Generating releases on GitHub is a very simple process;
Set version in repo
- Edit the file "Makefile". Changing the "VERSION" line to the new version.
- Do a "git commit" just for the version number change.
Create new release
Go to the GitHub release page
Enter the version number in the tag field, selecting "create tag on publish"
Ignore GitHub's suggestion of prefixing the version with a "v"
Set previous tag manually
- Last stable for stable releases
- Last alpha/beta for alpha/beta releases
Ensures GitHub sets the Full Changelog to be between the last release in the cycle and not the start of the repository
Add a release title - use the version number
Otherwise GitHub will add the last commit name as the title
OPTIONAL Add a release description and/or a list of pull requests and contributors via "Generate release notes"
For alpha/beta versions, set it to be a pre-release
Release the new version
GitHub will automatically generate a GZ compressed TAR file and a ZIP file of the repo