- add true unittest and Fl_String testing - interface and printout are similar to gtest without requiring external linkage. just run `unittest --core`. - new Fl_String API - extended API to fl_input_str and fl_password_str - co-authored-by: Albrecht Schlosser <albrechts.fltk@online.de>
575 lines
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575 lines
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// External code editor management class for Unix
// Note: This entire file Unix only
#include "ExternalCodeEditor_UNIX.h"
#include "fluid.h"
#include <FL/Fl.H> /* Fl_Timeout_Handler.. */
#include <FL/fl_ask.H> /* fl_alert() */
#include <FL/fl_string_functions.h> /* fl_strdup() */
#include <errno.h> /* errno */
#include <string.h> /* strerror() */
#include <sys/types.h> /* stat().. */
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h> /* waitpid().. */
#include <fcntl.h> /* open().. */
#include <signal.h> /* kill().. */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* free().. */
#include <stdio.h> /* snprintf().. */
// Static local data
static int L_editors_open = 0; // keep track of #editors open
static Fl_Timeout_Handler L_update_timer_cb = 0; // app's update timer callback
// [Static/Local] See if file exists
static int is_file(const char *filename) {
struct stat buf;
if ( stat(filename, &buf) < 0 ) return(0);
return(S_ISREG(buf.st_mode) ? 1 : 0); // regular file?
// [Static/Local] See if dir exists
static int is_dir(const char *dirname) {
struct stat buf;
if ( stat(dirname, &buf) < 0 ) return(0);
return(S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) ? 1 : 0); // a dir?
// ---- ExternalCodeEditor implementation
/** \class ExternalCodeEditor
Support for an external C++ code editor for Fluid Code block.
This class can launch and quit a user defined program for editiing
code outside of Fluid.
It observes changes in the external file and updates the Fluid
widget to stay synchronized.
Create the manager for external code editors.
ExternalCodeEditor::ExternalCodeEditor() {
pid_ = -1;
filename_ = 0;
file_mtime_ = 0;
file_size_ = 0;
alert_pipe_[0] = alert_pipe_[1] = -1;
alert_pipe_open_ = false;
Destroy the manager.
This also closes the external editor.
ExternalCodeEditor::~ExternalCodeEditor() {
if ( G_debug )
printf("ExternalCodeEditor() DTOR CALLED (this=%p, pid=%ld)\n",
(void*)this, (long)pid_);
close_editor(); // close editor, delete tmp file
set_filename(0); // free()s filename
if (alert_pipe_open_) {
if (alert_pipe_[0] != -1) ::close(alert_pipe_[0]);
if (alert_pipe_[1] != -1) ::close(alert_pipe_[1]);
Set the filename for the file we wish to edit.
Handles memory allocation/free.
If set to NULL, frees memory.
\param[in] val new filename
void ExternalCodeEditor::set_filename(const char *val) {
if ( filename_ ) free((void*)filename_);
filename_ = val ? fl_strdup(val) : 0;
Is editor running?
\return 1 if we are currently editing a file.
int ExternalCodeEditor::is_editing() {
return( (pid_ != -1) ? 1 : 0 );
Wait for editor to close
void ExternalCodeEditor::close_editor() {
if ( G_debug ) printf("close_editor() called: pid=%ld\n", long(pid_));
// Wait until editor is closed + reaped
while ( is_editing() ) {
switch ( reap_editor() ) {
case -2: // no editor running (unlikely to happen)
case -1: // error
fl_alert("Error reaping external editor\n"
"pid=%ld file=%s", long(pid_), filename());
case 0: // process still running
switch ( fl_choice("Please close external editor\npid=%ld file=%s",
"Force Close", // button 0
"Closed", // button 1
0, // button 2
long(pid_), filename() ) ) {
case 0: // Force Close
case 1: // Closed? try to reap
case 1: // process reaped
Kill the running editor (if any).
Kills the editor, reaps the process, and removes the tmp file.
The dtor calls this to ensure no editors remain running when fluid exits.
void ExternalCodeEditor::kill_editor() {
if ( G_debug ) printf("kill_editor() called: pid=%ld\n", (long)pid_);
if ( !is_editing() ) return; // editor not running? return..
kill(pid_, SIGTERM); // kill editor
int wcount = 0;
while ( is_editing() ) { // and wait for editor to finish..
usleep(100000); // 1/10th sec delay gives editor time to close itself
pid_t pid_reaped;
switch ( reap_editor(&pid_reaped) ) {
case -2: // editor not running (unlikely to happen)
case -1: // error
fl_alert("Can't seem to close editor of file: %s\n"
"waitpid() returned: %s\n"
"Please close editor and hit OK",
filename(), strerror(errno));
case 0: // process still running
if ( ++wcount > 3 ) { // retry 3x with 1/10th delay before showing dialog
fl_alert("Can't seem to close editor of file: %s\n"
"Please close editor and hit OK", filename());
case 1: // process reaped (reap_editor() sets pid_ to -1)
if ( G_debug )
printf("*** REAPED KILLED EXTERNAL EDITOR: PID %ld\n", (long)pid_reaped);
Handle if file changed since last check, and update records if so.
Load new data into 'code', which caller must free().
If 'force' set, forces reload even if file size/time didn't change.
\param[in] code
\param[in] force
\return 0 if file unchanged or not editing
\return 1 if file changed, internal records updated, 'code' has new content
\return -1 error getting file info (strerror() has reason)
int ExternalCodeEditor::handle_changes(const char **code, int force) {
code[0] = 0;
if ( !is_editing() ) return 0;
// Get current time/size info, see if file changed
int changed = 0;
struct stat sbuf;
if ( stat(filename(), &sbuf) < 0 ) return(-1); // TODO: show fl_alert(), do this in win32 too, adjust func call docs above
time_t now_mtime = sbuf.st_mtime;
size_t now_size = sbuf.st_size;
// OK, now see if file changed; update records if so
if ( now_mtime != file_mtime_ ) { changed = 1; file_mtime_ = now_mtime; }
if ( now_size != file_size_ ) { changed = 1; file_size_ = now_size; }
// No changes? done
if ( !changed && !force ) return 0;
// Changes? Load file, and fallthru to close()
int fd = open(filename(), O_RDONLY);
if ( fd < 0 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: can't open '%s': %s", filename(), strerror(errno));
return -1;
int ret = 0;
char *buf = (char*)malloc(file_size_ + 1);
ssize_t count = read(fd, buf, file_size_);
if ( count == -1 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: read() %s: %s", filename(), strerror(errno));
ret = -1;
} else if ( (long)count != (long)file_size_ ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: read() failed for %s:\n"
"expected %ld bytes, only got %ld",
filename(), long(file_size_), long(count));
ret = -1;
} else {
// Success -- file loaded OK
buf[count] = '\0';
code[0] = buf; // return pointer to allocated buffer
ret = 1;
return ret;
Remove the tmp file (if it exists), and zero out filename/mtime/size.
\return -1 on error (dialog is posted as to why)
\return 0 no file to remove
\return 1 -- file was removed
int ExternalCodeEditor::remove_tmpfile() {
const char *tmpfile = filename();
if ( !tmpfile ) return 0;
// Filename set? remove (if exists) and zero filename/mtime/size
if ( is_file(tmpfile) ) {
if ( G_debug ) printf("Removing tmpfile '%s'\n", tmpfile);
if ( remove(tmpfile) < 0 ) {
fl_alert("WARNING: Can't remove() '%s': %s", tmpfile, strerror(errno));
return -1;
file_mtime_ = 0;
file_size_ = 0;
return 1;
Return tmpdir name for this fluid instance.
\return pointer to static memory.
const char* ExternalCodeEditor::tmpdir_name() {
static char dirname[100];
snprintf(dirname, sizeof(dirname), "/tmp/.fluid-%ld", (long)getpid());
return dirname;
Clear the external editor's tempdir.
Static so that the main program can call it on exit to clean up.
void ExternalCodeEditor::tmpdir_clear() {
const char *tmpdir = tmpdir_name();
if ( is_dir(tmpdir) ) {
if ( G_debug ) printf("Removing tmpdir '%s'\n", tmpdir);
if ( rmdir(tmpdir) < 0 ) {
fl_alert("WARNING: Can't rmdir() '%s': %s", tmpdir, strerror(errno));
Creates temp dir (if doesn't exist) and returns the dirname
as a static string.
\return NULL on error, dialog shows reason.
const char* ExternalCodeEditor::create_tmpdir() {
const char *dirname = tmpdir_name();
if ( ! is_dir(dirname) ) {
if ( mkdir(dirname, 0777) < 0 ) {
fl_alert("can't create directory '%s': %s",
dirname, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
return dirname;
Returns temp filename in static buffer.
\return NULL if can't, posts dialog explaining why.
const char* ExternalCodeEditor::tmp_filename() {
static char path[FL_PATH_MAX+1];
const char *tmpdir = create_tmpdir();
if ( !tmpdir ) return 0;
const char *ext = g_project.code_file_name.c_str(); // e.g. ".cxx"
snprintf(path, FL_PATH_MAX, "%s/%p%s", tmpdir, (void*)this, ext);
path[FL_PATH_MAX] = 0;
return path;
Save string 'code' to 'filename', returning file's mtime/size.
'code' can be NULL -- writes an empty file if so.
\return 0 on success
\return -1 on error (posts dialog with reason)
static int save_file(const char *filename, const char *code) {
int fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666);
if ( fd == -1 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: open() '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno));
return -1;
ssize_t clen = strlen(code);
ssize_t count = write(fd, code, clen);
int ret = 0;
if ( count == -1 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: write() '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno));
ret = -1; // fallthru to close()
} else if ( count != clen ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: write() '%s': wrote only %lu bytes, expected %lu",
filename, (unsigned long)count, (unsigned long)clen);
ret = -1; // fallthru to close()
Convert string 's' to array of argv[], useful for execve().
- 's' will be modified (words will be NULL separated)
- argv[] will end up pointing to the words of 's'
- Caller must free argv with: free(argv);
\return -1 in case of memory allocation error
\return number of arguments in argv (same value as in argc)
static int make_args(char *s, // string containing words (gets trashed!)
int *aargc, // pointer to argc
char ***aargv) { // pointer to argv
char *ss, **argv;
if ((argv=(char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * (strlen(s)/2)))==NULL) {
return -1;
int t;
for(t=0; (t==0)?(ss=strtok(s," \t")):(ss=strtok(0," \t")); t++) {
argv[t] = ss;
argv[t] = 0;
aargv[0] = argv;
aargc[0] = t;
If no alert pipe is open yet, try to create the pipe and hook it up the the fd callback.
The alert pipe is used to communicate from the forked process to the main
FLTK app in case launching the editor failed.
void ExternalCodeEditor::open_alert_pipe() {
if (!alert_pipe_open_) {
if (::pipe(alert_pipe_) == 0) {
Fl::add_fd(alert_pipe_[0], FL_READ, alert_pipe_cb, this);
alert_pipe_open_ = true;
} else {
alert_pipe_[0] = alert_pipe_[1] = -1;
Start editor in background (fork/exec)
\return 0 on success, leaves editor child process running as 'pid_'
\return -1 on error, posts dialog with reason (child exits)
int ExternalCodeEditor::start_editor(const char *editor_cmd,
const char *filename) {
if ( G_debug ) printf("start_editor() cmd='%s', filename='%s'\n",
editor_cmd, filename);
char cmd[1024];
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s %s", editor_cmd, filename);
command_line_ = editor_cmd;
// Fork editor to background..
switch ( pid_ = fork() ) {
case -1: // error
fl_alert("couldn't fork(): %s", strerror(errno));
return -1;
case 0: { // child
// NOTE: OSX wants minimal code between fork/exec, see Apple TN2083
// NOTE: no FLTK calls after a fork. Use a pipe to tell the app if the
// command can't launch
int nargs;
char **args = 0;
if (make_args(cmd, &nargs, &args) > 0) {
execvp(args[0], args); // run command - doesn't return if succeeds
if (alert_pipe_open_) {
int err = errno;
if (::write(alert_pipe_[1], &err, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int)) {
// should not happen, but if it does, at least we tried
// break;
default: // parent
if ( L_editors_open++ == 0 ) // first editor? start timers
{ start_update_timer(); }
if ( G_debug )
printf("--- EDITOR STARTED: pid_=%ld #open=%d\n", (long)pid_, L_editors_open);
return 0;
Try to reap external editor process.
If 'pid_reaped' not NULL, returns PID of reaped editor.
\return -2: editor not open
\return -1: waitpid() failed (errno has reason)
\return 0: process still running
\return 1: process finished + reaped ('pid_reaped' has pid), pid_ set to -1.
Handles removing tmpfile/zeroing file_mtime/file_size/filename
\return If return value <=0, 'pid_reaped' is set to zero.
int ExternalCodeEditor::reap_editor(pid_t *pid_reaped) {
if ( pid_reaped ) *pid_reaped = 0;
if ( !is_editing() ) return -2;
int status = 0;
pid_t wpid;
switch (wpid = waitpid(pid_, &status, WNOHANG)) {
case -1: // waitpid() failed
return -1;
case 0: // process didn't reap, still running
return 0;
default: // process reaped
if ( pid_reaped ) *pid_reaped = wpid; // return pid to caller
remove_tmpfile(); // also zeroes mtime/size
pid_ = -1;
if ( --L_editors_open <= 0 )
{ stop_update_timer(); }
if ( G_debug )
printf("*** EDITOR REAPED: pid=%ld #open=%d\n", long(wpid), L_editors_open);
return 1;
Open external editor using 'editor_cmd' to edit 'code'.
'code' contains multiline code to be edited as a temp file.
\return 0 if succeeds
\return -1 if can't open editor (already open, etc),
errors were shown to user in a dialog
int ExternalCodeEditor::open_editor(const char *editor_cmd,
const char *code) {
// Make sure a temp filename exists
if ( !filename() ) {
if ( !filename() ) return -1;
// See if tmpfile already exists or editor already open
if ( is_file(filename()) ) {
if ( is_editing() ) {
// See if editor recently closed but not reaped; try to reap
pid_t wpid;
switch ( reap_editor(&wpid) ) {
case -2: // no editor running? (unlikely if is_editing() true)
case -1: // waitpid() failed
fl_alert("ERROR: waitpid() failed: %s\nfile='%s', pid=%ld",
strerror(errno), filename(), (long)pid_);
return -1;
case 0: // process still running
fl_alert("Editor Already Open\n file='%s'\n pid=%ld",
filename(), (long)pid_);
return 0;
case 1: // process reaped, wpid is pid reaped
if ( G_debug )
printf("*** REAPED EXTERNAL EDITOR: PID %ld\n", (long)wpid);
break; // fall thru to open new editor instance
// Reinstate tmp filename (reap_editor() clears it)
if ( save_file(filename(), code) < 0 ) {
return -1; // errors were shown in dialog
// Update mtime/size from closed file
struct stat sbuf;
if ( stat(filename(), &sbuf) < 0 ) {
fl_alert("ERROR: can't stat('%s'): %s", filename(), strerror(errno));
return -1;
file_mtime_ = sbuf.st_mtime;
file_size_ = sbuf.st_size;
if ( start_editor(editor_cmd, filename()) < 0 ) { // open file in external editor
if ( G_debug ) printf("Editor failed to start\n");
return -1; // errors were shown in dialog
return 0;
Start update timer.
void ExternalCodeEditor::start_update_timer() {
if ( !L_update_timer_cb ) return;
if ( G_debug ) printf("--- TIMER: STARTING UPDATES\n");
Fl::add_timeout(2.0, L_update_timer_cb);
Stop update timer.
void ExternalCodeEditor::stop_update_timer() {
if ( !L_update_timer_cb ) return;
if ( G_debug ) printf("--- TIMER: STOPPING UPDATES\n");
Set app's external editor update timer callback.
This is the app's callback callback we start while editors are open,
and stop when all editors are closed.
void ExternalCodeEditor::set_update_timer_callback(Fl_Timeout_Handler cb) {
L_update_timer_cb = cb;
See if any external editors are open.
App's timer cb can see if any editors need checking..
int ExternalCodeEditor::editors_open() {
return L_editors_open;
It the forked process can't run the editor, it will send the errno through a pipe.
void ExternalCodeEditor::alert_pipe_cb(FL_SOCKET s, void* d) {
ExternalCodeEditor* self = (ExternalCodeEditor*)d;
self->last_error_ = 0;
if (::read(s, &self->last_error_, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int))
const char* cmd = self->command_line_.c_str();
if (cmd && *cmd) {
if (cmd[0] == '/') { // is this an absoluet filename?
fl_alert("Can't launch external editor '%s':\n%s\n\ncmd: \"%s\"",
fl_filename_name(cmd), strerror(self->last_error_), cmd);
} else {
char pwd[FL_PATH_MAX+1];
fl_getcwd(pwd, FL_PATH_MAX);
fl_alert("Can't launch external editor '%s':\n%s\n\ncmd: \"%s\"\npwd: \"%s\"",
fl_filename_name(cmd), strerror(self->last_error_), cmd, pwd);