// // "$Id: checkers.cxx,v 2002/05/16 12:47:43 easysw Exp $" // // Checkers game for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Hours of fun: the FLTK checkers game! // Based on a very old algorithim, but it still works! // // Copyright 1998-2002 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@fltk.org". // const char* copyright = "Checkers game\n" "Copyright (C) 1997 Bill Spitzak spitzak@d2.com\n" "Original Pascal code:\n" "Copyright 1978, Oregon Minicomputer Software, Inc.\n" "2340 SW Canyon Road, Portland, Oregon 97201\n" "Written by Steve Poulsen 18-Jan-79\n" "\n" "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify " "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or " "(at your option) any later version.\n" "\n" "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the " "GNU General Public License for more details.\n" "\n" "You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public " "License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software " "Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 " "USA."; // Define FLTK to get the fltk interface // Define VT100 to get the VT100 interface // Define both to get a program that takes a -t switch #define FLTK //#define VT100 #include "../src/flstring.h" #include #include #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The algorithim: int maxevaluate=2500; // max number of moves to examine on a turn int maxnodes = 2500; // maximum number of nodes in search tree int maxply = 20; // maximum depth to look ahead char forcejumps = 1; // is forced jumps rule in effect? // scoring parameters: (all divided by 5 from original code) // some signs seem to be backwards, marked them with (-) in comment const int spiece = 800; // value of a piece const int sking = 1200; // value of a king const int sadvan = 160; // value of mypieces/theirpieces-1 // const int smobil = ? // moves *enemy* can make w/o being jumped const int sallpin = 80; // mobil == 0 const int sdeny = 10; // moves enemy can make that will be jumped const int spin = 32; // enemy pieces that have no move except jumped const int sthreat = -10; // enemy pieces we can jump if not moved (-) const int sgrad = 1; // score of piece positions const int sback = 10; // back row occupied so enemy can't make king const int smoc2 = 200; // more mobility, more center const int smoc3 = -8; // less mobility, less center const int smoc4 = -80; // more mobility, less center const int smode2 = -14; // less mobility, less denied const int smode3 = -40; // more mobility, more denied (-) const int sdemmo = -20; // more denied, more moves (-) const int scent = 10; // pieces in center const int skcent = 100; // kings in center const int depthpenalty=4; // guess const int noise=2; // values less or eq to this apart are eq // const int sattackking = 4; // not used // const int sattackpiece = 3; struct node { node *father; node *son; // best son node *brother; // next brother short int value; // value of this board position to player making move unsigned char from,to; // the move to reach this board long int jump; // bit map of locations jumped unsigned char mobil; unsigned char deny; unsigned char pin; unsigned char threat; short int gradient; unsigned who:1; // 0 = black's move, 1 = white's move unsigned king:1; // 1 = move causes piece to be kinged unsigned back:1; unsigned moc2:1; unsigned moc3:1; unsigned moc4:1; unsigned mode2:1; unsigned mode3:1; unsigned demmo:1; }; int nodes; // count of nodes /* Board positions: Border positions: WHITE 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 04 XX XX XX XX 09 10 11 12 XX XX XX XX 13 14 15 16 17 13 XX XX XX XX 18 19 20 21 XX XX XX XX 22 23 24 25 26 22 XX XX XX XX 27 28 29 30 XX XX XX XX 31 32 33 34 36 31 XX XX XX XX 36 37 38 39 XX XX XX XX 40 BLACK 40 41 42 43 44 */ typedef char piece; // Piece values so that BLACK and WHITE are bit flags: #define EMPTY 0 #define BLACK 1 #define WHITE 2 #define KING 4 #define BLACKKING 5 #define WHITEKING 6 #define BLUE 8 const piece flip[9] = { EMPTY, WHITE, BLACK, 0, 0, WHITEKING, BLACKKING, 0, BLUE}; const int offset[9][4] = { // legal move directions {0,0,0,0}, {-5,-4,0,0}, {4,5,0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, {4,5,-4,-5}, {4,5,-4,-5}, {0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0} }; piece b[45]; // current board position being considered int evaluated; // number of moves evaluated this turn char centralsquares[45]; char is_protected[45]; piece flipboard[45]; // swapped if enemy is black piece *tb; // pointer to real or swapped board #define FRIEND BLACK #define FRIENDKING BLACKKING #define ENEMY WHITE #define ENEMYKING WHITEKING char check(int target,int direction) { // see if enemy at target can be jumped from direction by our piece int dst = target-direction; if (tb[dst]) return(0); int src = target+direction; if (tb[src] == FRIENDKING); else if (direction < 0 || tb[src] != FRIEND) return(0); piece a = tb[target]; piece b = tb[src]; tb[target] = EMPTY; tb[src] = EMPTY; int safe = (tb[src-4]&FRIEND && tb[src-8]&ENEMY ||tb[src-5]&FRIEND && tb[src-10]&ENEMY ||tb[dst-4]&ENEMY && !tb[dst+4] ||tb[dst-5]&ENEMY && !tb[dst+5] ||tb[src+4]&FRIEND && tb[src+8]==ENEMYKING ||tb[src+5]&FRIEND && tb[src+10]==ENEMYKING ||tb[dst+4]==ENEMYKING && !tb[dst-4] ||tb[dst+5]==ENEMYKING && !tb[dst-5]); tb[target] = a; tb[src] = b; return(safe); } int deniedmoves,undeniedmoves; void analyzemove(int direction,int src) { int target = src+direction; if (!tb[target]) { if (!tb[target+direction]) is_protected[target] = 1; piece a = tb[src]; tb[src] = EMPTY; if (check(target,4) || check(target,5) || check(target,-4) || check(target,-5) || (tb[src+4]&ENEMY && check(src+4,4)) || (tb[src+5]&ENEMY && check(src+5,5)) || (tb[src-4]&ENEMY && check(src-4,-4)) || (tb[src-5]&ENEMY && check(src-5,-5))) deniedmoves++; else undeniedmoves++; tb[src] = a; } } void evaluateboard(node *n,int print) { if (!n->who) tb = b; // move was black's else { for (int i=0; i<45; i++) flipboard[44-i] = flip[b[i]]; tb = flipboard; } memset(is_protected,0,sizeof(is_protected)); int friendpieces = 0; int enemypieces = 0; int friendkings = 0; int enemykings = 0; int friendkcent = 0; int friendcent = 0; int enemykcent = 0; int enemycent = 0; n->mobil = n->deny = n->pin = n->threat = 0; int i; for (i=5; i<40; i++) switch(tb[i]) { case ENEMYKING: enemykings++; enemykcent += centralsquares[i]; deniedmoves = 0; undeniedmoves = 0; if (i>8) { analyzemove(-4,i); analyzemove(-5,i); } goto J1; case ENEMY: deniedmoves = 0; undeniedmoves = 0; J1: enemypieces++; enemycent += centralsquares[i]; if (i<36) { analyzemove(4,i); analyzemove(5,i); } if (deniedmoves && !undeniedmoves) n->pin++; n->deny += deniedmoves; n->mobil += undeniedmoves; break; case FRIENDKING: friendkings++; friendkcent += centralsquares[i]; if (tb[i+4]&ENEMY && !tb[i+8] && !(tb[i+4]==ENEMYKING && !tb[i-4])) n->threat++; if (tb[i+5]&ENEMY && !tb[i+10] && !(tb[i+5]==ENEMYKING && !tb[i-5])) n->threat++; case FRIEND: friendpieces++; friendcent += centralsquares[i]; if (tb[i-4]&ENEMY && !tb[i-8] && tb[i+4]) n->threat++; if (tb[i-5]&ENEMY && !tb[i-10] && tb[i+5]) n->threat++; break; } int gradient[40]; for (i=4; i<9; i++) gradient[i] = tb[i] ? 0 : 32; int total = 0; for (i=9; i<40; i++) { int x = (gradient[i-4]+gradient[i-5])/2; if (tb[i]==FRIEND) total += x; gradient[i] = (tb[i]&FRIEND || !tb[i] && !is_protected[i]) ? x : 0; } n->gradient = total; n->back = tb[39]==FRIEND && tb[37]==FRIEND && !enemykings; node* f = n->father; n->moc2 = f->mobil>n->mobil && friendcent>enemycent; n->moc3 = f->mobil<=n->mobil && friendcentmoc4 = f->mobil>n->mobil && friendcentmode2 = f->mobil<=n->mobil && n->denydeny; n->mode3 = f->mobil>n->mobil && n->deny>f->deny; n->demmo = n->deny>f->deny && f->deny+f->mobil>n->deny+n->mobil; total = spiece * (friendpieces - enemypieces) + (sking-spiece) * (friendkings - enemykings) + // mobil? sdeny * (n->deny - f->deny) + spin * (n->pin - f->pin) + sthreat * (n->threat - f->threat) + sgrad * (n->gradient - f->gradient) + sback * (n->back - f->back) + smoc2 * (n->moc2 - f->moc2) + smoc3 * (n->moc3 - f->moc3) + smoc4 * (n->moc4 - f->moc4) + smode2 * (n->mode2 - f->mode2) + smode3 * (n->mode3 - f->mode3) + sdemmo * (n->demmo - f->demmo) + scent * (friendcent - enemycent) + (skcent-scent) * (friendkcent - enemykcent); if (!n->mobil) total += sallpin; if (!enemypieces) total = 30000; else if (friendpieces > enemypieces) total += (sadvan*friendpieces)/enemypieces-sadvan; else total -= (sadvan*enemypieces)/friendpieces-sadvan; if (print) { printf("\tParent\tNew\tScore\n"); printf("pieces\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",enemypieces,friendpieces, spiece*(friendpieces-enemypieces)); printf("kings\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",enemykings,friendkings, (sking-spiece)*(friendkings-enemykings)); printf("mobil\t%d\t%d\n",f->mobil,n->mobil); printf("deny\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->deny,n->deny,sdeny*(n->deny-f->deny)); printf("pin\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->pin,n->pin,spin*(n->pin-f->pin)); printf("threat\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->threat,n->threat,sthreat*(n->threat-f->threat)); printf("grad\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->gradient,n->gradient,sgrad*(n->gradient-f->gradient)); printf("back\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->back,n->back,sback*(n->back-f->back)); printf("moc2\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->moc2,n->moc2,smoc2*(n->moc2-f->moc2)); printf("moc3\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->moc3,n->moc3,smoc3*(n->moc3-f->moc3)); printf("moc4\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->moc4,n->moc4,smoc4*(n->moc4-f->moc4)); printf("mode2\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->mode2,n->mode2,smode2*(n->mode2-f->mode2)); printf("mode3\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->mode3,n->mode3,smode3*(n->mode3-f->mode3)); printf("demmo\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->demmo,n->demmo,sdemmo*(n->demmo-f->demmo)); printf("cent\t%d\t%d\t%dn",enemycent,friendcent,scent*(friendcent-enemycent)); printf("kcent\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",enemykcent,friendkcent,skcent*(friendkcent-enemykcent)); printf("total:\t\t\t%d\n",total); } else { n->value = total; evaluated++; } } // end of evaluateboard // --------------------- Tree management ----------------- node *freelist; node *newnode(void) { node *n; if (freelist) { n = freelist; freelist = n->brother; } else n = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); memset(n,0,sizeof(node)); nodes++; return(n); } void extract(node *n) { node* i = n->father; if (i) { node* j = i->son; if (j==n) i->son = n->brother; else while (j) { i = j; j = j->brother; if (j==n) {i->brother = n->brother; break;} } } n->brother = 0; } void killnode(node *x) { if (!x) return; node *y; for (y = x; ; y = y->brother) { nodes--; killnode(y->son); y->son = 0; if (!y->brother) break; } y->brother = freelist; freelist = x; } int seed; // current random number void insert(node *n) { int val = n->value; node **pp; for (pp = &(n->father->son); *pp; pp = &((*pp)->brother)) { int val1 = (*pp)->value; if (abs(val-val1) <= noise) { seed = (seed*13077+5051)%0100000; if ((seed & 070) >= 060) break; } else if (val > val1) break; } n->brother = *pp; *pp = n; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void movepiece(node* f, int i, node* jnode) { static char jumphappened; for (int k=0; k<4; k++) { int direction = offset[b[i]][k]; if (!direction) break; int j = i+direction; if (b[j] == EMPTY) { if (!jnode && (!forcejumps || !f->son || !f->son->jump)) { node* n = newnode(); n->father = f; n->who = !f->who; n->from = i; n->to = j; piece oldpiece = b[i]; b[i] = EMPTY; if (!(oldpiece&KING) && n->who ? (j>=36) : (j<=8)) { n->king = 1; b[j] = oldpiece|KING; } else b[j] = oldpiece; evaluateboard(n,0); insert(n); b[i] = oldpiece; b[j] = EMPTY; } } else if (((b[j]^b[i])&(WHITE|BLACK))==(WHITE|BLACK) && !b[j+direction]) { if (forcejumps && f->son && !f->son->jump) { killnode(f->son); f->son = 0; } int jumploc = j; j += direction; node* n = newnode(); n->father = f; n->who = !f->who; n->from = i; n->to = j; n->jump = (1<<(jumploc-10)); piece oldpiece = b[i]; b[i] = EMPTY; if (!(oldpiece&KING) && n->who ? (j>=36) : (j<=8)) { n->king = 1; b[j] = oldpiece|KING; } else b[j] = oldpiece; if (jnode) { n->from = jnode->from; n->jump |= jnode->jump; n->king |= jnode->king; } piece jumpedpiece = b[jumploc]; b[jumploc] = EMPTY; jumphappened = 0; movepiece(f,j,n); if (forcejumps && jumphappened) killnode(n); else {evaluateboard(n,0); insert(n);} b[i] = oldpiece; b[j] = EMPTY; b[jumploc] = jumpedpiece; jumphappened = 1; } } } void expandnode(node *f) { if (f->son || f->value > 28000) return; // already done piece turn = f->who ? BLACK : WHITE; for (int i=5; i<40; i++) if (b[i]&turn) movepiece(f,i,0); if (f->son) { f->value = -f->son->value; if (f->brother) f->value -= depthpenalty; } else f->value = 30000; } void makemove(node *n) { b[n->to] = b[n->from]; if (n->king) b[n->to] |= KING; b[n->from] = EMPTY; if (n->jump) for(int i=0; i<32; i++) { if (n->jump & (1< maxnodes-(maxply*10) || evaluated > maxevaluate) return(0); expandnode(f); if (!f->son) return(1); piece oldboard[45]; memmove(oldboard,b,sizeof(b)); node* n = f->son; if (!n->jump && n->brother) {if (level<1) return(1); level--;} int i; node* sons[32]; for (i=0; (sons[i++] = n); n = n->brother); int ret = 1; for (i=0; ret && (n = sons[i++]);) { makemove(n); ret = fullexpand(n,level); memmove(b,oldboard,sizeof(b)); extract(n); insert(n); } f->value = -f->son->value; return(ret); } int descend(node *f) { static int depth; if (didabort() || nodes > maxnodes || depth >= maxply) return(0); if (f->son) { node* n = f->son; makemove(n); depth++; int ret = descend(n); depth--; extract(n); insert(n); f->value = -f->son->value; return(ret); } else {expandnode(f); return(1);} } char debug; node *calcmove(node *root) { // return best move after root expandnode(root); if (!root->son) return(0); // no move due to loss if (debug) printf("calcmove() initial nodes = %d\n",nodes); evaluated = 0; if (root->son->brother) { int x; for (x = 1; abs(root->value)<28000 && fullexpand(root,x); x++); piece saveboard[45]; memmove(saveboard,b,sizeof(b)); while (abs(root->value)<28000) { x = descend(root); memmove(b,saveboard,sizeof(b)); if (!x) break; } } if (debug) printf(" evaluated %d, nodes = %d\n", evaluated, nodes); return(root->son); } // the actual game state ---------------- node *root,*undoroot; piece jumpboards[24][45]; // saved boards for undoing jumps int nextjump; char user; // 0 = black, 1 = white char playing; char autoplay; void newgame(void) { int n; for (n=0; n<5; n++) b[n] = BLUE; for (n=5; n<18; n++) b[n] = WHITE; for (n=18; n<27; n++) b[n] = EMPTY; for (n=27; n<40; n++) b[n] = BLACK; for (n=40; n<45; n++) b[n] = BLUE; b[13] = b[22] = b[31] = BLUE; centralsquares[15] = centralsquares[16] = centralsquares[19] = centralsquares[20] = centralsquares[24] = centralsquares[25] = centralsquares[28] = centralsquares[29] = 1; // set up initial search tree: nextjump = 0; killnode(undoroot); undoroot = root = newnode(); // make it white's move, so first move is black: root->who = 1; user = 0; playing = 1; } void domove(node* move) { if (move->jump) memmove(jumpboards[nextjump++],b,sizeof(b)); makemove(move); extract(move); killnode(root->son); root->son = move; root = move; if (debug) evaluateboard(move,1); } node* undomove() { node *n = root; if (n == undoroot) return 0; // no more undo possible if (n->jump) memmove(b,jumpboards[--nextjump],sizeof(b)); else { b[n->from] = b[n->to]; if (n->king) b[n->from] &= (WHITE|BLACK); b[n->to] = EMPTY; } root = n->father; killnode(n); root->son = 0; root->value = 0; // prevent it from thinking game is over playing = 1; if (root == undoroot) user = 0; return n; } const char _usermoves[] = "B1D1F1H1A2C2E2G2??B3D3F3H3A4C4E4G4??B5D5F5H5A6C6E6G6??B7D7F7H7A8C8E8G8??"; #define usermoves(x,y) _usermoves[2*((x)-5)+(y)-1] void dumpnode(node *n, int help) { int x = n->from; int y = n->to; if (help) printf("%c%c %c%c\t- ", usermoves(x,1),usermoves(x,2), usermoves(y,1),usermoves(y,2)); printf("%s %ss from %c%c to %c%c", n->who ? "White" : "Black", n->jump ? "jump" : "move", usermoves(x,1),usermoves(x,2), usermoves(y,1),usermoves(y,2)); if (n->jump) { for (int i=0; i<32; i++) if (n->jump & (1<value); } int abortflag; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VT100 Interface: #ifdef VT100 void positioncursor(int i) { printf("\033[%d;%dH", usermoves(i,2)-'0'+1, 2*(usermoves(i,1)-'A')+1); } void outpiecename(piece n) { printf(n&BLACK ? "\033[1;7m" : "\033[1m"); putchar(" BW??BW??"[n]); putchar(" BW??KK??"[n]); printf("\033[0m"); } void VT100board(void) { printf("\033<\033[H\033[J\033[10r"); int l = 0; puts(" A B C D E F G H"); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { int j = 9*i+5; int k; for (k=0; k<4; k++) { printf("\033[7m \033[0m"); outpiecename(b[j+k]); } l++; printf("%d\n",l); j += 4; for (k=0; k<4; k++) { outpiecename(b[j+k]); printf("\033[7m \033[0m"); } l++; printf("%d\n",l); } } void VT100move(node *n, int) { if (!n) return; printf("\0337"); positioncursor(n->from); outpiecename(b[n->from]); positioncursor(n->to); outpiecename(b[n->to]); if (n->jump) for(int i=0; i<32; i++) { if (n->jump & (1< static void sigint(...) { abortflag = 1; signal(SIGINT,sigint); } void fixexit(int x) { printf("\0337\033[r\0338"); exit(x); } // Returns a son, or 0 if no move specified, or root to cause "help" node *getusermove(void) { int i,j; node *t; char line[100],*m1,*m2; if (playing) printf("\033[1m%s's move?\033[0m ",root->who ? "Black" : "White"); else printf("\033[1mCommand?\033[0m "); abortflag = 0; if (!gets(line)) { putchar('\n'); if (feof(stdin)) fixexit(0); return 0; } for (m1 = line; *m1 && *m1<=' '; m1++); if (!*m1) return(0); m2 = m1+1; if (*m2) m2++; for (; *m2 && *m2<'0'; m2++); if (playing && m1[1]>='0' && m1[1]<='9') { i = decode(m1); j = decode(m2); if (i && j) for (t = root->son; t; t = t->brother) if (t->from == i && t->to == j) return(t); puts("Valid moves are:"); m1[0] = 'L'; } switch(toupper(m1[0])) { case 0: return(0); case 'A': if (playing) autoplay = 1; return(root); case 'C': puts(copyright); break; case 'D': debug = !debug; printf("Debug is now %s.", debug ? "on" : "off"); break; case 'F': forcejumps = !forcejumps; printf("Forced jumps rule is now %s.",forcejumps ? "on" : "off"); killnode(root->son); root->son = 0; return(0); case 'L': expandnode(root); if (playing) for (t = root->son; t; t = t->brother) dumpnode(t,1); break; case 'M': return(playing ? root : 0); case 'N': newgame(); VT100board(); return(0); case 'P': printf("I expect the following moves:\n"); for (t = root->son; t; t = t->son) dumpnode(t,0); break; case 'Q': fixexit(0); case 'R': VT100board(); break; case 'S': user = !user; return(root); case 'U': VT100move(undomove(),1); VT100move(undomove(),1); return(0); case '+': maxevaluate = maxnodes = 2*maxevaluate; goto J2; case '-': if (maxevaluate > 1) maxevaluate = maxnodes = maxevaluate/2; J2: printf("Moves evaluated set to %d.",maxevaluate); break; default: puts( "A(utoplay)\n" "C(opyright)\n" "D(ebug on/off)\n" "F(orce jumps rule on/off)\n" "L(ist legal moves)\n" "M(ake a move for me)\n" "N(ew game)\n" "P(redict next few moves)\n" "Q(uit)\n" "R(edraw screen)\n" "S(witch sides)\n" "U(ndo)\n" "+ - smarter\n" "- - stupider"); expandnode(root); for (t = root->son; t; t = t->brother) dumpnode(t,1); } return(0); } int VT100main() { signal(SIGINT,sigint); VT100board(); for (;;) { if (playing) { expandnode(root); if (!root->son) { printf("%s has no move. Game over.",root->who ? "Black" : "White"); playing = autoplay = 0; } } node* move; if (playing && (autoplay || root->who == user)) { move = calcmove(root); if (move->value <= -30000) { printf("%s resigns.", move->who ? "White" : "Black"); move = 0; playing = autoplay = 0; } } else { move = getusermove(); if (move == root) move = calcmove(root); } if (move) { dumpnode(move,0); domove(move); VT100move(move,0); } } } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // fltk interface: #ifdef FLTK #include #include #include #include #include #include //---------------------------------------------------------------- // old 4-level NeXT images have been seperated into bitmaps so they // can be drawn with arbitrary colors and real transparency. This is // rather tedious and perhaps fltk should provide a direct support // to do this: #include "black_1.xbm" #include "black_2.xbm" #include "black_3.xbm" #include "black_4.xbm" #include "white_1.xbm" #include "white_2.xbm" #include "white_3.xbm" #include "white_4.xbm" #include "blackking_1.xbm" #include "blackking_2.xbm" #include "blackking_3.xbm" #include "blackking_4.xbm" #include "whiteking_1.xbm" #include "whiteking_2.xbm" #include "whiteking_3.xbm" #include "whiteking_4.xbm" Fl_Bitmap *bm[4][4]; void make_bitmaps() { if (bm[0][0]) return; bm[0][0] = new Fl_Bitmap(black_1_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[0][1] = new Fl_Bitmap(black_2_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[0][2] = new Fl_Bitmap(black_3_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[0][3] = new Fl_Bitmap(black_4_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[1][0] = new Fl_Bitmap(white_1_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[1][1] = new Fl_Bitmap(white_2_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[1][2] = new Fl_Bitmap(white_3_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[1][3] = new Fl_Bitmap(white_4_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[2][0] = new Fl_Bitmap(blackking_1_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[2][1] = new Fl_Bitmap(blackking_2_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[2][2] = new Fl_Bitmap(blackking_3_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[2][3] = new Fl_Bitmap(blackking_4_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[3][0] = new Fl_Bitmap(whiteking_1_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[3][1] = new Fl_Bitmap(whiteking_2_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[3][2] = new Fl_Bitmap(whiteking_3_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); bm[3][3] = new Fl_Bitmap(whiteking_4_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height); } #define ISIZE black_1_width void draw_piece(int which, int x, int y) { if (!fl_not_clipped(x,y,ISIZE,ISIZE)) return; switch (which) { case BLACK: which = 0; break; case WHITE: which = 1; break; case BLACKKING: which = 2; break; case WHITEKING: which = 3; break; default: return; } fl_color(FL_BLACK); bm[which][0]->draw(x, y); fl_color(FL_INACTIVE_COLOR); bm[which][1]->draw(x, y); fl_color(FL_SELECTION_COLOR); bm[which][2]->draw(x, y); fl_color(FL_WHITE); bm[which][3]->draw(x, y); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- class Board : public Fl_Double_Window { void draw(); int handle(int); public: void drag_piece(int, int, int); void drop_piece(int); void animate(node* move, int backwards); void computer_move(int); Board(int w, int h) : Fl_Double_Window(w,h) {color(15);} }; #define BOXSIZE 52 #define BORDER 4 #define BOARDSIZE (8*BOXSIZE+BORDER) #define BMOFFSET 5 static int erase_this; // real location of dragging piece, don't draw it static int dragging; // piece being dragged static int dragx; // where it is static int dragy; static int showlegal; // show legal moves int squarex(int i) {return (usermoves(i,1)-'A')*BOXSIZE+BMOFFSET;} int squarey(int i) {return (usermoves(i,2)-'1')*BOXSIZE+BMOFFSET;} void Board::draw() { make_bitmaps(); fl_draw_box(box(),0,0,w(),h(),color()); fl_color((Fl_Color)10 /*107*/); int x; for (x=0; x<8; x++) for (int y=0; y<8; y++) { if (!((x^y)&1)) fl_rectf(BORDER+x*BOXSIZE, BORDER+y*BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE-BORDER, BOXSIZE-BORDER); } fl_color(FL_DARK3 /*FL_GRAY_RAMP+4*/); for (x=0; x<9; x++) { fl_rectf(x*BOXSIZE,0,BORDER,h()); fl_rectf(0,x*BOXSIZE,w(),BORDER); } for (int j = 5; j < 40; j++) if (j != erase_this) { draw_piece(b[j], squarex(j), squarey(j)); } if (showlegal) { fl_color(FL_WHITE); node* n; for (n = root->son; n; n = showlegal==2 ? n->son : n->brother) { int x1 = squarex(n->from)+BOXSIZE/2-5; int y1 = squarey(n->from)+BOXSIZE/2-5; int x2 = squarex(n->to)+BOXSIZE/2-5; int y2 = squarey(n->to)+BOXSIZE/2-5; fl_line(x1,y1,x2,y2); fl_push_matrix(); fl_mult_matrix(x2-x1,y2-y1,y1-y2,x2-x1,x2,y2); fl_begin_polygon(); fl_vertex(0,0); fl_vertex(-.3, .1); fl_vertex(-.3, -.1); fl_end_polygon(); fl_pop_matrix(); } int num = 1; fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_font(FL_BOLD,10); for (n = root->son; n; n = showlegal==2 ? n->son : n->brother) { int x1 = squarex(n->from)+BOXSIZE/2-5; int y1 = squarey(n->from)+BOXSIZE/2-5; int x2 = squarex(n->to)+BOXSIZE/2-5; int y2 = squarey(n->to)+BOXSIZE/2-5; char buf[20]; sprintf(buf,"%d",num); fl_draw(buf, x1+int((x2-x1)*.85)-3, y1+int((y2-y1)*.85)+5); num++; } } if (dragging) draw_piece(dragging, dragx, dragy); } // drag the piece on square i to dx dy, or undo drag if i is zero: void Board::drag_piece(int j, int dx, int dy) { dy = (dy&-2) | dx&1; // make halftone shadows line up if (j != erase_this) drop_piece(erase_this); // should not happen if (!erase_this) { // pick up old piece dragx = squarex(j); dragy = squarey(j); erase_this = j; dragging = b[j]; } if (dx != dragx || dy != dragy) { damage(FL_DAMAGE_ALL, dragx, dragy, ISIZE, ISIZE); damage(FL_DAMAGE_ALL, dx, dy, ISIZE, ISIZE); } dragx = dx; dragy = dy; } // drop currently dragged piece on square i void Board::drop_piece(int j) { if (!erase_this) return; // should not happen! erase_this = 0; dragging = 0; int x = squarex(j); int y = squarey(j); if (x != dragx || y != dragy) { damage(4, dragx, dragy, ISIZE, ISIZE); damage(4, x, y, ISIZE, ISIZE); } } // show move (call this *before* the move, *after* undo): void Board::animate(node* move, int backwards) { if (showlegal) {showlegal = 0; redraw();} if (!move) return; int f = move->from; int t = move->to; if (backwards) {int x = f; f = t; t = x;} int x1 = squarex(f); int y1 = squarey(f); int x2 = squarex(t); int y2 = squarey(t); const int STEPS=35; for (int j=0; jfrom,x,y); Fl::flush(); } drop_piece(t); if (move->jump) redraw(); } int busy; // causes pop-up abort menu void Board::computer_move(int help) { if (!playing) return; cursor(FL_CURSOR_WAIT); Fl::flush(); busy = 1; abortflag = 0; node* move = calcmove(root); busy = 0; if (move) { if (!help && move->value <= -30000) { fl_message("%s resigns", move->who ? "White" : "Black"); playing = autoplay = 0; cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); return; } animate(move,0); domove(move); } expandnode(root); if (!root->son) { fl_message("%s has no move", root->who ? "Black" : "White"); playing = autoplay = 0; } if (!autoplay) cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); } extern Fl_Menu_Item menu[]; extern Fl_Menu_Item busymenu[]; int Board::handle(int e) { if (busy) { const Fl_Menu_Item* m; switch(e) { case FL_PUSH: m = busymenu->popup(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y(), 0, 0, 0); if (m) m->do_callback(this, (void*)m); return 1; case FL_SHORTCUT: m = busymenu->test_shortcut(); if (m) {m->do_callback(this, (void*)m); return 1;} return 0; default: return 0; } } node *t, *n; static int deltax, deltay; int dist; const Fl_Menu_Item* m; switch (e) { case FL_PUSH: if (Fl::event_button() > 1) { m = menu->popup(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y(), 0, 0, 0); if (m) m->do_callback(this, (void*)m); return 1; } if (playing) { expandnode(root); for (t = root->son; t; t = t->brother) { int x = squarex(t->from); int y = squarey(t->from); if (Fl::event_inside(x,y,BOXSIZE,BOXSIZE)) { deltax = Fl::event_x()-x; deltay = Fl::event_y()-y; drag_piece(t->from,x,y); return 1; } } } return 0; case FL_SHORTCUT: m = menu->test_shortcut(); if (m) {m->do_callback(this, (void*)m); return 1;} return 0; case FL_DRAG: drag_piece(erase_this, Fl::event_x()-deltax, Fl::event_y()-deltay); return 1; case FL_RELEASE: // find the closest legal move he dropped it on: dist = 50*50; n = 0; for (t = root->son; t; t = t->brother) if (t->from==erase_this) { int d1 = Fl::event_x()-deltax-squarex(t->to); int d = d1*d1; d1 = Fl::event_y()-deltay-squarey(t->to); d += d1*d1; if (d < dist) {dist = d; n = t;} } if (!n) {drop_piece(erase_this); return 1;} // none found drop_piece(n->to); domove(n); if (showlegal) {showlegal = 0; redraw();} if (n->jump) redraw(); computer_move(0); return 1; default: return 0; } } void quit_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) {exit(0);} int FLTKmain(int argc, char** argv) { Fl::visual(FL_DOUBLE|FL_INDEX); Board b(BOARDSIZE,BOARDSIZE); b.callback(quit_cb); b.show(argc,argv); return Fl::run(); } void autoplay_cb(Fl_Widget*bp, void*) { if (autoplay) {autoplay = 0; return;} if (!playing) return; Board* b = (Board*)bp; autoplay = 1; while (autoplay) {b->computer_move(0); b->computer_move(0);} } #include Fl_Window *copyright_window; void copyright_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) { if (!copyright_window) { copyright_window = new Fl_Window(400,270,"Copyright"); copyright_window->color(FL_WHITE); Fl_Box *b = new Fl_Box(20,0,380,270,copyright); b->labelsize(10); b->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_WRAP); copyright_window->end(); } copyright_window->hotspot(copyright_window); copyright_window->set_non_modal(); copyright_window->show(); } void debug_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*v) { debug = !debug; ((Fl_Menu_Item*)v)->flags = debug ? FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_VALUE : FL_MENU_TOGGLE; } void forced_cb(Fl_Widget*b, void*v) { forcejumps = !forcejumps; ((Fl_Menu_Item*)v)->flags = forcejumps ? FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_VALUE : FL_MENU_TOGGLE; killnode(root->son); root->son = 0; if (showlegal) {expandnode(root); b->redraw();} } void move_cb(Fl_Widget*pb, void*) { Board* b = (Board*)pb; if (playing) b->computer_move(1); if (playing) b->computer_move(0); } void newgame_cb(Fl_Widget*b, void*) { showlegal = 0; newgame(); b->redraw(); } void legal_cb(Fl_Widget*pb, void*) { if (showlegal == 1) {showlegal = 0; ((Board*)pb)->redraw(); return;} if (!playing) return; expandnode(root); showlegal = 1; ((Board*)pb)->redraw(); } void predict_cb(Fl_Widget*pb, void*) { if (showlegal == 2) {showlegal = 0; ((Board*)pb)->redraw(); return;} if (playing) expandnode(root); showlegal = 2; ((Board*)pb)->redraw(); } void switch_cb(Fl_Widget*pb, void*) { user = !user; ((Board*)pb)->computer_move(0); } void undo_cb(Fl_Widget*pb, void*) { Board* b = (Board*)pb; b->animate(undomove(),1); b->animate(undomove(),1); } //-------------------------- #include #include Fl_Window *intel_window; Fl_Value_Output *intel_output; void intel_slider_cb(Fl_Widget*w, void*) { double v = ((Fl_Slider*)w)->value(); int n = int(v*v); intel_output->value(n); maxevaluate = maxnodes = n; } void intel_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) { if (!intel_window) { intel_window = new Fl_Window(200,25,"Checkers Intelligence"); Fl_Slider* s = new Fl_Slider(60,0,140,25); s->type(FL_HOR_NICE_SLIDER); s->minimum(1); s->maximum(500); s->value(50); s->callback(intel_slider_cb); intel_output = new Fl_Value_Output(0,0,60,25); intel_output->value(maxevaluate); intel_window->resizable(s); } intel_window->hotspot(intel_window); intel_window->set_non_modal(); intel_window->show(); } //--------------------------- void stop_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) {abortflag = 1;} void continue_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) {} Fl_Menu_Item menu[] = { {"Autoplay", 'a', autoplay_cb}, {"Legal moves", 'l', legal_cb}, {"Move for me", 'm', move_cb}, {"New game", 'n', newgame_cb}, {"Predict", 'p', predict_cb}, {"Switch sides", 's', switch_cb}, {"Undo", 'u', undo_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"Forced jumps rule", 'f', forced_cb, 0, FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_VALUE}, {"Debug", 'd', debug_cb, (void *)"d", FL_MENU_TOGGLE}, {"Intelligence...", 'i', intel_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, {"Copyright", 'c', copyright_cb}, {"Quit", 'q', quit_cb}, {0}}; Fl_Menu_Item busymenu[] = { {"Stop", '.', stop_cb}, {"Autoplay", 'a', autoplay_cb}, {"Continue", 0, continue_cb}, {"Debug", 'd', debug_cb, (void *)"d", FL_MENU_TOGGLE}, {"Intelligence...", 'i', intel_cb}, {"Copyright", 'c', copyright_cb}, {"Quit", 'q', quit_cb}, {0}}; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // parts shared by both interface: #ifdef FLTK #ifdef VT100 #define BOTH #endif #endif #ifdef BOTH int terminal; int arg(int, char **argv, int &i) { if (argv[i][1] == 't') {terminal = 1; i++; return 1;} return 0; } #endif int didabort(void) { #ifdef FLTK #ifdef BOTH if (!terminal) #endif Fl::check(); #endif if (abortflag) { autoplay = 0; abortflag = 0; return 1; } return(0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { seed = time(0); newgame(); #ifdef BOTH int i = 1; if (Fl::args(argc, argv, i, arg) < argc) { fprintf(stderr," -t : use VT100 display\n", Fl::help); exit(1); } if (!getenv("DISPLAY")) terminal = 1; if (!terminal) #endif #ifdef FLTK return FLTKmain(argc,argv); #endif #ifdef VT100 return VT100main(); #endif } // // End of "$Id: checkers.cxx,v 2002/05/16 12:47:43 easysw Exp $". //