(1) adding Fl_Device class (and more) for device abstraction (2) adding Fl_Pinter class (and more) for printing support. Todo: Code cleanup, update dependencies, remove/replace test print window. I'm looking into converting the test window popup in a global shortcut that would pop up the print dialog now... git-svn-id: file:///fltk/svn/fltk/branches/branch-1.3@7263 ea41ed52-d2ee-0310-a9c1-e6b18d33e121
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// "$Id$"
// WIN32 header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Copyright 1998-2009 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA.
// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
// http://www.fltk.org/str.php
// Do not directly include this file, instead use <FL/x.H>. It will
// include this file if WIN32 is defined. This is to encourage
// portability of even the system-specific code...
#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
#ifndef Fl_X_H
# error "Never use <FL/win32.H> directly; include <FL/x.H> instead."
#endif // !Fl_X_H
#include <windows.h>
// In some of the distributions, the gcc header files are missing some stuff:
#ifndef VK_LWIN
#define VK_LWIN 0x5B
#define VK_RWIN 0x5C
#define VK_APPS 0x5D
#include <FL/Fl_Device.H>
// some random X equivalents
typedef HWND Window;
typedef POINT XPoint;
struct XRectangle {int x, y, width, height;};
typedef HRGN Fl_Region;
FL_EXPORT void fl_clip_region(Fl_Region);
extern Fl_Region XRectangleRegion(int x, int y, int w, int h);
inline void XDestroyRegion(Fl_Region r) {DeleteObject(r);}
inline void XClipBox(Fl_Region r,XRectangle* rect) {
RECT win_rect; GetRgnBox(r,&win_rect);
#define XDestroyWindow(a,b) DestroyWindow(b)
#define XMapWindow(a,b) ShowWindow(b, SW_RESTORE)
#define XUnmapWindow(a,b) ShowWindow(b, SW_HIDE)
#include "Fl_Window.H"
// this object contains all win32-specific stuff about a window:
// Warning: this object is highly subject to change!
class FL_EXPORT Fl_X {
// member variables - add new variables only at the end of this block
Window xid;
HBITMAP other_xid; // for double-buffered windows
Fl_Window* w;
Fl_Region region;
Fl_X *next;
int wait_for_expose;
HDC private_dc; // used for OpenGL
HCURSOR cursor;
HDC saved_hdc; // saves the handle of the DC currently loaded
// static variables, static functions and member functions
static Fl_X* first;
static Fl_X* i(const Fl_Window* w) {return w->i;}
static int fake_X_wm(const Fl_Window* w,int &X, int &Y,
int &bt,int &bx,int &by);
void setwindow(Fl_Window* wi) {w=wi; wi->i=this;}
void flush() {w->flush();}
void set_minmax(LPMINMAXINFO minmax);
void mapraise();
static Fl_X* make(Fl_Window*);
extern FL_EXPORT HCURSOR fl_default_cursor;
extern FL_EXPORT UINT fl_wake_msg;
inline Window fl_xid(const Fl_Window*w) {Fl_X *temp = Fl_X::i(w); return temp ? temp->xid : 0;}
FL_EXPORT Fl_Window* fl_find(Window xid);
extern FL_EXPORT char fl_override_redirect; // hack into Fl_Window::make_xid()
extern FL_EXPORT int fl_background_pixel; // hack into Fl_Window::make_xid()
// most recent fl_color() or fl_rgbcolor() points at one of these:
extern FL_EXPORT struct Fl_XMap {
COLORREF rgb; // this should be the type the RGB() macro returns
HPEN pen; // pen, 0 if none created yet
int brush; // ref to solid brush, 0 if none created yet
} *fl_current_xmap;
inline COLORREF fl_RGB() {return fl_current_xmap->rgb;}
inline HPEN fl_pen() {return fl_current_xmap->pen;}
FL_EXPORT HBRUSH fl_brush(); // allocates a brush if necessary
FL_EXPORT HBRUSH fl_brush_action(int); // now does the real work
extern FL_EXPORT HINSTANCE fl_display;
extern FL_EXPORT Window fl_window;
extern FL_EXPORT HDC fl_gc;
extern FL_EXPORT HPALETTE fl_palette; // non-zero only on 8-bit displays!
extern FL_EXPORT HDC fl_GetDC(Window);
extern FL_EXPORT MSG fl_msg;
extern FL_EXPORT void fl_release_dc(HWND w, HDC dc);
extern FL_EXPORT void fl_save_dc( HWND w, HDC dc);
// off-screen pixmaps: create, destroy, draw into, copy to window
typedef HBITMAP Fl_Offscreen;
#define fl_create_offscreen(w, h) CreateCompatibleBitmap(fl_gc, w, h)
extern FL_EXPORT HDC fl_makeDC(HBITMAP);
# define fl_begin_offscreen(b) \
HDC _sgc=fl_gc; Window _sw=fl_window; \
fl_gc=fl_makeDC(b); int _savedc = SaveDC(fl_gc); fl_window=(HWND)b; fl_push_no_clip()
# define fl_end_offscreen() \
fl_pop_clip(); RestoreDC(fl_gc, _savedc); DeleteDC(fl_gc); fl_window=_sw; fl_gc = _sgc
FL_EXPORT void fl_copy_offscreen(int x,int y,int w,int h,HBITMAP pixmap,int srcx,int srcy);
FL_EXPORT void fl_copy_offscreen_with_alpha(int x,int y,int w,int h,HBITMAP pixmap,int srcx,int srcy);
#define fl_delete_offscreen(bitmap) DeleteObject(bitmap);
// Bitmap masks
typedef HBITMAP Fl_Bitmask;
extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Bitmask fl_create_bitmask(int w, int h, const uchar *data);
extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Bitmask fl_create_alphamask(int w, int h, int d, int ld, const uchar *data);
extern FL_EXPORT void fl_delete_bitmask(Fl_Bitmask bm);
// Dummy function to register a function for opening files via the window manager...
inline void fl_open_callback(void (*)(const char *)) {}
extern FL_EXPORT int fl_parse_color(const char* p, uchar& r, uchar& g, uchar& b);
#endif // FL_DOXYGEN
// End of "$Id$".