- the graphics drivers were moved from "demos/config/*" to
- a Win32 graphics driver was added. (note that keyboard
management is a bit buggy, but it's really usable).
- the "demos/Makefile" and "demos/graph/rules.mk" were
seriously modified
- the demo programs now compile AND run with gcc,
Visual C++ and LCC-Win32 !! The other ones should be
really easy to add now, as LCC was the really smart ass
in this list...
- compile the demonstration programs in any directory, by
using the "TOP" and "CONFIG_MK" environment variables
- the graphics drivers have moved from "demos/config/*" to
- brain-dead compilers like LCC-Win32 required some
changes in the way executables are linked
support for multiple X11R6 entries in $(PATH) added.
ftxbbox.c, ftcalc.c, ftdebug.c, ftdriver.h:
doc fixes.
making makros `;'-safe (i.e., they can now be used within if-else clauses
without side effects resp. don't produce a single `;').