Michael R Sweet 1d42e4784b BC++ workaround...
git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.1@2675 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
2002-10-11 20:48:14 +00:00

2735 lines
62 KiB

// "$Id: Fl_Help_View.cxx,v 2002/10/11 20:48:14 easysw Exp $"
// Fl_Help_View widget routines.
// Copyright 1997-2002 by Easy Software Products.
// Image support donated by Matthias Melcher, Copyright 2000.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
// Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@fltk.org".
// Contents:
// Fl_Help_View::add_block() - Add a text block to the list.
// Fl_Help_View::add_link() - Add a new link to the list.
// Fl_Help_View::add_target() - Add a new target to the list.
// Fl_Help_View::compare_targets() - Compare two targets.
// Fl_Help_View::do_align() - Compute the alignment for a line in
// a block.
// Fl_Help_View::draw() - Draw the Fl_Help_View widget.
// Fl_Help_View::format() - Format the help text.
// Fl_Help_View::format_table() - Format a table...
// Fl_Help_View::get_align() - Get an alignment attribute.
// Fl_Help_View::get_attr() - Get an attribute value from the string.
// Fl_Help_View::get_color() - Get an alignment attribute.
// Fl_Help_View::handle() - Handle events in the widget.
// Fl_Help_View::Fl_Help_View() - Build a Fl_Help_View widget.
// Fl_Help_View::~Fl_Help_View() - Destroy a Fl_Help_View widget.
// Fl_Help_View::load() - Load the specified file.
// Fl_Help_View::resize() - Resize the help widget.
// Fl_Help_View::topline() - Set the top line to the named target.
// Fl_Help_View::topline() - Set the top line by number.
// Fl_Help_View::value() - Set the help text directly.
// scrollbar_callback() - A callback for the scrollbar.
// Include necessary header files...
#include <FL/Fl_Help_View.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "flstring.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#if defined(WIN32) && ! defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include <io.h>
# include <direct.h>
# include <unistd.h>
#endif // WIN32
#define MAX_COLUMNS 200
// Typedef the C API sort function type the only way I know how...
extern "C"
typedef int (*compare_func_t)(const void *, const void *);
// Local functions...
static int quote_char(const char *);
static void scrollbar_callback(Fl_Widget *s, void *);
static void hscrollbar_callback(Fl_Widget *s, void *);
// Broken image...
static const char *broken_xpm[] =
"16 24 4 1",
"@ c #000000",
" c #ffffff",
"+ c none",
"x c #ff0000",
// pixels
"@ @++++++++++",
"@ @+++++++++++",
"@ @++@++++++++",
"@ @@+++++++++",
"@ @+++@+++++",
"@ @++@@++++@",
"@ xxx @@ @++@@",
"@ xxx xx@@ @",
"@ xxx xxx @",
"@ xxxxxx @",
"@ xxxx @",
"@ xxxxxx @",
"@ xxx xxx @",
"@ xxx xxx @",
"@ xxx xxx @",
"@ @",
"@ @",
"@ @",
"@ @",
"@ @",
"@ @",
"@ @",
static Fl_Pixmap broken_image(broken_xpm);
// 'Fl_Help_View::add_block()' - Add a text block to the list.
Fl_Help_Block * // O - Pointer to new block
Fl_Help_View::add_block(const char *s, // I - Pointer to start of block text
int xx, // I - X position of block
int yy, // I - Y position of block
int ww, // I - Right margin of block
int hh, // I - Height of block
unsigned char border) // I - Draw border?
Fl_Help_Block *temp; // New block
// printf("add_block(s = %p, xx = %d, yy = %d, ww = %d, hh = %d, border = %d)\n",
// s, xx, yy, ww, hh, border);
if (nblocks_ >= ablocks_)
ablocks_ += 16;
if (ablocks_ == 16)
blocks_ = (Fl_Help_Block *)malloc(sizeof(Fl_Help_Block) * ablocks_);
blocks_ = (Fl_Help_Block *)realloc(blocks_, sizeof(Fl_Help_Block) * ablocks_);
temp = blocks_ + nblocks_;
memset(temp, 0, sizeof(Fl_Help_Block));
temp->start = s;
temp->end = s;
temp->x = xx;
temp->y = yy;
temp->w = ww;
temp->h = hh;
temp->border = border;
temp->bgcolor = bgcolor_;
nblocks_ ++;
return (temp);
// 'Fl_Help_View::add_link()' - Add a new link to the list.
Fl_Help_View::add_link(const char *n, // I - Name of link
int xx, // I - X position of link
int yy, // I - Y position of link
int ww, // I - Width of link text
int hh) // I - Height of link text
Fl_Help_Link *temp; // New link
char *target; // Pointer to target name
if (nlinks_ >= alinks_)
alinks_ += 16;
if (alinks_ == 16)
links_ = (Fl_Help_Link *)malloc(sizeof(Fl_Help_Link) * alinks_);
links_ = (Fl_Help_Link *)realloc(links_, sizeof(Fl_Help_Link) * alinks_);
temp = links_ + nlinks_;
temp->x = xx;
temp->y = yy;
temp->w = xx + ww;
temp->h = yy + hh;
strlcpy(temp->filename, n, sizeof(temp->filename));
if ((target = strrchr(temp->filename, '#')) != NULL)
*target++ = '\0';
strlcpy(temp->name, target, sizeof(temp->name));
temp->name[0] = '\0';
nlinks_ ++;
// 'Fl_Help_View::add_target()' - Add a new target to the list.
Fl_Help_View::add_target(const char *n, // I - Name of target
int yy) // I - Y position of target
Fl_Help_Target *temp; // New target
if (ntargets_ >= atargets_)
atargets_ += 16;
if (atargets_ == 16)
targets_ = (Fl_Help_Target *)malloc(sizeof(Fl_Help_Target) * atargets_);
targets_ = (Fl_Help_Target *)realloc(targets_, sizeof(Fl_Help_Target) * atargets_);
temp = targets_ + ntargets_;
temp->y = yy;
strlcpy(temp->name, n, sizeof(temp->name));
ntargets_ ++;
// 'Fl_Help_View::compare_targets()' - Compare two targets.
int // O - Result of comparison
Fl_Help_View::compare_targets(const Fl_Help_Target *t0, // I - First target
const Fl_Help_Target *t1) // I - Second target
return (strcasecmp(t0->name, t1->name));
// 'Fl_Help_View::do_align()' - Compute the alignment for a line in a block.
int // O - New line
Fl_Help_View::do_align(Fl_Help_Block *block, // I - Block to add to
int line, // I - Current line
int xx, // I - Current X position
int a, // I - Current alignment
int &l) // IO - Starting link
int offset; // Alignment offset
switch (a)
case RIGHT : // Right align
offset = block->w - xx;
case CENTER : // Center
offset = (block->w - xx) / 2;
default : // Left align
offset = 0;
block->line[line] = block->x + offset;
if (line < 31)
line ++;
while (l < nlinks_)
links_[l].x += offset;
links_[l].w += offset;
l ++;
return (line);
// 'Fl_Help_View::draw()' - Draw the Fl_Help_View widget.
int i; // Looping var
const Fl_Help_Block *block; // Pointer to current block
const char *ptr, // Pointer to text in block
*attrs; // Pointer to start of element attributes
char *s, // Pointer into buffer
buf[1024], // Text buffer
attr[1024]; // Attribute buffer
int xx, yy, ww, hh; // Current positions and sizes
int line; // Current line
unsigned char font, fsize; // Current font and size
int head, pre, // Flags for text
needspace; // Do we need whitespace?
Fl_Boxtype b = box() ? box() : FL_DOWN_BOX;
// Box to draw...
// Draw the scrollbar(s) and box first...
ww = w();
hh = h();
i = 0;
if (hscrollbar_.visible()) {
hh -= 17;
i ++;
if (scrollbar_.visible()) {
ww -= 17;
i ++;
if (i == 2) {
fl_rectf(x() + ww, y() + hh, 17, 17);
draw_box(b, x(), y(), ww, hh, bgcolor_);
if (!value_)
// Clip the drawing to the inside of the box...
fl_push_clip(x() + Fl::box_dx(b), y() + Fl::box_dy(b),
ww - Fl::box_dw(b), hh - Fl::box_dh(b));
// Draw all visible blocks...
for (i = 0, block = blocks_; i < nblocks_; i ++, block ++)
if ((block->y + block->h) >= topline_ && block->y < (topline_ + h()))
line = 0;
xx = block->line[line];
yy = block->y - topline_;
hh = 0;
pre = 0;
head = 0;
needspace = 0;
initfont(font, fsize);
for (ptr = block->start, s = buf; ptr < block->end;)
if ((*ptr == '<' || isspace(*ptr)) && s > buf)
if (!head && !pre)
// Check width...
*s = '\0';
s = buf;
ww = (int)fl_width(buf);
if (needspace && xx > block->x)
xx += (int)fl_width(' ');
if ((xx + ww) > block->w)
if (line < 31)
line ++;
xx = block->line[line];
yy += hh;
hh = 0;
fl_draw(buf, xx + x() - leftline_, yy + y());
xx += ww;
if ((fsize + 2) > hh)
hh = fsize + 2;
needspace = 0;
else if (pre)
while (isspace(*ptr))
if (*ptr == '\n')
*s = '\0';
s = buf;
fl_draw(buf, xx + x() - leftline_, yy + y());
if (line < 31)
line ++;
xx = block->line[line];
yy += hh;
hh = fsize + 2;
else if (*ptr == '\t')
// Do tabs every 8 columns...
while (((s - buf) & 7))
*s++ = ' ';
*s++ = ' ';
if ((fsize + 2) > hh)
hh = fsize + 2;
ptr ++;
if (s > buf)
*s = '\0';
s = buf;
fl_draw(buf, xx + x() - leftline_, yy + y());
xx += (int)fl_width(buf);
needspace = 0;
s = buf;
while (isspace(*ptr))
ptr ++;
if (*ptr == '<')
ptr ++;
if (strncmp(ptr, "!--", 3) == 0)
// Comment...
ptr += 3;
if ((ptr = strstr(ptr, "-->")) != NULL)
ptr += 3;
while (*ptr && *ptr != '>' && !isspace(*ptr))
if (s < (buf + sizeof(buf) - 1))
*s++ = *ptr++;
ptr ++;
*s = '\0';
s = buf;
attrs = ptr;
while (*ptr && *ptr != '>')
ptr ++;
if (*ptr == '>')
ptr ++;
if (strcasecmp(buf, "HEAD") == 0)
head = 1;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "BR") == 0)
if (line < 31)
line ++;
xx = block->line[line];
yy += hh;
hh = 0;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "HR") == 0)
fl_line(block->x + x(), yy + y(), block->w + x(),
yy + y());
if (line < 31)
line ++;
xx = block->line[line];
yy += 2 * hh;
hh = 0;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "CENTER") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "P") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H1") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H2") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H3") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H4") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H5") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H6") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "UL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "OL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "LI") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DT") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "PRE") == 0)
if (tolower(buf[0]) == 'h')
fsize = textsize_ + '7' - buf[1];
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "DT") == 0)
font = textfont_ | FL_ITALIC;
fsize = textsize_;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "PRE") == 0)
font = FL_COURIER;
fsize = textsize_;
pre = 1;
if (strcasecmp(buf, "LI") == 0)
fl_font(FL_SYMBOL, fsize);
fl_draw("\267", xx - fsize + x() - leftline_, yy + y());
pushfont(font, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "A") == 0 &&
get_attr(attrs, "HREF", attr, sizeof(attr)) != NULL)
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/A") == 0)
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "B") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "STRONG") == 0)
pushfont(font |= FL_BOLD, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "TD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "TH") == 0)
int tx, ty, tw, th;
if (tolower(buf[1]) == 'h')
pushfont(font |= FL_BOLD, fsize);
pushfont(font = textfont_, fsize);
tx = block->x - 4 - leftline_;
ty = block->y - topline_ - fsize - 3;
tw = block->w - block->x + 7;
th = block->h + fsize - 5;
if (tx < 0)
tw += tx;
tx = 0;
if (ty < 0)
th += ty;
ty = 0;
tx += x();
ty += y();
if (block->bgcolor != bgcolor_)
fl_rectf(tx, ty, tw, th);
if (block->border)
fl_rect(tx, ty, tw, th);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "I") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "EM") == 0)
pushfont(font |= FL_ITALIC, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "CODE") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "TT") == 0)
pushfont(font = FL_COURIER, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "KBD") == 0)
pushfont(font = FL_COURIER_BOLD, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "VAR") == 0)
pushfont(font = FL_COURIER_ITALIC, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/HEAD") == 0)
head = 0;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/H1") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H2") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H3") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H4") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H5") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H6") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/B") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/STRONG") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/I") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/EM") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/CODE") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/TT") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/KBD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/VAR") == 0)
popfont(font, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/PRE") == 0)
popfont(font, fsize);
pre = 0;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "IMG") == 0)
Fl_Shared_Image *img = 0;
int width, height;
char wattr[8], hattr[8];
get_attr(attrs, "WIDTH", wattr, sizeof(wattr));
get_attr(attrs, "HEIGHT", hattr, sizeof(hattr));
width = get_length(wattr);
height = get_length(hattr);
if (get_attr(attrs, "SRC", attr, sizeof(attr))) {
img = get_image(attr, width, height);
if (!width) width = img->w();
if (!height) height = img->h();
if (!width || !height) {
if (get_attr(attrs, "ALT", attr, sizeof(attr)) == NULL) {
strcpy(attr, "IMG");
ww = width;
if (needspace && xx > block->x)
xx += (int)fl_width(' ');
if ((xx + ww) > block->w)
if (line < 31)
line ++;
xx = block->line[line];
yy += hh;
hh = 0;
if (img)
img->draw(xx + x() - leftline_,
yy + y() - fl_height() + fl_descent() + 2);
xx += ww;
if ((height + 2) > hh)
hh = height + 2;
needspace = 0;
else if (*ptr == '\n' && pre)
*s = '\0';
s = buf;
fl_draw(buf, xx + x() - leftline_, yy + y());
if (line < 31)
line ++;
xx = block->line[line];
yy += hh;
hh = fsize + 2;
needspace = 0;
ptr ++;
else if (isspace(*ptr))
if (pre)
if (*ptr == ' ')
*s++ = ' ';
// Do tabs every 8 columns...
while (((s - buf) & 7))
*s++ = ' ';
ptr ++;
needspace = 1;
else if (*ptr == '&')
ptr ++;
int qch = quote_char(ptr);
if (qch < 0)
*s++ = '&';
else {
*s++ = qch;
ptr = strchr(ptr, ';') + 1;
if ((fsize + 2) > hh)
hh = fsize + 2;
*s++ = *ptr++;
if ((fsize + 2) > hh)
hh = fsize + 2;
*s = '\0';
if (s > buf && !pre && !head)
ww = (int)fl_width(buf);
if (needspace && xx > block->x)
xx += (int)fl_width(' ');
if ((xx + ww) > block->w)
if (line < 31)
line ++;
xx = block->line[line];
yy += hh;
hh = 0;
if (s > buf && !head)
fl_draw(buf, xx + x() - leftline_, yy + y());
// 'Fl_Help_View::format()' - Format the help text.
int i; // Looping var
int done; // Are we done yet?
Fl_Help_Block *block, // Current block
*cell; // Current table cell
int cells[MAX_COLUMNS],
// Cells in the current row...
row; // Current table row (block number)
const char *ptr, // Pointer into block
*start, // Pointer to start of element
*attrs; // Pointer to start of element attributes
char *s, // Pointer into buffer
buf[1024], // Text buffer
attr[1024], // Attribute buffer
wattr[1024], // Width attribute buffer
hattr[1024], // Height attribute buffer
linkdest[1024]; // Link destination
int xx, yy, ww, hh; // Size of current text fragment
int line; // Current line in block
int links; // Links for current line
unsigned char font, fsize; // Current font and size
unsigned char border; // Draw border?
int talign, // Current alignment
newalign, // New alignment
head, // In the <HEAD> section?
pre, // <PRE> text?
needspace; // Do we need whitespace?
int table_width, // Width of table
table_offset; // Offset of table
int column, // Current table column number
// Column widths
Fl_Color tc, rc; // Table/row background color
// Reset document width...
hsize_ = w() - 24;
done = 0;
while (!done)
// Reset state variables...
done = 1;
nblocks_ = 0;
nlinks_ = 0;
ntargets_ = 0;
size_ = 0;
bgcolor_ = color();
textcolor_ = textcolor();
linkcolor_ = selection_color();
tc = rc = bgcolor_;
strcpy(title_, "Untitled");
if (!value_)
// Setup for formatting...
initfont(font, fsize);
line = 0;
links = 0;
xx = 4;
yy = fsize + 2;
ww = 0;
column = 0;
border = 0;
hh = 0;
block = add_block(value_, xx, yy, hsize_, 0);
row = 0;
head = 0;
pre = 0;
talign = LEFT;
newalign = LEFT;
needspace = 0;
linkdest[0] = '\0';
for (ptr = value_, s = buf; *ptr;)
if ((*ptr == '<' || isspace(*ptr)) && s > buf)
// Get width...
*s = '\0';
ww = (int)fl_width(buf);
if (!head && !pre)
// Check width...
if (ww > hsize_) {
hsize_ = ww;
done = 0;
if (needspace && xx > block->x)
ww += (int)fl_width(' ');
// printf("line = %d, xx = %d, ww = %d, block->x = %d, block->w = %d\n",
// line, xx, ww, block->x, block->w);
if ((xx + ww) > block->w)
line = do_align(block, line, xx, newalign, links);
xx = block->x;
yy += hh;
block->h += hh;
hh = 0;
if (linkdest[0])
add_link(linkdest, xx, yy - fsize, ww, fsize);
xx += ww;
if ((fsize + 2) > hh)
hh = fsize + 2;
needspace = 0;
else if (pre)
// Add a link as needed...
if (linkdest[0])
add_link(linkdest, xx, yy - hh, ww, hh);
xx += ww;
if ((fsize + 2) > hh)
hh = fsize + 2;
// Handle preformatted text...
while (isspace(*ptr))
if (*ptr == '\n')
if (xx > hsize_) break;
line = do_align(block, line, xx, newalign, links);
xx = block->x;
yy += hh;
block->h += hh;
hh = fsize + 2;
xx += (int)fl_width(' ');
if ((fsize + 2) > hh)
hh = fsize + 2;
ptr ++;
if (xx > hsize_) {
hsize_ = xx;
done = 0;
needspace = 0;
// Handle normal text or stuff in the <HEAD> section...
while (isspace(*ptr))
ptr ++;
s = buf;
if (*ptr == '<')
start = ptr;
ptr ++;
if (strncmp(ptr, "!--", 3) == 0)
// Comment...
ptr += 3;
if ((ptr = strstr(ptr, "-->")) != NULL)
ptr += 3;
while (*ptr && *ptr != '>' && !isspace(*ptr))
if (s < (buf + sizeof(buf) - 1))
*s++ = *ptr++;
ptr ++;
*s = '\0';
s = buf;
// puts(buf);
attrs = ptr;
while (*ptr && *ptr != '>')
ptr ++;
if (*ptr == '>')
ptr ++;
if (strcasecmp(buf, "HEAD") == 0)
head = 1;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/HEAD") == 0)
head = 0;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "TITLE") == 0)
// Copy the title in the document...
for (s = title_;
*ptr != '<' && *ptr && s < (title_ + sizeof(title_) - 1);
*s++ = *ptr++);
*s = '\0';
s = buf;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "A") == 0)
if (get_attr(attrs, "NAME", attr, sizeof(attr)) != NULL)
add_target(attr, yy - fsize - 2);
if (get_attr(attrs, "HREF", attr, sizeof(attr)) != NULL)
strlcpy(linkdest, attr, sizeof(linkdest));
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/A") == 0)
linkdest[0] = '\0';
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "BODY") == 0)
bgcolor_ = get_color(get_attr(attrs, "BGCOLOR", attr, sizeof(attr)),
textcolor_ = get_color(get_attr(attrs, "TEXT", attr, sizeof(attr)),
linkcolor_ = get_color(get_attr(attrs, "LINK", attr, sizeof(attr)),
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "BR") == 0)
line = do_align(block, line, xx, newalign, links);
xx = block->x;
block->h += hh;
yy += hh;
hh = 0;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "CENTER") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "P") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H1") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H2") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H3") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H4") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H5") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H6") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "UL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "OL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "LI") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DT") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "HR") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "PRE") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "TABLE") == 0)
block->end = start;
line = do_align(block, line, xx, newalign, links);
xx = block->x;
block->h += hh;
if (strcasecmp(buf, "UL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "OL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DL") == 0)
block->h += fsize + 2;
xx += 4 * fsize;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "TABLE") == 0)
if (get_attr(attrs, "BORDER", attr, sizeof(attr)))
border = atoi(attr);
border = 0;
tc = rc = get_color(get_attr(attrs, "BGCOLOR", attr, sizeof(attr)), bgcolor_);
block->h += fsize + 2;
format_table(&table_width, columns, start);
if ((xx + table_width) > hsize_) {
hsize_ = xx + table_width;
done = 0;
switch (get_align(attrs, talign))
default :
table_offset = 0;
case CENTER :
table_offset = (hsize_ - table_width) / 2 - textsize_;
case RIGHT :
table_offset = hsize_ - table_width - textsize_;
column = 0;
if (tolower(buf[0]) == 'h' && isdigit(buf[1]))
fsize = textsize_ + '7' - buf[1];
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "DT") == 0)
font = textfont_ | FL_ITALIC;
fsize = textsize_;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "PRE") == 0)
font = FL_COURIER;
fsize = textsize_;
pre = 1;
font = textfont_;
fsize = textsize_;
pushfont(font, fsize);
yy = block->y + block->h;
hh = 0;
if ((tolower(buf[0]) == 'h' && isdigit(buf[1])) ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DT") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "P") == 0)
yy += fsize + 2;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "HR") == 0)
hh += 2 * fsize;
yy += fsize;
if (row)
block = add_block(start, xx, yy, block->w, 0);
block = add_block(start, xx, yy, hsize_, 0);
needspace = 0;
line = 0;
if (strcasecmp(buf, "CENTER") == 0)
newalign = talign = CENTER;
newalign = get_align(attrs, talign);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/CENTER") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/P") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H1") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H2") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H3") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H4") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H5") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H6") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/PRE") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/UL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/OL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/DL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/TABLE") == 0)
line = do_align(block, line, xx, newalign, links);
xx = block->x;
block->end = ptr;
if (strcasecmp(buf, "/UL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/OL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/DL") == 0)
xx -= 4 * fsize;
block->h += fsize + 2;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/TABLE") == 0)
block->h += fsize + 2;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/PRE") == 0)
pre = 0;
hh = 0;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/CENTER") == 0)
talign = LEFT;
popfont(font, fsize);
while (isspace(*ptr))
ptr ++;
block->h += hh;
yy += hh;
if (tolower(buf[2]) == 'l')
yy += fsize + 2;
if (row)
block = add_block(ptr, xx, yy, block->w, 0);
block = add_block(ptr, xx, yy, hsize_, 0);
needspace = 0;
hh = 0;
line = 0;
newalign = talign;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "TR") == 0)
block->end = start;
line = do_align(block, line, xx, newalign, links);
xx = block->x;
block->h += hh;
if (row)
yy = blocks_[row].y + blocks_[row].h;
for (cell = blocks_ + row + 1; cell <= block; cell ++)
if ((cell->y + cell->h) > yy)
yy = cell->y + cell->h;
block = blocks_ + row;
block->h = yy - block->y + 2;
for (i = 0; i < column; i ++)
if (cells[i])
cell = blocks_ + cells[i];
cell->h = block->h;
memset(cells, 0, sizeof(cells));
yy = block->y + block->h - 4;
hh = 0;
block = add_block(start, xx, yy, hsize_, 0);
row = block - blocks_;
needspace = 0;
column = 0;
line = 0;
rc = get_color(get_attr(attrs, "BGCOLOR", attr, sizeof(attr)), tc);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/TR") == 0 && row)
line = do_align(block, line, xx, newalign, links);
block->end = start;
block->h += hh;
xx = blocks_[row].x;
yy = blocks_[row].y + blocks_[row].h;
for (cell = blocks_ + row + 1; cell <= block; cell ++)
if ((cell->y + cell->h) > yy)
yy = cell->y + cell->h;
block = blocks_ + row;
block->h = yy - block->y + 2;
for (i = 0; i < column; i ++)
if (cells[i])
cell = blocks_ + cells[i];
cell->h = block->h;
yy = block->y + block->h - 4;
block = add_block(start, xx, yy, hsize_, 0);
needspace = 0;
row = 0;
line = 0;
else if ((strcasecmp(buf, "TD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "TH") == 0) && row)
int colspan; // COLSPAN attribute
line = do_align(block, line, xx, newalign, links);
block->end = start;
block->h += hh;
if (strcasecmp(buf, "TH") == 0)
font = textfont_ | FL_BOLD;
font = textfont_;
fsize = textsize_;
xx = blocks_[row].x + fsize + 3 + table_offset;
for (i = 0; i < column; i ++)
xx += columns[i] + 6;
if (get_attr(attrs, "COLSPAN", attr, sizeof(attr)) != NULL)
colspan = atoi(attr);
colspan = 1;
for (i = 0, ww = -6; i < colspan; i ++)
ww += columns[column + i] + 6;
if (block->end == block->start && nblocks_ > 1)
nblocks_ --;
block --;
pushfont(font, fsize);
yy = blocks_[row].y;
hh = 0;
block = add_block(start, xx, yy, xx + ww, 0, border);
needspace = 0;
line = 0;
newalign = get_align(attrs, tolower(buf[1]) == 'h' ? CENTER : LEFT);
cells[column] = block - blocks_;
column += colspan;
block->bgcolor = get_color(get_attr(attrs, "BGCOLOR", attr,
sizeof(attr)), rc);
else if ((strcasecmp(buf, "/TD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/TH") == 0) && row)
popfont(font, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "B") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "STRONG") == 0)
pushfont(font |= FL_BOLD, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "I") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "EM") == 0)
pushfont(font |= FL_ITALIC, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "CODE") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "TT") == 0)
pushfont(font = FL_COURIER, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "KBD") == 0)
pushfont(font = FL_COURIER_BOLD, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "VAR") == 0)
pushfont(font = FL_COURIER_ITALIC, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/B") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/STRONG") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/I") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/EM") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/CODE") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/TT") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/KBD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/VAR") == 0)
popfont(font, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "IMG") == 0)
Fl_Shared_Image *img = 0;
int width;
int height;
get_attr(attrs, "WIDTH", wattr, sizeof(wattr));
get_attr(attrs, "HEIGHT", hattr, sizeof(hattr));
width = get_length(wattr);
height = get_length(hattr);
if (get_attr(attrs, "SRC", attr, sizeof(attr))) {
img = get_image(attr, width, height);
width = img->w();
height = img->h();
ww = width;
if (ww > hsize_) {
hsize_ = ww;
done = 0;
if (needspace && xx > block->x)
ww += (int)fl_width(' ');
if ((xx + ww) > block->w)
line = do_align(block, line, xx, newalign, links);
xx = block->x;
yy += hh;
block->h += hh;
hh = 0;
if (linkdest[0])
add_link(linkdest, xx, yy - height, ww, height);
xx += ww;
if ((height + 2) > hh)
hh = height + 2;
needspace = 0;
else if (*ptr == '\n' && pre)
if (linkdest[0])
add_link(linkdest, xx, yy - hh, ww, hh);
if (xx > hsize_) {
hsize_ = xx;
done = 0;
line = do_align(block, line, xx, newalign, links);
xx = block->x;
yy += hh;
block->h += hh;
needspace = 0;
ptr ++;
else if (isspace(*ptr))
needspace = 1;
ptr ++;
else if (*ptr == '&' && s < (buf + sizeof(buf) - 1))
ptr ++;
int qch = quote_char(ptr);
if (qch < 0)
*s++ = '&';
else {
*s++ = qch;
ptr = strchr(ptr, ';') + 1;
if ((fsize + 2) > hh)
hh = fsize + 2;
if (s < (buf + sizeof(buf) - 1))
*s++ = *ptr++;
ptr ++;
if ((fsize + 2) > hh)
hh = fsize + 2;
if (s > buf && !pre && !head)
*s = '\0';
ww = (int)fl_width(buf);
// printf("line = %d, xx = %d, ww = %d, block->x = %d, block->w = %d\n",
// line, xx, ww, block->x, block->w);
if (ww > hsize_) {
hsize_ = ww;
done = 0;
if (needspace && xx > block->x)
ww += (int)fl_width(' ');
if ((xx + ww) > block->w)
line = do_align(block, line, xx, newalign, links);
xx = block->x;
yy += hh;
block->h += hh;
hh = 0;
if (linkdest[0])
add_link(linkdest, xx, yy - fsize, ww, fsize);
xx += ww;
if ((fsize + 2) > hh)
hh = fsize + 2;
needspace = 0;
block->end = ptr;
size_ = yy + hh;
if (ntargets_ > 1)
qsort(targets_, ntargets_, sizeof(Fl_Help_Target),
if (hsize_ > (w() - 24)) {
if (size_ < (h() - 24)) {
hscrollbar_.resize(x(), y() + h() - 17, w(), 17);
} else {
scrollbar_.resize(x() + w() - 17, y(), 17, h() - 17);
hscrollbar_.resize(x(), y() + h() - 17, w() - 17, 17);
} else {
if (size_ < (h() - 8)) scrollbar_.hide();
else {
scrollbar_.resize(x() + w() - 17, y(), 17, h());
// 'Fl_Help_View::format_table()' - Format a table...
Fl_Help_View::format_table(int *table_width, // O - Total table width
int *columns, // O - Column widths
const char *table) // I - Pointer to start of table
int column, // Current column
num_columns, // Number of columns
colspan, // COLSPAN attribute
width, // Current width
temp_width, // Temporary width
max_width, // Maximum width
incell, // In a table cell?
pre, // <PRE> text?
needspace; // Need whitespace?
char *s, // Pointer into buffer
buf[1024], // Text buffer
attr[1024], // Other attribute
wattr[1024], // WIDTH attribute
hattr[1024]; // HEIGHT attribute
const char *ptr, // Pointer into table
*attrs, // Pointer to attributes
*start; // Start of element
int minwidths[MAX_COLUMNS]; // Minimum widths for each column
unsigned char font, fsize; // Current font and size
// Clear widths...
*table_width = 0;
for (column = 0; column < MAX_COLUMNS; column ++)
columns[column] = 0;
minwidths[column] = 0;
num_columns = 0;
colspan = 0;
max_width = 0;
pre = 0;
needspace = 0;
// Scan the table...
for (ptr = table, column = -1, width = 0, s = buf, incell = 0; *ptr;)
if ((*ptr == '<' || isspace(*ptr)) && s > buf && incell)
// Check width...
if (needspace)
*s++ = ' ';
needspace = 0;
*s = '\0';
temp_width = (int)fl_width(buf);
s = buf;
if (temp_width > minwidths[column])
minwidths[column] = temp_width;
width += temp_width;
if (width > max_width)
max_width = width;
if (*ptr == '<')
start = ptr;
for (s = buf, ptr ++; *ptr && *ptr != '>' && !isspace(*ptr);)
if (s < (buf + sizeof(buf) - 1))
*s++ = *ptr++;
ptr ++;
*s = '\0';
s = buf;
attrs = ptr;
while (*ptr && *ptr != '>')
ptr ++;
if (*ptr == '>')
ptr ++;
if (strcasecmp(buf, "BR") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "HR") == 0)
width = 0;
needspace = 0;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "TABLE") == 0 && start > table)
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "CENTER") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "P") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H1") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H2") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H3") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H4") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H5") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "H6") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "UL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "OL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "LI") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "DT") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "PRE") == 0)
width = 0;
needspace = 0;
if (tolower(buf[0]) == 'h' && isdigit(buf[1]))
fsize = textsize_ + '7' - buf[1];
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "DT") == 0)
font = textfont_ | FL_ITALIC;
fsize = textsize_;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "PRE") == 0)
font = FL_COURIER;
fsize = textsize_;
pre = 1;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "LI") == 0)
width += 4 * fsize;
font = textfont_;
fsize = textsize_;
font = textfont_;
fsize = textsize_;
pushfont(font, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/CENTER") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/P") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H1") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H2") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H3") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H4") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H5") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/H6") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/PRE") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/UL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/OL") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/DL") == 0)
width = 0;
needspace = 0;
popfont(font, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "TR") == 0 || strcasecmp(buf, "/TR") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/TABLE") == 0)
// printf("%s column = %d, colspan = %d, num_columns = %d\n",
// buf, column, colspan, num_columns);
if (column >= 0)
// This is a hack to support COLSPAN...
max_width /= colspan;
while (colspan > 0)
if (max_width > columns[column])
columns[column] = max_width;
column ++;
colspan --;
if (strcasecmp(buf, "/TABLE") == 0)
needspace = 0;
column = -1;
width = 0;
max_width = 0;
incell = 0;
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "TD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "TH") == 0)
// printf("BEFORE column = %d, colspan = %d, num_columns = %d\n",
// column, colspan, num_columns);
if (column >= 0)
// This is a hack to support COLSPAN...
max_width /= colspan;
while (colspan > 0)
if (max_width > columns[column])
columns[column] = max_width;
column ++;
colspan --;
column ++;
if (get_attr(attrs, "COLSPAN", attr, sizeof(attr)) != NULL)
colspan = atoi(attr);
colspan = 1;
// printf("AFTER column = %d, colspan = %d, num_columns = %d\n",
// column, colspan, num_columns);
if ((column + colspan) >= num_columns)
num_columns = column + colspan;
needspace = 0;
width = 0;
incell = 1;
if (strcasecmp(buf, "TH") == 0)
font = textfont_ | FL_BOLD;
font = textfont_;
fsize = textsize_;
pushfont(font, fsize);
if (get_attr(attrs, "WIDTH", attr, sizeof(attr)) != NULL)
max_width = get_length(attr);
max_width = 0;
// printf("max_width = %d\n", max_width);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/TD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/TH") == 0)
incell = 0;
popfont(font, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "B") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "STRONG") == 0)
pushfont(font |= FL_BOLD, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "I") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "EM") == 0)
pushfont(font |= FL_ITALIC, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "CODE") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "TT") == 0)
pushfont(font = FL_COURIER, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "KBD") == 0)
pushfont(font = FL_COURIER_BOLD, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "VAR") == 0)
pushfont(font = FL_COURIER_ITALIC, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "/B") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/STRONG") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/I") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/EM") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/CODE") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/TT") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/KBD") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(buf, "/VAR") == 0)
popfont(font, fsize);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "IMG") == 0 && incell)
Fl_Shared_Image *img = 0;
int iwidth, iheight;
get_attr(attrs, "WIDTH", wattr, sizeof(wattr));
get_attr(attrs, "HEIGHT", hattr, sizeof(hattr));
iwidth = get_length(wattr);
iheight = get_length(hattr);
if (get_attr(attrs, "SRC", attr, sizeof(attr))) {
img = get_image(attr, iwidth, iheight);
iwidth = img->w();
iheight = img->h();
if (iwidth > minwidths[column])
minwidths[column] = iwidth;
width += iwidth;
if (needspace)
width += (int)fl_width(' ');
if (width > max_width)
max_width = width;
needspace = 0;
else if (*ptr == '\n' && pre)
width = 0;
needspace = 0;
ptr ++;
else if (isspace(*ptr))
needspace = 1;
ptr ++;
else if (*ptr == '&' && s < (buf + sizeof(buf) - 1))
ptr ++;
int qch = quote_char(ptr);
if (qch < 0)
*s++ = '&';
else {
*s++ = qch;
ptr = strchr(ptr, ';') + 1;
if (s < (buf + sizeof(buf) - 1))
*s++ = *ptr++;
ptr ++;
// Now that we have scanned the entire table, adjust the table and
// cell widths to fit on the screen...
if (get_attr(table + 6, "WIDTH", attr, sizeof(attr)))
*table_width = get_length(attr);
*table_width = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("num_columns = %d, table_width = %d\n", num_columns, *table_width);
#endif // DEBUG
if (num_columns == 0)
// Add up the widths...
for (column = 0, width = 0; column < num_columns; column ++)
width += columns[column];
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("width = %d, w() = %d\n", width, w());
for (column = 0; column < num_columns; column ++)
printf(" columns[%d] = %d, minwidths[%d] = %d\n", column, columns[column],
column, minwidths[column]);
#endif // DEBUG
// Adjust the width if needed...
int scale_width = *table_width;
if (scale_width == 0) {
if (width > hsize_) scale_width = hsize_;
else scale_width = width;
if (width < scale_width) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Scaling table up to %d from %d...\n", scale_width, width);
#endif // DEBUG
*table_width = 0;
scale_width = (scale_width - width) / num_columns;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("adjusted scale_width = %d\n", scale_width);
#endif // DEBUG
for (column = 0; column < num_columns; column ++) {
columns[column] += scale_width;
(*table_width) += columns[column];
else if (width > scale_width) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Scaling table down to %d from %d...\n", scale_width, width);
#endif // DEBUG
for (column = 0; column < num_columns; column ++) {
width -= minwidths[column];
scale_width -= minwidths[column];
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("adjusted width = %d, scale_width = %d\n", width, scale_width);
#endif // DEBUG
if (width > 0) {
for (column = 0; column < num_columns; column ++) {
columns[column] -= minwidths[column];
columns[column] = scale_width * columns[column] / width;
columns[column] += minwidths[column];
*table_width = 0;
for (column = 0; column < num_columns; column ++) {
(*table_width) += columns[column];
else if (*table_width == 0)
*table_width = width;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("FINAL table_width = %d\n", *table_width);
for (column = 0; column < num_columns; column ++)
printf(" columns[%d] = %d\n", column, columns[column]);
#endif // DEBUG
// 'Fl_Help_View::get_align()' - Get an alignment attribute.
int // O - Alignment
Fl_Help_View::get_align(const char *p, // I - Pointer to start of attrs
int a) // I - Default alignment
char buf[255]; // Alignment value
if (get_attr(p, "ALIGN", buf, sizeof(buf)) == NULL)
return (a);
if (strcasecmp(buf, "CENTER") == 0)
return (CENTER);
else if (strcasecmp(buf, "RIGHT") == 0)
return (RIGHT);
return (LEFT);
// 'Fl_Help_View::get_attr()' - Get an attribute value from the string.
const char * // O - Pointer to buf or NULL
Fl_Help_View::get_attr(const char *p, // I - Pointer to start of attributes
const char *n, // I - Name of attribute
char *buf, // O - Buffer for attribute value
int bufsize) // I - Size of buffer
char name[255], // Name from string
*ptr, // Pointer into name or value
quote; // Quote
buf[0] = '\0';
while (*p && *p != '>')
while (isspace(*p))
p ++;
if (*p == '>' || !*p)
return (NULL);
for (ptr = name; *p && !isspace(*p) && *p != '=' && *p != '>';)
if (ptr < (name + sizeof(name) - 1))
*ptr++ = *p++;
p ++;
*ptr = '\0';
if (isspace(*p) || !*p || *p == '>')
buf[0] = '\0';
if (*p == '=')
p ++;
for (ptr = buf; *p && !isspace(*p) && *p != '>';)
if (*p == '\'' || *p == '\"')
quote = *p++;
while (*p && *p != quote)
if ((ptr - buf + 1) < bufsize)
*ptr++ = *p++;
p ++;
if (*p == quote)
p ++;
else if ((ptr - buf + 1) < bufsize)
*ptr++ = *p++;
p ++;
*ptr = '\0';
if (strcasecmp(n, name) == 0)
return (buf);
buf[0] = '\0';
if (*p == '>')
return (NULL);
return (NULL);
// 'Fl_Help_View::get_color()' - Get an alignment attribute.
Fl_Color // O - Color value
Fl_Help_View::get_color(const char *n, // I - Color name
Fl_Color c) // I - Default color value
int rgb, r, g, b; // RGB values
if (!n || !n[0])
return (c);
if (n[0] == '#')
// Do hex color lookup
rgb = strtol(n + 1, NULL, 16);
r = rgb >> 16;
g = (rgb >> 8) & 255;
b = rgb & 255;
return (fl_rgb_color(r, g, b));
else if (strcasecmp(n, "black") == 0)
return (FL_BLACK);
else if (strcasecmp(n, "red") == 0)
return (FL_RED);
#ifdef __BORLANDC__ // Workaround for compiler bug...
else if (strcasecmp(n, "green") == 0) {
r = 0;
g = 0x80;
b = 0;
return (fl_rgb_color(r, g, b));
else if (strcasecmp(n, "green") == 0)
return (fl_rgb_color(0, 0x80, 0));
#endif // __BORLANDC__
else if (strcasecmp(n, "yellow") == 0)
return (FL_YELLOW);
else if (strcasecmp(n, "blue") == 0)
return (FL_BLUE);
else if (strcasecmp(n, "magenta") == 0 || strcasecmp(n, "fuchsia") == 0)
return (FL_MAGENTA);
else if (strcasecmp(n, "cyan") == 0 || strcasecmp(n, "aqua") == 0)
return (FL_CYAN);
else if (strcasecmp(n, "white") == 0)
return (FL_WHITE);
else if (strcasecmp(n, "gray") == 0 || strcasecmp(n, "grey") == 0)
return (fl_rgb_color(0x80, 0x80, 0x80));
else if (strcasecmp(n, "lime") == 0)
return (FL_GREEN);
else if (strcasecmp(n, "maroon") == 0)
return (fl_rgb_color(0x80, 0, 0));
else if (strcasecmp(n, "navy") == 0)
return (fl_rgb_color(0, 0, 0x80));
else if (strcasecmp(n, "olive") == 0)
return (fl_rgb_color(0x80, 0x80, 0));
else if (strcasecmp(n, "purple") == 0)
return (fl_rgb_color(0x80, 0, 0x80));
else if (strcasecmp(n, "silver") == 0)
return (fl_rgb_color(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0));
else if (strcasecmp(n, "teal") == 0)
return (fl_rgb_color(0, 0x80, 0x80));
return (c);
// 'Fl_Help_View::get_image()' - Get an inline image.
Fl_Shared_Image *
Fl_Help_View::get_image(const char *name, int W, int H) {
const char *localname; // Local filename
char dir[1024]; // Current directory
char temp[1024], // Temporary filename
*tempptr; // Pointer into temporary name
Fl_Shared_Image *ip; // Image pointer...
// See if the image can be found...
if (strchr(directory_, ':') != NULL && strchr(name, ':') == NULL) {
if (name[0] == '/') {
strlcpy(temp, directory_, sizeof(temp));
if ((tempptr = strrchr(strchr(directory_, ':') + 3, '/')) != NULL) {
strlcpy(tempptr, name, sizeof(temp) - (tempptr - temp));
} else {
strlcat(temp, name, sizeof(temp));
} else {
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s/%s", directory_, name);
if (link_) localname = (*link_)(this, temp);
else localname = temp;
} else if (name[0] != '/' && strchr(name, ':') == NULL) {
if (directory_[0]) snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s/%s", directory_, name);
else {
getcwd(dir, sizeof(dir));
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "file:%s/%s", dir, name);
if (link_) localname = (*link_)(this, temp);
else localname = temp;
} else if (link_) localname = (*link_)(this, name);
else localname = name;
if (!localname) return 0;
if (strncmp(localname, "file:", 5) == 0) localname += 5;
if ((ip = Fl_Shared_Image::get(localname, W, H)) == NULL)
ip = (Fl_Shared_Image *)&broken_image;
return ip;
// 'Fl_Help_View::get_length()' - Get a length value, either absolute or %.
Fl_Help_View::get_length(const char *l) { // I - Value
int val; // Integer value
if (!l[0]) return 0;
val = atoi(l);
if (l[strlen(l) - 1] == '%') {
if (val > 100) val = 100;
else if (val < 0) val = 0;
val = val * (hsize_ - 24) / 100;
return val;
// 'Fl_Help_View::handle()' - Handle events in the widget.
int // O - 1 if we handled it, 0 otherwise
Fl_Help_View::handle(int event) // I - Event to handle
int i; // Looping var
int xx, yy; // Adjusted mouse position
Fl_Help_Link *linkp; // Current link
char target[32]; // Current target
switch (event)
case FL_PUSH :
if (Fl_Group::handle(event))
return (1);
case FL_MOVE :
xx = Fl::event_x() - x() + leftline_;
yy = Fl::event_y() - y() + topline_;
case FL_LEAVE :
default :
return (Fl_Group::handle(event));
// Handle mouse clicks on links...
for (i = nlinks_, linkp = links_; i > 0; i --, linkp ++)
if (xx >= linkp->x && xx < linkp->w &&
yy >= linkp->y && yy < linkp->h)
if (!i)
return (1);
// Change the cursor for FL_MOTION events, and go to the link for
// clicks...
if (event == FL_MOVE)
strlcpy(target, linkp->name, sizeof(target));
if (strcmp(linkp->filename, filename_) != 0 && linkp->filename[0])
char dir[1024]; // Current directory
char temp[1024], // Temporary filename
*tempptr; // Pointer into temporary filename
if (strchr(directory_, ':') != NULL &&
strchr(linkp->filename, ':') == NULL)
if (linkp->filename[0] == '/')
strlcpy(temp, directory_, sizeof(temp));
if ((tempptr = strrchr(strchr(directory_, ':') + 3, '/')) != NULL)
strlcpy(tempptr, linkp->filename, sizeof(temp));
strlcat(temp, linkp->filename, sizeof(temp));
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s/%s", directory_, linkp->filename);
else if (linkp->filename[0] != '/' && strchr(linkp->filename, ':') == NULL)
if (directory_[0])
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s/%s", directory_, linkp->filename);
getcwd(dir, sizeof(dir));
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "file:%s/%s", dir, linkp->filename);
strlcpy(temp, linkp->filename, sizeof(temp));
if (linkp->name[0])
snprintf(temp + strlen(temp), sizeof(temp) - strlen(temp), "#%s",
else if (target[0])
return (1);
// 'Fl_Help_View::Fl_Help_View()' - Build a Fl_Help_View widget.
Fl_Help_View::Fl_Help_View(int xx, // I - Left position
int yy, // I - Top position
int ww, // I - Width in pixels
int hh, // I - Height in pixels
const char *l)
: Fl_Group(xx, yy, ww, hh, l),
scrollbar_(xx + ww - 17, yy, 17, hh - 17),
hscrollbar_(xx, yy + hh - 17, ww - 17, 17)
title_[0] = '\0';
linkcolor_ = FL_SELECTION_COLOR;
textfont_ = FL_TIMES;
textsize_ = 12;
value_ = NULL;
ablocks_ = 0;
nblocks_ = 0;
blocks_ = (Fl_Help_Block *)0;
nfonts_ = 0;
link_ = (Fl_Help_Func *)0;
alinks_ = 0;
nlinks_ = 0;
links_ = (Fl_Help_Link *)0;
atargets_ = 0;
ntargets_ = 0;
targets_ = (Fl_Help_Target *)0;
directory_[0] = '\0';
filename_[0] = '\0';
topline_ = 0;
leftline_ = 0;
size_ = 0;
hsize_ = 0;
scrollbar_.value(0, hh, 0, 1);
hscrollbar_.value(0, ww, 0, 1);
// 'Fl_Help_View::~Fl_Help_View()' - Destroy a Fl_Help_View widget.
if (nblocks_)
if (nlinks_)
if (ntargets_)
if (value_)
free((void *)value_);
// 'Fl_Help_View::load()' - Load the specified file.
int // O - 0 on success, -1 on error
Fl_Help_View::load(const char *f)// I - Filename to load (may also have target)
FILE *fp; // File to read from
long len; // Length of file
char *target; // Target in file
char *slash; // Directory separator
const char *localname; // Local filename
char error[1024]; // Error buffer
char newname[1024]; // New filename buffer
strlcpy(newname, f, sizeof(newname));
if ((target = strrchr(newname, '#')) != NULL)
*target++ = '\0';
if (link_)
localname = (*link_)(this, newname);
localname = filename_;
if (!localname)
return (0);
strlcpy(filename_, newname, sizeof(filename_));
strlcpy(directory_, newname, sizeof(directory_));
// Note: We do not support Windows backslashes, since they are illegal
// in URLs...
if ((slash = strrchr(directory_, '/')) == NULL)
directory_[0] = '\0';
else if (slash > directory_ && slash[-1] != '/')
*slash = '\0';
if (value_ != NULL)
free((void *)value_);
value_ = NULL;
if (strncmp(localname, "ftp:", 4) == 0 ||
strncmp(localname, "http:", 5) == 0 ||
strncmp(localname, "https:", 6) == 0 ||
strncmp(localname, "ipp:", 4) == 0 ||
strncmp(localname, "mailto:", 7) == 0 ||
strncmp(localname, "news:", 5) == 0)
// Remote link wasn't resolved...
snprintf(error, sizeof(error),
"<P>Unable to follow the link \"%s\" - "
"no handler exists for this URI scheme.</P></BODY>",
value_ = strdup(error);
if (strncmp(localname, "file:", 5) == 0)
localname += 5; // Adjust for local filename...
if ((fp = fopen(localname, "rb")) != NULL)
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
len = ftell(fp);
value_ = (const char *)calloc(len + 1, 1);
fread((void *)value_, 1, len, fp);
snprintf(error, sizeof(error),
"<P>Unable to follow the link \"%s\" - "
localname, strerror(errno));
value_ = strdup(error);
if (target)
return (0);
// 'Fl_Help_View::resize()' - Resize the help widget.
Fl_Help_View::resize(int xx, // I - New left position
int yy, // I - New top position
int ww, // I - New width
int hh) // I - New height
Fl_Widget::resize(xx, yy, ww, hh);
scrollbar_.resize(x() + w() - 17, y(), 17, h() - 17);
hscrollbar_.resize(x(), y() + h() - 17, w() - 17, 17);
// 'Fl_Help_View::topline()' - Set the top line to the named target.
Fl_Help_View::topline(const char *n) // I - Target name
Fl_Help_Target key, // Target name key
*target; // Pointer to matching target
if (ntargets_ == 0)
strlcpy(key.name, n, sizeof(key.name));
target = (Fl_Help_Target *)bsearch(&key, targets_, ntargets_, sizeof(Fl_Help_Target),
if (target != NULL)
// 'Fl_Help_View::topline()' - Set the top line by number.
Fl_Help_View::topline(int t) // I - Top line number
if (!value_)
if (size_ < (h() - 24) || t < 0)
t = 0;
else if (t > size_)
t = size_;
topline_ = t;
scrollbar_.value(topline_, h() - 24, 0, size_);
// 'Fl_Help_View::leftline()' - Set the left position.
Fl_Help_View::leftline(int l) // I - Left position
if (!value_)
if (hsize_ < (w() - 24) || l < 0)
l = 0;
else if (l > hsize_)
l = hsize_;
leftline_ = l;
hscrollbar_.value(leftline_, w() - 24, 0, hsize_);
// 'Fl_Help_View::value()' - Set the help text directly.
Fl_Help_View::value(const char *v) // I - Text to view
if (!v)
if (value_ != NULL)
free((void *)value_);
value_ = strdup(v);
// 'quote_char()' - Return the character code associated with a quoted char.
static int // O - Code or -1 on error
quote_char(const char *p) { // I - Quoted string
int i; // Looping var
static struct {
const char *name;
int namelen;
int code;
} *nameptr, // Pointer into name array
names[] = { // Quoting names
{ "Aacute;", 7, 193 },
{ "aacute;", 7, 225 },
{ "Acirc;", 6, 194 },
{ "acirc;", 6, 226 },
{ "acute;", 6, 180 },
{ "AElig;", 6, 198 },
{ "aelig;", 6, 230 },
{ "Agrave;", 7, 192 },
{ "agrave;", 7, 224 },
{ "amp;", 4, '&' },
{ "Aring;", 6, 197 },
{ "aring;", 6, 229 },
{ "Atilde;", 7, 195 },
{ "atilde;", 7, 227 },
{ "Auml;", 5, 196 },
{ "auml;", 5, 228 },
{ "brvbar;", 7, 166 },
{ "Ccedil;", 7, 199 },
{ "ccedil;", 7, 231 },
{ "cedil;", 6, 184 },
{ "cent;", 5, 162 },
{ "copy;", 5, 169 },
{ "curren;", 7, 164 },
{ "deg;", 4, 176 },
{ "divide;", 7, 247 },
{ "Eacute;", 7, 201 },
{ "eacute;", 7, 233 },
{ "Ecirc;", 6, 202 },
{ "ecirc;", 6, 234 },
{ "Egrave;", 7, 200 },
{ "egrave;", 7, 232 },
{ "ETH;", 4, 208 },
{ "eth;", 4, 240 },
{ "Euml;", 5, 203 },
{ "euml;", 5, 235 },
{ "frac12;", 7, 189 },
{ "frac14;", 7, 188 },
{ "frac34;", 7, 190 },
{ "gt;", 3, '>' },
{ "Iacute;", 7, 205 },
{ "iacute;", 7, 237 },
{ "Icirc;", 6, 206 },
{ "icirc;", 6, 238 },
{ "iexcl;", 6, 161 },
{ "Igrave;", 7, 204 },
{ "igrave;", 7, 236 },
{ "iquest;", 7, 191 },
{ "Iuml;", 5, 207 },
{ "iuml;", 5, 239 },
{ "laquo;", 6, 171 },
{ "lt;", 3, '<' },
{ "macr;", 5, 175 },
{ "micro;", 6, 181 },
{ "middot;", 7, 183 },
{ "nbsp;", 5, ' ' },
{ "not;", 4, 172 },
{ "Ntilde;", 7, 209 },
{ "ntilde;", 7, 241 },
{ "Oacute;", 7, 211 },
{ "oacute;", 7, 243 },
{ "Ocirc;", 6, 212 },
{ "ocirc;", 6, 244 },
{ "Ograve;", 7, 210 },
{ "ograve;", 7, 242 },
{ "ordf;", 5, 170 },
{ "ordm;", 5, 186 },
{ "Oslash;", 7, 216 },
{ "oslash;", 7, 248 },
{ "Otilde;", 7, 213 },
{ "otilde;", 7, 245 },
{ "Ouml;", 5, 214 },
{ "ouml;", 5, 246 },
{ "para;", 5, 182 },
{ "plusmn;", 7, 177 },
{ "pound;", 6, 163 },
{ "quot;", 5, '\"' },
{ "raquo;", 6, 187 },
{ "reg;", 4, 174 },
{ "sect;", 5, 167 },
{ "shy;", 4, 173 },
{ "sup1;", 5, 185 },
{ "sup2;", 5, 178 },
{ "sup3;", 5, 179 },
{ "szlig;", 6, 223 },
{ "THORN;", 6, 222 },
{ "thorn;", 6, 254 },
{ "times;", 6, 215 },
{ "Uacute;", 7, 218 },
{ "uacute;", 7, 250 },
{ "Ucirc;", 6, 219 },
{ "ucirc;", 6, 251 },
{ "Ugrave;", 7, 217 },
{ "ugrave;", 7, 249 },
{ "uml;", 4, 168 },
{ "Uuml;", 5, 220 },
{ "uuml;", 5, 252 },
{ "Yacute;", 7, 221 },
{ "yacute;", 7, 253 },
{ "yen;", 4, 165 },
{ "yuml;", 5, 255 }
if (isdigit(*p)) return atoi(p);
for (i = (int)(sizeof(names) / sizeof(names[0])), nameptr = names; i > 0; i --, nameptr ++)
if (strncmp(p, nameptr->name, nameptr->namelen) == 0)
return nameptr->code;
return -1;
// 'scrollbar_callback()' - A callback for the scrollbar.
static void
scrollbar_callback(Fl_Widget *s, void *)
((Fl_Help_View *)(s->parent()))->topline(int(((Fl_Scrollbar*)s)->value()));
// 'hscrollbar_callback()' - A callback for the horizontal scrollbar.
static void
hscrollbar_callback(Fl_Widget *s, void *)
((Fl_Help_View *)(s->parent()))->leftline(int(((Fl_Scrollbar*)s)->value()));
// End of "$Id: Fl_Help_View.cxx,v 2002/10/11 20:48:14 easysw Exp $".