// // "$Id$" // // GLUT emulation header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2005 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page: // // http://www.fltk.org/str.php // // Emulation of GLUT using fltk. // GLUT is Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1994, 1995, 1996: // "This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is // provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This // program is -not- in the public domain." // Although I have copied the GLUT API, none of my code is based on // any GLUT implementation details and is therefore covered by the LGPL. // FLTK does not include the GLUT drawing functions (such as // glutWireTeapot()) or the stroke fonts but the declarations for the // drawing functions are included here because otherwise there is no // way to get them along with this. To use them you will have to // link in the original GLUT library, put -lglut *after* -lfltk. // Commented out lines indicate parts of GLUT that are not emulated. #ifndef __glut_h__ # define __glut_h__ # include "gl.h" //# include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLUT is emulated using this window class and these static variables // (plus several more static variables hidden in glut.C): # include "Fl.H" # include "Fl_Gl_Window.H" class FL_EXPORT Fl_Glut_Window : public Fl_Gl_Window { void _init(); int mouse_down; protected: void draw(); void draw_overlay(); int handle(int); public: // so the inline functions work int number; int menu[3]; void make_current(); void (*display)(); void (*overlaydisplay)(); void (*reshape)(int w, int h); void (*keyboard)(uchar, int x, int y); void (*mouse)(int b, int state, int x, int y); void (*motion)(int x, int y); void (*passivemotion)(int x, int y); void (*entry)(int); void (*visibility)(int); void (*special)(int, int x, int y); Fl_Glut_Window(int w, int h, const char *); Fl_Glut_Window(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *); ~Fl_Glut_Window(); }; extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Glut_Window *glut_window; // the current window extern FL_EXPORT int glut_menu; // the current menu // function pointers that are not per-window: extern FL_EXPORT void (*glut_idle_function)(); extern FL_EXPORT void (*glut_menustate_function)(int); extern FL_EXPORT void (*glut_menustatus_function)(int,int,int); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //# define GLUT_API_VERSION This does not match any version of GLUT exactly... FL_EXPORT void glutInit(int *argcp, char **argv); // creates first window FL_EXPORT void glutInitDisplayMode(unsigned int mode); // the FL_ symbols have the same value as the GLUT ones: # define GLUT_RGB FL_RGB # define GLUT_RGBA FL_RGB # define GLUT_INDEX FL_INDEX # define GLUT_SINGLE FL_SINGLE # define GLUT_DOUBLE FL_DOUBLE # define GLUT_ACCUM FL_ACCUM # define GLUT_ALPHA FL_ALPHA # define GLUT_DEPTH FL_DEPTH # define GLUT_STENCIL FL_STENCIL # define GLUT_MULTISAMPLE FL_MULTISAMPLE # define GLUT_STEREO FL_STEREO // # define GLUT_LUMINANCE 512 FL_EXPORT void glutInitWindowPosition(int x, int y); FL_EXPORT void glutInitWindowSize(int w, int h); FL_EXPORT void glutMainLoop(); FL_EXPORT int glutCreateWindow(char *title); FL_EXPORT int glutCreateSubWindow(int win, int x, int y, int width, int height); FL_EXPORT void glutDestroyWindow(int win); inline void glutPostRedisplay() {glut_window->redraw();} FL_EXPORT void glutSwapBuffers(); inline int glutGetWindow() {return glut_window->number;} FL_EXPORT void glutSetWindow(int win); inline void glutSetWindowTitle(char *t) {glut_window->label(t);} inline void glutSetIconTitle(char *t) {glut_window->iconlabel(t);} inline void glutPositionWindow(int x, int y) {glut_window->position(x,y);} inline void glutReshapeWindow(int w, int h) {glut_window->size(w,h);} inline void glutPopWindow() {glut_window->show();} //inline void glutPushWindow(); inline void glutIconifyWindow() {glut_window->iconize();} inline void glutShowWindow() {glut_window->show();} inline void glutHideWindow() {glut_window->hide();} inline void glutFullScreen() {glut_window->fullscreen();} inline void glutSetCursor(Fl_Cursor cursor) {glut_window->cursor(cursor);} // notice that the numeric values are different than glut: # define GLUT_CURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW ((Fl_Cursor)2) # define GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_ARROW ((Fl_Cursor)67) # define GLUT_CURSOR_INFO FL_CURSOR_HAND # define GLUT_CURSOR_DESTROY ((Fl_Cursor)45) # define GLUT_CURSOR_HELP FL_CURSOR_HELP # define GLUT_CURSOR_CYCLE ((Fl_Cursor)26) # define GLUT_CURSOR_SPRAY ((Fl_Cursor)63) # define GLUT_CURSOR_WAIT FL_CURSOR_WAIT # define GLUT_CURSOR_TEXT FL_CURSOR_INSERT # define GLUT_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR FL_CURSOR_CROSS # define GLUT_CURSOR_UP_DOWN FL_CURSOR_NS # define GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_RIGHT FL_CURSOR_WE # define GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_SIDE FL_CURSOR_N # define GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_SIDE FL_CURSOR_S # define GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_SIDE FL_CURSOR_W # define GLUT_CURSOR_RIGHT_SIDE FL_CURSOR_E # define GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_LEFT_CORNER FL_CURSOR_NW # define GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER FL_CURSOR_NE # define GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER FL_CURSOR_SE # define GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER FL_CURSOR_SW # define GLUT_CURSOR_INHERIT FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT # define GLUT_CURSOR_NONE FL_CURSOR_NONE # define GLUT_CURSOR_FULL_CROSSHAIR FL_CURSOR_CROSS //inline void glutWarpPointer(int x, int y); inline void glutEstablishOverlay() {glut_window->make_overlay_current();} inline void glutRemoveOverlay() {glut_window->hide_overlay();} inline void glutUseLayer(GLenum layer) { layer ? glut_window->make_overlay_current() : glut_window->make_current();} enum {GLUT_NORMAL, GLUT_OVERLAY}; inline void glutPostOverlayRedisplay() {glut_window->redraw_overlay();} inline void glutShowOverlay() {glut_window->redraw_overlay();} inline void glutHideOverlay() {glut_window->hide_overlay();} FL_EXPORT int glutCreateMenu(void (*)(int)); FL_EXPORT void glutDestroyMenu(int menu); inline int glutGetMenu() {return glut_menu;} inline void glutSetMenu(int m) {glut_menu = m;} FL_EXPORT void glutAddMenuEntry(char *label, int value); FL_EXPORT void glutAddSubMenu(char *label, int submenu); FL_EXPORT void glutChangeToMenuEntry(int item, char *label, int value); FL_EXPORT void glutChangeToSubMenu(int item, char *label, int submenu); FL_EXPORT void glutRemoveMenuItem(int item); inline void glutAttachMenu(int b) {glut_window->menu[b] = glut_menu;} inline void glutDetachMenu(int b) {glut_window->menu[b] = 0;} inline void glutDisplayFunc(void (*f)()) {glut_window->display = f;} inline void glutReshapeFunc(void (*f)(int w, int h)) {glut_window->reshape=f;} inline void glutKeyboardFunc(void (*f)(uchar key, int x, int y)) { glut_window->keyboard = f;} inline void glutMouseFunc(void (*f)(int b, int state, int x, int y)) { glut_window->mouse = f;} # define GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON 0 # define GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON 1 # define GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON 2 # define GLUT_DOWN 0 # define GLUT_UP 1 inline void glutMotionFunc(void (*f)(int x, int y)) {glut_window->motion= f;} inline void glutPassiveMotionFunc(void (*f)(int x, int y)) { glut_window->passivemotion= f;} inline void glutEntryFunc(void (*f)(int s)) {glut_window->entry = f;} enum {GLUT_LEFT, GLUT_ENTERED}; inline void glutVisibilityFunc(void (*f)(int s)) {glut_window->visibility=f;} enum {GLUT_NOT_VISIBLE, GLUT_VISIBLE}; inline void glutIdleFunc(void (*f)()) {Fl::set_idle(f);} // Warning: this cast may not work on all machines: inline void glutTimerFunc(unsigned int msec, void (*f)(int), int value) { Fl::add_timeout(msec*.001, (void (*)(void *))f, (void *)value); } inline void glutMenuStateFunc(void (*f)(int state)) { glut_menustate_function = f;} inline void glutMenuStatusFunc(void (*f)(int status, int x, int y)) { glut_menustatus_function = f;} enum {GLUT_MENU_NOT_IN_USE, GLUT_MENU_IN_USE}; inline void glutSpecialFunc(void (*f)(int key, int x, int y)) { glut_window->special = f;} # define GLUT_KEY_F1 1 # define GLUT_KEY_F2 2 # define GLUT_KEY_F3 3 # define GLUT_KEY_F4 4 # define GLUT_KEY_F5 5 # define GLUT_KEY_F6 6 # define GLUT_KEY_F7 7 # define GLUT_KEY_F8 8 # define GLUT_KEY_F9 9 # define GLUT_KEY_F10 10 # define GLUT_KEY_F11 11 # define GLUT_KEY_F12 12 // WARNING: Different values than GLUT uses: # define GLUT_KEY_LEFT FL_Left # define GLUT_KEY_UP FL_Up # define GLUT_KEY_RIGHT FL_Right # define GLUT_KEY_DOWN FL_Down # define GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP FL_Page_Up # define GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN FL_Page_Down # define GLUT_KEY_HOME FL_Home # define GLUT_KEY_END FL_End # define GLUT_KEY_INSERT FL_Insert //inline void glutSpaceballMotionFunc(void (*)(int x, int y, int z)); //inline void glutSpaceballRotateFunc(void (*)(int x, int y, int z)); //inline void glutSpaceballButtonFunc(void (*)(int button, int state)); //inline void glutButtonBoxFunc(void (*)(int button, int state)); //inline void glutDialsFunc(void (*)(int dial, int value)); //inline void glutTabletMotionFunc(void (*)(int x, int y)); //inline void glutTabletButtonFunc(void (*)(int button, int state, int x, int y)); inline void glutOverlayDisplayFunc(void (*f)()) { glut_window->overlaydisplay = f;} //inline void glutWindowStatusFunc(void (*)(int state)); //enum {GLUT_HIDDEN, GLUT_FULLY_RETAINED, GLUT_PARTIALLY_RETAINED, // GLUT_FULLY_COVERED}; //inline void glutSetColor(int, GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue); //inline GLfloat glutGetColor(int ndx, int component); //#define GLUT_RED 0 //#define GLUT_GREEN 1 //#define GLUT_BLUE 2 //inline void glutCopyColormap(int win); // Warning: values are changed from GLUT! // Also relies on the GL_ symbols having values greater than 100 int glutGet(GLenum type); enum { GLUT_RETURN_ZERO = 0, GLUT_WINDOW_X, GLUT_WINDOW_Y, GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH, GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT, GLUT_WINDOW_PARENT, //GLUT_WINDOW_NUM_CHILDREN, //GLUT_WINDOW_CURSOR, GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH, GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT, //GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH_MM, //GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT_MM, GLUT_MENU_NUM_ITEMS, GLUT_DISPLAY_MODE_POSSIBLE, GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_X, GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_Y, GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_WIDTH, GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_HEIGHT, GLUT_INIT_DISPLAY_MODE, //GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME, GLUT_WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE }; # define GLUT_WINDOW_STENCIL_SIZE GL_STENCIL_BITS # define GLUT_WINDOW_DEPTH_SIZE GL_DEPTH_BITS # define GLUT_WINDOW_RED_SIZE GL_RED_BITS # define GLUT_WINDOW_GREEN_SIZE GL_GREEN_BITS # define GLUT_WINDOW_BLUE_SIZE GL_BLUE_BITS # define GLUT_WINDOW_ALPHA_SIZE GL_ALPHA_BITS # define GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_RED_SIZE GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS # define GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS # define GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS # define GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS # define GLUT_WINDOW_DOUBLEBUFFER GL_DOUBLEBUFFER # define GLUT_WINDOW_RGBA GL_RGBA # define GLUT_WINDOW_COLORMAP_SIZE GL_INDEX_BITS # ifdef GL_SAMPLES_SGIS # define GLUT_WINDOW_NUM_SAMPLES GL_SAMPLES_SGIS # else # define GLUT_WINDOW_NUM_SAMPLES GLUT_RETURN_ZERO # endif # define GLUT_WINDOW_STEREO GL_STEREO //int glutDeviceGet(GLenum type); //#define GLUT_HAS_KEYBOARD 600 //#define GLUT_HAS_MOUSE 601 //#define GLUT_HAS_SPACEBALL 602 //#define GLUT_HAS_DIAL_AND_BUTTON_BOX 603 //#define GLUT_HAS_TABLET 604 //#define GLUT_NUM_MOUSE_BUTTONS 605 //#define GLUT_NUM_SPACEBALL_BUTTONS 606 //#define GLUT_NUM_BUTTON_BOX_BUTTONS 607 //#define GLUT_NUM_DIALS 608 //#define GLUT_NUM_TABLET_BUTTONS 609 // WARNING: these values are different than GLUT uses: # define GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT FL_SHIFT # define GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL FL_CTRL # define GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT FL_ALT inline int glutGetModifiers() {return Fl::event_state() & (GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT | GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL | GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT);} int glutLayerGet(GLenum); # define GLUT_OVERLAY_POSSIBLE 800 //#define GLUT_LAYER_IN_USE 801 //#define GLUT_HAS_OVERLAY 802 # define GLUT_TRANSPARENT_INDEX 803 # define GLUT_NORMAL_DAMAGED 804 # define GLUT_OVERLAY_DAMAGED 805 //inline int glutVideoResizeGet(GLenum param); //#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_POSSIBLE 900 //#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_IN_USE 901 //#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_X_DELTA 902 //#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_Y_DELTA 903 //#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_WIDTH_DELTA 904 //#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_HEIGHT_DELTA 905 //#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_X 906 //#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_Y 907 //#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_WIDTH 908 //#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_HEIGHT 909 //inline void glutSetupVideoResizing(); //inline void glutStopVideoResizing(); //inline void glutVideoResize(int x, int y, int width, int height); //inline void glutVideoPan(int x, int y, int width, int height); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Emulated GLUT drawing functions: // Font argument must be a void* for compatability, so... extern FL_EXPORT struct Glut_Bitmap_Font {uchar font; int size;} glutBitmap9By15, glutBitmap8By13, glutBitmapTimesRoman10, glutBitmapTimesRoman24, glutBitmapHelvetica10, glutBitmapHelvetica12, glutBitmapHelvetica18; # define GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15 (&glutBitmap9By15) # define GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13 (&glutBitmap8By13) # define GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10 (&glutBitmapTimesRoman10) # define GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24 (&glutBitmapTimesRoman24) # define GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10 (&glutBitmapHelvetica10) # define GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12 (&glutBitmapHelvetica12) # define GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18 (&glutBitmapHelvetica18) FL_EXPORT void glutBitmapCharacter(void *font, int character); FL_EXPORT int glutBitmapWidth(void *font, int character); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GLUT drawing functions. These are NOT emulated but you can // link in the glut library to get them. This assumes the object // files in GLUT remain as they currently are so that there are // not symbol conflicts with the above. extern "C" { extern int APIENTRY glutExtensionSupported(char *name); /* Stroke font constants (use these in GLUT program). */ # ifdef WIN32 # define GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN ((void*)0) # define GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN ((void*)1) # else extern void *glutStrokeRoman; # define GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN (&glutStrokeRoman) extern void *glutStrokeMonoRoman; # define GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN (&glutStrokeMonoRoman) # endif /* GLUT font sub-API */ extern void APIENTRY glutStrokeCharacter(void *font, int character); extern int APIENTRY glutStrokeWidth(void *font, int character); /* GLUT pre-built models sub-API */ extern void APIENTRY glutWireSphere(GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks); extern void APIENTRY glutSolidSphere(GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks); extern void APIENTRY glutWireCone(GLdouble base, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks); extern void APIENTRY glutSolidCone(GLdouble base, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks); extern void APIENTRY glutWireCube(GLdouble size); extern void APIENTRY glutSolidCube(GLdouble size); extern void APIENTRY glutWireTorus(GLdouble innerRadius, GLdouble outerRadius, GLint sides, GLint rings); extern void APIENTRY glutSolidTorus(GLdouble innerRadius, GLdouble outerRadius, GLint sides, GLint rings); extern void APIENTRY glutWireDodecahedron(); extern void APIENTRY glutSolidDodecahedron(); extern void APIENTRY glutWireTeapot(GLdouble size); extern void APIENTRY glutSolidTeapot(GLdouble size); extern void APIENTRY glutWireOctahedron(); extern void APIENTRY glutSolidOctahedron(); extern void APIENTRY glutWireTetrahedron(); extern void APIENTRY glutSolidTetrahedron(); extern void APIENTRY glutWireIcosahedron(); extern void APIENTRY glutSolidIcosahedron(); } #endif /* !__glut_h__ */ // // End of "$Id$". //