
IMGUI_API void CloseCurrentPopup(); // close the popup we have begin-ed into. clicking on a MenuItem or Selectable automatically close the current popup.
@ -639,8 +639,9 @@ enum ImGuiWindowFlags_
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse = 1 << 4, // Disable user vertically scrolling with mouse wheel. On child window, mouse wheel will be forwarded to the parent unless NoScrollbar is also set.
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse = 1 << 5, // Disable user collapsing window by double-clicking on it
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize = 1 << 6, // Resize every window to its content every frame
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground = 1 << 7, // Disable drawing background color (WindowBg, etc.) and outside border. Similar as using SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.0f).
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings = 1 << 8, // Never load/save settings in .ini file
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs = 1 << 9, // Disable catching mouse or keyboard inputs, hovering test with pass through.
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs = 1 << 9, // Disable catching mouse, hovering test with pass through.
ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar = 1 << 10, // Has a menu-bar
ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar = 1 << 11, // Allow horizontal scrollbar to appear (off by default). You may use SetNextWindowContentSize(ImVec2(width,0.0f)); prior to calling Begin() to specify width. Read code in imgui_demo in the "Horizontal Scrolling" section.
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing = 1 << 12, // Disable taking focus when transitioning from hidden to visible state
@ -651,6 +652,8 @@ enum ImGuiWindowFlags_
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs = 1 << 18, // No gamepad/keyboard navigation within the window
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus = 1 << 19, // No focusing toward this window with gamepad/keyboard navigation (e.g. skipped by CTRL+TAB)
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavFocus,
// [Internal]
ImGuiWindowFlags_NavFlattened = 1 << 23, // [BETA] Allow gamepad/keyboard navigation to cross over parent border to this child (only use on child that have no scrolling!)
@ -910,7 +913,7 @@ enum ImGuiBackendFlags_
// [BETA] Viewports
ImGuiBackendFlags_PlatformHasViewports = 1 << 10, // Back-end Platform supports multiple viewports.
ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport=1 << 11, // Back-end Platform supports setting io.MouseHoveredViewport to the viewport directly under the mouse _IGNORING_ viewports with the ImGuiViewportFlags_NoInputs flag and _REGARDLESS_ of whether another viewport is focused and may be capturing the mouse. This information is _NOT EASY_ to provide correctly with most high-level engines! Don't set this without studying how the examples/ back-end handle it!
ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasViewports = 1 << 12, // Back-end Renderer supports multiple viewports.
ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasViewports = 1 << 12 // Back-end Renderer supports multiple viewports.
// Enumeration for PushStyleColor() / PopStyleColor()
@ -1623,7 +1626,7 @@ struct ImDrawCmd
ImDrawCallback UserCallback; // If != NULL, call the function instead of rendering the vertices. clip_rect and texture_id will be set normally.
void* UserCallbackData; // The draw callback code can access this.
ImDrawCmd() { ElemCount = 0; ClipRect.x = ClipRect.y = ClipRect.z = ClipRect.w = 0.0f; TextureId = NULL; UserCallback = NULL; UserCallbackData = NULL; }
ImDrawCmd() { ElemCount = 0; ClipRect.x = ClipRect.y = ClipRect.z = ClipRect.w = 0.0f; TextureId = (ImTextureID)NULL; UserCallback = NULL; UserCallbackData = NULL; }
// Vertex index (override with '#define ImDrawIdx unsigned int' inside in imconfig.h)
@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
static bool no_collapse = false;
static bool no_close = false;
static bool no_nav = false;
static bool no_background = false;
static bool no_bring_to_front = false;
ImGuiWindowFlags window_flags = 0;
@ -217,6 +218,7 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
if (no_resize) window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize;
if (no_collapse) window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse;
if (no_nav) window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav;
if (no_background) window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground;
if (no_bring_to_front) window_flags |= ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus;
if (no_close) p_open = NULL; // Don't pass our bool* to Begin
@ -374,6 +376,7 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
ImGui::Checkbox("No collapse", &no_collapse);
ImGui::Checkbox("No close", &no_close); ImGui::SameLine(150);
ImGui::Checkbox("No nav", &no_nav); ImGui::SameLine(300);
ImGui::Checkbox("No background", &no_background);
ImGui::Checkbox("No bring to front", &no_bring_to_front);
@ -1889,6 +1892,21 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Popups & Modal windows"))
// Popups are windows with a few special properties:
// - They block normal mouse hovering detection outside them. (*)
// - Unless modal, they can be closed by clicking anywhere outside them, or by pressing ESCAPE.
// - Their visibility state (~bool) is held internally by imgui instead of being held by the programmer as we are used to with regular Begin() calls.
// (*) One can use IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup) to bypass it and detect hovering even when normally blocked by a popup.
// Those three properties are intimately connected. The library needs to hold their visibility state because it can close popups at any time.
// Typical use for regular windows:
// bool my_tool_is_active = false; if (ImGui::Button("Open")) my_tool_is_active = true; [...] if (my_tool_is_active) Begin("My Tool", &my_tool_is_active) { [...] } End();
// Typical use for popups:
// if (ImGui::Button("Open")) ImGui::OpenPopup("MyPopup"); if (ImGui::BeginPopup("MyPopup") { [...] EndPopup(); }
// With popups we have to go through a library call (here OpenPopup) to manipulate the visibility state.
// This may be a bit confusing at first but it should quickly make sense. Follow on the examples below.
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Popups"))
ImGui::TextWrapped("When a popup is active, it inhibits interacting with windows that are behind the popup. Clicking outside the popup closes it.");
@ -1900,10 +1918,10 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
// Simple selection popup
// (If you want to show the current selection inside the Button itself, you may want to build a string using the "###" operator to preserve a constant ID with a variable label)
if (ImGui::Button("Select.."))
ImGui::TextUnformatted(selected_fish == -1 ? "<None>" : names[selected_fish]);
if (ImGui::BeginPopup("select"))
if (ImGui::BeginPopup("my_select_popup"))
@ -1915,8 +1933,8 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
// Showing a menu with toggles
if (ImGui::Button("Toggle.."))
if (ImGui::BeginPopup("toggle"))
if (ImGui::BeginPopup("my_toggle_popup"))
for (int i = 0; i < IM_ARRAYSIZE(names); i++)
ImGui::MenuItem(names[i], "", &toggles[i]);
@ -1947,9 +1965,10 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
if (ImGui::Button("Popup Menu.."))
if (ImGui::BeginPopup("FilePopup"))
// Call the more complete ShowExampleMenuFile which we use in various places of this demo
if (ImGui::Button("File Menu.."))
if (ImGui::BeginPopup("my_file_popup"))
@ -1961,7 +1980,7 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
if (ImGui::TreeNode("Context menus"))
// BeginPopupContextItem() is a helper to provide common/simple popup behavior of essentially doing:
// if (IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked(0))
// if (IsItemHovered() && IsMouseReleased(0))
// OpenPopup(id);
// return BeginPopup(id);
// For more advanced uses you may want to replicate and cuztomize this code. This the comments inside BeginPopupContextItem() implementation.
@ -1977,10 +1996,18 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
// We can also use OpenPopupOnItemClick() which is the same as BeginPopupContextItem() but without the Begin call.
// So here we will make it that clicking on the text field with the right mouse button (1) will toggle the visibility of the popup above.
ImGui::Text("(You can also right-click me to the same popup as above.)");
ImGui::OpenPopupOnItemClick("item context menu", 1);
// When used after an item that has an ID (here the Button), we can skip providing an ID to BeginPopupContextItem().
// BeginPopupContextItem() will use the last item ID as the popup ID.
// In addition here, we want to include your editable label inside the button label. We use the ### operator to override the ID (read FAQ about ID for details)
static char name[32] = "Label1";
char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "Button: %s###Button", name); // ### operator override ID ignoring the preceding label
if (ImGui::BeginPopupContextItem()) // When used after an item that has an ID (here the Button), we can skip providing an ID to BeginPopupContextItem().
if (ImGui::BeginPopupContextItem())
ImGui::Text("Edit name:");
ImGui::InputText("##edit", name, IM_ARRAYSIZE(name));
@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ ImFontAtlas::ImFontAtlas()
Locked = false;
Flags = ImFontAtlasFlags_None;
TexID = (ImTextureID)NULL;
TexDesiredWidth = 0;
TexGlyphPadding = 1;
@ -1711,7 +1711,7 @@ bool ImFontAtlasBuildWithStbTruetype(ImFontAtlas* atlas)
atlas->TexID = NULL;
atlas->TexID = (ImTextureID)NULL;
atlas->TexWidth = atlas->TexHeight = 0;
atlas->TexUvScale = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
atlas->TexUvWhitePixel = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
@ -3402,7 +3402,7 @@ bool ImGui::InputTextEx(const char* label, char* buf, int buf_size, const ImVec2
// Filter pasted buffer
const int clipboard_len = (int)strlen(clipboard);
ImWchar* clipboard_filtered = (ImWchar*)ImGui::MemAlloc((clipboard_len+1) * sizeof(ImWchar));
ImWchar* clipboard_filtered = (ImWchar*)MemAlloc((clipboard_len+1) * sizeof(ImWchar));
int clipboard_filtered_len = 0;
for (const char* s = clipboard; *s; )
@ -3420,7 +3420,7 @@ bool ImGui::InputTextEx(const char* label, char* buf, int buf_size, const ImVec2
stb_textedit_paste(&edit_state, &edit_state.StbState, clipboard_filtered, clipboard_filtered_len);
edit_state.CursorFollow = true;
@ -4533,38 +4533,38 @@ void ImGui::ColorPickerOptionsPopup(const float* ref_col, ImGuiColorEditFlags fl
bool allow_opt_picker = !(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags__PickerMask);
bool allow_opt_alpha_bar = !(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha) && !(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaBar);
if ((!allow_opt_picker && !allow_opt_alpha_bar) || !ImGui::BeginPopup("context"))
if ((!allow_opt_picker && !allow_opt_alpha_bar) || !BeginPopup("context"))
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
if (allow_opt_picker)
ImVec2 picker_size(g.FontSize * 8, ImMax(g.FontSize * 8 - (ImGui::GetFrameHeight() + g.Style.ItemInnerSpacing.x), 1.0f)); // FIXME: Picker size copied from main picker function
ImVec2 picker_size(g.FontSize * 8, ImMax(g.FontSize * 8 - (GetFrameHeight() + g.Style.ItemInnerSpacing.x), 1.0f)); // FIXME: Picker size copied from main picker function
for (int picker_type = 0; picker_type < 2; picker_type++)
// Draw small/thumbnail version of each picker type (over an invisible button for selection)
if (picker_type > 0) ImGui::Separator();
if (picker_type > 0) Separator();
ImGuiColorEditFlags picker_flags = ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoInputs|ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions|ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoLabel|ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoSidePreview|(flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha);
if (picker_type == 0) picker_flags |= ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar;
if (picker_type == 1) picker_flags |= ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueWheel;
ImVec2 backup_pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
if (ImGui::Selectable("##selectable", false, 0, picker_size)) // By default, Selectable() is closing popup
ImVec2 backup_pos = GetCursorScreenPos();
if (Selectable("##selectable", false, 0, picker_size)) // By default, Selectable() is closing popup
g.ColorEditOptions = (g.ColorEditOptions & ~ImGuiColorEditFlags__PickerMask) | (picker_flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags__PickerMask);
ImVec4 dummy_ref_col;
memcpy(&dummy_ref_col.x, ref_col, sizeof(float) * (picker_flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha ? 3 : 4));
ImGui::ColorPicker4("##dummypicker", &dummy_ref_col.x, picker_flags);
ColorPicker4("##dummypicker", &dummy_ref_col.x, picker_flags);
if (allow_opt_alpha_bar)
if (allow_opt_picker) ImGui::Separator();
ImGui::CheckboxFlags("Alpha Bar", (unsigned int*)&g.ColorEditOptions, ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaBar);
if (allow_opt_picker) Separator();
CheckboxFlags("Alpha Bar", (unsigned int*)&g.ColorEditOptions, ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaBar);
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ misc/freetype/
Font atlas builder/rasterizer using FreeType instead of stb_truetype.
Benefit from better FreeType rasterization, in particular for small fonts.
Natvis file to describe dear imgui types in the Visual Studio debugger.
With this, types like ImVector<> will be displayed nicely in the debugger.
You can include this file a Visual Studio project file, or install it in Visual Studio folder.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user