(the ??x sequences) by accident. It also should produce somewhat shorter output by using only 1 or 2 digits in some \oct characters and using string constant pasting ("") to shorten some sequences. git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.0@634 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
422 lines
10 KiB
422 lines
10 KiB
// "$Id: Fluid_Image.cxx,v 1999/07/31 08:00:08 bill Exp $"
// Pixmap label support for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-1999 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
// Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@easysw.com".
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Widget.H>
#include "Fl_Type.h"
#include "Fluid_Image.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <FL/filename.H>
extern void goto_source_dir(); // in fluid.C
extern void leave_source_dir(); // in fluid.C
#include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>
class pixmap_image : public Fluid_Image {
Fl_Pixmap *p;
int *linelength;
pixmap_image(const char *name, FILE *);
virtual void label(Fl_Widget *); // set the label of this widget
virtual void write_static();
virtual void write_code();
static int test_file(char *buffer);
int pixmap_image::test_file(char *buffer) {
return (strstr(buffer,"/* XPM") != 0);
void pixmap_image::label(Fl_Widget *o) {
if (p) p->label(o);
static int pixmap_header_written;
void pixmap_image::write_static() {
if (!p) return;
if (pixmap_header_written != write_number) {
write_c("#include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>\n");
pixmap_header_written = write_number;
write_c("static unsigned char *%s[] = {\n",
unique_id(this, "image", filename_name(name()), 0));
int l;
for (l = 0; p->data[l]; l++) {
if (l) write_c(",\n");
write_c("(unsigned char*)\n");
write_c("static Fl_Pixmap %s(%s);\n",
unique_id(this, "pixmap", filename_name(name()), 0),
unique_id(this, "image", filename_name(name()), 0));
void pixmap_image::write_code() {
if (!p) return;
write_c("%s%s.label(o);\n", indent(),
unique_id(this, "pixmap", filename_name(name()), 0));
static int hexdigit(int x) {
if (isdigit(x)) return x-'0';
if (isupper(x)) return x-'A'+10;
if (islower(x)) return x-'a'+10;
return 20;
#define MAXSIZE 2048
pixmap_image::pixmap_image(const char *name, FILE *f) : Fluid_Image(name) {
if (!f) return; // for subclasses
// read all the c-strings out of the file:
char *data[MAXSIZE+1];
int length[MAXSIZE+1];
char buffer[MAXSIZE+20];
int i = 0;
while (i < MAXSIZE && fgets(buffer,MAXSIZE+20,f)) {
if (buffer[0] != '\"') continue;
char *p = buffer;
char *q = buffer+1;
while (*q != '\"' && p < buffer+MAXSIZE) {
if (*q == '\\') switch (*++q) {
case '\n':
fgets(q,(buffer+MAXSIZE+20)-q,f); break;
case 0:
case 'x': {
int n = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
int d = hexdigit(*q);
if (d > 15) break;
n = (n<<4)+d;
*p++ = n;
} break;
default: {
int c = *q++;
if (c>='0' && c<='7') {
c -= '0';
for (int x=0; x<2; x++) {
int d = hexdigit(*q);
if (d>7) break;
c = (c<<3)+d;
*p++ = c;
} break;
} else {
*p++ = *q++;
*p++ = 0;
data[i] = new char[p-buffer];
length[i] = p-buffer-1;
data[i++] = 0; // put a null at the end
char** real_data = new char*[i];
linelength = new int[i];
while (i--) {real_data[i] = data[i]; linelength[i] = length[i];}
p = new Fl_Pixmap(real_data);
pixmap_image::~pixmap_image() {
if (p && p->data) {
char** real_data = (char**)(p->data);
for (int i = 0; real_data[i]; i++) delete[] real_data[i];
delete[] real_data;
delete[] linelength;
delete p;
class gif_image : public pixmap_image {
gif_image(const char *name, FILE *);
static int test_file(char *buffer);
int gif_image::test_file(char *buffer) {
return !strncmp(buffer,"GIF",3);
// function in gif.C:
int gif2xpm(
const char *infname,// filename for error messages
FILE *GifFile, // file to read
char*** datap, // return xpm data here
int** lengthp, // return line lengths here
int inumber // which image in movie (0 = first)
gif_image::gif_image(const char *name, FILE *f) : pixmap_image(name,0) {
char** datap;
if (gif2xpm(name,f,&datap,&linelength,0)) {
p = new Fl_Pixmap(datap);
} else
p = 0;
gif_image::~gif_image() {
if (p && p->data) {
char** real_data = (char**)(p->data);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) delete[] real_data[i];
delete[] real_data;
p->data = 0;
#include <FL/Fl_Bitmap.H>
class bitmap_image : public Fluid_Image {
Fl_Bitmap *p;
bitmap_image(const char *name, FILE *);
virtual void label(Fl_Widget *); // set the label of this widget
virtual void write_static();
virtual void write_code();
static int test_file(char *buffer);
// bad test, always do this last!
int bitmap_image::test_file(char *buffer) {
return (strstr(buffer,"#define ") != 0);
void bitmap_image::label(Fl_Widget *o) {
if (p) p->label(o); else o->labeltype(FL_NORMAL_LABEL);
static int bitmap_header_written;
void bitmap_image::write_static() {
if (!p) return;
if (bitmap_header_written != write_number) {
write_c("#include <FL/Fl_Bitmap.H>\n");
bitmap_header_written = write_number;
#if 0 // older one
write_c("static unsigned char %s[] = { \n",
unique_id(this, "bits", filename_name(name()), 0));
int n = ((p->w+7)/8)*p->h;
int linelength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (i) {write_c(","); linelength++;}
if (linelength > 75) {write_c("\n"); linelength=0;}
int v = p->array[i];
linelength++; if (v>9) linelength++; if (v>99) linelength++;
#else // this seems to produce slightly shorter c++ files
write_c("static unsigned char %s[] =\n",
unique_id(this, "bits", filename_name(name()), 0));
int n = ((p->w+7)/8)*p->h;
write_cstring((const char*)(p->array), n);
write_c("static Fl_Bitmap %s(%s, %d, %d);\n",
unique_id(this, "bitmap", filename_name(name()), 0),
unique_id(this, "bits", filename_name(name()), 0),
p->w, p->h);
void bitmap_image::write_code() {
if (!p) return;
write_c("%s%s.label(o);\n", indent(),
unique_id(this, "bitmap", filename_name(name()), 0));
bitmap_image::bitmap_image(const char *name, FILE *f) : Fluid_Image(name) {
p = 0; // if any problems with parse we exit with this zero
char buffer[1024];
char junk[1024];
int wh[2]; // width and height
int i;
for (i = 0; i<2; i++) {
for (;;) {
if (!fgets(buffer,1024,f)) return;
int r = sscanf(buffer,"#define %s %d",junk,&wh[i]);
if (r >= 2) break;
// skip to data array:
for (;;) {
if (!fgets(buffer,1024,f)) return;
if (!strncmp(buffer,"static ",7)) break;
int n = ((wh[0]+7)/8)*wh[1];
uchar *data = new uchar[n];
// read the data:
i = 0;
for (;i<n;) {
if (!fgets(buffer,1024,f)) return;
const char *a = buffer;
while (*a && i<n) {
int t;
if (sscanf(a," 0x%x",&t)>0) data[i++] = t;
while (*a && *a++ != ',');
p = new Fl_Bitmap(data,wh[0],wh[1]);
bitmap_image::~bitmap_image() {
if (p) {
delete[] (uchar*)(p->array);
delete p;
static Fluid_Image** images; // sorted list
static int numimages;
static int tablesize;
Fluid_Image* Fluid_Image::find(const char *name) {
if (!name || !*name) return 0;
// first search to see if it exists already:
int a = 0;
int b = numimages;
while (a < b) {
int c = (a+b)/2;
int i = strcmp(name,images[c]->name_);
if (i < 0) b = c;
else if (i > 0) a = c+1;
else return images[c];
// no, so now see if the file exists:
FILE *f = fopen(name,"rb");
if (!f) {
read_error("%s : %s",name,strerror(errno));
return 0;
Fluid_Image *ret;
// now see if we can identify the type, by reading in some data
// and asking all the types we know about:
char buffer[1025];
fread(buffer, 1, 1024, f);
buffer[1024] = 0; // null-terminate so strstr() works
if (pixmap_image::test_file(buffer)) {
ret = new pixmap_image(name,f);
} else if (gif_image::test_file(buffer)) {
ret = new gif_image(name,f);
} else if (bitmap_image::test_file(buffer)) {
ret = new bitmap_image(name,f);
} else {
ret = 0;
read_error("%s : unrecognized image format", name);
if (!ret) return 0;
// make a new entry in the table:
if (numimages > tablesize) {
tablesize = tablesize ? 2*tablesize : 16;
images = (Fluid_Image**)realloc(images, tablesize*sizeof(Fluid_Image*));
for (b = numimages-1; b > a; b--) images[b] = images[b-1];
images[a] = ret;
return ret;
Fluid_Image::Fluid_Image(const char *name) {
name_ = strdup(name);
written = 0;
refcount = 0;
void Fluid_Image::increment() {
void Fluid_Image::decrement() {
if (refcount > 0) return;
delete this;
Fluid_Image::~Fluid_Image() {
int a;
for (a = 0;; a++) if (images[a] == this) break;
for (; a < numimages; a++) images[a] = images[a+1];
#include <FL/fl_file_chooser.H>
const char *ui_find_image_name;
Fluid_Image *ui_find_image(const char *oldname) {
const char *name = fl_file_chooser("Image","*.{bm|xbm|xpm|gif}",oldname);
ui_find_image_name = name;
Fluid_Image *ret = (name && *name) ? Fluid_Image::find(name) : 0;
return ret;
// End of "$Id: Fluid_Image.cxx,v 1999/07/31 08:00:08 bill Exp $".