Fixes #3595
Like the issue mentions:
> instead of the newly created workspace (not referenced by variable
> here) the `"init"` event is fired with the current workspace (`ws`).
Plus, there was another issue where duplicate workspace init events
where being sent because of workspace_get().
304-ipc-workspace-init.t: Subtest "move workspace to output" fails with
current next.
Fixes #3631
No event was being sent here:
2d6e09a66a/src/randr.c (L487)
533-randr15.t: I confirmed that SKIP still works if the xrandr command
Added test fails with current next.
152 lines
4.9 KiB
152 lines
4.9 KiB
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
# Please read the following documents before working on tests:
# • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/testsuite.html
# (or docs/testsuite)
# • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/lib-i3test.html
# (alternatively: perldoc ./testcases/lib/i3test.pm)
# • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html
# (or docs/ipc)
# • http://onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/modern_perl_a4.pdf
# (unless you are already familiar with Perl)
# TODO: Description of this file.
# Ticket: #999
# Bug still in: 4.13-12-g2ff3d9d
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
my $monitor_name = 'i3-fake-monitor';
my $output_name = 'i3-fake-output';
my $config = <<EOT;
# i3 config file (v4)
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
bar {
output $output_name
my ($outfh, $outname) = tempfile('i3-randr15reply-XXXXXX', UNLINK => 1);
# Prepare a RRGetMonitors reply, see A.2.4 in
# https://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/proto/randrproto/tree/randrproto.txt
my $reply = pack('cxSLLLLx[LLL]',
1, # reply
0, # sequence (will be filled in by inject_randr15)
# 60 = length($reply) + length($monitor1)
# 32 = minimum X11 reply length
(60-32) / 4, # length in words
0, # timestamp TODO
1, # nmonitors
1); # noutputs
# Manually intern _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP as $x->atom will not create atoms if
# they are not yet interned.
my $atom_cookie = $x->intern_atom(0, length($monitor_name), $monitor_name);
my $monitor_name_atom = $x->intern_atom_reply($atom_cookie->{sequence})->{atom};
# MONITORINFO is defined in A.1.1 in
# https://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/proto/randrproto/tree/randrproto.txt
my $monitor1 = pack('LccSssSSLLL',
$monitor_name_atom, # name (ATOM)
1, # primary
1, # automatic
1, # ncrtcs
0, # x
0, # y
3840, # width in pixels
2160, # height in pixels
520, # width in millimeters
290, # height in millimeters
12345); # output ID #0
print $outfh $reply;
print $outfh $monitor1;
# Prepare a RRGetOutputInfo reply as well; see RRGetOutputInfo in
# https://www.x.org/releases/current/doc/randrproto/randrproto.txt
($outfh, my $outname_moninfo) = tempfile('i3-randr15reply-XXXXXX', UNLINK => 1);
my $moninfo = pack('cxSLLLx[LLccSSSS]S a* x!4',
1, # reply
0, # sequence (will be filled in by inject_randr15)
# 36 = length($moninfo) (without name and padding)
# 32 = minimum X11 reply length
((36 + length($output_name) - 32) + 3) / 4, # length in words
0, # timestamp TODO
12345, # CRTC
length($output_name), # length of name
$output_name); # name
print $outfh $moninfo;
my $pid = launch_with_config($config,
inject_randr15 => $outname,
inject_randr15_outputinfo => $outname_moninfo);
my $tree = i3->get_tree->recv;
my @outputs = map { $_->{name} } @{$tree->{nodes}};
is_deeply(\@outputs, [ '__i3', $monitor_name ], 'outputs are __i3 and the fake monitor');
my ($output_data) = grep { $_->{name} eq $monitor_name } @{$tree->{nodes}};
is_deeply($output_data->{rect}, {
width => 3840,
height => 2160,
x => 0,
y => 0,
}, "Fake output at 3840x2160+0+0");
# Verify that i3 canonicalizes RandR output names to i3 output names
# (RandR monitor names) for bar configs
my $bars = i3->get_bar_config()->recv;
is(@$bars, 1, 'one bar configured');
my $bar_id = shift @$bars;
my $bar_config = i3->get_bar_config($bar_id)->recv;
is_deeply($bar_config->{outputs}, [ $monitor_name ], 'bar_config output name is normalized');
# Verify that adding monitors with RandR 1.5 results in i3 outputs.
# When inject_randr15 is defined but false, fake-xinerama will be turned off,
# but inject_randr15 will not actually be used.
$pid = launch_with_config($config, inject_randr15 => '');
$tree = i3->get_tree->recv;
@outputs = map { $_->{name} } @{$tree->{nodes}};
is_deeply(\@outputs, [ '__i3', 'default' ], 'outputs are __i3 and default');
my @events = events_for(
sub {
skip 'xrandr --setmonitor failed (xrandr too old?)', 1
unless system(q|xrandr --setmonitor up2414q 3840/527x2160/296+1280+0 none|) == 0;
my @init = grep { $_->{change} eq 'init' } @events;
is(scalar @init, 1, 'Received 1 workspace::init event');
is($init[0]->{current}->{output}, 'up2414q', 'Workspace initialized in up2414q');
$tree = i3->get_tree->recv;
@outputs = map { $_->{name} } @{$tree->{nodes}};
is_deeply(\@outputs, [ '__i3', 'default', 'up2414q' ], 'outputs are __i3, default and up2414q');