# # CMakeLists.txt used to build test and demo apps by the CMake build system # # Copyright 2004-2021 by Bill Spitzak and others. # # This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in # the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this # file is missing or damaged, see the license at: # # https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php # # Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: # # https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php # ####################################################################### include (../CMake/FLTK-Functions.cmake) include (../CMake/fl_create_example.cmake) set (EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../bin/test) set (TESTFILE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../data) # create data and binary directory to copy scripts and data files file (MAKE_DIRECTORY ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}) file (MAKE_DIRECTORY ${TESTFILE_PATH}) ####################################################################### # audio libs for test apps if (WIN32) set (AUDIOLIBS winmm) elseif (APPLE) set (AUDIOLIBS "-framework CoreAudio") elseif (HAVE_ALSA_ASOUNDLIB_H) find_library(LIB_asound asound) if (LIB_asound) set (AUDIOLIBS ${LIB_asound}) endif (LIB_asound) mark_as_advanced (LIB_asound) endif (WIN32) ####################################################################### include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) ####################################################################### # Define additional example programs for testing, for instance: # set (extra_tests issue-276 str-1895) # Use the source file test/'name'.cxx for each additional program. # These test programs will be built with image and GL libraries. # Leave the variable 'extra_tests' empty to disable extra test programs. set (extra_tests) ####################################################################### # Define standard libraries for those OpenGL demos that can be built # w/o OpenGL as well. These demos show an alternate GUI or a warning # when built w/o OpenGL. # # Note: use "${GLDEMO_LIBS}" for their library parameter # or "${GLDEMO_SHARED}" to build with shared FLTK libraries if (OPENGL_FOUND) set (GLDEMO_LIBS fltk_gl fltk ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES}) if (MSVC) set (GLDEMO_SHARED fltk_SHARED ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES}) else () set (GLDEMO_SHARED fltk_gl_SHARED fltk_SHARED ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES}) endif () else () set (GLDEMO_LIBS fltk) set (GLDEMO_SHARED fltk_SHARED) endif () ####################################################################### CREATE_EXAMPLE (adjuster adjuster.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (arc arc.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (animated animated.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (ask ask.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (bitmap bitmap.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (blocks "blocks.cxx;blocks.plist;blocks.icns" "fltk;${AUDIOLIBS}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (boxtype boxtype.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (browser browser.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (button button.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (buttons buttons.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (checkers "checkers.cxx;checkers_pieces.fl;checkers.icns" "fltk_images;fltk") CREATE_EXAMPLE (clipboard clipboard.cxx "fltk_images;fltk") CREATE_EXAMPLE (clock clock.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (colbrowser colbrowser.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (color_chooser color_chooser.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (contrast contrast.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (coordinates coordinates.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (cursor cursor.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (curve curve.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (demo demo.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (device device.cxx "fltk_images;fltk") CREATE_EXAMPLE (doublebuffer doublebuffer.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (editor "editor.cxx;editor.plist" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (fast_slow fast_slow.fl fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (file_chooser file_chooser.cxx "fltk_images;fltk") CREATE_EXAMPLE (flex_demo flex_demo.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (flex_login flex_login.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (fltk-versions fltk-versions.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (fonts fonts.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (forms forms.cxx "fltk_forms;fltk") CREATE_EXAMPLE (fullscreen fullscreen.cxx "${GLDEMO_LIBS}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (grid_alignment grid_alignment.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (grid_buttons grid_buttons.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (grid_dialog grid_dialog.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (grid_login grid_login.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (handle_events handle_events.cxx "${GLDEMO_LIBS}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (hello hello.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (help_dialog help_dialog.cxx "fltk_images;fltk") CREATE_EXAMPLE (icon icon.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (iconize iconize.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (image image.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (inactive inactive.fl fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (input input.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (input_choice input_choice.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (keyboard "keyboard.cxx;keyboard_ui.fl" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (label label.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (line_style line_style.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (list_visuals list_visuals.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (mandelbrot "mandelbrot_ui.fl;mandelbrot.cxx" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (menubar menubar.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (message message.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (minimum minimum.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (native-filechooser native-filechooser.cxx "fltk_images;fltk") CREATE_EXAMPLE (navigation navigation.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (output output.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (overlay overlay.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (pack pack.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (pixmap pixmap.cxx "fltk_images;fltk") CREATE_EXAMPLE (pixmap_browser pixmap_browser.cxx "fltk_images;fltk") CREATE_EXAMPLE (preferences preferences.fl fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (offscreen offscreen.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (radio radio.fl fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resize resize.fl fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resizebox resizebox.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resize-example1 "resize-example1.cxx;resize-arrows.cxx" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resize-example2 "resize-example2.cxx;resize-arrows.cxx" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resize-example3a "resize-example3a.cxx;resize-arrows.cxx" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resize-example3b "resize-example3b.cxx;resize-arrows.cxx" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resize-example3c "resize-example3c.cxx;resize-arrows.cxx" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resize-example4a "resize-example4a.cxx;resize-arrows.cxx" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resize-example4b "resize-example4b.cxx;resize-arrows.cxx" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resize-example5a "resize-example5a.cxx;resize-arrows.cxx" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resize-example5b "resize-example5b.cxx;resize-arrows.cxx" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (resize-example5c "resize-example5c.cxx;resize-arrows.cxx" fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (rotated_text rotated_text.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (scroll scroll.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (subwindow subwindow.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (sudoku "sudoku.cxx;sudoku.plist;sudoku.icns;sudoku.rc" "fltk_images;fltk;${AUDIOLIBS}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (symbols symbols.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (tabs tabs.fl fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (table table.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (terminal terminal.fl fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (threads threads.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (tile tile.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (tiled_image tiled_image.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (tree tree.fl fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (twowin twowin.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (utf8 utf8.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (valuators valuators.fl fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (windowfocus windowfocus.cxx fltk) CREATE_EXAMPLE (wizard wizard.cxx fltk) # unittests uses multiple source files and can be built with or w/o OpenGL and "shared" SET (UNITTEST_SRCS unittests.cxx unittests.h unittest_about.cxx unittest_points.cxx unittest_core.cxx unittest_complex_shapes.cxx unittest_fast_shapes.cxx unittest_circles.cxx unittest_text.cxx unittest_unicode.cxx unittest_symbol.cxx unittest_images.cxx unittest_viewport.cxx unittest_scrollbarsize.cxx unittest_schemes.cxx unittest_terminal.cxx ) CREATE_EXAMPLE (unittests "${UNITTEST_SRCS}" "${GLDEMO_LIBS}") # Create additional test programs (used by developers for testing) if (extra_tests) foreach (name ${extra_tests}) create_example (${name} ${name}.cxx "fltk_images;${GLDEMO_LIBS}") endforeach () endif () # OpenGL demos. These programs can't be built w/o OpenGL if (OPENGL_FOUND) CREATE_EXAMPLE (CubeView "CubeMain.cxx;CubeView.cxx;CubeViewUI.fl" "${GLDEMO_LIBS}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (cube cube.cxx "${GLDEMO_LIBS}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (fractals "fractals.cxx;fracviewer.cxx" "${GLDEMO_LIBS}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (glut_test glut_test.cxx "${GLDEMO_LIBS}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (glpuzzle glpuzzle.cxx "${GLDEMO_LIBS}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (gl_overlay gl_overlay.cxx "${GLDEMO_LIBS}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (shape shape.cxx "${GLDEMO_LIBS}") endif (OPENGL_FOUND) # Cairo demo - must also be built w/o Cairo (displays a message box) if (FLTK_HAVE_CAIRO) CREATE_EXAMPLE (cairo_test cairo_test.cxx "fltk;cairo") else () CREATE_EXAMPLE (cairo_test cairo_test.cxx fltk) endif (FLTK_HAVE_CAIRO) # *** EXPERIMENTAL *** # Build some of the demo programs linked against the shared FLTK lib(s). # This is currently pretty complicated and should be improved. # It will be simplified significantly when we use more "modern CMake". if (OPTION_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) if (MSVC) # MS Visual C++ aka. Visual Studio # We need to link with fl_call_main.c, but this must not be compiled with # macro FL_DLL, whereas the other source file(s) must be compiled with FL_DLL # to link against the shared libs. # # ;-) I *love* Visual Studio (MSVC) ;-) # # Trick: build an object library with just this one file and link the executable # against the shared library plus this object library. Another way would be to # add the extra source file fl_call_main.c to the source files of all targets # and set the FL_DLL compile_definition property only on the main *source* files # but this doesn't work since the same file must be compiled for the "static" # and the "shared" target, for instance hello.cxx for "hello" and "hello-shared". add_library (CALL_MAIN OBJECT EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ../src/fl_call_main.c) # define a list of shared targets so we can set COMPILE_DEFINITIONS in a loop set (SHARED_TARGETS "") CREATE_EXAMPLE (hello-shared hello.cxx "fltk_SHARED;CALL_MAIN") CREATE_EXAMPLE (pixmap_browser-shared pixmap_browser.cxx "fltk_SHARED;CALL_MAIN") CREATE_EXAMPLE (unittests-shared "${UNITTEST_SRCS}" "${GLDEMO_SHARED};CALL_MAIN") list (APPEND SHARED_TARGETS hello pixmap_browser unittests) if (OPENGL_FOUND) CREATE_EXAMPLE (glpuzzle-shared glpuzzle.cxx "fltk_SHARED;CALL_MAIN;${OPENGL_LIBRARIES}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (shape-shared shape.cxx "fltk_SHARED;CALL_MAIN;${OPENGL_LIBRARIES}") list (APPEND SHARED_TARGETS glpuzzle shape) endif (OPENGL_FOUND) # apply property COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "-D FL_DLL" in a loop for all necessary source files foreach (tgt ${SHARED_TARGETS}) target_compile_definitions (${tgt}-shared PRIVATE "FL_DLL") endforeach () else () # not MSVC CREATE_EXAMPLE (hello-shared hello.cxx fltk_SHARED) CREATE_EXAMPLE (pixmap_browser-shared pixmap_browser.cxx "fltk_images_SHARED") CREATE_EXAMPLE (unittests-shared "${UNITTEST_SRCS}" "${GLDEMO_SHARED}") if (OPENGL_FOUND) CREATE_EXAMPLE (glpuzzle-shared glpuzzle.cxx "${GLDEMO_SHARED}") CREATE_EXAMPLE (shape-shared shape.cxx "${GLDEMO_SHARED}") endif (OPENGL_FOUND) if (FLTK_HAVE_CAIRO) CREATE_EXAMPLE (cairo_test-shared cairo_test.cxx "fltk_SHARED;cairo") else () CREATE_EXAMPLE (cairo_test-shared cairo_test.cxx "fltk_SHARED") endif () endif (MSVC) # (not MSVC) endif (OPTION_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) ##################################################### # We need some support files for the demo programs ##################################################### # copy the required test files file (COPY demo.menu rgb.txt browser.cxx editor.cxx valuators.fl help_dialog.html DESTINATION ${TESTFILE_PATH} ) # copy the image directory for help_dialog.html file (COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/images DESTINATION ${TESTFILE_PATH} ) # The main test program 'demo' needs additional hints and configurations. # Note: CMake defines "CMAKE_INTDIR" which is the build type folder (e.g. "Debug") # for multi config builds (MSVC, Xcode) target_compile_definitions (demo PRIVATE GENERATED_BY_CMAKE)