2024-01-14 16:58:34 +01:00

718 lines
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// Shared image code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2024 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
// https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <FL/fl_utf8.h>
#include "flstring.h"
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Shared_Image.H>
#include <FL/Fl_XBM_Image.H>
#include <FL/Fl_XPM_Image.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Preferences.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
// Global class vars...
Fl_Shared_Image **Fl_Shared_Image::images_ = 0; // Shared images
int Fl_Shared_Image::num_images_ = 0; // Number of shared images
int Fl_Shared_Image::alloc_images_ = 0; // Allocated shared images
Fl_Shared_Handler *Fl_Shared_Image::handlers_ = 0;// Additional format handlers
int Fl_Shared_Image::num_handlers_ = 0; // Number of format handlers
int Fl_Shared_Image::alloc_handlers_ = 0; // Allocated format handlers
// Typedef the C API sort function type the only way I know how...
extern "C" {
typedef int (*compare_func_t)(const void *, const void *);
Returns the Fl_Shared_Image* array.
\return a pointer to an array of shared image pointers, sorted by name and size
\see Fl_Shared_Image::num_images()
Fl_Shared_Image **Fl_Shared_Image::images() {
return images_;
Number of shared images in their various cached sizes.
\return number of entries in the array
\see Fl_Shared_Image::images()
int Fl_Shared_Image::num_images() {
return num_images_;
Compares two shared images.
The order of comparison is:
-# Image name, usually the filename used to load it
-# Image width
-# Image height
Binary search in a sorted array works only if we search for the same
parameters that were also used for sorting. No special cases are possible
Fl_Shared_Image::find() requires a search for an element with a matching name
and the original_ flags set. This is not implemented via binary search, but
by a simple run of the array inside Fl_Shared_Image::find().
\param[in] i0, i1 image pointer pointer for sorting
\returns Whether the images match or their relative sort order (see text).
\retval 0 the images match
\retval <0 Image \p i0 is \e less than image \p i1
\retval >0 Image \p i0 is \e greater than image \p i1
Fl_Shared_Image::compare(Fl_Shared_Image **i0, // I - First image
Fl_Shared_Image **i1) { // I - Second image
int i = strcmp((*i0)->name(), (*i1)->name());
if (i) {
return i;
} else if ((*i0)->data_w() != (*i1)->data_w()) {
return (*i0)->data_w() - (*i1)->data_w();
} else {
return (*i0)->data_h() - (*i1)->data_h();
Creates an empty shared image.
The constructors create a new shared image record in the image cache.
The constructors are protected and cannot be used directly
from a program. Use the get() method instead.
Fl_Shared_Image::Fl_Shared_Image() : Fl_Image(0,0,0) {
name_ = 0;
refcount_ = 1;
original_ = 0;
image_ = 0;
alloc_image_ = 0;
Creates a shared image from its filename and its corresponding Fl_Image* img.
The constructors create a new shared image record in the image cache.
The constructors are protected and cannot be used directly
from a program. Use the get() method instead.
\param[in] n filename or pool name of the image, must be unique among shared images
\param[in] img the image that is made available using the name
Fl_Shared_Image::Fl_Shared_Image(const char *n,
Fl_Image *img)
: Fl_Image(0,0,0) {
name_ = new char[strlen(n) + 1];
strcpy((char *)name_, n);
refcount_ = 1;
image_ = img;
alloc_image_ = !img;
original_ = 1;
if (!img) reload();
else update();
Adds a shared image to the image pool.
This \b protected method adds an image to the pool, an ordered list
of shared images. The pool is searched for a matching image whenever
one is requested, for instance with Fl_Shared_Image::get() or
This method does not increase or decrease reference counts!
Fl_Shared_Image::add() {
Fl_Shared_Image **temp; // New image pointer array...
if (num_images_ >= alloc_images_) {
// Allocate more memory...
temp = new Fl_Shared_Image *[alloc_images_ + 32];
if (alloc_images_) {
memcpy(temp, images_, alloc_images_ * sizeof(Fl_Shared_Image *));
delete[] images_;
images_ = temp;
alloc_images_ += 32;
images_[num_images_] = this;
num_images_ ++;
if (num_images_ > 1) {
qsort(images_, num_images_, sizeof(Fl_Shared_Image *),
Update the dimensions of the shared images.
Internal method to synchronize shared image data with the actual image data.
Fl_Shared_Image::update() {
if (image_) {
int W = w(), H = h();
data(image_->data(), image_->count());
if (W && H) scale(W, H, 0, 1);
The destructor frees all memory and server resources that are
used by the image.
The destructor is protected and cannot be used directly from a program.
Use the Fl_Shared_Image::release() method instead.
Fl_Shared_Image::~Fl_Shared_Image() {
if (name_) delete[] (char *)name_;
if (alloc_image_) delete image_;
Releases and possibly destroys (if refcount <= 0) a shared image.
In the latter case, it will reorganize the shared image array
so that no hole will occur.
void Fl_Shared_Image::release() {
int i; // Looping var...
Fl_Shared_Image *the_original = NULL;
printf("----> Fl_Shared_Image::release() %d %s %d %d\n", original_, name_, w(), h());
if (refcount_ <= 0) return; // assert(refcount_>0);
refcount_ --;
if (refcount_ > 0) return;
// If this image is not the original, find the original image and make sure
// to delete its reference counter as well at the end of this method.
if (!original()) {
Fl_Shared_Image *o = find(name());
if (o) {
if (o->original() && o!=this && o->refcount_>1)
the_original = o; // mark to release later
o->release(); // release from find() operation
for (i = 0; i < num_images_; i ++) {
if (images_[i] == this) {
num_images_ --;
if (i < num_images_) {
memmove(images_ + i, images_ + i + 1,
(num_images_ - i) * sizeof(Fl_Shared_Image *));
delete this;
if (num_images_ == 0 && images_) {
delete[] images_;
images_ = 0;
alloc_images_ = 0;
printf("<---- Fl_Shared_Image::release() %d %s %d %d\n", original_, name_, w(), h());
// Release one reference count in the original image as well.
if (the_original)
/** Reloads the shared image from disk. */
void Fl_Shared_Image::reload() {
// Load image from disk...
int i; // Looping var
int count = 0; // number of bytes read from image header
FILE *fp; // File pointer
uchar header[64]; // Buffer for auto-detecting files
Fl_Image *img; // New image
if (!name_) return;
if ((fp = fl_fopen(name_, "rb")) != NULL) {
count = (int)fread(header, 1, sizeof(header), fp);
if (count == 0)
} else {
// Load the image as appropriate...
if (count >= 7 && memcmp(header, "#define", 7) == 0) // XBM file
img = new Fl_XBM_Image(name_);
else if (count >= 9 && memcmp(header, "/* XPM */", 9) == 0) // XPM file
img = new Fl_XPM_Image(name_);
else {
// Not a standard format; try an image handler...
for (i = 0, img = 0; i < num_handlers_; i ++) {
img = (handlers_[i])(name_, header, count);
if (img) break;
if (img) {
if (alloc_image_) delete image_;
alloc_image_ = 1;
image_ = img;
int W = w();
int H = h();
// Make sure the reloaded image gets the same drawing size as the existing one.
if (W)
scale(W, H, 0, 1);
Create a resized copy of the image and wrap it into the share image class.
This function is usually followed by a call to `returned_image->add() to add
the image to the pool, and `this->refcounter_++` to make sure that the original
shared image keeps a reference to the copy. Don't call this function if
an image of the given size is already in the pool.
\param[in] W, H new image size
\return a new shared image pointer that is not yet in the pool
Fl_Shared_Image *
Fl_Shared_Image::copy_(int W, int H) const {
Fl_Image *temp_image; // New image file
Fl_Shared_Image *temp_shared; // New shared image
// Make a copy of the image we're sharing...
if (!image_) temp_image = 0;
else temp_image = image_->copy(W, H);
// Then make a new shared image...
temp_shared = new Fl_Shared_Image();
temp_shared->name_ = new char[strlen(name_) + 1];
strcpy((char *)temp_shared->name_, name_);
temp_shared->refcount_ = 1;
temp_shared->image_ = temp_image;
temp_shared->alloc_image_ = 1;
return temp_shared;
Return a shared image of this image with the requested size.
This is the same as calling `Fl_Shared_Image::get(this->name(), W, H)`.
If a shared image of the desired size already exists in the shared image
pool, the existing image is returned and no copy is made. But the reference
counter is incremented. When the image is no longer used, call
To get a copy of the image data, call `this->image()->copy(W, H)` instead.
\param[in] W, H size of requested image
\return pointer to an `Fl_Shared_Image` that can be safely cast, or NULL if
the image can't be found and can't be created.
Fl_Image *Fl_Shared_Image::copy(int W, int H) const {
if (name_) // should always be set
return Fl_Shared_Image::get(name_, W, H);
return NULL;
Increments the reference counter and returns a pointer to itself.
When the image is no longer used, call `Fl_Shared_Image::release()`.
To get a copy of the image data, call `this->image()->copy()` instead.
\return pointer to an `Fl_Shared_Image` that can be safely cast
Fl_Image *Fl_Shared_Image::copy() {
return this;
Fl_Image *Fl_Shared_Image::copy() const {
if (name_) // should always be set
return Fl_Shared_Image::get(name_);
return NULL;
Averages the colors in the image with the provided FLTK color value.
This method changes the pixel data of this specific image.
\note It does not change any of the resized copies of this image, nor does it
necessarily apply the color changes if this image is resized later.
\param[in] c blend with this color
\param[in] i blend fraction
\see Fl_Image::color_average(Fl_Color c, float i)
Fl_Shared_Image::color_average(Fl_Color c, float i) {
if (!image_) return;
image_->color_average(c, i);
Convert the image to gray scale.
This method changes the pixel data of this specific image.
\note It does not change any of the resized copies of this image, nor does it
necessarily apply the color changes if this image is resized later.
\see Fl_Image::desaturate()
Fl_Shared_Image::desaturate() {
if (!image_) return;
Draw this image to the current graphics context.
\param[in] X, Y, W, H draw at this position and size
\param[in] cx, cy image origin
void Fl_Shared_Image::draw(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int cx, int cy) {
if (!image_) {
Fl_Image::draw(X, Y, W, H, cx, cy);
// transiently set the drawing size of image_ to that of the shared image
int width = image_->w(), height = image_->h();
image_->scale(w(), h(), 0, 1);
image_->draw(X, Y, W, H, cx, cy);
image_->scale(width, height, 0, 1);
Remove the cached device specific image data.
\see Fl_Image::uncache()
void Fl_Shared_Image::uncache()
if (image_) image_->uncache();
/** Finds a shared image from its name and size specifications.
This uses a binary search in the image cache.
If the image \p name exists with the exact width \p W and height \p H,
then it is returned.
If \p W == 0 and the image \p name exists with another size, then the
\b original image with that \p name is returned.
In either case the refcount of the returned image is increased.
The found image should be released with Fl_Shared_Image::release()
when no longer needed.
An image is marked \p original if it was directly loaded from a file or
from memory as opposed to copied and resized images.
This comparison is used in Fl_Shared_Image::find() to find an image that
matches the requested one or to find the position where a new image
should be entered into the sorted list of shared images.
It is used in two steps by Fl_Shared_Image::add():
-# search with exact width and height
-# if not found, search again with width = 0 (and height = 0)
The first step will only return a match if the image exists with the
same width and height. The second step will match if there is an image
marked \p original with the same name, regardless of width and height.
Fl_Shared_Image* Fl_Shared_Image::find(const char *name, int W, int H) {
if (num_images_) {
if (W) {
Fl_Shared_Image *key; // Image key
Fl_Shared_Image **match; // Matching image
key = new Fl_Shared_Image();
key->name_ = new char[strlen(name) + 1];
strcpy((char *)key->name_, name);
match = (Fl_Shared_Image **)bsearch(&key, images_, num_images_,
sizeof(Fl_Shared_Image *),
delete key;
if (match) {
(*match)->refcount_ ++;
return *match;
} else {
// if no width was given we need to find the original. The list is sorted
// by name, width, and height, but we need to find the item by name with
// the original_ flags set, no matter how wide, so binary search does not
// work here.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < num_images_; ++i) {
// If there are thousands of images and running the array becomes
// inefficient, we can hand implement a binary search by name, and then
// search back and forth from that location for the member with the
// original_ flag set.
Fl_Shared_Image *img = images_[i];
if (img->original_ && img->name_ && (strcmp(img->name_, name) == 0)) {
return img;
return NULL;
Find or load an image that can be shared by multiple widgets.
If the image exists with the requested size, this image will be returned.
If the image exists, but only with another size, then a new copy with the
requested size (width \p W and height \p H) will be created as a resized
copy of the original image. The new image is added to the internal list
of shared images.
If the image does not yet exist, then a new image of the proper
dimension is created from the filename \p name. The original image
from filename \p name is always added to the list of shared images in
its original size. If the requested size differs, then the resized
copy with width \p W and height \p H is also added to the list of
shared images.
\note If the sizes differ, then \e two images are created as mentioned above.
This is intentional so the original image is cached and preserved.
If you request the same image with another size later, then the
\b original image will be found, copied, resized, and returned.
Shared JPEG and PNG images can also be created from memory by using their
named memory access constructor.
You should release() the image when you're done with it.
\param name name of the image
\param W, H desired size
\return the image at the requested size, or NULL if the image could not be
found or generated
\see Fl_Shared_Image::find(const char *name, int W, int H)
\see Fl_Shared_Image::release()
\see Fl_JPEG_Image::Fl_JPEG_Image(const char *name, const unsigned char *data)
\see Fl_PNG_Image::Fl_PNG_Image (const char *name_png, const unsigned char *buffer, int maxsize)
Fl_Shared_Image* Fl_Shared_Image::get(const char *name, int W, int H) {
Fl_Shared_Image *temp;
bool temp_referenced = false;
// Find an image by the requested size
// ::find() increments the ref count for us
if ((temp = find(name, W, H)) != NULL)
return temp;
// Find the original image, size does not matter
temp = find(name);
if (temp) {
temp_referenced = true;
} else {
// No original found, so we generate it by loading the file
temp = new Fl_Shared_Image(name);
// We can't load the file or create the image, so return fail
if (!temp->image_) {
delete temp;
return NULL;
// Add the new image to the pool, refcount is already at 1
// At this point, temp is an original image
// But if the size is wrong, generate a resized copy
if ((temp->w() != W || temp->h() != H) && W && H) {
// Generate a copy with the new size, the copy gets refcount 1
Fl_Shared_Image *new_temp = temp->copy_(W, H);
if (!new_temp) return NULL;
// Also increment the refcount of the original image
if (!temp_referenced)
// add the newly created image to the pool and return it
return new_temp;
return temp;
/** Builds a shared image from a pre-existing Fl_RGB_Image.
\param[in] rgb an Fl_RGB_Image used to build a new shared image.
\param[in] own_it 1 if the shared image should delete \p rgb when
it is itself deleted, 0 otherwise
\version 1.3.4
Fl_Shared_Image *Fl_Shared_Image::get(Fl_RGB_Image *rgb, int own_it)
Fl_Shared_Image *shared = new Fl_Shared_Image(Fl_Preferences::newUUID(), rgb);
shared->alloc_image_ = own_it;
return shared;
/** Adds a shared image handler, which is basically a test function
for adding new image formats.
This function will be called when an Fl_Shared_Image is to be loaded
(for instance with Fl_Shared_Image::get()) and the image type is not
known to FLTK.
All registered image handlers will be called in the order of registration.
You should always call fl_register_images() before adding your own
handlers - unless you need to override a known image file type which
should be rare.
\see Fl_Shared_Handler for more information of the function you need
to define.
void Fl_Shared_Image::add_handler(Fl_Shared_Handler f) {
int i; // Looping var...
Fl_Shared_Handler *temp; // New image handler array...
// First see if we have already added the handler...
for (i = 0; i < num_handlers_; i ++) {
if (handlers_[i] == f) return;
if (num_handlers_ >= alloc_handlers_) {
// Allocate more memory...
temp = new Fl_Shared_Handler [alloc_handlers_ + 32];
if (alloc_handlers_) {
memcpy(temp, handlers_, alloc_handlers_ * sizeof(Fl_Shared_Handler));
delete[] handlers_;
handlers_ = temp;
alloc_handlers_ += 32;
handlers_[num_handlers_] = f;
num_handlers_ ++;
/** Removes a shared image handler. */
void Fl_Shared_Image::remove_handler(Fl_Shared_Handler f) {
int i; // Looping var...
// First see if the handler has been added...
for (i = 0; i < num_handlers_; i ++) {
if (handlers_[i] == f) break;
if (i >= num_handlers_) return;
// OK, remove the handler from the array...
num_handlers_ --;
if (i < num_handlers_) {
// Shift later handlers down 1...
memmove(handlers_ + i, handlers_ + i + 1,
(num_handlers_ - i) * sizeof(Fl_Shared_Handler ));
Print the contents of the shared image pool.
void Fl_Shared_Image::print_pool() {
printf("Fl_Shared_Image: %d images stored in a pool of %d\n", num_images_, alloc_images_);
for (int i=0; i<num_images_; i++) {
Fl_Shared_Image *img = images_[i];
printf("%3d: %3d(%c) %4dx%4d: %s\n",
img->original_ ? 'O' : '_',
img->w(), img->h(),