// // Menu base class header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2019 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php // // Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: // // https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php // /* \file Fl_Menu_ widget . */ #ifndef Fl_Menu__H #define Fl_Menu__H #ifndef Fl_Widget_H #include "Fl_Widget.H" #endif #include "Fl_Menu_Item.H" /** Base class of all widgets that have a menu in FLTK. Currently FLTK provides you with Fl_Menu_Button, Fl_Menu_Bar, and Fl_Choice. The class contains a pointer to an array of structures of type Fl_Menu_Item. The array may either be supplied directly by the user program, or it may be "private": a dynamically allocated array managed by the Fl_Menu_. When the user clicks a menu item, value() is set to that item and then: - If the Fl_Menu_Item has a callback set, that callback is invoked with any userdata configured for it. (The Fl_Menu_ widget's callback is NOT invoked.) - For any Fl_Menu_Items that \b don't have a callback set, the Fl_Menu_ widget's callback is invoked with any userdata configured for it. The callback can determine which item was picked using value(), mvalue(), item_pathname(), etc. The line spacing between menu items can be controlled with the global setting Fl::menu_linespacing(). \see Fl_Widget::shortcut_label(int) */ class FL_EXPORT Fl_Menu_ : public Fl_Widget { Fl_Menu_Item *menu_; const Fl_Menu_Item *value_; protected: uchar alloc; // flag indicates if menu_ is a dynamic copy (=1) or not (=0) uchar down_box_; Fl_Font textfont_; Fl_Fontsize textsize_; Fl_Color textcolor_; int item_pathname_(char *name, int namelen, const Fl_Menu_Item *finditem, const Fl_Menu_Item *menu=0) const; public: Fl_Menu_(int,int,int,int,const char * =0); ~Fl_Menu_(); int item_pathname(char *name, int namelen, const Fl_Menu_Item *finditem=0) const; const Fl_Menu_Item* picked(const Fl_Menu_Item*); const Fl_Menu_Item* find_item(const char *name); const Fl_Menu_Item* find_item(Fl_Callback*); int find_index(const char *name) const; int find_index(const Fl_Menu_Item *item) const; int find_index(Fl_Callback *cb) const; /** Returns the menu item with the entered shortcut (key value). This searches the complete menu() for a shortcut that matches the entered key value. It must be called for a FL_KEYBOARD or FL_SHORTCUT event. If a match is found, the menu's callback will be called. \return matched Fl_Menu_Item or NULL. */ const Fl_Menu_Item* test_shortcut() {return picked(menu()->test_shortcut());} void global(); /** Returns a pointer to the array of Fl_Menu_Items. This will either be the value passed to menu(value) or the private copy or an internal (temporary) location (see note below). \note Implementation details - may be changed in the future. All modifications of the menu array are done by copying the entire menu array to an internal storage for optimization of memory allocations, for instance when using add() or insert(). While this is done, menu() returns the pointer to this internal location. The entire menu will be copied back to private storage when needed, i.e. when \b another Fl_Menu_ is modified. You can force this reallocation after you're done with all menu modifications by calling Fl_Menu_::menu_end() to make sure menu() returns a permanent pointer to private storage (until the menu is modified again). Note also that some menu methods (e.g. Fl_Menu_Button::popup()) call menu_end() internally to ensure a consistent menu array while the menu is open. \see size() -- returns the size of the Fl_Menu_Item array. \see menu_end() -- finish %menu modifications (optional) \b Example: How to walk the array: \code for ( int t=0; tsize(); t++ ) { // walk array of items const Fl_Menu_Item &item = menubar->menu()[t]; // get each item fprintf(stderr, "item #%d -- label=%s, value=%s type=%s\n", t, item.label() ? item.label() : "(Null)", // menu terminators have NULL labels (item.flags & FL_MENU_VALUE) ? "set" : "clear", // value of toggle or radio items (item.flags & FL_SUBMENU) ? "Submenu" : "Item"); // see if item is a submenu or actual item } \endcode */ const Fl_Menu_Item *menu() const {return menu_;} const Fl_Menu_Item *menu_end(); // in src/Fl_Menu_add.cxx void menu(const Fl_Menu_Item *m); void copy(const Fl_Menu_Item *m, void* user_data = 0); int insert(int index, const char*, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void* = 0, int = 0); int add(const char*, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void* = 0, int = 0); // see src/Fl_Menu_add.cxx /** See int Fl_Menu_::add(const char* label, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void *user_data=0, int flags=0) */ int add(const char* a, const char* b, Fl_Callback* c, void* d = 0, int e = 0) { return add(a,fl_old_shortcut(b),c,d,e); } /** See int Fl_Menu_::insert(const char* label, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void *user_data=0, int flags=0) */ int insert(int index, const char* a, const char* b, Fl_Callback* c, void* d = 0, int e = 0) { return insert(index,a,fl_old_shortcut(b),c,d,e); } int add(const char *); int size() const ; void size(int W, int H) { Fl_Widget::size(W, H); } void clear(); int clear_submenu(int index); void replace(int,const char *); void remove(int); /** Changes the shortcut of item \p i to \p s. */ void shortcut(int i, int s) {menu_[i].shortcut(s);} /** Sets the flags of item i. For a list of the flags, see Fl_Menu_Item. */ void mode(int i,int fl) {menu_[i].flags = fl;} /** Gets the flags of item i. For a list of the flags, see Fl_Menu_Item. */ int mode(int i) const {return menu_[i].flags;} /** Returns a pointer to the last menu item that was picked. */ const Fl_Menu_Item *mvalue() const {return value_;} /** Returns the index into menu() of the last item chosen by the user. It is zero initially. */ int value() const {return value_ ? (int)(value_-menu_) : -1;} int value(const Fl_Menu_Item*); /** The value is the index into menu() of the last item chosen by the user. It is zero initially. You can set it as an integer, or set it with a pointer to a menu item. The set routines return non-zero if the new value is different than the old one. */ int value(int i) {return value(menu_+i);} /** Returns the title of the last item chosen. */ const char *text() const {return value_ ? value_->text : 0;} /** Returns the title of item i. */ const char *text(int i) const {return menu_[i].text;} /** Gets the current font of menu item labels. */ Fl_Font textfont() const {return textfont_;} /** Sets the current font of menu item labels. */ void textfont(Fl_Font c) {textfont_=c;} /** Gets the font size of menu item labels. */ Fl_Fontsize textsize() const {return textsize_;} /** Sets the font size of menu item labels. */ void textsize(Fl_Fontsize c) {textsize_=c;} /** Get the current color of menu item labels. */ Fl_Color textcolor() const {return textcolor_;} /** Sets the current color of menu item labels. */ void textcolor(Fl_Color c) {textcolor_=c;} /** This box type is used to surround the currently-selected items in the menus. If this is FL_NO_BOX then it acts like FL_THIN_UP_BOX and selection_color() acts like FL_WHITE, for back compatibility. */ Fl_Boxtype down_box() const {return (Fl_Boxtype)down_box_;} /** See Fl_Boxtype Fl_Menu_::down_box() const */ void down_box(Fl_Boxtype b) {down_box_ = b;} /** For back compatibility, same as selection_color() */ Fl_Color down_color() const {return selection_color();} /** For back compatibility, same as selection_color() */ void down_color(unsigned c) {selection_color(c);} void setonly(Fl_Menu_Item* item); }; #endif