When the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property of a window specifies it should have no title bar, or no decorations at all, respond by setting the border style of that container to BS_PIXEL or BS_NONE respectively. This comes from the old Motif window manager. It was originally intended to specify exactly what sort of decorations a window should have, and exactly what sort of user input it should respond to. The EWMH spec intended to replace Motif hints with _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, but it is still in use by popular widget toolkits such as GTK+ and Java AWT. i3's implementation simply mirrors Gnome's Metacity. Official documentation of this hint is nowhere to be found. For more information see: https://people.gnome.org/~tthurman/docs/metacity/xprops_8h-source.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13787553/detect-if-a-x11-window-has-decorations fixes #832
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* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
* © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* window.c: Updates window attributes (X11 hints/properties).
#pragma once
* Updates the WM_CLASS (consisting of the class and instance) for the
* given window.
void window_update_class(i3Window *win, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop, bool before_mgmt);
* Updates the name by using _NET_WM_NAME (encoded in UTF-8) for the given
* window. Further updates using window_update_name_legacy will be ignored.
void window_update_name(i3Window *win, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop, bool before_mgmt);
* Updates the name by using WM_NAME (encoded in COMPOUND_TEXT). We do not
* touch what the client sends us but pass it to xcb_image_text_8. To get
* proper unicode rendering, the application has to use _NET_WM_NAME (see
* window_update_name()).
void window_update_name_legacy(i3Window *win, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop, bool before_mgmt);
* Updates the CLIENT_LEADER (logical parent window).
void window_update_leader(i3Window *win, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop);
* Updates the TRANSIENT_FOR (logical parent window).
void window_update_transient_for(i3Window *win, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop);
* Updates the _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL (reserved pixels at the screen edges)
void window_update_strut_partial(i3Window *win, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop);
* Updates the WM_WINDOW_ROLE
void window_update_role(i3Window *win, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop, bool before_mgmt);
* Updates the WM_HINTS (we only care about the input focus handling part).
void window_update_hints(i3Window *win, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop, bool *urgency_hint);
* Updates the MOTIF_WM_HINTS. The container's border style should be set to
* `motif_border_style' if border style is not BS_NORMAL.
* i3 only uses this hint when it specifies a window should have no
* title bar, or no decorations at all, which is how most window managers
* handle it.
* The EWMH spec intended to replace Motif hints with _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, but
* it is still in use by popular widget toolkits such as GTK+ and Java AWT.
void window_update_motif_hints(i3Window *win, xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop, border_style_t *motif_border_style);