Matthias Melcher c15fc3e71a Added flexible gap size for text buffer (STR )
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@6618 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2009-01-01 21:54:10 +00:00

325 lines
14 KiB

// "$Id$"
// Header file for Fl_Text_Buffer class.
// Copyright 2001-2009 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// Original code Copyright Mark Edel. Permission to distribute under
// the LGPL for the FLTK library granted by Mark Edel.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
// http://www.fltk.org/str.php
/* \file
Fl_Text_Buffer, Fl_Text_Selection widget . */
/* Maximum length in characters of a tab or control character expansion
of a single buffer character */
#include "Fl_Export.H"
/** \class Fl_Text_Selection
This is an internal class for Fl_Text_Buffer to manage text selections.
\todo members must be documented
class FL_EXPORT Fl_Text_Selection {
friend class Fl_Text_Buffer;
void set(int start, int end);
void set_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);
void update(int pos, int nDeleted, int nInserted);
char rectangular() { return mRectangular; }
int start() { return mStart; }
int end() { return mEnd; }
int rect_start() { return mRectStart; }
int rect_end() { return mRectEnd; }
Returns a non-zero number if any text has been selected, or 0
if no text is selected.
char selected() { return mSelected; }
void selected(char b) { mSelected = b; }
int includes(int pos, int lineStartPos, int dispIndex);
int position(int* start, int* end);
int position(int* start, int* end, int* isRect, int* rectStart, int* rectEnd);
char mSelected;
char mRectangular;
int mStart;
int mEnd;
int mRectStart;
int mRectEnd;
typedef void (*Fl_Text_Modify_Cb)(int pos, int nInserted, int nDeleted,
int nRestyled, const char* deletedText,
void* cbArg);
typedef void (*Fl_Text_Predelete_Cb)(int pos, int nDeleted, void* cbArg);
The Fl_Text_Buffer class is used by the Fl_Text_Display
and Fl_Text_Editor to manage complex text data and is based upon the
excellent NEdit text editor engine - see http://www.nedit.org/.
The Fl_Text_Buffer class is used by the
to manage complex text data and is based upon the
excellent NEdit text editor engine - see
class FL_EXPORT Fl_Text_Buffer {
Fl_Text_Buffer(int requestedSize = 0, int preferredGapSize = 1024);
/** Returns the number of characters in the buffer. */
int length() { return mLength; }
char* text();
void text(const char* text);
char* text_range(int start, int end);
char character(int pos);
char* text_in_rectangle(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);
void insert(int pos, const char* text);
/** Appends the text string to the end of the buffer. */
void append(const char* t) { insert(length(), t); }
void remove(int start, int end);
void replace(int start, int end, const char *text);
void copy(Fl_Text_Buffer* fromBuf, int fromStart, int fromEnd, int toPos);
int undo(int *cp=0);
void canUndo(char flag=1);
int insertfile(const char *file, int pos, int buflen = 128*1024);
Appends the named file to the end of the buffer. Returns 0 on
success, non-zero on error (strerror() contains reason). 1 indicates
open for read failed (no data loaded). 2 indicates error occurred
while reading data (data was partially loaded).
int appendfile(const char *file, int buflen = 128*1024)
{ return insertfile(file, length(), buflen); }
/** Loads a text file into the buffer */
int loadfile(const char *file, int buflen = 128*1024)
{ select(0, length()); remove_selection(); return appendfile(file, buflen); }
int outputfile(const char *file, int start, int end, int buflen = 128*1024);
/** Saves a text file from the current buffer */
int savefile(const char *file, int buflen = 128*1024)
{ return outputfile(file, 0, length(), buflen); }
void insert_column(int column, int startPos, const char* text,
int* charsInserted, int* charsDeleted);
void replace_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd,
const char* text);
void overlay_rectangular(int startPos, int rectStart, int rectEnd,
const char* text, int* charsInserted,
int* charsDeleted);
void remove_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);
void clear_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);
/** Gets the tab width. */
int tab_distance() { return mTabDist; }
void tab_distance(int tabDist);
void select(int start, int end);
/** Returns a non 0 value if text has been selected, 0 otherwise */
int selected() { return mPrimary.selected(); }
void unselect();
void select_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);
int selection_position(int* start, int* end);
int selection_position(int* start, int* end, int* isRect, int* rectStart,
int* rectEnd);
char* selection_text();
void remove_selection();
void replace_selection(const char* text);
void secondary_select(int start, int end);
/** Returns a non 0 value if text has been selected in the secondary
text selection, 0 otherwise */
int secondary_selected() { return mSecondary.selected(); }
/** Clears any selection in the secondary text selection object. */
void secondary_unselect();
void secondary_select_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart,
int rectEnd);
int secondary_selection_position(int* start, int* end);
int secondary_selection_position(int* start, int* end, int* isRect,
int* rectStart, int* rectEnd);
char* secondary_selection_text();
void remove_secondary_selection();
void replace_secondary_selection(const char* text);
void highlight(int start, int end);
Returns the highlighted text. When you are done with the
text, free it using the free() function.
int highlight() { return mHighlight.selected(); }
void unhighlight();
void highlight_rectangular(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd);
int highlight_position(int* start, int* end);
int highlight_position(int* start, int* end, int* isRect, int* rectStart,
int* rectEnd);
char* highlight_text();
void add_modify_callback(Fl_Text_Modify_Cb bufModifiedCB, void* cbArg);
void remove_modify_callback(Fl_Text_Modify_Cb bufModifiedCB, void* cbArg);
Calls all modify callbacks that have been registered using
the add_modify_callback()
void call_modify_callbacks() { call_modify_callbacks(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); }
void add_predelete_callback(Fl_Text_Predelete_Cb bufPredelCB, void* cbArg);
void remove_predelete_callback(Fl_Text_Predelete_Cb predelCB, void* cbArg);
Calls the stored pre-delete callback procedure(s) for this buffer to update
the changed area(s) on the screen and any other listeners.
void call_predelete_callbacks() { call_predelete_callbacks(0, 0); }
char* line_text(int pos);
int line_start(int pos);
int line_end(int pos);
int word_start(int pos);
int word_end(int pos);
int expand_character(int pos, int indent, char *outStr);
static int expand_character(char c, int indent, char* outStr, int tabDist,
char nullSubsChar);
static int character_width(char c, int indent, int tabDist, char nullSubsChar);
int count_displayed_characters(int lineStartPos, int targetPos);
int skip_displayed_characters(int lineStartPos, int nChars);
int count_lines(int startPos, int endPos);
int skip_lines(int startPos, int nLines);
int rewind_lines(int startPos, int nLines);
int findchar_forward(int startPos, char searchChar, int* foundPos);
int findchar_backward(int startPos, char searchChar, int* foundPos);
int findchars_forward(int startPos, const char* searchChars, int* foundPos);
int findchars_backward(int startPos, const char* searchChars, int* foundPos);
int search_forward(int startPos, const char* searchString, int* foundPos,
int matchCase = 0);
int search_backward(int startPos, const char* searchString, int* foundPos,
int matchCase = 0);
int substitute_null_characters(char* string, int length);
void unsubstitute_null_characters(char* string);
/** Returns the current nul substitution character. */
char null_substitution_character() { return mNullSubsChar; }
/** Returns the primary selection. */
Fl_Text_Selection* primary_selection() { return &mPrimary; }
/** Returns the secondary selection. */
Fl_Text_Selection* secondary_selection() { return &mSecondary; }
/** Returns the current highlight selection. */
Fl_Text_Selection* highlight_selection() { return &mHighlight; }
void call_modify_callbacks(int pos, int nDeleted, int nInserted,
int nRestyled, const char* deletedText);
void call_predelete_callbacks(int pos, int nDeleted);
int insert_(int pos, const char* text);
void remove_(int start, int end);
void remove_rectangular_(int start, int end, int rectStart, int rectEnd,
int* replaceLen, int* endPos);
void insert_column_(int column, int startPos, const char* insText,
int* nDeleted, int* nInserted, int* endPos);
void overlay_rectangular_(int startPos, int rectStart, int rectEnd,
const char* insText, int* nDeleted,
int* nInserted, int* endPos);
void redisplay_selection(Fl_Text_Selection* oldSelection,
Fl_Text_Selection* newSelection);
void move_gap(int pos);
void reallocate_with_gap(int newGapStart, int newGapLen);
char* selection_text_(Fl_Text_Selection* sel);
void remove_selection_(Fl_Text_Selection* sel);
void replace_selection_(Fl_Text_Selection* sel, const char* text);
void rectangular_selection_boundaries(int lineStartPos, int rectStart,
int rectEnd, int* selStart,
int* selEnd);
void update_selections(int pos, int nDeleted, int nInserted);
Fl_Text_Selection mPrimary; /**< highlighted areas */
Fl_Text_Selection mSecondary; /**< highlighted areas */
Fl_Text_Selection mHighlight; /**< highlighted areas */
int mLength; /**< length of the text in the buffer (the length
of the buffer itself must be calculated:
gapEnd - gapStart + length) */
char* mBuf; /**< allocated memory where the text is stored */
int mGapStart; /**< points to the first character of the gap */
int mGapEnd; /**< points to the first char after the gap */
// The hardware tab distance used by all displays for this buffer,
// and used in computing offsets for rectangular selection operations.
int mTabDist; /**< equiv. number of characters in a tab */
int mUseTabs; /**< True if buffer routines are allowed to use
tabs for padding in rectangular operations */
int mNModifyProcs; /**< number of modify-redisplay procs attached */
Fl_Text_Modify_Cb* /**< procedures to call when buffer is */
mNodifyProcs; /**< modified to redisplay contents */
void** mCbArgs; /**< caller arguments for modifyProcs above */
int mNPredeleteProcs; /**< number of pre-delete procs attached */
Fl_Text_Predelete_Cb* /**< procedure to call before text is deleted */
mPredeleteProcs; /**< from the buffer; at most one is supported. */
void **mPredeleteCbArgs; /**< caller argument for pre-delete proc above */
int mCursorPosHint; /**< hint for reasonable cursor position after
a buffer modification operation */
char mNullSubsChar; /**< NEdit is based on C null-terminated strings,
so ascii-nul characters must be substituted
with something else. This is the else, but
of course, things get quite messy when you
use it */
char mCanUndo; /**< if this buffer is used for attributes, it must
not do any undo calls */
int mPreferredGapSize; /**< the default allocation for the text gap is 1024
bytes and should only be increased if frequent
and large changes in buffer size are expected */
// End of "$Id$".