Orestis Floros cdf5ccbed8
hacking-howto: Update 'data structures' section
- Includes updated bigpicture.png from dump-asy.pl script
- The X11 root window is not a container
- Adds some extra information

bigpicture.png is created by converting the .asy to an .eps with `asy
bigpicture .eps` and then using the following gs command:
gs -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dEPSCrop -r600 -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=bigpicture.png bigpicture.eps
2020-05-06 17:25:28 +02:00

20 lines
1.4 KiB

import drawtree;
treeLevelStep = 2cm;
TreeNode n94457831379296 = makeNode("``root'' (splith) []");
TreeNode n94457831380944 = makeNode(n94457831379296, "``\_\_i3'' (output) []");
TreeNode n94457831384048 = makeNode(n94457831380944, "``content'' (splith) []");
TreeNode n94457831387184 = makeNode(n94457831384048, "``\_\_i3\_scratch'' (splith) []");
TreeNode n94457831390576 = makeNode(n94457831379296, "``eDP-1'' (output) []");
TreeNode n94457831393744 = makeNode(n94457831390576, "``topdock'' (dockarea) []");
TreeNode n94457831396992 = makeNode(n94457831390576, "``content'' (splith) []");
TreeNode n94457831628304 = makeNode(n94457831396992, "``1'' (splith) []");
TreeNode n94457831571040 = makeNode(n94457831628304, "``Hacking i3: How To - Mozilla Firefox'' (leaf) []");
TreeNode n94457831246384 = makeNode(n94457831628304, "``vim'' (leaf) []");
TreeNode n94457831461088 = makeNode(n94457831396992, "``Named workspace'' (splith) []");
TreeNode n94457831471424 = makeNode(n94457831461088, "``[Empty]'' (tabbed) []");
TreeNode n94457831570576 = makeNode(n94457831471424, "``contrib/dump-asy.pl --no-gv'' (leaf) [Marks go here]");
TreeNode n94457831645488 = makeNode(n94457831471424, "``ipython'' (leaf) []");
TreeNode n94457831400192 = makeNode(n94457831390576, "``bottomdock'' (dockarea) []");
TreeNode n94457831424848 = makeNode(n94457831400192, "``i3bar for output eDP-1'' (leaf) []");
draw(n94457831379296, (0, 0));