
132 lines
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// Interface with the libdecor library for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 2022-2023 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
// https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
/* Improvements to libdecor.c without modifying libdecor.c itself */
#include "xdg-shell-client-protocol.h"
# define HAVE_XDG_SHELL_V6 1
#define libdecor_frame_set_minimized libdecor_frame_set_minimized_orig
#define libdecor_new libdecor_new_orig
#include <dlfcn.h>
static void *dlopen_corrected(const char *, int);
#define dlopen(A, B) dlopen_corrected(A, B)
#include "../src/libdecor.c"
#undef dlopen
#undef libdecor_frame_set_minimized
#undef libdecor_new
extern bool fl_libdecor_using_weston(void);
extern const struct libdecor_plugin_description *fl_libdecor_plugin_description;
//#include <stdio.h>
// we have a built-in plugin so don't need a fallback one
struct libdecor_plugin *libdecor_fallback_plugin_new(struct libdecor *context) {
return NULL;
// see get_libdecor_plugin_description() explaining why this is useful
static void *dlopen_corrected(const char *filename, int flags) {
static int best_priority = -1;
void *retval = dlopen(filename, flags);
if (retval) {
const struct libdecor_plugin_description *description =
(const struct libdecor_plugin_description*)dlsym(retval, "libdecor_plugin_description");
if (description && description->priorities->priority > best_priority) {
fl_libdecor_plugin_description = description;
best_priority = description->priorities->priority;
return retval;
LIBDECOR_EXPORT void libdecor_frame_set_minimized(struct libdecor_frame *frame)
static bool done = false;
static bool using_weston = false;
if (!done) {
typedef bool (*ext_f)(void);
volatile ext_f ext = fl_libdecor_using_weston;
done = true;
if (ext) using_weston = fl_libdecor_using_weston();
//fprintf(stderr, "fl_libdecor_using_weston=%p using_weston=%d\n", fl_libdecor_using_weston, using_weston);
if (using_weston) { // determine the version of the running Weston compositor
FILE *pipe = popen("weston --version", "r");
if (pipe) {
char line[50], *p;
int version = 0;
p = fgets(line, sizeof(line), pipe);
if (p) p = strchr(line, ' ');
if (p) {
sscanf(p, "%d", &version);
// Weston version 10 has fixed the bug handled here
if (version >= 10) using_weston = false;
if (using_weston) libdecor_frame_set_visibility(frame, false);
By default, FLTK modifies libdecor's libdecor_new() function to determine the plugin as follows :
1) the directory pointed by environment variable LIBDECOR_PLUGIN_DIR or, in absence of this variable,
by -DLIBDECOR_PLUGIN_DIR=xxx at build time is searched for a libdecor plugin;
2) if this directory does not exist or contains no plugin, the built-in plugin is used.
* if FLTK was built with package libgtk-3-dev, the GTK plugin is used
* if FLTK was built without package libgtk-3-dev, the Cairo plugin is used
If FLTK was built with FLTK_USE_SYSTEM_LIBDECOR turned ON, the present modification
isn't compiled, so the plugin-searching algorithm of libdecor_new() in libdecor-0.so is used.
This corresponds to step 1) above and to use no titlebar is no plugin is found.
N.B.: only the system package is built with a meaningful value of -DLIBDECOR_PLUGIN_DIR=
so a plugin may be loaded that way only if FLTK was built with FLTK_USE_SYSTEM_LIBDECOR turned ON.
LIBDECOR_EXPORT struct libdecor *libdecor_new(struct wl_display *wl_display, const struct libdecor_interface *iface)
struct libdecor *context;
context = zalloc(sizeof *context);
context->ref_count = 1;
context->iface = iface;
context->wl_display = wl_display;
context->wl_registry = wl_display_get_registry(wl_display);
wl_registry_add_listener(context->wl_registry, &registry_listener, context);
context->init_callback = wl_display_sync(context->wl_display);
wl_callback_add_listener(context->init_callback, &init_wl_display_callback_listener, context);
// attempt to dynamically load a libdecor plugin with dlopen()
if (init_plugins(context) != 0) { // attempt to load plugin by dlopen()
// no plug-in was found by dlopen(), use built-in plugin instead
// defined in the source code of the built-in plugin: libdecor-cairo.c or libdecor-gtk.c
extern const struct libdecor_plugin_description libdecor_plugin_description;
context->plugin = libdecor_plugin_description.constructor(context);
return context;