i3 current behavior hides the binding mode indicator when workspace buttons are disabled. This patch adds a new configuration for i3bar called 'binding_mode_indicator' which acts like the workspace_buttons. It is now possible to configure i3bar to hide the workspace buttons and keep showing the binding mode indicator. This should make the hide workspace buttons configuration more convenient for those who are heavily using binding modes. Default value for binding_mode_indicator is true.
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361 lines
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* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
* © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* include/config.h: Contains all structs/variables for the configurable
* part of i3 as well as functions handling the configuration file (calling
* the parser (src/config_parse.c) with the correct path, switching key
* bindings mode).
#ifndef I3_CONFIG_H
#define I3_CONFIG_H
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "queue.h"
#include "i3.h"
#include "libi3.h"
typedef struct Config Config;
typedef struct Barconfig Barconfig;
extern char *current_configpath;
extern Config config;
extern SLIST_HEAD(modes_head, Mode) modes;
extern TAILQ_HEAD(barconfig_head, Barconfig) barconfigs;
* Used during the config file lexing/parsing to keep the state of the lexer
* in order to provide useful error messages in yyerror().
struct context {
bool has_errors;
bool has_warnings;
int line_number;
char *line_copy;
const char *filename;
char *compact_error;
/* These are the same as in YYLTYPE */
int first_column;
int last_column;
* Part of the struct Config. It makes sense to group colors for background,
* border and text as every element in i3 has them (window decorations, bar).
struct Colortriple {
uint32_t border;
uint32_t background;
uint32_t text;
uint32_t indicator;
* Holds a user-assigned variable for parsing the configuration file. The key
* is replaced by value in every following line of the file.
struct Variable {
char *key;
char *value;
char *next_match;
SLIST_ENTRY(Variable) variables;
* The configuration file can contain multiple sets of bindings. Apart from the
* default set (name == "default"), you can specify other sets and change the
* currently active set of bindings by using the "mode <name>" command.
struct Mode {
char *name;
struct bindings_head *bindings;
SLIST_ENTRY(Mode) modes;
* Holds part of the configuration (the part which is not already in dedicated
* structures in include/data.h).
struct Config {
const char *terminal;
i3Font font;
char *ipc_socket_path;
const char *restart_state_path;
layout_t default_layout;
int container_stack_limit;
int container_stack_limit_value;
int default_border_width;
/** Default orientation for new containers */
int default_orientation;
/** By default, focus follows mouse. If the user explicitly wants to
* turn this off (and instead rely only on the keyboard for changing
* focus), we allow him to do this with this relatively special option.
* It is not planned to add any different focus models. */
bool disable_focus_follows_mouse;
/** Remove borders if they are adjacent to the screen edge.
* This is useful if you are reaching scrollbar on the edge of the
* screen or do not want to waste a single pixel of displayspace.
* By default, this is disabled. */
adjacent_t hide_edge_borders;
/** By default, a workspace bar is drawn at the bottom of the screen.
* If you want to have a more fancy bar, it is recommended to replace
* the whole bar by dzen2, for example using the i3-wsbar script which
* comes with i3. Thus, you can turn it off entirely. */
bool disable_workspace_bar;
/** Think of the following layout: Horizontal workspace with a tabbed
* con on the left of the screen and a terminal on the right of the
* screen. You are in the second container in the tabbed container and
* focus to the right. By default, i3 will set focus to the terminal on
* the right. If you are in the first container in the tabbed container
* however, focusing to the left will wrap. This option forces i3 to
* always wrap, which will result in you having to use "focus parent"
* more often. */
bool force_focus_wrapping;
/** By default, use the RandR API for multi-monitor setups.
* Unfortunately, the nVidia binary graphics driver doesn't support
* this API. Instead, it only support the less powerful Xinerama API,
* which can be enabled by this option.
* Note: this option takes only effect on the initial startup (eg.
* reconfiguration is not possible). On startup, the list of screens
* is fetched once and never updated. */
bool force_xinerama;
/** Overwrites output detection (for testing), see src/fake_outputs.c */
char *fake_outputs;
/** Automatic workspace back and forth switching. If this is set, a
* switch to the currently active workspace will switch to the
* previously focused one instead, making it possible to fast toggle
* between two workspaces. */
bool workspace_auto_back_and_forth;
/** By default, urgency is cleared immediately when switching to another
* workspace leads to focusing the con with the urgency hint. When having
* multiple windows on that workspace, the user needs to guess which
* application raised the event. To prevent this, the reset of the urgency
* flag can be delayed using an urgency timer. */
float workspace_urgency_timer;
/** The default border style for new windows. */
border_style_t default_border;
/** The default border style for new floating windows. */
border_style_t default_floating_border;
/** The modifier which needs to be pressed in combination with your mouse
* buttons to do things with floating windows (move, resize) */
uint32_t floating_modifier;
/** Maximum and minimum dimensions of a floating window */
int32_t floating_maximum_width;
int32_t floating_maximum_height;
int32_t floating_minimum_width;
int32_t floating_minimum_height;
/* Color codes are stored here */
struct config_client {
uint32_t background;
struct Colortriple focused;
struct Colortriple focused_inactive;
struct Colortriple unfocused;
struct Colortriple urgent;
} client;
struct config_bar {
struct Colortriple focused;
struct Colortriple unfocused;
struct Colortriple urgent;
} bar;
/** What should happen when a new popup is opened during fullscreen mode */
enum {
/* display (and focus) the popup when it belongs to the fullscreen
* window only. */
/* leave fullscreen mode unconditionally */
/* just ignore the popup, that is, don’t map it */
} popup_during_fullscreen;
/* The number of currently parsed barconfigs */
int number_barconfigs;
* Holds the status bar configuration (i3bar). One of these structures is
* created for each 'bar' block in the config.
struct Barconfig {
/** Automatically generated ID for this bar config. Used by the bar process
* to request a specific configuration. */
char *id;
/** Number of outputs in the outputs array */
int num_outputs;
/** Outputs on which this bar should show up on. We use an array for
* simplicity (since we store just strings). */
char **outputs;
/** Output on which the tray should be shown. The special value of 'no'
* disables the tray (it’s enabled by default). */
char *tray_output;
/** Path to the i3 IPC socket. This option is discouraged since programs
* can find out the path by looking for the I3_SOCKET_PATH property on the
* root window! */
char *socket_path;
/** Bar display mode (hide unless modifier is pressed or show in dock mode or always hide in invisible mode) */
enum { M_DOCK = 0, M_HIDE = 1, M_INVISIBLE = 2 } mode;
/* The current hidden_state of the bar, which indicates whether it is hidden or shown */
enum { S_HIDE = 0, S_SHOW = 1 } hidden_state;
/** Bar modifier (to show bar when in hide mode). */
enum {
M_NONE = 0,
M_SHIFT = 2,
M_MOD1 = 3,
M_MOD2 = 4,
M_MOD3 = 5,
M_MOD4 = 6,
M_MOD5 = 7
} modifier;
/** Bar position (bottom by default). */
enum { P_BOTTOM = 0, P_TOP = 1 } position;
/** Command that should be run to execute i3bar, give a full path if i3bar is not
* in your $PATH.
* By default just 'i3bar' is executed. */
char *i3bar_command;
/** Command that should be run to get a statusline, for example 'i3status'.
* Will be passed to the shell. */
char *status_command;
/** Font specification for all text rendered on the bar. */
char *font;
/** Hide workspace buttons? Configuration option is 'workspace_buttons no'
* but we invert the bool to get the correct default when initializing with
* zero. */
bool hide_workspace_buttons;
/** Hide mode button? Configuration option is 'binding_mode_indicator no'
* but we invert the bool for the same reason as hide_workspace_buttons.*/
bool hide_binding_mode_indicator;
/** Enable verbose mode? Useful for debugging purposes. */
bool verbose;
struct bar_colors {
char *background;
char *statusline;
char *separator;
char *focused_workspace_border;
char *focused_workspace_bg;
char *focused_workspace_text;
char *active_workspace_border;
char *active_workspace_bg;
char *active_workspace_text;
char *inactive_workspace_border;
char *inactive_workspace_bg;
char *inactive_workspace_text;
char *urgent_workspace_border;
char *urgent_workspace_bg;
char *urgent_workspace_text;
} colors;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Barconfig) configs;
* Reads the configuration from ~/.i3/config or /etc/i3/config if not found.
* If you specify override_configpath, only this path is used to look for a
* configuration file.
void load_configuration(xcb_connection_t *conn, const char *override_configfile, bool reload);
* Translates keysymbols to keycodes for all bindings which use keysyms.
void translate_keysyms(void);
* Ungrabs all keys, to be called before re-grabbing the keys because of a
* mapping_notify event or a configuration file reload
void ungrab_all_keys(xcb_connection_t *conn);
* Grab the bound keys (tell X to send us keypress events for those keycodes)
void grab_all_keys(xcb_connection_t *conn, bool bind_mode_switch);
* Switches the key bindings to the given mode, if the mode exists
void switch_mode(const char *new_mode);
* Sends the current bar configuration as an event to all barconfig_update listeners.
* This update mechnism currently only includes the hidden_state and the mode in the config.
*/void update_barconfig();
* Returns a pointer to the Binding with the specified modifiers and keycode
* or NULL if no such binding exists.
Binding *get_binding(uint16_t modifiers, bool key_release, xcb_keycode_t keycode);
* Kills the configerror i3-nagbar process, if any.
* Called when reloading/restarting.
* If wait_for_it is set (restarting), this function will waitpid(), otherwise,
* ev is assumed to handle it (reloading).
void kill_configerror_nagbar(bool wait_for_it);