
137 lines
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// "$Id$"
// MacOS font utilities for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2005 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
// http://www.fltk.org/str.php
#include <config.h>
// #inclde <SFNTTypes.h>
// This function fills in the fltk font table with all the fonts that
// are found on the X server. It tries to place the fonts into families
// and to sort them so the first 4 in a family are normal, bold, italic,
// and bold italic.
// Bug: older versions calculated the value for *ap as a side effect of
// making the name, and then forgot about it. To avoid having to change
// the header files I decided to store this value in the last character
// of the font name array.
#define ENDOFBUFFER 127 // sizeof(Fl_Font.fontname)-1
// turn a stored font name into a pretty name:
const char* Fl::get_font_name(Fl_Font fnum, int* ap) {
Fl_Fontdesc *f = fl_fonts + fnum;
if (!f->fontname[0]) {
const char* p = f->name;
if (!p || !*p) {if (ap) *ap = 0; return "";}
strlcpy(f->fontname, p, ENDOFBUFFER);
int type = 0;
if (strstr(f->name, "Bold")) type |= FL_BOLD;
if (strstr(f->name, "Italic")) type |= FL_ITALIC;
f->fontname[ENDOFBUFFER] = (char)type;
if (ap) *ap = f->fontname[ENDOFBUFFER];
return f->fontname;
static int fl_free_font = FL_FREE_FONT;
Fl_Font Fl::set_fonts(const char* xstarname) {
#pragma unused ( xstarname )
#if defined(OLD__APPLE_QUARTZ__)
ATSFontIterator it;
ATSFontIteratorCreate(kATSFontContextGlobal, 0L, 0L, kATSOptionFlagsUnRestrictedScope, &it);
for (;;) {
ATSFontRef font;
CFStringRef fname = 0;
OSStatus err = ATSFontIteratorNext(it, &font);
if (err!=noErr) break;
ATSFontGetName(font, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &fname);
char buf[1024];
CFStringGetCString(fname, buf, 1024, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
int i;
for (i=0; i<FL_FREE_FONT; i++) // skip if one of our built-in fonts
if (!strcmp(Fl::get_font_name((Fl_Font)i),buf)) break;
if ( i < FL_FREE_FONT ) continue;
Fl::set_font((Fl_Font)(fl_free_font++), strdup((char*)buf));
return (Fl_Font)fl_free_font;
ItemCount oFontCount, oCountAgain;
ATSUFontID *oFontIDs;
// How many fonts?
ATSUFontCount (&oFontCount);
// now allocate space for them...
oFontIDs = (ATSUFontID *)malloc((oFontCount+1) * sizeof(ATSUFontID));
ATSUGetFontIDs (oFontIDs, oFontCount, &oCountAgain);
// Now oFontIDs should contain a list of all the available Unicode fonts
// Iterate through the list to get each font name
for (ItemCount idx = 0; idx < oFontCount; idx++)
// ByteCount actualLength = 0;
// Ptr oName;
// How to get the name - Apples docs say call this twice, once to get the length, then again
// to get the actual name...
// ATSUFindFontName (oFontIDs[idx], kFontFullName, kFontMacintoshPlatform, kFontRomanScript, kFontEnglishLanguage,
// 0, NULL, &actualLength, NULL);
// Now actualLength tells us the length of buffer we need
// oName = (Ptr)malloc(actualLength + 8);
// But who's got time for that nonsense? Let's just hard code a fixed buffer (urgh!)
ByteCount actualLength = 511;
char oName[512];
ATSUFindFontName (oFontIDs[idx], kFontFullName, kFontMacintoshPlatform, kFontRomanScript, kFontEnglishLanguage,
actualLength, oName, &actualLength, &oCountAgain);
// bounds check and terminate the returned name
if(actualLength > 511)
oName[511] = 0;
oName[actualLength] = 0;
Fl::set_font((Fl_Font)(fl_free_font++), strdup(oName));
// free(oName);
return (Fl_Font)fl_free_font;
static int array[128];
int Fl::get_font_sizes(Fl_Font fnum, int*& sizep) {
Fl_Fontdesc *s = fl_fonts+fnum;
if (!s->name) s = fl_fonts; // empty slot in table, use entry 0
int cnt = 0;
// ATS supports all font size
array[0] = 0;
sizep = array;
cnt = 1;
return cnt;
// End of "$Id$".