/* * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab * * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager * © 2009 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE) * * util.c: Utility functions, which can be useful everywhere within i3 (see * also libi3). * */ #pragma once #include #include #include "data.h" #define die(...) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, __VA_ARGS__); #define exit_if_null(pointer, ...) \ { \ if (pointer == NULL) \ die(__VA_ARGS__); \ } #define STARTS_WITH(string, needle) (strncasecmp((string), (needle), strlen((needle))) == 0) #define CIRCLEQ_NEXT_OR_NULL(head, elm, field) (CIRCLEQ_NEXT(elm, field) != CIRCLEQ_END(head) ? CIRCLEQ_NEXT(elm, field) : NULL) #define CIRCLEQ_PREV_OR_NULL(head, elm, field) (CIRCLEQ_PREV(elm, field) != CIRCLEQ_END(head) ? CIRCLEQ_PREV(elm, field) : NULL) #define NODES_FOREACH(head) \ for (Con *child = (Con *)-1; (child == (Con *)-1) && ((child = 0), true);) \ TAILQ_FOREACH (child, &((head)->nodes_head), nodes) #define NODES_FOREACH_REVERSE(head) \ for (Con *child = (Con *)-1; (child == (Con *)-1) && ((child = 0), true);) \ TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE (child, &((head)->nodes_head), nodes_head, nodes) /* greps the ->nodes of the given head and returns the first node that matches the given condition */ #define GREP_FIRST(dest, head, condition) \ NODES_FOREACH (head) { \ if (!(condition)) \ continue; \ \ (dest) = child; \ break; \ } #define FREE(pointer) \ do { \ free(pointer); \ pointer = NULL; \ } while (0) #define CALL(obj, member, ...) obj->member(obj, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define SWAP(first, second, type) \ do { \ type tmp_SWAP = first; \ first = second; \ second = tmp_SWAP; \ } while (0) int min(int a, int b); int max(int a, int b); bool rect_contains(Rect rect, uint32_t x, uint32_t y); Rect rect_add(Rect a, Rect b); Rect rect_sub(Rect a, Rect b); bool rect_equals(Rect a, Rect b); Rect rect_sanitize_dimensions(Rect rect); /** * Returns true if the name consists of only digits. * */ __attribute__((pure)) bool name_is_digits(const char *name); /** * Set 'out' to the layout_t value for the given layout. The function * returns true on success or false if the passed string is not a valid * layout name. * */ bool layout_from_name(const char *layout_str, layout_t *out); /** * Parses the workspace name as a number. Returns -1 if the workspace should be * interpreted as a "named workspace". * */ int ws_name_to_number(const char *name); /** * Updates *destination with new_value and returns true if it was changed or false * if it was the same * */ bool update_if_necessary(uint32_t *destination, const uint32_t new_value); /** * exec()s an i3 utility, for example the config file migration script or * i3-nagbar. This function first searches $PATH for the given utility named, * then falls back to the dirname() of the i3 executable path and then falls * back to the dirname() of the target of /proc/self/exe (on linux). * * This function should be called after fork()ing. * * The first argument of the given argv vector will be overwritten with the * executable name, so pass NULL. * * If the utility cannot be found in any of these locations, it exits with * return code 2. * */ void exec_i3_utility(char *name, char *argv[]); /** * Checks if the given path exists by calling stat(). * */ bool path_exists(const char *path); /** * Restart i3 in-place * appends -a to argument list to disable autostart * */ void i3_restart(bool forget_layout); /** * Escapes the given string if a pango font is currently used. * If the string has to be escaped, the input string will be free'd. * */ char *pango_escape_markup(char *input); /** * Starts an i3-nagbar instance with the given parameters. Takes care of * handling SIGCHLD and killing i3-nagbar when i3 exits. * * The resulting PID will be stored in *nagbar_pid and can be used with * kill_nagbar() to kill the bar later on. * */ void start_nagbar(pid_t *nagbar_pid, char *argv[]); /** * Kills the i3-nagbar process, if nagbar_pid != -1. * * If wait_for_it is set (restarting i3), this function will waitpid(), * otherwise, ev is assumed to handle it (reloading). * */ void kill_nagbar(pid_t nagbar_pid, bool wait_for_it); /** * Converts a string into a long using strtol(). * This is a convenience wrapper checking the parsing result. It returns true * if the number could be parsed. */ bool parse_long(const char *str, long *out, int base); /** * Slurp reads path in its entirety into buf, returning the length of the file * or -1 if the file could not be read. buf is set to a buffer of appropriate * size, or NULL if -1 is returned. * */ ssize_t slurp(const char *path, char **buf); /** * Convert a direction to its corresponding orientation. * */ orientation_t orientation_from_direction(direction_t direction); /** * Convert a direction to its corresponding position. * */ position_t position_from_direction(direction_t direction); /** * Convert orientation and position to the corresponding direction. * */ direction_t direction_from_orientation_position(orientation_t orientation, position_t position); /** * Converts direction to a string representation. * */ const char *direction_to_string(direction_t direction); /** * Converts position to a string representation. * */ const char *position_to_string(position_t position);