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// Color functions for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2022 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
// https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
\file fl_color.cxx
\brief Color handling
// Implementation of fl_color(i), fl_color(r,g,b).
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Device.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Graphics_Driver.H>
// fl_cmap needs to be defined globally (here) and is used in the device
// specific graphics drivers. It is required to 'FL_EXPORT' this symbol
// to be able to build the shared FLTK libraries.
FL_EXPORT unsigned fl_cmap[256] = {
#include "fl_cmap.h" // this is a file produced by "cmap.cxx":
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// all driver code is now in drivers/XXX/Fl_XXX_Graphics_Driver_xyz.cxx
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** \addtogroup fl_attributes
\{ */
Returns the RGB value(s) for the given FLTK color index.
This form returns the RGB values packed in a 32-bit unsigned
integer with the red value in the upper 8 bits, the green value
in the next 8 bits, and the blue value in bits 8-15. The lower
8 bits will always be 0.
unsigned Fl::get_color(Fl_Color i) {
if (i & 0xffffff00) return (i);
else return fl_cmap[i];
Sets an entry in the fl_color index table.
You can set it to any 8-bit RGB color. The color is not allocated
until fl_color(i) is used.
void Fl::set_color(Fl_Color i, uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue) {
Fl::set_color((Fl_Color)(i & 255),
Sets an entry in the fl_color index table.
You can set it to any 8-bit RGBA color.
\note The color transparency is effective under the Wayland, hybrid Wayland/X11 and macOS platforms, whereas it has no effect under the X11 and Windows platforms. It's also effective for widgets added to an Fl_Gl_Window.
\version 1.4
void Fl::set_color(Fl_Color i, uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha) {
Fl::set_color((Fl_Color)(i & 255),
void Fl::set_color(Fl_Color i, unsigned c)
Fl_Graphics_Driver::default_driver().set_color(i, c);
void Fl::free_color(Fl_Color i, int overlay)
Fl_Graphics_Driver::default_driver().free_color(i, overlay);
Returns the RGB value(s) for the given FLTK color index.
This form returns the red, green, and blue values
separately in referenced variables.
\see unsigned get_color(Fl_Color c)
void Fl::get_color(Fl_Color i, uchar &red, uchar &green, uchar &blue) {
unsigned c;
if (i & 0xffffff00) c = (unsigned)i;
else c = fl_cmap[i];
red = uchar(c>>24);
green = uchar(c>>16);
blue = uchar(c>>8);
Returns the RGBA value(s) for the given FLTK color index.
This form returns the red, green, blue, and alpha values
separately in referenced variables.
\see unsigned get_color(Fl_Color c)
void Fl::get_color(Fl_Color i, uchar &red, uchar &green, uchar &blue, uchar &alpha) {
unsigned c;
if (i & 0xffffff00) c = (unsigned)i;
else c = fl_cmap[i];
red = uchar(c>>24);
green = uchar(c>>16);
blue = uchar(c>>8);
alpha = uchar(c^0x000000ff);
Returns the weighted average color between the two given colors.
The red, green and blue values are averages using the following formula:
color = color1 * weight + color2 * (1 - weight)
Thus, a \p weight value of 1.0 will return the first color, while a
value of 0.0 will return the second color.
\param[in] color1, color2 boundary colors
\param[in] weight weighting factor
Fl_Color fl_color_average(Fl_Color color1, Fl_Color color2, float weight) {
unsigned rgb1;
unsigned rgb2;
uchar r, g, b;
if (color1 & 0xffffff00) rgb1 = color1;
else rgb1 = fl_cmap[color1 & 255];
if (color2 & 0xffffff00) rgb2 = color2;
else rgb2 = fl_cmap[color2 & 255];
r = (uchar)(((uchar)(rgb1>>24))*weight + ((uchar)(rgb2>>24))*(1-weight));
g = (uchar)(((uchar)(rgb1>>16))*weight + ((uchar)(rgb2>>16))*(1-weight));
b = (uchar)(((uchar)(rgb1>>8))*weight + ((uchar)(rgb2>>8))*(1-weight));
return fl_rgb_color(r, g, b);
Returns the inactive, dimmed version of the given color.
Fl_Color fl_inactive(Fl_Color c) {
return fl_color_average(c, FL_GRAY, .33f);