Fl_Browser_ docos finished. Added Fl_Group::init_sizes() description. Added links for common widgets in chapter 3 (?) Fixed formatting problems in subclassing and FLUID chapters. git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.0@1100 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
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<H1><A NAME=drawing>5 - Drawing Things in FLTK</A></H1>
This chapter covers the drawing functions that are provided with FLTK.
<H2>When Can You Draw Things in FLTK?</H2>
There are only certain places you can execute drawing code in FLTK.
Calling these functions at other places will result in undefined
<LI>The most common is inside the virtual method <A href=#draw><TT>
Fl_Widget::draw()</TT></A>. To write code here, you must subclass one
of the existing <TT>Fl_Widget</TT> classes and implement your own
version of <TT>draw()</TT>. </LI>
<LI>You can also write <A href=common.html#boxtypes>boxtypes</A> and <A href=#labeltypes>
labeltypes</A>. These are small procedures that can be called by
existing <TT>Fl_Widget::draw()</TT> methods. These "types" are
identified by an 8-bit index that is stored in the widget's <TT>box()</TT>
, <TT>labeltype()</TT>, and possibly other properties. </LI>
<LI>You can call <A href=Fl_Window.html#Fl_Window.make_current><TT>
Fl_Window::make_current()</TT></A> to do incremental update of a
widget. Use <A href=Fl_Widget.html#Fl_Widget.window><TT>
Fl_Widget::window()</TT></A> to find the window.</LI>
<H2>FLTK Drawing Functions</H2>
To use the drawing functions you must first include the <TT>
<FL/fl_draw.H></TT> header file. FLTK provides the following types of
drawing functions:
<LI><A href=#clipping>Clipping</A></LI>
<LI><A href=#colors>Colors</A></LI>
<LI><A href=#fast>Fast Shapes</A></LI>
<LI><A href=#complex>Complex Shapes</A></LI>
<LI><A href=#text>Text</A></LI>
<LI><A href=#images>Images</A></LI>
<LI><A href=#overlay>Overlay</A></LI>
<H3><A name=clipping>Clipping</A></H3>
You can limit all your drawing to a rectangular region by calling <TT>
fl_clip</TT>, and put the drawings back by using <TT>fl_pop_clip</TT>.
This rectangle is measured in pixels (it is unaffected by the current
transformation matrix).
<P>In addition, the system may provide clipping when updating windows,
this clip region may be more complex than a simple rectangle. </P>
<H4>void fl_push_clip(int x, int y, int w, int h)</H4>
Intersect the current clip region with a rectangle and push this new
region onto the stack.
<H4>void fl_push_no_clip()</H4>
Pushes an empty clip region on the stack so nothing will be clipped.
<H4>void fl_pop_clip()</H4>
Restore the previous clip region. <I>You must call <TT>fl_pop_clip()</TT>
once for every time you call <TT>fl_clip()</TT>. If you return to
FLTK with the clip stack not empty unpredictable results occur.</I>
<H4>int fl_not_clipped(int x, int y, int w, int h)</H4>
Returns true if any of the rectangle intersects the current clip
region. If this returns false you don't have to draw the object. <I>
Under X this returns 2 if the rectangle is partially clipped, and 1 if
it is entirely inside the clip region</I>.
<H4>int fl_clip_box(int x, int y, int w, int h, int &X, int &Y, int &W,
int &H)</H4>
Intersect the rectangle <TT>x,y,w,h</TT> with the current clip region
and returns the bounding box of the result in <TT>X,Y,W,H</TT>.
Returns non-zero if the resulting rectangle is different than the
original. This can be used to limit the necessary drawing to a
rectangle. <TT>W</TT> and <TT>H</TT> are set to zero if the rectangle
is completely outside the region.
<H3><A name=colors>Colors</A></H3>
<H4>void fl_color(Fl_Color)</H4>
Set the color for all subsequent drawing operations. <TT>Fl_Color</TT>
is an enumeration type, and all values are in the range 0-255. This
is <I>not</I> the X or WIN32 pixel, it is an index into an internal
table! The table provides several general colors, a 24-entry gray
ramp, and a 5x8x5 color cube. All of these are named with
symbols in <A href=enumerations.html#colors>
<P>For colormapped displays, a color cell will be allocated out of <TT>
fl_colormap</TT> the first time you use a color. If the colormap fills
up then a least-squares algorithm is used to find the closest color. </P>
<H4>Fl_Color fl_color()</H4>
Returns the last <TT>fl_color()</TT> that was set. This can be used
for state save/restore.
<H4>void fl_color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b)</H4>
Set the color for all subsequent drawing operations. The closest
possible match to the RGB color is used. The RGB color is used
directly on TrueColor displays. For colormap visuals the nearest index
in the gray ramp or color cube is used.
<H3><A name=fast>Fast Shapes</A></H3>
These are used to draw almost all the FLTK widgets. They draw on
exact pixel boundaries and are as fast as possible, and their behavior
will be duplicated exactly on any platform FLTK is ported to. It is
undefined whether these are affected by the <A href=#complex_shapes>
transformation matrix</A>, so you should only call these while it is
the identity.
<H4>void fl_point(int x, int y)</H4>
Draw a single pixel at the given coordinates.
<H4>void fl_rectf(int x, int y, int w, int h)</H4>
Color a rectangle that exactly fills the given bounding box.
<H4>void fl_rectf(int x, int y, int w, int h, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b)</H4>
Color a rectangle with "exactly" the passed <TT>r,g,b</TT> color. On
screens with less than 24 bits of color this is done by drawing a
solid-colored block using <A href=#fl_draw_image><TT>fl_draw_image()</TT>
</A> so that dithering is produced.
<H4>void fl_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h)</H4>
Draw a 1-pixel border <I>inside</I> this bounding box.
<H4>void fl_line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1)
<BR> void fl_line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)</H4>
Draw one or two 1-pixel thick lines between the given points.
<H4>void fl_loop(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
<BR> void fl_loop(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3,
int y3)</H4>
Outline a 3 or 4-sided polygon with 1-pixel thick lines.
<H4>void fl_polygon(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
<BR> void fl_polygon(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int
x3, int y3)</H4>
Fill a 3 or 4-sided polygon. The polygon must be convex.
<H4>void fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y1)
<BR> void fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2)
<BR> void fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y3)</H4>
Draw 1-pixel wide horizontal and vertical lines. A horizontal line is
drawn first, then a vertical, then a horizontal.
<H4>void fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1)
<BR> void fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2)
<BR> void fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2, int y3)</H4>
Draw 1-pixel wide vertical and horizontal lines. A vertical line is
drawn first, then a horizontal, then a vertical.
<H4>void fl_arc(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2)
<BR> void fl_pie(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2)</H4>
High-speed ellipse sections. These functions match the rather limited
circle drawing code provided by X and WIN32. The advantage over
using <A href=#fl_arc><TT>fl_arc</TT></A> is that they are faster
because they often use the hardware, and they draw much nicer small
circles, since the small sizes are often hard-coded bitmaps.
<P>If a complete circle is drawn it will fit inside the passed bounding
box. The two angles are measured in degrees counterclockwise from
3'oclock and are the starting and ending angle of the arc, <TT>a2</TT>
must be greater or equal to <TT>a1</TT>. </P>
<P><TT>fl_arc()</TT> draws a 1-pixel thick line (notice this has a
different number of arguments than the <A href=#fl_arc><TT>fl_arc()</TT></A>
described below. </P>
<P><TT>fl_pie()</TT> draws a filled-in pie slice. This slice may
extend outside the line drawn by <TT>fl_arc</TT>, to avoid this use <TT>
w - 1</TT> and <TT>h - 1</TT>. </P>
<H3><A name=complex>Complex Shapes</A></H3>
These functions let you draw arbitrary shapes with 2-D linear
transformations. The functionality matches that found in Adobe®
PostScript<SUP>TM</SUP>. The exact pixels that are filled is less defined
than for the previous calls so that FLTK can take advantage of drawing
hardware. On both X and WIN32 the transformed vertices are rounded to integers before
drawing the line segments: this severely limits the accuracy of these
functions for complex graphics, so use OpenGL when greater accuracy
and/or performance is required.
<H4>void fl_push_matrix()
<BR> void fl_pop_matrix()</H4>
Save and restore the current transformation. The maximum depth of the
stack is 4.
<H4>void fl_scale(float x, float y)
<BR> void fl_scale(float x)
<BR> void fl_translate(float x, float y)
<BR> void fl_rotate(float d)
<BR> void fl_mult_matrix(float a, float b, float c, float d, float
x, float y)</H4>
Concatenate another transformation onto the current one. The rotation
angle is in degrees (not radians) and is counter-clockwise.
<H4>void fl_begin_line()
<BR> void fl_end_line()</H4>
Start and end drawing 1-pixel thick lines.
<H4>void fl_begin_loop()
<BR> void fl_end_loop()</H4>
Start and end drawing a closed sequence of 1-pixel thick lines.
<H4>void fl_begin_polygon()
<BR> void fl_end_polygon()</H4>
Start and end drawing a convex filled polygon.
<H4>void fl_begin_complex_polygon()
<BR> void fl_gap()
<BR> void fl_end_complex_polygon()</H4>
Start and end drawing a complex filled polygon. This polygon may be
concave, may have holes in it, or may be several disconnected pieces.
Call <TT>fl_gap()</TT> to seperate loops of the path (it is unnecessary
but harmless to call <TT>fl_gap()</TT> before the first vertex, after
the last one, or several times in a row). For portability, you should
only draw polygons that appear the same whether "even/odd" or
"non-zero" winding rules are used to fill them. This mostly means that
holes should be drawn in the opposite direction of the outside.
<P><TT>fl_gap()</TT> should only be called between <TT>
fl_begin_complex_polygon()</TT> and <TT>fl_end_complex_polygon()</TT>.
To outline the polygon, use <TT>fl_begin_loop()</TT> and replace each <TT>
fl_gap()</TT> with <TT>fl_end_loop();fl_begin_loop()<TT>. </TT></TT></P>
<H4>void fl_vertex(float x, float y)</H4>
Add a single vertex to the current path.
<H4>void fl_curve(float x, float y, float x1, float y1, float x2, float
y2, float x3, float y3)</H4>
Add a series of points on a Bezier curve to the path. The curve ends
(and two of the points) are at <TT>x,y</TT> and <TT>x3,y3</TT>.
<H4>void fl_arc(float x, float y, float r, float start, float end)</H4>
Add a series of points to the current path on the arc of a circle (you
can get elliptical paths by using scale and rotate before calling
this). <TT>x,y</TT> are the center of the circle, and <TT>r</TT> is its
radius. <TT>fl_arc()</TT> takes <TT>start</TT> and <TT>end</TT> angles
that are measured in degrees counter-clockwise from 3 o'clock. If <TT>
end</TT> is less than <TT>start</TT> then it draws the arc in a
clockwise direction.
<H4>void fl_circle(float x, float y, float r)</H4>
<TT>fl_circle()</TT> is equivalent to <TT>fl_arc(...,0,360)</TT> but
may be faster. It must be the <I>only</I> thing in the path: if you
want a circle as part of a complex polygon you must use <TT>fl_arc()</TT>
. <I>This draws incorrectly if the transformation is both rotated and
non-square scaled.</I>
<H3><A name=text>Text</A></H3>
All text is drawn in the <A href=#fl_font>current font</A>. It is
undefined whether this location or the characters are modified by the
current transformation.
<H4>void fl_draw(const char *, float x, float y)
<BR> void fl_draw(const char *, int n, float x, float y)</H4>
Draw a nul-terminated string or an array of <TT>n</TT> characters
starting at the given location.
<H4>void fl_draw(const char *, int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Align)</H4>
Fancy string drawing function which is used to draw all the labels.
The string is formatted and aligned inside the passed box. Handles
'\t' and '\n', expands all other control characters to ^X, and aligns
inside or against the edges of the box. See <A href=Fl_Widget.html#Fl_Widget.align>
<TT>Fl_Widget::align()</TT></A> for values for <TT>align</TT>. The
value <TT>FL_ALIGN_INSIDE</TT> is ignored, as this function always
prints inside the box.
<H4>void fl_measure(const char *, int &w, int &h)</H4>
Measure how wide and tall the string will be when printed by the <TT>
fl_draw(...align)</TT> function. If the incoming <TT>w</TT> is
non-zero it will wrap to that width.
<H4>int fl_height()</H4>
Recommended minimum line spacing for the current font. You can also
just use the value of <TT>size</TT> passed to <A href=#fl_font><TT>
<H4>int fl_descent()</H4>
Recommended distance above the bottom of a <TT>fl_height()</TT> tall
box to draw the text at so it looks centered vertically in that box.
<H4>float fl_width(const char*)
<BR> float fl_width(const char*, int n)
<BR> float fl_width(uchar)</H4>
Return the pixel width of a nul-terminated string, a sequence of <TT>n</TT>
characters, or a single character in the current font.
<H4>const char *fl_shortcut_label(ulong)</H4>
Unparse a shortcut value as used by <A href=Fl_Button.html#Fl_Button.shortcut>
<TT>Fl_Button</TT></A> or <A href=Fl_Menu_Item.html#Fl_Menu_Item><TT>
Fl_Menu_Item</TT></A> into a human-readable string like "Alt+N". This
only works if the shortcut is a character key or a numbered function
key. If the shortcut is zero an empty string is returned. The return
value points at a static buffer that is overwritten with each call.
<H3><A name=fonts>Fonts</A></H3>
<H4><A name=fl_font>void fl_font(int face, int size)</A></H4>
Set the current font, which is then used by the routines described
above. You may call this outside a draw context if necessary to call <TT>
fl_width()</TT>, but on X this will open the display.
<P>The font is identified by a <TT>face</TT> and a <TT>size</TT>. The
size of the font is measured in <TT>pixels</TT> (not "points"). Lines
should be spaced <TT>size</TT> pixels apart (or more). </P>
<P>The <TT>face</TT> is an index into an internal table. Initially
only the first 16 faces are filled in. There are symbolic names for
and modifier values <TT>FL_BOLD</TT> and <TT>FL_ITALIC</TT> which can
be added to these, and <TT>FL_SYMBOL</TT> and <TT>FL_ZAPF_DINGBATS</TT>
. Faces greater than 255 cannot be used in <TT>Fl_Widget</TT> labels,
since it stores the index as a byte. </P>
<H4>int fl_font()
<BR> int fl_size()</H4>
Returns the face and size set by the most recent call to <TT>
fl_font(a,b)</TT>. This can be used to save/restore the font.
<H3><A name=overlay>Overlays</A></H3>
<H4>void fl_overlay_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h)
<BR> void fl_overlay_clear()</H4>
These functions allow you to draw interactive selection rectangles
without using the overlay hardware. FLTK will XOR a single rectangle
outline over a window. Calling this will erase any previous rectangle
(by XOR'ing it), and then draw the new one. Calling <TT>
fl_overlay_clear()</TT> will erase the rectangle without drawing a new
<P>Using this is tricky. You should make a widget with both a <TT>
handle()</TT> and <TT>draw()</TT> method. <TT>draw()</TT> should call <TT>
fl_overlay_clear()</TT> before doing anything else. Your <TT>handle()</TT>
method should call <TT>window()->make_current()</TT> and then <TT>
fl_overlay_rect()</TT> after <TT>FL_DRAG</TT> events, and should call <TT>
fl_overlay_clear()</TT> after a <TT>FL_RELEASE</TT> event. </P>
<H2><A name=images>Images</A></H2>
To draw images, you can either do it directly from data in your
memory, or you can create <A href=#Fl_Bitmap><TT>Fl_Bitmap</TT></A>, <A href=#Fl_Image>
<TT>Fl_Image</TT></A>, or <A href=#Fl_Pixmap><TT>Fl_Pixmap</TT></A>
objects. The advantage of drawing directly is that it is more
intuitive, and it is faster if the image data changes more often than
it is redrawn. The advantage of using the object is that FLTK will
cache translated forms of the image (on X it uses a server pixmap) and
thus redrawing is <I>much</I> faster.
<H3>Direct Image Drawing</H3>
It is undefined whether the location or drawing of the image is
affected by the current transformation, so you should only call these
when it is the identity.
<H4>void fl_draw_image(const uchar *, int X, int Y, int W, int H, int D
= 3, int LD = 0)
<BR> void fl_draw_image_mono(const uchar *, int X, int Y, int W, int H,
int D = 1, int LD = 0)</H4>
Draw an 8-bit per color RGB or luminance image. The pointer points at
the "r" data of the top-left pixel. Data must be in <TT>r,g,b</TT>
order. <TT>X,Y</TT> are where to put the top-left corner. <TT>W</TT>
and <TT>H</TT> define the size of the image. <TT>D</TT> is the delta
to add to the pointer between pixels, it may be any value greater or
equal to <TT>3</TT>, or it can be negative to flip the image
horizontally. <TT>LD</TT> is the delta to add to the pointer between
lines (if 0 is passed it uses <TT>W * D</TT>), and may be larger than <TT>
W * D</TT> to crop data, or negative to flip the image vertically.
<P>It is highly recommended that you put the following code before the
first <TT>show()</TT> of <I>any</I> window in your program to get rid
of the dithering if possible: </P>
Gray scale (1-channel) images may be drawn. This is done if <TT>abs(D)</TT>
is less than 3, or by calling <TT>fl_draw_image_mono()</TT>. Only one
8-bit sample is used for each pixel, and on screens with different
numbers of bits for red, green, and blue only gray colors are used.
Setting <TT>D</TT> greater than 1 will let you display one channel of
a color image.
<P><I>The X version does not support all possible visuals.</I> If FLTK
cannot draw the image in the current visual it will abort. FLTK
supports any visual of 8 bits or less, and all common TrueColor visuals
up to 32 bits. </P>
<H4>typedef void (*fl_draw_image_cb)(void *, int x, int y, int w, uchar
<BR> void fl_draw_image(fl_draw_image_cb, void *, int X, int Y, int W,
int H, int D = 3)
<BR> void fl_draw_image_mono(fl_draw_image_cb, void *, int X, int Y,
int W, int H, int D = 1)</H4>
Call the passed function to provide each scan line of the image. This
lets you generate the image as it is being drawn, or do arbitrary
decompression of stored data (provided it can be decompressed to
individual scan lines easily).
<P>The callback is called with the <TT>void *</TT> user data pointer
(this can be used to point at a structure of information about the
image), and the <TT>x</TT>, <TT>y</TT>, and <TT>w</TT> of the scan line
desired from the image. 0,0 is the upper-left corner (<I>not <TT>X,Y</TT>
</I>). A pointer to a buffer to put the data into is passed. You must
copy <TT>w</TT> pixels from scanline <TT>y</TT>, starting at pixel <TT>x</TT>
, to this buffer. </P>
<P>Due to cropping, less than the whole image may be requested. So <TT>
x</TT> may be greater than zero, the first <TT>y</TT> may be greater
than zero, and <TT>w</TT> may be less than <TT>W</TT>. The buffer is
long enough to store the entire <TT>W * D</TT> pixels, this is for
convienence with some decompression schemes where you must decompress
the entire line at once: decompress it into the buffer, and then if <TT>
x</TT> is not zero, copy the data over so the <TT>x</TT>'th pixel is at
the start of the buffer. </P>
<P>You can assume the <TT>y</TT>'s will be consecutive, except the
first one may be greater than zero. </P>
<P>If <TT>D</TT> is 4 or more, you must fill in the unused bytes with
zero. </P>
<H4>int fl_draw_pixmap(char **data, int X, int Y, Fl_Color = FL_GRAY)</H4>
Draws XPM image data, with the top-left corner at the given position.
The image is dithered on 8-bit displays so you won't lose color space
for programs displaying both images and pixmaps. This function returns
zero if there was any error decoding the XPM data.
<P>To use an XPM, do: </P>
#include "foo.xpm"
fl_draw_pixmap(foo, X, Y);
In the current version the XPM data is converted to 24-bit RGB color
and passed through <TT>fl_draw_image()</TT>. This is obviously not the
most efficient way to do it, and has the same visual limitations as
listed above for <TT>fl_draw_image()</TT>. Transparent colors are
replaced by the optional <TT>Fl_Color</TT> argument (this may change in
the future).
<H4>int fl_measure_pixmap(char **data, int &w, int &h)</H4>
An XPM image contains the dimensions in its data. This function finds
and returns the width and height. The return value is non-zero if it
parsed the dimensions ok, and zero if there is any problem.
<H3><A name=Fl_Bitmap>class Fl_Bitmap</A></H3>
This object encapsulates the width, height, and bits of an X bitmap
(XBM), and allows you to make an <TT>Fl_Widget</TT> use a bitmap as a
label, or to just draw the bitmap directly. Under X it will create an
offscreen pixmap the first time it is drawn, and copy this each
subsequent time it is drawn.
<H4>Fl_Bitmap(const char *bits, int W, int H)
<BR> Fl_Bitmap(const uchar *bits, int W, int H)</H4>
Construct using an X bitmap. The bits pointer is simply copied to the
object, so it must point at persistent storage. The two constructors
are provided because various X implementations disagree about the type
of bitmap data. To use an XBM file use:
#include "foo.xbm"
Fl_Bitmap bitmap = new Fl_Bitmap(foo_bits, foo_width, foo_height);
The destructor will destroy any X pixmap created. It does not do
anything to the bits data.
<H4>void draw(int x, int y, int w, int h, int ox = 0, int oy = 0)</H4>
<TT>x,y,w,h</TT> indicates a destination rectangle. <TT>ox,oy,w,h</TT>
is a source rectangle. This source rectangle from the bitmap is drawn
in the destination. 1 bits are drawn with the current color, 0 bits
are unchanged. The source rectangle may extend outside the bitmap
(i.e. <TT>ox</TT> and <TT>oy</TT> may be negative and <TT>w</TT> and <TT>
h</TT> may be bigger than the bitmap) and this area is left unchanged.
<H4>void draw(int x, int y)</H4>
Draws the bitmap with the upper-left corner at <TT>x,y</TT>. This is
the same as doing <TT>draw(x,y,this->w,this->h,0,0)</TT>.
<H4>void label(Fl_Widget *)</H4>
Change the <TT>label()</TT> and the <TT>labeltype()</TT> of the widget
to draw the bitmap. 1 bits will be drawn with the <TT>labelcolor()</TT>
, zero bits will be unchanged. You can use the same bitmap for many
<H2><A name=Fl_Pixmap>class Fl_Pixmap</A></H2>
This object encapsulates the data from an XPM image, and allows you to
make an <TT>Fl_Widget</TT> use a pixmap as a label, or to just draw the
pixmap directly. <I>Under X it will create an offscreen pixmap the
first time it is drawn, and copy this each subsequent time it is drawn</I>
<P>The current implementation converts the pixmap to 24-bit RGB data
and uses <A href=#fl_draw_image><TT>fl_draw_image()</TT></A> to draw
it. Thus you will get dithered colors on an 8 bit screen. </P>
<H4>Fl_Pixmap(char *const* data)</H4>
Construct using XPM data. The data pointer is simply copied to the
object, so it must point at persistent storage. To use an XPM file do:
#include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>
#include "foo.xpm"
Fl_Pixmap pixmap = new Fl_Pixmap(foo);
The destructor will destroy any X pixmap created. It does not do
anything to the data.
<H4>void draw(int x, int y, int w, int h, int ox = 0, int oy = 0)</H4>
<TT>x,y,w,h</TT> indicates a destination rectangle. <TT>ox,oy,w,h</TT>
is a source rectangle. This source rectangle is copied to the
destination. The source rectangle may extend outside the pixmap (i.e. <TT>
ox</TT> and <TT>oy</TT> may be negative and <TT>w</TT> and <TT>h</TT>
may be bigger than the pixmap) and this area is left unchanged.
<H4>void draw(int x, int y)</H4>
Draws the image with the upper-left corner at <TT>x,y</TT>. This is
the same as doing <TT>draw(x,y,this->w,this->h,0,0)</TT>.
<H4>void label(Fl_Widget *)</H4>
Change the <TT>label()</TT> and the <TT>labeltype()</TT> of the widget
to draw the pixmap. You can use the same pixmap for many widgets.
<H3><A name=Fl_Image>class Fl_Image</A></H3>
This object encapsulates a full-color RGB image, and allows you to
make an <TT>Fl_Widget</TT> use an image as a label, or to just draw the
image directly. <I>Under X it will create an offscreen pixmap the first
time it is drawn, and copy this each subsequent time it is drawn</I>.
<H4>Fl_Image(const uchar *data, int W, int H, int D = 3, int LD = 0)</H4>
Construct using a pointer to RGB data. <TT>W</TT> and <TT>H</TT> are
the size of the image in pixels. <TT>D</TT> is the delta between pixels
(it may be more than 3 to skip alpha or other data, or negative to flip
the image left/right). <TT>LD</TT> is the delta between lines (it may
be more than <TT>D * W</TT> to crop images, or negative to flip the
image vertically). The data pointer is simply copied to the object, so
it must point at persistent storage.
The destructor will destroy any X pixmap created. It does not do
anything to the data.
<H4>void draw(int x, int y, int w, int h, int ox = 0, int oy = 0)</H4>
<TT>x,y,w,h</TT> indicates a destination rectangle. <TT>ox,oy,w,h</TT>
is a source rectangle. This source rectangle is copied to the
destination. The source rectangle may extend outside the image (i.e. <TT>
ox</TT> and <TT>oy</TT> may be negative and <TT>w</TT> and <TT>h</TT>
may be bigger than the image) and this area is left unchanged.
<H4>void draw(int x, int y)</H4>
Draws the image with the upper-left corner at <TT>x,y</TT>. This is
the same as doing <TT>draw(x,y,this->w,this->h,0,0)</TT>.
<H4>void label(Fl_Widget *)</H4>
Change the <TT>label()</TT> and the <TT>labeltype()</TT> of the widget
to draw the image. You can use the same image for many widgets. </BODY></HTML>