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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab:ft=perl
# © 2010 Michael Stapelberg, see LICENSE for license information
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use IPC::Run qw(start pump);
use Try::Tiny;
use AnyEvent::I3;
use AnyEvent;
use v5.10;
my $stdin;
my $socket_path = undef;
my ($workspaces, $outputs) = ([], {});
my $last_line = "";
my $w = AnyEvent->timer(
after => 2,
cb => sub {
say "Connection to i3 timed out. Verify socket path ($socket_path)";
exit 1;
my $command = "";
my $input_on = "";
my $output_on = "";
my $show_all = 0;
my $result = GetOptions(
'command=s' => \$command,
'socket=s' => \$socket_path,
'input-on=s' => \$input_on,
'output-on=s' => \$output_on,
'show-all' => \$show_all,
'help' => sub { pod2usage(1); exit 0 },
if ($command eq '') {
say "i3-wsbar is only useful in combination with dzen2.";
say "Please specify -c (command)";
exit 1;
my $i3 = i3($socket_path);
my @input_on = split(/,/, $input_on);
my @output_on = split(/,/, $output_on);
# Disable buffering
$| = 1;
# Wait a short amount of time and try to connect to i3 again
sub reconnect {
my $timer;
if (!defined($w)) {
$w = AnyEvent->timer(
after => 2,
cb => sub {
say "Connection to i3 timed out. Verify socket path ($socket_path)";
exit 1;
my $c = sub {
$timer = AnyEvent->timer(
after => 0.01,
cb => sub { $i3->connect->cb(\&connected) }
# Connection attempt succeeded or failed
sub connected {
my ($cv) = @_;
if (!$cv->recv) {
$w = undef;
workspace => \&ws_change,
output => \&output_change,
_error => sub { reconnect() }
# Called when a ws changes
sub ws_change {
# Request the current workspaces and update the output afterwards
sub {
my ($cv) = @_;
$workspaces = $cv->recv;
# Called when the reply to the GET_OUTPUTS message arrives
# Compares old outputs with new outputs and starts/kills
# $command for each output (if specified)
sub got_outputs {
my $reply = shift->recv;
my %old = %{$outputs};
my %new = map { ($_->{name}, $_) } grep { $_->{active} } @{$reply};
# If no command was given, we do not need to compare outputs
if ($command eq '') {
# Handle new outputs
for my $name (keys %new) {
next if @output_on and !($name ~~ @output_on);
if (defined($old{$name})) {
# Check if the mode changed (by reversing the hashes so
# that we can check for equality using the smartmatch op)
my %oldrect = reverse %{$old{$name}->{rect}};
my %newrect = reverse %{$new{$name}->{rect}};
next if (%oldrect ~~ %newrect);
# On mode changes, we re-start the command
delete $outputs->{$name};
my $x = $new{$name}->{rect}->{x};
my $w = $new{$name}->{rect}->{width};
my $launch = $command;
$launch =~ s/([^%])%x/$1$x/g;
$launch =~ s/([^%])%w/$1$w/g;
$launch =~ s/%%x/%x/g;
$launch =~ s/%%w/%w/g;
$new{$name}->{cmd_input} = '';
my @cmd = ('/bin/sh', '-c', $launch);
$new{$name}->{cmd} = start \@cmd, \$new{$name}->{cmd_input};
$outputs->{$name} = $new{$name};
# Handle old outputs
for my $name (keys %old) {
next if defined($new{$name});
delete $outputs->{$name};
sub output_change {
sub update_output {
my $dzen_bg = "#111111";
my $out;
my $previous_output;
for my $name (keys %{$outputs}) {
my $width = $outputs->{$name}->{rect}->{width};
$previous_output = undef;
$out = qq|^pa(;2)|;
for my $ws (@{$workspaces}) {
next if $ws->{output} ne $name and !$show_all;
# Display a separator if we are on a different output now
if (defined($previous_output) and
($ws->{output} ne $previous_output)) {
$out .= qq|^fg(#900000)^ib(1)\|^ib(0)^p(+4)|;
$previous_output = $ws->{output};
my ($bg, $fg) = qw(333333 888888);
($bg, $fg) = qw(4c7899 ffffff) if $ws->{visible};
($bg, $fg) = qw(900000 ffffff) if $ws->{urgent};
my $cmd = q|i3-msg "workspace | . $ws->{name} . q|"|;
my $name = $ws->{name};
# Begin the clickable area
$out .= qq|^ca(1,$cmd)|;
# Draw the rest of the bar in the background color, but
# dont move the "cursor"
$out .= qq|^p(_LOCK_X)^fg(#$bg)^r(${width}x17)^p(_UNLOCK_X)|;
# Draw the name of the workspace without overwriting the
# background color
$out .= qq|^p(+3)^fg(#$fg)^ib(1)$name^ib(0)^p(+5)|;
# Draw the rest of the bar in the normal background color
# without moving the "cursor"
$out .= qq|^p(_LOCK_X)^fg($dzen_bg)^r(${width}x17)^p(_UNLOCK_X)|;
# End the clickable area
$out .= qq|^ca()|;
# Move to the next rect, reset Y coordinate
$out .= qq|^p(2)^pa(;2)|;
$out .= qq|^p(_LOCK_X)^fg($dzen_bg)^r(${width}x17)^p(_UNLOCK_X)^fg()|;
$out .= qq|^p(+5)|;
$out .= $last_line if (!@input_on or $name ~~ @input_on);
$out .= "\n";
$outputs->{$name}->{cmd_input} = $out;
try {
pump $outputs->{$name}->{cmd} while length $outputs->{$name}->{cmd_input};
} catch {
warn "Could not write to dzen2";
exit 1;
$stdin = AnyEvent->io(
fh => \*STDIN,
poll => 'r',
cb => sub {
my $line = <STDIN>;
if (!defined($line)) {
undef $stdin;
$last_line = $line;
# let AnyEvent do the rest ("endless loop")
=head1 NAME
i3-wsbar - sample implementation of a standalone workspace bar
i3-wsbar -c <dzen2-commandline> [options]
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<--command> <command>
This command (at the moment only dzen2 is supported) will be started for each
output. C<%x> will be replaced with the X coordinate of the output, C<%w> will
be replaced with the width of the output.
--command "dzen2 -dock -x %x -w %w"
=item B<--input-on> <list-of-RandR-outputs>
Specifies on which outputs the contents of stdin should be appended to the
workspace bar.
--input-on "LVDS1"
=item B<--output-on> <list-of-RandR-outputs>
Specifies for which outputs i3-wsbar should start C<command>.
=item B<--show-all>
If enabled, all workspaces are shown (not only those of the current output).
Handy to use with C<--output-on>.