#include #include // 101 in init_array, 65434 in ctors static void __attribute__((constructor(101))) EFI_NO_TAIL_CALL ctors101() { Print(u"1) ctor with lower numbered priority \r\n"); } // 65434 in init_array, 101 in ctors static void __attribute__((constructor(65434))) EFI_NO_TAIL_CALL ctors65434() { Print(u"2) ctor with higher numbered priority \r\n"); } // 101 in fini_array, 65434 in dtors static void __attribute__((destructor(101))) EFI_NO_TAIL_CALL dtors101() { Print(u"4) dtor with lower numbered priority \r\n"); } // 65434 in fini_array, 101 in dtors static void __attribute__((destructor(65434))) EFI_NO_TAIL_CALL dtors65434() { Print(u"3) dtor with higher numbered priority \r\n"); } EFI_STATUS efi_main (EFI_HANDLE image EFI_UNUSED, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *systab EFI_UNUSED) { Print(u"Main function \r\n"); return EFI_SUCCESS; }