
288 lines
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// Menu type header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
// Type for creating all subclasses of Fl_Widget
// This should have the widget pointer in it, but it is still in the
// Fl_Type base class.
// Copyright 1998-2023 by Bill Spitzak and others.
// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
// https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
// Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
// https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
#include "Fl_Button_Type.h"
#include "Fd_Snap_Action.h"
#include <FL/Fl_Choice.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Menu_.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Menu_Button.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Input_Choice.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Menu_Bar.H>
extern Fl_Menu_Item dummymenu[];
extern Fl_Menu_Item button_type_menu[];
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_item_type_menu[];
extern Fl_Menu_Item menu_bar_type_menu[];
\brief Manage all types on menu items.
Deriving Fl_Menu_Item_Type from Fl_Button_Type is intentional. For the purpose
of editing, a Menu Item is implemented with `o` pointing to an Fl_Button for
holding all properties.
class Fl_Menu_Item_Type : public Fl_Button_Type
typedef Fl_Button_Type super;
Fl_Menu_Item* subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return menu_item_type_menu;}
const char* type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "MenuItem";}
const char* alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Item";}
Fl_Type* make(Strategy strategy) FL_OVERRIDE;
Fl_Type* make(int flags, Strategy strategy);
int is_button() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;} // this gets shortcut to work
Fl_Widget* widget(int,int,int,int) FL_OVERRIDE {return 0;}
Fl_Widget_Type* _make() FL_OVERRIDE {return 0;}
virtual const char* menu_name(Fd_Code_Writer& f, int& i);
int flags();
void write_static(Fd_Code_Writer& f) FL_OVERRIDE;
void write_item(Fd_Code_Writer& f);
void write_code1(Fd_Code_Writer& f) FL_OVERRIDE;
void write_code2(Fd_Code_Writer& f) FL_OVERRIDE;
int is_true_widget() const FL_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
ID id() const FL_OVERRIDE { return ID_Menu_Item; }
bool is_a(ID inID) const FL_OVERRIDE { return (inID==ID_Menu_Item) ? true : super::is_a(inID); }
\brief Manage Radio style Menu Items.
class Fl_Radio_Menu_Item_Type : public Fl_Menu_Item_Type
typedef Fl_Menu_Item_Type super;
const char* type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "RadioMenuItem";}
Fl_Type* make(Strategy strategy) FL_OVERRIDE;
ID id() const FL_OVERRIDE { return ID_Radio_Menu_Item; }
bool is_a(ID inID) const FL_OVERRIDE { return (inID==ID_Radio_Menu_Item) ? true : super::is_a(inID); }
\brief Manage Checkbox style Menu Items.
class Fl_Checkbox_Menu_Item_Type : public Fl_Menu_Item_Type
typedef Fl_Menu_Item_Type super;
const char* type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "CheckMenuItem";}
Fl_Type* make(Strategy strategy) FL_OVERRIDE;
ID id() const FL_OVERRIDE { return ID_Checkbox_Menu_Item; }
bool is_a(ID inID) const FL_OVERRIDE { return (inID==ID_Checkbox_Menu_Item) ? true : super::is_a(inID); }
\brief Manage Submenu style Menu Items.
Submenu Items are simply buttons just like all other menu items, but they
can also hold a pointer to a list of submenus, or have a flag set that
allows submenus to follow in the current array. As buttons, they can
be clicked by the user, and they will call their callback, if one is set.
class Fl_Submenu_Type : public Fl_Menu_Item_Type
typedef Fl_Menu_Item_Type super;
Fl_Menu_Item* subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return 0;}
const char* type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Submenu";}
const char* alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::ItemGroup";}
int can_have_children() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;}
int is_button() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 0;} // disable shortcut
Fl_Type* make(Strategy strategy) FL_OVERRIDE;
// changes to submenu must propagate up so build_menu is called
// on the parent Fl_Menu_Type:
void add_child(Fl_Type*a, Fl_Type*b) FL_OVERRIDE {parent->add_child(a,b);}
void move_child(Fl_Type*a, Fl_Type*b) FL_OVERRIDE {parent->move_child(a,b);}
void remove_child(Fl_Type*a) FL_OVERRIDE {parent->remove_child(a);}
ID id() const FL_OVERRIDE { return ID_Submenu; }
bool is_a(ID inID) const FL_OVERRIDE { return (inID==ID_Submenu) ? true : super::is_a(inID); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
\brief Base class for all widgets that can have a pulldown menu attached.
Widgets with this type can be derived from Fl_Menu_ or from
Fl_Group (Fl_Input_Choice).
class Fl_Menu_Manager_Type : public Fl_Widget_Type
typedef Fl_Widget_Type super;
void ideal_size(int &w, int &h) FL_OVERRIDE {
h = layout->textsize_not_null() + 8;
w = layout->textsize_not_null() * 6 + 8;
Fd_Snap_Action::better_size(w, h);
int can_have_children() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;}
int menusize;
virtual void build_menu() = 0;
Fl_Menu_Manager_Type() : Fl_Widget_Type() {menusize = 0;}
void add_child(Fl_Type*, Fl_Type*) FL_OVERRIDE { build_menu(); }
void move_child(Fl_Type*, Fl_Type*) FL_OVERRIDE { build_menu(); }
void remove_child(Fl_Type*) FL_OVERRIDE { build_menu();}
Fl_Type* click_test(int x, int y) FL_OVERRIDE = 0;
void write_code2(Fd_Code_Writer& f) FL_OVERRIDE;
void copy_properties() FL_OVERRIDE = 0;
ID id() const FL_OVERRIDE { return ID_Menu_Manager_; }
bool is_a(ID inID) const FL_OVERRIDE { return (inID==ID_Menu_Manager_) ? true : super::is_a(inID); }
\brief Manage the composite widget Input Choice.
\note Input Choice is a composite window, so `o` will be pointing to a widget
derived from Fl_Group. All menu related methods from Fl_Menu_Trait_Type must
be virtual and must be reimplemented here (click_test, build_menu, textstuff).
class Fl_Input_Choice_Type : public Fl_Menu_Manager_Type
typedef Fl_Menu_Manager_Type super;
int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE {
Fl_Input_Choice *myo = (Fl_Input_Choice*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)this->factory)->o : this->o);
switch (w) {
case 4:
case 0: f = (Fl_Font)myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break;
case 1: myo->textfont(f); break;
case 2: myo->textsize(s); break;
case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break;
return 1;
~Fl_Input_Choice_Type() {
if (menusize) delete[] (Fl_Menu_Item*)(((Fl_Input_Choice*)o)->menu());
const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Input_Choice";}
const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::ComboBox";}
Fl_Type* click_test(int,int) FL_OVERRIDE;
Fl_Widget *widget(int X,int Y,int W,int H) FL_OVERRIDE {
Fl_Input_Choice *myo = new Fl_Input_Choice(X,Y,W,H,"input choice:");
return myo;
Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Input_Choice_Type();}
void build_menu() FL_OVERRIDE;
ID id() const FL_OVERRIDE { return ID_Input_Choice; }
bool is_a(ID inID) const FL_OVERRIDE { return (inID==ID_Input_Choice) ? true : super::is_a(inID); }
void copy_properties() FL_OVERRIDE;
\brief Base class to handle widgets that are derived from Fl_Menu_.
class Fl_Menu_Base_Type : public Fl_Menu_Manager_Type
typedef Fl_Menu_Manager_Type super;
int textstuff(int w, Fl_Font& f, int& s, Fl_Color& c) FL_OVERRIDE {
Fl_Menu_ *myo = (Fl_Menu_*)(w==4 ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)this->factory)->o : this->o);
switch (w) {
case 4:
case 0: f = myo->textfont(); s = myo->textsize(); c = myo->textcolor(); break;
case 1: myo->textfont(f); break;
case 2: myo->textsize(s); break;
case 3: myo->textcolor(c); break;
return 1;
int can_have_children() const FL_OVERRIDE {return 1;}
void build_menu() FL_OVERRIDE;
~Fl_Menu_Base_Type() {
if (menusize) delete[] (Fl_Menu_Item*)(((Fl_Menu_*)o)->menu());
Fl_Type* click_test(int x, int y) FL_OVERRIDE;
void copy_properties() FL_OVERRIDE;
ID id() const FL_OVERRIDE { return ID_Menu_; }
bool is_a(ID inID) const FL_OVERRIDE { return (inID==ID_Menu_) ? true : super::is_a(inID); }
extern Fl_Menu_Item button_type_menu[];
\brief Make Menu Button widgets.
class Fl_Menu_Button_Type : public Fl_Menu_Base_Type
typedef Fl_Menu_Base_Type super;
Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return button_type_menu;}
const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Menu_Button";}
const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::MenuButton";}
Fl_Widget *widget(int X,int Y,int W,int H) FL_OVERRIDE {
return new Fl_Menu_Button(X,Y,W,H,"menu");}
Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Menu_Button_Type();}
ID id() const FL_OVERRIDE { return ID_Menu_Button; }
bool is_a(ID inID) const FL_OVERRIDE { return (inID==ID_Menu_Button) ? true : super::is_a(inID); }
\brief Manage Choice type menu widgets.
class Fl_Choice_Type : public Fl_Menu_Base_Type
typedef Fl_Menu_Base_Type super;
const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Choice";}
const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::Choice";}
Fl_Widget *widget(int X,int Y,int W,int H) FL_OVERRIDE {
Fl_Choice *myo = new Fl_Choice(X,Y,W,H,"choice:");
return myo;
Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Choice_Type();}
ID id() const FL_OVERRIDE { return ID_Choice; }
bool is_a(ID inID) const FL_OVERRIDE { return (inID==ID_Choice) ? true : super::is_a(inID); }
\brief Manage Menubar widgets.
class Fl_Menu_Bar_Type : public Fl_Menu_Base_Type
typedef Fl_Menu_Base_Type super;
Fl_Menu_Item *subtypes() FL_OVERRIDE {return menu_bar_type_menu;}
~Fl_Menu_Bar_Type() FL_OVERRIDE;
const char *type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "Fl_Menu_Bar";}
const char *alt_type_name() FL_OVERRIDE {return "fltk::MenuBar";}
Fl_Widget *widget(int X,int Y,int W,int H) FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Menu_Bar(X,Y,W,H);}
Fl_Widget_Type *_make() FL_OVERRIDE {return new Fl_Menu_Bar_Type();}
void write_static(Fd_Code_Writer& f) FL_OVERRIDE;
void write_code1(Fd_Code_Writer& f) FL_OVERRIDE;
// void write_code2(Fd_Code_Writer& f) FL_OVERRIDE;
ID id() const FL_OVERRIDE { return ID_Menu_Bar; }
bool is_a(ID inID) const FL_OVERRIDE { return (inID==ID_Menu_Bar) ? true : super::is_a(inID); }
bool is_sys_menu_bar();
const char *sys_menubar_name();
const char *sys_menubar_proxy_name();
char *_proxy_name;