(to clarify static exception LGPL by changing license references) git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@8864 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
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169 lines
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// "$Id$"
// Unit tests for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// http://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
// http://www.fltk.org/str.php
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
// Note: currently (March 2010) fl_draw_image() supports transparency with
// alpha channel only on Apple (Mac OS X), but Fl_RGB_Image->draw()
// supports transparency on all platforms !
//------- test the image drawing capabilities of this implementation ----------
// Some parameters for fine tuning for developers - their
// default values ought to be: CB=1, DX=0, LX=0, IMG=1
#define CB (1) // 1 to show the checker board background for alpha images, 0 otherwise
#define DX (0) // additional (undefined (0)) pixels per line, must be >= 0
// ignored (irrelevant), if LX == 0 (see below)
#define LX (0) // 0 for default: ld() = 0, i.e. ld() defaults (internally) to w()*d()
// +1: ld() = (w() + DX) * d()
// -1 to flip image vertically: ld() = - ((w() + DX) * d())
#define IMG (1) // 1 to use Fl_RGB_Image for drawing images,
// 0 to use fl_draw_image() instead.
// Note: as of April 2011, only 1 (Fl_RGB_Image) works correctly with alpha
// channel, 0 (fl_draw_image()) ignores the alpha channel (FLTK 1.3.0).
// There are plans to support alpha in fl_draw_image() in FLTK 1.3.x,
// but not in FLTK 1.1.x .
class ImageTest : public Fl_Box {
static Fl_Widget *create() {
int x, y;
uchar *dg, *dga, *drgb, *drgba;
dg = img_gray = (uchar*)malloc((128+DX)*128*1);
dga = img_gray_a = (uchar*)malloc((128+DX)*128*2);
drgb = img_rgb = (uchar*)malloc((128+DX)*128*3);
drgba = img_rgba = (uchar*)malloc((128+DX)*128*4);
for (y=0; y<128; y++) {
for (x=0; x<128; x++) {
*drgba++ = *drgb++ = *dga++ = *dg++ = y<<1;
*drgba++ = *drgb++ = x<<1;
*drgba++ = *drgb++ = (127-x)<<1;
*drgba++ = *dga++ = x+y;
if (DX > 0 && LX != 0) {
memset(dg, 0,1*DX); dg += 1*DX;
memset(dga, 0,2*DX); dga += 2*DX;
memset(drgb, 0,3*DX); drgb += 3*DX;
memset(drgba,0,4*DX); drgba += 4*DX;
if (LX<0) {
img_gray += 127*(128+DX);
img_gray_a += 127*(128+DX)*2;
img_rgb += 127*(128+DX)*3;
img_rgba += 127*(128+DX)*4;
i_g = new Fl_RGB_Image (img_gray ,128,128,1,LX*(128+DX));
i_ga = new Fl_RGB_Image (img_gray_a,128,128,2,LX*(128+DX)*2);
i_rgb = new Fl_RGB_Image (img_rgb, 128,128,3,LX*(128+DX)*3);
i_rgba = new Fl_RGB_Image (img_rgba, 128,128,4,LX*(128+DX)*4);
static uchar *img_gray;
static uchar *img_gray_a;
static uchar *img_rgb;
static uchar *img_rgba;
static Fl_RGB_Image *i_g;
static Fl_RGB_Image *i_ga;
static Fl_RGB_Image *i_rgb;
static Fl_RGB_Image *i_rgba;
ImageTest(int x, int y, int w, int h) : Fl_Box(x, y, w, h) {
label("Testing Image Drawing\n\n"
"This test renders four images, two of them with a checker board\n"
"visible through the graphics. Color and gray gradients should be\n"
"visible. This does not test any image formats such as JPEG.");
void draw() {
// top left: RGB
int xx = x()+10, yy = y()+10;
fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_rect(xx, yy, 130, 130);
#if IMG
fl_draw_image(img_rgb, xx+1, yy+1, 128, 128, 3, LX*((128+DX)*3));
fl_draw("RGB", xx+134, yy+64);
// bottom left: RGBA
xx = x()+10; yy = y()+10+134;
fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_rect(xx, yy, 130, 130); // black frame
fl_color(FL_WHITE); fl_rectf(xx+1, yy+1, 128, 128); // white background
#if CB // checker board
fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_rectf(xx+65, yy+1, 64, 64);
fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_rectf(xx+1, yy+65, 64, 64);
#if IMG
fl_draw_image(img_rgba, xx+1, yy+1, 128, 128, 4, LX*((128+DX)*4));
fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_draw("RGBA", xx+134, yy+64);
// top right: Gray
xx = x()+10+200; yy = y()+10;
fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_rect(xx, yy, 130, 130);
#if IMG
fl_draw_image(img_gray, xx+1, yy+1, 128, 128, 1, LX*((128+DX)*1));
fl_draw("Gray", xx+134, yy+64);
// bottom right: Gray+Alpha
xx = x()+10+200; yy = y()+10+134;
fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_rect(xx, yy, 130, 130); // black frame
fl_color(FL_WHITE); fl_rectf(xx+1, yy+1, 128, 128); // white background
#if CB // checker board
fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_rectf(xx+65, yy+1, 64, 64);
fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_rectf(xx+1, yy+65, 64, 64);
#if IMG
fl_draw_image(img_gray_a, xx+1, yy+1, 128, 128, 2, LX*((128+DX)*2));
fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_draw("Gray+Alpha", xx+134, yy+64);
uchar *ImageTest::img_gray = 0;
uchar *ImageTest::img_gray_a = 0;
uchar *ImageTest::img_rgb = 0;
uchar *ImageTest::img_rgba = 0;
Fl_RGB_Image *ImageTest::i_g = 0;
Fl_RGB_Image *ImageTest::i_ga = 0;
Fl_RGB_Image *ImageTest::i_rgb = 0;
Fl_RGB_Image *ImageTest::i_rgba = 0;
UnitTest images("drawing images", ImageTest::create);
// End of "$Id$"