Albrecht Schlosser f09e17c3c5 Remove $Id$ tags, update URL's, and more
- remove obsolete svn '$Id$' tags from all source files
- update .fl files and generated files accordingly
- replace 'http://www.fltk.org' URL's with 'https://...'
- replace bug report URL 'str.php' with 'bugs.php'
- remove trailing whitespace
- fix other whitespace errors flagged by Git
- add and/or fix missing or wrong standard headers
- convert tabs to spaces in all source files

The only relevant code changes are in the fluid/ folder where
some .fl files and other source files were used to generate
the '$Id' headers and footers.
2020-07-06 20:28:20 +02:00

136 lines
4.3 KiB

# FLUID makefile for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
# Copyright 1998-2017 by Bill Spitzak and others.
# This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
# the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
# file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
# https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
# Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
# https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
include ../makeinclude
CodeEditor.cxx \
Fl_Function_Type.cxx \
Fl_Group_Type.cxx \
Fl_Menu_Type.cxx \
Fl_Type.cxx \
Fl_Widget_Type.cxx \
Fl_Window_Type.cxx \
Fluid_Image.cxx \
about_panel.cxx \
align_widget.cxx \
alignment_panel.cxx \
code.cxx \
factory.cxx \
file.cxx \
fluid.cxx \
function_panel.cxx \
template_panel.cxx \
undo.cxx \
# ExternalCodeEditor: platform specific files
CPPFILES_WIN = ExternalCodeEditor_WIN32.cxx
CPPFILES_OSX = ExternalCodeEditor_UNIX.cxx
CPPFILES_X11 = ExternalCodeEditor_UNIX.cxx
CPPFILES_XFT = ExternalCodeEditor_UNIX.cxx
all: $(FLUID) fluid$(EXEEXT)
echo Linking $@...
$(OSX_ONLY) $(RM) -r -f fluid.app/Contents/MacOS
$(OSX_ONLY) mkdir fluid.app/Contents/MacOS
$(OSX_ONLY) $(INSTALL_BIN) fluid fluid.app/Contents/MacOS
fluid-shared$(EXEEXT): $(OBJECTS) ../src/$(DSONAME) ../src/$(FLDSONAME) \
echo Linking $@...
-$(RM) *.o core.* *~ *.bck *.bak
-$(RM) core fluid$(EXEEXT) fluid-shared$(EXEEXT)
-$(RM) fluid.app/Contents/MacOS/fluid$(EXEEXT)
depend: $(CPPFILES)
makedepend -Y -I.. -f makedepend -w 20 $(CPPFILES)
echo "# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it." > makedepend.tmp
echo "" >> makedepend.tmp
grep '^[a-zA-Z]' makedepend | ( LC_ALL=C sort -u -f >> makedepend.tmp; )
mv makedepend.tmp makedepend
# Automatically generated dependencies...
include makedepend
install: all
echo "Installing FLUID in $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)..."
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(FLUID) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/fluid$(EXEEXT)
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/applications
$(INSTALL_DATA) fluid.desktop $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/applications
for size in 16 32 48 64 128; do \
if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps; then \
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps; \
fi; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) icons/fluid-$$size.png $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps/fluid.png; \
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/mimelnk/application
$(INSTALL_DATA) x-fluid.desktop $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/mimelnk/application
echo Installing Fluid in $(DESTDIR)/Applications...
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/fluid.app
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/fluid.app/Contents
$(INSTALL_DATA) fluid.app/Contents/Info.plist $(DESTDIR)/Applications/fluid.app/Contents/Info.plist
$(INSTALL_DATA) fluid.app/Contents/PkgInfo $(DESTDIR)/Applications/fluid.app/Contents/PkgInfo
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/fluid.app/Contents/MacOS
$(RM) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/fluid.app/Contents/MacOS/fluid
$(LN) $(bindir)/fluid $(DESTDIR)/Applications/fluid.app/Contents/MacOS/fluid
-$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)/Applications/fluid.app/Contents/Resources
$(INSTALL_DATA) fluid.app/Contents/Resources/fluid.icns $(DESTDIR)/Applications/fluid.app/Contents/Resources
$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/fluid$(EXEEXT)
$(RM) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/applications/fluid.desktop
$(RM) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/fluid.png
$(RM) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-fluid.desktop
$(RM) -r $(DESTDIR)/Applications/fluid.app
# Note: The rebuild target can only be used if you have the original .fl
# files. This is normally only used by the FLTK maintainers...
./fluid -u -c about_panel.fl
./fluid -u -c alignment_panel.fl
./fluid -u -c function_panel.fl
./fluid -u -c print_panel.fl
./fluid -u -c template_panel.fl
./fluid -u -c widget_panel.fl