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# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
# Please read the following documents before working on tests:
# • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/testsuite.html
# (or docs/testsuite)
# • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/lib-i3test.html
# (alternatively: perldoc ./testcases/lib/i3test.pm)
# • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html
# (or docs/ipc)
# • https://i3wm.org/downloads/modern_perl_a4.pdf
# (unless you are already familiar with Perl)
# Checks if the 'move [window/container] to workspace' command works correctly
use i3test;
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
# We move the pointer out of our way to avoid a bug where the focus will
# be set to the window under the cursor
$x->root->warp_pointer(0, 0);
sub move_workspace_test {
my ($movecmd) = @_;
my $tmp = get_unused_workspace();
my $tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
cmd "workspace $tmp";
is_num_children($tmp, 0, 'no containers yet');
my $first = open_empty_con($i3);
my $second = open_empty_con($i3);
is_num_children($tmp, 2, 'two containers on first ws');
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers on second ws yet');
cmd "workspace $tmp";
cmd "$movecmd $tmp2";
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws anymore');
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second ws');
my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp2);
is($focus->[0], $second, 'same container on different ws');
($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
ok($nodes->[0]->{focused}, 'first container focused on first ws');
move_workspace_test('move workspace'); # supported for legacy reasons
move_workspace_test('move to workspace');
# Those are just synonyms and more verbose ways of saying the same thing:
move_workspace_test('move window to workspace');
move_workspace_test('move container to workspace');
# Check that 'move to workspace number <number>' works to move a window to
# named workspaces which start with <number>.
cmd 'workspace 13: meh';
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('13: meh', 1, 'one container on 13: meh');
ok(!workspace_exists('13'), 'workspace 13 does not exist yet');
cmd 'workspace 12';
cmd 'open';
cmd 'move to workspace number 13';
is_num_children('13: meh', 2, 'one container on 13: meh');
is_num_children('12', 0, 'no container on 12 anymore');
ok(!workspace_exists('13'), 'workspace 13 does still not exist');
# Check that 'move to workspace number <number><name>' works to move a window to
# named workspaces which start with <number>.
cmd 'workspace 15: meh';
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('15: meh', 1, 'one container on 15: meh');
ok(!workspace_exists('15'), 'workspace 15 does not exist yet');
ok(!workspace_exists('15: duh'), 'workspace 15: duh does not exist yet');
cmd 'workspace 14';
cmd 'open';
cmd 'move to workspace number 15: duh';
is_num_children('15: meh', 2, 'two containers on 15: meh');
is_num_children('14', 0, 'no container on 14 anymore');
ok(!workspace_exists('15'), 'workspace 15 does still not exist');
ok(!workspace_exists('15: duh'), 'workspace 15 does still not exist');
# check if 'move workspace next' and 'move workspace prev' work
# Open two containers on the first workspace, one container on the second
# workspace. Because the workspaces are named, they will be sorted by order of
# creation.
my $tmp = get_unused_workspace();
my $tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
cmd "workspace $tmp";
is_num_children($tmp, 0, 'no containers yet');
my $first = open_empty_con($i3);
my $second = open_empty_con($i3);
is_num_children($tmp, 2, 'two containers');
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers yet');
my $third = open_empty_con($i3);
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second ws');
# go back to the first workspace, move one of the containers to the next one
cmd "workspace $tmp";
cmd 'move workspace next';
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws');
is_num_children($tmp2, 2, 'two containers on second ws');
# go to the second workspace and move two containers to the first one
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
cmd 'move workspace prev';
cmd 'move workspace prev';
is_num_children($tmp, 3, 'three containers on first ws');
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers on second ws');
# check if 'move workspace current' works
$tmp = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
cmd "workspace $tmp";
$first = open_window(name => 'win-name');
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws');
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers yet');
cmd qq|[title="win-name"] move workspace $tmp2|;
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second ws');
cmd qq|[title="win-name"] move workspace $tmp|;
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers on second ws');
# check if floating cons are moved to new workspaces properly
# (that is, if they are floating on the target ws, too)
$tmp = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
cmd "workspace $tmp";
cmd "open";
cmd "floating toggle";
my $ws = get_ws($tmp);
is(@{$ws->{nodes}}, 0, 'no nodes on workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating node on workspace');
cmd "move workspace $tmp2";
$ws = get_ws($tmp2);
is(@{$ws->{nodes}}, 0, 'no nodes on workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating node on workspace');
# Check that 'move workspace number' works correctly.
$tmp = get_unused_workspace();
cmd 'open';
cmd 'workspace 16';
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('16', 1, 'one node on ws 16');
cmd "workspace $tmp";
cmd 'open';
cmd 'move workspace number 16';
is_num_children('16', 2, 'two nodes on ws 16');
ok(!workspace_exists('17'), 'workspace 17 does not exist yet');
cmd 'open';
cmd 'move workspace number 17';
ok(workspace_exists('17'), 'workspace 17 created by moving');
is(@{get_ws('17')->{nodes}}, 1, 'one node on ws 16');
# The following four tests verify the various 'move workspace' commands when
# the selection is itself a workspace.
# borrowed from 122-split.t
# recursively sums up all nodes and their children
sub sum_nodes {
my ($nodes) = @_;
return 0 if !@{$nodes};
my @children = (map { @{$_->{nodes}} } @{$nodes},
map { @{$_->{'floating_nodes'}} } @{$nodes});
return @{$nodes} + sum_nodes(\@children);
# move workspace 'next|prev'
$tmp = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
cmd "workspace $tmp";
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws');
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second ws');
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp2, 2, 'two containers on second ws');
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd 'move workspace prev';
is_num_children($tmp, 2, 'two child containers on first ws');
is(sum_nodes(get_ws_content($tmp)), 4, 'four total containers on first ws');
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers on second ws');
# move workspace current
# This is a special case that should be a no-op.
$tmp = fresh_workspace();
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws');
my $tmpcount = sum_nodes(get_ws_content($tmp));
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd "move workspace $tmp";
is(sum_nodes(get_ws_content($tmp)), $tmpcount, 'number of containers in first ws unchanged');
# move workspace '<name>'
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp = fresh_workspace();
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first ws');
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second ws');
cmd 'open';
is_num_children($tmp2, 2, 'two containers on second ws');
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd "move workspace $tmp";
is_num_children($tmp, 2, 'two child containers on first ws');
is(sum_nodes(get_ws_content($tmp)), 4, 'four total containers on first ws');
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no containers on second ws');
# move workspace number '<number>'
cmd 'workspace 18';
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('18', 1, 'one container on ws 18');
cmd 'workspace 19';
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('19', 1, 'one container on ws 19');
cmd 'open';
is_num_children('19', 2, 'two containers on ws 19');
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd 'move workspace number 18';
is_num_children('18', 2, 'two child containers on ws 18');
is(sum_nodes(get_ws_content('18')), 4, 'four total containers on ws 18');
is_num_children('19', 0, 'no containers on ws 19');
# move workspace '<name>' with a floating child
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp = fresh_workspace();
cmd 'open';
cmd 'floating toggle';
cmd 'open';
cmd 'floating toggle';
cmd 'open';
$ws = get_ws($tmp);
is_num_children($tmp, 1, 'one container on first workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 2, 'two floating nodes on first workspace');
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd "move workspace $tmp2";
$ws = get_ws($tmp2);
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one container on second workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 2, 'two floating nodes on second workspace');
# same as the above, but with only floating children
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp = fresh_workspace();
cmd 'open';
cmd 'floating toggle';
$ws = get_ws($tmp);
is_num_children($tmp, 0, 'no regular nodes on first workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating node on first workspace');
cmd 'focus parent';
cmd "move workspace $tmp2";
$ws = get_ws($tmp2);
is_num_children($tmp2, 0, 'no regular nodes on second workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating node on second workspace');
# Test that when moving a fullscreen floating window to a workspace
# that already has an other fullscreen container, the second
# container gets un-fullscreened.
# See #4124
$tmp2 = fresh_workspace;
$second = open_window;
cmd 'fullscreen enable';
$ws = get_ws($tmp2);
is($ws->{nodes}->[0]->{fullscreen_mode}, 1, 'sanity check: fullscreen enabled');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
$first = open_window;
cmd 'floating enable, fullscreen enable';
cmd "move workspace $tmp2";
$ws = get_ws($tmp2);
is_num_children($tmp2, 1, 'one regular node on second workspace');
is_num_fullscreen($tmp2, 1, 'one fullscreen node on second workspace');
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating node on second workspace');
is($ws->{nodes}->[0]->{fullscreen_mode}, 0, 'previous fullscreen disabled');
# Same as above, but trigger the bug with the parent of a
# fullscreen container, instead of a CT_FLOATING_CON.
$tmp2 = fresh_workspace;
$second = open_window;
cmd 'fullscreen enable';
$ws = get_ws($tmp2);
is($ws->{nodes}->[0]->{fullscreen_mode}, 1, 'sanity check: fullscreen enabled');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
$first = open_window;
cmd 'layout tabbed';
cmd 'focus parent, mark a, focus child';
cmd 'fullscreen enable';
cmd "[con_mark=a] move workspace $tmp2";
$ws = get_ws($tmp2);
is(sum_nodes(get_ws_content($tmp2)), 4, '3 leafs & 1 split node in second workspace');
# is_num_fullscreen does not catch this nested fullscreen container
is($ws->{nodes}->[0]->{fullscreen_mode}, 0, 'previous fullscreen disabled');
is($ws->{nodes}->[1]->{nodes}->[1]->{fullscreen_mode}, 1, 'nested fullscreen from moved container preserved');
# Check that moving an empty workspace using criteria doesn't
# create unfocused empty workspace.
$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
$tmp = fresh_workspace();
cmd 'mark a';
cmd "[con_mark=a] move to workspace $tmp2";
is (get_ws($tmp2), undef, 'No empty workspace created');