
Don't compile "empty" file (avoid warning: empty translation unit). Add '-u' (update) command switch to 'make rebuild'. git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.4@12173 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
576 lines
20 KiB
576 lines
20 KiB
// "$Id$".
// External code editor management class for Windows
// Note: This entire file Windows only.
#include <stdio.h> // snprintf()
#include <FL/Fl.H> // Fl_Timeout_Handler..
#include <FL/fl_ask.H> // fl_alert()
#include "ExternalCodeEditor_WIN32.h"
extern int G_debug; // defined in fluid.cxx
// Static local data
static int L_editors_open = 0; // keep track of #editors open
static Fl_Timeout_Handler L_update_timer_cb = 0; // app's update timer callback
// [Static/Local] Get error message string for last failed WIN32 function.
// Returns a string pointing to static memory.
// TODO: Is more code needed here to convert returned string to utf8? -erco
static const char *get_ms_errmsg() {
static char emsg[1024];
DWORD lastErr = GetLastError();
LPSTR mbuf = 0;
DWORD size = FormatMessageA(flags, 0, lastErr, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL,
if ( size == 0 ) {
_snprintf(emsg, sizeof(emsg), "Error Code %ld", long(lastErr));
} else {
// Copy mbuf -> emsg (with '\r's removed -- they screw up fl_alert())
for ( char *src=mbuf, *dst=emsg; 1; src++ ) {
if ( *src == '\0' ) { *dst = '\0'; break; }
if ( *src != '\r' ) { *dst++ = *src; }
LocalFree(mbuf); // Free the buffer allocated by the system
return emsg;
// [Static/Local] See if file exists
static int is_file(const char *filename) {
DWORD att = GetFileAttributesA(filename);
if (att == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return 0;
if ( (att & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0 ) return 1; // not a dir == file
return 0;
// [Static/Local] See if dir exists
static int is_dir(const char *dirname) {
DWORD att = GetFileAttributesA(dirname);
if (att == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return 0;
if (att & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) return 1;
return 0;
ExternalCodeEditor::ExternalCodeEditor() {
memset(&pinfo_, 0, sizeof(pinfo_));
memset(&file_mtime_, 0, sizeof(file_mtime_));
memset(&file_size_, 0, sizeof(file_size_));
filename_ = 0;
ExternalCodeEditor::~ExternalCodeEditor() {
close_editor(); // close editor, delete tmp file
set_filename(0); // free()s filename
// [Protected] Set the filename. Handles memory allocation/free
// If set to NULL, frees memory.
void ExternalCodeEditor::set_filename(const char *val) {
if ( filename_ ) free((void*)filename_);
filename_ = val ? strdup(val) : 0;
// [Public] Is editor running?
int ExternalCodeEditor::is_editing() {
return( (pinfo_.dwProcessId != 0) ? 1 : 0 );
// [Static/Local] Terminate_app()'s callback to send WM_CLOSE to a single window.
static BOOL CALLBACK terminate_app_enum(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) {
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwID);
if (dwID == (DWORD)lParam) {
PostMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
if ( G_debug )
printf("terminate_app_enum() sends WIN_CLOSE to hwnd=%p\n", (void*)hwnd);
return TRUE;
// [Static/Local] Handle sending WIN_CLOSE to /all/ windows matching specified pid.
// Wait up to msecTimeout for process to close, and if it doesn't, use TerminateProcess().
static int terminate_app(DWORD pid, DWORD msecTimeout) {
if ( !hProc ) return -1;
// terminate_app_enum() posts WM_CLOSE to all windows matching pid
EnumWindows((WNDENUMPROC)terminate_app_enum, (LPARAM) pid);
// Wait on handle. If it closes, great. If it times out, use TerminateProcess()
int ret = 0;
if ( WaitForSingleObject(hProc, msecTimeout) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) {
if ( G_debug ) {
printf("WARNING: sent WIN_CLOSE, but timeout after %ld msecs.."
"trying TerminateProcess\n", msecTimeout);
if ( TerminateProcess(hProc, 0) == 0 ) {
if ( G_debug ) {
printf("ERROR: TerminateProcess() for pid=%ld failed: %s\n",
long(pid), get_ms_errmsg());
ret = -1;
} else {
ret = 0; // TerminateProcess succeeded
} else {
ret = 0; // WaitForSingleObject() confirmed WIN_CLOSE succeeded
return ret;
// [Protected] Wait for editor to close
void ExternalCodeEditor::close_editor() {
if ( G_debug ) printf("close_editor() called: pid=%ld\n", long(pinfo_.dwProcessId));
// Wait until editor is closed + reaped
while ( is_editing() ) {
switch ( reap_editor() ) {
case -1: // error
fl_alert("Error reaping external editor\n"
"pid=%ld file=%s", long(pinfo_.dwProcessId), filename());
case 0: // process still running
switch ( fl_choice("Please close external editor\npid=%ld file=%s",
"Force Close", // button 0
"Closed", // button 1
0, // button 2
long(pinfo_.dwProcessId), filename() ) ) {
case 0: // Force Close
case 1: // Closed? try to reap
default: // process reaped
// [Protected] Kill the running editor (if any) and cleanup
// Kills the editor, reaps the process, and removes the tmp file.
// The dtor calls this to ensure no editors remain running when fluid exits.
void ExternalCodeEditor::kill_editor() {
if ( G_debug )
printf("kill_editor() called: pid=%ld\n", (long)pinfo_.dwProcessId);
if ( !is_editing() ) return;
switch ( terminate_app(pinfo_.dwProcessId, 500) ) { // kill editor, wait up to 1/2 sec to die
case -1: { // error
fl_alert("Can't seem to close editor of file: %s\n"
"Please close editor and hit OK", filename());
case 0: { // success -- process reaped
DWORD pid = pinfo_.dwProcessId; // save pid
if ( G_debug )
printf("*** kill_editor() REAP pid=%ld #open=%ld\n",
long(pid), long(L_editors_open));
// [Public] Handle if file changed since last check, and update records if so.
// Load new data into 'code', which caller must free().
// If 'force' set, forces reload even if file size/time didn't change.
// Returns:
// 0 -- file unchanged or not editing
// 1 -- file changed, internal records updated, 'code' has new content
// -1 -- error getting file info (get_ms_errmsg() has reason)
// Ignore changes made within the last 2 seconds,
// to give editor time to fully write out the file.
int ExternalCodeEditor::handle_changes(const char **code, int force) {
code[0] = 0;
if ( !is_editing() ) return 0;
// Sigh, have to open file to get file time/size :/
HANDLE fh = CreateFile(filename(), // file to read
GENERIC_READ, // reading only
FILE_SHARE_READ, // sharing -- allow read share; just getting file size
NULL, // security
OPEN_EXISTING, // create flags -- must exist
0, // misc flags
NULL); // templates
if ( fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return -1;
// Get file size
if ( GetFileSizeEx(fh, &fsize) == 0 ) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
SetLastError(err); // return error from GetFileSizeEx(), not CloseHandle()
return -1;
// Get file time
FILETIME ftCreate, ftAccess, ftWrite;
if ( GetFileTime(fh, &ftCreate, &ftAccess, &ftWrite) == 0 ) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
SetLastError(err); // return error from GetFileTime(), not CloseHandle()
return -1;
// OK, now see if file changed; update records if so
int changed = 0;
if ( fsize.QuadPart != file_size_.QuadPart )
{ changed = 1; file_size_ = fsize; }
if ( CompareFileTime(&ftWrite, &file_mtime_) != 0 )
{ changed = 1; file_mtime_ = ftWrite; }
// Changes? Load file. Be sure to fallthru to CloseHandle()
int ret = 0;
if ( changed || force ) {
char *buf = (char*)malloc(fsize.QuadPart + 1);
DWORD count;
if ( ReadFile(fh, buf, fsize.QuadPart, &count, 0) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: ReadFile() failed for %s: %s",
filename(), get_ms_errmsg());
free((void*)buf); buf = 0;
ret = -1; // fallthru to CloseHandle()
} else if ( count != fsize.QuadPart ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: ReadFile() failed for %s:\n"
"expected %ld bytes, got %ld",
filename(), long(fsize.QuadPart), long(count));
free((void*)buf); buf = 0;
ret = -1; // fallthru to CloseHandle()
} else {
// Successfully read changed file
buf[count] = '\0';
code[0] = buf; // return pointer to allocated buffer
ret = 1; // fallthru to CloseHandle()
return ret;
// [Public] Remove the tmp file (if it exists), and zero out filename/mtime/size
// Returns:
// -1 -- on error (dialog is posted as to why)
// 0 -- no file to remove
// 1 -- file was removed
int ExternalCodeEditor::remove_tmpfile() {
const char *tmpfile = filename();
if ( G_debug ) printf("remove_tmpfile() '%s'\n", tmpfile ? tmpfile : "(empty)");
if ( !tmpfile ) return 0;
// Filename set? remove (if exists) and zero filename/mtime/size
if ( is_file(tmpfile) ) {
if ( G_debug ) printf("Removing tmpfile '%s'\n", tmpfile);
if ( DeleteFile(tmpfile) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("WARNING: Can't DeleteFile() '%s': %s", tmpfile, get_ms_errmsg());
return -1;
} else {
if ( G_debug ) printf("remove_tmpfile(): is_file(%s) failed\n", tmpfile);
memset(&file_mtime_, 0, sizeof(file_mtime_));
memset(&file_size_, 0, sizeof(file_size_));
return 1;
// [Static/Public] Return tmpdir name for this fluid instance.
// Returns pointer to static memory.
const char* ExternalCodeEditor::tmpdir_name() {
char tempdir[100];
if (GetTempPath(sizeof(tempdir), tempdir) == 0 ) {
strcpy(tempdir, "c:\\windows\\temp"); // fallback
static char dirname[100];
_snprintf(dirname, sizeof(dirname), "%s.fluid-%ld",
tempdir, (long)GetCurrentProcessId());
if ( G_debug ) printf("tmpdir_name(): '%s'\n", dirname);
return dirname;
// [Static/Public] Clear the external editor's tempdir
// Static so that the main program can call it on exit to clean up.
void ExternalCodeEditor::tmpdir_clear() {
const char *tmpdir = tmpdir_name();
if ( is_dir(tmpdir) ) {
if ( G_debug ) printf("Removing tmpdir '%s'\n", tmpdir);
if ( RemoveDirectory(tmpdir) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("WARNING: Can't RemoveDirectory() '%s': %s",
tmpdir, get_ms_errmsg());
// [Protected] Creates temp dir (if doesn't exist) and returns the dirname
// as a static string. Returns NULL on error, dialog shows reason.
const char* ExternalCodeEditor::create_tmpdir() {
const char *dirname = tmpdir_name();
if ( ! is_dir(dirname) ) {
if ( CreateDirectory(dirname,0) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("can't create directory '%s': %s",
dirname, get_ms_errmsg());
return NULL;
return dirname;
// [Protected] Returns temp filename in static buffer.
// Returns NULL if can't, posts dialog explaining why.
const char* ExternalCodeEditor::tmp_filename() {
static char path[512];
const char *tmpdir = create_tmpdir();
if ( !tmpdir ) return 0;
extern const char *code_file_name; // fluid's global
const char *ext = code_file_name; // e.g. ".cxx"
_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s\\%p%s", tmpdir, (void*)this, ext);
path[sizeof(path)-1] = 0;
return path;
// [Static/Local] Save string 'code' to 'filename', returning file's mtime/size
// 'code' can be NULL -- writes an empty file if so.
// Returns:
// 0 on success
// -1 on error (posts dialog with reason)
static int save_file(const char *filename,
const char *code,
FILETIME &file_mtime, // return these since in win32 it's..
LARGE_INTEGER &file_size) { // ..efficient to get while file open
if ( code == 0 ) code = ""; // NULL? write an empty file
memset(&file_mtime, 0, sizeof(file_mtime));
memset(&file_size, 0, sizeof(file_size));
HANDLE fh = CreateFile(filename, // filename
GENERIC_WRITE, // write only
0, // sharing -- no share during write
NULL, // security
CREATE_ALWAYS, // create flags -- recreate
NULL); // templates
fl_alert("ERROR: couldn't create file '%s': %s",
filename, get_ms_errmsg());
// Write the file, being careful to CloseHandle() even on errs
DWORD clen = strlen(code);
DWORD count = 0;
int ret = 0;
if ( WriteFile(fh, code, clen, &count, NULL) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: WriteFile() '%s': %s", filename, get_ms_errmsg());
ret = -1; // fallthru to CloseHandle()
} else if ( count != clen ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: WriteFile() '%s': wrote only %lu bytes, expected %lu",
filename, (unsigned long)count, (unsigned long)clen);
ret = -1; // fallthru to CloseHandle()
// Get mtime/size before closing
FILETIME ftCreate, ftAccess, ftWrite;
if ( GetFileSizeEx(fh, &file_size) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: save_file(%s): GetFileSizeEx() failed: %s\n",
filename, get_ms_errmsg());
if ( GetFileTime(fh, &ftCreate, &ftAccess, &ftWrite) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: save_file(%s): GetFileTime() failed: %s\n",
filename, get_ms_errmsg());
file_mtime = ftWrite;
// Close, done
// [Protected] Start editor
// Returns:
// > 0 on success, leaves editor child process running as 'pinfo_'
// > -1 on error, posts dialog with reason (child exits)
int ExternalCodeEditor::start_editor(const char *editor_cmd,
const char *filename) {
if ( G_debug ) printf("start_editor() cmd='%s', filename='%s'\n",
editor_cmd, filename);
// Startup info
memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo));
sinfo.cb = sizeof(sinfo);
sinfo.dwFlags = 0;
sinfo.wShowWindow = 0;
// Process info
memset(&pinfo_, 0, sizeof(pinfo_));
// Command
char cmd[1024];
_snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s %s", editor_cmd, filename);
// Start editor process
if (CreateProcess(NULL, // app name
(char*)cmd, // command to exec
NULL, // secure attribs
NULL, // thread secure attribs
FALSE, // handle inheritance
0, // creation flags
NULL, // environ block
NULL, // current dir
&sinfo, // startup info
&pinfo_) == 0 ) { // process info
fl_alert("CreateProcess() failed to start '%s': %s",
cmd, get_ms_errmsg());
if ( L_editors_open++ == 0 ) // first editor? start timers
{ start_update_timer(); }
if ( G_debug )
printf("--- EDITOR STARTED: pid_=%ld #open=%d\n",
(long)pinfo_.dwProcessId, L_editors_open);
return 0;
// [Protected] Cleanup after editor reaped:
// > Remove tmpfile, zeroes mtime/size/filename
// > Close process handles
// > Zero out process info
// > Decrease editor count
void ExternalCodeEditor::reap_cleanup() {
remove_tmpfile(); // also zeroes mtime/size/filename
CloseHandle(pinfo_.hProcess); // close process handle
CloseHandle(pinfo_.hThread); // close thread handle
memset(&pinfo_, 0, sizeof(pinfo_)); // clear pinfo_
if ( --L_editors_open <= 0 )
{ stop_update_timer(); }
// [Public] Try to reap external editor process
// Returns:
// -2 -- editor not open
// -1 -- WaitForSingleObject() failed (get_ms_errmsg() has reason)
// 0 -- process still running
// >0 -- process finished + reaped (value is pid)
// Handles removing tmpfile/zeroing file_mtime/file_size/filename
DWORD ExternalCodeEditor::reap_editor() {
if ( pinfo_.dwProcessId == 0 ) return -2;
int err;
DWORD msecs_wait = 50; // .05 sec
switch ( err = WaitForSingleObject(pinfo_.hProcess, msecs_wait) ) {
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: { // process didn't reap, still running
return 0;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0: { // reaped
DWORD pid = pinfo_.dwProcessId; // save pid
if ( G_debug ) printf("*** EDITOR REAPED: pid=%ld #open=%d\n",
long(pid), L_editors_open);
return pid;
case WAIT_FAILED: { // failed
return -1;
return -1; // any other return unexpected
// [Public] Open external editor using 'editor_cmd' to edit 'code'
// 'code' contains multiline code to be edited as a temp file.
// Returns:
// 0 if succeeds
// -1 if can't open editor (already open, etc),
// errors were shown to user in a dialog
int ExternalCodeEditor::open_editor(const char *editor_cmd,
const char *code) {
// Make sure a temp filename exists
if ( !filename() ) {
if ( !filename() ) return -1;
// See if tmpfile already exists or editor already open
if ( is_file(filename()) ) {
if ( is_editing() ) {
// See if editor recently closed but not reaped; try to reap
DWORD wpid = reap_editor();
switch (wpid) {
case -1: // wait failed
fl_alert("ERROR: WaitForSingleObject() failed: %s\nfile='%s', pid=%ld",
get_ms_errmsg(), filename(), long(pinfo_.dwProcessId));
return -1;
case 0: // process still running
fl_alert("Editor Already Open\n file='%s'\n pid=%ld",
filename(), long(pinfo_.dwProcessId));
return 0;
default: // process reaped, wpid is pid reaped
if ( G_debug )
printf("*** REAPED EXTERNAL EDITOR: PID %ld\n", long(wpid));
break; // fall thru to open new editor instance
// Reinstate tmp filename (reap_editor() clears it)
// Save code to tmpfile, getting mtime/size
if ( save_file(filename(), code, file_mtime_, file_size_) < 0 ) {
return -1; // errors were shown in dialog
if ( start_editor(editor_cmd, filename()) < 0 ) { // open file in external editor
if ( G_debug ) printf("Editor failed to start\n");
return -1; // errors were shown in dialog
// New editor opened -- start update timer (if not already)
if ( L_update_timer_cb && !Fl::has_timeout(L_update_timer_cb) ) {
if ( G_debug ) printf("--- Editor opened: STARTING UPDATE TIMER\n");
Fl::add_timeout(2.0, L_update_timer_cb);
return 0;
// [Public/Static] Start update timer
void ExternalCodeEditor::start_update_timer() {
if ( !L_update_timer_cb ) return;
if ( G_debug ) printf("--- TIMER: STARTING UPDATES\n");
Fl::add_timeout(2.0, L_update_timer_cb);
// [Public/Static] Stop update timer
void ExternalCodeEditor::stop_update_timer() {
if ( !L_update_timer_cb ) return;
if ( G_debug ) printf("--- TIMER: STOPPING UPDATES\n");
// [Public/Static] Set app's external editor update timer callback
// This is the app's callback callback we start while editors are open,
// and stop when all editors are closed.
void ExternalCodeEditor::set_update_timer_callback(Fl_Timeout_Handler cb) {
L_update_timer_cb = cb;
// [Static/Public] See if any external editors are open.
// App's timer cb can see if any editors need checking..
int ExternalCodeEditor::editors_open() {
return L_editors_open;
// End of "$Id$".