i3-nagbar: take our terminal execution kludge to the next level

Please read commit 2bf80528bdb2814331f9149289a0dd1e3422282b first.
Then read the comment within the code of this commit.
Then run in circles and cry loudly.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Stapelberg 2013-06-10 22:55:39 +02:00
parent a99fc537fc
commit d51173b2ba
3 changed files with 113 additions and 14 deletions

@ -164,15 +164,18 @@ static void handle_button_release(xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_button_release_eve
/* Also closes fd */
char *link_path;
sasprintf(&link_path, "%s.nagbar_cmd", script_path);
symlink(get_exe_path(argv0), link_path);
char *terminal_cmd;
sasprintf(&terminal_cmd, "i3-sensible-terminal -e %s", argv0);
sasprintf(&terminal_cmd, "i3-sensible-terminal -e %s", link_path);
printf("argv0 = %s\n", argv0);
printf("terminal_cmd = %s\n", terminal_cmd);
setenv("_I3_NAGBAR_CMD", script_path, 1);
@ -275,23 +278,35 @@ static int handle_expose(xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_expose_event_t *event) {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* The following lines are a horrible kludge. Because terminal emulators
* have different ways of interpreting the -e command line argument (some
* need -e "less /etc/fstab", others need -e less /etc/fstab), we need to
* write commands to a script and then just run that script. However, since
* on some machines, $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and $TMPDIR are mounted with noexec,
* we cannot directly execute the script either.
/* The following lines are a terribly horrible kludge. Because terminal
* emulators have different ways of interpreting the -e command line
* argument (some need -e "less /etc/fstab", others need -e less
* /etc/fstab), we need to write commands to a script and then just run
* that script. However, since on some machines, $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and
* $TMPDIR are mounted with noexec, we cannot directly execute the script
* either.
* Therefore, we run i3-nagbar instead and pass the path to the script in
* the environment variable $_I3_NAGBAR_CMD. i3-nagbar then execs /bin/sh
* with that path in order to run that script.
* Initially, we tried to pass the command via the environment variable
* _I3_NAGBAR_CMD. But turns out that some terminal emulators such as
* xfce4-terminal run all windows from a single master process and only
* pass on the command (not the environment) to that master process.
* Therefore, we symlink i3-nagbar (which MUST reside on an executable
* filesystem) with a special name and run that symlink. When i3-nagbar
* recognizes its started as a binary ending in .nagbar_cmd, it strips off
* the .nagbar_cmd suffix and runs /bin/sh on argv[0]. That way, we can run
* a shell script on a noexec filesystem.
* From a security point of view, i3-nagbar is just an alias to /bin/sh in
* certain circumstances. This should not open any new security issues, I
* hope. */
char *cmd = NULL;
if ((cmd = getenv("_I3_NAGBAR_CMD")) != NULL) {
const size_t argv0_len = strlen(argv[0]);
if (argv0_len > strlen(".nagbar_cmd") &&
strcmp(argv[0] + argv0_len - strlen(".nagbar_cmd"), ".nagbar_cmd") == 0) {
cmd = strdup(argv[0]);
*(cmd + argv0_len - strlen(".nagbar_cmd")) = '\0';
execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", cmd, NULL);
err(EXIT_FAILURE, "execv(/bin/sh, /bin/sh, %s)", cmd);

@ -364,4 +364,12 @@ bool is_debug_build() __attribute__((const));
char *get_process_filename(const char *prefix);
* This function returns the absolute path to the executable it is running in.
* The implementation follows http://stackoverflow.com/a/933996/712014
const char *get_exe_path(const char *argv0);

libi3/get_exe_path.c Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "libi3.h"
* This function returns the absolute path to the executable it is running in.
* The implementation follows http://stackoverflow.com/a/933996/712014
const char *get_exe_path(const char *argv0) {
static char destpath[PATH_MAX];
char tmp[PATH_MAX];
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__)
/* Linux and Debian/kFreeBSD provide /proc/self/exe */
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__)
const char *exepath = "/proc/self/exe";
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
const char *exepath = "/proc/curproc/file";
ssize_t linksize;
if ((linksize = readlink(exepath, destpath, sizeof(destpath))) != -1) {
/* readlink() does not NULL-terminate strings, so we have to. */
destpath[linksize] = '\0';
return destpath;
/* argv[0] is most likely a full path if it starts with a slash. */
if (argv0[0] == '/')
return argv0;
/* if argv[0] contains a /, prepend the working directory */
if (strchr(argv0, '/') != NULL &&
getcwd(tmp, sizeof(tmp)) != NULL) {
snprintf(destpath, sizeof(destpath), "%s/%s", tmp, argv0);
return destpath;
/* Fall back to searching $PATH (or _CS_PATH in absence of $PATH). */
char *path = getenv("PATH");
size_t pathlen;
if (path == NULL) {
/* _CS_PATH is typically something like "/bin:/usr/bin" */
pathlen = confstr(_CS_PATH, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
sasprintf(&path, ":%s", tmp);
} else {
pathlen = strlen(path);
path = strdup(path);
const char *component;
char *str = path;
while (1) {
if ((component = strtok(str, ":")) == NULL)
str = NULL;
snprintf(destpath, sizeof(destpath), "%s/%s", component, argv0);
/* Of course this is not 100% equivalent to actually exec()ing the
* binary, but meh. */
if (access(destpath, X_OK) == 0) {
return destpath;
/* Last resort: maybe its in /usr/bin? */
return "/usr/bin/i3bar";