#!/bin/zsh # This script is used to prepare a new release of i3. set -eu export RELEASE_VERSION="4.19" export PREVIOUS_VERSION="4.18.3" export RELEASE_BRANCH="next" if [ ! -e "../i3.github.io" ] then echo "../i3.github.io does not exist." echo "Use git clone https://github.com/i3/i3.github.io" exit 1 fi if ! (cd ../i3.github.io && git pull) then echo "Could not update ../i3.github.io repository" exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "RELEASE-NOTES-${RELEASE_VERSION}" ] then echo "RELEASE-NOTES-${RELEASE_VERSION} not found." exit 1 fi eval $(gpg-agent --daemon) export GPG_AGENT_INFO ################################################################################ # Section 1: update git and build the release tarball ################################################################################ STARTDIR=$PWD TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) cd $TMPDIR if ! wget https://i3wm.org/downloads/i3-${PREVIOUS_VERSION}.tar.bz2; then echo "Could not download i3-${PREVIOUS_VERSION}.tar.bz2 (required for comparing files)." exit 1 fi git clone --quiet --branch "${RELEASE_BRANCH}" https://github.com/i3/i3 cd i3 if [ ! -e "${STARTDIR}/RELEASE-NOTES-${RELEASE_VERSION}" ]; then echo "Required file RELEASE-NOTES-${RELEASE_VERSION} not found." exit 1 fi git checkout -b release-${RELEASE_VERSION} git rm RELEASE-NOTES-* cp "${STARTDIR}/RELEASE-NOTES-${RELEASE_VERSION}" "RELEASE-NOTES-${RELEASE_VERSION}" git add RELEASE-NOTES-${RELEASE_VERSION} # Update the release version: sed -i "s/^\s*version: '4.[^']*'/ version: '${RELEASE_VERSION}'/" meson.build cp meson.build "${TMPDIR}/meson.build" # Inject the release date into meson.build for the dist tarball: sed -i "s/'-non-git'/' ($(date +'%Y-%m-%d'))'/" meson.build git commit -a -m "release i3 ${RELEASE_VERSION}" git tag "${RELEASE_VERSION}" -m "release i3 ${RELEASE_VERSION}" --sign --local-user=0x4AC8EE1D mkdir build (cd build && meson .. && ninja dist) cp build/meson-dist/i3-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.xz . echo "Differences in the release tarball file lists:" diff --color -u \ <(tar tf ../i3-${PREVIOUS_VERSION}.tar.* | sed "s,i3-${PREVIOUS_VERSION}/,,g" | sort) \ <(tar tf i3-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.xz | sed "s,i3-${RELEASE_VERSION}/,,g" | sort) || true gpg --armor -b i3-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.xz mv "${TMPDIR}/meson.build" . git add meson.build git commit -a -m "Restore non-git version suffix" if [ "${RELEASE_BRANCH}" = "stable" ]; then git checkout stable git merge --no-ff release-${RELEASE_VERSION} -m "Merge branch 'release-${RELEASE_VERSION}'" git checkout next git merge --no-ff -s recursive -X ours -X no-renames stable -m "Merge branch 'stable' into next" else git checkout next git merge --no-ff release-${RELEASE_VERSION} -m "Merge branch 'release-${RELEASE_VERSION}'" git checkout stable git merge --no-ff -s recursive -X theirs -X no-renames next -m "Merge branch 'next' into stable" fi git remote remove origin git remote add origin git@github.com:i3/i3.git git config --add remote.origin.push "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*" git config --add remote.origin.push "+refs/heads/next:refs/heads/next" git config --add remote.origin.push "+refs/heads/stable:refs/heads/stable" ################################################################################ # Section 2: Debian packaging (for QA) ################################################################################ cd "${TMPDIR}" mkdir debian cat > ${TMPDIR}/Dockerfile < debian/source/format WORKDIR /usr/src RUN mk-build-deps --install --remove --tool 'apt-get --no-install-recommends -y' i3-${RELEASE_VERSION}/debian/control WORKDIR /usr/src/i3-${RELEASE_VERSION} RUN dpkg-buildpackage -sa -j8 RUN dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -j8 EOT CONTAINER_NAME=$(echo "i3-${TMPDIR}" | sed 's,/,,g') docker build --no-cache -t i3 . for file in $(docker run --name "${CONTAINER_NAME}" i3 /bin/sh -c "ls /usr/src/i3*_${RELEASE_VERSION}*") do docker cp "${CONTAINER_NAME}:${file}" ${TMPDIR}/debian/ done echo "Content of resulting package’s .changes file:" cat ${TMPDIR}/debian/*.changes # TODO: docker cleanup ################################################################################ # Section 3: website ################################################################################ # Ensure we are in the correct branch for copying the docs. cd ${TMPDIR}/i3 git checkout ${RELEASE_BRANCH} cd ${TMPDIR} git clone --quiet ${STARTDIR}/../i3.github.io cd i3.github.io mkdir docs/${PREVIOUS_VERSION} tar cf - '--exclude=[0-9]\.[0-9e]*' docs | tar xf - --strip-components=1 -C docs/${PREVIOUS_VERSION} git add docs/${PREVIOUS_VERSION} git commit -a -m "save docs for ${PREVIOUS_VERSION}" cp ${TMPDIR}/i3/i3-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.xz* downloads/ git add downloads/i3-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.xz* cp ${TMPDIR}/i3/RELEASE-NOTES-${RELEASE_VERSION} downloads/RELEASE-NOTES-${RELEASE_VERSION}.txt git add downloads/RELEASE-NOTES-${RELEASE_VERSION}.txt sed -i "s,

Documentation for i3 v[^<]*


Documentation for i3 v${RELEASE_VERSION}

,g" docs/index.html sed -i "s,[^<]*,${RELEASE_VERSION},g" index.html sed -i "s,The current stable version is .*$,The current stable version is ${RELEASE_VERSION}.,g" downloads/index.html sed -i "s,,\n \n ${RELEASE_VERSION}\n i3-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.xz\n $(LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 ls -lh ../i3/i3-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tar.xz | awk -F " " {'print $5'} | sed 's/K$/ KiB/g' | sed 's/M$/ MiB/g')\n signature\n $(date +'%Y-%m-%d')\n release notes\n \n,g" downloads/index.html git commit -a -m "add ${RELEASE_VERSION} release" for i in $(find _docs -maxdepth 1 -and -type f -and \! -regex ".*\.\(html\|man\)$" -and \! -name "Makefile") do base="$(basename $i)" [ -e "${TMPDIR}/i3/docs/${base}" ] && cp "${TMPDIR}/i3/docs/${base}" "_docs/${base}" done sed -i "s,Verify you are using i3 ≥ .*,Verify you are using i3 ≥ ${RELEASE_VERSION},g" _docs/debugging (cd _docs && make) for i in $(find _docs -maxdepth 1 -and -type f -and \! -regex ".*\.\(html\|man\|css\)$" -and \! -name "Makefile") do base="$(basename $i)" [ -e "${TMPDIR}/i3/docs/${base}" ] && cp "_docs/${base}.html" docs/ done git commit -a -m "update docs for ${RELEASE_VERSION}" git remote remove origin git remote add origin git@github.com:i3/i3.github.io.git git config --add remote.origin.push "+refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master" ################################################################################ # Section 4: prepare release announcement email ################################################################################ cd ${TMPDIR} cat >email.txt < To: i3-announce@freelists.org Subject: i3 v${RELEASE_VERSION} released Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi, I just released i3 v${RELEASE_VERSION}. Release notes follow: EOT cat ${TMPDIR}/i3/RELEASE-NOTES-${RELEASE_VERSION} >>email.txt ################################################################################ # Section 5: final push instructions ################################################################################ echo "As a final sanity check, install the debian package and see whether i3 works." echo "When satisfied, run:" echo " cd ${TMPDIR}/i3" echo " git checkout next" echo " vi debian/changelog" echo " git commit -a -m \"debian: update changelog\"" echo " git push" echo "" echo " cd ${TMPDIR}/i3.github.io" echo " git push" echo "" echo " cd ${TMPDIR}/debian" echo " dput" echo "" echo " cd ${TMPDIR}" echo " sendmail -t < email.txt" echo "" echo "Update milestones on GitHub (only for new major versions):" echo " Set due date of ${RELEASE_VERSION} to $(date +'%Y-%m-%d') and close the milestone" echo " Create milestone for the next major version with unset due date" echo "" echo "Announce on:" echo " twitter" echo " #i3 topic" echo " reddit /r/i3wm (link post to changelog)"