P renamed to g_project class Project renamed to class Fluid_Project fixes macOS type cast warnings
828 lines
24 KiB
828 lines
24 KiB
// Code output routines for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2021 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
// https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
#include "code.h"
#include "Fl_Group_Type.h"
#include "Fl_Window_Type.h"
#include "Fl_Function_Type.h"
#include "alignment_panel.h"
#include "file.h"
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/fl_string_functions.h>
#include <FL/filename.H>
#include "../src/flstring.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/// \defgroup cfile C Code File Operations
/// \{
static FILE *code_file = NULL;
static FILE *header_file = NULL;
/// Store the current indentation level for the C source code.
int indentation = 0;
int write_number = 0;
int write_sourceview = 0;
Return true if c can be in a C identifier.
I needed this so it is not messed up by locale settings.
int is_id(char c) {
return (c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='0' && c<='9') || c=='_';
// Generate unique but human-readable identifiers:
struct id {
char* text;
void* object;
id *left, *right;
id (const char* t, void* o) : text(fl_strdup(t)), object(o) {left = right = 0;}
id::~id() {
delete left;
free((void *)text);
delete right;
static id* id_root;
// TODO: document me
const char* unique_id(void* o, const char* type, const char* name, const char* label) {
char buffer[128];
char* q = buffer;
while (*type) *q++ = *type++;
*q++ = '_';
const char* n = name;
if (!n || !*n) n = label;
if (n && *n) {
while (*n && !is_id(*n)) n++;
while (is_id(*n)) *q++ = *n++;
*q = 0;
// okay, search the tree and see if the name was already used:
id** p = &id_root;
int which = 0;
while (*p) {
int i = strcmp(buffer, (*p)->text);
if (!i) {
if ((*p)->object == o) return (*p)->text;
// already used, we need to pick a new name:
p = &id_root;
else if (i < 0) p = &((*p)->left);
else p = &((*p)->right);
*p = new id(buffer, o);
return (*p)->text;
// return current indentation:
Return a C string that indents code to the given depth.
Indentation can be changed by modifying the multiplicator (``*2`` to keep
the FLTK indent style). Changing `spaces` to a list of tabs would generate
tab indents instead. This function can also be used for fixed depth indents
in the header file.
Do *not* ever make this a user preference, or you will end up writing a
fully featured code formatter.
\param[in] set generate this indent depth
\return pointer to a static string
const char *indent(int set) {
static const char* spaces = " ";
int i = set * 2;
if (i>32) i = 32;
if (i<0) i = 0;
return spaces+32-i;
Return a C string that indents code to the current source file depth.
\return pointer to a static string
const char *indent() {
return indent(indentation);
Return a C string that indents code to the current source file depth plus an offset.
\param[in] offset adds a temporary offset for this call only; this does not
change the `indentation` variable; offset can be negative
\return pointer to a static string
const char *indent_plus(int offset) {
return indent(indentation+offset);
// declarations/include files:
// Each string generated by write_declare is written only once to
// the header file. This is done by keeping a binary tree of all
// the calls so far and not printing it if it is in the tree.
struct included {
char *text;
included *left, *right;
included(const char *t) {
text = fl_strdup(t);
left = right = 0;
included::~included() {
delete left;
free((void *)text);
delete right;
static included *included_root;
Print a formatted line to the header file, unless the same line was produced before.
\param[in] format printf-style formatting text, followed by a vararg list
int write_declare(const char *format, ...) {
va_list args;
char buf[1024];
va_start(args, format);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, args);
included **p = &included_root;
while (*p) {
int i = strcmp(buf,(*p)->text);
if (!i) return 0;
else if (i < 0) p = &((*p)->left);
else p = &((*p)->right);
*p = new included(buf);
return 1;
// silly thing to prevent declaring unused variables:
// When this symbol is on, all attempts to write code don't write
// anything, but set a variable if it looks like the variable "o" is used:
int varused_test;
int varused;
Write a C string to the code file, escaping non-ASCII characters.
Adds " before and after the text.
A list of control characters and ", ', and \\ are escaped by adding a \\ in
front of them. Escape ?? by wrinting ?\\?. All other characters that are not
between 32 and 126 inclusive will be escaped as octal characters.
This function is utf8 agnostic.
\param[in] s write this string
\param[in] length write so many bytes in this string
\see write_cstring(const char*)
void write_cstring(const char *s, int length) {
if (varused_test) {
varused = 1;
// if we are rendering to the source code preview window, and the text is
// longer than four lines, we only render a placeholder.
if (write_sourceview && ((s==NULL) || (length>300))) {
if (length>=0)
fprintf(code_file, "\" ... %d bytes of text... \"", length);
fprintf(code_file, "\" ... text... \"");
if (length==-1 || s==0L) {
fprintf(code_file, "\n#error string not found\n");
fprintf(code_file, "\" ... undefined size text... \"");
const char *p = s;
const char *e = s+length;
int linelength = 1;
putc('\"', code_file);
for (; p < e;) {
int c = *p++;
switch (c) {
case '\b': c = 'b'; goto QUOTED;
case '\t': c = 't'; goto QUOTED;
case '\n': c = 'n'; goto QUOTED;
case '\f': c = 'f'; goto QUOTED;
case '\r': c = 'r'; goto QUOTED;
case '\"':
case '\'':
case '\\':
if (linelength >= 77) {fputs("\\\n",code_file); linelength = 0;}
putc('\\', code_file);
putc(c, code_file);
linelength += 2;
case '?': // prevent trigraphs by writing ?? as ?\?
if (p-2 >= s && *(p-2) == '?') goto QUOTED;
// else fall through:
if (c >= ' ' && c < 127) {
// a legal ASCII character
if (linelength >= 78) {fputs("\\\n",code_file); linelength = 0;}
putc(c, code_file);
// if the UTF-8 option is checked, write unicode characters verbatim
if (g_project.utf8_in_src && (c&0x80)) {
if ((c&0x40)) {
// This is the first character in a utf-8 sequence (0b11......).
// A line break would be ok here. Do not put linebreak in front of
// following characters (0b10......)
if (linelength >= 78) {fputs("\\\n",code_file); linelength = 0;}
putc(c, code_file);
// otherwise we must print it as an octal constant:
c &= 255;
if (c < 8) {
if (linelength >= 76) {fputs("\\\n",code_file); linelength = 0;}
fprintf(code_file, "\\%o",c);
linelength += 2;
} else if (c < 64) {
if (linelength >= 75) {fputs("\\\n",code_file); linelength = 0;}
fprintf(code_file, "\\%o",c);
linelength += 3;
} else {
if (linelength >= 74) {fputs("\\\n",code_file); linelength = 0;}
fprintf(code_file, "\\%o",c);
linelength += 4;
// We must not put more numbers after it, because some C compilers
// consume them as part of the quoted sequence. Use string constant
// pasting to avoid this:
c = *p;
if (p < e && ( (c>='0'&&c<='9') || (c>='a'&&c<='f') || (c>='A'&&c<='F') )) {
putc('\"', code_file); linelength++;
if (linelength >= 79) {fputs("\n",code_file); linelength = 0;}
putc('\"', code_file); linelength++;
putc('\"', code_file);
Write a C string, escaping non-ASCII characters.
\param[in] s write this string
\see write_cstring(const char*, int)
void write_cstring(const char *s) {
write_cstring(s, (int)strlen(s));
Write an array of C binary data (does not add a null).
The output is bracketed in { and }. The content is written
as decimal bytes, i.e. `{ 1, 2, 200 }`
void write_cdata(const char *s, int length) {
if (varused_test) {
varused = 1;
if (write_sourceview) {
if (length>=0)
fprintf(code_file, "{ /* ... %d bytes of binary data... */ }", length);
fprintf(code_file, "{ /* ... binary data... */ }");
if (length==-1) {
fprintf(code_file, "\n#error data not found\n");
fprintf(code_file, "{ /* ... undefined size binary data... */ }");
const unsigned char *w = (const unsigned char *)s;
const unsigned char *e = w+length;
int linelength = 1;
putc('{', code_file);
for (; w < e;) {
unsigned char c = *w++;
if (c>99) linelength += 4;
else if (c>9) linelength += 3;
else linelength += 2;
if (linelength >= 77) {fputs("\n",code_file); linelength = 0;}
fprintf(code_file, "%d", c);
if (w<e) putc(',', code_file);
putc('}', code_file);
Print a formatted line to the source file.
\param[in] format printf-style formatting text
\param[in] args list of arguments
void vwrite_c(const char* format, va_list args) {
if (varused_test) {
varused = 1;
vfprintf(code_file, format, args);
Print a formatted line to the source file.
\param[in] format printf-style formatting text, followed by a vararg list
void write_c(const char* format,...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vwrite_c(format, args);
Write code (c) of size (n) to C file, with optional comment (com) w/o trailing space.
if the code line does not end in a ';' or '}', a ';' will be added.
\param[in] indent indentation string for all lines
\param[in] n number of bytes in code line
\param[in] c line of code
\param[in] com optional commentary
void write_cc(const char *indent, int n, const char *c, const char *com) {
write_c("%s%.*s", indent, n, c);
char cc = c[n-1];
if (cc!='}' && cc!=';')
if (*com)
write_c(" %s", com);
Print a formatted line to the header file.
\param[in] format printf-style formatting text, followed by a vararg list
void write_h(const char* format,...) {
if (varused_test) return;
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vfprintf(header_file, format, args);
Write code (c) of size (n) to H file, with optional comment (com) w/o trailing space.
if the code line does not end in a ';' or '}', a ';' will be added.
\param[in] indent indentation string for all lines
\param[in] n number of bytes in code line
\param[in] c line of code
\param[in] com optional commentary
void write_hc(const char *indent, int n, const char* c, const char *com) {
write_h("%s%.*s", indent, n, c);
char cc = c[n-1];
if (cc!='}' && cc!=';')
if (*com)
write_h(" %s", com);
Write one or more lines of code, indenting each one of them.
\param[in] textlines one or more lines of text, seperated by \\n
void write_c_indented(const char *textlines, int inIndent, char inTrailwWith) {
if (textlines) {
indentation += inIndent;
for (;;) {
int line_len;
const char *newline = strchr(textlines, '\n');
if (newline)
line_len = (int)(newline-textlines);
line_len = (int)strlen(textlines);
if (textlines[0]=='\n') {
// avoid trailing spaces
} else if (textlines[0]=='#') {
// don't indent preprocessor statments starting with '#'
write_c("%.*s", line_len, textlines);
} else {
// indent all other text lines
write_c("%s%.*s", indent(), line_len, textlines);
if (newline) {
} else {
if (inTrailwWith)
write_c("%c", inTrailwWith);
textlines = newline+1;
indentation -= inIndent;
Recursively dump code, putting children between the two parts of the parent code.
static Fl_Type* write_code(Fl_Type* p) {
if (write_sourceview) {
p->code_position = (int)ftell(code_file);
if (p->header_position_end==-1)
p->header_position = (int)ftell(header_file);
// write all code that come before the children code
// (but don't write the last comment until the very end)
if (!(p==Fl_Type::last && p->is_comment()))
// recursively write the code of all children
Fl_Type* q;
if (p->is_widget() && p->is_class()) {
// Handle widget classes specially
for (q = p->next; q && q->level > p->level;) {
if (strcmp(q->type_name(), "Function")) q = write_code(q);
else {
int level = q->level;
do {
q = q->next;
} while (q && q->level > level);
// write all code that come after the children
for (q = p->next; q && q->level > p->level;) {
if (!strcmp(q->type_name(), "Function")) q = write_code(q);
else {
int level = q->level;
do {
q = q->next;
} while (q && q->level > level);
current_widget_class = 0L;
} else {
for (q = p->next; q && q->level > p->level;) q = write_code(q);
// write all code that come after the children
if (write_sourceview) {
p->code_position_end = (int)ftell(code_file);
if (p->header_position_end==-1)
p->header_position_end = (int)ftell(header_file);
return q;
Write the source and header files for the current design.
If the files already exist, they will be overwritten.
\param[in] s filename of source code file
\param[in] t filename of the header file
\return 0 if the operation failed, 1 if it was successful
int write_code(const char *s, const char *t) {
const char *filemode = "w";
if (write_sourceview)
filemode = "wb";
delete id_root; id_root = 0;
indentation = 0;
current_class = 0L;
current_widget_class = 0L;
if (!s) code_file = stdout;
else {
FILE *f = fl_fopen(s, filemode);
if (!f) return 0;
code_file = f;
if (!t) header_file = stdout;
else {
FILE *f = fl_fopen(t, filemode);
if (!f) {fclose(code_file); return 0;}
header_file = f;
// if the first entry in the Type tree is a comment, then it is probably
// a copyright notice. We print that before anything else in the file!
Fl_Type* first_type = Fl_Type::first;
if (first_type && first_type->is_comment()) {
if (write_sourceview) {
first_type->code_position = (int)ftell(code_file);
first_type->header_position = (int)ftell(header_file);
// it is ok to write non-recusive code here, because comments have no children or code2 blocks
if (write_sourceview) {
first_type->code_position_end = (int)ftell(code_file);
first_type->header_position_end = (int)ftell(header_file);
first_type = first_type->next;
const char *hdr = "\
// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version %.4f\n\n";
fprintf(header_file, hdr, FL_VERSION);
fprintf(code_file, hdr, FL_VERSION);
{char define_name[102];
const char* a = fl_filename_name(t);
char* b = define_name;
if (!isalpha(*a)) {*b++ = '_';}
while (*a) {*b++ = isalnum(*a) ? *a : '_'; a++;}
*b = 0;
fprintf(header_file, "#ifndef %s\n", define_name);
fprintf(header_file, "#define %s\n", define_name);
if (g_project.avoid_early_includes==0) {
write_declare("#include <FL/Fl.H>");
if (t && g_project.include_H_from_C) {
if (g_project.header_file_name[0] == '.' && strchr(g_project.header_file_name, '/') == NULL) {
write_c("#include \"%s\"\n", fl_filename_name(t));
} else {
write_c("#include \"%s\"\n", t);
if (g_project.i18n_type && g_project.i18n_include[0]) {
int conditional = (g_project.i18n_conditional[0]!=0);
if (conditional) {
write_c("#ifdef %s\n", g_project.i18n_conditional.value());
if (g_project.i18n_include[0] != '<' &&
g_project.i18n_include[0] != '\"')
write_c("#%sinclude \"%s\"\n", indent(), g_project.i18n_include.value());
write_c("#%sinclude %s\n", indent(), g_project.i18n_include.value());
if (g_project.i18n_type == 2) {
if (g_project.i18n_file[0]) {
write_c("extern nl_catd %s;\n", g_project.i18n_file.value());
} else {
write_c("// Initialize I18N stuff now for menus...\n");
write_c("#%sinclude <locale.h>\n", indent());
write_c("static char *_locale = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, \"\");\n");
write_c("static nl_catd _catalog = catopen(\"%s\", 0);\n", g_project.i18n_program.value());
if (conditional) {
if (g_project.i18n_type == 1) {
if (g_project.i18n_function[0]) {
write_c("#%sifndef %s\n", indent(), g_project.i18n_function.value());
write_c("#%sdefine %s(text) text\n", indent_plus(1), g_project.i18n_function.value());
write_c("#%sendif\n", indent());
if (g_project.i18n_type == 2) {
write_c("#%sifndef catgets\n", indent());
write_c("#%sdefine catgets(catalog, set, msgid, text) text\n", indent_plus(1));
write_c("#%sendif\n", indent());
if (g_project.i18n_type == 1 && g_project.i18n_static_function[0]) {
write_c("#ifndef %s\n", g_project.i18n_static_function.value());
write_c("#%sdefine %s(text) text\n", indent_plus(1), g_project.i18n_static_function.value());
for (Fl_Type* p = first_type; p;) {
// write all static data for this & all children first
if (write_sourceview) p->header_position = (int)ftell(header_file);
if (write_sourceview) {
p->header_position_end = (int)ftell(header_file);
if (p->header_position==p->header_position_end) p->header_position_end = -1;
for (Fl_Type* q = p->next; q && q->level > p->level; q = q->next) {
if (write_sourceview) q->header_position = (int)ftell(header_file);
if (write_sourceview) {
q->header_position_end = (int)ftell(header_file);
if (q->header_position==q->header_position_end) q->header_position_end = -1;
// then write the nested code:
p = write_code(p);
delete included_root; included_root = 0;
if (!s) return 1;
fprintf(header_file, "#endif\n");
Fl_Type* last_type = Fl_Type::last;
if (last_type && last_type->is_comment()) {
if (write_sourceview) {
last_type->code_position = (int)ftell(code_file);
last_type->header_position = (int)ftell(header_file);
if (write_sourceview) {
last_type->code_position_end = (int)ftell(code_file);
last_type->header_position_end = (int)ftell(header_file);
int x = fclose(code_file);
code_file = 0;
int y = fclose(header_file);
header_file = 0;
return x >= 0 && y >= 0;
int write_strings(const char *sfile) {
FILE *fp = fl_fopen(sfile, "w");
Fl_Type *p;
Fl_Widget_Type *w;
int i;
if (!fp) return 1;
switch (g_project.i18n_type) {
case 0 : /* None, just put static text out */
fprintf(fp, "# generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version %.4f\n",
for (p = Fl_Type::first; p; p = p->next) {
if (p->is_widget()) {
w = (Fl_Widget_Type *)p;
if (w->label()) {
for (const char *s = w->label(); *s; s ++)
if (*s < 32 || *s > 126 || *s == '\"')
fprintf(fp, "\\%03o", *s);
putc(*s, fp);
putc('\n', fp);
if (w->tooltip()) {
for (const char *s = w->tooltip(); *s; s ++)
if (*s < 32 || *s > 126 || *s == '\"')
fprintf(fp, "\\%03o", *s);
putc(*s, fp);
putc('\n', fp);
case 1 : /* GNU gettext, put a .po file out */
fprintf(fp, "# generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version %.4f\n",
for (p = Fl_Type::first; p; p = p->next) {
if (p->is_widget()) {
w = (Fl_Widget_Type *)p;
if (w->label()) {
const char *s;
fputs("msgid \"", fp);
for (s = w->label(); *s; s ++)
if (*s < 32 || *s > 126 || *s == '\"')
fprintf(fp, "\\%03o", *s);
putc(*s, fp);
fputs("\"\n", fp);
fputs("msgstr \"", fp);
for (s = w->label(); *s; s ++)
if (*s < 32 || *s > 126 || *s == '\"')
fprintf(fp, "\\%03o", *s);
putc(*s, fp);
fputs("\"\n", fp);
if (w->tooltip()) {
const char *s;
fputs("msgid \"", fp);
for (s = w->tooltip(); *s; s ++)
if (*s < 32 || *s > 126 || *s == '\"')
fprintf(fp, "\\%03o", *s);
putc(*s, fp);
fputs("\"\n", fp);
fputs("msgstr \"", fp);
for (s = w->tooltip(); *s; s ++)
if (*s < 32 || *s > 126 || *s == '\"')
fprintf(fp, "\\%03o", *s);
putc(*s, fp);
fputs("\"\n", fp);
case 2 : /* POSIX catgets, put a .msg file out */
fprintf(fp, "$ generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version %.4f\n",
fprintf(fp, "$set %s\n", g_project.i18n_set.value());
fputs("$quote \"\n", fp);
for (i = 1, p = Fl_Type::first; p; p = p->next) {
if (p->is_widget()) {
w = (Fl_Widget_Type *)p;
if (w->label()) {
fprintf(fp, "%d \"", i ++);
for (const char *s = w->label(); *s; s ++)
if (*s < 32 || *s > 126 || *s == '\"')
fprintf(fp, "\\%03o", *s);
putc(*s, fp);
fputs("\"\n", fp);
if (w->tooltip()) {
fprintf(fp, "%d \"", i ++);
for (const char *s = w->tooltip(); *s; s ++)
if (*s < 32 || *s > 126 || *s == '\"')
fprintf(fp, "\\%03o", *s);
putc(*s, fp);
fputs("\"\n", fp);
return fclose(fp);
Write the public/private/protected keywords inside the class.
This avoids repeating these words if the mode is already set.
void write_public(int state) {
if (!current_class && !current_widget_class) return;
if (current_class && current_class->write_public_state == state) return;
if (current_widget_class && current_widget_class->write_public_state == state) return;
if (current_class) current_class->write_public_state = state;
if (current_widget_class) current_widget_class->write_public_state = state;
switch (state) {
case 0: write_h("private:\n"); break;
case 1: write_h("public:\n"); break;
case 2: write_h("protected:\n"); break;
/// \}