Albrecht Schlosser 15aff3718e Refactor macOS bundle generation to avoid "quarantine"
macOS Big Sur 11.3 introduced a new "security feature" such that
app bundles created from existing bundle templates in downloaded
files (tar distibutions, expanded) could no longer be executed
without unsetting the "quarantine" attribute. This commit fixes
this by creating all bundles from scratch.

Known *workaround* for older tarballs and snapshots:

  $ xattr -d -r com.apple.quarantine xxx.app
2021-05-03 16:11:05 +02:00

555 lines
15 KiB

# Test/example program Makefile for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
# Copyright 1998-2021 by Bill Spitzak and others.
# This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
# the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
# file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
# https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
# Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
# https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
include ../makeinclude
adjuster.cxx \
animated.cxx \
arc.cxx \
ask.cxx \
bitmap.cxx \
blocks.cxx \
boxtype.cxx \
browser.cxx \
button.cxx \
buttons.cxx \
cairo_test.cxx \
checkers.cxx \
clock.cxx \
colbrowser.cxx \
color_chooser.cxx \
cube.cxx \
CubeMain.cxx \
CubeView.cxx \
cursor.cxx \
curve.cxx \
demo.cxx \
device.cxx \
doublebuffer.cxx \
editor.cxx \
fast_slow.cxx \
file_chooser.cxx \
fltk-versions.cxx \
fonts.cxx \
forms.cxx \
fractals.cxx \
fracviewer.cxx \
fullscreen.cxx \
gl_overlay.cxx \
glpuzzle.cxx \
hello.cxx \
help.cxx \
icon.cxx \
iconize.cxx \
image.cxx \
inactive.cxx \
input.cxx \
input_choice.cxx \
keyboard.cxx \
label.cxx \
line_style.cxx \
list_visuals.cxx \
mandelbrot.cxx \
menubar.cxx \
message.cxx \
minimum.cxx \
native-filechooser.cxx \
navigation.cxx \
offscreen.cxx \
output.cxx \
overlay.cxx \
pack.cxx \
pixmap_browser.cxx \
pixmap.cxx \
preferences.cxx \
radio.cxx \
resize.cxx \
resizebox.cxx \
rotated_text.cxx \
scroll.cxx \
shape.cxx \
subwindow.cxx \
sudoku.cxx \
symbols.cxx \
table.cxx \
tabs.cxx \
threads.cxx \
tile.cxx \
tiled_image.cxx \
tree.cxx \
twowin.cxx \
unittests.cxx \
utf8.cxx \
valuators.cxx \
ALL = \
unittests$(EXEEXT) \
animated$(EXEEXT) \
adjuster$(EXEEXT) \
arc$(EXEEXT) \
ask$(EXEEXT) \
bitmap$(EXEEXT) \
blocks$(EXEEXT) \
boxtype$(EXEEXT) \
browser$(EXEEXT) \
button$(EXEEXT) \
buttons$(EXEEXT) \
cairo_test$(EXEEXT) \
checkers$(EXEEXT) \
clock$(EXEEXT) \
colbrowser$(EXEEXT) \
color_chooser$(EXEEXT) \
cursor$(EXEEXT) \
curve$(EXEEXT) \
demo$(EXEEXT) \
device$(EXEEXT) \
doublebuffer$(EXEEXT) \
editor$(EXEEXT) \
fast_slow$(EXEEXT) \
file_chooser$(EXEEXT) \
fltk-versions$(EXEEXT) \
fonts$(EXEEXT) \
forms$(EXEEXT) \
hello$(EXEEXT) \
help$(EXEEXT) \
icon$(EXEEXT) \
iconize$(EXEEXT) \
image$(EXEEXT) \
inactive$(EXEEXT) \
input$(EXEEXT) \
input_choice$(EXEEXT) \
keyboard$(EXEEXT) \
label$(EXEEXT) \
line_style$(EXEEXT) \
list_visuals$(EXEEXT) \
mandelbrot$(EXEEXT) \
menubar$(EXEEXT) \
message$(EXEEXT) \
minimum$(EXEEXT) \
native-filechooser$(EXEEXT) \
navigation$(EXEEXT) \
offscreen$(EXEEXT) \
output$(EXEEXT) \
overlay$(EXEEXT) \
pack$(EXEEXT) \
pixmap$(EXEEXT) \
pixmap_browser$(EXEEXT) \
preferences$(EXEEXT) \
device$(EXEEXT) \
radio$(EXEEXT) \
resize$(EXEEXT) \
resizebox$(EXEEXT) \
rotated_text$(EXEEXT) \
scroll$(EXEEXT) \
subwindow$(EXEEXT) \
sudoku$(EXEEXT) \
symbols$(EXEEXT) \
table$(EXEEXT) \
tabs$(EXEEXT) \
tile$(EXEEXT) \
tiled_image$(EXEEXT) \
tree$(EXEEXT) \
twowin$(EXEEXT) \
valuators$(EXEEXT) \
utf8$(EXEEXT) \
cube$(EXEEXT) \
CubeView$(EXEEXT) \
fractals$(EXEEXT) \
fullscreen$(EXEEXT) \
gl_overlay$(EXEEXT) \
glpuzzle$(EXEEXT) \
all: $(ALL) $(GLDEMOS)
gldemos: $(GLALL)
depend: $(CPPFILES)
makedepend -Y -I.. -f makedepend -w 20 $(CPPFILES)
echo "# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it." > makedepend.tmp
echo "" >> makedepend.tmp
grep '^[a-zA-Z]' makedepend | ( LC_ALL=C sort -u -f >> makedepend.tmp; )
mv makedepend.tmp makedepend
# Automatically generated dependencies...
include makedepend
$(RM) $(ALL) $(GLALL) core
$(RMDIR) *.app
$(RM) *.o core.* *~ *.bck *.bak
$(RM) CubeViewUI.cxx CubeViewUI.h
$(RM) fast_slow.cxx fast_slow.h
$(RM) inactive.cxx inactive.h
$(RM) keyboard_ui.cxx keyboard_ui.h
$(RM) mandelbrot_ui.cxx mandelbrot_ui.h
$(RM) preferences.cxx preferences.h
$(RM) radio.cxx radio.h
$(RM) resize.cxx resize.h
$(RM) tabs.cxx tabs.h
$(RM) tree.cxx tree.h
$(RM) valuators.cxx valuators.h
install: all
echo "Installing example programs to $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples..."
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples
for file in *.h *.cxx *.fl demo.menu; do \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples; \
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples/pixmaps
for file in pixmaps/*.xbm pixmaps/*.xpm; do \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples/pixmaps; \
echo Installing games to $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)...
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/applications
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps
for game in blocks checkers sudoku; do \
$(INSTALL_BIN) $$game $(DESTDIR)$(bindir); \
$(INSTALL_DATA) desktop/$$game.desktop $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/applications; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) desktop/$$game-32.png $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/$$game.png; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) desktop/$$game-128.png $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/$$game.png; \
echo Installing games in $(DESTDIR)/Applications...
for game in blocks checkers sudoku; do \
if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)/Applications/$$game.app; then \
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/$$game.app; \
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/$$game.app/Contents; \
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/$$game.app/Contents/MacOS; \
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/$$game.app/Contents/Resources; \
fi; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $$game.app/Contents/Info.plist $(DESTDIR)/Applications/$$game.app/Contents; \
$(INSTALL_BIN) $$game.app/Contents/MacOS/$$game $(DESTDIR)/Applications/$$game.app/Contents/MacOS; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $$game.app/Contents/Resources/$$game.icns $(DESTDIR)/Applications/$$game.app/Contents/Resources; \
echo "Removing examples programs from $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples..."
-$(RMDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/examples
echo Removing games from $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)...
for game in blocks checkers sudoku; do \
$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$game; \
$(RM) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/applications/$$game.desktop; \
$(RM) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/$$game.png; \
$(RM) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/$$game.png; \
echo Removing games from $(DESTDIR)/Applications...
$(RMDIR) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/blocks.app
$(RMDIR) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/checkers.app
$(RMDIR) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/sudoku.app
# FLUID file rules
.fl.cxx .fl.h:
echo Generating $@ and header from $<...
$(FLUID_BUILD) -c $<
# All demos depend on the FLTK library...
# General demos...
unittests$(EXEEXT): unittests.o
unittests.o: unittests.cxx unittest_about.cxx unittest_points.cxx unittest_lines.cxx unittest_circles.cxx \
unittest_rects.cxx unittest_text.cxx unittest_symbol.cxx unittest_viewport.cxx unittest_images.cxx \
unittest_schemes.cxx unittest_scrollbarsize.cxx
adjuster$(EXEEXT): adjuster.o
animated$(EXEEXT): animated.o
arc$(EXEEXT): arc.o
ask$(EXEEXT): ask.o
bitmap$(EXEEXT): bitmap.o
boxtype$(EXEEXT): boxtype.o
browser$(EXEEXT): browser.o
button$(EXEEXT): button.o
buttons$(EXEEXT): buttons.o
blocks$(EXEEXT): blocks.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) $(RM) -f -r blocks.app
$(OSX_ONLY) mkdir -p blocks.app/Contents/MacOS blocks.app/Contents/Resources
$(OSX_ONLY) $(INSTALL_BIN) blocks$(EXEEXT) blocks.app/Contents/MacOS
$(OSX_ONLY) $(INSTALL_BIN) mac-resources/blocks.icns blocks.app/Contents/Resources/
$(OSX_ONLY) $(INSTALL_BIN) mac-resources/blocks.plist blocks.app/Contents/Info.plist
checkers$(EXEEXT): checkers.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) $(RM) -f -r checkers.app
$(OSX_ONLY) mkdir -p checkers.app/Contents/MacOS checkers.app/Contents/Resources
$(OSX_ONLY) $(INSTALL_BIN) checkers$(EXEEXT) checkers.app/Contents/MacOS
$(OSX_ONLY) $(INSTALL_BIN) mac-resources/checkers.icns checkers.app/Contents/Resources/
$(OSX_ONLY) $(INSTALL_BIN) mac-resources/checkers.plist checkers.app/Contents/Info.plist
clock$(EXEEXT): clock.o
colbrowser$(EXEEXT): colbrowser.o
echo Linking $@...
$(CXX) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ colbrowser.o $(LINKFLTK) $(LDLIBS)
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
$(OSX_ONLY) mkdir -p colbrowser.app/Contents/Resources
$(OSX_ONLY) cp -f rgb.txt colbrowser.app/Contents/Resources/
color_chooser$(EXEEXT): color_chooser.o
cursor$(EXEEXT): cursor.o
curve$(EXEEXT): curve.o
demo$(EXEEXT): demo.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
$(OSX_ONLY) mkdir -p demo.app/Contents/Resources
$(OSX_ONLY) cp -f demo.menu demo.app/Contents/Resources/
device$(EXEEXT): device.o $(IMGLIBNAME)
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
doublebuffer$(EXEEXT): doublebuffer.o
editor$(EXEEXT): editor.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
$(OSX_ONLY) cp -f mac-resources/editor.plist editor.app/Contents/Info.plist
fast_slow$(EXEEXT): fast_slow.o
fast_slow.cxx: fast_slow.fl ../fluid/fluid$(EXEEXT)
file_chooser$(EXEEXT): file_chooser.o $(IMGLIBNAME)
echo Linking $@...
$(CXX) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) file_chooser.o -o $@ $(LINKFLTKIMG) $(LDLIBS)
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
fltk-versions$(EXEEXT): fltk-versions.o
fonts$(EXEEXT): fonts.o
forms$(EXEEXT): forms.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
hello$(EXEEXT): hello.o
help$(EXEEXT): help.o $(IMGLIBNAME)
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
$(OSX_ONLY) mkdir -p help.app/Contents/Resources
$(OSX_ONLY) cp -f help_dialog.html help.app/Contents/Resources/
icon$(EXEEXT): icon.o
iconize$(EXEEXT): iconize.o
image$(EXEEXT): image.o
inactive$(EXEEXT): inactive.o
inactive.cxx: inactive.fl ../fluid/fluid$(EXEEXT)
input$(EXEEXT): input.o
input_choice$(EXEEXT): input_choice.o
keyboard$(EXEEXT): keyboard_ui.o keyboard.o
echo Linking $@...
$(CXX) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ keyboard.o keyboard_ui.o $(LINKFLTK) $(LDLIBS)
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
keyboard_ui.o: keyboard_ui.h
keyboard_ui.cxx: keyboard_ui.fl ../fluid/fluid$(EXEEXT)
label$(EXEEXT): label.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
line_style$(EXEEXT): line_style.o
list_visuals$(EXEEXT): list_visuals.o
mandelbrot$(EXEEXT): mandelbrot_ui.o mandelbrot.o
echo Linking $@...
$(CXX) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ mandelbrot.o mandelbrot_ui.o $(LINKFLTK) $(LDLIBS)
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
mandelbrot_ui.o: mandelbrot_ui.h
mandelbrot_ui.cxx: mandelbrot_ui.fl ../fluid/fluid$(EXEEXT)
menubar$(EXEEXT): menubar.o
message$(EXEEXT): message.o
minimum$(EXEEXT): minimum.o
native-filechooser$(EXEEXT): native-filechooser.o $(IMGLIBNAME)
echo Linking $@...
$(CXX) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) native-filechooser.o -o $@ $(LINKFLTKIMG) $(LDLIBS)
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
navigation$(EXEEXT): navigation.o
offscreen$(EXEEXT): offscreen.o
output$(EXEEXT): output.o $(FLLIBNAME)
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
overlay$(EXEEXT): overlay.o
pack$(EXEEXT): pack.o
pixmap$(EXEEXT): pixmap.o
pixmap_browser$(EXEEXT): pixmap_browser.o $(IMGLIBNAME)
echo Linking $@...
$(CXX) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) pixmap_browser.o -o $@ $(LINKFLTKIMG) $(LDLIBS)
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
preferences$(EXEEXT): preferences.o
preferences.cxx: preferences.fl ../fluid/fluid$(EXEEXT)
device$(EXEEXT): device.o
radio$(EXEEXT): radio.o
radio.cxx: radio.fl ../fluid/fluid$(EXEEXT)
resize$(EXEEXT): resize.o
resize.cxx: resize.fl ../fluid/fluid$(EXEEXT)
resizebox$(EXEEXT): resizebox.o
rotated_text$(EXEEXT): rotated_text.o
scroll$(EXEEXT): scroll.o
subwindow$(EXEEXT): subwindow.o
sudoku: sudoku.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) $(RM) -f -r sudoku.app
$(OSX_ONLY) mkdir -p sudoku.app/Contents/MacOS sudoku.app/Contents/Resources
$(OSX_ONLY) $(INSTALL_BIN) sudoku$(EXEEXT) sudoku.app/Contents/MacOS
$(OSX_ONLY) $(INSTALL_BIN) mac-resources/sudoku.icns sudoku.app/Contents/Resources/
$(OSX_ONLY) $(INSTALL_BIN) mac-resources/sudoku.plist sudoku.app/Contents/Info.plist
sudoku.exe: sudoku.o sudoku.rc
echo Linking $@...
$(RC) sudoku.rc sudokures.o
$(CXX) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) sudoku.o sudokures.o -o $@ $(AUDIOLIBS) $(LINKFLTKIMG) $(LDLIBS)
symbols$(EXEEXT): symbols.o
table$(EXEEXT): table.o
tabs$(EXEEXT): tabs.o
tabs.cxx: tabs.fl ../fluid/fluid$(EXEEXT)
threads$(EXEEXT): threads.o
# This ensures that we have this dependency even if threads are not
# enabled in the current tree...
threads.o: threads.h
tile$(EXEEXT): tile.o
tiled_image$(EXEEXT): tiled_image.o
tree$(EXEEXT): tree.o
tree.cxx: tree.fl ../fluid/fluid$(EXEEXT)
twowin$(EXEEXT): twowin.o
valuators$(EXEEXT): valuators.o
valuators.cxx: valuators.fl ../fluid/fluid$(EXEEXT)
# All OpenGL demos depend on the FLTK and FLTK_GL libraries...
# OpenGL demos...
CubeView$(EXEEXT): CubeMain.o CubeView.o CubeViewUI.o
echo Linking $@...
CubeMain.o CubeView.o CubeViewUI.o \
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
CubeMain.o: CubeViewUI.h CubeView.h CubeViewUI.cxx
CubeView.o: CubeView.h
CubeViewUI.o: CubeViewUI.cxx CubeViewUI.h
CubeViewUI.cxx: CubeViewUI.fl ../fluid/fluid$(EXEEXT)
cube$(EXEEXT): cube.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
fractals$(EXEEXT): fractals.o fracviewer.o
echo Linking $@...
$(CXX) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ fractals.o fracviewer.o $(LINKFLTKGL) $(LINKFLTK) $(GLDLIBS)
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
fullscreen$(EXEEXT): fullscreen.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
glpuzzle$(EXEEXT): glpuzzle.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
gl_overlay$(EXEEXT): gl_overlay.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
shape$(EXEEXT): shape.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@
cairo_test$(EXEEXT): cairo_test.o
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) ../fltk-config --post $@