498 lines
17 KiB
498 lines
17 KiB
# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0400
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
comment {//
// Setting and shell dialogs for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2020 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
// https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
} {in_source in_header
decl {\#include "fluid.h"} {public global
decl {\#include "widget_browser.h"} {public global
decl {\#include "shell_command.h"} {public global
decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Text_Buffer.H>} {public local
decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Text_Display.H>} {public local
decl {\#include <FL/filename.H>} {public local
decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Scheme_Choice.H>} {public local
decl {\#include <FL/Fl_Preferences.H>} {private global
decl {\#include <FL/fl_ask.H>} {private global
decl {\#include <string.h>} {private global
decl {void init_scheme(void);} {
comment {// initialize the scheme from preferences} public global
decl {extern struct Fl_Menu_Item *dbmanager_item;} {public local
Function {make_project_window()} {} {
Fl_Window project_window {
label {Project Settings}
xywh {472 246 399 298} type Double hide
code0 {\#include <FL/Fl_Preferences.H>}
code1 {\#include <FL/Fl_Tooltip.H>} modal
} {
Fl_Button {} {
label Close
callback {project_window->hide();
set_modflag(-1, -1);}
tooltip {Close this dialog.} xywh {328 267 60 25}
Fl_Tabs {} {open
xywh {10 10 379 246} selection_color 12 labelcolor 7
} {
Fl_Group {} {
label Output open
xywh {10 36 379 220}
} {
Fl_Box {} {
label {Use "name.ext" to set a file name or just ".ext" to set extension.}
xywh {20 49 340 49} align 148
Fl_Input header_file_input {
label {Header File:}
user_data 1 user_data_type {void*}
callback header_input_cb
tooltip {The name of the generated header file.} xywh {119 103 252 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 when 1 textfont 4
Fl_Input code_file_input {
label {Code File:}
user_data 1 user_data_type {void*}
callback code_input_cb
tooltip {The name of the generated code file.} xywh {119 128 252 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 when 1 textfont 4
Fl_Check_Button include_H_from_C_button {
label {Include Header from Code}
callback include_H_from_C_button_cb
tooltip {Include the header file from the code file.} xywh {117 153 272 20} down_box DOWN_BOX
Fl_Check_Button use_FL_COMMAND_button {
label {Menu shortcuts use FL_COMMAND}
callback use_FL_COMMAND_button_cb
tooltip {Replace FL_CTRL and FL_META with FL_COMMAND when generating menu shortcuts} xywh {117 176 272 20} down_box DOWN_BOX
Fl_Check_Button utf8_in_src_button {
label {allow Unicode UTF-8 in source code}
callback utf8_in_src_cb
tooltip {For older compilers, characters outside of the printable ASCII range are escaped using octal notation `\\0123`. If this option is checked, Fluid will write UTF-8 characters unchanged.} xywh {117 199 272 20} down_box DOWN_BOX
Fl_Check_Button avoid_early_includes_button {
label {avoid early include of Fl.H}
callback avoid_early_includes_cb
tooltip {Do not emit \#include <FL//Fl.H> until it is needed by another include file.} xywh {117 222 272 20} down_box DOWN_BOX
Fl_Group {} {
label Internationalization open
xywh {10 36 378 220} hide
} {
Fl_Choice i18n_type_chooser {
label {Use:}
callback i18n_type_cb open
tooltip {Type of internationalization to use.} xywh {128 48 136 25} box THIN_UP_BOX down_box BORDER_BOX labelfont 1
} {
MenuItem {} {
label None
xywh {0 0 100 20}
MenuItem {} {
label {GNU gettext}
xywh {0 0 100 20}
MenuItem {} {
label {POSIX catgets}
xywh {0 0 100 20}
Fl_Input i18n_include_input {
label {\#include:}
callback i18n_text_cb
tooltip {The include file for internationalization.} xywh {128 78 243 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 textfont 4
Fl_Input i18n_conditional_input {
label {Conditional:}
callback i18n_text_cb
tooltip {only include the header file if this preprocessor macro is defined, for example FLTK_GETTEXT_FOUND} xywh {128 103 243 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 textfont 4
Fl_Input i18n_file_input {
label {File:}
callback i18n_text_cb
tooltip {The name of the message catalog.} xywh {128 128 243 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 textfont 4
Fl_Input i18n_set_input {
label {Set:}
callback i18n_int_cb
tooltip {The message set number.} xywh {128 153 243 20} type Int box THIN_DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 textfont 4
Fl_Input i18n_function_input {
label {Function:}
callback i18n_text_cb
tooltip {The function to call to translate labels and tooltips, usually "gettext" or "_"} xywh {128 128 243 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 textfont 4
Fl_Input i18n_static_function_input {
label {Static Function:}
callback i18n_text_cb
tooltip {function to call to translate static text, The function to call to internationalize labels and tooltips, usually "gettext_noop" or "N_"} xywh {128 153 243 20} box THIN_DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 textfont 4
decl {extern void i18n_cb(Fl_Choice *,void *);} {public local
decl {void scheme_cb(Fl_Scheme_Choice *, void *);} {public local
Function {make_settings_window()} {open
} {
Fl_Window settings_window {
label {GUI Settings} open
xywh {701 666 360 355} type Double hide resizable
code0 {o->size_range(o->w(), o->h());} non_modal
} {
Fl_Choice scheme_choice {
label {Scheme: }
callback scheme_cb open
xywh {140 10 115 25} down_box BORDER_BOX labelfont 1
code0 {init_scheme();}
class Fl_Scheme_Choice
} {}
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {20 43 330 161} labelfont 1 align 0
} {
Fl_Box {} {
label {Options: }
xywh {140 43 1 25} labelfont 1 align 4
Fl_Check_Button tooltips_button {
label {Show Tooltips}
callback {Fl_Tooltip::enable(tooltips_button->value());
fluid_prefs.set("show_tooltips", tooltips_button->value());}
xywh {138 43 113 25} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 12
code0 {int b;}
code1 {fluid_prefs.get("show_tooltips", b, 1);}
code2 {tooltips_button->value(b);}
code3 {Fl_Tooltip::enable(b);}
Fl_Check_Button completion_button {
label {Show Completion Dialogs}
callback {fluid_prefs.set("show_completion_dialogs", completion_button->value());}
xywh {138 68 186 25} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 12
code0 {int b;}
code1 {fluid_prefs.get("show_completion_dialogs", b, 1);}
code2 {completion_button->value(b);}
Fl_Check_Button openlast_button {
label {Open Previous File on Startup}
callback {fluid_prefs.set("open_previous_file", openlast_button->value());}
xywh {138 93 214 25} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 12
code0 {int b;}
code1 {fluid_prefs.get("open_previous_file", b, 0);}
code2 {openlast_button->value(b);}
Fl_Check_Button prevpos_button {
label {Remember Window Positions}
callback {fluid_prefs.set("prev_window_pos", prevpos_button->value());}
xywh {138 118 209 25} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 12
code0 {int b;}
code1 {fluid_prefs.get("prev_window_pos", b, 1);}
code2 {prevpos_button->value(b);}
Fl_Check_Button show_comments_button {
label {Show Comments in Browser}
callback {show_comments = show_comments_button->value();
fluid_prefs.set("show_comments", show_comments);
xywh {138 143 209 25} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 12
code1 {fluid_prefs.get("show_comments", show_comments, 1);}
code2 {show_comments_button->value(show_comments);}
Fl_Spinner recent_spinner {
label {\# Recent Files: }
callback {fluid_prefs.set("recent_files", recent_spinner->value());
xywh {140 173 40 25} labelfont 1 when 1
code0 {int c;}
code1 {fluid_prefs.get("recent_files", c, 5);}
code2 {recent_spinner->maximum(10);}
code3 {recent_spinner->value(c);}
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {10 210 337 95} box THIN_UP_BOX color 47 resizable
} {
Fl_Check_Button use_external_editor_button {
label {Use external editor?}
callback {G_use_external_editor = use_external_editor_button->value();
fluid_prefs.set("use_external_editor", G_use_external_editor);
xywh {25 218 209 22} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 12
code1 {fluid_prefs.get("use_external_editor", G_use_external_editor, 0);}
code2 {use_external_editor_button->value(G_use_external_editor);}
Fl_Input editor_command_input {
label {Editor Command}
callback {strncpy(G_external_editor_command, editor_command_input->value(), sizeof(G_external_editor_command)-1);
G_external_editor_command[sizeof(G_external_editor_command)-1] = 0;
fluid_prefs.set("external_editor_command", G_external_editor_command);
tooltip {The editor command to open your external text editor.
Include any necessary flags to ensure your editor does not background itself.
gvim -f
emacs} xywh {25 264 305 21} labelsize 12 align 5 when 1 textsize 12
code1 {fluid_prefs.get("external_editor_command", G_external_editor_command, "", sizeof(G_external_editor_command)-1);}
code2 {editor_command_input->value(G_external_editor_command);}
Fl_Button {} {
label Close
callback {settings_window->hide();}
tooltip {Close this dialog.} xywh {285 320 64 25}
Function {make_shell_window()} {open
} {
Fl_Window shell_window {
label {Shell Command} open selected
xywh {844 473 375 208} type Double resizable modal size_range {375 208 1024 208} visible
} {
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {0 0 375 165} resizable
} {
Fl_Input shell_command_input {
label {Command:}
tooltip {external shell command} xywh {82 14 277 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 12 textfont 4 textsize 12 resizable
Fl_Check_Button shell_savefl_button {
label {save .fl design file}
tooltip {save the design to the .fl file before running the command} xywh {82 39 136 19} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 12
Fl_Check_Button shell_writecode_button {
label {save source code}
tooltip {generate the source code and header file before running the command} xywh {82 59 120 19} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 12
Fl_Check_Button shell_writemsgs_button {
label {save i18n strings}
tooltip {save the internationalisation string before running the command} xywh {82 79 126 19} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 12
Fl_Check_Button shell_use_fl_button {
label {use settings in .fl design files}
callback {g_shell_use_fl_settings = shell_use_fl_button->value();
fluid_prefs.set("shell_use_fl", g_shell_use_fl_settings);
if (g_shell_use_fl_settings) {
} else {
tooltip {check to read and write shell command from and to .fl files} xywh {82 110 180 19} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 12
Fl_Box {} {
xywh {82 103 275 1} box BORDER_FRAME color 0
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {82 134 273 20}
} {
Fl_Button {} {
label {save as default}
callback {apply_shell_window();
tooltip {update the Fluid app settings for external shell commands to the current settings} xywh {82 134 104 20} labelsize 12
Fl_Box {} {
xywh {186 136 169 15} resizable
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {0 160 375 48}
} {
Fl_Box {} {
xywh {10 167 135 25} resizable
Fl_Return_Button {} {
label Run
callback {apply_shell_window();
do_shell_command(NULL, NULL);}
tooltip {save selected files and run the command} xywh {145 167 100 25} labelsize 12
Fl_Button {} {
label Cancel
callback {shell_command_input->value(g_shell_command);
xywh {255 167 100 25} labelsize 12
Fl_Window shell_run_window {
label {Shell Command Output}
xywh {887 409 555 430} type Double resizable visible
} {
Fl_Simple_Terminal shell_run_terminal {
xywh {10 10 535 375} resizable
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {10 395 535 25}
} {
Fl_Box {} {
xywh {10 395 435 25} hide resizable
Fl_Return_Button shell_run_button {
label Close
callback {Fl_Preferences pos(fluid_prefs, "shell_run_Window_pos");
pos.set("x", shell_run_window->x());
pos.set("y", shell_run_window->y());
pos.set("w", shell_run_window->w());
pos.set("h", shell_run_window->h());
xywh {445 395 100 25}
Function {make_layout_window()} {open
} {
Fl_Window grid_window {
label {Layout Settings}
xywh {745 303 310 245} type Double hide non_modal
} {
Fl_Input horizontal_input {
label x
user_data 1 user_data_type long
callback grid_cb
tooltip {Horizontal grid spacing.} xywh {116 10 50 25} type Int box THIN_DOWN_BOX align 8
Fl_Input vertical_input {
label pixels
user_data 2 user_data_type long
callback grid_cb
tooltip {Vertical grid spacing.} xywh {179 10 50 25} type Int box THIN_DOWN_BOX align 8
Fl_Input snap_input {
label {pixel snap}
user_data 3 user_data_type long
callback grid_cb
tooltip {Snap to grid within this many pixels.} xywh {116 45 50 25} type Int box THIN_DOWN_BOX align 8
Fl_Check_Button guides_toggle {
label {Show Guides}
user_data 4 user_data_type long
callback guides_cb
tooltip {Show distance and alignment guides in overlay} xywh {116 80 110 25} down_box DOWN_BOX
Fl_Button {} {
label Close
callback {grid_window->hide();}
tooltip {Close this dialog.} xywh {240 210 60 25}
Fl_Box {} {
label {Grid:}
xywh {47 10 70 25} labelfont 1 align 24
Fl_Box {} {
label {Widget Size:}
xywh {10 115 107 25} labelfont 1 align 24
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {105 115 192 75}
} {
Fl_Round_Button {def_widget_size[0]} {
user_data 8 user_data_type long
callback default_widget_size_cb
xywh {115 115 70 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX
Fl_Box {} {
label tiny
xywh {130 115 50 25} labelsize 8 align 20
Fl_Round_Button {def_widget_size[1]} {
user_data 11 user_data_type long
callback default_widget_size_cb
xywh {202 115 70 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX
Fl_Box {} {
label small
xywh {218 115 50 25} labelsize 11 align 20
Fl_Round_Button {def_widget_size[2]} {
user_data 14 user_data_type long
callback default_widget_size_cb
xywh {115 140 70 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX
Fl_Box {} {
label normal
xywh {130 140 50 25} align 20
Fl_Round_Button {def_widget_size[3]} {
user_data 18 user_data_type long
callback default_widget_size_cb
xywh {202 140 90 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX
Fl_Box {} {
label medium
xywh {218 140 68 25} labelsize 18 align 20
Fl_Round_Button {def_widget_size[4]} {
user_data 24 user_data_type long
callback default_widget_size_cb
xywh {115 165 75 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX
Fl_Box {} {
label large
xywh {130 165 64 25} labelsize 24 align 20
Fl_Round_Button {def_widget_size[5]} {
user_data 32 user_data_type long
callback default_widget_size_cb
xywh {202 165 95 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX
Fl_Box {} {
label huge
xywh {218 165 76 25} labelsize 32 align 20