Michael Stapelberg 874151bb09 t/525-i3bar-mouse-bindings.t: sync with i3 _and_ i3bar
See the comment in the code for rationale.
2018-03-30 21:14:53 +02:00

196 lines
4.8 KiB

# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
# Please read the following documents before working on tests:
# • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/testsuite.html
# (or docs/testsuite)
# • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/lib-i3test.html
# (alternatively: perldoc ./testcases/lib/i3test.pm)
# • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html
# (or docs/ipc)
# • http://onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/modern_perl_a4.pdf
# (unless you are already familiar with Perl)
# Ensures that mouse bindings on the i3bar work correctly.
# Ticket: #1695
use i3test i3_config => <<EOT;
# i3 config file (v4)
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
focus_follows_mouse no
bar {
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
position top
bindsym button1 focus left
bindsym button2 focus right
bindsym button3 focus left
bindsym button4 focus right
bindsym button5 focus left
bindsym --release button6 focus right
bindsym button7 focus left
bindsym button7 --release focus right
use i3test::XTEST;
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
my $ws = fresh_workspace;
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $timer = AnyEvent->timer(after => 1, interval => 0, cb => sub { $cv->send(0) });
window => sub {
my ($event) = @_;
if ($event->{change} eq 'focus') {
if ($event->{change} eq 'new') {
if (defined($event->{container}->{window_properties}->{class}) &&
$event->{container}->{window_properties}->{class} eq 'i3bar') {
sub i3bar_present {
my ($nodes) = @_;
for my $node (@{$nodes}) {
my $props = $node->{window_properties};
if (defined($props) && $props->{class} eq 'i3bar') {
return $node->{window};
return 0 if !@{$nodes};
my @children = (map { @{$_->{nodes}} } @{$nodes},
map { @{$_->{'floating_nodes'}} } @{$nodes});
return i3bar_present(\@children);
my $i3bar_window = i3bar_present($i3->get_tree->recv->{nodes});
if ($i3bar_window) {
ok(1, 'i3bar present');
} else {
my $con = $cv->recv;
ok($con, 'i3bar appeared');
$i3bar_window = $con->{window};
diag('i3bar window = ' . $i3bar_window);
my $left = open_window;
my $right = open_window;
sub focus_subtest {
my ($subscribecb, $want, $msg) = @_;
my @events = events_for(
my @focus = map { $_->{container}->{window} } grep { $_->{change} eq 'focus' } @events;
is_deeply(\@focus, $want, $msg);
sub sync {
# Ensure XTEST events were sent to i3, which grabs and hence needs to
# forward any events to i3bar:
# Ensure any pending i3bar IPC messages were handled by i3:
subtest 'button 1 moves focus left', \&focus_subtest,
sub {
xtest_button_press(1, 3, 3);
xtest_button_release(1, 3, 3);
[ $left->{id} ],
'button 1 moves focus left';
subtest 'button 2 moves focus right', \&focus_subtest,
sub {
xtest_button_press(2, 3, 3);
xtest_button_release(2, 3, 3);
[ $right->{id} ],
'button 2 moves focus right';
subtest 'button 3 moves focus left', \&focus_subtest,
sub {
xtest_button_press(3, 3, 3);
xtest_button_release(3, 3, 3);
[ $left->{id} ],
'button 3 moves focus left';
subtest 'button 4 moves focus right', \&focus_subtest,
sub {
xtest_button_press(4, 3, 3);
xtest_button_release(4, 3, 3);
[ $right->{id} ],
'button 4 moves focus right';
subtest 'button 5 moves focus left', \&focus_subtest,
sub {
xtest_button_press(5, 3, 3);
xtest_button_release(5, 3, 3);
[ $left->{id} ],
'button 5 moves focus left';
# Test --release flag with bar bindsym.
# See issue: #3068.
my $old_focus = get_focused($ws);
subtest 'button 6 does not move focus while pressed', \&focus_subtest,
sub {
xtest_button_press(6, 3, 3);
'button 6 does not move focus while pressed';
is(get_focused($ws), $old_focus, 'focus unchanged');
subtest 'button 6 release moves focus right', \&focus_subtest,
sub {
xtest_button_release(6, 3, 3);
[ $right->{id} ],
'button 6 release moves focus right';
# Test same bindsym button with and without --release.
subtest 'button 7 press moves focus left', \&focus_subtest,
sub {
xtest_button_press(7, 3, 3);
[ $left->{id} ],
'button 7 press moves focus left';
subtest 'button 7 release moves focus right', \&focus_subtest,
sub {
xtest_button_release(7, 3, 3);
[ $right->{id} ],
'button 7 release moves focus right';