#!perl # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # # Please read the following documents before working on tests: # • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/testsuite.html # (or docs/testsuite) # # • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/lib-i3test.html # (alternatively: perldoc ./testcases/lib/i3test.pm) # # • https://build.i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html # (or docs/ipc) # # • https://i3wm.org/downloads/modern_perl_a4.pdf # (unless you are already familiar with Perl) use i3test; my $tmp = fresh_workspace; #################################################################################### # first part: test if a floating window will be correctly positioned above its leader # # This is verified by opening two windows, then opening a floating window above the # right one, then above the left one. If the floating windows are all positioned alike, # one of both (depending on your screen resolution) will be positioned wrong. #################################################################################### my $left = open_window({ name => 'Left' }); my $right = open_window({ name => 'Right' }); my ($abs, $rgeom) = $right->rect; my $child = open_floating_window({ dont_map => 1, name => 'Child window', }); $child->client_leader($right); $child->map; ok(wait_for_map($child), 'child window mapped'); my $cgeom; ($abs, $cgeom) = $child->rect; cmp_ok($cgeom->x, '>=', $rgeom->x, 'Child X >= right container X'); my $child2 = open_floating_window({ dont_map => 1, name => 'Child window 2', }); $child2->client_leader($left); $child2->map; ok(wait_for_map($child2), 'second child window mapped'); ($abs, $cgeom) = $child2->rect; cmp_ok(($cgeom->x + $cgeom->width), '<', $rgeom->x, 'child above left window'); # check wm_transient_for my $fwindow = open_window({ dont_map => 1 }); $fwindow->transient_for($right); $fwindow->map; ok(wait_for_map($fwindow), 'transient window mapped'); my ($absolute, $top) = $fwindow->rect; ok($absolute->{x} != 0 && $absolute->{y} != 0, 'i3 did not map it to (0x0)'); SKIP: { skip "(workspace placement by client_leader not yet implemented)", 3; ##################################################################### # Create a parent window ##################################################################### my $window = open_window({ dont_map => 1, name => 'Parent window' }); $window->map; ok(wait_for_map($window), 'parent window mapped'); ######################################################################### # Switch to a different workspace and open a child window. It should be opened # on the old workspace. ######################################################################### fresh_workspace; my $child = open_window({ dont_map => 1, name => 'Child window' }); $child->client_leader($window); $child->map; ok(wait_for_map($child), 'child window mapped'); isnt($x->input_focus, $child->id, "Child window focused"); # Switch back cmd "workspace $tmp"; is($x->input_focus, $child->id, "Child window focused"); } ################################################################################ # Verify that transient_for can be set and unset. ################################################################################ $tmp = fresh_workspace; $fwindow = open_window({ dont_map => 1 }); $fwindow->transient_for($right); $fwindow->map; wait_for_map($fwindow); my $floating_con = get_ws($tmp)->{floating_nodes}[0]->{nodes}[0]; is($floating_con->{window_properties}->{transient_for}, $right->id, 'WM_TRANSIENT_FOR properly parsed'); $x->delete_property($fwindow->id, $x->atom(name => 'WM_TRANSIENT_FOR')->id); $x->flush; sync_with_i3; $floating_con = get_ws($tmp)->{floating_nodes}[0]->{nodes}[0]; is($floating_con->{window_properties}->{transient_for}, undef, 'WM_TRANSIENT_FOR properly removed'); done_testing;