
Hello Android

Hello Android is an FLTK sample app that derives from the Android Studio sample project Native Plasma. This sample uses Android Studio 3 and CMake.


  • Android Studio 3.0+ with NDK bundle.

Getting Started

  1. Download Android Studio
  2. Launch Android Studio.
  3. Open the IDE directory inside the FLTK directory.
  4. Open the Android Studio project by loading the AndroidStudio3 directory.
  5. Click Run/Run 'app'.


If you've found an error in these samples, please file an issue. Patches are encouraged, and may be submitted via the same FLTK Bug & Feature system.

Please visit the FLTK Forum for additional help.


FLTK is provided under the terms of the GNU Library Public License, Version 2 with exceptions that allow for static linking.

Android Shell

List of short little helpers:

am start -n org.fltk.android_hello/android.app.NativeActivity
am force-stop org.fltk.android_hello

setprop libc.debug.malloc 10
// setprop libc.debug.malloc.program org.fltk.android_hello
setprop libc.debug.malloc.options "guard fill"