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// "$Id$"
// Widget header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2005 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
// http://www.fltk.org/str.php
/** \file
* This file describes the Fl_Widget and Fl_Label classes.
#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
#define Fl_Widget_H
#include "Enumerations.H"
class Fl_Widget;
class Fl_Window;
class Fl_Group;
class Fl_Image;
typedef void (Fl_Callback )(Fl_Widget*, void*);
typedef Fl_Callback* Fl_Callback_p; // needed for BORLAND
typedef void (Fl_Callback0)(Fl_Widget*);
typedef void (Fl_Callback1)(Fl_Widget*, long);
/** This struct stores all information for a text or mixed graphics label.
* \todo For FLTK1.3, the Fl_Label type will become a widget by itself. That way
* we will be avoiding a lot of code duplication by handling labels in
* a similar fashion to widgets containing text. We also provide an easy
* interface for very complex labels, containing html or vector graphics.
struct FL_EXPORT Fl_Label {
/** label text */
const char* value;
/** optional image for an active label */
Fl_Image* image;
/** optional image for a deactivated label */
Fl_Image* deimage;
/** type of label. \see Fl_Labeltype */
uchar type;
/** label font used in text */
Fl_Font font;
/** size of label font */
Fl_Font_Size size;
/** text color */
unsigned color;
/** draw the label aligned to the given box */
void draw(int,int,int,int, Fl_Align) const ;
/** measure the size of the label.
* \param w, h on input, this is the requested size for the label text plus image;
* on return, this will contain the size needed to fit the label
void measure(int &w, int &h) const ;
/** Fl_Widget is the base class for all widgets in FLTK.
* You can't create one of these because the constructor is not public. However
* you can subclass it.
* All "property" accessing methods, such as color(), parent(), or argument()
* are implemented as trivial inline functions and thus are as fast and small
* as accessing fields in a structure. Unless otherwise noted, the property
* setting methods such as color(n) or label(s) are also trivial inline functions,
* even if they change the widget's appearance. It is up to the user code to call
* redraw() after these.
class FL_EXPORT Fl_Widget {
friend class Fl_Group;
Fl_Group* parent_;
Fl_Callback* callback_;
void* user_data_;
int x_,y_,w_,h_;
Fl_Label label_;
int flags_;
unsigned color_;
unsigned color2_;
uchar type_;
uchar damage_;
uchar box_;
Fl_Align align_:8;
uchar when_;
const char *tooltip_;
/** unimplemented copy ctor */
Fl_Widget(const Fl_Widget &);
/** unimplemented assignment operator */
Fl_Widget& operator=(const Fl_Widget &);
/** Creates a widget at the given position and size.
* The Fl_Widget is a protected constructor, but all derived widgets have a
* matching public constructor. It takes a value for x(), y(), w(), h(), and
* an optional value for label().
* \param[in] x, y the position of the widget relative to the enclosing window
* \param[in] w, h size of the widget in pixels
* \param[in] label optional text for the widget label
Fl_Widget(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_CString label=0L);
/** Internal use only. Use position(int,int), size(int, int) or resize(int,int,int,int) instead. */
void x(int v) {x_ = v;}
/** Internal use only. Use position(int,int), size(int, int) or resize(int,int,int,int) instead. */
void y(int v) {y_ = v;}
/** Internal use only. Use position(int,int), size(int, int) or resize(int,int,int,int) instead. */
void w(int v) {w_ = v;}
/** Internal use only. Use position(int,int), size(int, int) or resize(int,int,int,int) instead. */
void h(int v) {h_ = v;}
int flags() const {return flags_;}
void set_flag(int c) {flags_ |= c;}
void clear_flag(int c) {flags_ &= ~c;}
void draw_box() const;
void draw_box(Fl_Boxtype, Fl_Color) const;
void draw_box(Fl_Boxtype, int,int,int,int, Fl_Color) const;
void draw_focus() {draw_focus(box(),x(),y(),w(),h());}
void draw_focus(Fl_Boxtype, int,int,int,int) const;
void draw_label() const;
void draw_label(int, int, int, int) const;
/** Destroys the widget.
* Destroying single widgets is not very common, and it is your responsibility
* to either remove() them from any enclosing group or destroy that group
* \em immediately after destroying the children. You almost always want to
* destroy the parent group instead which will destroy all of the child widgets
* and groups in that group.
virtual ~Fl_Widget();
/** Draw the widget.
* Never call this function directly. FLTK will schedule redrawing whenever
* needed. If your widget must be redrawn as soon as possible, call redraw()
* instead.
* Override this function to draw your own widgets.
virtual void draw() = 0;
/** Handles the specified event.
* You normally don't call this method directly, but instead let FLTK do
* it when the user interacts with the widget.
* When implemented in a new widget, this function must return 0 if the
* widget does not use the event or 1 if it uses the event.
* \param[in] event the kind of event received
* \retval 0 if the event was not used or understood
* \retval 1 if the event was used and can be deleted
* \see Fl_Event
virtual int handle(int event);
/** Returns a pointer to the parent widget.
* Usually this is a Fl_Group or Fl_Window.
* \retval NULL if the widget has no parent
* \see Fl_Group::add(Fl_Widget*)
Fl_Group* parent() const {return parent_;}
/** Internal use only. Use Fl_Group::add(Fl_Widget*) instead. */
void parent(Fl_Group* p) {parent_ = p;} // for hacks only, Fl_Group::add()
/** Returns the widget type.
* Returns the widget type value, which is used for Forms
* compatibility and to simulate RTTI.
uchar type() const {return type_;}
/** Sets tye widget type.
* This is used for Forms compatibility.
void type(uchar t) {type_ = t;}
/** Return the widget position in its window.
* \return the x position relative to the window
int x() const {return x_;}
/** Return the widget position in its window.
* \return the y position relative to the window
int y() const {return y_;}
/** Return the widget width.
* \return the width of the widget in pixels.
int w() const {return w_;}
/** Return the widget height.
* \return the height of the widget in pixels.
int h() const {return h_;}
/** Change the size or position of the widget.
* This is a virtual function so that the widget may implement its
* own handling of resizing. The default version does <I>not</I>
* call the redraw() method, but instead relies on the parent widget
* to do so because the parent may know a faster way to update the
* display, such as scrolling from the old position.
* Some window managers under X11 call resize() a lot more often
* than needed. Please verify that the position or size of a widget
* did actually change before doing any extensive calculations.
* position(x,y) is a shortcut for resize(x,y,w(),h()), and size(w,h) is a shortcut for resize(x(),y(),w,h).
* \param[in] x, y new position relative to the parent window
* \param[in] w, h new size
* \see position(int, int), size(int, int)
virtual void resize(int x, int y, int w, int h);
/** Internal use only. */
int damage_resize(int,int,int,int);
/** Reposition the window or widget.
* position(x,y) is a shortcut for resize(x,y,w(),h()).
* \param[in] x, y new position relative to the parent window
* \see resize(int, int, int, int), size(int, int)
void position(int X,int Y) {resize(X,Y,w_,h_);}
/** Change the size of the widget.
* size(w,h) is a shortcut for resize(x(),y(),w,h).
* \param[in] W, H new size
* \see position(int, int), resize(int, int, int, int)
void size(int W,int H) {resize(x_,y_,W,H);}
/** Gets the label alignment.
* \return label alignment
* \see label(), align(Fl_Align), Fl_Align
* \todo This function should not take ucahr as an argument. Apart from the fact that ucahr is too short
* with only 8 bits, it does not provide type safety (in which case we don't need to declare Fl_Type
* an enum to begin with).
Fl_Align align() const {return align_;}
/** Sets the label alignment.
* This controls how the label is displayed next to or inside the widget.
* The default value is FL_ALIGN_CENTER, which centers the label inside the widget.
* \param[in] alignment new label alignment
* \see align(), Fl_Align
void align(Fl_Align alignment) {align_ = alignment;}
/** Gets the box type for the widget.
* \return the current box type
* \see box(Fl_Boxtype), Fl_Boxtype
Fl_Boxtype box() const {return (Fl_Boxtype)box_;}
/** Sets the box type for the widget.
* This identifies a routine that draws the background of the widget.
* See Fl_Boxtype for the available types. The default depends on the widget,
* but is usually FL_NO_BOX or FL_UP_BOX.
* \param[in] new_box the new box type
* \see box(), Fl_Boxtype
void box(Fl_Boxtype new_box) {box_ = new_box;}
/** Gets the background color of the widget.
* \return current background color
* \see color(unsigned), color(unsigned, unsigned)
Fl_Color color() const {return (Fl_Color)color_;}
/** Sets the background color of the widget.
* The color is passed to the box routine. The color is either an index into an
* internal table of RGB colors or an RGB color value generated using fl_rgb_color().
* The default for most widgets is FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR. Use Fl::set_color() to
* redefine colors in the color map.
* \param[in] bg background color
* \see color(), color(unsigned, unsigned), selection_color(unsigned)
void color(unsigned bg) {color_ = bg;}
/** Gets the selection color.
* \return the current selection color
* \see selection_color(unsigned), color(unsigned, unsigned)
Fl_Color selection_color() const {return (Fl_Color)color2_;}
/** Gets or sets the selection color.
* The selection color is defined for Forms compatibility and is usually
* used to color the widget when it is selected, although some widgets
* use this color for other purposes. You can set both colors at once
* with color(int, int).
* \param[in] a the new selection color
* \see selection_color(), color(unsigned, unsigned)
void selection_color(unsigned a) {color2_ = a;}
/** Sets the background and selection color of the widget.
* The two color form sets both the background and selection colors.
* \param[in] bg background color
* \param[in] sel selection color
* \see color(unsigned), selection_color(unsigned)
void color(unsigned bg, unsigned sel) {color_=bg; color2_=sel;}
/** Get the current label text.
* \return a pointer to the current label text
* \see label(Fl_CString), copy_label(Fl_CString)
const char* label() const {return label_.value;}
/** Get or set the current label pointer.
* The label is shown somewhere on or next to the widget. The passed pointer
* is stored unchanged in the widget (the string is \em not copied), so if
* you need to set the label to a formatted value, make sure the buffer is
* <tt>static</tt>, global, or allocated. The copy_label() method can be used
* to make a copy of the label string automatically.
* \param[in] text pointer to new label text
* \see copy_label()
void label(const char* text);
/** Sets the current label.
* Unlike label(), this method allocates a copy of the label
* string instead of using the original string pointer.
* \param[in] new_label the new label text
* \see label()
void copy_label(Fl_CString new_label);
/** Shortcut to set the label text and type in one call.
* \see label(FL_CString), labeltype(Fl_Labeltype)
void label(Fl_Labeltype a,const char* b) {label_.type = a; label_.value = b;}
/** Gets the label type.
* \return the current label type.
* \see Fl_Labeltype
Fl_Labeltype labeltype() const {return (Fl_Labeltype)label_.type;}
/** Sets the label type.
* The label type identifies the function that draws the label of the widget.
* This is generally used for special effects such as embossing or for using
* the label() pointer as another form of data such as an icon. The value
* FL_NORMAL_LABEL prints the label as plain text.
* \param a new label type
* \see Fl_Labeltype
void labeltype(Fl_Labeltype a) {label_.type = a;}
/** Gets the label color.
* The default color is FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR.
* \return the current label color
Fl_Color labelcolor() const {return (Fl_Color)label_.color;}
/** Sets the label color.
* The default color is FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR.
* \param[in] c the new label color
void labelcolor(unsigned c) {label_.color=c;}
/** Gets the font to use.
* Fonts are identified by indexes into a table. The default value uses a
* Helvetica typeface (Arial for Microsoft&reg; Windows&reg;). The function
* Fl::set_font() can define new typefaces.
* \return current font used by the label
* \see Fl_Font
Fl_Font labelfont() const {return label_.font;}
/** Sets the font to use.
* Fonts are identified by indexes into a table. The default value uses a
* Helvetica typeface (Arial for Microsoft&reg; Windows&reg;). The function
* Fl::set_font() can define new typefaces.
* \param[in] f the new font for the label
* \see Fl_Font
void labelfont(Fl_Font f) {label_.font=f;}
/** Gets the font size in pixels.
* The default size is 14 pixels.
* \return the current font size
Fl_Font_Size labelsize() const {return label_.size;}
/** Gets or sets the font size in pixels.
* The default size is 14 pixels.
* \param[in] pix the new font size
void labelsize(Fl_Font_Size pix) {label_.size=pix;}
/** Gets or sets the image to use as part of the widget label.
* This image is used when drawing the widget in the active state.
* \return the current image
Fl_Image* image() {return label_.image;}
/** Gets or sets the image to use as part of the widget label.
* This image is used when drawing the widget in the active state.
* \param[in] img the new image for the label
void image(Fl_Image* img) {label_.image=img;}
/** Gets or sets the image to use as part of the widget label.
* This image is used when drawing the widget in the active state.
* \param[in] img the new image for the label
void image(Fl_Image& img) {label_.image=&img;}
/** Gets the image to use as part of the widget label.
* This image is used when drawing the widget in the inactive state.
* \return the current deactivated image for this widget
Fl_Image* deimage() {return label_.deimage;}
/** Sets the image to use as part of the widget label.
* This image is used when drawing the widget in the inactive state.
* \param[in] img the new image for the deactivated widget
void deimage(Fl_Image* img) {label_.deimage=img;}
/** Sets the image to use as part of the widget label.
* This image is used when drawing the widget in the inactive state.
* \param[in] img the new image for the deactivated widget
void deimage(Fl_Image& img) {label_.deimage=&img;}
/** Gets the current tooltip text.
* \return a pointer to the tooltip text or NULL
const char *tooltip() const {return tooltip_;}
/** Sets the current tooltip text.
* Sets a string of text to display in a popup tooltip window when the user
* hovers the mouse over the widget. The string is <I>not</I> copied, so
* make sure any formatted string is stored in a <TT>static</TT>, global,
* or allocated buffer.
* If no tooltip is set, the tooltip of the parent is inherited. Setting a
* tooltip for a group and setting no tooltip for a child will show the
* group's tooltip instead. To avoid this behavior, you can set the child's
* tooltip to an empty string (<tt>&quot;&quot;</tt>).
* \param[in] t new tooltip
void tooltip(const char *t);
/** Gets the current callback function for the widget.
* Each widget has a single callback.
* \return current callback
Fl_Callback_p callback() const {return callback_;}
/** Sets the current callback function for the widget.
* Each widget has a single callback.
* \param[in] cb new callback
* \param[in] p user data
void callback(Fl_Callback* cb, void* p) {callback_=cb; user_data_=p;}
/** Sets the current callback function for the widget.
* Each widget has a single callback.
* \param[in] cb new callback
void callback(Fl_Callback* cb) {callback_=cb;}
/** Sets the current callback function for the widget.
* Each widget has a single callback.
* \param[in] cb new callback
void callback(Fl_Callback0*cb) {callback_=(Fl_Callback*)cb;}
/** Sets the current callback function for the widget.
* Each widget has a single callback.
* \param[in] cb new callback
* \param[in] p user data
void callback(Fl_Callback1*cb, long p=0) {callback_=(Fl_Callback*)cb; user_data_=(void*)p;}
/** Gets the user data for this widget.
* Gets the current user data (<TT>void *</TT>) argument
* that is passed to the callback function.
* \return user data as a pointer
void* user_data() const {return user_data_;}
/** Sets the user data for this widget.
* Sets the new user data (<TT>void *</TT>) argument
* that is passed to the callback function.
* \param[in] v new user data
void user_data(void* v) {user_data_ = v;}
/** Gets the current user data (long) argument that is passed to the callback function.
long argument() const {return (long)user_data_;}
/** Sets the current user data (long) argument that is passed to the callback function.
* \todo The user data value must be implemented using a \em union to avoid 64 bit machine incompatibilities.
void argument(long v) {user_data_ = (void*)v;}
/** Return the conditions under which the callback is called.
* \return set of flags
Fl_When when() const {return (Fl_When)when_;}
/** Flags used to decide when a callback is called.
* <TT>Fl_Widget::when()</TT> is a set of bitflags used by subclasses of
* <TT> Fl_Widget</TT> to decide when to do the callback. If the value
* is zero then the callback is never done. Other values are described
* in the individual widgets. This field is in the base class so that
* you can scan a panel and <TT>do_callback()</TT> on all the ones that
* don't do their own callbacks in response to an &quot;OK&quot; button.
* \param[in] i set of flags
void when(uchar i) {when_ = i;}
/** Returns whether a widget is visble.
* \retval 0 if the widget is not drawn and hence invisible.
* \see show(), hide(), visible_r()
int visible() const {return !(flags_&INVISIBLE);}
/** Returns whether a widget and all its parents are visible.
* \retval 0 if the widget or any of its parents are invisible.
* \see show(), hide(), visible()
int visible_r() const;
/** Makes a widget visible.
* An invisible widget never gets redrawn and does not get events.
* The <TT>visible()</TT> method returns true if the widget is set to be
* visible. The <TT>visible_r()</TT> method returns true if the widget and
* all of its parents are visible. A widget is only visible if
* <TT>visible()</TT> is true on it <I>and all of its parents</I>.
* Changing it will send <TT>FL_SHOW</TT> or <TT>FL_HIDE</TT> events to
* the widget. <I>Do not change it if the parent is not visible, as this
* will send false <TT>FL_SHOW</TT> or <TT>FL_HIDE</TT> events to the
* widget</I>. <TT>redraw()</TT> is called if necessary on this or the parent.
* \see hide(), visible(), visible_r()
void show();
/** Makes a widget invisible.
* \see show(), visible(), visible_r()
void hide();
/** Makes the widget visible.
* You must still redraw the parent widget to see a change in the
* window. Normally you want to use the show() method instead.
void set_visible() {flags_ &= ~INVISIBLE;}
/** Hides the widget.
* You must still redraw the parent to see a change in the window.
* Normally you want to use the hide() method instead.
void clear_visible() {flags_ |= INVISIBLE;}
/** Returns whether the widget is active.
* \retval 0 if the widget is inactive
* \see active_r(), activate(), deactivate()
int active() const {return !(flags_&INACTIVE);}
/** active_r() returns whether the widget and all of its
* parents are active.
* \retval 0 if this or any of the parent widgets are inactive
* \see active(), activate(), deactivate()
int active_r() const;
/** Activate a widget.
* Changing this value will send FL_ACTIVATE to the widget if
* active_r() is true.
* \see active(), active_r(), deactivate()
void activate();
/** Deactivate a widget.
* Inactive widgets will be drawn "grayed out", e.g. with less contrast
* than the active widget. Inactive widgets will not receive any keyboard
* or mouse button events. Other events (including FL_ENTER, FL_MOVE,
* FL_LEAVE, FL_SHORTCUT, and others) will still be sent. A widget is
* only active if active() is true on it <I>and all of its parents</I>.
* Changing this value will send FL_DEACTIVATE to the widget if
* active_r() is true.
* Currently you cannot deactivate Fl_Window widgets.
* \see activate(), active(), active_r()
void deactivate();
/** Return if a widget is used for output only.
* output() means the same as !active() except it does not change how the
* widget is drawn. The widget will not receive any events. This is useful
* for making scrollbars or buttons that work as displays rather than input devices.
* \retval 0 if the widget is used for input and output
* \see set_output(), clear_output()
int output() const {return (flags_&OUTPUT);}
/** Set a widget to output only.
* \see output(), clear_output()
void set_output() {flags_ |= OUTPUT;}
/** Set a widget to accept input.
* \see set_output(), output()
void clear_output() {flags_ &= ~OUTPUT;}
/** Returns if the widget is able to take events.
* This is the same as <TT>(active() && !output()
* && visible())</TT> but is faster.
* \retval 0 if the widget takes no events
int takesevents() const {return !(flags_&(INACTIVE|INVISIBLE|OUTPUT));}
/** Check if the widget value changed since the last callback.
* "Changed" is a flag that is turned on when the user changes the value stored
* in the widget. This is only used by subclasses of Fl_Widget that store values,
* but is in the base class so it is easier to scan all the widgets in a panel
* and do_callback() on the changed ones in response to an "OK" button.
* Most widgets turn this flag off when they do the callback, and when the program
* sets the stored value.
* \retval 0 if the value did not change
* \see set_changed(), clear_changed()`
int changed() const {return flags_&CHANGED;}
/** Mark the value of the widget as changed.
* \see changed(), clear_changed()
void set_changed() {flags_ |= CHANGED;}
/** Mark the value of the widget as unchanged.
* \see changed(), set_changed()
void clear_changed() {flags_ &= ~CHANGED;}
/** Give the widget the keyboard focus.
* Tries to make this widget be the Fl::focus() widget, by first sending
* it an <TT>FL_FOCUS</TT> event, and if it returns non-zero, setting
* <TT>Fl::focus()</TT> to this widget. You should use this method to
* assign the focus to a widget.
* \return true if the widget accepted the focus.
int take_focus();
/** Enables keyboard focus navigation with this widget.
* Note, however, that this will not necessarily mean that the widget will
* accept focus, but for widgets that can accept focus, this method enables
* it if it has been disabled.
* \see visible_focus(), clear_visible_focus(), visible_focus(int)
void set_visible_focus() { flags_ |= VISIBLE_FOCUS; }
/** Disables keyboard focus navigation with this widget.
* Normally, all widgets participate in keyboard focus navigation.
* \see set_visible_focus(), visible_focus(), visible_focus(int)
void clear_visible_focus() { flags_ &= ~VISIBLE_FOCUS; }
/** Modifies keyboard focus navigation.
* \param[in] v set or clear visible focus
* \see set_visible_focus(), clear_visible_focus(), visible_focus()
void visible_focus(int v) { if (v) set_visible_focus(); else clear_visible_focus(); }
/** Check whether this widget has a visible focus.
* \retval 0 if this widget has no visible focus.
* \see visible_focus(int), set_visible_focus(), clear_visible_focus()
int visible_focus() { return flags_ & VISIBLE_FOCUS; }
/** Sets the default callback for all widgets.
* Sets the default callback, which puts a pointer to the widget on the queue
* returned by Fl::readqueue(). You may want to call this from your own callback.
* \param cb the new callback
* \param d user data associated with that callback
* \see callback(), do_callback(), Fl::readqueu()
static void default_callback(Fl_Widget *cb, void *d);
/** Call the widget callback.
* Causes a widget to invoke its callback function, optionally
* with arbitrary arguments.
* \see callback()
void do_callback() {callback_(this,user_data_); if (callback_ != default_callback) clear_changed();}
/** Call the widget callback.
* Causes a widget to invoke its callback function, optionally
* with arbitrary arguments.
* \param o call the callback with \em o as the widget argument
* \param arg call the callback with \em arg as the user data argument
* \see callback()
void do_callback(Fl_Widget* o,void* arg=0) {callback_(o,arg); if (callback_ != default_callback) clear_changed();}
/** Call the widget callback.
* Causes a widget to invoke its callback function, optionally
* with arbitrary arguments.
* \param o call the callback with \em o as the widget argument
* \param arg call the callback with \em arg as the user data argument
* \see callback()
void do_callback(Fl_Widget* o,long arg) {callback_(o,(void*)arg); if (callback_ != default_callback) clear_changed();}
/** Internal use only. */
int test_shortcut();
/** Internal use only. */
static char label_shortcut(const char *t);
/** Internal use only. */
static int test_shortcut(const char*);
/** Checks if w is a child of this widget.
* \param[in] w potential child widget
* \return Returns 1 if \em w is a child of this widget, or is
* equal to this widget. Returns 0 if \em w is NULL.
int contains(const Fl_Widget *w) const ;
/** Check if this widget is a child of w.
* Returns 1 if this widget is a child of \em w, or is
* equal to \em w. Returns 0 if \em w is NULL.
* \param[in] w the possible parent widget.
* \see contains()
int inside(const Fl_Widget* w) const {return w ? w->contains(this) : 0;}
/** Schedule the drawing of the widget.
* Marks the widget as needing its draw() routine called.
void redraw();
/** Schedule the drawing of the label.
* Marks the widget or the parent as needing a redraw for the label area of a widget.
void redraw_label();
/** Returns non-zero if draw() needs to be called.
* The damage value is actually a bit field that the widget
* subclass can use to figure out what parts to draw.
* \return a bitmap of flags describing the kind of damage to the widget
* \see damage(uchar), clear_damage(uchar)
uchar damage() const {return damage_;}
/** Clear damage flags.
* Damage flags are cleared when parts of the widget drawing is repaired.
* \param[in] c bitmask of flags to clear
* \see damage(uchar), damage()
void clear_damage(uchar c = 0) {damage_ = c;}
/** Set the damage bits for the widget.
* Setting damage bits will schedule the widget for the next redraw.
* \param[in] c bitmask of flags to set
* \see damage(), clear_damage(uchar)
void damage(uchar c);
/** Set the damage bits for an area inside the widget.
* Setting damage bits will schedule the widget for the next redraw.
* \param[in] c bitmask of flags to set
* \param x, y, w, h size of damaged area
* \see damage(), clear_damage(uchar)
void damage(uchar c, int x, int y, int w, int h);
void draw_label(int, int, int, int, Fl_Align) const;
void measure_label(int& xx, int& yy) {label_.measure(xx,yy);}
/** Returns a pointer to the primary Fl_Window widget.
* \retval NULL if no window is associated with this widget.
* \note for an <TT>Fl_Window</TT> widget, this returns its <I>parent</I> window (if any), not <I>this</I> window.
Fl_Window* window() const ;
/** For back compatibility only. */
Fl_Color color2() const {return (Fl_Color)color2_;}
/** For back compatibility only. */
void color2(unsigned a) {color2_ = a;}
// reserved type numbers (necessary for my cheapo RTTI) start here.
// grep the header files for "RESERVED_TYPE" to find the next available
// number.
#define FL_RESERVED_TYPE 100
// End of "$Id$".