The shell properties toolbox is completely redesigned: This dialog box offers a field for a command line and three check buttons to generate and save various files before the command is run. If the fourth checkbox, "use settings in .fl design files" is checked, all shell settings will be store in the current .fl file, and they will be read and restored when the .fl is loaded again. Fluid will save different shell settings for different operating system as it is common that a different OS requires a different shell command. Fluid comes with default shell settings. Pressing the "save as default" button will store the current setting in the Fluid app settings and are used for new designs, or if the "use settings..." box is not checked. Fluid app settings are saved per user and per machine.
118 lines
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118 lines
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// Setting and shell dialogs for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2020 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
// https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0400
#ifndef alignment_panel_h
#define alignment_panel_h
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include "fluid.h"
#include "widget_browser.h"
#include "shell_command.h"
#include <FL/Fl_Text_Buffer.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Text_Display.H>
#include <FL/filename.H>
extern struct Fl_Menu_Item *dbmanager_item;
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Preferences.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Tooltip.H>
extern Fl_Double_Window *project_window;
#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Tabs.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Input.H>
extern void header_input_cb(Fl_Input*, void*);
extern Fl_Input *header_file_input;
extern void code_input_cb(Fl_Input*, void*);
extern Fl_Input *code_file_input;
#include <FL/Fl_Check_Button.H>
extern void include_H_from_C_button_cb(Fl_Check_Button*, void*);
extern Fl_Check_Button *include_H_from_C_button;
extern void use_FL_COMMAND_button_cb(Fl_Check_Button*, void*);
extern Fl_Check_Button *use_FL_COMMAND_button;
#include <FL/Fl_Choice.H>
extern void i18n_type_cb(Fl_Choice*, void*);
extern Fl_Choice *i18n_type_chooser;
extern void i18n_text_cb(Fl_Input*, void*);
extern Fl_Input *i18n_include_input;
extern Fl_Input *i18n_file_input;
#include <FL/Fl_Int_Input.H>
extern void i18n_int_cb(Fl_Int_Input*, void*);
extern Fl_Int_Input *i18n_set_input;
extern Fl_Input *i18n_function_input;
Fl_Double_Window* make_project_window();
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_i18n_type_chooser[];
extern void i18n_cb(Fl_Choice *,void *);
extern void scheme_cb(Fl_Choice *, void *);
extern Fl_Double_Window *settings_window;
extern void scheme_cb(Fl_Choice*, void*);
extern Fl_Choice *scheme_choice;
extern Fl_Check_Button *tooltips_button;
extern Fl_Check_Button *completion_button;
extern Fl_Check_Button *openlast_button;
extern Fl_Check_Button *prevpos_button;
extern Fl_Check_Button *show_comments_button;
#include <FL/Fl_Spinner.H>
extern Fl_Spinner *recent_spinner;
extern Fl_Check_Button *use_external_editor_button;
extern Fl_Input *editor_command_input;
Fl_Double_Window* make_settings_window();
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_scheme_choice[];
extern Fl_Double_Window *shell_window;
extern Fl_Input *shell_command_input;
extern Fl_Check_Button *shell_savefl_button;
extern Fl_Check_Button *shell_writecode_button;
extern Fl_Check_Button *shell_writemsgs_button;
extern Fl_Check_Button *shell_use_fl_button;
#include <FL/Fl_Return_Button.H>
extern Fl_Double_Window *shell_run_window;
#include <FL/Fl_Simple_Terminal.H>
extern Fl_Simple_Terminal *shell_run_terminal;
extern Fl_Return_Button *shell_run_button;
Fl_Double_Window* make_shell_window();
extern Fl_Double_Window *grid_window;
extern void grid_cb(Fl_Int_Input*, long);
extern Fl_Int_Input *horizontal_input;
extern Fl_Int_Input *vertical_input;
extern Fl_Int_Input *snap_input;
extern void guides_cb(Fl_Check_Button*, long);
extern Fl_Check_Button *guides_toggle;
#include <FL/Fl_Round_Button.H>
extern void default_widget_size_cb(Fl_Round_Button*, long);
extern Fl_Round_Button *def_widget_size[6];
Fl_Double_Window* make_layout_window();
void show_global_settings_window();
extern Fl_Double_Window *global_settings_window;
extern Fl_Choice *wVisibleFocus;
extern Fl_Choice *wArrowFocus;
extern Fl_Choice *wShowTooltips;
extern Fl_Choice *wDNDText;
extern Fl_Choice *wGTKText;
extern Fl_Choice *wPrintGTKText;
extern Fl_Choice *wShowZoomFactor;
extern Fl_Choice *wUserOrSystem;
Fl_Double_Window* make_global_settings_window();
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_wVisibleFocus[];
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_wArrowFocus[];
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_wShowTooltips[];
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_wDNDText[];
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_wGTKText[];
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_wPrintGTKText[];
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_wShowZoomFactor[];
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_wUserOrSystem[];