Greg Ercolano db07cea758 Fix problem with Windows pids being unsigned DWORDs
Had to get away from overloading PIDs with error codes,
so now error codes are returned separately from the PID.
2020-06-18 18:24:45 -07:00

585 lines
20 KiB

// "$Id$".
// External code editor management class for Windows
// Note: This entire file Windows only.
#include <stdio.h> // snprintf()
#include <FL/Fl.H> // Fl_Timeout_Handler..
#include <FL/fl_ask.H> // fl_alert()
#include "ExternalCodeEditor_WIN32.h"
extern int G_debug; // defined in fluid.cxx
// Static local data
static int L_editors_open = 0; // keep track of #editors open
static Fl_Timeout_Handler L_update_timer_cb = 0; // app's update timer callback
// [Static/Local] Get error message string for last failed WIN32 function.
// Returns a string pointing to static memory.
// TODO: Is more code needed here to convert returned string to utf8? -erco
static const char *get_ms_errmsg() {
static char emsg[1024];
DWORD lastErr = GetLastError();
LPSTR mbuf = 0;
DWORD size = FormatMessageA(flags, 0, lastErr, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL,
if ( size == 0 ) {
_snprintf(emsg, sizeof(emsg), "Error Code %ld", long(lastErr));
} else {
// Copy mbuf -> emsg (with '\r's removed -- they screw up fl_alert())
for ( char *src=mbuf, *dst=emsg; 1; src++ ) {
if ( *src == '\0' ) { *dst = '\0'; break; }
if ( *src != '\r' ) { *dst++ = *src; }
LocalFree(mbuf); // Free the buffer allocated by the system
return emsg;
// [Static/Local] See if file exists
static int is_file(const char *filename) {
DWORD att = GetFileAttributesA(filename);
if (att == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return 0;
if ( (att & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0 ) return 1; // not a dir == file
return 0;
// [Static/Local] See if dir exists
static int is_dir(const char *dirname) {
DWORD att = GetFileAttributesA(dirname);
if (att == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return 0;
if (att & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) return 1;
return 0;
ExternalCodeEditor::ExternalCodeEditor() {
memset(&pinfo_, 0, sizeof(pinfo_));
memset(&file_mtime_, 0, sizeof(file_mtime_));
memset(&file_size_, 0, sizeof(file_size_));
filename_ = 0;
ExternalCodeEditor::~ExternalCodeEditor() {
close_editor(); // close editor, delete tmp file
set_filename(0); // free()s filename
// [Protected] Set the filename. Handles memory allocation/free
// If set to NULL, frees memory.
void ExternalCodeEditor::set_filename(const char *val) {
if ( filename_ ) free((void*)filename_);
filename_ = val ? strdup(val) : 0;
// [Public] Is editor running?
int ExternalCodeEditor::is_editing() {
return( (pinfo_.dwProcessId != 0) ? 1 : 0 );
// [Static/Local] Terminate_app()'s callback to send WM_CLOSE to a single window.
static BOOL CALLBACK terminate_app_enum(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) {
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwID);
if (dwID == (DWORD)lParam) {
PostMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
if ( G_debug )
printf("terminate_app_enum() sends WIN_CLOSE to hwnd=%p\n", (void*)hwnd);
return TRUE;
// [Static/Local] Handle sending WIN_CLOSE to /all/ windows matching specified pid.
// Wait up to msecTimeout for process to close, and if it doesn't, use TerminateProcess().
static int terminate_app(DWORD pid, DWORD msecTimeout) {
if ( !hProc ) return -1;
// terminate_app_enum() posts WM_CLOSE to all windows matching pid
EnumWindows((WNDENUMPROC)terminate_app_enum, (LPARAM) pid);
// Wait on handle. If it closes, great. If it times out, use TerminateProcess()
int ret = 0;
if ( WaitForSingleObject(hProc, msecTimeout) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) {
if ( G_debug ) {
printf("WARNING: sent WIN_CLOSE, but timeout after %ld msecs.."
"trying TerminateProcess\n", msecTimeout);
if ( TerminateProcess(hProc, 0) == 0 ) {
if ( G_debug ) {
printf("ERROR: TerminateProcess() for pid=%ld failed: %s\n",
long(pid), get_ms_errmsg());
ret = -1;
} else {
ret = 0; // TerminateProcess succeeded
} else {
ret = 0; // WaitForSingleObject() confirmed WIN_CLOSE succeeded
return ret;
// [Protected] Wait for editor to close
void ExternalCodeEditor::close_editor() {
if ( G_debug ) printf("close_editor() called: pid=%ld\n", long(pinfo_.dwProcessId));
// Wait until editor is closed + reaped
while ( is_editing() ) {
switch ( reap_editor() ) {
case -2: // no editor running (unlikely to happen)
case -1: // error
fl_alert("Error reaping external editor\n"
"pid=%ld file=%s", long(pinfo_.dwProcessId), filename());
case 0: // process still running
switch ( fl_choice("Please close external editor\npid=%ld file=%s",
"Force Close", // button 0
"Closed", // button 1
0, // button 2
long(pinfo_.dwProcessId), filename() ) ) {
case 0: // Force Close
case 1: // Closed? try to reap
case 1: // process reaped
// [Protected] Kill the running editor (if any) and cleanup
// Kills the editor, reaps the process, and removes the tmp file.
// The dtor calls this to ensure no editors remain running when fluid exits.
void ExternalCodeEditor::kill_editor() {
if ( G_debug )
printf("kill_editor() called: pid=%ld\n", (long)pinfo_.dwProcessId);
if ( !is_editing() ) return;
switch ( terminate_app(pinfo_.dwProcessId, 500) ) { // kill editor, wait up to 1/2 sec to die
case -1: { // error
fl_alert("Can't seem to close editor of file: %s\n"
"Please close editor and hit OK", filename());
case 0: { // success -- process reaped
DWORD pid = pinfo_.dwProcessId; // save pid
reap_cleanup(); // clears pinfo_
if ( G_debug )
printf("*** kill_editor() REAP pid=%ld #open=%ld\n",
long(pid), long(L_editors_open));
// [Public] Handle if file changed since last check, and update records if so.
// Load new data into 'code', which caller must free().
// If 'force' set, forces reload even if file size/time didn't change.
// Returns:
// 0 -- file unchanged or not editing
// 1 -- file changed, internal records updated, 'code' has new content
// -1 -- error getting file info (get_ms_errmsg() has reason)
// Ignore changes made within the last 2 seconds,
// to give editor time to fully write out the file.
int ExternalCodeEditor::handle_changes(const char **code, int force) {
code[0] = 0;
if ( !is_editing() ) return 0;
// Sigh, have to open file to get file time/size :/
HANDLE fh = CreateFile(filename(), // file to read
GENERIC_READ, // reading only
FILE_SHARE_READ, // sharing -- allow read share; just getting file size
NULL, // security
OPEN_EXISTING, // create flags -- must exist
0, // misc flags
NULL); // templates
if ( fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return -1;
// Get file size
if ( GetFileSizeEx(fh, &fsize) == 0 ) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
SetLastError(err); // return error from GetFileSizeEx(), not CloseHandle()
return -1;
// Get file time
FILETIME ftCreate, ftAccess, ftWrite;
if ( GetFileTime(fh, &ftCreate, &ftAccess, &ftWrite) == 0 ) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
SetLastError(err); // return error from GetFileTime(), not CloseHandle()
return -1;
// OK, now see if file changed; update records if so
int changed = 0;
if ( fsize.QuadPart != file_size_.QuadPart )
{ changed = 1; file_size_ = fsize; }
if ( CompareFileTime(&ftWrite, &file_mtime_) != 0 )
{ changed = 1; file_mtime_ = ftWrite; }
// Changes? Load file. Be sure to fallthru to CloseHandle()
int ret = 0;
if ( changed || force ) {
char *buf = (char*)malloc(fsize.QuadPart + 1);
DWORD count;
if ( ReadFile(fh, buf, fsize.QuadPart, &count, 0) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: ReadFile() failed for %s: %s",
filename(), get_ms_errmsg());
free((void*)buf); buf = 0;
ret = -1; // fallthru to CloseHandle()
} else if ( count != fsize.QuadPart ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: ReadFile() failed for %s:\n"
"expected %ld bytes, got %ld",
filename(), long(fsize.QuadPart), long(count));
free((void*)buf); buf = 0;
ret = -1; // fallthru to CloseHandle()
} else {
// Successfully read changed file
buf[count] = '\0';
code[0] = buf; // return pointer to allocated buffer
ret = 1; // fallthru to CloseHandle()
return ret;
// [Public] Remove the tmp file (if it exists), and zero out filename/mtime/size
// Returns:
// -1 -- on error (dialog is posted as to why)
// 0 -- no file to remove
// 1 -- file was removed
int ExternalCodeEditor::remove_tmpfile() {
const char *tmpfile = filename();
if ( G_debug ) printf("remove_tmpfile() '%s'\n", tmpfile ? tmpfile : "(empty)");
if ( !tmpfile ) return 0;
// Filename set? remove (if exists) and zero filename/mtime/size
if ( is_file(tmpfile) ) {
if ( G_debug ) printf("Removing tmpfile '%s'\n", tmpfile);
if ( DeleteFile(tmpfile) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("WARNING: Can't DeleteFile() '%s': %s", tmpfile, get_ms_errmsg());
return -1;
} else {
if ( G_debug ) printf("remove_tmpfile(): is_file(%s) failed\n", tmpfile);
memset(&file_mtime_, 0, sizeof(file_mtime_));
memset(&file_size_, 0, sizeof(file_size_));
return 1;
// [Static/Public] Return tmpdir name for this fluid instance.
// Returns pointer to static memory.
const char* ExternalCodeEditor::tmpdir_name() {
char tempdir[100];
if (GetTempPath(sizeof(tempdir), tempdir) == 0 ) {
strcpy(tempdir, "c:\\windows\\temp"); // fallback
static char dirname[100];
_snprintf(dirname, sizeof(dirname), "%s.fluid-%ld",
tempdir, (long)GetCurrentProcessId());
if ( G_debug ) printf("tmpdir_name(): '%s'\n", dirname);
return dirname;
// [Static/Public] Clear the external editor's tempdir
// Static so that the main program can call it on exit to clean up.
void ExternalCodeEditor::tmpdir_clear() {
const char *tmpdir = tmpdir_name();
if ( is_dir(tmpdir) ) {
if ( G_debug ) printf("Removing tmpdir '%s'\n", tmpdir);
if ( RemoveDirectory(tmpdir) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("WARNING: Can't RemoveDirectory() '%s': %s",
tmpdir, get_ms_errmsg());
// [Protected] Creates temp dir (if doesn't exist) and returns the dirname
// as a static string. Returns NULL on error, dialog shows reason.
const char* ExternalCodeEditor::create_tmpdir() {
const char *dirname = tmpdir_name();
if ( ! is_dir(dirname) ) {
if ( CreateDirectory(dirname,0) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("can't create directory '%s': %s",
dirname, get_ms_errmsg());
return NULL;
return dirname;
// [Protected] Returns temp filename in static buffer.
// Returns NULL if can't, posts dialog explaining why.
const char* ExternalCodeEditor::tmp_filename() {
static char path[512];
const char *tmpdir = create_tmpdir();
if ( !tmpdir ) return 0;
extern const char *code_file_name; // fluid's global
const char *ext = code_file_name; // e.g. ".cxx"
_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s\\%p%s", tmpdir, (void*)this, ext);
path[sizeof(path)-1] = 0;
return path;
// [Static/Local] Save string 'code' to 'filename', returning file's mtime/size
// 'code' can be NULL -- writes an empty file if so.
// Returns:
// 0 on success
// -1 on error (posts dialog with reason)
static int save_file(const char *filename,
const char *code,
FILETIME &file_mtime, // return these since in win32 it's..
LARGE_INTEGER &file_size) { // ..efficient to get while file open
if ( code == 0 ) code = ""; // NULL? write an empty file
memset(&file_mtime, 0, sizeof(file_mtime));
memset(&file_size, 0, sizeof(file_size));
HANDLE fh = CreateFile(filename, // filename
GENERIC_WRITE, // write only
0, // sharing -- no share during write
NULL, // security
CREATE_ALWAYS, // create flags -- recreate
NULL); // templates
fl_alert("ERROR: couldn't create file '%s': %s",
filename, get_ms_errmsg());
// Write the file, being careful to CloseHandle() even on errs
DWORD clen = strlen(code);
DWORD count = 0;
int ret = 0;
if ( WriteFile(fh, code, clen, &count, NULL) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: WriteFile() '%s': %s", filename, get_ms_errmsg());
ret = -1; // fallthru to CloseHandle()
} else if ( count != clen ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: WriteFile() '%s': wrote only %lu bytes, expected %lu",
filename, (unsigned long)count, (unsigned long)clen);
ret = -1; // fallthru to CloseHandle()
// Get mtime/size before closing
FILETIME ftCreate, ftAccess, ftWrite;
if ( GetFileSizeEx(fh, &file_size) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: save_file(%s): GetFileSizeEx() failed: %s\n",
filename, get_ms_errmsg());
if ( GetFileTime(fh, &ftCreate, &ftAccess, &ftWrite) == 0 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: save_file(%s): GetFileTime() failed: %s\n",
filename, get_ms_errmsg());
file_mtime = ftWrite;
// Close, done
// [Protected] Start editor
// Returns:
// > 0 on success, leaves editor child process running as 'pinfo_'
// > -1 on error, posts dialog with reason (child exits)
int ExternalCodeEditor::start_editor(const char *editor_cmd,
const char *filename) {
if ( G_debug ) printf("start_editor() cmd='%s', filename='%s'\n",
editor_cmd, filename);
// Startup info
memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo));
sinfo.cb = sizeof(sinfo);
sinfo.dwFlags = 0;
sinfo.wShowWindow = 0;
// Process info
memset(&pinfo_, 0, sizeof(pinfo_));
// Command
char cmd[1024];
_snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s %s", editor_cmd, filename);
// Start editor process
if (CreateProcess(NULL, // app name
(char*)cmd, // command to exec
NULL, // secure attribs
NULL, // thread secure attribs
FALSE, // handle inheritance
0, // creation flags
NULL, // environ block
NULL, // current dir
&sinfo, // startup info
&pinfo_) == 0 ) { // process info
fl_alert("CreateProcess() failed to start '%s': %s",
cmd, get_ms_errmsg());
if ( L_editors_open++ == 0 ) // first editor? start timers
{ start_update_timer(); }
if ( G_debug )
printf("--- EDITOR STARTED: pid_=%ld #open=%d\n",
(long)pinfo_.dwProcessId, L_editors_open);
return 0;
// [Protected] Cleanup after editor reaped:
// > Remove tmpfile, zeroes mtime/size/filename
// > Close process handles
// > Zeroes out pinfo_
// > Decrease editor count
void ExternalCodeEditor::reap_cleanup() {
remove_tmpfile(); // also zeroes mtime/size/filename
CloseHandle(pinfo_.hProcess); // close process handle
CloseHandle(pinfo_.hThread); // close thread handle
memset(&pinfo_, 0, sizeof(pinfo_)); // clear pinfo_
if ( --L_editors_open <= 0 )
{ stop_update_timer(); }
// [Public] Try to reap external editor process
// If 'pid_reaped' not NULL, returns PID of reaped editor.
// Returns:
// -2 -- editor not open
// -1 -- WaitForSingleObject() failed (get_ms_errmsg() has reason)
// 0 -- process still running
// 1 -- process finished + reaped ('pid_reaped' has pid), pinfo_ set to 0.
// Handles removing tmpfile/zeroing file_mtime/file_size/filename
// If return value <=0, 'pid_reaped' is set to zero.
int ExternalCodeEditor::reap_editor(DWORD *pid_reaped) {
if ( pid_reaped ) *pid_reaped = 0;
if ( !is_editing() ) return -2;
int err;
DWORD msecs_wait = 50; // .05 sec
switch ( err = WaitForSingleObject(pinfo_.hProcess, msecs_wait) ) {
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: { // process didn't reap, still running
return 0;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0: { // reaped
DWORD wpid = pinfo_.dwProcessId; // save pid
reap_cleanup(); // clears pinfo_
if ( pid_reaped ) *pid_reaped = wpid; // return pid to caller
if ( G_debug ) printf("*** EDITOR REAPED: pid=%ld #open=%d\n",
long(wpid), L_editors_open);
return 1;
case WAIT_FAILED: { // failed
return -1;
return -1; // any other return unexpected
// [Public] Open external editor using 'editor_cmd' to edit 'code'
// 'code' contains multiline code to be edited as a temp file.
// Returns:
// 0 if succeeds
// -1 if can't open editor (already open, etc),
// errors were shown to user in a dialog
int ExternalCodeEditor::open_editor(const char *editor_cmd,
const char *code) {
// Make sure a temp filename exists
if ( !filename() ) {
if ( !filename() ) return -1;
// See if tmpfile already exists or editor already open
if ( is_file(filename()) ) {
if ( is_editing() ) {
// See if editor recently closed but not reaped; try to reap
DWORD wpid;
switch ( reap_editor(&wpid) ) {
case -2: // no editor running (unlikely to happen)
case -1: // wait failed
fl_alert("ERROR: WaitForSingleObject() failed: %s\nfile='%s', pid=%ld",
get_ms_errmsg(), filename(), long(pinfo_.dwProcessId));
return -1;
case 0: // process still running
fl_alert("Editor Already Open\n file='%s'\n pid=%ld",
filename(), long(pinfo_.dwProcessId));
return 0;
case 1: // process reaped, wpid is pid reaped
if ( G_debug )
printf("*** REAPED EXTERNAL EDITOR: PID %ld\n", long(wpid));
break; // fall thru to open new editor instance
// Reinstate tmp filename (reap_editor() clears it)
// Save code to tmpfile, getting mtime/size
if ( save_file(filename(), code, file_mtime_, file_size_) < 0 ) {
return -1; // errors were shown in dialog
if ( start_editor(editor_cmd, filename()) < 0 ) { // open file in external editor
if ( G_debug ) printf("Editor failed to start\n");
return -1; // errors were shown in dialog
// New editor opened -- start update timer (if not already)
if ( L_update_timer_cb && !Fl::has_timeout(L_update_timer_cb) ) {
if ( G_debug ) printf("--- Editor opened: STARTING UPDATE TIMER\n");
Fl::add_timeout(2.0, L_update_timer_cb);
return 0;
// [Public/Static] Start update timer
void ExternalCodeEditor::start_update_timer() {
if ( !L_update_timer_cb ) return;
if ( G_debug ) printf("--- TIMER: STARTING UPDATES\n");
Fl::add_timeout(2.0, L_update_timer_cb);
// [Public/Static] Stop update timer
void ExternalCodeEditor::stop_update_timer() {
if ( !L_update_timer_cb ) return;
if ( G_debug ) printf("--- TIMER: STOPPING UPDATES\n");
// [Public/Static] Set app's external editor update timer callback
// This is the app's callback callback we start while editors are open,
// and stop when all editors are closed.
void ExternalCodeEditor::set_update_timer_callback(Fl_Timeout_Handler cb) {
L_update_timer_cb = cb;
// [Static/Public] See if any external editors are open.
// App's timer cb can see if any editors need checking..
int ExternalCodeEditor::editors_open() {
return L_editors_open;
// End of "$Id$".