Some of these accessor methods should be private so they can't be used by user code but - due to compiler issues - they must be public for HP-UX 11.11 (for details see GitHub Issue #937).
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// Fl_Grid widget for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 2021-2022 by Albrecht Schlosser.
// Copyright 2022-2024 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
// https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
/** \file src/Fl_Grid.cxx
Implements the Fl_Grid container widget.
\since 1.4.0
#include <FL/Fl_Grid.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
// private class Col for column management
class Fl_Grid::Col {
friend class Fl_Grid;
int minw_; // minimal size (width)
int w_; // calculated size (width)
short weight_; // weight used to allocate extra space
short gap_; // gap to the right of the column
Col() {
minw_ = 0;
w_ = 0;
weight_ = 50;
gap_ = -1;
~Col() {};
// private class Row for row management
class Fl_Grid::Row {
friend class Fl_Grid;
Cell *cells_; // cells of this row
int minh_; // minimal size (height)
int h_; // calculated size (height)
short weight_; // weight used to allocate extra space
short gap_; // gap below the row (-1 = use default)
Row() {
cells_ = NULL;
minh_ = 0;
h_ = 0;
weight_ = 50;
gap_ = -1;
~Row() {
// Fl_Grid::Row::free_cells() - free all cells of a row
void free_cells() {
Cell *cel = cells_;
while (cel) {
Cell *next = cel->next();
delete cel;
cel = next;
} // free_cells()
cells_ = 0;
// Fl_Grid::Row::remove_cell() - remove all cells of column col from the list of cells
void remove_cell(int col) { //
Cell *cel = cells_;
Cell *prev = 0;
while (cel) {
Cell *next = cel->next();
if (cel->col() == col) {
if (prev) {
} else {
cells_ = next;
delete cel;
} else {
prev = cel;
cel = next;
} // while (cel)
} // Row::remove_cell(col)
}; // class Row
Create a new Fl_Grid widget.
\todo More documentation of Fl_Grid constructor?
Fl_Grid::Fl_Grid(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L)
: Fl_Group(X, Y, W, H, L) {
// private: init vars
void Fl_Grid::init() {
rows_ = 0;
cols_ = 0;
margin_left_ = 0;
margin_top_ = 0;
margin_right_ = 0;
margin_bottom_ = 0;
gap_row_ = 0;
gap_col_ = 0;
Cols_ = 0;
Rows_ = 0;
old_size = Fl_Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
need_layout_ = false; // no need to calculate layout
grid_color = (Fl_Color)0xbbeebb00; // light green
draw_grid_ = false; // don't draw grid helper lines
if (fl_getenv("FLTK_GRID_DEBUG"))
draw_grid_ = true;
Fl_Grid::~Fl_Grid() {
delete[] Cols_;
delete[] Rows_;
Set the basic layout parameters of the Fl_Grid widget.
You need to specify at least \p rows and \p cols to define a layout
before you can add widgets to the grid.
Parameters \p margin and \p gap are optional.
You can call layout(int rows, int cols, int margin, int gap) again
to change the layout but this is inefficient since all cells are
reallocated if the layout changed.
Calling this with the same values of \p rows and \p cols is fast and
can be used to change \p margin and \p gap w/o reallocating the cells.
\p margin sets all margins (left, top, right, bottom) to the same value.
Negative values (e.g. -1) don't change the established margins.
The default value set by the constructor is 0.
\p gap sets row and column gaps to the same value. Negative values (e.g. -1)
do not affect the established gaps. The default value set by the constructor
is 0.
After you added all widgets you must call layout() once without arguments
to calculate the actual layout and to position and resize all widgets.
\todo Document when and why to call layout() w/o args. See Fl_Flex::layout()
\param[in] rows number of rows
\param[in] cols number of columns
\param[in] margin margin size inside the Fl_Grid's border
\param[in] gap gap size between cells
\see Fl_Grid::layout()
void Fl_Grid::layout(int rows, int cols, int margin, int gap) {
if (margin >= 0)
margin_left_ = margin_top_ = margin_right_ = margin_bottom_ = margin;
if (gap >= 0)
gap_row_ = gap_col_ = gap;
if (cols == cols_ && rows == rows_) // same size, nothing to do
// release allocated memory if either rows <= 0 or cols <= 0
if (rows <= 0 || cols <= 0) {
// allocate new cells, rows, and columns
// Cell *new_cells = new Cell[rows * cols];
// reallocate and copy old columns
if (cols != cols_) {
Col *new_cols = new Col[cols];
for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
if (c < cols_)
new_cols[c] = Cols_[c];
delete[] Cols_;
Cols_ = new_cols;
// reallocate and copy old rows
if (rows != rows_) {
Row *new_rows = new Row[rows];
Row *row = Rows_;
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++, row++) {
if (r < rows_) {
new_rows[r] = *row;
row->cells_ = 0;
} else {
delete[] Rows_;
Rows_ = new_rows;
// store new layout and cells
cols_ = cols;
rows_ = rows;
} // layout(int, int, int, int)
Draws the grid helper lines for design and debugging purposes.
This method is protected so it can be modified in subclasses.
void Fl_Grid::draw_grid() {
int x0 = x() + Fl::box_dx(box()) + margin_left_;
int y0 = y() + Fl::box_dy(box()) + margin_top_;
int x1 = x() + w() - Fl::box_dx(box()) - margin_right_;
int y1 = y() + h() - Fl::box_dy(box()) - margin_bottom_;
fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 1);
// draw total layout frame
fl_rect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
// draw horizontal lines (gap = 0) or rectangles (gap > 0)
for (int r = 0; r < rows_ - 1; r++) {
int gap = Rows_[r].gap_ >= 0 ? Rows_[r].gap_ : gap_row_;
y0 += Rows_[r].h_;
if (gap == 0) {
fl_xyline(x0, y0, x1);
} else {
fl_rectf(x0, y0, x1 - x0, gap);
y0 += gap;
// draw vertical lines (gap = 0) or rectangles (gap > 0)
x0 = x() + Fl::box_dx(box()) + margin_left_;
y0 = y() + Fl::box_dy(box()) + margin_top_;
for (int c = 0; c < cols_ - 1; c++) {
int gap = Cols_[c].gap_ >= 0 ? Cols_[c].gap_ : gap_col_;
x0 += Cols_[c].w_;
if (gap == 0) {
fl_yxline(x0, y0, y1);
} else {
fl_rectf(x0, y0, gap, y1 - y0);
x0 += gap;
fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 0);
} // Fl_Grid::draw_grid()
Draws the Fl_Grid widget and all children.
If the layout has been changed layout() is called before the widget
is drawn so all children are arranged as designed.
\see layout()
\see need_layout()
void Fl_Grid::draw() {
if (need_layout())
if (damage() & ~FL_DAMAGE_CHILD) { // draw the entire widget
if (draw_grid_)
} // Fl_Grid::draw()
Calculate the grid layout and resize and position all widgets.
This is called automatically when the Fl_Grid is resized. You need to
call it once after you added widgets or moved widgets between cells.
Calling it once after all modifications are completed is enough.
\todo Document when and why to call layout() w/o args. See Fl_Flex::layout()
\see Fl_Grid::layout(int rows, int cols, int margin, int gap)
void Fl_Grid::layout() {
if (rows_ == 0 || cols_ == 0) // empty grid
Row *row;
Col *col;
Cell *cel;
// calculate the total available space w/o borders and margins
int tw = w() - Fl::box_dw(box()) - margin_left_ - margin_right_;
int th = h() - Fl::box_dh(box()) - margin_top_ - margin_bottom_;
// initialize column widths and row heights
col = Cols_;
for (int c = 0; c < cols_; c++, col++) {
col->w_ = col->minw_;
row = Rows_;
for (int r = 0; r < rows_; r++, row++) {
row->h_ = row->minh_;
// calculate minimal column widths and row heights (in one loop)
row = Rows_;
for (int r = 0; r < rows_; r++, row++) {
col = Cols_;
for (int c = 0; c < cols_; c++, col++) {
cel = cell(r, c);
if (cel) {
Fl_Widget *wi = cel->widget_;
if (wi && wi->visible()) {
if (cel->colspan_ == 1 && cel->w_ > col->w_) col->w_ = cel->w_;
if (cel->rowspan_ == 1 && cel->h_ > row->h_) row->h_ = cel->h_;
} // widget
} // colspan && rowspan
} // cols
} // rows
// calculate total space occupied by rows and columns including gaps
int tcwi = 0; // total column width incl. gaps
int tcwe = 0; // total column weight
int hcwe = 0; // highest column weight
int icwe = 0; // index of column with highest weight
int trhe = 0; // total row height incl. gaps
int trwe = 0; // total row weight
int hrwe = 0; // highest row weight
int irwe = 0; // index of row with highest weight
col = Cols_;
for (int c = 0; c < cols_; c++, col++) {
tcwi += col->w_;
tcwe += col->weight_;
if (c < cols_ - 1)
tcwi += ((col->gap_ >= 0) ? col->gap_ : gap_col_);
if (col->weight_ > hcwe) {
hcwe = col->weight_;
icwe = c;
row = Rows_;
for (int r = 0; r < rows_; r++, row++) {
trhe += row->h_;
trwe += row->weight_;
if (r < rows_ - 1)
trhe += ((row->gap_ >= 0) ? row->gap_ : gap_row_);
if (row->weight_ > hrwe) {
hrwe = row->weight_;
irwe = r;
// Add extra space to columns and rows to fill the entire grid, using relative weights.
// Rounding differences are added to or subtracted from the col/row with the highest weight.
int space = tw - tcwi; // additional space for columns
int add_space = 0; // used for calculation
int remaining = 0; // remaining space
if (space > 0 && tcwe > 0) {
remaining = space;
col = Cols_;
for (int c = 0; c < cols_; c++, col++) {
if (col->weight_ > 0) {
add_space = int(float(space * col->weight_) / tcwe + 0.5);
col->w_ += add_space;
remaining -= add_space;
if (remaining != 0)
Cols_[icwe].w_ += remaining;
space = th - trhe; // additional space for rows
if (space > 0 && trwe > 0) {
remaining = space;
row = Rows_;
for (int r = 0; r < rows_; r++, row++) {
if (row->weight_ > 0) {
add_space = int(float(space * row->weight_) / trwe + 0.5);
row->h_ += add_space;
remaining -= add_space;
if (remaining != 0)
Rows_[irwe].h_ += remaining;
// calculate and assign widget positions and sizes
int x0, y0; // starting x/y positions
y0 = y() + Fl::box_dy(box()) + margin_top_;
row = Rows_;
for (int r = 0; r < rows_; r++, row++) {
x0 = x() + Fl::box_dx(box()) + margin_left_;
col = Cols_;
for (int c = 0; c < cols_; c++, col++) {
int wx = x0; // widget's x
int wy = y0; // widget's y
cel = cell(r, c);
if (cel) {
Fl_Widget *wi = cel->widget_;
if (wi && wi->visible()) {
// calculate the cell's position and size, take cell spanning into account
int ww = col->w_;
int wh = row->h_;
for (int i = 0; i < cel->colspan_ - 1; i++) {
ww += (Cols_[c + i].gap_ >= 0) ? Cols_[c + i].gap_ : gap_col_;
ww += Cols_[c + i + 1].w_;
for (int i = 0; i < cel->rowspan_ - 1; i++) {
wh += (Rows_[r + i].gap_ >= 0) ? Rows_[r + i].gap_ : gap_row_;
wh += Rows_[r + i + 1].h_;
// horizontal alignment: left + right => stretch
Fl_Grid_Align ali = cel->align_;
Fl_Grid_Align mask;
if ((ali & mask) == 0) {
wx += (ww - cel->w_) / 2;
ww = cel->w_;
} else if ((ali & mask) == FL_GRID_LEFT) {
ww = cel->w_;
} else if ((ali & mask) == FL_GRID_RIGHT) {
wx += ww - cel->w_;
ww = cel->w_;
// vertical alignment: top + bottom => stretch
if ((ali & mask) == 0) {
wy += (wh - cel->h_) / 2;
wh = cel->h_;
} else if ((ali & mask) == FL_GRID_TOP) {
wh = cel->h_;
} else if ((ali & mask) == FL_GRID_BOTTOM) {
wy += wh - cel->h_;
wh = cel->h_;
wi->resize(wx, wy, ww, wh);
} // widget is visible
} // cell
x0 += (col->w_ + ((col->gap_ >= 0) ? col->gap_ : gap_col_));
} // cols
y0 += ( row->h_ + ((row->gap_ >= 0) ? row->gap_ : gap_row_) );
} // rows
} // layout()
Fl_Group calls this method when a child widget is about to be removed.
Make sure that the widget is also removed from our internal list of children.
void Fl_Grid::on_remove(int index) {
Fl_Widget *wi = child(index);
Cell *c = cell(wi); // find the cell of this child
if (c) {
remove_cell(c->row_, c->col_);
// private: add a new cell to the grid
Fl_Grid::Cell *Fl_Grid::add_cell(int row, int col) {
Cell *c = new Cell(row, col);
Row *r = &Rows_[row];
Cell* cel = r->cells_; // "current" cell
Cell* prev = 0; // "previous" cell
while (cel) { // existing cells
if (cel->col_ > col) { // found spot ...
prev = cel;
cel = cel->next_;
// insertion point: prev => last cell or NULL, cel == next cell or NULL
if (prev)
prev->next_ = c;
r->cells_ = c;
c->next_ = cel;
return c;
// private: remove a cell from the grid
void Fl_Grid::remove_cell(int row, int col) {
Row *r = &Rows_[row];
Recalculate the layout and position and resize all widgets.
This method overrides Fl_Group::resize() and calculates all positions and
sizes of its children according to its own rules.
\param[in] X,Y new widget position
\param[in] W,H new widget size
void Fl_Grid::resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H) {
old_size = Fl_Rect(x(), y(), w(), h());
Fl_Widget::resize(X, Y, W, H);
Reset the layout w/o removing widgets.
Removes all cells and sets rows and cols to zero. Existing widgets are
kept as children of the Fl_Group (base class) but are hidden.
This method should be rarely used. You may want to call Fl_Grid::clear()
to remove all widgets and reset the layout to zero rows and columns.
You must call layout(int rows, int cols, ...) to set a new layout,
allocate new cells, and assign widgets to new cells.
\todo Fl_Grid::clear() needs to be implemented as documented above!
void Fl_Grid::clear_layout() {
delete[] Cols_;
delete[] Rows_;
for (int i = 0; i < children(); i++) {
Set all margins (left, top, right, bottom).
All margins are measured in pixels inside the box borders. You need
to specify at least one argument, all other arguments are optional.
If you don't specify an argument or use a negative value (e.g. -1)
then that particular margin is not affected.
\param[in] left left margin
\param[in] top top margin
\param[in] right right margin
\param[in] bottom bottom margin
void Fl_Grid::margin(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
if (left >= 0)
margin_left_ = left;
if (top >= 0)
margin_top_ = top;
if (right >= 0)
margin_right_ = right;
if (bottom >= 0)
margin_bottom_ = bottom;
Returns all outside margin sizes of the grid.
All margin sizes are returned in the given arguments. If any argument
is \p NULL the respective value is not returned.
\param[out] left returns left margin if not \p NULL
\param[out] top returns top margin if not \p NULL
\param[out] right returns right margin if not \p NULL
\param[out] bottom returns bottom margin if not \p NULL
\return whether all margins are equal
\retval 1 all margins have the same size
\retval 0 at least one margin has a different size
int Fl_Grid::margin(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom) const {
if (left) *left = margin_left_;
if (top) *top = margin_top_;
if (right) *right = margin_right_;
if (bottom) *bottom = margin_bottom_;
if (margin_left_ == margin_top_ && margin_top_ == margin_right_ && margin_right_ == margin_bottom_)
return 1;
return 0;
Set default gaps for rows and columns.
All gaps are positioned below the rows and right of their columns.
The bottom row and the right-most column don't have a gap, i.e. the gap
sizes of these columns and rows are ignored. You can use a right or
bottom margin instead.
You have to specify at least one argument, \p col_gap is optional.
If you don't specify an argument or use a negative value (e.g. -1)
then that margin is not affected.
You can also initialize the default gaps with layout(int, int, int, int).
\param[in] row_gap default gap for all rows
\param[in] col_gap default gap for all columns
\see Fl_Grid::layout(int rows, int cols, int margin, int gap)
void Fl_Grid::gap(int row_gap, int col_gap) {
if (row_gap >= 0)
gap_row_ = row_gap;
if (col_gap >= 0)
gap_col_ = col_gap;
Get the default gaps for rows and columns.
\param[out] row_gap pointer to int to receive column gap, may be NULL
\param[out] col_gap pointer to int to receive column gap, may be NULL
void Fl_Grid::gap(int *row_gap, int *col_gap) const {
if (row_gap)
*row_gap = gap_row_;
if (col_gap)
*col_gap = gap_col_;
Get the grid cell of row \p row and column \p col.
Widgets and other attributes are organized in cells (Fl_Grid::Cell).
This cell is an opaque structure (class) with some public methods.
\b Don't assume anything about grid cell sizes and ordering in memory.
These are implementation details that can be changed without notice.
The validity of an Fl_Grid::Cell pointer is limited. It will definitely be
invalidated when the overall grid layout is changed, for instance by calling
layout(int, int).
Adding new cells beyond the current layout limits will also invalidate
cell pointers but this is not (yet) implemented. Attempts to assign widgets
to out-of-bounds cells are currently ignored.
The only well-defined usage of cell pointers is to set one or more properties
like widget alignment of a cell after retrieving the cell pointer. Don't
store cell pointers in your program for later reference.
\param[in] row row index
\param[in] col column index
\returns pointer to cell
\retval NULL if \p row or \p col is out of bounds or no widget was assigned
Fl_Grid::Cell* Fl_Grid::cell(int row, int col) const {
if (row < 0 || row >= rows_ || col < 0 || col >= cols_)
return 0;
Row *r = &Rows_[row];
Cell *cel = r->cells_;
while (cel) {
if (cel->col_ > col)
return 0;
if (cel->col_ == col)
return cel;
cel = cel->next_;
return 0;
Get the grid cell of widget \p widget.
The pointer to the cell can be used for further assignment of properties
like alignment etc.
Hint: If you know the row and column index of the cell you should use
Fl_Grid::cell(int row, int col) instead because it is \b much faster.
Please see Fl_Grid::cell(int row, int col) for details and the
validity of cell pointers.
\param[in] widget widget whose cell is requested
\retval NULL if \p widget is not assigned to a cell
Fl_Grid::Cell* Fl_Grid::cell(Fl_Widget *widget) const {
Row *row = Rows_;
for (int r = 0; r < rows_; r++, row++) {
Cell *cel = row->cells_;
while (cel) {
if (cel->widget_ == widget)
return cel;
cel = cel->next_;
return 0;
Assign a widget to a grid cell and set its alignment.
This short form sets row and column spanning attributes to (1, 1).
For more information see
Fl_Grid::widget(Fl_Widget *wi, int row, int col, int rowspan, int colspan, Fl_Grid_Align align)
\param[in] wi widget to be assigned to the cell
\param[in] row row
\param[in] col column
\param[in] align widget alignment inside the cell
\return assigned cell
\retval NULL if \p row or \p col is out of bounds
\see Fl_Grid::widget(Fl_Widget *wi, int row, int col, int rowspan, int colspan, Fl_Grid_Align align)
Fl_Grid::Cell *Fl_Grid::widget(Fl_Widget *wi, int row, int col, Fl_Grid_Align align) {
return widget(wi, row, col, 1, 1, align);
Assign a widget to a grid cell and set cell spanning and alignment.
Default alignment is \c FL_GRID_FILL which stretches the widget in
horizontal and vertical directions to fill the whole cell(s) given
by \p colspan and \p rowspan.
You can use this method to move a widget from one cell to another; it
is automatically removed from its old cell. If the new cell is already
assigned to another widget that widget is deassigned but kept as a
child of the group.
Before you can assign a widget to a cell it must have been created as
a child of the Fl_Grid widget (i.e. its Fl_Group).
\param[in] wi widget to be assigned to the cell
\param[in] row row
\param[in] col column
\param[in] rowspan vertical span in cells, default 1
\param[in] colspan horizontal span in cells, default 1
\param[in] align widget alignment inside the cell
\return assigned cell
\retval NULL if \p row or \p col is out of bounds or \p wi is not a child
Fl_Grid::Cell *Fl_Grid::widget(Fl_Widget *wi, int row, int col, int rowspan, int colspan, Fl_Grid_Align align) {
int child = Fl_Group::find(wi); // is this widget one of our children?
if (child >= children()) {
// fprintf(stderr, "Fl_Grid::widget(): can't assign widget %p to cell (%d, %d): not a child!\n", wi, row, col);
return 0;
if (row < 0 || row > rows_)
return 0;
if (col < 0 || col > cols_)
return 0;
Cell *c = cell(row, col);
if (!c) {
c = add_cell(row, col);
// check if the widget is already assigned to another cell and deassign it
if (c->widget_ != wi) {
Cell *oc = cell(wi); // search cells for the same widget
if (oc) { // if found: deassign and remove cell
remove_cell(oc->row_, oc->col_);
// assign the widget to this cell
c->widget_ = wi;
c->align_ = align;
c->w_ = wi->w();
c->h_ = wi->h();
if (rowspan > 0)
c->rowspan_ = rowspan;
if (colspan > 0)
c->colspan_ = colspan;
return c;
Set the minimal width of a column.
Column widths are calculated by using the maximum of all widget widths
in that column and the given column width. After calculating the width
additional space is added when resizing according to the \c weight of
the column.
You can set one or more column widths in one call by using
Fl_Grid::col_width(const int *value, size_t size).
\param[in] col column number (counting from 0)
\param[in] value minimal column width, must be \>= 0
\see Fl_Grid::col_width(const int *value, size_t size)
void Fl_Grid::col_width(int col, int value) {
if (col >= 0 && col < cols_) {
if (Cols_[col].minw_ != value) {
Cols_[col].minw_ = value;
Set minimal widths of more than one column.
The values are taken from the array \p value and assigned sequentially
to columns, starting from column 0. If the array \p size is too large
extraneous values are ignored.
Negative values in the \p array are not assigned to their columns,
i.e. the existing value for the corresponding column is not changed.
int widths[] = { 0, 0, 50, -1, -1, 50, 0 };
grid->col_width(widths, sizeof(width)/sizeof(width[0]));
\param[in] value an array of column widths
\param[in] size the size of the array (number of values)
void Fl_Grid::col_width(const int *value, size_t size) {
Col *c = Cols_;
for (int i = 0; i < cols_; i++, value++, c++) {
if (i >= (int)size) break;
if (*value >= 0)
c->minw_ = *value;
int Fl_Grid::col_width(int col) const {
if (col >= 0 && col < cols_) return Cols_[col].minw_;
return 0;
Set the weight of a column.
Column and row weights are used to distribute additional space when the
grid is resized beyond its defined (minimal) size. All weight values are
relative and can be chosen freely. Suggested weights are in the range
{0 .. 100}, 0 (zero) disables resizing of the column.
How does it work?
Whenever additional space (say: \c SPACE in pixels) is to be distributed
to a set of columns the weights of all columns are added to a value \c SUM,
then every single column width is increased by the value (in pseudo code):
col.width += SPACE * col.weight / SUM
Resulting pixel values are rounded to the next integer and rounding
differences are added to or subtracted from the column with the highest
weight. If more columns have the same weight one of them is chosen.
\note If none of the columns considered for resizing have weights \> 0
then Fl_Grid assigns the remaining space to an arbitrary column or to
all considered columns evenly. This is implementation defined and can
be changed without notice. You can avoid this situation by designing
your grid with sensible sizes and weights.
\param[in] col column number (counting from 0)
\param[in] value weight, must be \>= 0
void Fl_Grid::col_weight(int col, int value) {
if (col >= 0 && col < cols_)
Cols_[col].weight_ = value;
Set the weight of more than one column.
The values are taken from the array \p value and assigned sequentially
to columns, starting from column 0. If the array \p size is too large
extraneous values are ignored.
Negative values in the \p array are not assigned to their columns,
i.e. the existing value for the corresponding column is not changed.
int val[] = { 0, 0, 50, -1, -1, 50, 0 };
grid->col_weight(val, sizeof(val)/sizeof(val[0]));
\param[in] value an array of column weights
\param[in] size the size of the array (number of values)
void Fl_Grid::col_weight(const int *value, size_t size) {
Col *c = Cols_;
for (int i = 0; i < cols_; i++, value++, c++) {
if (i >= (int)size) break;
if (*value >= 0)
c->weight_ = *value;
int Fl_Grid::col_weight(int col) const {
if (col >= 0 && col < cols_) return Cols_[col].weight_;
return 0;
Set the gap of column \c col.
Note that the gap is right of each column except the last one
which is ignored. Use margin() for the right most column.
\param[in] col column
\param[in] value gap size after the column
void Fl_Grid::col_gap(int col, int value) {
if (col >= 0 && col < cols_)
Cols_[col].gap_ = value;
Set more than one column gaps at once.
\see Fl_Grid::col_weight(const int *value, size_t size) for
handling of the value array and \p size.
void Fl_Grid::col_gap(const int *value, size_t size) {
Col *c = Cols_;
for (int i = 0; i < cols_; i++, value++, c++) {
if (i >= (int)size) break;
if (*value >= 0)
c->gap_ = *value;
int Fl_Grid::col_gap(int col) const {
if (col >= 0 && col < cols_) return Cols_[col].gap_;
return 0;
Set the minimal row height of row \c row.
\param[in] row row
\param[in] value minimal height of the row
void Fl_Grid::row_height(int row, int value) {
if (row >= 0 && row < rows_)
Rows_[row].minh_ = value;
Set the minimal row height of more than one row.
\param[in] value array of height values
\param[in] size size of array \p value
\see Fl_Grid::col_weight(const int *value, size_t size) for
handling of the value array and \p size.
void Fl_Grid::row_height(const int *value, size_t size) {
Row *r = Rows_;
for (int i = 0; i < rows_; i++, value++, r++) {
if (i >= (int)size) break;
if (*value >= 0)
r->minh_ = *value;
int Fl_Grid::row_height(int row) const {
if (row >= 0 && row < rows_) return Rows_[row].minh_;
return 0;
Set the row weight of row \c row.
\param[in] row row
\param[in] value weight of the row
void Fl_Grid::row_weight(int row, int value) {
if (row >= 0 && row < rows_)
Rows_[row].weight_ = value;
Set the weight of more than one row.
\param[in] value array of height values
\param[in] size size of array \p value
\see Fl_Grid::col_weight(const int *value, size_t size) for
handling of the \p value array and \p size.
void Fl_Grid::row_weight(const int *value, size_t size) {
Row *r = Rows_;
for (int i = 0; i < rows_; i++, value++, r++) {
if (i >= (int)size) break;
if (*value >= 0)
r->weight_ = *value;
int Fl_Grid::row_weight(int row) const {
if (row >= 0 && row < rows_) return Rows_[row].weight_;
return 0;
Set the gap of row \c row.
Note that the gap is below each row except the last one
which is ignored. Use margin() for the bottom row.
\param[in] row row
\param[in] value gap size below the row
void Fl_Grid::row_gap(int row, int value) {
if (row >= 0 && row < rows_)
Rows_[row].gap_ = value;
Set more than one row gaps at once.
\see Fl_Grid::col_weight(const int *value, size_t size) for
handling of the value array and \p size.
void Fl_Grid::row_gap(const int *value, size_t size) {
Row *r = Rows_;
for (int i = 0; i < rows_; i++, value++, r++) {
if (i >= (int)size) break;
if (*value >= 0)
r->gap_ = *value;
int Fl_Grid::row_gap(int row) const {
if (row >= 0 && row < rows_) return Rows_[row].gap_;
return 0;
int Fl_Grid::computed_col_width(int col) const {
return Cols_[col].w_;
int Fl_Grid::computed_row_height(int row) const {
return Rows_[row].h_;
Output layout information of this Fl_Grid to stderr.
Parameter \p level will be used to define the amount of output.
- 0 = nothing
- 127 = everything
- other values not yet defined
\note It is not yet defined which kind of values \p level will have,
either a numerical value (127 = maximum, 0 = nothing) or a bit mask
that determines what to output.
\todo Add more information about cells and children.
\todo Control output by using \p level.
\param[in] level not yet used (0-127, default = 127)
void Fl_Grid::debug(int level) {
if (level <= 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Fl_Grid::layout(%d, %d) at (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n",
rows_, cols_, x(), y(), w(), h());
fprintf(stderr, " margins: (%2d, %2d, %2d, %2d)\n",
margin_left_, margin_top_, margin_right_, margin_bottom_);
fprintf(stderr, " gaps: (%2d, %2d)\n",
gap_row_, gap_col_);
Row *row = Rows_;
for (int r = 0; r < rows_; r++, row++) {
fprintf(stderr, "Row %2d: minh = %d, weight = %d, gap = %d, h = %d\n",
r, row->minh_, row->weight_, row->gap_, row->h_);
Cell *cel = row->cells_;
while (cel) {
fprintf(stderr, " Cell(%2d, %2d)\n", cel->row_, cel->col_);
cel = cel->next_;
fflush(stderr); // necessary for Windows