This commit only goes to “next” because I am not sure whether it actually makes things better in all cases and want to give it some testing first. There was no documented reason behind using the proportional_{width,height} variables, so I suppose that code was just stupidity on my part (it was written merely a month after I started this project in 2009). fixes #1032
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* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
* © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* include/data.h: This file defines all data structures used by i3
#ifndef I3_DATA_H
#define I3_DATA_H
#include <libsn/sn-launcher.h>
#include <xcb/randr.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <pcre.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "libi3.h"
#include "queue.h"
* To get the big concept: There are helper structures like struct
* Workspace_Assignment. Every struct which is also defined as type (see
* forward definitions) is considered to be a major structure, thus important.
* The following things are all stored in a 'Con', from very high level (the
* biggest Cons) to very small (a single window):
* 1) X11 root window (as big as all your outputs combined)
* 2) output (like LVDS1)
* 3) content container, dockarea containers
* 4) workspaces
* 5) split containers
* ... (you can arbitrarily nest split containers)
* 6) X11 window containers
/* Forward definitions */
typedef struct Binding Binding;
typedef struct Rect Rect;
typedef struct xoutput Output;
typedef struct Con Con;
typedef struct Match Match;
typedef struct Assignment Assignment;
typedef struct Window i3Window;
* Helper types
typedef enum { D_LEFT, D_RIGHT, D_UP, D_DOWN } direction_t;
typedef enum { NO_ORIENTATION = 0, HORIZ, VERT } orientation_t;
typedef enum { BS_NORMAL = 0, BS_NONE = 1, BS_PIXEL = 2 } border_style_t;
/** parameter to specify whether tree_close() and x_window_kill() should kill
* only this specific window or the whole X11 client */
typedef enum { DONT_KILL_WINDOW = 0, KILL_WINDOW = 1, KILL_CLIENT = 2 } kill_window_t;
/** describes if the window is adjacent to the output (physical screen) edges. */
typedef enum { ADJ_NONE = 0,
ADJ_LOWER_SCREEN_EDGE = (1 << 4)} adjacent_t;
enum {
BIND_MOD1 = XCB_MOD_MASK_1, /* (1 << 3) */
BIND_MOD2 = XCB_MOD_MASK_2, /* (1 << 4) */
BIND_MOD3 = XCB_MOD_MASK_3, /* (1 << 5) */
BIND_MOD4 = XCB_MOD_MASK_4, /* (1 << 6) */
BIND_MOD5 = XCB_MOD_MASK_5, /* (1 << 7) */
* Container layouts. See Con::layout.
typedef enum {
} layout_t;
* Stores a rectangle, for example the size of a window, the child window etc.
* It needs to be packed so that the compiler will not add any padding bytes.
* (it is used in src/ewmh.c for example)
* Note that x and y can contain signed values in some cases (for example when
* used for the coordinates of a window, which can be set outside of the
* visible area, but not when specifying the position of a workspace for the
* _NET_WM_WORKAREA hint). Not declaring x/y as int32_t saves us a lot of
* typecasts.
struct Rect {
uint32_t x;
uint32_t y;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
} __attribute__((packed));
* Stores the reserved pixels on each screen edge read from a
struct reservedpx {
uint32_t left;
uint32_t right;
uint32_t top;
uint32_t bottom;
* Stores a width/height pair, used as part of deco_render_params to check
* whether the rects width/height have changed.
struct width_height {
uint32_t w;
uint32_t h;
* Stores the parameters for rendering a window decoration. This structure is
* cached in every Con and no re-rendering will be done if the parameters have
* not changed (only the pixmaps will be copied).
struct deco_render_params {
struct Colortriple *color;
int border_style;
struct width_height con_rect;
struct width_height con_window_rect;
Rect con_deco_rect;
uint32_t background;
layout_t parent_layout;
bool con_is_leaf;
* Stores which workspace (by name) goes to which output.
struct Workspace_Assignment {
char *name;
char *output;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Workspace_Assignment) ws_assignments;
struct Ignore_Event {
int sequence;
int response_type;
time_t added;
SLIST_ENTRY(Ignore_Event) ignore_events;
* Stores internal information about a startup sequence, like the workspace it
* was initiated on.
struct Startup_Sequence {
/** startup ID for this sequence, generated by libstartup-notification */
char *id;
/** workspace on which this startup was initiated */
char *workspace;
/** libstartup-notification context for this launch */
SnLauncherContext *context;
/** time at which this sequence should be deleted (after it was marked as
* completed) */
time_t delete_at;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Startup_Sequence) sequences;
* Regular expression wrapper. It contains the pattern itself as a string (like
* ^foo[0-9]$) as well as a pointer to the compiled PCRE expression and the
* pcre_extra data returned by pcre_study().
* This makes it easier to have a useful logfile, including the matching or
* non-matching pattern.
struct regex {
char *pattern;
pcre *regex;
pcre_extra *extra;
* Major types
* Holds a keybinding, consisting of a keycode combined with modifiers and the
* command which is executed as soon as the key is pressed (see
* src/config_parser.c)
struct Binding {
/** If true, the binding should be executed upon a KeyRelease event, not a
* KeyPress (the default). */
enum {
/* This binding will only be executed upon KeyPress events */
/* This binding will be executed either upon a KeyRelease event, or… */
/* …upon a KeyRelease event, even if the modifiers don’t match. This
* state is triggered from get_binding() when the corresponding
* KeyPress (!) happens, so that users can release the modifier keys
* before releasing the actual key. */
} release;
uint32_t number_keycodes;
/** Keycode to bind */
uint32_t keycode;
/** Bitmask consisting of BIND_MOD_1, BIND_MODE_SWITCH, … */
uint32_t mods;
/** Symbol the user specified in configfile, if any. This needs to be
* stored with the binding to be able to re-convert it into a keycode
* if the keyboard mapping changes (using Xmodmap for example) */
char *symbol;
/** Only in use if symbol != NULL. Gets set to the value to which the
* symbol got translated when binding. Useful for unbinding and
* checking which binding was used when a key press event comes in.
* This is an array of number_keycodes size. */
xcb_keycode_t *translated_to;
/** Command, like in command mode */
char *command;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Binding) bindings;
* Holds a command specified by either an:
* - exec-line
* - exec_always-line
* in the config (see src/config.c)
struct Autostart {
/** Command, like in command mode */
char *command;
/** no_startup_id flag for start_application(). Determines whether a
* startup notification context/ID should be created. */
bool no_startup_id;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Autostart) autostarts;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Autostart) autostarts_always;
* An Output is a physical output on your graphics driver. Outputs which
* are currently in use have (output->active == true). Each output has a
* position and a mode. An output usually corresponds to one connected
* screen (except if you are running multiple screens in clone mode).
struct xoutput {
/** Output id, so that we can requery the output directly later */
xcb_randr_output_t id;
/** Whether the output is currently active (has a CRTC attached with a
* valid mode) */
bool active;
/** Internal flags, necessary for querying RandR screens (happens in
* two stages) */
bool changed;
bool to_be_disabled;
bool primary;
/** Name of the output */
char *name;
/** Pointer to the Con which represents this output */
Con *con;
/** x, y, width, height */
Rect rect;
TAILQ_ENTRY(xoutput) outputs;
* A 'Window' is a type which contains an xcb_window_t and all the related
* information (hints like _NET_WM_NAME for that window).
struct Window {
xcb_window_t id;
/** Holds the xcb_window_t (just an ID) for the leader window (logical
* parent for toolwindows and similar floating windows) */
xcb_window_t leader;
xcb_window_t transient_for;
/** Pointers to the Assignments which were already ran for this Window
* (assignments run only once) */
uint32_t nr_assignments;
Assignment **ran_assignments;
char *class_class;
char *class_instance;
/** The name of the window. */
i3String *name;
/** The WM_WINDOW_ROLE of this window (for example, the pidgin buddy window
* sets "buddy list"). Useful to match specific windows in assignments or
* for_window. */
char *role;
/** Flag to force re-rendering the decoration upon changes */
bool name_x_changed;
/** Whether the application used _NET_WM_NAME */
bool uses_net_wm_name;
/** Whether the application needs to receive WM_TAKE_FOCUS */
bool needs_take_focus;
/** Whether this window accepts focus. We store this inverted so that the
* default will be 'accepts focus'. */
bool doesnt_accept_focus;
/** Whether the window says it is a dock window */
enum { W_NODOCK = 0, W_DOCK_TOP = 1, W_DOCK_BOTTOM = 2 } dock;
/** When this window was marked urgent. 0 means not urgent */
struct timeval urgent;
/** Pixels the window reserves. left/right/top/bottom */
struct reservedpx reserved;
/** Depth of the window */
uint16_t depth;
* A "match" is a data structure which acts like a mask or expression to match
* certain windows or not. For example, when using commands, you can specify a
* command like this: [title="*Firefox*"] kill. The title member of the match
* data structure will then be filled and i3 will check each window using
* match_matches_window() to find the windows affected by this command.
struct Match {
struct regex *title;
struct regex *application;
struct regex *class;
struct regex *instance;
struct regex *mark;
struct regex *role;
enum {
} urgent;
enum {
} dock;
xcb_window_t id;
enum { M_ANY = 0, M_TILING, M_FLOATING } floating;
Con *con_id;
/* Where the window looking for a match should be inserted:
* M_HERE = the matched container will be replaced by the window
* (layout saving)
* M_ASSIGN_WS = the matched container will be inserted in the target_ws.
* M_BELOW = the window will be inserted as a child of the matched container
* (dockareas)
enum { M_HERE = 0, M_ASSIGN_WS, M_BELOW } insert_where;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Match) matches;
/* Whether this match was generated when restarting i3 inplace.
* Leads to not setting focus when managing a new window, because the old
* focus stack should be restored. */
bool restart_mode;
* An Assignment makes specific windows go to a specific workspace/output or
* run a command for that window. With this mechanism, the user can -- for
* example -- assign his browser to workspace "www". Checking if a window is
* assigned works by comparing the Match data structure with the window (see
* match_matches_window()).
struct Assignment {
/** type of this assignment:
* A_COMMAND = run the specified command for the matching window
* A_TO_WORKSPACE = assign the matching window to the specified workspace
* A_TO_OUTPUT = assign the matching window to the specified output
* While the type is a bitmask, only one value can be set at a time. It is
* a bitmask to allow filtering for multiple types, for example in the
* assignment_for() function.
enum {
A_ANY = 0,
A_COMMAND = (1 << 0),
A_TO_WORKSPACE = (1 << 1),
A_TO_OUTPUT = (1 << 2)
} type;
/** the criteria to check if a window matches */
Match match;
/** destination workspace/output/command, depending on the type */
union {
char *command;
char *workspace;
char *output;
} dest;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Assignment) assignments;
* A 'Con' represents everything from the X11 root window down to a single X11 window.
struct Con {
bool mapped;
/* Should this container be marked urgent? This gets set when the window
* inside this container (if any) sets the urgency hint, for example. */
bool urgent;
/** This counter contains the number of UnmapNotify events for this
* container (or, more precisely, for its ->frame) which should be ignored.
* UnmapNotify events need to be ignored when they are caused by i3 itself,
* for example when reparenting or when unmapping the window on a workspace
* change. */
uint8_t ignore_unmap;
/* ids/pixmap/graphics context for the frame window */
bool pixmap_recreated;
xcb_window_t frame;
xcb_pixmap_t pixmap;
xcb_gcontext_t pm_gc;
enum {
CT_ROOT = 0,
CT_CON = 2,
} type;
/** the workspace number, if this Con is of type CT_WORKSPACE and the
* workspace is not a named workspace (for named workspaces, num == -1) */
int num;
struct Con *parent;
struct Rect rect;
struct Rect window_rect;
struct Rect deco_rect;
/** the geometry this window requested when getting mapped */
struct Rect geometry;
char *name;
/* a sticky-group is an identifier which bundles several containers to a
* group. The contents are shared between all of them, that is they are
* displayed on whichever of the containers is currently visible */
char *sticky_group;
/* user-definable mark to jump to this container later */
char *mark;
double percent;
/* aspect ratio from WM_NORMAL_HINTS (MPlayer uses this for example) */
double aspect_ratio;
/* the wanted size of the window, used in combination with size
* increments (see below). */
int base_width;
int base_height;
/* the x11 border pixel attribute */
int border_width;
int current_border_width;
/* minimum increment size specified for the window (in pixels) */
int width_increment;
int height_increment;
struct Window *window;
/* timer used for disabling urgency */
struct ev_timer *urgency_timer;
/** Cache for the decoration rendering */
struct deco_render_params *deco_render_params;
/* Only workspace-containers can have floating clients */
TAILQ_HEAD(floating_head, Con) floating_head;
TAILQ_HEAD(nodes_head, Con) nodes_head;
TAILQ_HEAD(focus_head, Con) focus_head;
TAILQ_HEAD(swallow_head, Match) swallow_head;
enum { CF_NONE = 0, CF_OUTPUT = 1, CF_GLOBAL = 2 } fullscreen_mode;
/* layout is the layout of this container: one of split[v|h], stacked or
* tabbed. Special containers in the tree (above workspaces) have special
* layouts like dockarea or output.
* last_split_layout is one of splitv or splith to support the old "layout
* default" command which by now should be "layout splitv" or "layout
* splith" explicitly.
* workspace_layout is only for type == CT_WORKSPACE cons. When you change
* the layout of a workspace without any children, i3 cannot just set the
* layout (because workspaces need to be splitv/splith to allow focus
* parent and opening new containers). Instead, it stores the requested
* layout in workspace_layout and creates a new split container with that
* layout whenever a new container is attached to the workspace. */
layout_t layout, last_split_layout, workspace_layout;
border_style_t border_style;
/** floating? (= not in tiling layout) This cannot be simply a bool
* because we want to keep track of whether the status was set by the
* application (by setting _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE appropriately) or by the
* user. The user’s choice overwrites automatic mode, of course. The
* order of the values is important because we check with >=
* FLOATING_AUTO_ON if a client is floating. */
enum {
} floating;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Con) nodes;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Con) focused;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Con) all_cons;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Con) floating_windows;
/** callbacks */
void(*on_remove_child)(Con *);
enum {
/* Not a scratchpad window. */
/* Just moved to scratchpad, not resized by the user yet.
* Window will be auto-centered and sized appropriately. */
/* The user changed position/size of the scratchpad window. */
} scratchpad_state;
/* The ID of this container before restarting. Necessary to correctly
* interpret back-references in the JSON (such as the focus stack). */
int old_id;
/* Depth of the container window */
uint16_t depth;